Integrated Curriculum Final Sasser

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17) Attribution Theory asserts that students will succeed when they

A) attribute success to effort

14) Project-based learning

A) communicates to the learners the importance of the learning process and not just the product

17) Those students who need more structure are said to be

A) field dependent

6) When writing multiple choice items teachers should be careful not to give away answers by

A) grammatical clues in the stem

9) When writing a rubric, using specific criteria has the positive effect of

A) helping to maintain consistency across all papers to be graded

4) In order to specify the goals of a cooperative group, the teacher must

A) identify the outcome B) check for understanding ANSWER - C) both A and B

5) The Zone of Maximum Response Opportunity

A) is the zone of behavior that, if stimulated, will bring a leaner's response to the next level of refinement.

10) When teachers encourage participation and leadership, they teach the following:

A) mutual benefit, common fate, and mutual responsibility

7) The four activities of reciprocal teaching are as follows:

A) predicting, questioning, summarizing, clarifying

10) The following are types of validity:

A) predictive validity

19) The teacher can meet the needs of the field dependent student through

A) providing specific, step-by-step guides

8) Summarizer, checker recorder, supporter, researcher are all

A) role functions of cooperative groups

5) "Equal participation" is a key component of which of the following task structures:

A) structuring the task

19) Goal theory attributes success to

A) students setting task-focused goals

15) In Team-Assisted Individualization (TAI)

A) students work through the assigned unit at their own pace B) teammates check text against answers, and student a monitor gives a quiz ANSWER- C) both A and B

15) Standardized tests are sometimes called

A) summative evaluation

11) Elaboration/organization involves which of the following:

A) teaching learners how to build internal connections between new and prior knowledge

11) Monitoring group performance should have the following goals except:

A) teaching participation and leadership

20) Goals and Contents of a portfolio are decided by

A) the parent, the student, and the teacher

15) Projects in project-based learning have the following components

A) they are built around a central question that serves to organize and energize classroom activities B) they require a product or outcome to answer the question successfully ANSWER - C) both A and B

6) It was suggested that the most efficient group size for cooperative groups is

B) 4 to 6 members

12) Soliciting suggestions for improving the process of collaboration and avoiding problems is accomplishing during the following step:

B) Debriefing

1) A norm-referenced test compares a student's performance to

B) a large, representative sample of learners

16) All of the following statements are true about percentile ranks except:

B) equal differences between percentile ranks indicate equal differences in achievement

13) Educators agree the best way to meet the primary function of marking in the classroom is to use comparisons with

B) established standards

4) The main problem with true/false questions is that they

B) give the students a 50% chance of guessing correctly

9) The private internal dialogue in the mind of the learner to take the place of teacher's prompts and questions is called

B) inner speech

2) Integrated identity is developed through cooperative learning because during social interactions

B) irrelevant thinking that mask our deepest thoughts are stripped away

16) In Project-Based learning teachers are encouraged to support their learners' interest in

B) make sure the students understand when they have arrived at the correct answer

20) Research suggests the cooperative learning

B) may be required for all learners to help attain the problem solving and inquiry skills need in today's world

22) The clear intent of Congress in passing both the IDEIA-04 and NCLB acts is to:

B) reaffirm that all children with disabilities are entitled to a free and appropriate public education

13) Student Teams - Achievement Division (STAD) is used when the

B) students discuss worksheets, quizzing one another on content

4) The on-the-spot adjustments to content flow and complexity that the teacher makes to accommodate individual learning needs are called

B) teacher mediation

1) Self-directed learning is defined as

B) teaching and learning that actively engages students in the learning process

5) When writing matching items all of the following were suggested except:

B) the options list should contain the longer phrases or statements

11) Typically reliability coefficients for a test generally range between

C) .80 - .90

10) The following statements are true for activity structures except:

C) Moves all students to the same end

19) The primary audience of an assessment portfolio is

C) The teacher

7) All of the following were suggestions for group composition except:

C) create homogeneous groups

7) One of the main disadvantages of completion tests is that they

C) encourage a low level of response complexity

6) If a teacher's reaction to student errors promotes a student response that is meaningful it is within the class of errors called

C) functional errors

13) IDEAL is an acronym for a problem solving system that calls for

C) identifying, defining, exploring, acting, and looking

14) The primary intent of formative evaluations is to

C) improve teaching based on data

3) The following statements are true statements about metacognitive strategies except:

C) learners follow teacher models exactly, trying not to vary what they have learned

21) The following are all pillars of the No Child Left Behind Act except:

C) limited local control and flexibility

18) Some skills—particularly those involving independent judgment, critical thinking, and decision making—are best assessed by

C) performance assessments

2) The appropriateness of the type of test used depends on the

C) purpose of the test

14) Jigsaw II is used when the

C) students become "experts" in one facet of the reading

3) The following are all components of a cooperative learning activity except:

C) task generalizations

16) In Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT)

C) the teacher tallies team points over a four-week period to determine the best team and best individual scorers

20) Strategies that can help promote culturally responsive self-directed instruction include all of the following except:

C) use assessments that require the knowledge of only the facts presented

8) All of the following are learning outcomes of essay questions except:

D) answer a prompt with one specific option

18) A teacher can meet the needs of the field independent student through all of the follow strategies except:

D) changing pace often

8) The text asserts that all of the following relationships exist between teacher and learner in self-directed learning except:

D) classroom dialogue is used to affirm the teacher's authority

2) Self-directed learning requires the teacher to do all of the following except:

D) create a static learning environment

17) To relieve teacher frustration with standardized tests and to enable teachers to help students succeed, research has suggested all of the following except:

D) honestly express feelings about the test to students

12) Comprehension monitoring have in common the following skills except:

D) inner speech

23) RTI is characterized as all of the following except:

D) it is implemented consistently in all districts across the country

9) The following are important collaborative learning skills that must be taught by the teacher except:

D) make messages general and interpretive

3) A test blueprint ensures that a test will sample learning across the range of all of the following except:

D) norms set by a large group of peers

24) The main purpose of the 3-Tiered process of RTI is to:

D) promote early identification of students who are at risk of learning difficulties

18) Self-Efficacy Theory asserts that student success is often determined by all of the following except:

D) the teacher's belief about the student

1) Important behaviors that are outcomes of cooperative learning and that prepare students to reason and perform in an adult world are all of the following except:

D) unified perspectives and viewpoints

12) "Grading on a curve" is an example of comparison

D) with other students

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