Intro to Mass Communication Quiz #1

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What were the Payola Scandals all about?

record promoters would paid DJs or radio programmers to play certain songs (uh oh!)

What is the digital divide?

refers to the differences between those who can afford to purchase a computer/internet verses those who cannot. I would fall on the side of those who CAN afford internet/laptops. In order for me to be on the other side, I would have to go broke and be lazy enough to not get a job and pay for internet access.

What is Net Neutrality?

refers to the principles that every Web site and every user has the right to the same Internet network speed and access. For the most part, I would say I favor it. It might hinder small start up companies, but it would it makes since for every user to have the same speed of access to the internet.

What is the biggest threat to the Internet's democratic potential according to the textbook?

Increasing Commercialization.

True or False: Pop music arrived with the advent of the phonograph and radio


What was the Electronic Era?

began with the development of the telegraph, using a dot-dash electronic signals. This era slowly faded away after the mass use of cell phones.

What is Convergence?

describes the change in media that has occurred over the past decade, in technology as well as businesses.

Who owns the Internet?

AOL, Yahoo!, Microsoft and Google

How many hours does a typical South Korean student play a game each week?

According to the text, a student plays 23 hours per week playing video games.

Media Literate 5 overlapping layers?

Description (paying close attention, taking notes, and researching the subject), Analysis (discovering and focusing on significant patterns that emerge from the description stage), Interpretation (asking "What does this mean?" and "So what??"), Evaluation (arriving at a judgement about whether something is good, bad, or mediocre, which involved subordinating one's personal taste to the critical "bigger picture" resulting from the first 3 stages), and Engagement (taking action that connects the critical perspective with our role as citizens to question media institutions, adding our voice to the process of shaping the culture environment).

What does LP stand for?

LP (long playing record)

Explain the Linear Model of Mass Communication

Mass communication has been conceptualized as a linear process of producing and delivering messages to large audiences. Senders send messages through a mass media channel to large groups of receivers. In the process, gatekeepers function as the filters of the message being sent. These gatekeepers make the decision about what they want the audience to hear, which allows for feedback.

What is Collective intelligence?

Pierre Levy's definition of the Internet, "a new dimension of communication and the ability to enable us to share our knowledge and acknowledge it to others"

What happened in the 2000s to "unravel" the music industry?

The convergence of music with the internet (Napster)

What led to Censorship?

Well, Congress blamed Djs and the radio for rock and roll's negative impact on teenagers, therefore they decided to censor music.

What is an Oligopoly?

a business situation in which a few firms control most of an industry's production and distribution resources.

What is Tin Pan Alley?

a derisive term used to describe tunes from a section of broadway. Supposedly the name resembled the sound of cheap pans clanging together.

What is a PC bang?

a place for kids/teenagers/adults to hangout and socialize, while hanging on the internet

What was the Print Revolution?

began with the invention of the Gutenberg printing press in the middle of the 15th century. These printers reduced the size and cost of books, and books became the first mass marketed product in history, Also, with the rise of the printing press, it gave individuals more access to information which encouraged individualism, which became a fundamental value in American society in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

What is the Digital Era?

began with the rise of social media. Digital communication—images, texts, and sounds that are converted into electronic signals that are then reassembled.

What is Analog recording?

captures the fluctuations of sound waves and stores those signals in a records grooves or a tapes continuous stream of magnetized particles (think of the vibrating sound waves)

What is the Semantic Web?

creating a more meaningful or more organized Web. It's not a separate Web, but an extension of the current one that better enables people and computers to work in cooperation.

What is Mass Media?

cultural industries—channels of communication—that produce and distributes all parts of media.

What is Email?

invented in 1971, purpose of it was to mail messages electronically to any computer on ARPAnet.

What does MMORPG stand for?

massively multiplayer online roleplaying games

What are Microprocessors?

miniature circuits that process and store electronic signals.

What is the Internet?

originally a military communication network in the 60's, the internet is a immediate two-way communication and one-to-many communication. Information Superhighway.

What are P2P's?

peer-to-peer systems, such as LimeWire, Grokster, etc, which allowed online free music file-sharing.

What was the first major media convergence pre-internet?

sound recording and radio

What are the Intellectual Properties?

stories, characters, personalities, and music that require licensing agreements.

What is Communication?

the creation and use of summon systems that explain information and meaning.

What are CRT's?

the first displays for early TV's and computers. the deep tv systems

What is the Penny Arcade?

the first thoroughly modern indoor playground, filled with coin operated games. One of the most popular penny machines in the arcade was pinball. This was just the beginning of the age of video games

What is the Developmental Budget?

the money spent designing, coding, scoring, and testing a game.

What is Mass Communication?

the process of designing cultural messages and stories and delivering them to large and diverse audiences through media channels as old and distinctive as the printed book and as new and converged to the internet. It accompanied the shift of rural populations to urban settings and the rise of a consumer culture.

Telecommunications Act of 1996

the sweeping update or telecommunications law that led to a wave of media consolidation.

How does the Skyscraper Model explain culture?

the top floors of the building reflect high culture, whereas the bottom floors represent low culture.

What is data mining?

the unethical gathering of data by online purveyors of content and merchandise

What is gameplay?

the way in which the rules structure how players interact with the game

What is Culture?

the way people live and represent themselves, specifically during different historical time periods. Textbook definition: symbols of expression that individuals, groups and societies use to make sense of daily life and to articulate their values.

What are Content Communities?

these exist so people can share their information via text, photo, and video.

How does the Map Model explain culture?

this model culture is judged as good or bad by personal taste and individual judgments.

What is Digital recording?

translates sounds waves into binary on-off pulses and stores the information as a numerical code

What are advergames?

video games created for purely promotional purposes.

Why did radio have a rocky relationship with the recording industry?

well because the radio stations would broadcast music from the recording industries which caused a feud between the two.

Why did radio and the recording industry start getting along and working together?

well, during the time of television, radio turned to the record industry and this time both industries greatly benefited from radios new hit songs format. Rock and roll music had a big influence on this, which emerged in the 1950s.

What is Selective Exposure?

when people seek out messages/media that corresponds to their own beliefs, morals and interests.

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