IELST words

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A challenge is something that puts you to the test — like running your first marathon or reading War and Peace.


A concept is a thought or idea. If you're redecorating your bedroom, you might want to start with a concept, such as "flower garden," or, if that's too femme, "black hole in outer space."


A conclusion is the last part of something, its end or result. When you write a paper, you always end by summing up your arguments and drawing a conclusion about what you've been writing about.


A conflict is a struggle or an opposition. If you and your best friend both fall in love with the same person, you will have to find some way to resolve the conflict.


A country's output is the total quantity of goods it produces. The word input is the opposite of output, but only in the sense of the process- if bananas, milk, and ice cream are the input, the output is a milkshake.


A cycle is a series of events that happen repeatedly in the same order. Or, it is a slang term for a bicycle. If you ride a cycle to work, we suggest putting your clothes through the wash cycle twice — or wear strong cologne.


A fund is a supply of money to be used for a specific purpose. You can start a fund for almost anything, such as your child's education, a new car, or the establishment of the world's largest origami collection.


A period is all about defining when something begins and ends. Class periods usually last about forty-five minutes. Following the last food fight, there was a period of relative peace in the school.


A principle is a kind of rule, belief, or idea that guides you. You can also say a good, ethical person has a lot of principles.


A role is a part you play. In school, you might take on the role of clown, in your family, the role of the responsible one, on stage, the role of Juliet.


A rough calculation or appraisal is an estimate. When you hit another baseball through the kitchen window, your parents will get an estimate of the repair costs. And you should estimate being grounded for approximately 3 weeks.


For something that comes after something else in time or order, choose the adjective subsequent. If the entire class fails an exam, the teacher will hopefully make subsequent ones a little easier.


Legislation is the act or process of making or enacting laws. Some people think there should be more legislation in the area of education and some people think there should be less — governments debates the matter periodically.


People who are really good at math can handle complex math problems. Use complex to refer to something that is not simple.


1-productive work 2-concluding state of pregnancy


An option is a possibility or choice. An option is something that can be chosen.


Apparent means obvious, but — and this is confusing — it can also mean something that seems to be true but isn't definite. "The train's arrival is apparent — it's in the station — but apparently my friend missed it because she is not getting off."


Apply the noun implement when you want to use a fancy word for "tool." A knife and fork are implements for handling food.


Aspect means a part or feature of something. If you are going to vote for a candidate, you should first learn about the various aspects of her political agenda.


Being involved means being a part of something or associated with it. If you volunteer on a team to clean up the playground, you're involved in making it a safer and more fun place for kids to play.


Civil has several meanings. The simplest is cultured and polite, as in someone who is civilized. Civil can also describe things related to a community of people and their government, or a civilization.


Civilization is the opposite of barbarism and chaos. Civilization is an advanced stage of human society, where people live with a reasonable degree of organization and comfort and can think about things like art and education.


Did you just come up with a plan for reducing the number of paper clips your department uses at work each month? Then you've created a policy, a plan of action.


Exclude means to leave out — like when the cool kids won't let you in on their game of four-square or the pizza guy leaves your neighborhood out from his delivery zone.


If you achieve something, you've reached a goal. Achievements aren't accidents. If you stumble upon a treasure chest, you haven't achieved something; however, achieving a promotion to become CEO is another story.


If you have the authority to do something, you have the right or power to do it. You are the big cheese. Or, if you know more about a topic than most, you are an authority on that topic.


If you keep a daily- or at least somewhat regular- written account of your life, you are keeping a diary or journal. A journal is also a periodical , such as a scientific journal or scholarly journal.


If you work for a marketing firm, your job is to promote new products — to publicize them and to try to get the public to buy them.


In an equation, the quantities on both sides of the equal sign are equal. That's the mathematical meaning of equation, but equation can also be used in any number of situations, challenges, or efforts to solve a problem.


In math, parallel means two lines that never intersect--think of an equal sign. Figuratively, parallel means similar, or happening at the same time. A story might describe the parallel lives of three close friends.


In the game of capture-the-flag, running toward your flag screaming is not a strategy. A strategy is plan you make with your teammates--some of you distract, some of you sneak in, the fastest makes a dash.


Something appropriate is correct and fits the situation. Example : it seems that an apology is appropriate


Something that's minor is considered of low importance — a minor injury is not very serious, and a college student's minor subject is a secondary field of study. Likewise, the star constellation Ursa Major is a larger grouping than Ursa Minor.


The overall meaning of the word overall is that it covers all the parts of something. For example, the individual parts don't matter as much as the overall value.


The word commission has several very different meanings, but in its most basic meaning, commission is the act of passing a responsibility to someone else. If you receive a government commission, that means you have been assigned a task by the government.


The word coordinate is all about getting things in order. Are your ducks in a row? Well, then you know what it means to coordinate something. And if you know exactly where to drop the bomb, then you know what the coordinates are.


To comment is to state your opinion or make a remark on something. Of course, it's good to know when to hold your tongue. Comment on the latest movie? No problem. Comment on the annoying airport security measures while having your baggage checked? Better not.


To create simply means to make or bring into existence. Bakers create cakes, ants create problems at picnics, and you probably created a few imaginary friends when you were little.


To deduce is to figure something out based on what you already know. When you see a person crying, it's easy to deduce that the person is sad. Unless they're happy, of course. Sometimes happy people cry.


To emerge means to come out into view or come forth. You might hope to emerge from an epic perming session looking like a beauty queen, but chances are it will just look like you got electrocuted.


To resolve is to settle or make a decision about something — often formal. A college's board of directors might resolve to recruit more minority students. As a noun, resolve refers to a strong determination to do something.


Unless you win the lottery, you will probably need a job, or employment where you do work for pay. There are also non-paying jobs: it might be your job to wash the dishes after dinner.


Volume can mean how much space something takes up. You could measure a bean's volume by placing it in water and measuring the water's rise.


When a person immigrates, he or she moves to a new country. During the great wave of immigration between 1880 and 1924, over 25 million Europeans immigrated to the United States.


When something declines, it goes downhill. If you stop working out, your health may decline. If you want it to improve, you should start climbing inclines instead of coasting down declines.


When something is annual, it happens once a year. An annual holiday party should be a time for fun, but it also can be a sad yearly reminder of the passage of time.


When you purchase a pair of shoes, you buy them. If you want to gain purchase, or favor, with new friends, you might tell them about your recent purchase of chocolate, and offer to share.


When you want to say that something is enough or good enough for a particular need, use the adjective adequate. You might have an adequate amount of flour for a batch of pancakes, but not a lot extra.


When your favorite band covers a classic tune, their version is their interpretation — their translation — of the music. Is it better than the original? That's up for interpretation.


You and your mother may argue over the issue, or topic, of whether or not you should read it.

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