Intro to Web Design

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What are the different status codes?

- 200: OK - 301: Moved permanently - 302: Found - 200: Not Modified - 301: Forbidden - 302: Not found - 200: Internal server error

What are common HTML tags

- <h>: Heading - <p>: Paragraph - <em>: Emphasis - <strong>: Bolded - <img>: Image -<a>: Link

What are the different HTTP request methods?

- GET: requests representation of specified resource. - HEAD: requests response identical to GET but without the response body. - POST: requests the web server to accept the message body enclosed in the request as a new resource. - PUT: requests the web server to accept the message body enclosed in the request as a modification of an existing resource. - DELETE: requests the server to delete the existing resource

What are the characteristics of IOT?

- Gather info using sensors - Share sensor data to control systems - Interact with hardware to execute commands sent by control systems

What should developers consider on mobile webpages?

- Screen size - Load speed - Device speed - Data cost - Battery life - Interface

What are common CSS properties?

- background-color: background color - font-family: elements text - font-size: elements text size - padding: spacing between elements content and border - margin: spacing around element

What documents do functions use?

.getElementbyId("IdName"), searches the entire HTMl doc an returns an element by that Id name.

What are the steps in an HTTPS transaction

1. Browser requests an HTTPS connection to a web page. 2. Web server sends digital certificate to the browser. 3. The browser and web server initiate a "TLS handshake". 4. The browser and web server transmit encrypted info

What are an HTTP request and response composed of?

1. Status line- specifies HTTP version being used and includes status code. 2. Zero or more header fields- A keyword followed by a colon and a value. Supply's additional info about the request/response. 3. Empty line 4. Optional body message- contains data being transferred between a browser and server.

What are the 3 things involved in the web?

1. Text files, AKA HTML files, contains links to other files. 2. Browsers, to view HTML files. 3. Set of rules, AKA HTTP protocol, for transferring HTML files among computers

What's the status code for a web page that isn't found?


What is the basic structure of a web page?

<html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <h1>HTML</h1> <p> HTML is hypertext. markup language </p> </body </html>

What does a web browser do?

A program that uses HTML to understand the structure and semantics, or meaning of the HTML doc.

What is a URL composed of?

A scheme, hostname, and path

What is the important of web accessibility on websites?

Allows people with disabilities to access pages

How do computers communicate with each other?

By sending packets of info back and forth. The packets contain to and from IP addresses, info to communicate, and other config. info.

How does a browser perform a DNS lookup?

By sending the domain name to the local DNS and retrieving the IP address of the web server hosting the domain name.

How do routers and computers exchange info?

By transmitting packets of data back and forth

What is FTP?

File transfer protocol. Used for moving data between computers.

What's the different levels of domain names?

First level is .com(commercial) Second level is .net(for networking/internet-focused companies) Third level is .org(for non-profit organizations) Fourth level is .edu(for colleges/schools) and .gov(for U.S. gov)

What is HTML used for?

For semantics and hierarchical structure(ex. basic functions of a website)

What is an example of an IP address?

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the language used to create all websites.

What's the difference between IPv4 and IPv6?

IPv4 contains a 32-bit address, IPv6 contains a 128-bit address.

What will happen if a filename is not specified in a URL?

If no filename is provided, the server will access a default file

What's an example of an If-else statement?


What does a web browser do before http communication?

It extracts the domain name from the URL being accessed and performs a DNS lookup.

What does https do?

It's a secure network connection scheme that encrypts web traffic, allowing users to safely submit sensitive info

Can a server return a page if it's down?


Do people interact with IOT directly?

No, they interact with IOT via control devices using apps or web pages

Are computers servers?

No, they're clients. They request info from a server

What is wireframing?

The basic visual presentation elements of a website

What's the process of a browser cache?

The browser requests a cached web resource and then uses an ETag to aid in caching web resources.

What's the difference between the web and the internet?

The internet is the interconnection of computers communicating using a set of rules, the web is just one particular use of the internet.

What can URLs specify?

The location of subfolders and files

What was the HTML living standard?

The standard that HTML would look and act the same way in most web browsers.

What are the reasons a webpage stops working?

The web server could be turned on and off, or undergoing maintenance, or malfunction

What does a browser use IP addresses for?

To establish TCP connection with the web browser and communicate with http.

What protocol does HTTPS use to encrypt data between a browser and web server?

Transport Layer Security

What is CSS used for?

Used for presentation and style of a website(ex.text style, image style, font type)

What is JavaScript used for?

Used to add behaviors to a website(ex. web forms)

What is browser caching?

Used to store requested content

Should web pages work equally well for all common browsers?


Is HTML, CSS, and Javascript used altogether to create a website?

Yes, they all need to work together to create a functioning site.

What is a Javascript function?

a named group of statements that can be run by referring to that name

What do variables store?

a value of link to an element of a web page

What do you need for a function to work?

by setting attributes

What can be used to add color to code?

by using pre-defined names such as blue, or an rgb value like (50, 100, 255)

What does an Id do?

identifies an HTML element so that JavaScript can manipulate that element

What can browser caching do?

reduce network traffic required to display previously visited pages.

What are tags surrounded by?

tags are descripting names that are surrounded by < and > to display content.

Where should CSS styles be placed within?

the <style> tags.

What is the IOT ?

the collection of devices that can communicate over the Internet with each other or with a control console in order to affect and monitor the real world. IoT devices might be labeled as smart devices or smart home equipment.

What is cognitive computing?

use of AI techniques and access to vast amount of data to stimulate human problem solving in complex situations. Via ambiguity, changing data, etc.

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