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Speaking in a common language refers to?

(a.)Using terminology that is familiar across professions.

health worker

- "A person who's primary intent is to enhance health" - promotes & preserves health, diagnoses & treats disease, performs health management & supports workers, as well as others who contribute to the overall health/wellness of a person or group of people - Professionals who provide DIRECT health care

What are the 3 areas of potential areas of communication breakdowns in group communication?

- Factual / inference confusion - Overgeneralization - Polarizing language

What are ways that Interprofessional Teams improved practice?

- Increasing evidence that high-performing teams are essential to health care delivery - clinicians and leaders should actively work together to coordinate care and engage in evidence-based decision making - essential that interprofessional health care teams learn how to use each team member skills, share case management activities, and work in collaboration.

What are the 4 components of nonverbal communication?

- Proxemics _ Kinesthetics - Facial expression & eye behavior - Paralinguistics

What terms can patients be negatively affected based on the lack of collaboration among health care professionals?

- Receiving duplicative services - Experiencing lapses in services/failures to obtain needed services - receiving care guided through conflicting care plans - obtaining additional care that might not have been necessary

What are the factors to consider when selecting Team Members?

- Size of the team -Task demands - The variety of skills and expertise needed - Various disciplines/occupational diversity leads to stronger teams - Nature of the clinical problem - Need for creativity and innovation - Level of commitment - Desire to collaborate

What are the barriers to Communication?

- Team members availability to meet - members have distinct professional culture - turf wars amongst disciplines - Some Team member believe they do not share project responsibility - Power differentials in perceived status

IPEC Competency Domains include:

- Team roles and responsibilities - Communication - Values and Ethics - Teamwork and team practice

Dispersed Teams require:

- Time to ensure that all team members become proficient with the technology - Resources to ensure all team members have access to the chosen technology - Ways to establish quick trust among team members

What are the Interprofessional Communication Competencies?

- choosing effective commun. techniques - speaking in a common language - listening & encouraging team members to participate -providing timely feedback - Valuing the experience & expertise each team member brings to the table

What are Enablers of IPE & IPCP?

- leadership - max of resources to solve complex problems - institutional support - shared vision - mentoring & learning - "enabling built enviroment"

Why is Interprofessional Evidence-Based Practice challenging?

- occurs w/in discipline-specific course work - Variability across disciplines about pervious education each member received about EBP - EBP stops at making recommendations based on the research, rather than going further to change the practice

What are Barriers of IPE & IPCP?

- professional cultures promoting silos or stereotypes - use of different language & terminology - accreditors - a required prescribed curriculum

Communication between interprofessional Team Members include:

-Comfortable with overlapping professional roles -Experienced in using both formal and informal communication -Share problem solving on behalf of the patient -Used inclusive language to promote the continual sharing of information

Communication between Multidisciplinary teams include:

-Work within their particular scope of practice -Work in parallel -Interact formally with each other -Drew information from each other, but did seek a common understanding of the patient

What are the 3 factors of Triple Aim Initiative?

1. Better care of the patients 2. Better health for the population 3. reducing the per capita cost of health care

What are the 2 ways to choose effective communication tools?

1. Face-to-Face 2. Dispersed Teams (teams do no meet fact-to-face)

Kirkpatrick Model 4 Levels include:

1. Reaction 2. Learning 3. Behavior 4. Results

What are the EXPANDED Competencies of IPP?

1. Reaffirms the value & impact of the core competencies & subcompetencies 2. Organizes teh competencies under a single domain of IP collaboration 3. Broadens the IP competencies to better achieve the 3 factors of Triple Aim Inititave

What 3 things do Dispersed Teams include?

1. Synchronous (interacting in real time) 2. Asynchronous (team members commun. w/in own time frames) 3. Combination of Synchronous & Asynchronous

What are the 4 Major concepts foundational to an interprofessional EBP team framework?

1. Unique and complimentary expertise 2. Team skills 3. Interdependence 4. Mutual Accountability

What is the purpose of Interprofessional Practice?

1. achieve improved health outcomes 2. client satisfaction 3. reduced health care costs

what are the two types of skilled based errors?

1. action based (slips) 2. memory based (lapses)

what are the two types of rule based errors?

1. good rules not applied/misapplied 2. bad rules

what are the two types of mistakes?

1. knowledge based errors 2. Rule based errors

what are the 4 competencies of IPP?

1. values/ethics for IPP 2. roles/responsibilities 3. Interprofessional Communication 4. teams & teamwork

What are the 3 Multi-team system that supports an interprofessional EBP program?

1.Administrative Team 2. Coordnating Team 3. Core Team

The speech chain consist of how many steps ?


Mehrabian suggests that only ______ % of the speakers message is communicated by the words used .


What is a Interprofessional Evidence-Based Practice Team?

A group of individuals from various disciplines who have unique and complementary expertise important to the interprofessional EBP process

What are the 2 categories/mechanisms that shape how IPE is delivered?

Educator and Curricular mechanisms

T/F: Verbal communication is the most important part of the communication process?

False: Nonverbal communication

Pt, Social worker, Nurse. Are all examples of which disciplinary?


Core Team consist of?

Interprofessional EBP project teams who work together to answer important practice questions, using EBP

Who developed the Interprofessional Team Competencies?

Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) (2011)

_____________ ____________ is commposed of people from different disciplines & each member brings to the table a variety of best practices, scopes of practice, & territorial issues.

Interprofessional teams

director, patient, OT tech, OTA. Are all examples of which disciplinary?


Speech Chain: What happens in the 1st step?

Nuerological; takes the form of ideas the speaker wishes to communicate to the listener

An Occupational Therapist who does not check the patient's medical history before applying a hot pack for shoulder pain is an example of?

Rule-based Error

The ___________ _________ is used to explain the act of communication between individuals?

Speech Chain

What does WHO stand for?

World Health Organization

What did World Health Organization develop?

a Framework for Action in Interprofessional Education & Collaborative practice?

(MPE) Multiprofessional Education

a group of students (or workers) in health-related fields, with different EDUCATIONAL backgrounds, learn together during certain periods of their education.

there is no plan; unexpected & undesired event is considered___________?


Speech chain: What happens in the 5th step?

acoustic waves reach the eardrum

You know client needs 1lb weight but you pick up the 10lb weight and tell them to start with the exercise. Is an ex of which skilled based error?

action based

Interprofessional Teaming blends which 2 skills?

affective & cognitive

Proxemics is defined as ?

concern with the use of space for communication.

This is an example of Interprofessional ________________? ex: you(student), Dr. Davis, & Dr. Gaddy come together,


there is a plan but you (OT) fail to carry it out/complete plan; Then use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim is considered_____________?


According to WHO, what is the goal of IPE?

establish a collaborative practice-ready health workforce

This is an ex. of what? -rolling your eyes during a team meeting because you do not like the team member that is talking

facial expression & eye behavior


group of experts within one health care discipline/field *within our own OT profession*

any type of injury especially one that is deliberately inflicted is considered _________?


What is Triple Aim Initiative?

improve health systems performance through team collaboration among multiple health disciplines

What is the purpose of Quadruple Aim?

integrate the providers satisfaction as an equal element in the optimization of health systems

This is an ex. of what? - Crossed arms during a meeting convey that a team member is closed off to discussion. OR - Crossing legs when seating/standing - Tapping/drumming fingers


The Therapist demonstrated the exercise wrong. This is an ex of which mistake?

knowledge based

You did not know the PT worked with client yesterday and stated client complained of arm hurting with 10lb weight and you the OT did not know that so you give client 10 lb. Is an ex of which skilled based error?

memory based

Errors in planning action;THE PLAN WAS THERE BUT YOU MISSED IT. This is considered which type of ERROR?


Doing exercises with a client everyday as a routine but skipping exercise's one day which decreases client range of motion. Is an example of which ERROR?


what are the two types of errors?

mistakes and skilled-based

Speech chain: What happens in the 3rd step?

motor cortex is activated; neurological impulses are sent to the appropriate muscles for Speech, Respiration, and Limbs

(IPCP) Interprofessional Collaborative Practice

multiple health workers from different PROFESSIONAL backgrounds, who work together with patients, families, caregivers, & communities to delivery highest quality of care.

High-contect cultures rely heavily on ____________ communication with a focus on relationship building.


Sharing information w/out using words to encode messages is defined as __________________ Communication?


A significant part of understanding a verbal message is the information being carried by __________________?

nonverbal communication


occurs when Interprofessional team members assume that everyone understands what is being said

Listeners us _____________ features to identify syllable stress & word, phrase & sentence boundaries of connected speech.


health and education systems

people and actions whose primary intent is to promote, restore, or maintain health and facilitate learning respectively

(IPEC) Interprofessional Education Collaborative

preparation of practioner's & students to "work in a collaborative practice model"

Coordinating Team consist of?

program coordinators and team mentors who work to meet the needs of specific teams

Administrative Team consist of?

program sponsors and coordinators who develop the program and provide overall direction

This is an example of what? the seating arrangements for meetings or how close someone stands when talking to another person


The Therapist disregards the rules and skips one of the clients exercise. This is an ex of which mistake?

rule based


several different fields who work together toward a common goal. *outside of our OT profession*

What happens in the 6th step?

signal has reached the acoustic nerve----- Brain detects sound ----- Brain interperts the sound as speech & processes it fro meaning

Giving a client a 10 lb weight instead of a 1 lb weight. Is an ex of which ERROR?

skilled based

. A patient who falls after attempting to reach the bedside commode which is placed out of reach is what type of error category?


Errors in executing correctly-planned actions ;THERE WAS A PLAN BUT THE PLAN WAS NOT COMPLETED CORRECTLY. This is considered which type of ERROR?


Collaborative practice-ready health workforce

staff work together to provide comprehensive services in a wide range of health-care settings

Speech Chain: What happens in the 2nd step?

subconscious; Exact words are selected & arranged in grammatical order

What is the one type of action based error?

technical errors

error in technical approach on how to rehab the client. Is an ex of which action based error?

technical errors

Facial expression & eye behavior indicate what?

the emotional state of both listeners & speakers

What is the diff. between Triple Aim Initiative & Quadruple Aim?

the experience of the practicioner or health care provider

What is a Action-based error?

the performance of an action that was not what was intended.

What does Paralinguistics include?

the speakers pitch, volume, & junctures

T/F: Being very clear of care plans & making sure rotations are being done within healthcare professionals is essential?


T/F: Communication with other health care professionals is essential?


T/F: Error or Accident = HARM?


T/F:A challenge to IPP can be contributed to variability across disciplines in the previous education each member has received about EBP.


What is Kinethetics consist of?

using body language & gestures to communicate messages.

Speech chain: What happens in the 4th step?

vocal-fold vibration & oral-mechanism movement resulting in Speech

(IPE) Interprofessional education

when 2 or more professions learn about, from each other, to enable effective collaboration & improve health outcomes

Low-context cultures tend to rely on _________________ communication with rule-governed interactions & data-driven decision making.


What is a Rule-based mistake?

you DISREGARD the rules

What is a knowledge based mistake?

you do not know the knowledge.

What is a Memory based error?

you forgot

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