IRC Building Code

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Ventilation openings in under-floor spaces are not required where the ground is covered with a continuous ____ vapor retarder and the joints overlap at least ____ inches.

Class I 6 R408.3 Unvented crawl space

Final inspection shall be made after the permitted work is ____ and prior to ____.

Complete Occupancy R109.1.6 Final inspection.

In two-story buildings located in Seismic Design Category D2, all braced wall panels shall be supported on ____ foundations.

Continuous R602.10.9.1 Braced wall panel support for Seismic.

The seismic provisions of the IRC apply to detached one- and two-family dwellings in Seismic Design Categories ____.

D0, D1 and D2 R301.2.2 Seismic provisions.

Protection of wood and wood based products from ___ shall be provided by the use of naturally durable wood or wood that is preservative treated.

Decay R317.1 Location required

A wall supporting any vertical load in addition to its own weight is a ____ -____ wall.

Load-bearing R202 Definitions.

The purpose of this code is to establish ___ requirements to safeguard the public safety, health and general welfare.

Minimum R101.3 Intent.

Where equipment replacements and repairs must be performed in an emergency situation, the permit application shall be submitted within the ___ ____ business day.

Next working (to the building official) R105.2.1 Emergency repairs.

Stone or masonry veneer above openings shall be supported on lintels of ___ materials.

Noncombustible R703.7.3 Lintels.

Flanges and lips of load-bearing cold-formed steel floor framing members shall not be cut or ____.

Notched R505.3.5

Wall bracing Method PFG (Portal frame at garage door openings) is limited to walls supporting ____ ____ and a _____.

One story Roof (This method is also limited to Seismic Design Categories A, B and C. R602.10.6.3 Method PFG: Portal frame at garage door openings in Seismic Design Categories A, B and C.

In flood hazard areas, enclosed areas below the design flood elevation shall be used sole for: 1._____ 2._____ 3._____

Parking of vehicles Building access or Storage R322.3.5 Enclosed areas below design flood elevation.

In Seismic Design Categories Do, D1 and D2, foundations with stem walls shall be provided with a minimum of one No. ___ bar within 12 inches of the top of the wall and one No. ___ bar located 3 to 4 inches from the bottom of the footing.

#4 #4 R403.1.3.1 Foundations with stemwalls

Web holes in steel wall studs shall not exceed ____ inches in width or ____ inches in length.

1 1/2 in. 4 1/2 in. (see figure R603.2.5.1) R603.2.5.1 Web holes.

Dwelling Units in two-family dwellings shall be separated from each other by wall and/or floor assemblies having not less than ___-hour fire resistive rating.

1 hour R302.3 Two family dwellings

When using W1.7 wire ties with hooks, stone or masonry veneer shall be separated from the sheathing by an air space of a minimum of ____ inch but not more than ____ inches.

1 in. 4 1/2 in. R703.7.4 Tie attachment and Air Space Requirements.

The minimum net area of ventilation openings shall be not less than ____ square foot for each ___ square feet of under-floor space.

1 sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. R408.1 Ventilation

The ends of each floor joist, beam or girder shall have not less than ____ inches of bearing on wood or metal and not less than ____ inches on masonry or concrete.

1.5 in. 3 in. (except where supported on a 1 inch by 4 inch ribbon strip and nailed to the adjacent stud or by the use of approved joist hangers. This is the same for rafters and ceiling joists. R502.6 Bearing

Attic ventilation openings shall have a dimension of ____ inch minimum to ____ inch maximum openings.

1/16 in. 1/4 in. R806.1 Ventilation required.

Open web truss or I-Joist floor assemblies require a ____-inch gypsum wallboard membrane, ____-inch wood structural panel membrane, or the equivalent on the underside.

1/2 gypsum 5/8 wood R501.3 Fire protection of floors

Garages shall be separated from residences and attics by not less than ____-inch gypsum board or equivalent applied to the garage side.

1/2 in. R302.6 Dwelling/Garage separation.

Enclosed accessible space under stairs shall have walls, under-stair surface and any soffits protected on the enclosed side with ____ -gypsum board.

1/2 in. R302.7 Under-stair protection.

The connection between a deck ledger and a 2-inch nominal lumber band joist shall be constructed with ____-inch lag screws or bolts with washers.

1/2 in. (In accordance with Table R507.2. See figures R507.2.1(1) and R507.2.1(2) R507.2 Deck ledger connection to band joist.

Foundation anchor bolts shall be at least ___ inch in diameter and shall extend a minimum of ___ inches into the concrete or grouted cells of concrete masonry units.

1/2 in. 7 in. R403.1.6 Foundation anchorage

Notches in solid lumber joists, rafters and beams shall not exceed ____ of the depth, shall not be longer than ____ of the depth, and shall not be located in the middle ____ of the span.

1/6 in. 1/3 in. 1/3 in. R502.8.1 Sawn lumber.

In combustible construction, where there is usable space both above and below a floor/ceiling assembly, draft stops shall be installed so that the area of the concealed space does not exceed ____ square feet.

1000 sq. ft. (Draft-stopping shall divide the concealed space into approximately equal areas. R302.12 Draft-stopping

Hot water is water at a temperature greater than or equal to ____ F.

110 F (Review and be familiar with all of the definitions in Chapter 2, it will help taking the exam) R202 Definitions (Definition of hot water).

The wind provisions of the IRC do not apply to the design of buildings where the basic wind speed equals or exceeds ____ miles per hour.

110 mph. R301.2.1.1 Wind limitations and wind design required.

Use of water-resistant gypsum backing board shall be permitted to be used on ceilings where framing spacing does not exceed ____ inches on center for 1/2 inch thick gypsum board.

12 in. (Or 16 inches for 5/8 inch think gypsum board.) R702.3.8 Water-resistant gypsum backing board.

All exterior footings shall be placed at least ___ inches below the undisturbed ground surface.

12 in. (Where applicable, the dept of footings shall also conform to R403.1.4.1 - R403.1.4.2) R403.1.4 Minimum length

Roof drip edge shall be mechanically fastened to the roof deck at a maximum of ____ inches on center with minimum end laps of ____ inches.

12 in. 2 in. R905.2.8.5 Drip edge.

Wood wall framing supporting 3/8 inch gypsum board shall not be spaced more than ____ inches on center.

16 in. (Review the tables an diagrams in this chapter.) R702.3.5 Minimum Thickness and Application of...

The minimum required floor access opening to all under-floor spaces shall be ____ inches by ____ inches.

18 inches by 24 inches. R408.4 Access

An application for a permit for any proposed work shall be deemed to have been abandoned ____ days after date of filing.

180 days (180 days also applies to extensions) R105.3.2 Time limitation of application.

The top surface of footings shall be level. The bottom surface of footings shall not have a slope exceeding ____ unit vertical in ____ units horizontal.

1:10 R403.1.5 Slope

Wood shingles shall be attached to the roof with ____ fasteners per shingle.

2 (Positioned no more than 3/4 inches from each ege and no more than 1 inch above the exposure line) R905.7.5 Application.

For a water resistant barrier on an exterior wall, felt shall be applied horizontally with the upper layer lapped over the lower layer not less than ____ inches.

2 in. R703.2 Water-resistive barrier.

Wood sill plates shall be a minimum of ____-inch by ____-inch nominal lumber.

2-inch by 4-inch R404.3 Wood sill plates

The studs used in wood foundation walls shall be ____-inch by ____-inch members.

2-inch by 6-inch R404.2.2 Stud size

Unattached decks not exceeding ____ square feet in area, that are not more than ____ inches above grade do no require a permit.

200 sq ft. 30 in. (Provided the decks do not serve the exit door required by Section R311.4) R105.2 Work exempt from permit. Building #10.

A permit is not required for one-story detached accessory structures used as a too and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed ____ square feet.

200 sq. ft. R105.2 Work exempt from permit #1.

Attic access rough-framed openings shall not be less than ____ inches by ____ inches.

22 in. by 30 in. (And shall be located in a hallway or other readily accessible location). R807.1 Attic access.

In cold-formed steel framing, floor cantilevers for the top floor of a two- or three-story building or the first floor of a one-story buidling shall not exceed ____.

24 in. R505.3.6 Floor cantilevers

For wood stud walls, end joints in top plates shall be offset at least ____ inches.

24 in. R602.3.2 Top plate

Any wood stud in an exterior wall or bearing partition may be cut or notched to a depth not exceeding ____ percent of its width.

25% R602.6 Drilling and notching studs #1

For wood shake roofs valley flashing shall not be less than No. ____ gauge corrosion-resistant sheet metal.

26 ga. (And shall extend at least 11 inches from the centerline each way. Sections of flashing shall have an end lap of not less than 4 inches.) R905.8.8 Valley flashing.

For dwellings with fire sprinkler systems, exterior walls with a fire separation distance less than ___ feet shall have not less than a one-hour fire-resistive rating with exposure from the outside.

3 ft. (In accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263) R302.1(2) Exterior Walls - Dwellings with fire sprinklers.

Wood shakes shall only be used on slopes of ____ units vertical in ____ units horizontal or greater.

3 in 12 (25% slope) R905.8.2 Deck slope.

Except for Type IC luminaires, thermal insulation shall not be installed above a recessed luminaire or within ____ inches of the recessed luminaire's enclosure.

3 in. (Except for type IC luminaires.) E4004.9 Recessed luminaire installation.

An accessory structure is not greater than ____ square feet in floor area, and not over ____ stories in height.

3,000 sq. ft. Two (The use is customarily accessory to and incidental to that of the dwelling(s) and the accessory structure is located on the same lot.) R202 Definitions.

Concrete slab-on-ground floors shall be a minimum of ____ inches thick.

3.5 in. R506.1 General

Weepholes in masonry veneer shall not be less than ___ inch in diameter with a maximum spacing of ___ on center.

3/16 in. 33 in. R703.7.6 Weepholes

Load-bearing cold-formed steel studs shall be located in-line with joists, trusses and rafters with a maximum tolerance of ____ inch between the centerline of the horizontal and vertical framing members.

3/4 in. R603.1.2 In-line framing.

Where the roof sheathing is less than ____ inch thick, the fasteners for asphalt shingles shall penetrate through the sheathing.

3/4 in. R905.2.5 Fasteners.

What is the minimum uniformly distributed live load for habitable attics and attics served with fixed stairs?

30 psf. R301.5 Minimum Uniformly Distributed Live Loads.

Asphalt shingles shall be secured to the roof with not less than ____ fasteners per strip shingle or ____ fasteners per individual shingle.

4 2 (or the minimum required by the manufacturer) R905.2.6 Attachment.

Collar ties shall be a minimum of 1-inch by 4-inch, spaced not more than ____ feet on center.

4 ft. R802.3.1 Ceiling joists and rafter connections.

Exterior wood frame walls shall be offset not more than ___ feet from the designated braced wall line location.

4 ft. (See figure R602.10.1.1) R602.10.1.2 Offsets along a braced wall line.

When the header joist span does not exceed ____ feet, the header joist may be a single member the same size as the floor joist.

4 ft. (When the header joist span exceeds 4 feet the trimmer joists and header joists shall be doubled) R502.10 Framing of openings

For townhouse separation, a parapet is not required when the roof sheathing is fire-retardant-treated wood for a distance of ___ feet on each side of the wall and there are no penetrations in the roof within ___ feet of the wall.

4 ft. 4 ft. R302.2.2 Parapets. Exception.

The tension side of floor joist members ___ inches or greater in nominal thickness shall not be notched except at the ends of the members.

4 in. R502.8.1 Sawn lumber

Address number shall be a minimum of ___ inches high with a minimum stroke of ____inch.

4 in. 1/2 in. R319.1 Address numbers

At the intersection of asphalt shingles with a vertical sidewall, flashing shall be a minimum of _____ inches in height and ____ inches in width.

4 in. 4 in. R905.2.8.3 Sidewall flashing.

Hollow masonry piers shall be capped with ____ inches of solid masonry or concrete or a masonry cap block.

4 in. As an alternative, the cavities of of the top course must be filled with concrete or grout. R404.1.9.1

Wood studs in non bearing partitions may be notched to a depth not exceeding ____ percent of a single stud width.

40% R602.6 Drilling and notching studs #1

Stone and masonry veneer installed over a backing of wood or cold-formed steel shall be limited to the first story above grade and shall not exceed ____ inches in thickness.

5 in. R703.7 Stone and masonry veneer, general.

When joists, trusses or rafters are spaced more than 16 inches on center and the bearing studs below are spaced 24 inches on center, such members shall bear within ____ inches of the studs beneath.

5 in. (Read 3 exceptions in this section) R602.3.3 Bearing studs

Wood sill plates shall be anchored to the foundation with anchor bolts spaced a maximum of ____ feet on center.

6 ft. R403.1.6 Foundation anchorage

In areas where the probability of termite infestation is "very heavy", the clearance between foam plastics installed above grade and exposed earth shall be at least ____ inches.

6 in. R318.4 Foam plastic protection

Solid masonry walls of one-story dwellings and garages shall not be less than ____ inches in thickness when not greater than 9 feet in height.

6 in. (Provided that when gable construction is used, an additional 6 feet is permitted to the peak of the gable) R606.2.1 Minimum thickness.

The grade away from foundation walls shall fall a minimum of ___ inches within the first ____ feet.

6 in. 10 ft. (Read exception) R401.3 Drainage

The provisions of Section R505 Steel Floor Framing shall control the construction of cold-formed steel floor framing for building not greater than ____ feet in length perpendicular to the joist span.

60 ft. (Read this section for more applicability limits). R505.1.1 Applicability limits

Fences that are ____ feet or less in height do not require permits.

7 ft. R105.2 Work exempt from permit. Building #2.

Wood structural panels with a minimum thickness of ____ inch and maximum span of ____ feet shall be permitted for opening protection in wind-borne debris regions.

7/16 in. 8 (Limited to one and two-story buildings) R301.2.1.2

The minimum thickness of masonry bearing walls more than one story high shall be ____ inches.

8 in. R606.2.1 Minimum thickness.

Isolated hollow masonry piers shall have a minimum nominal thickness of ____ inches.

8 in. R404.1.9 Isolated masonry piers.

In order to use the simplified wall bracing methods, the building must be located where the basic wind speed is less than or equal to ____ mph.

90 R602.12 Simplified wall bracing.

Signifies access that requires the removal of an access panel or similar removable obstruction.

Accessible (Readily Accessible signifies access without the necessity for removing a panel or similar obstruction. Know the difference.) R202 Definitions.

Grout shall not be pumped through ____ pipes.

Aluminum R609.1.4.1 Grout pumped through aluminum pipes.

Before issuing a permit, the building official is ____ to examine or cause to be examined buildings, structures and sites for which an application has been filed.

Authorized R105.9 Preliminary inspection.

Perforated foundation drains shall be surrounded with an approved ____ ____.

Filter membrane (or the filter membrane shall cover the washed gravel or crushed rock covering the drain) R405.1 Concrete or masonry foundations

If located in a flood hazard area, the documentation of elevations required in Section R322.1.10 shall be submitted to the building official prior to the ____ inspection.

Final R109.1.6.1 Elevation documentation.

A finished or unfinished area, not considered a story, where the occupiable space is enclosed by the roof assembly above and the floor-ceiling assembly below is a ____.

Habitable attic R202 Definitions.

Where a referenced code or standard includes subject matter that is within the scope of the IRC, the provisions of the ____ shall take precedence.

IRC R102.4.2 Provisions in referenced codes and standards.

Compliance with the specific ____-based provisions of the International Codes in lieu of specific requirements of the IRC shall be permitted as an alternate.

Performance R104.11 Alternative materials, design and methods of construction and equipment.

Braced wall panels shall be constructed with intermittent bracing methods, or the continuous sheathing methods. Mixing of bracing methods shall be ____.

Permitted (Review the mixing of methods in this section) R602.10.4.1 Mixing methods.

Unfaced fiberglass batt insulation is ____ to be used for fireblocking.

Permitted (When it fills the entire cross section of the wall cavity to a minimum height of 16" measured vertically. R302.11.1.2 Unfaced fiberglass.

When the building official issues a permit, the construction documents shall be approved in writing or by a stamps which states ____ ____ ____ ____.

REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE R106.3.1 Approval of construction documents.

A thermal barrier is not required for foam plastic insulation in an attic that is entered only for purposes of ____ or ____.

Repairs or maintenance R316.5.3 Attics

Where, in any specific case, different sections of this code specify different materials, methods of construction or other requirements, the most ___ shall govern.

Restrictive R102.1 General.

In Seismic Design Categories D0, D1, and D2, _____ stone masonry walls shall not be used.

Rubble R404.1.1.1 Masonry foundation walls.

An alternative material or method shall be approved where the proposed design is ___ and complies with the ____ of the code.

Satisfactory Intent R104.11 Alternative materials, design and methods of construction and equipment.

Doors between the garage residence shall be quipped with a ____ ____.

Self-closing device R302.5.1 Opening protection.

Openings from a private garage directly into a room use for ____ ___ shall not be permitted.

Sleeping purposes R302.5.1 Opening protection.

Steel studs and other structural members shall not be ___.

Spliced (Tracks can be spliced in accordance with Figure R603.3.5) R603.3.5 Splicing.

Foam plastic shall be separated from the interior of a building by an approved ____ ____ of minimum ____- inch gypsum wallboard.

Thermal barrier 1/2 in. R316.4 Thermal barrier

A permit is not required is not required for the replacement of branch circuit overcurrent devices (breakers) of the required capacity in the same location (within a panel).

True R105.2 Work exempt from permit. Electrical #3.

The provisions for structural insulated panel walls are limited to buildings not greater than ___ stories in height with each wall not greater than ____ feet high.

Two 10 (These provisions are also limited to Seismic Design Categories A, B and C.) R613.2 Applicability limits.

In cold-formed steel framing king, jack and cripple studs shall be of the same dimension and thickness as the adjacent ____ studs.

Wall R603.7 Jack and King studs.

Braced wall lines greater than 16 feet shall have a minimum of ____ braced wall panels.

two R602.10.2.3 Minimum number of braced wall panels.

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