Intimate Partner Violence and Elder Abuse

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Which of the following statements about primary cprevention for family violence is the most accurate?

Planned activities are being carried out by the nurse to prevent family violence Explanation: Planned activities being carried out by the nurse is the primary prevention for family violence. It is not accurate to state that persons who have been victims of family violence always repeat the behavior. Similarly, it is inaccurate to state that the cycle of violence within the family cannot be interrupted. The concept of primary prevention for family violence does not correlate to interventions that interrupt the cycle of violence; instead, it focuses on activities to prevent an unwanted event from occurring.

When preparing a plan of care for a group of women who are at higher risk for intimate partner violence, the nurse develops interventions aimed at the primary level of prevention. Which of the following are considered primary prevention for women at risk for intimate partner violence? (Select all that apply)

Counseling to address marital conflicts Encouraging removal of guns from the home. Explanation: Encouraging removal of guns from the home and counseling to address marital conflicts are interventions that are aimed to prevent violence from occurring in the first place, which is consistent with primary prevention. Assisting a battered woman to a safe shelter is secondary prevention. Interventions related to screening for sexually transmitted infections and teaching about basic hygiene measure are not associated with prevention of intimate partner violence at any level.

While visiting a family with young children in the home, the community and PH nurse hears a parent screaming "Everything you do is wrong? Can't you do anything right, ever?" The nurse suspects which of the following types of abuse?

Emotional abuse Explanation: Yelling at children and telling them they are stupid and cannot do anything right is emotional abuse. The nurse must be alert for other types of abuse, but neglect, sexual abuse, and physical abuse are not associated with this piece of assessment data.

After teaching a group of students and families about intimate partner violence, the instructor determines that the students have a good understanding of this issue when they state which of the following?

Intimate partner violence is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in women worldwide. Explanation: According to Rector, C., stats indicate 10% to 52% of women worldwide are abused by an intimate partner at some point in their lives, while Harkness and DeMarco report a rate of 10% to 69%. A woman's risk of intimate partner violence increases during pregnancy, and intimate partner violence is a public health issue.

When describing the cycle of violence to a group of nursing students, the instructor includes which of the following as occurring as the cycle continues?

Acute battering occurs more often Explanation: As the cycle of violence continues, there tends to be an increase in the amount and severity of the abuse and the battering. Frequency of the cycle slowing, tension-building occurring less often, and loving reconciliation lasting longer does not occur as the cycle continues.

When assessing a family in crisis, which of the following would the nurse do first?

Assess the nature of the crisis being experienced by the family. Explanation: The nurse would first assess the nature of the crisis being experienced by the family. Determining the family's perception fo the criss, identifying support systems used bu the family, and assessing the family's coping abilities are all important assessment measures of a family in criss; however, it is important to determine the nature of the crisis first.

Whcih of the following would the nurse expect to find in an assessment of a perpetrator of intimate partner violence?

Belief in male dominance Explanation: Intimate partner violence has the power and control as central tenets and male perpetrators often believe in male dominance. Regular tobacco use, high academic achievement, and desire for complacency are not contributing factors for intimate partners violence.

All nurses are designated as "mandated reporters." Whuch of the following best describes this designation?

The nurse must report any case of known or suspected abuse and neglect in children, vulnerable adults and elders. Explanation: As "mandate reporters," the nurse must report any case of known or suspected abuse and neglect in children, vulnerable adults, and elders. Designations that do not reflect the responsibility of mandated reports include that the nurse must witness abuse and neglect before being mandated to report, that the. Nurse insists that battered women report their abuse to the authorities, and that the nurse is responsible for reporting only known cases of elder abuse to his/her supervisor.

When discussing elder abuse with a senior citizen group, which of the following would the community and PH nurse include in the teaching?

Types of elder abuse cary and include physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Explanation: Types of elder abuse vary and incldue physical abuse, emotional abnuse, neglect and exploitation. Elderly women experience higher rates of abuse than do elder men, the majority of elder abuse perpetratis are known the the vitcim and often are family members, and elders with dementia are more likely to be abused than elders without dementia.

A community/PH nurse working with a group of vulnerable clients is focusing on empowering them. Which of the following would be the most effective strategy?

Viewing the clients as active partners in the process. Explanation: By engaging clients as active partners, they will take accountability for their own lives. Keeping to a firm schedule of visits, cutting through the bureaucratic red tape, or focusing on the client's limitations do not empower the vulnerable clients.

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