Intro to Psychology Midterm Study

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Which of the following statements is true of neurotransmitters?

"Loose" neurotransmitters are either broken down or reabsorbed by the axon terminal.

What percentage of genes are shared by monozygotic twins?

100 percent

How many rods does each eye contain?

125 million

Jedda's mother is indigenous and her father is Spanish, how much genetic overlap does she have with each parent?


Raquel, Rachel, and Emma are triplets. Raquel and Rachel are monozygotic, and Emma is dizygotic. how much genetic overlap does Emma share with her sisters?


Which of the following would allow research results to be generalized to a wider segment of the public?

A stratified sample

Which of the following is a likely consequence of low thyroxin secretion in adults?

Adults who secrete too little thyroxin may feel tired and sluggish and may put on weight.

Which of the following is true of behaviorism?

Behaviorists define psychology as the scientific study of behavior, not of behavior and mental processes.

Kendall is left-handed. Which of the following statements is true of her handedness?

Being left-handed was once seen as a deficiency.

Which of the following statements is true regarding handedness?

Being left-handed was once seen as deficiency

Which perspective assumes that thoughts, fantasies, dreams, and instinctive behavior patterns are made possible by the nervous system and the brain?


What similarity did Wilhelm Wundt share with Aristotle?

Both saw the mind as a natural event that could be studied scientifically, like light and heat.

On her first day of work, Katara did not know what to expect. She began piecing together the information she assembled throughout the day to help prepare her for the next day. Which of the following did Katara use on her first day?

Bottom-up processing

After suffering a head injury, Dilshana has trouble communicating. She comprehends what others tell her, but her responses are slow and her sentences are incomplete. Which of the following conditions best reflects her experience?

Broca's aphasia

Perfecting the ability to walk along a tight rope relies most heavily on which of the following areas of the brain?


Jalen wondered how many blueberries are necessary for the perfect-tasting pancake. In this example, changing the number of blueberries would be considered the dependent variable.


John B. Watson developed the social-cognitive perspective, arguing for the influence of social factors over cognition.


Retinal disparity causes feelings of tension in the eye muscles and provides a binocular cue for depth.


Structuralists emphasized the tendency to organize perceptions into wholes and to integrate separate stimuli into meaningful patterns.


The somatic nervous system controls activities such as heartbeat, respiration, digestion, and dilation of the pupils.


The two main divisions of the central nervous system are the somatic nervous system and the automatic nervous system.


Which early researcher published Elements of Psychophysics, showing how physical events can stimulate psychological experiences?


Which of the following is the area of the eye where vision is clearest?


Saachi is having trouble calming her anxiety, she may have a deficit of which inhibitory neurotransmitter?


Which school of psychology emphasized the human tendency to organize perceptions into organized wholes?


Which of the following is true of Aristotle's contribution to psychology?

He argued that human behavior is subject to rules and laws.

Which of the following statements is true of William Jame's contribution to psychology?

He argued that the stream of consciousness was fluid and continuous.

Which of the following is true of B. F. Skinner's contribution to behaviorism?

He believed that organisms learn to behave in certain ways because they have been reinforced for doing so.

Which of the following can be attributed to William James?

He focused on the relationship between conscious experience and behavior.

Conductive deafness is different from sensorineural deafness in which of the following ways?

Hearing aids can be used to help with conductive deafness.

In context of behavioral genetics, identify the correct statement.

Heredity is apparently involved in psychological disorders ranging from anxiety and depression to personality disorders.

Which perspective stresses our capacity for self-fulfillment, self-awareness, freedom of choice, and ethical decision making?


Which of the following is a principle of critical thinking?

Insist on evidence

Compared to the rest of our bodies, which of the following is a feature of gray matter?

It consists of non-myelinated neurons.

Which of the following statements is true of hue?

It is determined by the wavelength of visible light.

Which of the following is true of functionalism?

It looks at how habits help one cope with common situations.

Which of these is a function of prolactin?

It regulates maternal behavior in lower mammals.

Which psychologist is most likely to reject the idea that the mind can be studied objectively?

John B. Watson

Who was the founder of behaviorism?

John B. Watson

Who was among the first to show that intelligence tests are culturally biased?

Jorge Sanchez

Charlie the Chimp saw that the bananas he wanted were out of his reach. He thought for a while and quickly realized he could stack boxes to reach them. Which researcher most likely set up this test of insight?


Which technique relies on subtle shifts in blood flow to render visual representation of brain activity?

Magnetic resonance imaging

Tabitha was involved in a serious accident and is in a coma. What area of Tabitha's brain may have been injured?

Medulla, Reticular formation

Abdel was observing the behavior of a group of preschoolers on the playground to gather information on how they resolve conflict. What type of approach were they using?

Naturalistic observation

Which of the following summarizes gate control theory?

Neurons in the spine can transmit limited information, so stimulation of neurons from many regions can limit the perception of pain in one region.

Which of the following is true regarding extrasensory perception (ESP)?

No one has reliably demonstrated extrasensory perception (ESP) from one occasion to another and from one researcher to another.

Vinnie wants to depict two buildings of the same size at different distances in a painting, so he paints one building smaller than the other. What pictorial cue did he use?

Relative size

Which of the following terms is descriptive of color intensity?


Carla and her roommates live near a freeway, but after a few weeks they no longer notice the sound of the traffic speeding by their apartment. Why has the noise become less bothersome?

Sensory adaptation

Which psychologist proposed that much of our life is governed by unconscious ideas and impulses that originate in childhood conflicts?

Sigmund Freud

Which hormone is required for the development of male sex organs?


Dr. Han is investigating whether eating chocolate improves scores on memory tests among people 75 years or older. Which element of his planned experiment is the independent variable?

The amount of chocolate consumed

Stephon's neighbor asked him to turn down his music, and even though he did, she believes the volume is the same as before. What might be the reason for her experience?

The change in volume was below the neighbor's difference threshold.

In severe cases of epilepsy, a doctor may perform a split-brain operation severing much of which of the following structures?

The corpus callosum

Which of the following statements is true of the experimental method of research?

The experimental method allows psychologists to control the experiences of participants and draw conclusions about cause and effect.

Which of the following statements is true of the signal-detection theory?

The intensity of a signal is one factor that determines whether people will perceive sensory stimuli or a difference between signals.

Rashid heard the dripping water faucet, but his roommate Brian did not hear the noise. Why could Rashid hear the noise?

The physical energy was above Rashid's absolute threshold.

The thalamus is responsible for which of the following activities?

The relay of sensory information to the cortex and in the functions of sleep and attention.

Which sensory system relies upon a sampling of molecules from substances triggering receptors in the olfactory membrane?

The sense of smell

The trichromatic theory of color vision proposes which of the following?

There are three types of cones, each most sensitive to either red, green, or blue.

Which of the following statements is true of hormones?

They are secreted directly into the bloodstream.

Which of the following statements is true of clinical psychologists?

They evaluate problems such as anxiety and depression through interviews and psychological tests.

Which statement best describes the work of clinical psychologists?

They help people with psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression adjust to the demands of life.

Identify a true statement about social-cognitive theorists.

They note that people engage in intentional learning by observing others.

Which of the following is true of feature detectors?

They refer to neurons that fire in response to specific features of sensory stimuli

Which of the following is a typical characteristic of biologically-oriented psychologists?

They study the role of heredity in behavior and mental processes such as psychological disorders, criminal behavior, and thinking.

What is the purpose of a split-brain operation?

To confine epileptic seizures to one hemisphere of the cerebral cortex.

Monozygotic twins are important in the study of the relative influences of nature and nurture because differences between monozygotic twins are the result of nurture.


Pitch and loudness are two psychological dimensions of sound. The pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency, or the number of cycles per second as expressed in the unit hertz (Hz). The loudness of a sound is expressed in decibels (dB).


Psychologists are thinking in terms of behavioral genetics when they ask about the inborn reasons why individuals may differ in their behavior and mental processes.


Psychology seeks to describe, explain, predict, and control behavior and mental processes.


The range of visible light that human beings can see goes from the red end of the spectrum on one end to the violet end on the other.


When children reared by adoptive parents are more similar to their natural parents in a particular trait, strong evidence exists for a genetic role in the development of that trait.


Renee loves to contribute to the greater good and offers to participate in research conducted on her campus as often as she can. Why might Renee and others like her inadvertently contribute to inaccuracy in research?

Volunteer bias

Who of the following would be most hostile to the idea that learning is not merely mechanical and responsive?


Which of the following pairs of psychologists are most likely to disagree?

Watson and Freud

Who was a founder of the school of functionalism?

William James

Tran is partially color-blind, as she only sees red and green. She explains to her friends that her doctor refers to her as

a dichromat.

A statement about behavior or mental processes that is testable through research is also known as

a hyposthesis

Which of the following refers to a time when a neuron does not allow sodium to pass through the neuronal membrane and as a result, is insensitive to messages from other neurons and does not fire?

a refractory period

during a medical exam, the nurse taps on Diego's knee with a small rubber mallet causing Diego's knee to jerk. Diego's response is an example of

a spinal reflex

Johnny Appleseed has forgotten where he planted his seeds. A decrease in which neurotransmitter may be responsible for his memory loss?


Which gland is responsible for the production of epinephrine?


Your friend Pippa tells you that she is red-green color blind. This means that she sees things in ________.

all colors except either red or green

Qin smashed his foot against a coffee table while talking through his apartment in the dark. His big toe was stubbed and his second toe was broken, but the pain signal was the same strength at first due to which principle?


Every time a neuron fires, it transmits and an impulse of the same strength. This occurrence is known as the _________.

all-or-none principle

Perry is very upset by a post made by a friend on social media. which part of Perry's brain is most likely to be highly active right now?


Which of the following describes the electrical impulse that provides the basis for the conduction of a neural impulse along an axon of a neuron?

an action potential

According to the psychoanalytic approach, a good majority of what influences our behavior is ________.

an emphasis on unconscious ideas and impulses that originate in childhood conflicts

Which structure of the ear directly transmits information to the "stirrup"?


Janine has just listened to a political speech, but she still wants to evaluate the evidence for the claims made in the speech for herself. Which aspect of critical thinking is Janine displaying?

be skeptical

Functionalism was influenced by Darwin's theory of evolution which _________________.

believed adaptive behavior patterns are learned and maintained.

When your instructor turns off the light in the classroom in order to make the PowerPoint slides easier to see, it may look like the projector suddenly got more powerful. You know that the appearance hasn't actually changed due to which concept?

brightness constancy

The brain and the spinal cord together make up which division of the nervous system?


The brain and the spinal cord make up which of these parts of the nervous system?

central nervous system

Raphael fainted and hit the back of his head, and now he walks unsteadily. Which part of his brain was most likely injured in the fall?


The oval window transmits vibrations into the inner ear, the bony tube called that ____________.


Psychologists with which of these perspectives primarily venture into the realm of mental processes such as sensation and perception, memory, intelligence, language, thought, and problem solving to understand human nature?


A psychologists who studies how we perceive and mentally represent the world, how we learn and remember, how we plan and solve problems, and how we use language is a

cognitive psychologist

Isha is going to see a movie but arrives late. By the time she walks in, the lights are already dimmed making it difficult to see. Which type of photoreceptors would be more sensitive to helping process vision in this setting?


Which of the following is a binocular depth cue?


Which of the following expresses the strength and direction (positive or negative) of the relationship between two variables?

correlation coefficient

Olive took part in an experiment to determine at what point a person would intervene to stop a bully. After the experiment, researchers explained their methods to Olive as part of

debriefing him

The loudness of a sound is expressed in _______________.

decibels (dB)

Which one of the following takes the form of a double helix and contains the genetic code of an organism?

deoxyribonucleic acid

In every experiment, what the researcher is trying to determine has changed or not is called the ________.

dependent variable

The ______________ refers to the smallest possible stimulus that can be detected half the time, or the minimum level of stimuli that we can detect.

difference threshold

Nearsightedness can result when the eyeball is elongated such that the images of ____________.

distant objects are focused in front of retina

Sigmund assumed from his case studies that everyone was repressing their feelings of homosexual attraction, a mistake in which aspect of critical thinking?

do not overgeneralize

Tunde has concluded that the only reason Jerry chooses bullying behaviors is due to his lack of dopamine. Which aspect of critical thinking has Tunde mistaken?

do not overgeneralize

Nicotine, alcohol, and many other drugs are pleasurable because they heighten levels of _____.


Derris is a research assistant in Dr. Smith's psychology lab. When the participant asked him what the conditions of the study were, Derris replied, "I do not know.' This is an example of a ________ study.


Why do the two lines in the Muller-Lyer illusion appear to be of different lengths even though they are the same length?

due to the principles of perceptual organization

What is the correct order of structures triggered in the ear by incoming sound waves?

eardrum, stirrup, hammer, cochlea

Specialized cells that are responsible for carrying information from the brain or spinal cord to the muscles and glands are called

efferent neurons

Ijeoma hurt her knee when she fell while learning a new snowboarding trick. She is already starting to feel better before taking pain killing medication due to her body releasing which morphine-like neurotransmitter?


According to the biological perspective of psychology, what interacts with inherited factors to determine specific behavior and mental processes?

environmental factors

Dre is working on a thesis on the changes in social behavior in the context of finding partners. An important part of his study concerns the various practices followed by males and females over the course of generations and how they have gradually transformed into our current social norms. Dre can be called a(n) ________ psychologist.


Neurons in the sensory cortex that fire in response to specific characteristics of sensory information such as lines or edges of objects are known as

feature detectors.

Which of the following psychologists might treat psychologically ill offenders, consult with attorneys on matters such as picking a jury, and analyze offenders' behavior and mental processes?

forensic psychologists

That the pitch of a sound is reflected in the rate of the neural impulses that are generated in response to the sound is the basic foundation of

frequency theory.

Structuralists tended to ask,"What are the pieces that make up thinking and experience?" In contrast, adherents to which perspective tended to ask, "How do behavior and mental processes help people adapt the requirements of their lives?"


Esteban finds that he is often very anxious and not at ease. Which of the following neurotransmitters might help him the most?

gamma-aminobutyric acid

Which one of these form a fatty substance called myelin?

glial cells

Erica is part of a research group that is studying a group of software executives. She is trying to determine the relationship between workplace stress and cancer. As part of the same study, she also advises her subjects on ways to counter workplace stress. Erica is most likely a ________.

health psychologist

Which of the following is most directly related to the endocrine system?


Which of the following perspectives stresses people's capacities for self-fulfillment and the central roles of consciousness, self-awareness, and decision making?


Psychologists with which perspective are most likely to explore how individuals find meaning in their lives and seek personal growth?


A participant's agreement to participate in research after receiving information about the purposes of the study and the nature of the treatments is referred to as ________.

informed consent

When Haasita participates in research conducted through a university, they are provided information about the purpose of the research and the nature of any treatment they might receive. They can then decide to opt out or agree to participate. This process is known as

informed consent

In Gestalt psychology, learning, especially problem solving, is accomplished primarily by __________.


Whenever we hear a loud, unexpected sound, we often have a startle response. The pattern of behavior that is triggered in this specific situation is called a __________.


Wilhelm Wundt used which method to try to discover the basic elements of experience?


Which structure in the front of the eye dilates and constricts to determine how much light will be allowed to get into the eye?


The blind spot ________.

is insensitive to visual stimulation

Despite being blind, Sanjay has never had a problem with performing day-to-day activities. He has been able to accurately judge the position and motion of his body parts, and thus, he is able to perform activities such as walking and eating quite normally. Which of the following senses is illustrated in the scenario?


Which structure adjusts or accommodates to an image by changing its thickness?


Which of the following is a group of structures involved in memory, motivation, and emotion that forms a fringe along the inner edge of the cerebrum?

limbic system

Regulation of heartbeat, blood pressure, movement, and respiration takes place in the __________________.


Emilia suffers from insomnia. When she went to see a doctor, she was told that her sleeplessness was caused by the deficiency of a particular hormone. The doctor then gave her sleeping pills containing the deficient hormone. Emilia has ________ deficiency.


Dr. Amazing was exposed to radiation in his laboratory and his skin has become thick and tough. The radiation apparently caused which of these?


Carlotta, who is 11 months old, is just starting to crawl and walk. Which of the following is heavily involved in this newfound ability?


Which method allows psychologists and other scientists to observe behavior where it happens, or "in the field?"

naturalistic observation

You have always wanted to know how your friend performs so well on her college exams. To find out how she studies, you decided to study with her for your next exam. This approach is most similar to _______________.

naturalistic observation

What is defined by heredity, and is based on biological structures and processes?


When Hyrum first started working in the poultry plant, he found the smell from the chickens to be overwhelming. However, he gradually became accustomed to the smell, and now it no longer bothers him. This scenario illustrates an instance of ________.

negative adaptation

Final exams are due soon, and Jan is feeling stressed due to her workload at school. As her stress level has increased, she has also experienced weight loss. The relationship between Jan's stress level and body weight is an example of a

negative correlation

In the ear, sensory receptors are located in which of the following structures?

organ of Corti

Angelica is pregnant and has just gone into labor her body is most likely flooded with


Marlea was startled when the cat pushed a glass onto the hardwood floor. After a few moments, their physiological functions had returned to normal. Which part of the nervous system helped their body recover and return to its usual, non-aroused state? Select all that apply.

parasympathetic, central

Which part of the nervous system that is involved with sensory and motor neurons?

peripheral nervous system

Allen was adopted at an early age by a Japanese American couple. As a result, he grew up speaking both Japanese and English fluently. In terms of genetics, this manifestation of Allen's ability to speak is an example of a(n) ________.


Allen was adopted at an early age by a Japanese-American couple. As a result, he grew up speaking both Japanese and English fluently. In terms of genetics, this manifestation of Allen's ability to speak is called__________.


If two sounds differ in frequency, they are perceived as different ________.


Which of these lies below the hypothalamus and is dubbed the "master gland?"

pituitary gland

Nathan is known to have moments of unnecessary drama when he behaves as if he is having a panic attack, even though he really isn't. During these moments, his friend friend Agador helps him to relax by giving him two tablets that Nathan thinks are real medication. In fact, they are just compressed baking soda that have no medicine in them. If Nathan feels better after taking the tablets, stating that they help him relax, the baking soda pills are acting as a(n) ________.


Traits such as sociability and aggressiveness are thought to be ________.


The bulge in the hindbrain that lies forward of the medulla and transmits information about body movement is called the ________________.


Which part of the hindbrain acts like a bridge and transmits information about body movements?


Which of the following is a complete group of interest to researchers from which a sample is drawn for an experiment?


Which of the following is a complete group of interest to researchers, from which a sample is drawn from an experiment?


Which part of the brain do some researchers consider to be the "executive center" of the brain, where decisions are made to keep information in working memory and to solve problems?

prefrontal cortex

In Gestalt psychology, the perceptual tendency to group together objects that are near one another is referred to as


On a bright, sunny day, Lavelle leaves his job in a darkened warehouse goes out into the street. Which structure in his eyes adjust due to the sudden increase in light?


Research that is undertaken primarily because the researcher is interested in a research topic is called_______.

pure research

Research that is undertaken solely because the researcher is interested in the topic is called

pure research

Each kind of neurotransmitter has a unique chemical structure, and each can fit into a specifically tailored harbor, also known as a ________.

receptor site

Neurotransmitters have a unique chemical structure and each can only fit into a specifically tailored harbor on the receiving cell. This area is known as a

receptor site

According to the trichromatic theory of color vision, what are the three types of color photoreceptors we have?

red, blue, and green

Dheng fell off his skateboard and hit his head, falling into a coma. Which part of his brain was most likely injured?

reticular formation

Kieran fell off his skateboard and hit his head, falling into a coma. Which part of his brain was most likely injured?

reticular formation

In which part of the eye are photoreceptors found?


The area of the inner surface of the eye that contains rods and cones is known as the


What is the correct order of the cells in the retina based on order of firing when receiving visual stimulation?

rods & cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells

A source of bias that may occur in research findings when participants are allowed to choose for themselves a certain treatment in a scientific study is called a ________.

selection factor

Marco initially was not bothered by his new nickname, however, after seeing it often through social media he became more sensitive to it. This process is known as ____________.


Exposure to very loud sounds can lead to damage of the auditory nerve or hair cells, resulting in__________.

sensorineural deafness

Tavish was so excited to see the ocean for the first time that he jumped right in. The water was very cold! After a few minutes though, Tavish didn't seem to notice how chilly the water was anymore. This is an example of ________.

sensory adaptation

Goran is a person struggling with alcohol addiction. Which neurotransmitter might be in deficit for him?


You approach the closed door of the classroom. As you open the door, the shape the door casts on your retina changes due to you viewing the door from a different angle. You know the door did not actually change from a rectangle to a trapezoid figure. This is because of ________.

shape constancy

Which theory considers the psychological factors that influence people and their sense of perception?

signal-detection theory

Yara is attending her high school pep rally. She walks into the gym and noticed there are a lot of people wearing purple shirt and others wearing green shirts. She assumes those individuals in the purple shirts must all be part of one collective group while the students in the green shirts are part of another group. Yara is using which principle of organization to deduce this?


The tendency to perceive an object as retaining the same dimensions even as the dimension of the object's retinal image change according to the object's distance is described as

size constancy.

Drew's thalamus was damaged by and illness. Which of Drew's senses would be unaffected?


Which of the following schools of thought hold that people can modify and create their own environments as a part of learning?

social cognitive

The gate theory of pain suggests that pain sensations are processed and can be limited through neurons located in the ________.


The gate theory of pain suggests that pain sensations are processed and can be limited through neurons located in the __________________.


A hypothesis is a ____________________.

statement about behavior or mental processes that is testable through research.

Veronica wants the people in her study to reflect the proportionate demographics of her country. What type of sample should she seek?


Which of these is the school of psychology that argues that the mind consists of three basic elements - sensations, feelings, and images - that combine to form experience


Which two early approaches are no longer followed by psychologists today?

structuralism and functionalism

People using which perspective were the first to believe that the mind functions by combining objective and subjective elements of experience?


Visual stimuli can be flashed too briefly, below our absolute threshold for conscious perception, to enable to process them. This is an example of ___________.

subliminal stimulation

One of the advantages of which method is that by distributing questionnaires and analyzing answers with a computer, psychologists can study many thousands of people at a time?


Which branch of the automatic nervous system that is most active during when you are scared?

sympathetic division

While returning from the grocery store, Bob was held a gunpoint by two men who wanted to rob him of his belongings. Bob had never been in a fight before, yet he could feel his heartbeat rapidly rise, along with a sudden urge to fight the two men. This involuntary increase in Bob's heartbeat and his immediate urge to fight the men are controlled by the ______________________.

sympathetic nervous system

The fluid-filled gap between two neurons through which neurotransmitters carry neural impulses is known as the ________.

synaptic cleft

When a neural impulse reaches the axon terminal of a neuron, the vesicles release varying amounts of neurotransmitters into the ________.

synaptic cleft

The ganzfeld procedure is used to study ___________.


The auditory cortex, which is responsible for processing information for the sense of hearing, is located in which lobe of the brain?


One of Jozka's favorite activities is listening to music. In psychology class, the instructor explained that sound is processed in an area called the

temporal lobe

Which midbrain structure acts as relay station for sensory information?


B.F.Skinner proposed

that organisms learn to behave in certain ways because their behavior has a positive outcome.

Kohler's pioneering work with chimpanzees revealed

that sometimes learning occur suddenly

The outer ear funnels sound directly to which structure?

the eardrum

Which of the following is contained in the middle ear?

the eardrum

In his lecture, Dr. Patel explained that conduction deafness occurs when

the eardrum or the bones connected to the eardrum cannot transmit sound.

Dr. Jamison is researching truth in advertising and wants to find out whether a brand of fertilizer actually produces a higher crop yield as the ad claims. Dr. Jamison conducts an experiment during which some of their plants are provided fertilizer while others are not. In this experiment, the fertilizer is

the independent variable

Which of the following proposes reasons for relationships among events and allows us to derive explanations and predictions?


Gemma is a person who is excitable, and she has a hard time gaining weight. Which of her glands is most likely malfunctioning?


Leslie feels tired and sluggish and has been gaining weight despite getting plenty of rest and eating well. Leslie's doctor has recommended blood work to check the function of the

thyroid gland

Which of the following is a function of the middle ear?

to funnel sound waves to the eardrum

A person with normal color vision is labeled a ______________.


Gremaine is a gymnast, and as he is flipping over the vault, which system will tell him as he begins to fall back to the pads beneath him?

vestibular sense

Jordan is a professional skydiver. During their freefall, they are able to automatically sense their body's position in relation to the earth's gravity without really having to look around them. This allows them to adjust their position appropriately during their fall to regulate their momentum. The sense that is illustrated in this scenario is the ________.

vestibular sense

The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that stimulates the eye and produces visual sensations is known as ____________.

visible light

When light signals are transduced from sensory receptors in the eyes and then sent to the occipital lobes of the brain, what should occur next?

visual perception

An error in research reflecting the prospect that people who offer to participate in research studies differ systematically from people who do not is known as__________.

volunteer bias

The frequency theory notes that for us to perceive lower pitches, _________.

we need to match the frequency of the sound waves with our neural impulses.

With additive color mixing, combining red, green, and blue lights will result in which color of light being produced?


The period during which a neuron is insensitive to messages from other neurons is referred to as which of the following?

Refractory period

The ways in which adaptation and natural selection are connected with mental processes and behavior is studied by which of the following?

Evolutionary psychologists

According to structuralists, maladaptive behavior patterns tend to drop out, and only the fittest behavior patterns survive.


Cochlear implants can assume the function of a damaged auditory nerve.


Dizygotic twins are formed when a zygote divides into two cells that share the same genetic code.


Humans only have five senses


Which of the following considers the potential harm of research methodology and weighs the potential benefits of research against the potential harm?

Ethics review committees

Which of the following statements is true about the different types of psychologists?

Clinical psychologists help clients resolve problems and change self-defeating behavior.

Akito is listening to the evening news with skepticism. He is evaluating the claims and comments of reporters before and after the program, and he seeks out additional evidence to examine. Akito is demonstrating which of the following?

Critical thinking

The physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes that occur throughout the lifespan are studied by which of the following?

Developmental psychologists

Which of the following techniques best helps reduce the impact of expectations in the evaluation of research results?

Double-blind study

Which of the following hormones stimulates labor and is connected with maternal behavior (cuddling and caring for young) in some mammals?


Which of the following statements highlights the relationship between dopamine and schizophrenia?

People with schizophrenia may have more receptor sites for dopamine in an area of the brain that is involved in emotional responding.

Which of the following is true of perception?

Perception is the process in which sensations are organized and interpreted.

Which of the following techniques creates an image of brain activity by tracing glucose usage?

Positron emission tomography

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