Intro to safety management

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a symptom

. A hazard is actually _____ of deeper root causes or system weaknesses.

Element 3

A System of Performance Measurement

Withholding injury reports

A reactive safety incentive program rewards employees for which of the following behaviors?


A workplace condition or practice that could cause an injury or illness to an employee is defined as a/an _____.


A(n) _____ is an event that results in an injury or illness.

lagging indicators

Accident rates and other measures over which the employer has little control are called _____.


According to Dan Petersen, management is first of all interested in how the safety professional's ideas relate to _____.

sheer numbers, quality

According to Deming, the responsibility of supervisors must be changed from _____ to _____.

To the extent that safety disappears as a separate function

According to Deming, to what extent should safety be integrated with quality?

More attention and higher quality equipment

According to Deming, what is a benefit when an employer develops a long-term relationship with one supplier?

Drive out fear in the workplace

According to Deming, what is the most important requirement when implementing a safety management system?

Improve process and product qualify/safety

According to Deming, which of the following is a basic principle of the "new philosophy"?

It needs to become a seamless part of the organization

According to Michael Topf, what must occur for any safety, health and environmental improvement process to be self-sustaining and successful?

How the message was sent establishes a different relationship

According to the Two Level Model, why may the response from someone receiving the same message be so different?

Element 2

Adequate Resources and Psychosocial Support


Annual Return on Investment (ROI) in Percent

Element 4

Application of Effective Consequences

Element 5

Appropriate Application of Consequences

confirm they have first fulfilled their own obligations

Before administering discipline, supervisors should first _____.

Element 6

Continuous Evaluation of the Accountability System

maximizing profits

Deming believed that the reasons for focusing on tomorrow's threats and opportunities included each of the following, EXCEPT _____.

effective consequences

Desired safety behaviors will occur with the application of _____.

closed-door policies

Each of the following is an important safety communication pathway EXCEPT _____.

Element 1

Formal Standards of Performance

They commit serious time and money on safety

How does management demonstrate commitment to safety?

500 percent

If an investment of $5,000 is needed to correct a hazard that is certain to cause an accident within one year, and the employer would realize a total cost of $25,000 to cover the accident, what would be the Return on Investment (ROI)?

Project superintendent tells employees to ignore safety rules

If justified, which of the following safety violations should result in the most severe consequence?

The learner can correctly restate each step

In Step 2 of the OJT procedure, how can the trainer know the learner has adequate knowledge of the steps in a procedure?

Ask permission and then do the step as the trainer watches

In Step 4 of the OJT process, what should the learner do when exposure to hazards inherent in the procedure could cause injury, illness or equipment damage?

content level

In the Two-Level Model, the first level of communications is called the _____ and describes "what" is sent.


In the tough-caring leadership model, communication is _____.

He is more likely to continue to wear fall protection

Jack's supervisor walked up to him and thanked him for wearing fall protection. What will Jack's behavior likely be in the future?

social obligation

Managers who perceive safety as a core corporate value are most likely to fulfill the company's _____.

Just plain luck

More than anything else, what does the severity of an injury depend on?


Payback Period in Months

Withholding injury reports

Reactive incentive programs that challenge departments to compete may foster which inappropriate safety behavior?

they create one winner and many losers

Recognition programs that reward an employee for being first, best, or most improved are less effective because _____.

five basic safety obligations to employees.



Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Relevant, and Timely.


Supervision, Training, Accountability, Resources, Support

mission statement, vision statement

The _____ tells everyone what you do. The _____ lets everyone know who you are.

5-R principle

The more Regularly you Recognize and Reward, the more Rarely you'll have to Reprimand.

system, blame

The purpose of an accident investigation is to fix the _____, not the _____.

identify the behavior and show appreciation

The secret to effective recognition is to _____.

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate criterion for consequences?

They always take the form of a reprimand

Explain the step and ask for permission to perform it

To protect the learner in Step 4 of the OJT procedure, what must the learner do before performing a step?


Training requirements may be found in each of the five OSHA industry standards EXCEPT _____.


Typically, the indirect costs of accidents average _____ the amount of direct costs.

Responding to co-worker concerns as soon as possible

What could potentially be your most important job as a safety committee representative?

Interviewing eyewitnesses

What is one of the most important techniques for gathering information during an accident investigation?

Emphasize the consequences

What is one of the most important ways to make sure safety education is effective?

Extinction of desired behaviors

What is the effect of ignoring desired behaviors in the workplace?

Secure the scene

What is the first thing that needs to happen before investigating an accident at work?

The "tone" of the message

What is the greatest influence on how a message is interpreted by the receiver?

They don't know why the rules are important

What is the most common reason workers fail to follow safety rules at work?

Hands-on demonstration and practice

What is the most effective training method to improve employee skills in performing hazardous tasks?

Analyze the hazards and exposures to determine safety precautions

What is the next step in the JHA process after identifying the hazards in each step?

Reduce employee stress

What is the primary purpose of psychosocial support in the workplace?

Employees eventually ignore them

What is the problem with having too many safety posters on the job site?

A "hierarchy of controls" strategy

What is used to keep the workplace safe and protect workers?


What process is used to overcome the weakness inherent in safety inspections?

Similar accidents will occur

What will happen if you fail to correct system weaknesses identified in an accident?

When they exist in a framework of strong tough-caring leadership

When do safety recognition programs work best?

It is never appropriate during the investigation process

When is it appropriate to discuss the question of discipline during the investigation?

If that person has control, authority, and ability to fulfill that responsibility

When should a person be held accountable for an assigned responsibility?

When they know why and how safety is important

When will employees most likely demonstrate personal safety leadership when working alone?

When management clearly understands the positive benefits

When will management's commitment to safety occur?

Engineering controls

Which of the following Hierarchy of Control methods controls hazards through design or redesign.

Surface causes

Which of the following cause categories represents unique conditions and individual unsafe behaviors?

Positive reinforcement

Which of the following consequence strategies most likely causes workers to perform far beyond minimum standards?

Who is at fault and resulting discipline

Which of the following determinations should NOT be part of the Accident Investigation Plan?

Leading indicators

Which of the following indicators should be the focus of analysis in the continuous improvement process?

Make decisions based on long-term systems improvement

Which of the following is a key principle of continuous improvement?

Making safety suggestions

Which of the following is a non-mandatory behavior that should be strongly encouraged by the employer?

Inadequate safety training plan

Which of the following is an example of a root cause system weakness?

A bonus

Which of the following is an example of an extrinsic reward?

The number of safety-trained employees

Which of the following is an upstream activity over which management has control?

Lower the number of serious accidents by 20% by the end of the year

Which of the following statements is written as an objective?

Proactive strategies

Which of the following strategies costs less in the long term and focuses on preventing accidents?

Include achievements in performance appraisals

Which of the following will increase overall participation in safety recognition programs?

To fulfill the company's legal obligation

Which of the following would be the primary motivation for a tough-coercive leadership approach?


Which of the three workplace hazard categories may ultimately be responsible for ALL accident in the workplace? a. Physical

The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA Cycle)

Which process did W. Edward Deming promote to improve manufacturing in Japan?

Regular safety inspections and Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

Which two procedures are commonly used to detect hazardous conditions?

All employees

Who should be educated on all safety policies and disciplinary procedures?


Whose job is it to create a successful transformation in continuous improvement?

To control losses

Why are tough-controlling leaders tough on safety?

They do not have the physical resources and psychosocial support

Why don't workers achieve the kind of results that are expected of them at work?

Inspections only uncover hazardous conditions

Why is the safety inspection process ineffective in uncovering the causes for most accidents?

Benefits may not be immediate and tangible

Why might management give safety training less support and commitment than it deserves?

He or she can't supervise a procedure if not trained on the procedure

Why should a supervisor have adequate knowledge and skills on the procedures his or her employees perform?

Fix the safety management system

You're a new safety manager at XYZ, Inc. If you see a lack of management commitment, what should be your first priority?

held accountable

Your performance is measured and consequences are applied by the employer when you are _____.

Contributing surface causes

_____ can occur anytime, by any person in the organization, and at any location.


expected or obliged to account for or answer to; involving obligation or duties. Responsibility - able to account for or answer to.

Negative Punishment

occurs when a worker's behavior or performance results in the removal a perceived positive consequence.

Positive Punishment

occurs when a worker's safety behavior or performance results in a perceived negative consequence that serves to decrease the probability of that behavior in the future.


responsible; liable; legally bound or subject to giving an account (or explanation), answerable. Accountability - able to give account or answer to.

Positive Reinforcement

the use of consequence strategies that attempt to increase the frequency of desired behaviors through positive recognition and/or reward.

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