Igneous Rocks- Tuesday- Manuel
The rock appears to be coarse-grained
Intrusive rock
The rock appears to be fined- grained
Intrusive rock
The rock has a high amount of silica.
Intrusive rock
The rock is light in color
Intrusive rock
The rock is rich in silica
Intrusive rock
The rock shows an interlocking texture of crystals
Intrusive rock
There are well-defined crystals
Intrusive rock
The crystals in the rock are small or impossible to see with the unaided eye
Extrusive rock
The escape of gas and rapid cooling leaves holes in some rocks
Extrusive rock
The rock has a low amount of silica
Extrusive rock
The rock has a rough texture and has holes in it
Extrusive rock
The rock is darker in color
Extrusive rock
The texture of the rock is smooth like glass.
Extrusive rock
There are no apparent crystals
Extrusive rock
There might be some quartz present in the rock
Extrusive rock