International Relations Chapter 4

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Which of the following is NOT a norm of the balance-of-power (multipolar) system?

Certain states are ruled out as potential allies.

Which of the following is a realist assessment of the possibility of change in the international system?

Change happens, but it is slow.

Realists like Gilpin argue that states may respond differently to technological innovations. How does he believe this can influence the international system?

Countries can change their relative positions in terms of power.

Why can stratification lead to instability?

Dominant powers can be challenged by those just beneath them as the latter try to gain access to the former's resources.

How do states of the North differ from states of the South in terms of their access to resources?

Northern states are the "haves" and Southern states are the "have-nots."

How do radicals view the likelihood of change in the international system?

Radicals disagree on whether change is possible.

How can alliances in the balance-of-power (multipolar) system be characterized?

They are based on advantage, not ideology.

What was the New International Economic Order (NIEO)?

a radical call in the 1970s to help improve the impoverished South via economic power

Using the international system as a level of analysis

allows comparisons and contrasts across systems.

Constructivist scholar Martha Finnemore argues there have been four European international orders over the last three centuries. They include all of the following EXCEPT

an eighteenth-century empire system under Germany.

What did Hedley Bull call an international system with common rules and institutions?

an international society

According to Marxists and most other radicals, the international system is characterized by crippling stratification caused by


For radicals, who are the key actors in the international system?

capitalist and developed states

Multilateralist actions involve

coordination among several states.

Efforts to test the relationship between polarity and stability

have been inconclusive.

Which actors do liberals NOT see as important in the international system?

individual voters

What does the realist concept of anarchy entail?

no authority above the state at the international level

Like realists, neoliberal institutionalists see the international system as anarchic. Unlike realists, however, they

see the product of interactions between actors as a potentially positive one.

Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye argue that in an interdependent system

states are sensitive and vulnerable to the actions of others.

According to the text, a(n) ________ is "an assemblage of units, objects, or parts united by some form of regular interaction."


The move to conceptualize international politics as a system grew out of

the behavioral revolution in the social sciences.

Which of the following exogenous changes led to shifts in the international system?

the invention of nuclear weapons

Liberals acknowledge and welcome changes in the international system and see these changes as the result of

the participation of new actors in global civil society.

To what does the radicals' concept of stratification refer?

the unequal access to resources among different groups of states

At the end of the Gulf War, given the power and position of the United States, many states became worried that the international system had become


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