Info I Need to Recall

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A normal sinus rhythm has a rate of

60-100 bpm.

When evaluating a patient with sinus arrest, count the number of boxes between the P waves, and multiply that number by


A premature junctional complex would not display which ECG characteristics?

A wide QRS measuring >0.10

Which of the following is an accurate statement about sinus bradycardia?

Atrial and ventricular rate is 40-60 bpm

What is the name of the rhythm with an atrial rate of 250 bpm, a non-measurable PR interval, and a ventricular rate of 120?

Atrial flutter with uncontrolled ventricular rate.

Which of the following drugs should be administered quickly to effectively treat sinus bradycardia?


Which of the following conditions may cause sinus tachycardia?


Which of the following conditions/situations may cause bradycardia?


You would not see a on an ECG strip with supraventricular tachycardia.

Normal PR interval

What rhythm is initiated by the SA node and transmitted through the atria, AV junction, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers?


Which of the following arrhythmias are you likely to see with patients on ventilators, infants and children, and with the elderly?


The term for a sinus rhythm with a rate less than 60 bpm is

Sinus bradycardia.

What rhythm shows a normal rate, normal QRS and PRI durations, and an absent beat or beats?

Sinus pause

When you have a regular atrial and ventricular rhythm with a normal QRS and PRI, and the atrial and ventricular rate is between 100-150 bpm, this rhythm would be identified as a

Sinus tachycardia

What is one of the primary concerns for a patient presenting with atrial fibrillation?

Ventricular rate

A patient is identified as having an uncontrolled ventricular rate when atrial flutter is accompanied by a ventricular rate of greater than

100 bpm

Sinus tachycardia is defined as a sinus rhythm at a rate of

100-150 bpm

Atrial flutter is caused by rapidly firing circuits in the atria that are depolarizing at a rate greater than

250 bpm

From what pacemaker site do junctional rhythms originate?

AV junction

A dysrhythmia is defined as

Abnormal cardiac rhythm

Select the possible treatment option(s) for a stable, symptomatic patient with junctional tachycardia. SATA

Administer adenosine, administer oxygen, ontain IV access

What is the appropriate treatment for a stable patient with atrial fibrillation and a controlled ventricular response?

Administer anticoagulants and antiarrhythmics

Caffeine, alcohol, and fatigue can be likely cause for (SATA)

Atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia

Any ectopy should be cause for concern in healthy people.


When deciding if or how to intervene when a patient is experiencing sinus bradycardia, it is critical to focus primarily on reading from the ECG monitor.


A way to determine if you are looking at a junctional or atrial arrhythmia is to look at the ECG characteristics of the

PR interval

In sinus arrhythmia, which of the following intervals remains regular?

PR interval

The sudden onset of cessation of a dysrhythmias is called?


What is the most common type of rhythm in supraventricular tachycardia?

Paroxysmal SVT

What is a single ectopic beat that occurs as the result of an irritable focus in the Atria called?

Premature atrial complex (PAC)

What is the heart's electrical activity dominated by?

SA node

A sinus pause occurs with which of the following ?

The SA node fails to discharge an impulse.

What is the one ECG characteristic where sinus arrhythmia differs from normal sinus rhythm?

The distance between the Ps and Rs

When atropine is ineffective for symptomatic sinus bradycardia, what would be your next intervention?

Transcutaneous pacing

Atrial fibrillation can be a chronic condition and well tolerated.


What wave might not be visible if the patient presents with sinus tachycardia?

U wave

The criteria for identifying a rhythm as being supraventricular tachycardia include which of the following?

Very rapid ventricular rate; QRS complex within normal limits

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