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One factor that motivated imperialism during the late 19th and early 20th centuries was the

Acquisition of new markets and sources of raw materials

Dutch settlers in South Africa are known as-


He was the British adventurer who carved a personal empire out of South Africa

Cecil Rhodes

What type of imperialism occurs when a state acquires and exploits the territory of another state?


The discovery of quinine allowed Europeans to establish vast colonies in Africa because

Devastating tropical diseases, such as malaria, could now be treated

The Battle of Omdurman clearly demonstrated that Congo?

European troops with modern weapons could subdue a vast native army

Which of the following is the most accurate description of Dr.David Livingstone?

Explorer missionary who discovered many natural wonders as he crisscrossed Africa

Which of the following native groups benefited from European restrictions on the practice of the sati and foot binding?

Girls and Women

What is the term that describes when powerful states influence the political, economic, or cultural practices of other states?


How did the industrial Revolution encourage imperialism?

It created a need for raw materials

What effect did imperialism have on the traditional economies of Africa?

It made African economies more dependent and vulnerable to famine.

Which concept motivated European countries to compete for colonies in Africa and Asia during 1800s?


An exhibition of African masks inspired which European painter to create the more distinctive art-style?

Pablo Picasso

Which belief -system did Europeans use to justify imperialism by arguing their conquest of African races was a way to improve the human species?

Racial/Social Darwinism

The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea to-

Red Sea

The "rules of the game" for how Europeans claimed territories in Africa were set at which meeting?

The Berlin Conference

Which of the following best describes a result of Belgian rule on the congo?

The congolese people suffered greatly, losing half of their population to exploitation.

Most of the profits from the global economy that emerged in the early 1900s went to:

The industrialized countries of 'West'

Which of the following was a primary motivation for European Imperialism in the 1880's?

To acquire natural resources and new markets for their goods

In Jomo Kenyatta's parable, Gentlemen of the jungle, he encouraged Africana to

resist European colonists by using force

The colonization of the Belgian Congo is noted for:

the brutal treatment of the Congolese people by King Leopold II

In African villages, like those in the book, Things Fall Apart, European missionaries

urged Africans to reject their traditional religious beliefs

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