Interpersonal Communication Final Chapters 1-12

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it takes money to finance trips and long distance calls and to pay for computers and internet access. Thus, friends with greater economic resources are better able to maintain their relationships than are friends with less discretionary income


lack of conflict isnt necessarily a symptom of a healthy relationship


nearly 40% of births in America are to unmarried parents


some people are generally defensive, expecting criticism from all quarters


the communication that makes up the unproductive conflict reflects and promotes egocentrism and dogmatism


unhappy couples tend to attribute the nice things their partners do to external factors


couple counselor Aaron Beck reports that overly general language distorts how partners think about relationship


disagreement and conflict are strongly disapproved in many Asian cultures


in the general US population, 51% of people oppose or strongly oppose same-sex marriage and only 30% approve or strongly approve. Among college students, however 52% approve or storngly approve of same sex marriage and only 26% oppose or strongly oppose it


Succheng notices that she is the only person who has not spoken in a group conversation. She reminds hereself to be involved and to she shes interested in the groups talk, so she speaks up. Succheng's noticing and changing her ommunication to be more effective in the situation is an example of:


Egocentric people cannot take the perspectives of others


which of the following statements is true about conflict in relationships

conflict is inevitable in all interpersonal relationships

two million new cases of STDs are diagnosed each year


the opposite or unproductive communication of frequent interruptions

infrequent interruptions

three dimensions of committed romantic relationships are

intimacy, commitment passion

Using___language allows you to own your own feelings while explaining to others how you interpret their behaviors


____language provides concrete descriptions of behaviors we dislike without directly blaming the other person for how we feel


___language is more descriptive than YOU language


while communicating with a person with a disability, all of the following are generally accepted guidelines EXCEPT:

provide assistance without asking

ineffective communication can hurt individuals, damage relationships, and undermine the possibility of resolving problems


inferences go beyond facts


investments are what we put into relationships that we could not retrieve if the relationship were to end


one third of adults in the US have never married and the number of unmarried people in the US has doubled in the past 25 years


passion happens without effort--sometimes despite our efforts. commitment is an act of will


people who manage conflict unproductively often become embroiled in metacommunication and cant get back to the issues


people with high status and/or power tend to touch others and invade others space more than do people with less power and/or status


researchers have shown that many people who engage in violence against romantic partners lack the communicative skills to constructively manage emotions and conflicts


one indication that a friendship is in the nascent stage is that participants

work out private rules for interacting

which of the following is a script ?

your idea about how you should interact with a friend

which of the following comments would likely be made during an invitational stage of romantic relationships

" are you also a communications studies major?"

why do we attempt to manage our identities

-manage relationships -gain compliance -save others face

3 ways to manage

-manner: ow you are -appearance: what you wear -setting: where you live etc

multiple identities we are trying to manage

1. fulfill societal rules/expectations 2. fulfill personal goals

according to a recent study, college students reported that the___of the have had sex with a friend of the other sex at least once


the perspectives of the ___OTHER reflect the views generally held by others in a society


Gerda is really upset and she feels like throwing a temper tantrum, even though shes twenty years old. DIsregarding the social inappropriateness of her behavior, Gerda beats a door and kicks it while in a public area. In this instance, Gerda's behavior was motivated by which aspect of herself


Brad and Angie get into a heated argument. During their argument, Brad calls Angie a few bad names. then, he later apologizes to Angie. Brad does not realize which principle of interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal communication is IRREVERSIBLE

Jen comes late to class and doesnt make any contributions during discussion. Based on what you know, which of the following is an inference about Jen?

Jen does not care about the class

this involves listening only for content and ignoring the relationship level of meaning

Literal Listening

chase wants to have an environmental friendly campus. He is constantly trying to change the recycling program on campus. he has been fixated n finding more efficient ways to conserve energy that he wont sleep. Chase is suffering from which fallacy?

Obsession with should

this soothes seriously ill babies. hospital intensive care nurseries have found that special headphones that block noise reduce the stress caused by the sounds of respirators, ventilators, and other hospital machinery


although words dont mean exactly the same thing to everyone, within a culture many symbols have an agreed-upon range of meanings


the first step in listening is to make a decision to

be mindful

in their case study, Cuber and Harroff identified five distinct marital types. all of the following are the five distinct marital types except:

constructive marriage

Management of what er feel inside ourselves is called

deep acting

the counterpoint to evaluation is


during this stage, children decrease the amount of couple time and change the focus of a couples communication

enlarging a family

Memorial day parades are patriotic, yet sad events is an example of a ___rule


According to ALbert Ellis, debilitating feelings are often caused by:

irrational beliefs

the theory of linguistic determinism states

language determines what we can perceive and think

concerning the typical life cycle of families with children, the fifth stage is usually

launching children

the clearest indication that a friendship is in the waning stage is

less quality and quantity of communication

___models of communication view communication as flowing in one direction, from sender to receiver


janet believes the nobody can win when conflict erupts. From her perspective, everyone is hurt by conflicts. Janets orientation to conflict is best described as


this kind of love sees love as a game


in terms of love styles, all of the following statements are true except:

one love style is permanent throughout life

the___view of emotions posits this model: stimulus->physiological response-> emotion

organismic view

it includes sounds, such as murmurs and gasps and vocal qualities, such as volume, pitch and inflection


it includes sounds, such as murmurs and gasps, and vocal qualities, such as volume, pitch and inflection


Attachment styles are

parenting patterns that teach us who we are an how to approach relationships

the opposite or unproductive communication of sensitive listening is

poor listening

which is the most abstract term in the following examples?

reading matter

an example pf these rules is when we understand that we can wear jeans and Tshirts to class but that different clothes are generally appropriate in our workplaces


in face-to-face classrooms, students are typically instructed to raise their hands before answering a teachers question. this requirement is a ___rule


these rules when, how, where, and with whom to talk about certain things


Linneas parents praise her got earning high marks in her first year in college. Linneas parents are addressing her ___needs.


all of the following are external pressure to friendships except:

sexual attraction

the views of ___comprise the generalized other

society as a whole

common forms of expressing feelings INEFFECTIVELY include:

speaking in generalities

which of the following is NOT a regulative rule of interpersonal communication

speaking is a way to show you care about issues

the counterpoint to strategy is_______


this kind of communication feels, open, honest, and unpremeditated


Mike was responsible for taking care of his two younger siblings while Mike was growing up. As an adult, he is more nurturing and more attentive to others needs than most of his male peers. Mikes greater care-giving inclination id best explained by his

stand point

committment is the determination to stay together despite trouble, disappointments, sporadic restlessness and lulls in passion


the love tends to develop gradually and to be peaceful and stable


these kind of relationships dont have the great highs or erotic ones, but neither do they have the fiery conflict and anger that can punctuate erotic relationships


closeness in doing is best illustrated by which of the following interactions between two friends?

they go to ball games together

we are mist likely to engage in emotion when we:

think what we are feeling is inappropriate

Historian barbara rosenwein calls the groups we identify with "emotional communities" because they teach us how to understand and express emotions


sex and gender also affect the endurance of long distance friendships


while listening to her friend Bill, Judy occasionally says, "tell me more," or "that's interesting, go on" Judy is

using minimal encourages

all of the following are forms of unproductive communication except

validation of each other

the most active and interpersonally constructive response to relational conflict is


which one of the following statements is true about emotions

we experience emotions holistically

Ego boundaries refer to

where an individual stops and the rest of the world begins

lenny says, "i dont like to lose arguments. the way i fugure it, when you have a disagreement there can only be one winner." Lenny's orientation conflict is best described as:


Zach believes that in conflict situations the goal is to find a solution that all those involved can accept. Zachs orientation to conflict is best described as


the majority of our interactions involve I-it communication


the meanings we assign to behavior in romantic relationships are entirely individualistic


the tensions of relational dialects keep relationships stagnant because they increase interpersonal friction and stress


the win-win conflict style is always the best approach


in ____we communicate attention and interest


Nonverbal behavior is rule-guided


we are less likely to forgive a partner id we attribute his/her transgression to personal irresponsibility


Stanton is giving a speech for the first time. he think he is doing well, but his audience can tell that he is very insecure and nervous. this is example can be categorized into which part of Johari's window

Blind area

___were the first to use the term "whit" to describe a racial group in the area that is now the United States

Europeans when they colonized the US

Mothers are more likely than fathers to challenge children and encourage them to achieve more


The self is constant.


Maslow defined self-actualization as FULLY DEVELOPING and using unique "talents, capacities, potentialities"


The effects of social isolation include hallucinations, depression, and failure to develop a healthy self-concept


it is important to gain access to information in our blind and unknown areas. one way to do this is to expand our experiences by entering unfamiliar situations, trying novel things and experimenting with new kinds of communication


online communication provides a context for effectively monitoring our interactions with others


according to relationship counselors, the most central and continuous tension in the majority of close relationships arises from which of the following dialectical tensions


according to relationships counselors, the most central and continuous tension in the majority of close relationships arises from which of the following dialectical tensions


direct definitions, self-fulfilling prophecies , attachment styles, and identity scripts are all family influences on self-concept


early stages of unproductive conflict are characterized by disconfirming communication


emotional intelligence is essentially understanding your own feelings


expressing feelings is always advisable


feeling rules define the emotional meaning of situations


in African american families headed by single women, daughters frequently exhibit lower self-reliance ad self-esteem then their Caucasian counterparts


in general, women experience greater and longer lasting physical responses to conflict


in the US the prototype of love focuses on passionate feelings and qualities


interpersonal communication is best defined by the number of people who are interacting


lesbians and gays invest less in friendships than do heterosexuals


maintaining direct eye contact is always a sign of respect and attentiveness


men and women also tend to have dissimilar ideas about how men and women should act


men are more likely than women to feel relationship is breaking down id that and their partners dont really communicate well


men are more likely than women to use nonverbal behaviors to express how they feel


men don't disclose personal feelings or vulnerabilities to their friends


men dont disclose personal feelings or vulnerabilities to their friends


men generally talk more about personal feelings, especially their shortcoming or self-doubts


men tend to interrupt more than women to show that they are listening and interested


more than 30% of men in dual worker families male more money than their female partners


nonverbal communication is intentional


passion is primary foundation for enduring romance


recently, scholars tracking of adolescent girls bullying shows that many young girls engage in social aggression toward other boys, and they do so using distinctly feminine rules for expressing aggression


reciprocity of self-disclosures is especially important after a relationship has become established


sexual orientation is more important than gender on how individuals respond to relational conflicts


symbols are neutral descriptions of phenomena


the I and Me aspects of self are opposing forces


the average person spends nearly 25% of her/his waking time listening to others


the first cognitive schema we use to organize perceptions is the script


when friendships deteriorate or suffer serious violations, communication changes in unpredictable ways


when we disagree with someone, we disconfirm him/her


women and minorities generally take up more space than men in Western Society


women dont engage in instrumental activities such as doing favors with their friends



high consensus low consistency high distinctiveness low controllability

research indicates that in general the least effective and least satisfying response to the tension generates by relational dialects is to

honor one need and ignore the contradictory one

perceived self

how we really perceive ourselves

"One day I wont have to worry about money, One day Ill make a great salary" These statements illustrate how symbols are used for

hypothetical thought

Corey thinks that people who are outgoing are also friendly, confident and fun. Corey's assumption that outgoing are also friendly, confident and fun is inference based on his___of the qualities that accompany outgoingness

implicit personality theory


low consensus high consistency low distinctiveness high controllability

on the continuum of interpersonal climates, the middle between confirming and dis-confirming climates is known as

mixed climate

in this third stage we start moving beyond social roles

moving toward friendship

we might make a small self disclosure to signal that we'd like to personalize the relationship or meet outside of contexts that naturally occur

moving toward friendship

Randy says "I am really bummed out about not getting any job offers" His roommate Lance responds "sounds as if youre feeling pretty low about the response so far." Lance's communication is an example of


The ____view of emotions is also called appraisal theory


Lacy is constantly dissatisfied with herself, she wants to get plastic surgery to get rid of her huge nose and fat thighs, Lacy is suffering from which fallacy?


the opposite or unproductive communication of negative affect is

positive affect

Kitty supervisor says, "Im the boss, so we'll go with my plan for this project." the supervisors message address the ___dimension of relationship meaning


this kind of love is practical love


public self


this communication tends to cultivate supportive, confirming communication climates. It focuses on finding a solution that all partied find acceptable

problem orientation

this communication tends to cultivate supportive, confirming communication climates. it focuses on finding a solution that all partied find acceptable.

problem orientation

Maggie has always dreamed of her perfect romantic soul mate. she believes that her ideal soul mate will be tall, dark, handsome, smart, rich. Maggies ideal soulmate is an example of___


this defines the clearest or most representative example of some category


this communicates openness to other points of view. we suggest that our minds arent sealed


Salina is angry with her boyfriend, so she refuses to sit near him in the car or to let him get really close to her while they are walking. to communicate her anger, Salina is relying on


as a rule, women assume most of the ___, which involves remembering, planning, and scheduling family life

psychological responsibility

Miguel tries to concentrate during a class lecture, but he can't get his mind off a personal problem. His preoccupation with his personal problem is an example of ___noise.


according to the process of human perception, the selection process includes all of the following except:

rational judgement

the most basic form of confirmation in interpersonal communication is

recognizing another person exists

this term____ also called "the looking glass self" is based on Charles Cooley's poem

reflected appraisal

after the first few married years, most couple experience a dip in marital satisfaction

regardless of whether or not they have children

in___we communicate attention and interest


assuming an alternative posture, holding eye contact and nodding to show you understand what another person is saying are nonverbal behaviors that convey which dimension of relational-level meaning?


during this stage friends, friends tend to rely on general scripts and stereotypes, because they don't have enough personal knowledge of each other to engage in dual perspective

role-limited interaction

during this state, interactions are often awkward and laced with uncertainty because people havent worked out patterns for relating to others

role-limited interaction

the initial meeting is the first stage of interaction and possibly of friendship

role-limited interaction

the initial meeting is the first stages of interaction and possibly friendship

role-limited interaction

according to the handout, "identity management", why do we attempt to manage our identities

to start and manage relationships, to gain compliance, and to save others face

A study by Victoria Defransisco, revealed a clear pattern between spouses, in which husband interrupted wives and were unresponsive to topics wives initiated. both husbands and wives were unaware of the rules, but their communication nonetheless sustained the pattern


Ambushing is listening carefully for the purpose of attacking a speaker


Historian Stephanie Coontz who studies the history of marriage, thinks mushrooming variety of family forms makes it possible for more people to have fulfilling family lives


Humans generally do not focus on high (more abstract) needs until more basic needs are first met.


Massachusettes became the first state in the US to allow same sex couples to marry


Online communication provides a context for effectively monitoring our interactions with others


Perceptions are subjective


The Arunta people of Central Australia regard to premature infant as a nonperson, an animal that mistakenly has entered the body of a pregnant woman


a majority of North Americans have at least one long-distance friendship


although passion may come to mind when we think of love, it seems less central to our prototype of love than companionship, caring and a comfortable lifestyle


ambushers listen intently to gather ammunition they can use to attack a speaker


an individuals style of loving can be influences bu the love style of her/his partner


another reason women and men differ in how likely they are to maintain long-distance friendships is that the sexes tend to have different views of the nucleus of closeness


because nonverbal communication is symbolic, it is arbitrary, ambiguous and abstract


because were used to the fats paced visual stimuli, we become impatient with the pace of aural stimuli


beginning in the late 1700 or early 1800s most people in the US picked mates based on love and companionship


both verbal and nonverbal communication may be deliberately controlled or unintentional


commitment provides a sturdier foundation for a life together


conflict is a normal inevitable part of most interpersonal relationships


couples satisfaction seems especially affected by equity in housework and childcare


cultural understanding of other sexual activities have been similarly reformed by the coining of the terms such as sexual harassment and marital rape, bpth of which characterize activities previously perceived as acceptable


frequent interaction is more important for casual than close or best friends


friendship that survive involve frequent e-mail contact, phone calls, letters and visits


friendships that survive distance involve frequent email contact, phone calls, letters ad visits


geographic distance is the reason the majority of high school friendships dissolve when students begin college


in Korea, Japan, China, Nepal and other Asian countries, chopsticks often are the primary eating utensil


in communication systems all parts of a system interact and affect each other


in some African tribes, death is regarded as a cause to celebrate a person's passage to a better form of life


low levels of conflict could reflect limited emotional depth between partners or unwillingness to engage in communication about difference


more than 50% of people over the age of 24 are married


most friendships face the challenge of distance, and many dont survive it


most people feel defensive when other communicate in neutral ways that suggest the others are distanced and uninvolved with them


mothers spend more time than fathers with the children in caretaking activities


scripts are useful in guiding us through many of our interactions. However, they are not always accurate or constructive, so we shouldn't accept them uncritically


sex and gender also affect the endurance of long-distance friendship


silence is considered a form of nonverbal communication


some researchers assert that human experience two kinds of emotions: some that are based in biology and thus instinctual and universal , and others that we learn in social interaction


the final form of nonlistening is literal listening, which involves listening only for content and ignoring the relationship level of meaning


the self has multiple dimensions


the typical effects of suffering from the fallacy of helplessness are resignation and depression


to symbolize a less formal speaking occasion, a podium might be omitted, chairs might be arranged in a circle, and the person speaking might be seated


today as our society struggles with changed in women and men and families, the ideals of manhood are being revised yet again


understanding communication climates will give you insight into why you feel relaxed and comfortable in some of your relationships and uneasy and defensive in others


unlike passion or attraction, which arise in the present , commitment links partners together in the future


unlike passion or attraction, which arise in the present, commitment links partners together in the future


we follow communication rules even when we are not consciously aware of them


we use stereotypes to make predictions about people and situations


when people feel defensive when others communicate in neutral ways that suggest the others are distanced and uninvolved with them


when the National Association of Colleges and Employers asked 480 companies what applicant qualities and abilities were most important to them in making hiring decisions, communication skills were at the top of the list


women are more likely than men to sustain ties with a friend who live at a distance


women are more likely than mmen to perceive companionship as a goal for a first date


women tend to be more willing than men to adjust schedules and proprieties to make time for friends


___is the first most important principle in effective listening

Being mindful

As soon as Baron finishess speaking, Matt jumps in and says, "Ha! i Knew thats what youd think and i can tear holes in your reasoning," He then proceeds to refute much of what Baron said. Matt engaged in:


tabitha wants some time alone because she feels a need to get in touch with herself as an individual. however, her partner wants them to spend as much time together as possible. the tension illustrates the ___relational dialectic


this involves perceiving personal attacks, criticism, or hostility in communication that is not critical or mean spirited

Defensive Listening

in 1999, Tim Cole and Laura Leets investigated the relationship between attachment styles and the tendency to form relationships with TV personalities. They discovered that people with ____attachment styles were LEAST LIKELY TO FORM RELATIONSHIPS with television characters which is consistent with this attachment styles RELUCTANCE TO FORM ACTUAL RELATIONSHIP


some people feel awkward when they first start using this language


Jenema is walking in a mall and a homeless person approaches her and asks for money. Jenema keeps walking without speaking or looking at the person. The relationship between Jenema and the homeless person is


all of the following are part of the process of human perception EXCEPT:


according to Mead, because of the____we can set goals for becoming the person we want to be


Lawrence is having trouble listening effectively in his advanced philosophy course. Usually he listens well in class, but the professor in this case is so full of information and he presents such complicated ideas that Lawrence has difficulty following and retaining the lectures. Lawrence is experiencing a listening obstacle known as :

Message Complexity

two broad types of barriers to mindful listening are obstacles in the communication situation and obstacles in the communicators. Some examples of these obstacles are:

Message overload, message complexity, noise, preoccupation, and prejudgement

assertiveness and competitiveness are encouraged and considered good in the US


conflict is always overtly expressed


the nature and dynamics of friendships change throughout life. all of the following statements are supported by research except

adolescent females tend to define their friends as groups of people

Brittany always tells Kevin she loves him. According to the Interpersonal needs theory, Brittany is communication for the need of


the paralanguage is communicated through

all of these: sounds murmurs gasps pitch volume inflection accents

not surprisingly, people who engage in this tend to arouse defensiveness in others


this involves very careful listening


Edmund is very attentive and supportive to his son Mylan when he is sober, but when Edmund drinks her often ignores his son and sometimes verbally abuses him. Mylan never knows which way his father will act. if the father is Mylan's primary care-giver, Mylan is likely to develop which attachment styles?


the French work "rue' and the American word "road" mean the same think in their respective cultures. these different symbols used for the same think remind us that language is


these are personal objects we use to announce our identities and heritage and to personalize our environments


according to your book, all of the following is included in the nature of friendship except


qualities that set committed romantic relationships apart from other close relationships include:

assumed permanence


behavior control

interpersonal communication comes from the root words "inter" and "personal" meaning

between persons

the___area contains information that others know about us but we dont know about ourselves


verbal communication and nonverbal communication are similar in all of the following respects EXCEPT

both are perceived as equally believable

this refers to how we perceive and use time to define identities and interaction


all of the following are distinct ways North Americas respond to relational distress

cognitive complexity

Edwina feels a knot in her stomach when she recieve a low grade on her interpersonal exam. She believes she felt the knot because she had a lot of anxiety. Edwina seems to be engaging in

cognitive labeling view of emotions

according to polls reported in 1999, the majority of people perceive___as the number one reason marriage fails

communication problems

Deborah is surprised when her friend reaches across the table to get a pepper shaker. to herself Deborah says "reaching across the table is rude. Deb's perceptions of her friends behavior is based on a ___rule


these rules specify how to interpret different kinds of communication. we learn what counts as respect (paying attention), friendliness (smiles or smiley emoticons online communication) affection (kisses and hugs) and professionalism (punctuality and competence)


if a parent says to a 5 year old child, "clean your room now," the ___meaning is that the room is to be cleaned immediately


"You're a wonderful person" and "I feel we should work as a team" are examples of

counterfeit emotional language

Desi and COnsuela are arguing about how to spend the tax refund they received. he says they should get the car fixed; she says theyy should first go on vacation; he then suggests they fix the car and use any money left to vacation; she suggests they sell the carr and be rid of the problem. Desi and Consuela are engaging in what kind of unproductive conflict?


the opposite or unproductive communication of recognition of each other is


after taking cooking lessons, Thelma bakes a cake for her friend Louises birthday. When Louise sees the cake, she says "wow thats sweet. My mom always makes cake for my birthday and she would decorate it so elaborately." Thelma replies, " well i'm sorry that didnt decorate the cake extravagantly. I guess I still have a lot to learn about cooking." Thelmas response illustrates.

defensive listening

the counterpoint to evaluation is___


the strategy doesn't evaluate others or what they think and feel


Attribution Processes:

determine whether the internal (personality trait) or external (situational factor)

partners in there relationships dont dislike each other, but hat are bored with each other and the relationship. although the relationship was vital and a source od much satisfaction earlier, it now is life less and characterized by apathy

devitalized marriage

for individuals socialized in feminine speech communities, closeness in interpersonal relationships is primarily achieved through


"You are a very smart girl" Tammy tells her daughter. Tammys statement is an example of a

direct definition

the dimensions of trust include

emotional reliability

the counterpoint to neutrality is


for children this is a very important phase in personal development. they are learning to be less dependent on their families, which is essential to becoming a healthy adult

encouraging independence

frank says he wants to go out to dinner and suggests a pizza at Marios. His best friend STan replies " ah, thats where we always go. Im bored with Marioz. Lets go somewhere different tonight" Frank says " but i feel really comfortable at Marios-its is familiar." according to your book, frank and stan should do all the following except

engage in stereotyping behaviors

Pat says, " I am so stupid I'll never graduate from college, I just cant learn this chemistry because I am so darned dumb!" Pats self-communication is an example of:

engaging in self-sabotage

concerning the typical life cycle of families with children, the second stage is usually

enlarging the family

describing his romantic relationship, Bob says " i just fell hook, line, and sinker the moment I saw Soreen. It was a classic case of love at first sight and I still light up whenever I see ehr" Bob seems to have which style of loving


this is the most intuitive and spontaneous of all love styles and it is also the fastest moving


during this stage, for couples who are married, spouses get ised to the labels "wife" and "husband" and social and legal recognition of their union

establishing a family

In Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, same sex marriage a re not given full legal recognition


a stereotype is an unscientific generalization applied to a person or situation


a study in the text showed that young boys and girls thought peers were less likely to approve of their behavior if they played with others of the same sex


age doe snot influence our perception of time


although emotions are basic to human beings and communication, that are not difficult to define precisely


by dubbing Joe Lieberman as the "first Jew to run for Vice President" in 2000 US Presidential election, some media commentators engaged in stereotyping


compared to friendships sustained through face-to-face contact, friendships via email or internet are less personal and committed


an example of this phase is: a businessperson may joke or engage in small talk to see whether an associate wants to move beyond the acquaintance level of relating

friendly relations

an example of this phase is: after class, Jean makes a comment about the teacher to Paula. if Paula responds with her impressions of the teacher, she conveys the relationship-level message that shes interested in interacting

friendly relations

an example of this phase: one person in an internet newsgroup invites another member of the group to engage in individual exchange of ideas

friendly relations

during this stage, each person checks out with other to see whether common ground and interests exists

friendly relations

while visiting her parents on break, Deena doesnt pay attention to much of what they say. she lets much of their communication just go in one ear and out the other without listening.. However, when her mom mentions going shopping to get some new clothes and novels for Deena to take back to school, Deena listens attentively. This is an example of ____one form of nonlistening.

selective listening

Tiger Woods described how his father taught him to accept responsibility for his bad shots in golf. WHen he was a preschooler and hit a bad shot, he slammed his club on the ground. His father would ask him, "whos responsible for that bad shot? the cow who made the noise during you back swing? the bag somebody dropped? whos responsibility was that?" Tiger learned to say that it was his responsibility. as he took responsibility for his bad shots, Tiger Woods learned how to improve his game. This is an example of:

self-serving bias

Mr. and Mrs. Miller is a couple who is highly autonomous. Mr. and Mrs. Miller give each other plenty of room and they share less emotionally than the other marital types. The Millers would be best categorized as which of Fotzpatricks marital types


all of the following are external pressures to friendships except:

sexual attraction

people socialized in masculine speech communities tend to achieve closeness in interpersonal relationships primarily through

sharing activities


similarity in different situations


similarity over time


similarity with others.

Charlene says, "I would never join a sorority. All members do is party ad go shopping." Charlenes statement is an example of


this is comfortable, even-keeled kind of love based on friendship and compatibility


this kind of love grows out of common interests, values, and life goals


the opposite or unproductive communication of self-summarizing by both parties is:

summarizing the concerns

"i really know a lot more about this than you do, so you should listen to me" this is an example of

superiority of the speaker

typical effects of this fallacy include: thinking you are responsible for others feelings and guilt for how others feel.

taking responsibility for others

which of the following is a prototype?

the person who exemplifies a friend to you

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II Lecture Chapter 14 Short Answer and Critical Thinking: Laparotomy pp 312

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