International Business CH 10

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91) The EU's "one size fits all" monetary policy has been hailed as a success because it treats all countries equally.


98) Australia and New Zealand refuse to create a regional trading bloc because of their competition with each other.


86) English is the EU's official language.


61) The ________ is an agreement to create a customs union among the governments of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. A) Mercosur Accord B) ASEAN Free Trade Area C) Andean Pact D) Central America Common Market


64) As a participant at the Doha Round, you would experience the most negotiation difficulties in the area of ________. A) agricultural goods B) tariff reductions C) foreign exchange D) service trade


67) A ________ is the third step along the path to total economic integration. A) commercial market B) economic union C) customs union D) free trade area


68) CVR Enterprises is based in the EU country that has the greatest number of votes in Parliament. CVR Enterprises is most likely a ________ firm. A) German B) French C) British D) Italian


79) Economic integration is typically beneficial to all sectors within an economy.


1) What is the best means of promoting economic development in Mexico? A) trade B) mercantilism C) protectionism D) export substitutions


10) The cumulative effect of GATT in developed countries was a ________. A) substantial reduction in tariffs B) small increase in tariffs C) substantial increase in tariffs D) reduction in world trade


11) Which of the following is the result of GATT? A) dramatic growth in world trade B) slight increase in world trade C) creation of the EU D) ITO formation


16) The U.S., a GATT member, lowers its tariffs to Country X, a developing country, but requires the normal tariff for all other countries. The U.S. is most likely using a ________. A) generalized system of preferences B) normal trade relations system C) staggered system of taxation D) cumulative tariff system


17) Both GATT and the WTO seek to promote ________. A) trade in goods B) trade in services C) intellectual property protection D) trade-related investment


19) What do many labor unions believe to be missing in the WTO's objectives? A) job security B) technical training C) increased service trade D) foreign agricultural subsidies


31) ________ is an example of a free trade agreement. A) NAFTA B) Mercosur C) European Union D) APEC


105) What is a common market? What is the primary benefit of the common market to European firms and European workers?

Answer: A common market has all the characteristics of a customs union but also includes the removal of barriers that inhibit the movement of factors of production. The common market offers the opportunity to sell goods in a large, rich market free from barriers to trade. Workers may move from their homeland and practice their profession or trade in any of the other member nations. Firms may locate production facilities, invest in other businesses, and utilize their technologies anywhere within the common market. Productivity within the common market is expected to rise because factors of production are free to locate where the returns to them are highest.

121) Country X has violated its WTO obligations. How would the WTO handle the problem?

Answer: A country failing to live up to the agreement may have a complaint filed against it. If a WTO panel finds the country in violation of the rules, the panel will likely ask the country to eliminate the trade barrier. If the country refuses, the WTO will allow the complaining country to impose trade barriers on the offending country equal to the damage caused by the trade barrier. The offending country is not allowed to counterretaliate by imposing new trade barriers against the complainant.

104) What is a customs union? Provide an example of a customs union.

Answer: A customs union has all the characteristics of a free trade area but also includes the adoption of common external trade policies toward nonmembers. A more contemporary example of a customs union is the Mercosur Accord, an agreement initially signed by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay to promote trade among themselves. In 2010, Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan similarly agreed to create a customs union.

81) EU members are no longer sovereign nations.


15) Under GATT, tariffs fell from about ________ in 1948 to about ________ in 2005. A) 20 percent, 4 percent B) 28 percent, 5 percent C) 40 percent, 3 percent D) 60 percent, 10 percent


21) Parson's Pet Products, an Australian firm, ships many products to Canada. In order to take advantage of low trade barriers in the U.S., Parson's Pet Products ships its items first to the U.S. and then reexports the goods to Canada. Parson's Pet Products is most likely using ________. A) trade circumvention B) origination manipulation C) trade deflection D) external circumvention


23) In a(n) ________, members eliminate internal trade barriers, adopt a common external policy toward nonmembers, and eliminate barriers to the movement of the factors of production. A) free trade area B) customs union C) common market D) economic union


3) The average hourly manufacturing wage in Mexico is estimated to be ________. A) $0.90 B) $1.50 C) $3.00 D) $4.50


37) Which of the following is not an organization that governs the European Union? A) Council of the European Union B) European Commission C) European Trade Council D) European Court of Justice


13) The ________ requires that any preferential treatment granted to one country must be extended to all countries. A) GATT B) WTO C) export promotion system D) most favored nation principle


25) Country X and Country Z have established a complete political and economic integration. The countries are most likely engaged in a(n) ________. A) customs union B) common market C) economic union D) political union


100) Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland do not belong to any regional trading blocs.


5) Which country represents the biggest threat to Mexico's trade-driven economy? A) Taiwan B) Vietnam C) China D) Brazil


20) A(n) ________ eliminates trade barriers among member countries. A) free trade area B) customs union C) common market D) economic union


29) An economic union ________. A) requires members to eliminate internal trade barriers, adopt a common external policy toward nonmembers, abolish restrictions on the movement of the factors of production, and coordinate economic policies B) eliminates trade barriers among member countries C) requires members to eliminate internal trade barriers, adopt a common external policy toward nonmembers, and eliminate barriers to the movement of the factors of production D) involves the elimination of internal trade barriers among member countries and the adoption of common external trade policies toward nonmembers


30) A political union ________. A) is complete political and economic integration of two or more countries B) eliminates trade barriers among member countries and reduces trade deflection C) requires members to eliminate internal trade barriers, adopt a common external policy toward nonmembers, and eliminate barriers to the movement of the factors of production D) involves the elimination of internal trade barriers among member countries and the adoption of common external trade policies toward nonmembers


34) Which of the following signed the Treaty of Rome? A) France B) East Germany C) the United Kingdom D) Spain


38) Which EU organization is considered the most powerful? A) Council of the European Union B) European Commission C) European Parliament D) European Court of Justice


39) Which round created the WTO? A) the Uruguay Round B) the Doha Round C) the Geneva Round D) the Tokyo Round


42) The EU uses a(n) ________ in areas such as health, consumer policy, and free movement of workers. A) co-decision procedure B) unanimous vote C) qualified majority D) consensus


47) Which organization is responsible for controlling the Eurozone's money supply, interest rates, and inflation? A) European Central Bank B) European Commission C) European Parliament D) European Court of Justice


48) Eurozone participants have agreed to limit their annual government deficits to no more than ________ of their GDPs. A) 3 percent B) 5 percent C) 7 percent D) 9 percent


50) Which of the following was not a component of the Treaty of Amsterdam? A) a strong commitment to address high unemployment in the EU B) a plan to limit the role of the European Parliament C) termination of a two-track system D) enforcement of GATT policies


52) Which country listed below remains a non-member of the European Free Trade Association? A) Denmark B) Liechtenstein C) Norway D) Switzerland


59) Which of the following countries is part of the Mercosur Accord? A) Argentina B) Guatemala C) Columbia D) Mexico


123) What is the greatest challenge of the European Union?

Answer: The greatest challenge of the European Union is whether and how power relationships among member countries and the various governing bodies of the European Union should be changed as a result of its expansion. The existing governance structure that was developed for the original six members is unlikely to work with a growing membership.

112) What was the most important aspect of the Maastricht Treaty?

Answer: The most important aspect of the Maastricht Treaty was the establishment of economic and monetary union among European Union countries.

118) What two factors led to the creation of the ASEAN trading bloc?

Answer: A decrease in government control of national economies that stimulated local entrepreneurs and attracted FDI and a defensive response to the growth of other regional trading blocs led to the creation of ASEAN.

103) What is a free trade area? Provide an example of a free trade area.

Answer: A free trade area encourages trade among members by eliminating trade barriers. NAFTA is an example of a free trade area.

124) What type of economic integration is exemplified by NAFTA? How has NAFTA benefited the countries involved?

Answer: A free trade area, such as NAFTA, encourages trade among its members by eliminating trade barriers (tariffs, quotas, and other nontariff barriers [NTBs]) among them. NAFTA reduces tariffs and NTBs to trade among Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Most experts believe that NAFTA has benefited all three countries, although the gains have been more modest in Canada and the United States than most NAFTA advocates expected. NAFTA's overall impact on the Mexican economy has been dramatic.

110) What are the three pillars upon which the Maastricht Treaty rests?

Answer: A new agreement to create common foreign and defense policies among members; cooperation on police, judicial, and public safety matters; and the creation of an economic and monetary union among member states are the three pillars of the treaty

102) What is the most important characteristic of regional trading blocs?

Answer: The most important characteristic is the extent of economic integration among the bloc's members.

8) The Smoot-Hawley Act ________. A) lowered tariffs to encourage trade B) raised tariffs to protect domestic industries C) designated the International Trade Organization as an independent party in trade negotiations D) required that countries treat each other on a nondiscriminatory basis and outlawed unfair trading practices


117) What is a screwdriver plant? What NAFTA guidelines are in place to overcome the problem of screwdriver plants and protect industries?

Answer: A screwdriver plant is one in which very little transformation of a product takes place. NAFTA negotiators developed detailed rules of origin that defined whether a good was North American in origin and thus qualified for preferential tariff status. In the automobile industry, for example, U.S. and Canadian labor unions worried that European and Asian automakers would exploit the treaty by producing major components elsewhere and then establishing a North American factory merely to assemble motor vehicles, thereby causing the loss of jobs at Canadian and U.S. parts-producing factories. To diminish this problem, NAFTA specifies that for an automobile to qualify as a North American product, 62.5 percent of its value must be produced in Canada, Mexico, or the United States. Similarly, to protect textile industry jobs, clothing and other textile products must use North American-produced fibers to benefit from NAFTA's preferential tariff treatment.

106) What is the difference between an economic union and a political union? Which one characterizes the EU? Why?

Answer: An economic union has all the characteristics of a common market but also includes the complete coordination of their economic policies in order to blend their economies into a single entity. A political union is the complete political as well as economic integration of two or more countries. The members of the European Union who have adopted the euro as their domestic currency are in the process of creating an economic union among themselves.

125) How can international businesspeople protect themselves from adverse EU regulations?

Answer: Firms that are threatened by impending EU regulations can lobby the EU Commission and try to persuade it to adopt more preferable regulations. There are some 15,000 lobbyists in Brussels. Firms can also lobby an ally on the Council like Japan did when it enlisted the help of the British Council representative.

116) Why do France and the United Kingdom disagree over the EU's Common Agricultural Policy?

Answer: France and the United Kingdom squabble over the EU's Common Agricultural Policy because it disproportionately benefits French farmers to the detriment of British interests.

108) What functions are performed by the European Commission?

Answer: It proposes legislation to be considered by the Council. It implements the provisions of the Treaty of Rome and other EU treaties; it protects the EU's interests in political debates; it has extensive powers in implementing the EU's customs union, the Common Agricultural Policy, and the completion of the internal market; and it administers the EU's permanent bureaucracy.

109) What is the purpose of the European Parliament? Why is the role of the European Parliament likely to expand?

Answer: The European Parliament currently comprises 748 representatives elected in national elections to serve five-year terms. Seats are allocated in rough proportion to a country's population, although the smaller states (Malta, Cyprus, Luxembourg) are overrepresented on that basis. Of the EU's governing bodies, the Parliament was originally the weakest. Initially it had only a consultative role in EU policy making. However, it has used its budgetary powers to enlarge its influence within the EU's governing institutions, and it also gained additional powers under the Maastricht, Amsterdam, Nice, and Lisbon Treaties. The role of the European Parliament is likely to expand because many Europeans are concerned about the lack of accountability in the EU's programs and the lack of democracy in its decision-making processes.

114) What was the European Commission's White Paper?

Answer: The White Paper called for accelerated progress on ending all trade barriers and restrictions on the free movement of goods, services, capital, and labor among members.

111) What is the purpose of the cohesion fund in the European Union? Do you think the cohesion fund is appropriate and effective? Why or why not?

Answer: The cohesion fund provides a means of funneling economic development aid to countries with a per capita GDP that is less than 90 percent of the EU average. The initial recipients of cohesion funds included Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Ireland, although Ireland's access to this aid terminated in 2004 because its then booming economy elevated Ireland's per capita income above the average for the EU; the 12 newest members of the EU also qualify for aid from the cohesion fund.

122) Explain the five forms of economic integration and provide an example of each.

Answer: The five forms of integration are free trade area, customs union, common market, economic union, and political union. The free trade area, such as NAFTA, represents the lowest form of economic integration while the political union represents the highest level of economic integration. A free trade area encourages trade among members by eliminating trade barriers. A customs union, such as the Mercosur Accord, combines the elimination of internal trade barriers among its members with the adoption of common external trade policies toward nonmembers. In a common market, such as the European Economic Area, members eliminate internal trade barriers among themselves and adopt a common external trade policy toward nonmembers, plus it eliminates barriers that inhibit the movement of factors of production among its members. An economic union, such as the EU, represents full integration of the economies of two or more countries. In addition to all the requirements of a customs union, an economic union also requires its members to coordinate their economic policies to blend their economies into a single entity. A political union is the complete political as well as economic integration of two or more countries, thereby effectively making them one country. An example of a political union is the integration of the 13 separate colonies operating under the Articles of Confederation into a new country, the United States of America.

107) What are the four organizations that govern the EU?

Answer: The four organizations include the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the European Court of Justice.

119) What are the three primary goals of the World Trade Organization? Do you believe the WTO has been successful? Why or why not?

Answer: The goals of the WTO are to 1) promote trade flows by encouraging nations to adopt nondiscriminatory trade policies, 2) reduce remaining trade barriers through multilateral negotiations, and 3) establish impartial procedures for resolving trade disputes among members.

69) Natalie is employed by the governing organization of the EU that is responsible for proposing legislation, administering the EU's permanent bureaucracy, and implementing the provisions of the Treaty of Rome. Natalie most likely works for the ________. A) European Court of Justice B) European Commission C) European Parliament D) Council of the European Union


101) What is the most-favored-nation principle? What are the two exceptions to the most-favored-nation principle? Why was MFN status changed to normal trade relations (NTR) status?

Answer: The most-favored-nation principle requires that any preferential treatment granted to one country must be extended to all countries. The two exceptions are that members can lower tariffs to developing countries without lowering them for more developed countries, and that regional arrangements that promote economic integration are allowed. The Clinton administration decided to adopt the term "normal trade relations" (NTR) to replace MFN. It had two reasons for doing so. The public reason was that NTR was a more accurate description; if almost all countries receive such treatment, then the practice is "normal" rather than "most favored." There was also a political reason. The administration was in a battle to secure permanent MFN status for China as part of the administration's agreement to allow China to join the WTO. President Clinton judged that it would be easier to sway public opinion and win the vote in Congress if the United States were perceived to be treating China normally, rather than providing it favorable treatment.

113) Why do you think it takes years to transform an EU Commission proposal into an EU law and then implement that law into national legislation?

Answer: Transforming an EU Commission proposal into an EU law and then implementing the law into national legislation can take years because the EU likes to have a strong consensus on issues among its members before it adopts new legislation.

115) What is the purpose of the Stability and Growth Pact? Why has the pact been criticized?

Answer: Under the terms of the Stability and Growth Pact, eurozone participants have agreed to limit their annual government deficits to no more than 3 percent of their GDPs and so have limited their ability to use fiscal policy to promote economic growth. National governments have become vulnerable to losing elections because of short-term pocketbook issues. Other critics fear that a "one size fits all" monetary policy for the entire eurozone will generate economic problems whenever the national economies of the eurozone countries are at different stages of the business cycle. In the mid-2000s, for example, the Irish economy was overheating, while the Italian, French, and German economies were stagnating. Irish government officials would have preferred that the European Central Bank aggressively raise interest rates in the hope of cooling down Ireland's economy, while officials from the other countries argued for more expansionary monetary policies. The ensuing Irish housing bubble-and bursting of the housing bubble—contributed to the EU's bailout crisis of 2010-11.

120) How does the WTO differ from the GATT?

Answer: While the GATT agreement was incorporated into the WTO agreement, there are two important differences. The GATT focuses on promoting trade in goods, whereas the WTO's mandate is broader. The WTO is responsible for trade in goods, trade in services, international intellectual property protection, and trade-related investment. Also, the WTO's enforcement powers are much stronger than those of the GATT.

12) The GATT rounds focused on decreasing ________. A) dumping B) trade tariffs C) preferential treatment D) domestic industry subsidies


14) What countries are granted the most-favored-nation status under the GATT? A) less-developed nations B) GATT member countries C) any country that requests it D) only members of the WTO


18) Country X treats foreign firms the same way it treats domestic firms. Country X most likely engages in ________. A) trade balancing B) national treatment C) mercantilism D) foreign treatment


2) Mexico relied on which of the following trade activities between 1917 and 1982? A) low import tariffs B) foreign direct investment restrictions C) privatization of key industries D) membership in GATT and the WTO


22) A(n) ________ combines the elimination of internal trade barriers among member countries with the adoption of common external trade policies toward nonmembers. A) free trade area B) customs union C) common market D) economic union


26) A free trade area ________. A) is complete political and economic integration of two or more countries B) eliminates trade barriers among member countries C) allows workers to move freely among trade nations D) avoids problems stemming from trade deflections


33) What agreement triggered the establishment of the European Economic Community A) GATT B) Treaty of Rome C) WTO D) Uruguay Round


40) What function is served by the European Commission? A) executive B) administrative C) legislative D) judicial


44) How did the EU initially eliminate conflicts among member countries? A) mandatory arbitration B) harmonization C) negotiation D) legislation


53) The European Free Trade Association has joined with the ________ to form the European Economic Area. A) Mercosur B) European Union C) Commonwealth of Independent States D) Benelux nations


54) Which of the following is part of NAFTA? A) Cuba B) Canada C) Peru D) Greenland


56) A ________ is a factory in which little transformation of a product is undertaken. A) maquiladora B) screwdriver plant C) greenfield operation D) global shipping platform


57) Which regional trade association includes the Bahamas, Grenada, and Jamaica? A) ASEAN B) CARICOM C) ANCOM D) ECOWAS


58) Which country initiated the Caribbean Basin Initiative? A) Venezuela B) the United States C) the Caribbean islands D) Bermuda


6) GATT is an acronym for ________. A) General Argument for Taxes and Tariffs B) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade C) Group Accord on Trade Tendencies D) Grace, Action, Trust, and Trade


60) The ________ promotes free trade among Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. A) Mercosur Accord B) Andean Community C) Central America Common Market D) Southern Cone Customs Union


62) Ernest, a federal government employee, attended a session of the final GATT Round. Ernest attended the ________ Round. A) Kennedy B) Uruguay C) Geneva D) Tokyo


7) What organization replaced the GATT? A) World Bank B) World Trade Organization C) International Trade Commission D) NAFTA


43) What function is performed by the European Court of Justice? A) administrative B) executive oversight C) interpretation of law D) managerial


45) The Cassis de Dijon case brought about the concept of ________ among member nations in the EU. A) harmonization B) arbitration C) mutual recognition D) free movement of goods


46) The ________ concept states that if one EU member state determines that a product is appropriate for sale, then all other EU members are also obliged to do so under the provisions of the Treaty of Rome. A) harmonization B) arbitration C) mutual recognition D) free movement of goods


49) The Treaty for Europe is also known as the ________. A) Treaty of Rome B) Maastricht Treaty C) Treaty of Amsterdam D) Paris Treaty


51) All of the following were elements of the Treaty of Lisbon except ________. A) permitting the European Commission to increase in size B) limiting the powers of the European Parliament C) establishing a full-time President of the European Council D) prohibiting national legislatures to voice formal concerns about EU laws


55) What percentage of an automobile must be produced in the United States, Canada, and/or Mexico in order for it to be considered a North American product? A) 37 percent B) 50 percent C) 62.5 percent D) 75.5 percent


63) Which GATT Round led to the creation of the WTO? A) Doha B) Geneva C) Uruguay D) Kennedy


65) Salvo Software develops computer games and business software systems that are popular throughout the world. Like many software firms, Salvo has experienced problems with illegal counterfeiting of its products. Given this concern, which of the following would be of most interest to Salvo? A) TRIMS B) BARS C) TRIPS D) GATS


27) A customs union ________. A) is complete political and economic integration of two or more countries B) requires members to eliminate internal trade barriers, adopt a common external policy toward nonmembers, eliminate barriers to the movement of the factors of production, and coordinate economic policies C) requires members to eliminate internal trade barriers, adopt a common external policy toward nonmembers, and eliminate barriers to the movement of the factors of production D) involves the elimination of internal trade barriers among member countries and the adoption of common external trade policies toward nonmembers


28) A common market ________. A) is complete political and economic integration of two or more countries B) requires members to eliminate internal trade barriers, adopt a common external policy toward nonmembers, eliminate barriers to the movement of the factors of production, and coordinate economic policies C) eliminates trade barriers among member countries D) requires members to eliminate internal trade barriers, adopt a common external policy toward nonmembers, and eliminate barriers to the movement of the factors of production


32) How many countries are part of the European Union? A) 10 B) 12 C) 20 D) 28


35) The 12 member countries became known as the European Union when the ________ was signed in 1993. A) Treaty of Rome B) Treaty of Geneva C) Genoa Agreement D) Treaty of Maastricht


36) Which of the following is a member of the European Union? A) Kosovo B) Switzerland C) Norway D) Latvia


4) Mexico does not have a trade agreement with ________. A) Japan B) Chile C) Israel D) India


41) The ________ is responsible for proposing legislation, implementing the provisions of the Treaty of Rome, protecting EU interests in political debates, and administering the EU's permanent bureaucracy. A) European Parliament B) European Court of Justice C) European Council D) European Commission


66) Country X wants to encourage trade by eliminating trade barriers with the three countries along its borders. However, Country X wants each of the countries to be able to establish their own trade policies even though this may lead to problems with trade deflection. Which form of economic integration is Country X most likely considering? A) economic union B) common market C) customs union D) free trade area


70) Executives at TVR Enterprises, an MNE based in Germany, feel threatened by a pending EU regulation that will require the MNE to reduce its production capacity. Which of the following actions is the most appropriate for TVR? A) complying with the EU's mutual recognition laws B) apply for a harmonization regulation with the EU C) appealing to the European Court of Justice D) lobbying the European Commission


9) The primary goal of the ________ was to promote a free and competitive international trading environment. A) Smoot-Hawley Act B) International Trade Organization C) World Trade Organization D) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade


24) The integration of the 13 separate colonies operating under separate Articles of Confederation into a new country, the United States of America, is an example of ________. A) free trade area B) customs union C) common market D) economic union E) political union


75) One weakness of the WTO is that the enforcement of the GATT was stronger.


76) The Multifibre Agreement is a relatively new part of the WTO's focus on reducing barriers in agricultural trade.


77) In the last decade, there has been a decrease in the number of trading blocs.


78) A free trade area requires members to eliminate internal trade barriers and establish a common external trade policy.


82) In decisions made by the Council of the European Union, every country has an equal vote.


85) The European Commission serves as the legislative branch of the EU.


92) The EU's Common Agricultural Policy is a source of controversy because it favors Britain's farmers over French interests.


94) Mexico is the United States' largest trading partner.


97) On the whole, regional trading blocs have proved to have a major impact on regional trade in Africa.


71) Now that it has gained entry to the World Trade Organization, China represents a threat to Mexico as a low-cost manufacturing location.


72) The GATT is an agreement, not an organization.


73) The GATT seeks to reduce barriers to international trade.


74) Prior to GATT, high tariffs were the most serious impediment to world trade.


80) Each form of economic integration benefits a nation as a whole, but can hurt certain sectors or communities within the economy.


83) GATT negotiations have led to dramatic growth in world trade since the end of World War II.


84) The individuals appointed to the European Commission serve the European Union, not their individual country. Answer: TRUE


87) The European Court of Justice declared Germany's 450-year-old beer purity law illegal.


88) The Maastricht Treaty is also known as the Treaty on European Union.


89) One important component of the Maastricht Treaty was the establishment of economic and monetary union among European Union members.


90) The Treaty for Europe established a two-track system that allows groups of members to proceed with their economic and political union faster than the EU as a whole.


93) As of 2013, 17 countries use the Euro.


95) A screwdriver plant is a factory in which little transformation of a product is undertaken.


96) For most of their histories, Australia and New Zealand have been trade rivals.


99) The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Initiative was developed in response to the growing interdependence of the Asia-Pacific economies.


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