Intro to Business CH.10

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What is the difference between Frederick Herzberg's motivator and hygiene factors?

Company polices, supervision, working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and salary

Which of the following theories of motivation is the basis for Management by Objectives?

Drucker's Goal-setting theory

When you receive something in recognition of good work, such as a bonus or pay raise, is it an example of an intrinsic or extrinsic reward?


Job enrichment theory is based on the higher level motivators of which theorists?

Frederick Herzberg and Abraham Maslow

The tendency of people to behave differently when they know they are being studied is the:

Hawthorne Effect

What levels of need did Maslow identify?

Starting at the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy and going to the top, the levels of need are physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization

Theory X

The average person dislikes work and will avoid it if possible Because of this dislike, workers must be forced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment to make them put forth the effort to achieve the organizations goals

What led to the more human-based managerial styles?

The greatest impact on motivation theory was generated by the Hawthorne studies in the late 1920's and the early 1930s. IN these studies, Elton Mayo found that human factors such as feelings of involvement and participation led to greater productivity gains than did physical changes in the workplace

Equity Theory

The idea the employees try to maintain equity between inputs and outputs compared to others in similar positions

What characteristics of work affect motivation and performance?

The job characteristics that influence motivation are skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback

Intrinsic Reward

The personal satisfaction you feel when you perform well and complete goals

Hawthorne Effect

The tendency for people to behave differently when they know they are being studied

According to Herzberg's study, which of the following were listed by workers as among the top 5 factors that create motivation instead of being dissatisfies on the job?

sense of achievement earned recognition for a job

Which of the following is an example of an intrinsic reward?

feeling that your work contributes to the company, feeling that your work contributes to society, personal satisfaction

An assumption about people made by a Theory Y manager is that people:

naturally like to work

Which element in the work environment was found to be dissatisfying when not present, but when present did not serve as a motivator for workers?

pay and job security

Which of the following are included in Maslow's hierarchy of Needs?

physiological safety social

Positive and negative reinforces applied to motivate a person to behave in a certain way Is the application of:

reinforcement theory

According to Herzberg's study, motivators that gave employees satisfaction and motivated them:

related mostly to job content

When implementing management by objectives it is a managers responsibility to involve everyone, commit employees to the goals, monitor progress, and ____ accomplishments.


Who developed Theory X and Theory Y?

Douglas McGregor held that manager have one of two opposing attitudes toward employees. He call them Theory X and Theory Y.

Hygiene Factors

In Herzberg's theory of motivating factors, job factors that can cause dissatisfaction if missing but that do not necessarily motivate employees if increased.

Which type of management became the dominant strategy for improving productivity in the early 1900s?



moves people to action

Select assumptions made by Theory X managers about people.

people prefer to avoid work people must be controlled and forced to work People are motivated to avoid punishment

Select assumptions made by a Theory Y manager about people.

people seek responsibility and people like to work

According to Herzberg, interest in the work itself is a(n) _______ .


According to Vroom, before committing maximum effort to task employees will first ask themselves three questions:

"Can I do this?" , "will I be rewarded?" , and "Do I like the reward?"

Job enlargement

A job enrichment strategy that involves combining a series of tasks into one challenging and interesting assignment

Job rotation

A job enrichment strategy that involves moving employees from on job to another

Management by objectives (MBO)

A system of goal setting and implementation; it involves a cycle of discussion, review, and evaluation of objectives among top and middle-level managers, supervisors, and employees

The theory of human motivation is often associated with _____ who believed that motivation arises from an unmet need.

Abraham Maslow

How are Generation X managers likely to be different from their baby boomer predecessors?

Baby boomers tend to be willing to work long hours to build their careers and often expect their subordinates to do likewise. Gen Xers may strike for a more balance lifestyle and are likely to focus on results rather than on how many hours their teams work. Gen Xers tend to be better than previous generations at working in teams and providing frequent feedback. They usually are not bound by tradition that may constrain those who have been with an organization for a long time and are willing to try new approaches to solving problems


In Herzberg's theory of motivating factors, job factors that can cause dissatisfaction if missing but that do not necessarily motivate employees if increased. These factors can be used to motivate workers: Work Itself Achievement Recognition Responsibility Growth and advancement

What is the difference between high-context and low-context cultures?

In hig context, people build personal relationships and develop group trust before focusing on tasks. In low context, people often view relationship building as a waste of time that diverts attention from the task

Name two forms of job enrichment that increase motivation

Job enlargement combines a series of tasks into one challenging and interesting assignment. Job rotation makes work more interesting by moving employees from one job to another

How does open communication improve employee motivation?

Open communication helps both top mangers and employees understand the objectives and work together to achieve them

Principle of motion economy

Theory developed by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth that every job can be broken down into a series of elementary motions

Masiow's hierarchy of needs

Theory of motivation based on unmet human needs from basic physiological needs from basic physiological needs to safety, social, and esteem needs to self-actualization needs.

Reinforcement Theory

Theory that positive and negative reinforcements motivate a person to behave in certain ways. Variables: Positive reinforcers are rewards like praise, recognition, or raises that a worker might strive to receive after performing well. Negative reinforcers are punishments such as reprimands, pay cuts, or firing that a worker might be expected to try to avoid

Expectancy Theory

Victor Vroom's theory that the amount of effort employees exert on a specific task depends on their expectations of the outcome. employee expectation can affect an individuals motivation. Key Elements: Can I accomplish that task? If I do accomplish it, what's lay reward? Is the reward worth the effort?

Can mangers use Masiow's Theory?

Yes, they can recognize what unmet needs a person has and design work so that it satisfies those needs

Small businesses can motivate their workers without increasing costs by giving them:

a collaborative work environment and stock options

The belief that your work makes a difference and gives you satisfaction is an example of:

an intrinsic reward

What is theory Y?

assumes people like working and will accept responsibility for achieving goals if rewarded for doing so.

What is Theory X?

assumes the average person dislikes work and will avoid it if possible. Therefore, people must be forced, controlled, and threatened with punishment to accomplish organization goals.

Giving employees the authority to make decisions and the tools to implement the decisions they make is called:


Managers should try to avoid problems about ____ by ensuring that rewards are distributed on the basis of performance and that all employees clearly understand the basis for their pay and benefits.


Vroom's motivation theory states that the amount of effort that employees exert o a specific task is based on their ____ of the outcome.


_____ ______ do not move people to action when present in the workplace.

hygiene factors

According to Herzberg, which of the following motivates workers instead of being a hygiene factors?

interesting work

Combining tasks into one challenging and interesting assignment for a worker is called:

job enlargement

The motivation strategy that motivates workers through the job itself it:

job enrichment

Moving workers from one task to the next to make work more interesting and motivating is called:

job rotation

A system of goal setting and implementation designed by Peter Drucker is called ____ _____ ______.

management by objectives (MBO)

Which of the following are examples of factors that contributed to increased worker productivity during the Hawthorne studies?

management respect and interaction, worker involvement in managerial decisions, and social group membership and informality

Which of these are basic elements of Taylors Scientific Method?

method rules of work time

According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, after you have eaten, you are no longer _____ to find food.


Extrinsic reward

something given to you by someone else as recognition for good work; extrinsic rewards include pay increases, praise, and promotions

The management by Objectives system is most effective in _____ situations that allow long-range planning


Time motion studies

studies, begun by Frederick Taylor, of which tasks must be performed to complete a job and the time needed to do each task

Taylors method was to:

study the most efficient way to do a task, determine the one "best" way

Goal-setting theory

the idea that setting ambitious but attainable goals can motivate workers and improve performance if the goals are accepted, accompanied by feedback, and facilitated by organizational condition

Frederick Taylor wrote:

the principals of scientific management

Studies of the tasks performed in a job and the ____ needed for each is time-motion study.


What kind of study analyzes which tasks must be performed to complete a job and the time needed to do each task?

time motion

What is Frederick Taylor known for?

was one of the first people to study management and has been called the father of scientific management. He conducted time motion studies to learn the most efficient way of doing a hob and then trained workers in those procedures. He published his book "The principles of Scientific Management" in 1911. Henry L. Gantt and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth were followers of Taylor

Companies can minimize the perception of unfairness in the workplace by having clear and frequent communication?

with all employees

How can managers encourage open communication?

Manager can create an organizational culture that reward listening, train supervisors and managers to listen, use effective questioning techniques, remove barriers to open communication, avoid vague and ambiguous communication, and actively make it easier for all to communicate.

What did Abraham Maslow find human motivation to be based on?

Maslow studied basic human motivation and found that motivation was based on needs. He said that a person with an unfilled need would be motivated to satisfy it an that a satisfied need no longer served as motivation

What are some common characteristics of Millennials?

Millennials tend to be adaptable, tech-savvy, able to grasp new concepts, practiced at multitasking, efficient, and tolerant. They often place a higher value on work-life balance, expect their employers to adapt to them, and are more likely to rank fun and stimulation in their top five ideal-job requirements

Theory Y

Most people like work; it is as natural as play or rest Most people naturally work toward goals to which they are committed The depth of a persons commitment to goals depends on the perceived rewards for achieving them Under certain conditions, most people not only accept but also seek responsibility People are capable of using a relatively high degree of imagination, creativity, and cleverness to solve problems

Based on expectancy theory, before providing maximum effort to a task employees will ask themselves three questions. Which of these is the first question employees need to answer?

can I accomplish the task

Scientific Management

Studying workers to find the most efficient ways of doing things and then teaching people those techniques

Job Enrichment

a motivational strategy that emphasizes motivating the worker through the job itself

What is theory Z?

based on Japanese management styles and stresses long-term employment; collective decision making; individual responsibility; slow evaluation and promotion; implicit, informal control with explicit, formalized control; moderately specialized career paths; and a holistic concern for employees (including family)

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