Informative Speech Unit Review

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What three things should an informative speech include?

Communicate the information accurately Communicate the information clearly Make the information meaningful and interesting to the audience

What are the four objectives of an introduction in an informative speech?

Get the attention and interest of your audience Reveal the topic of your speech Establish your credibility Preview the body of the speech

What are the six ways to grab the audience's attention in an informative speech?

State the Importance of Your Topic Startle the Audience with a Statistic Stir Up Curiosity Question the Audience Begin with a Quotation Tell a Story

What are the two ways to demonstrate that you credible to talk about your topic in an informative speech?

orally in the speech and in written form in the works cited page.

What are the three kinds of supporting materials used in an informative speech?

Examples Statistics Testimony

What are the 4 types of informative speeches?

Speeches about Objects Speeches about Processes Speeches about Events Speeches about Concepts

What are the two pieces of good evidence in an informative speech?

That it clarifies your topic and reinforces your topic

What are the two goals of an informative speech?

To inform the audience To entertain the audience

What are the two objectives for the conclusion in an informative speech?

To let the audience know you are ending the speech. To reinforce the audience's understanding of the main idea.

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