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Both Archaea and Bacteria use sigma factors to bind to a promoter and control multiple genes (in operons). True False


Members of a polyphyletic group are more closely related than members of a monophyletic group. True False


If tryptophan is available in the environment, you would expect to see the Trp operon genes transcribed and translated, so they can use this amino acid. True False

False (Tryptophan operon makes tryptophan, rather than using it as food.

If you don't know the cause of a disease, you could most successfully use intraspecific quorum sensing inhibitors to treat their infection (by reducing the toxin gene production) True False


Most chemicals (e.g. Ethidium bromide) or processes (UV) used to induce mutations are specific to a region of DNA. True False


Standard conditions are those that are normally seen in living cells. True False


The type of attenuation seen in the trp and his operon in E. coli is also commonly seen in eukaryotes. True False


You can get COVID_19 from the mRNA vaccine because it can change your DNA. True False


When growing in culture, E. coli uses the most glucose when it is ____. -fermenting glucose -aerobically respiring with glucose as the food source -anaerobically respiring with glucose as a food source

fermenting glucose

The Reductive TCA cycle will ___. -release carbon dioxide and make NADH -more than one of these is correct -fix carbon dioxide and cost reducing power -take the place of the electron transport chain in pure fermentors

fix carbon dioxide and cost reducing power

Intercalating agents (like ethidium bromide) will typically cause ___. double stranded DNA breaks mis-sense (point) mutations frameshift mutations nonsense mutations

frameshift mutations

If you grow E. coli on a mixture of glucose and lactose, these bacterial cells will use _____ first. whichever sugar is in the lowest concentration lactose neither - both will be used equally and randomly glucose whichever sugar is in the highest concentration


You would expect the terminal electron acceptor to ______ (for any form of respiration). be oxygen be pyruvate have a higher Eo than NADH have a lower Eo than NADH

have a higher Eo than NADH

A community with an overgrowth of 1-2 species and very little else would be described as having ___. -high abundance but low species richness -high species richness and high abundance -low species richness and low abundance -high species richness but low abundance

high abundance but low species richness

If tryptophan levels are low, a ribosome will slow at the leader sequence (because there are 2 trp codons in this region). This will ___. keep the DNA polymerase on the DNA cause the RNA polymerase to fall off the DNA keep the RNA polymerase on the DNA cause the DNA polymerase to fall off the DNA

keep the RNA polymerase on the DNA

If you delete the lacO region of DNA in the lac operon, you'd expect _____ (assuming glucose is not in the media). no allolactose to be made no lacZ expression lacZ expression with or without lactose present. more than one of these is correct the lac operon to not be replicated

lacZ expression with or without lactose present.

If you needed to isolate nitrogen fixing bacteria from soil, you should culture your soil sample on media __. -containing nitrogen (ammonia), in normal air -with extra nitrogen (nitrate and nitrite (and ammonia), in normal air -lacking nitrogen (ammonia), in normal air -lacking nitrogen (ammonia), in air lacking nitrogen -containing nitrogen, in air lacking nitrogen

lacking nitrogen (ammonia), in normal air

ALL enzymes work by ___. -lowering the energy of activation of a chemical reaction -decreasing the local pH of reactions that are below 6.5 pH -more than one of these is correct -adding energy to an exergonic chemical reaction

lowering the energy of activation of a chemical reaction

Strong promoters differ from weak promoters because they ____. -are transcribed and translated (weak promoters are transcribed but not translated) -have a different concsensus sequence, so use a different sigma factor -match the consensus sequence for the sigma factor better -bind to gyrase better -are made of RNA rather than DNA

match the consensus sequence for the sigma factor better

Which type of -omic study looks at the expression of genes within the entire community, not a single species? genomics metatranscriptomics metabolomics metagenomics transcriptomics


DnaK is a protein that ___. replicates DNA in thermophiles serves as a sigma factor for GroEL re-folds damaged/denatured proteins more than one of these is correct binds to RpoH to prevent heat shock protein production

more than one of these is correct

The catabolite regulated protein (CRP) is made in an inactive form that binds to cAMP, which activates it. What conditions would you expect to see high levels of cAMP? high glucose concentration low lactose concentration more than one of these is correct no glucose present no lactose present

no glucose present

You find a bacterial strain that cannot use lactose because it has a stop codon in the middle of its lacZ gene that is not normally there. This mutation is a ___. frameshift mutation nonsense mutation missense mutation silent mutation

nonsense mutation

The lac repressor protein binds to the ____ to prevent efficient transcription of the lactose operon. Lac ZYA structural genes Lac I gene operator promoter CRP region


Homologous sequences that have the same (or very similar) function in different sequences are called ____. polyphasics orthologs proviral sequences paralogs


Removing all of the autoinducers from the culture media would ____. - turn on all quorum sensing regulated genes at the same time - prevent quorum-sensing regulated genes from being expressed - have no effect - AHL works intracellularly

prevent quorum-sensing regulated genes from being expressed

Which enzyme is an RNA polymerase? Ligase DNA polymerase III Gyrase Helicase Primase more than one of these is correct


Which component of PCR gives the process specificity? primers Genomic DNA Taq Polymerase Correct Answer:primers


Which of the following genetic features is found in the DNA, but not RNA or protein? promoter 5' UTR ribosome binding site 3'UTR all of these are only in the DNA (not in the mRNA or protein)


In fermentation, NADH is the electron donor and ____ is the electron acceptor. glucose phosphofructokinase pyruvate oxygen


If a molecule of glucose was sent through glycolysis and the TCA cycle, the carbons would be found ___. -it depends on if their was oxygen present (aerobic vs anaerobic respiration) -in the water that is released when oxygen is used -released as carbon dioxide -in the electron transport chain -in the cytochromes of the electron transport chain

released as carbon dioxide

Genes are NOT regulated by turning off and on their ____. all 3 segments of the central dogma are subject to gene control transcription replication translation


Which of the following genes would you expect to see on the chromosome, but not on a plasmid? ribosomal RNA genes antibiotic resistance genes pili construction genes toxin genes all of these are most likely plasmid, not chromosomally encoded

ribosomal RNA genes

The molecule that recognizes changes in the extracellular environment is called the ______ in a 2-componet system. response regulator sensor kinase

sensor kinase

Which form of horizontal gene transfer requires a temperate phage to move DNA around? generalized transduction transformation specialized transduction conjugation

specialized transduction

Both anaerobic respiration and fermentation ____. -use pyruvate as a terminal electron acceptor -none of these are correct- these are 2 very different processes -take place without oxygen -require a membrane

take place without oxygen

When extending the RNA primers to make new DNA, the DNA polymerase (DNA pol III) will add bases to ____. -it depends on if this is prokaryotic or eukaryotic DNA -the 3' end of the chain -the 5' end of the chain -the 5' end of the old chain, but 3' end of the new chain

the 3' end of the chain

During DNA replication, the nucleotide bases are added to ___. -the 3' end of the growing chain -the 3' end of the leading strand and 5' end of the lagging strand -the 2' OH of the primer, but then 3' end of the growing (DNA) chain -the 5' end of the growing chain

the 3' end of the growing chain

If you were to analyze the DNA from a plant cell's chloroplasts, you'd expect it to be most similar to ____. -the DNA of a plasmid from a proteobacteria -the DNA of a prophage -the DNA of a cyanobacterial chromosome -the DNA found in the plant cell nucleus

the DNA of a cyanobacterial chromosome

Agrobacterium species are used ___. to break DNA (as a source of radiation) to add DNA to plants as plant pathogens as a source of Bt toxin

to add DNA to plants

As nutrients and amino acids become scarce, the concentration of uncharged tRNAs increases. True False


Cellular respiration generates a proton motive force, so requires a membrane. True False


Enzymes will typically have an optimum pH and temperature. True False


In the U-tube experiment, if gene transfer occurred when the filter was shut, the researchers would conclude cell-cell contact was not necessary for genes to be transferred. True False


Slow growing species are the easiest to isolate with enrichment cultures. True False


Strains of bacteria with a loss of function (lof) mutation in DNA polymerase I will typically have more mutations than wild type bacteria. True False


You find a mutant bacterial strain that does not grow on minimal media, but will grow if you supplement the media with tryptophan. You would call this strain a ___. wild type bacteria conditional mutant tryptophan prototroph tryptophan auxotroph

tryptophan auxotroph

Pure fermentors may run their ATPase molecules backwards, which will ____. -prevent the cell wall from being formed -uncouple the PMF and kill the cell -use pyruvate as the electron acceptor instead of oxygen -use ATPase to make a proton motive force

use ATPase to make a proton motive force

The growth rate of microbes in nature ___. -all of these are correct -is frequently dependent on interactions with other organisms and the abiotic conditions in an an area -varies greatly -is often slower than the rate of microbial growth in lab

varies greatly

If you put your gene of choice in a pUC plasmid (in the LacZ gene's multi-cut site) and transform E. coli with your plasmid, the colonies that likely have your insert will be ____ on Xgal IPTG plates. purple (E. coli is gram positive) pink (E. coli is gram negative) white blue


All photolytic reactions that capture light energy to create chemical energy will also release free oxygen (O2). True False


Bacteriorhodopsin uses light energy to remove electrons from water, releasing free oxygen and generating a proton motive force. True False


Glycolysis requires both a membrane and oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor. True False


If Nirenberg's lab had put in poly-T instead of poly-U, they still would have seen cell-free translation of a chain of phenylalanine. True False


If looking at a polyribosomal complex, the longest peptide chains are those on the ribosomes next to the Shine Dalgarno sequences. True False


A signal-blind mutant is one that lacks ___. a plasma membrane a cell wall genes to produce autoinducers more than one of these is correct Autoinducer receptors

Autoinducer receptors

Both chemolithotrophs and chemoorganothrophs ____. -require oxygen as a terminal electron donor -reduce oxidized molecules to build ATP -oxidize reduced molecules to make chemical energy (ATP) -use glucose as an energy source

-oxidize reduced molecules to make chemical energy (ATP)

Glycolysis will yield _____ATP (net) that is made by ____. 4: oxidative phosphorylation 2 :oxidative phosphorylation 2: substrate-level phosphorylation 38: fermentation

2: substrate-level phosphorylation

How much energy (in the form of high-energy phosphate bonds) does it cost to make a short (200 amino acid) peptide? 202 606 602 200 600 206 1


You are studying 2 different microbial communities. Community #1 has 400 new species collected when you collect 1000 samples and when you collect 2000 samples, you find 402 new species. Community #2 has 300 new species when you collect 1000 samples, and 500 new species when you collect 2000 samples. Which community is more diverse? Community #2 Community #1

Community #2

Anoxygenic photosynthesis uses ___ as an electron donor and ___ to generate a PMF. -Water (H2O) :cyclic photophosphorylation -H2S:Z-scheme (photosystem I and II) -H2S:cyclic photophosphorylation -Water (H2O):Z-scheme (photosystem I and II)

H2S:cyclic photophosphorylation

You find 2 molecules (from the Mars rover samples). Molecule A has an Eo of 0.5 V and Molecule B has an Eo of -0.3. Which molecule would be the electron acceptor if these molecules were in an electron tower. Cannot tell from the information given Molecule B Molecule A

Molecule A

Electrons released in glycolysis and the TCA cycle are carried to the electron transport chain on ____. glucose more than one of these is correct carbon dioxide pyruvate NADH


If RNAse had prevented the transformation of R cells to S cells in the Avery experiment, but DNAse and protease did not, the researchers would have concluded ____. DNA is the genetic material RNA is the genetic material viruses were in the sample protein is the genetic material

RNA is the genetic material

The SOS response is triggered by ______. Lex A binding to ribosomes RecA binding to single stranded DNA LexA binding to a ribosome and RNA polymerase at the same time RecA encountering an uncharged tRNA at the ribosome CRP activator protein binding to single stranded DNA

RecA binding to single stranded DNA

A phylotype is ___. -another term for domain (Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya) -a special type of bacteria that becomes the type strain for the entire community -a group of organisms that share a common ortholog (e.g. nitrogenase) -a exceptionally rare example of a particular metabolic pathway

a group of organisms that share a common ortholog

Which nucleotide could you label to measure replication, without measuring transcription? Guanine Cytosine Uracil Adenine Thymine


Glycolysis is a mostly amphibolic pathway, meaning most of the enzymes can work in catabolism and anabolism. False True


The process by which a molecule loses electrons is oxidation. True False


You are studying a new sigma factor (SigmaXYZ) and find it binds to 4 different promoters, and each of these promoters controls the expression of 2-3 genes. You would describe this system as the ____. XYZ transposon XYZ plasmid XYZ regulon XYZ operon

XYZ regulon

A change in the DNA of the promoter of the lac operon causes a significant increase in beta galactosidase expression. Is this a mutation? more than one of these is correct No, it simply an alteration in expression Yes, its a change in DNA No, since the promoter region isn't transcribed, this isn't a mutation No, it isn't in the structural genes

Yes, its a change in DNA

All biosynthetic reactions require ____. essential elements (i.e. carbon) reducing power (electrons) all of these are correct energy (e.g. ATP)

all of these are correct

When the stringent response is triggered, which genes are turned on? rRNA and tRNA DNA polymerase I and DNA polymerase III lipid biosynthesis amino acid biosynthesis

amino acid biosynthesis

Which proteins add the amino acids to the 3' end of a tRNA? -EF-G -more than one of these is correct -IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 -none - the amino acids are added to the 5' end -Release factors -amino acyl tRNA synthetases -EF-Tu

amino acyl tRNA synthetases

If a protein binds to DNA and increases expression of a nearby gene or operon, that protein is ___. an activator a co-repressor a repressor an inducer

an activator

Autotrophs get their carbon from ____. nitrogen carbon dioxide sugar (glucose)

carbon dioxide

If you add arginine to culture media where E. coli have actively been making their own arginine, the transcription and translation of the arginine biosynthesis genes will be drastically reduced. In this situation, arginine acts as a(n) ____. inducer activator promoter repressor co-repressor


The fact that the genetic code is degenerate, but different species "preferentially" use different codons is describe as that species ___. codon equivalency codon bias conjugation ratio G-C ratio

codon bias

Genes that are not regulated at the level of transcription or translation are ____ expressed. never extracellularly reverse engineer constitutively


ALL forms of PCR will ____. detect mRNA use oligo-dT as a primer copy DNA cut DNA produce proteins

copy DNA

The wobble position most directly contributes to the genetic code's ____. antiparallel structure introns promoter frame degeneracy universality


Nitrogenase is an enzyme complex that ___. -binds to oxygen (in leghemoglobin complexes) -converts nitrite and nitrate to atmospheric nitrogen -oxidizes atmospheric nitrogen -reduces atmospheric nitrogen

educes atmospheric nitrogen

The one part of central metabolism that doesn't provide carbon intermediates for biosynthesis is ___. all 3 pathways provide carbon for her to cool glycolysis electron transport TCA cycle

electron transport

All organisms need reducing power for biosynthesis. This provides ____ more than one of these is correct high-energy phosphate bonds carbon electrons


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