Myth is understood by the academic field of religious studies as
A powerful account of sacred truth
A general feature of modernity is its tendency to
Deny the authority of tradition and the past
Rudolf Otto's The Idea of the Holy
Describes the encounter with "the Holy" as "numinous"
The nineteenth-century scholar who is generally regarded as the founder of the modern field of religious studies is
Friedrich Max Müller
According to the lecture, what is the value of using the "family resemblances" model for identifying a religion?
It allows for a balance of flexibility (to be able to encompass a large number of religions) and precision (to be able to say something they have in common)
The Protestant theologian whose definition of religion connects it to focus on a "man's spiritual life" and refers to it as the "ultimate concern" is
Paul Tillich
A primary concern regarding a sound academic approach to the study of world religions involves the fact that it arose within an intellectual culture that
Tended to take for granted that Christianity was a model of what religion ought to be. (Ignored the relevance of religion as an important factor in molding society) - was argued by a classmate that this answer was correct and points were given
We refer to a religion as theistic when
The divine is thought of as God or as gods