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What step do researchers often take to ensure that they are not duplicating other researchers' work?

Conduct a literature review

Why would the currency of sources be less important for a research paper on the lyrics of the band Deep Purple than for a paper on deep sea explorations for submerged ships?

Information about deep sea exploration is developing rapidly

Why is it important to revisit your topic periodically throughout the research process?

What you learn from the research may legitimately change the focus of your project.

Which is NOT an example of a thesis statement

Will the increasing costs of tuition put a college education out of reach for many students?

Chandra has located numerous sources and recorded them on her research log, but she has found little useful information in most of the sources. How can she use her research log to redirect her search and find more relevant sources?

identify which search terms resulted in the most useful sources

Alia is researching the relationship between foreclosure rates and high school drop out rates. She has located a newspaper article that gave some startling statistics. How can she verify if this information is accurate?

locate the same information in a credible source

What do ellipsis in a direct quote indicate?

missing words

Articles accessed through academic databases often include one or more citation format. Which should you record on your research log?

only the one in the required style

Which type of source contains the most current information on an academic topic?

scholarly journal

What are the main sources you should use for your research

scholarly publications and sources by authoritative authors and leading professionals EXPLANATION The main sources are those by authoritative authors and professionals in the field. I missed this one

Which strategy is the least effective in determining the authority of a source?

searching for information about the author in a search engine like Google

George needs to write a paper on how government agencies are combating terrestrial invasive plants in the Great Lakes region. He visits his college library and searches through handbooks on plants in the Midwest and searches online for websites that describe terrestrial invasive plants. What type of sources has he used so far?

secondary and tertiary

As part of his research on issues military families face when a member of the armed forces is deployed, Jose interviewed the spouses, children, siblings, and parents of members of the armed forces and reviewed many of their emails, postings and photographs on social media sites. Which of these sources does she need to cite?

the interviews, emails, social media postings, and photographs

Which research topic requires information from the most current sources?

this year's highest box office sales for a movie

Which is NOT a reason for citing sources?

to indicate the quality of your work

Why would a researcher use a subject-specific database?

to limit sources to a specific field of study

Why should research questions be written in an objective way, free of bias and predetermined assumptions?

to prevent flawed conclusions as a result of focusing only on information that supports one view

What is truncation?

using symbols to replace letters

At the beginning of every major research project, Justin visits his college library and asks a reference librarian for search tips. How valuable is this search strategy?

very valuable, because the librarian is likely to mention a source or tip Justin did not consider

Despite extensive researching, a skillful researcher has located only one source relevant to his research question and it contains very little information. Which option would you recommend as the next step in his research process?

I missed this one Revise the research question. EXPLANATION Since this is a skillful researcher, his research skills are not the problem; it is the lack of available sources. He needs to revise the research question in order to find sources relevant to it.

When would a blog article be considered an authoritative source?

I missed this one when it is written by a person with expertise in the topic EXPLANATION The qualification for an authoritative source is that it is written by a person with expertise in the subject being discussed. A student could write a blog article in an academic style, use citations and a bibliography, and include accurate and unbiased information, but the article would not be considered authoritative unless the student is an authority on the subject

Sacha is researching the social, behavioral, and physical problems experienced by children survivors of brain tumors. She checks a faculty expertise database and identifies a neuropsychiatrist who specializes in childhood cancer and who teaches at a local university. What is the most effective way of determining if this individual is a relevant source for her research project?

I missed this one Search her website and check her curriculum vitae and areas of interest. EXPLANATION The articles she has published will give an indication of her areas of expertise, but her website will provide even more information about her areas of interest. It is possible she is knowledgeable about this topic but has not published on it or taught classes about it. Did not know what vitae meant - written overview of someone's life's work - aims to be complete record of someone's career, can be extensive

Sanya wants to cite statistics from the World Health Organization's annual World Health Statics reports. Which is the best signal phrase to introduce these statistics?

I missed this one. "The World Health Organization's 2014 World Health Statistics reports show" All of the signal phrases are effective, but including the name of the report and the year cited gives the reader useful information: the year shows the timeliness of the statistics and the report informs the reader of the specific source cited

Which research question is free of bias or predetermined assumptions?

What is a fair wage to pay fast-food workers?

Danni's psychology professor always reminds the class to consider their audience when researching a topic. Danni scoffs and says, "I'll figure out my audience after I find enough information about my topic." What is the best rebuttal to Danni's argument?

"You can reduce your searching time and energy if you identify your audience in advance."

What is the difference between a parenthetical reference and a bibliographic citation?

A parenthetical reference appears in the body of the paper, and a bibliographic citation appears at the end.

Which is an example of a primary source?

A posting on a forum describing the writer's experiences using a drug

How does a secondary source differ from a primary source?

A secondary source provides an interpretation or evaluation of a primary source or of an event after it has occurred.

Which section of an empirical research article shows how the results line up with the hypothesis?

I missed this one the discussion EXPLANATION The introduction introduces the hypothesis to be tested, the method describes how the hypothesis was tested, the results summarizes the data analysis, and the discussion shows how the results align with the hypothesis. It is NOT the results

Jovana is researching treatments of rotator cuff injuries. She decides to research only scholarly articles published in the past year. How effective is this research strategy?

I missed this one Flawed: By limiting her sources to the most current publications, she ignores other sources with valuable information. EXPLANATION Since this is not a field where information is rapidly developing, it is likely that up-to-date information is contained in publications other than those published in the past year. By limiting her search to recent publications, she may omit valuable information.

Tao used twelve sources to identify the price range of a medication used to treat arthritis. All sources were websites offering the drug for sale. In his research paper, he discussed the wide variance of prices and noted that some retailers sell the drug for 50% less than well-known retailers. A friend reviews Tao's paper and tells him he needs to recheck his sources. What is the friend's concern?

He is concerned Tao used unreliable or inaccurate sources

George needs to write a paper about how government agencies are combating terrestrial invasive plants in the Great Lakes region. He visits his college library and searches through handbooks on plants in the Midwest. He searches online for websites about terrestrial invasive plants. After several hours of research, he has learned a lot about terrestrial invasive plants but nothing about how government agencies in the Great Lakes region are combating them. What is the flaw in his search strategy?

He is searching for general information. He needs to search for more-specific information.

Pippa is researching how property and debts are divided at divorce in the United States. She finds several excellent sources written by divorce lawyers in California and uses them to develop her ideas and write her research paper. What is the flaw in her approach?

Her sources cover only a narrow aspect of her topic

Which of the following research questions is descriptive?

How are colleges incorporating green buildings on their campuses?

Which question will help you evaluate the relevance of a source?

How closely does its information connect to your research question?

A student is researching the efficacy of a new drug. Which is the best source to get the most useful information on this topic?

I had to look up what efficacy was Used in pharmacology and medicine to refer to both the maximum response achievable from a pharmaceutical drug in research settings and to the capacity for sufficient therapeutic effect or beneficial change in clinical settings a May 2011 scholarly journal reporting the results of a clinical trial of the drug

A student is researching wrongly convicted death penalty cases. Should he use a lawyer who won the reversal of a conviction as a source for his paper?

I missed this one Yes, as long as he includes a source with an opposing view. EXPLANATION The lawyer has a clear purpose: to identify the failings of the criminal justice system. Yet, he can be used as a source as long as the student acknowledges his point of view and balances it by using information from a source with an opposing view, such as a judge who discusses checks and balances within the criminal justice system.

A student wants to read a book written for a general audience to help him gain an understanding of a complex subject. He searches a bookseller's website for suitable books, but when he checks the consumer reviews for the book that seems most promising, he notes strongly contrasting opinions. About half of the reviews rate the book highly, and the rest give it very poor ratings. Which is the best indicator that a review is biased?

I missed this one reviews by people who received an incentive, such as a free book, for writing a review EXPLANATION Rating a consumer review for its validity is different than rating professional sources. The reviewers' lack of credentials or use of a fictitious name or writing style does not necessarily indicate a lack of authority in writing a response to a book as a consumer. What is important is determining the reviewer's purpose. If the reviewer received something in exchange for writing the review, the review may be biased and should not be considered valid.

A student is researching rehabilitation programs for persons who have lost a lower limb. She consults with a reference librarian who recommends a good source for her paper: a college professor who works as a rehabilitation medicine specialist. What information on the college professor's website indicates that he is not a good source for this paper?

I missed this one The articles he has published shows he specializes in prosthetic hands. EXPLANATION If his area of research is prosthetic hands, he may not be that knowledgeable about lower limbs. His purpose is to treat injuries related to the upper limbs, not the lower limbs.

What is a literature review?

I missed this one a discussion of studies and articles about a topic EXPLANATION A literature review discusses studies and literature about a topic rather than presenting new primary research. It is NOT an article about original research conducted by the authors

Kristin is researching starting salaries for IT grads. Which source will have the most relevant information for her topic?

I missed this one an annual report on starting salaries by the National Association of Colleges and Employers EXPLANATION An annual report on starting salaries by a reputable source will have the most relevant information for this topic. It will be more accurate than a job-posting website.

Jim is searching a database for biographical information on an author, John Grossman. The author has the same name as the founder of a well-known pizza chain, G Pizza. He decides to use Boolean operators to improve his search. Which are the best search terms to limit his search to sources on the author?

I missed this one. "John Grossman" not pizza EXPLANATION "'John Grossman' and author" will reduce the number of articles about the pizza chain founder, but it will also limit the articles to those that contain the word author. The better choice is "'John Grossman' not pizza," which will eliminate articles that contain the word pizza, thereby reducing the articles about the founder of the pizza chain

Evaluate the following signal phrase: "In his new book, Renters Beware!, criminal lawyer turned crime writer Frank Shapiro explains how renters can protect themselves from unscrupulous landlords."

I missed this one. Poor: the description fails to establish the author's authority as his profession has no relevance to the topic of the book. A criminal lawyer turned crime writer has authority to write about crime, not contracts or laws governing the renter-landlord relationship.

How can the related terms listed on your research log help you to refine your topic during the research process?

I missed this one. They may help you develop a specific aspect of your topic. EXPLANATION Searching related terms can help you to locate more sources on the same topic or by the same author. Both of these are an extension of your existing search. If you want to refine your research topic and move in another direction, however, related terms can help you to identify different aspects of your topic to explore

What sources should you record on a research log?

I missed this one. all sources that appear to contain useful information EXPLANATION Recording every source you locate would require extensive time that could be used for researching or developing your paper. Only logging sources you plan to review or use could result in omitting an important source. Recording every source that appears to contain useful information ensures you can locate the source at any time during your research process.

Danna is researching a Maori king. She has located only a few sources on her topic and has found little information. She finds a newspaper article that discusses an event the king attended and mentions his wife's name, but it has no other relevant information. What note should she record on her research log?

I missed this one. the wife's name; no other useful info EXPLANATION Even though the article contains only one piece of useful information-the name of the king's wife-this may be the only source that mentions this detail, so it should be listed. If this information shows up in other sources, this source can be omitted.

Nageem is researching a rare medical disease and has located little information about the topic. The only sources he has located are a blog by a relative of a person with the disease and a social media site for a fundraising event to raise money for research. Should he list these sources on his research log?

I missed this one. Yes, he can use these sources to try to find more information. EXPLANATION Nageem can try to contact the blog author or a person on the social media site to try to find additional sources. Although they are unscholarly sources, both are familiar with the topic and may be able to recommend more authoritative sources.

What is the correct order of the following steps of developing a research question? I. identify the scope of the project II. select a research topic III. write a research question IV. define key terms for research

II. select a research topic I. identify the scope of the project IV. define key terms for research III. write a research question

Why take the time to write a research question?

It helps you focus your search

What is the purpose of an annotated bibliography?

It helps you reflect upon the sources you have gathered and synthesize your ideas.

Which statement about a thesis is false?

It is free of evaluations or judgments

Review the following end citation for a print book. Burgess, E. (2014). Navigating the grants process. Omaha: Small Press. According the APA guidelines, is this citation correct?

It is missing the state where the publisher is located

Which statement best describes a good research question?

It is narrow and focuses on a specific topic

Diego is researching the success rates of charter schools in inner cities. While he has found ample information about charter schools in other locations, he has not found any information about charter schools in inner cities. He continues to look for sources about inner-city charter schools and record related sources on his research log. Evaluate his search strategy

It needs to be changed. He should review his notes and refine his research question based on the available literature

Carl used several reliable secondary sources, such as recently published textbooks, current newspaper articles, and reference books, for his research paper on hearing devices for people with one-sided hearing loss. How will the lack of primary sources affect his research paper?

It will have a significant effect as he omitted the most current developments, which are reported in scholarly journals and other primary sources

Trey filled his paper with numerous direct quotes. What effect is this likely to have on his readers?

It will show that he did not develop his own ideas fully

Two students are discussing their research strategies. Judson says, "I always check for relevant sources first and then I check their currency." Warren says, "That's the wrong approach. It's better to find current sources first, then check their relevance." Which is the better approach?

Judson's: checking for relevance is more important than currency.

Which two questions are useful in writing your thesis statement?

What is my topic? and What do I want to say about the topic?

Which question best helps you identify the accuracy of a work based on its bibliography?

What is the authority of the sources used?

What are gaps in a body of scholarship?

Lack of knowledge about a topic

Which statement about a source's presentation of information is NOT true?

Most people judge Information by its accuracy, not its appearance

Mario wants to obtain an article in a scholarly journal. He checks his college's library catalog and it does not carry the journal. Next, he checks several online databases, but he does not find the article. He then drives 60 miles to a nearby college that has the journal. Was this the best way to obtain the article?

No, he should have requested the article through the interlibrary loan program.

Jaski enters the title and author of an article in an academic database and pulls up numerous articles that cited this source. Convinced it is an authoritative source, he uses the source as the main source to develop his paper. Has Jaski conducted sufficient research to determine the authority of this source?

No, it is insufficient to know that a source is cited by other authors. Jaski needs to learn what the other authors think of the source's ideas

As Marta's research progresses, she starts to have doubts about one of her sources. She checks the book for information about the author and it describes the author in glowing terms, calling him a renowned historian and expert in his field. Satisfied with the publisher's recommendation, Marta sets aside her misgivings and considers the author an authority on the topic. Which is the best evalution of Marta's strategy to identify the author's authority?

Poor: Marta needs to consider the publisher's bias and how its purpose in promoting the book affects the biographical information it includes about the author

Review the following signal phrase." In his groundbreaking book, Modern-Day Pirates, bestselling author Jack Flack describes the geopolitical, social, and economic factors that encourage piracy."How can this phrase be revised to better establish the author's authority and validity?

Replace the phrase bestselling author with one that identifies Flack's profession, such as economist or political scientist

Which statement about revising research questions is true?

Revising the question throughout the research process based on an evaluation of the information found will improve the research results.

Which source is most likely to contain the most accurate information about the safety risks for U.S. travelers journeying to Egypt during the Arab Spring protests of 2011?

The U.S. Department of State's website

Why is it important to consider a source's audience?

The audience determines how information is presented

Which factor is the best indicator that a website lacks authority?

The website does not list any authors or the website's publisher.

Which statement does NOT explain why websites ending in .gov and .edu are considered more accurate than websites ending in .com?

They are written for general audiences

Alec is researching what dwarf galaxies and quasars reveal about the origin of black holes. He locates two sources with conflicting information. One is a 1998 book written by an astrophysicist who won the Nobel prize in the 1990s for his work about black holes. The other is a 2013 peer-edited scholarly article written by an astrophysicist who advances a very different theory about the origin of black holes. Which is the best evaluation of the authority of these sources?

They both have authority even though they have conflicting ideas

Why are peer-reviewed articles more credible than other sources?

They have been evaluated by experts in the field.

Which statement about popular magazines such as National Geographic is true?

They may be accurate, but they lack authority

How many keywords should a good topic statement contain?

Two, because they provide a specific focus but offer reasonable boundaries.

Blaine's grandmother is impressed with his research skills and asks him to research assisted-living facilities in her area. Blaine uses a social-studies database to locate several scholarly journals that focus on geriatric issues. How likely will he be to find the information his grandmother requested?

Very unlikely, because academic sources are unlikely to cover this type of topic.

What does the "W" in the KWHL chart represent?

What do you want to know about your topic?

A student is researching how the 2008 recession has affected retirement savings among baby boomers. He finds an excellent article written by the op-ed columnist of the Financial Times on a financial blog, but remembers his professor's admonishment to use reliable sources. Should he use this blog article for his research paper?

Yes, it is written by an authority on the topic

What is an advantage of logging citations on a research log?

You'll have all the information you need in one place when you're ready to compile the bibliography

Which source has the most value for a research paper on the causes of the May 4, 1970 Kent State shootings by the Ohio National Guard?

a 1970 presidential report examining the students' and National Guards' actions

Which source has the most value for a research paper on the long-term effects of the May 4, 1970 Kent State shootings by the Ohio National Guard on students who witnessed the shootings?

a May 2004 podcast of an interview of three eyewitnesses to the shooting

A student is researching the effects of noise from lakeside bars and restaurants on nearby residents. She plans to gather information by conducting interviews with several people. Which person is NOT a good source for this research topic?

a dentist who lives 10 miles from the lake

Erin is researching quotas for harvesting blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay area. What is the most credible source for this topic?

a government agency website that regulates Chesapeake Bay resources

Tara reads an online article about seven things people do that promote early senility. The article is written by a doctor and includes several testimonials. Which is the best indicator that this article is a sham, or unreliable?

advertisements for a product that will reverse the aging product

For which discipline is the relevance of sources most important?

all disciplines

Mischa and Colin are debating the best methods for recording source information on a research log. Mischa argues that the best way to fill it out is to use complete sentences and lots of detail. Colin contends that using shorthand and abbreviations are all that are necessary. Whose argument is correct?

both are correct; a person should use whatever style works best for him or her

Which information is NOT included on a research log?

direct quotes

What is paraphrasing?

expressing another person's ideas in your own words

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