Intro to Environmental Issues INQUIZITIVE chapter 11

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A proxy is a direct record of temperature we can use to understand climates of the past


Which answers are examples of weather, and which are examples of global climate?

Global Climate: -increasing frequency and intensity of hurricanes in the Atlantic -regular flooding events in coastal cities -long-term droughts in the Midwest Weather: -thunderstorms across the East Coast -a hot day in Kansas City -extreme winds in Chicago

Climate change has occurred due to both natural causes and human factors. Which of these factors are natural causes of climate change, and which are due to human activities

Natural Cause: continental drift volcanic eruptions the Milankovitch cycles Human Activity: methane emissions from landfills carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles methane emissions from agricultural production

Match the factor to its immediate effect or effects on climate. Some answers may be used more than once

Ocean Currents and Continental Drift: can alter the distribution of heat throughout the ocean Continental Drift: can cause large landmasses to form, creating regions where cold temperatures can develop in the winter Eruptions and Asteroid Strikes: can send up ash plumes and reduce the amount sunlight entering the atmosphere, reducing global average temperatures Earth's Orbit: can send up ash plumes and reduce the amount sunlight entering the atmosphere, reducing global average temperatures

Which of the following would be an example of global climate?

consistently warmer temperatures over the past 40 years for the planet as a whole


greenhouse gases used for aerosol sprays, refrigerants, solvents, and fire retardants


traps heat in the atmosphere about 21 times more effectively than CO2

Use the table below to put the greenhouse gases in order from least global warming potential to most warming potential relative to carbon dioxide Carbon Dioxide=1

In this order: CH4, N2O, HFCs

Climate change can affect people in many ways, including not only damage to property from extreme weather events like Superstorm Sandy but also damage to houses threatened by rising sea levels


The study of the seasonal timing of biological activities, such as the breeding, flowering, and migration of various species, is known as phenology. Scientists study the change in where species are located as well as the timing of flowering of plants and animal migration breeding patterns. Evaluate the following statement about phenology and determine if it is true or false: The warming climate is altering the geographic range of some species, which could allow disease to be spread through more areas by vectors such as mosquitoes


Sort the following answers based on whether they are valid statements about the instrumental period

True: -By 1860, thermometers were both reliable and commonplace. -Temperature records have been recorded around the globe by weather stations, ocean vessels, and sea buoys, as well as weather satellites. False: -Scientists have been recording local temperatures since before the invention of the thermometer. -The temperature measurements in the instrumental period are only made up of the air temperature near the surface of Earth.

Use the information in the table below for embodied CO2 emissions in textiles to answer the question. How much CO2 emissions could be saved by producing organic cotton in the United States compared to polyester

7.17 kilograms of CO2 emissions per ton of spun fiber

Based on the figure below, which geological periods were colder than today, and which periods were warmer than today?

Colder: Quarternary Warmer: -Paleocene -Cambrian -Jurassic

Which of these statements are correct, and which are incorrect?

Correct: -The frequency and intensity of heavy downpours have been increasing across most of the United States over the past three to five decades. -Climate models project with a high degree of certainty that periods of extreme dryness will increase in most areas of the United States. Incorrect: -The strength of average hurricanes in the Atlantic has been decreasing over the last 70 years. -Decreased evaporation associated with global warming produces droughts.

Identify which of the options below are predicted outcomes of climate change.

Predicted: -increase in extreme rain events -more category 4 and 5 hurricanes in the Atlantic and fewer category 1 and 2 storms -longer and more frequent heat waves -birds laying eggs earlier in the year Not Predicted: -less frequent storm surges -species ranges moving toward the equator -decreased intensity and number of droughts -extreme heat causing evaporation of more water, leading to decreasing global mean sea level

The greenhouse effect keeps the global climate warmer than it would otherwise be. Fill in the blanks of the paragraph below to properly describe how the greenhouse effect works.

SOLAR energy that reaches Earth's surface is absorbed and released as INFRARED RADIATION that rises up into the ATMOSPHERE. Some of this radiation passes into space, but much of it is absorbed by GREENHOUSE GAS molecules. Those molecules reradiate some of it toward Earth, where it has a WARMING effect

Climate scientists, including Akio Arakawa and Warren Washington, have developed increasingly sophisticated computer models to simulate the way Earth's processes work to influence climate. Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about computer models

The climate computer models are tested and refined through a process called HINDCASTING, in which simulations are run on a certain model to see how well the model predictions match up to HISTORICAL real-world observations. Scientists have found when HUMAN factors are left out of the models and only NATURAL factors like solar variability, volcanic activity, and other climate fluctuations are included, the models do a good job of simulating actual global temperature change until the mid-20th century. After that time, both natural and human factors have to be included to match the actual warming occurring, making it clear human factors are driving global warming

Which one of the following statements about sea-level rise is correct?

The predicted impact of sea-level rise is not uniform across earth, so some places are more vulnerable than others

Which feedback loop shows a positive, or reinforcing, loop, and which one shows a negative, or balancing, feedback loop?

Warming Wetland Peat: Positive Loop Increasing Ocean Algae: Negative Loop

Which of the following gases is the most prevalent greenhouse gas in the atmosphere?

Water Vapor

nitrous oxide

a greenhouse gas released by microbial processes linked to agricultural tilling, synthetic fertilizers, and livestock waste

The following are methods for measuring the global climate. Some methods are better for obtaining current measurements, and others for obtaining ancient and historical records. Place these methods in order based on the historical time range of climate data they can provide, from the most recent range to the most ancient range of climate data

argo float buoys in the ocean, weather stations recording air temperature, tree rings, ice cores from arctic glaciers, fossils and sedimentary strata


diminishes the outflow of CO2 to vegetation

Which of the following statements best describes the concept of global climate?

long-term trends in weather conditions for the planet as a whole

Earth's climate has changed very little throughout its history, until the recent past


Identify which of the options below are causes or effects of the Milankovitch cycles

Causes: changes in the shape of Earth's orbit oscillation in the tilt of Earth's axis changes in the direction of Earth's rotational axis Effects: waxing and waning of polar ice sheets changes in the amount of solar radiation reaching Earth temperature changes in the atmosphere and ocean

Which of these statements correctly describe how global warming contributes to sea-level rise, and which statements are incorrect?

Correct: -Glaciers on land are melting. -Warming ocean water undergoes thermal expansion. Incorrect: -The frequency of heavy downpours is increasing. -Sea ice is melting in the Arctic. -The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is advancing. -Ocean acidification is causing continents to sink

Which of the following statements are true of global climate change?

Correct: -Today, Earth's climate is in a period of global warming, and human activities are the dominant factor influencing this trend. -Sea-level rise, a significant outcome of climate change that affects wildlife habitat, property, and people, is caused in part by thermal expansion, because water expands as it grows warmer. -Scientists can look backward and forward in time to review and predict records of global temperature. Incorrect: -The global average temperature would have to warm over 10°C to cause any significant changes. -Over Earth's history, sudden and severe shifts in global climate have not done much damage in the past

Which of these statements correctly describe an ecosystem effect associated with climate change, and which are not caused by climate change?

Due to Climate Change: -The Sachem skipper butterflies have extended their range from northern California into southeastern Washington. -Marine species with calcium carbonate shells are at risk due to ocean acidification. -Polar bears are threatened due to melting sea ice Not Due to Climate Change: -Homing problems among birds of prey are threatening their survival. -Hormonal changes in frogs have caused infertility. -Pacific walrus populations have been halved due to overhunting.

Albedo is the measure of the reflectivity of a surface. The albedo effect has a significant impact on our climate. The lower the albedo, the less reflective the surface of Earth is. The higher the albedo, the more reflective Earth's surface is Use the figure and identify whether the following changes in Earth's albedo would increase or decrease radiation absorbed by EarthAlbedo is the measure of the reflectivity of a surface.

Increase: Decrease in earth's albedo Decrease: Increase in Earth's albedo, Increase in sea ice

The indicators below are all viewed as signs of global warming. Some indicators are currently increasing, while others are decreasing. Drag each indicator to the appropriate area that matches whether data for the indicator show an increasing or decreasing trend

Increasing: global sea level, sea surface temperatures, air temperature over land Decreasing: glaciers, arctic sea ice, snow cover

Do the images shown here represent direct or indirect indicators of climate change? Tree Rings, Coral Skeletons, Ice Cores

Indirect indicators

Use the table below to match the greenhouse gas to the correct description

N2O: This greenhouse gas lasts an average of 120 years in the atmosphere CH4: This greenhouse gas has 21 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide CO2: This greenhouse gas stays in the environment for 50-200 years CFCs: This greenhouse gas has the highest global warming potential relative to carbon dioxide

The six processes below describe some of the causes driving increased levels of certain greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Classify each of the following as either natural or caused by human activities

Natural: stored CO2 released by volcanic eruptions, CH4 released and produced by methanogens in wetlands Human: N2O released by nylon production, CH4 released from decomposing garbage in landfills, CO2 released from the combustion of fossil fuels by automobiles, CH4 released from livestock production

Continental drift, the orbit of Earth, and ocean currents can all affect climate change over long periods of time.


fossil fuels and cement production

account(s) for about 80% of human-caused CO2 emissions

Which of the following events do climate models predict with a high degree of certainty will become more frequent in most areas of the United States due to global warming

periods of extreme dryness

What is the current era called in which we have temperature records for Earth's surface air temperature?

the instrumental period

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