Islam and Christianity in Dialogue Midterm

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"Guidance" in Islamic

In the Qur'an on Jesus

"a word from God," "a spirit from God." Both terms used to refer to Jesus, the only person this is said about ever. Asserts Jesus' humanity but says he will sit close to God in heaven


Drinking water from Zamzam well, Hagar's prayers answered


Belief and personal experience → personal belief of ideas and religion, living life of love and obedience toward God. Is something that God gives to us and is inherent to us.


Calvinists believe that you are not allowed to make your own choices, you are predestined to go to heaven or hell, God knows this already


Christian idea - people have a responsibility to God and he has one towards them. Islam - people and God are separate, though God seeks a relationship with humans by sending guidance.


Is a blessing power, a kind of continuity of spiritual presence and revelation that begins with God and flows through that and those closest to God. Baraka can be found within physical objects, places, and people, as chosen by God.


Is an Arabic term referring to the full-body ritual purification mandatory before the performance of various rituals and prayers


Is an ancient manuscript that is basically a book, plural is codices. Collection of scrolls put together


Is anything that brings you away from God

God willing/insha' Allah

Is different in meaning, if God is willing more of an expression


Is intentional unbelief or disbelief of God


Is the Islamic procedure for cleansing parts of the body, a type of ritual purification, or ablution


Is the declaration of faith, There is no God but God and Muhammad is his prophet


Is the first chapter of the Quran


Is the stairs/podiums that Immans leads the prayer from


Leader of Islam


Location of Ashura


Lodge that served as community centers, could live in one full time or remain in day job in community as an affiliate member


Looking to see that Jesus and Mohammad are credible, possible, figures for their time

Doctrinal reading

Looks at the bible as a unified story with single overarching message. Main concern is building a coherent system of doctrine based on biblical texts. Inherent risks of giving equal weight to obscure passages vs. broad message of scripture and of turning poetic images into theological propositions

Safa and Marwa (sa'y)

Running between the hills of Safa and Marwa, imitation of Hagar's search for water


Renunciation of worldly concerns in favor of pursuit of love of God. Whirling dervishes


The process of becoming a saint. During life they must have been recognized as filled with spiritual joy, strictly obedient to the Chruch and demonstrate "heroic virtue." Must be associated with miracles after death, Beatification, twice. Devotion is courtesy and veneration- not worship


Unforgivable sin in Islam, attributing oneself to being like God or God


Uniqueness of the text


United or oneness of God


Usually translated as "verse" or "sign." Divisions within surahs (chapters) of the Quran. Also used within Quranic texts to refer to evidence of God in nature, miracles confirming truth of prophetic message, revealed messages in general, or a fundamental point within a surah.

Venial vs. mortal sins

Venial sins are sins that can be forgiven by God, mortal sins you are screwed


Version of the bible in Judaism, has law, prophets, writing, 24 books


Viewed by Muslims as a sacred experience, allows the Divine to pass through Speaker

Jalal al-Din Rumi

Was a 13th-century Persian poet, faqih, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic originally from Greater Khorasan


We do not know when he became a prophet? Was it at birth, was it on the mountain when he first received God's message?

Pseudonymous authorship

We don't know who wrote the texts. Number of biblical texts ascribe authorship to a particular individual, for example in psalms but this was a later tradition. Some texts directly claim authorship as an integral part of the doc, not uncommon in the ancient world


What is his mission? He saved a lot of people and did Cool Things.

Nature of human beings

What is our nature? Who knows? Are we sinful? Full of grace?


What you do and your actions based on a belief


What you practice and believe based on a belief


When did Jesus become divine is a big question. Is it from conception? We really aren't sure, the Gospel tells us it's when he started his ministry. The Infancy Gospel has stories of Childhood Jesus doing some big things

Last Supper

Where Jesus performed the miracle of turning the bread and wine into this body and blood, he gave it to his disciples


Where you go once you die if you have lived a life of faith and good works and have worshipped God


The pilgrimage to Mecca, shows the devotion of Muslims to Mohammed, they journey to Mecca to see the kaaba, etc.

10 Commandments

1-3 had to do with God, they are primary, 4-6 have to do with interactions with others, 7-10 are all similar (don't be jealous)

The Four Sources of Knowledge

1. Revelation - Is the most important type of knowledge, direct communication from God 2. Tradition - How the church has always done things, past understandings of revelation and faith 3. Reason - think Aquinas - examination and evaluation of opinions of others 4. Experience - empirical knowing, rather than speculative or theoretical

3 Things Known Only to God

1. When we will die 2. What the outcome of Judgment Day will be 3. Where we will spend eternity

Council of Nicaea

325, gathering of bishops to solidify belief and product was the Nicene Creed

Canon Law

A set of ordinances and regulations made by ecclesiastical authority, for the government of a Christian organization or church and its members.


Almsgiving, every year Muslims are asked to donate 2.5% of their wealth, not just their income but you are supposed to put other things into consideration like your house, etc. and you give this money to the poor, sometimes even the poor will give to others


A very religious Muslim who practices and dedicates entire life to becoming God-like - mystic. Mystical tradition


Abrogation, revocation, repeal. Theoretical tool used to resolve contradictions in Quranic verses, hadith literature, tafsir (Quranic exegesis), and usul al-fiqh (roots of law), whereby later verses (or reports or decisions) abrogate earlier ones. Based on Quranic verse ( 2:106 ) according to which God occasionally replaces older verses with better ones. Basically, newer verses have more power and can remove or change the laws based on the older verses


Accounts of Muhammad's sayings and deeds passed down through memorization and oral tradition. 10s of thousands of hadiths covering a wide range of topics. Some hadiths are considered "weak" because of a weak chain of transmission or suspect content.


Act of Submission

Liturgical calendar

Advent - 4 Sundays before Christmas Christmas - December 25 - celebration of Christ's birth Epiphany - Jan. 6, Christ comes to all Lent - 40 days before Easter, beginning with Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday - Beginning of lent Palm Sunday - Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem Triduum - 3 days of waiting for Easter Maundy Thursday - Commemoration of Last Supper Good Friday/God's Friday - Jesus' crucifixion and death Tenebrae - Takes place during Triduum Easter - Jesus rises from the dead Ascension - Jesus ascends into heaven Pentecost - Coming of the Holy Spirit, birthday of the Church All Hallows Eve - October 31 All Saints Day - November 1


An official teaching or belief of a worship community


Ancient Greek translations of the Hebrew Bible, begun in the fourth and third centuries BCE


As both state of mind and simple clothing, re-enactment of moments in life of Abraham/Ibrahim


Association of someone or something other than God with God


Attention to the language, grammatical structure, and meaning, removing cultural accretions to and interpretations of the text, i.e. patriarchy


Bad Things Are Evil

Free will

Being able to make your own choices and decisions

Virgin conception and birth

Believed by both Muslims and Christians


Biographical literature about Muhammad, but they are not contemporary to his life

Biography vs. hagiography

Biography is the history of his life. Hagiography is intended to teach specific meaning about his life and has theological implications

Individual Time for Christianity and Islam

Birth Death Existence in the grave (or elsewhere) while awaiting resurrection Events of the day of resurrection, including Judgment Day Final consignment to either Heaven or Hell Eternity

"Lost Books"

Books that did not get included in the Bible. Ex. Gospel of Thomas, Infancy Gospel I and II. These are books that were denied from being part of the bible and provide alternate stories/more info about things not included in the bible.


Branch of theology that looks at the nature and relation of being (nature of God, nature of human beings and how they relate to each other)


Bridge between human and divine, search for truth, parameters about thinking about the Divine/divine world. Search for truth, quest for knowledge of Divine and Divine will.


Church tradition is made up of three different levels of traditions: 1. Divine: Anything having to do with Jesus 2. Apostolic: Apostles knew each other and Jesus directly 3. Ecclesiastical: Church development historically used along with scripture as source for Canon Law

Circumambulation (tawaf)

Circling the Kaab


Consideration of the order of revelations, the examination of revelations in order to determine what is intended to be universal vs. particular


Corporeal, imaginative, and intellectual. Church is responsible for interpreting them. People experiencing visions tend to be unlikely candidates. Message of visions tends to focus on repentance, reparation prayer

Collective Time for Christianity and Islam

Creation Signs of the Hour Events of the day of resurrection, including Judgment Day Judgment day- Preceded by signs, both cosmic and moral, signaling the arrival of the Hour, followed by the absolute destruction of the earth Final consignment to either Heaven or Hell Eternity


Da Rules, for Christians (Fairly Oddparents Reference hehe). Summary of Church doctrine, typically in the form of questions and answers.

10 Muharram

Date of Ashura


Declaration or statement of faith


Devotional ritual

Pre-history of Bible

Earliest known writing resembling a biblical text found in 600 BC. The Dead Sea Scrolls include about 225 recognizable biblical manuscripts. Early New Testament manuscripts typically written on papyrus. Were recorded on scrolls then on papyri, over time the scrolls were collected in authoritative books called codices, enable a collection of larger quantities of material in a single place. Then text families, recognizable by particular features and the repetition of accidental variants

"Son of God"

Expression of trinity, affirmation of proximity to God, Peacemaker


Faith in God through Jesus Christ as lived in the human context

3 Christian theological virtues

Faith, hope, love

Eid al-Adha

Feat of the Sacrifice


Final events of human history


For a person who completes the hajj, honorific term

Liturgy of the Word

Forgiveness and preparation


Friday prayer, where Muslims gather at a mosque for the noon prayer

Uthmanic codex

From 644-656, four copies and original distributed to all major cities of Islamic civilization. Challenge of 7 accepted yet contending recitations. Most prominent is reading of Asim popularized in 1924 royal Egyptian edition. One master codex, four copies made and distributed to Mecca, Kufa, Basra, and Damascus with one remaining in Uthman's hands

Rabia al-Adawiyya

From Iraq, Islam's greatest women mystic, made significant contributions to Sufism, introduced concept of selfless love to Sufism. Second spotless Mary. Concepts of repentance, patience, poverty, and love


Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. The books about law


God can and will forgive those who confess their sins as long as they are not eternal sins. Shows the mercy of God

Allahu Akbar

God is great, the saying that starts of every prayer and cycle of prostration that Muslims do


God is merciful - he is compassionate and kind and forgiving. We should be too.

Divine attributes

God is said to have the following three attributes: 1. Omnipotence: All powerful 2. Omniscience: All knowing 3. Omnibenevolence: All loving


God's anointed one who comes to save the world


God's free offer of favor and forgiveness to sinners

Suicide in Islam

Hadith - person who commits suicide will spend the rest of eternity reliving the act of suicide in hell. Suicide considered very serious sin, claiming God's power over life and death for oneself, has negative impact on the community. Quran talks extensively about facing hardships and trials in this life what matters is not what happens to you but how you choose to respond to it. Although it is considered a grave sin, Muslims recognize reality of psychological issues, those left behind should pray for mercy or forgiveness for the person. Suicide is not the same as kufr (unbelief). Judgement remains in God's hands, not ours. If God wishes to forgive it, God will. Making sincere du'a ( prayer of petition) for a person who has committed suicide may help to facilitate God's forgiveness

"Son of Man"

He is still human, even though he is also divine, Saint

"Seal of the prophets"

He is the last prophet

Masoretic text

Hebrew language. Already evident among some Dead Sea Scrolls, thus some books are in their final form by 100 BCE

External sources

Helps us to create ideas and pictures of the lives of Jesus and Mohammed, it is a confirmation of other people, places or events

Liturgy of the Eucharist



Holy Book of Islam, the words were spoken to Muhammad from 610-632 by angel Gabriel, one author over the persons lifetimes, ongoing to write down, intended to be a living text, final perfect complete revelation, confirmation and correction of prior revelation, provide guidance and inspiration


How are the scriptures in conversation with each other?


How theme is addressed throughout the text, and the importance of theme compared to other issues


Human attempt to institutionalize faith. Set of beliefs, rituals, values and experiences that formulate a worldview or philosophy of life, centered on an Ultimate Reality, and involving a relationship with the sacred or holy, matter of both belief and actions based on belief. Product of human reasoning, attempts to provide order and structure.


Idea that one day you will be resurrected and brought back from the dead to life like Jesus


In the Quran the guiding behavior towards other people. Muamalat are acts involving interaction and exchange among people such as sales and sureties. In muamalat, however, there is considerably more room to develop and change the law to facilitate human interaction and promote justice. There is disagreement among Muslim jurists on whether certain legal acts, such as marriage or divorce, fall under the category of muamalat or ibadat.


In the Quran, is the universal guide for behavior toward God through acts of worship. Includes the pillars of Islam. Striving to live in the path of God and the condition of purity (taharah) required for worship and Quran recitation. Serve central importance to Muslim community, the ibadat form the first subject matter of Islamic law theory and most collections of prophetic traditions (hadith).


Inspiration, particularly the divine inspiration of the Quran and other scriptures. Islam teaches that God periodically reveals His will, providing precise information to guide human affairs and to lead to a happy afterlife. Wahy is the direct transmission of the specific words of revelation (not simply the ideas) through prophets.


Interpreting and engaging with Scripture, going into the text and letting them speak to us, not looking at specific questions, which has a bias


Invocation, prayer of supplication or request

Humanity vs. divinity

Islam says that Jesus is human, the Bible pushes that he is divine. A Big Theological Question.

Creator vs. created

Islamic idea - we are created and he is our creator - cannot be the same. God is eternal we are finite.


Islamic law, a series of rules and regulations derived by human beings in order to implement Shariah, subject to change over time


Jesus is God incarnate (in the flesh) so it is one way in which he can be like us. Christianity only.


Jesus is a miracle worker


Jesus represents the core of the Christian faith and debate. Is considered to be DIVINE, God's son.

Signs of the Hour

Judgement Day - final day, certain signs that this day is coming


Makes up 10% of Muslim population, believes in bloodline of the prophet. Believe that only Muhammad's male descendants are rightful leaders (Imams) after Muhammad's death and that they serve as both political and spiritual leaders whose interpretations of scripture are infallible and constitute an additional source of scripture


Makes up 90% of the population of Muslims. Those who believe that leadership (caliphs) after Muhammad's death is political in authority, no prophets, revelations, or infallible interpretations after Muhammad.


Matthew, Mark, and Luke are the Synoptic Gospels, John is the "Cosmic"

Meccan vs. Medinan verses

Meccan verses are more focused on big picture cosmic ideals, morals, universal message, use signs of natural world to point to God. Medinan verses are all about community and policy, specific and regulatory, establishment and organization of society, legal matters, civil society, collective security, etc.


Moments of grace via lifetime: Roman Catholics - 7 sacraments: baptism, Eucharist, confirmation, penance, marriage, Holy Orders, and Last Rites/Anointing of the sick Protestants - 2 sacraments: baptism and Holy Communion Baptism: In orthodox traditions, the baby is baptized at infancy, others like protestants do not do baptism until adulthood, 13+, it is an expression of grace, allows God to be

Arbitrator vs. military leader

Muhammad was a gifted arbitrator, yet attention tends to be given toward status as military leader. He got all of the tribes to agree to send one person to each hold the stone and put it back in the Kaaba. He was way more of a political figure than Jesus was


Muhammad's "example"


Must be applied universally without any context at all, some say you can use context but you cannot use it to override the original text

Natural evil vs. culpable evil

Natural evil is like tsunamis and toothaches - they are bad things that do not result from the intentions or negligence of the moral actor. Culpable evil is evil that people commit.


Not one of the 5 pillars, means struggle or striving. Inner jihad or struggle within oneself to live a righteous life. Outer jihad in defense of Muslim community, but can be done with heart, words, charity, etc. Does not involve violence. Defensive only, no offensive, activity permitted


Only ones that deals with the idea of Jesus and his teachings. Matthew, Mark, and Luke, share a decent amount of the same stories, sometimes same wording even.

Oral vs. written tradition

Oral tradition is less precise


Oral tradition to scrolls to book, it is the Holy Book in Catholicism, history of God's people and God's interactions, share the Gospels/good news, didactic purpose. Multiple authors shaped and reshaped traditions as they handed the down. Texts tend to bring together material from multiple sources into one book. Texts redacted over time and space into books of the Bible as we know them today


Outside questions that one brings to the Scripture to find answers

Parochial vs. Votive Mass

Parochial mass follows the Church calendar, while Votive masses have special intentions


Part of how we make God more relatable since we cannot understand his infinite nature, We assign him more human traits even though we aren't quite sure they apply to him.


Peace, equals the purpose of the submission


Person engaging in act of submission


Person, nature, and role of Christ. Kingdom of David, expectation as a political figure, seeking to restore his Kingdom.


Prayer, praying five times a day facing Mecca


Praying to a saint to ask God for help on behalf of you. Ex. Praying to Saint Anthony to help find lost stuff.


Protestant term for a group of books written primarily by ancient Jews that were not included in the Hebrew Bible; Catholics term these books the deuterocanon.


Qibla is the thing that points in the direction of Mecca

Eucharist/Holy Communion

Receiving the body and blood of Christ, happens during every Mass for Catholics, Protestants it happens less often


Recitation of the Quran that uses longer phrases and gentle rhymes to convey loving and forgiving messages


Recitation of the Quran that uses short syllables and consonants to convey commands from God


The Islamic call to prayer


Sacrifice of offering your life to God, both terms in both religions mean to witness, it is due via injustice and oppression, in early tradition, anyone who died in the faith was a martyr, now that is changing. Different from suicide, offering your life to God as ultimate sacrifice in struggle against perceived evil or injustice. True martyrdom due to fighting injustice and oppression, not marrying a maiden of paradise or committing suicide. Main benefit of martyrdom is supposed to be instant access to paradise. Psychological difference between suicide and martyrdom, desperation in life not worth living vs. valuing life but sacrificing it for greater good. Suicide bombers claim to be "self-designated martyrs"

Hildegard of Bingen

Saint Hildegard and the Sibyl of the Rhine, was a German Benedictine abbess, writer, composer, philosopher, Christian mystic, visionary, and polymath. She is one of the best-known composers of sacred monophony, as well as the most-recorded in modern history. Priests and other members of the church consulted her

Perpetua and Felicity

Saints that were both young mothers, one a slave, they were asked to renounce their faith but they did not. Sent to be killed by a cow but then they didn't die so gladiators killed them


Saying that God is the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit → analogy from class is Love, Lover, and the love between them.


School or order of Sufism


Seal of the prophets → he is the last one (seal). The perfect man, perfect example of living the Quran's teachings but strictly human NOT divine, example for Muslims to follow

Devotional reading

Searches for ongoing guidance and meaning, including topical or thematic studies such as grace or sin, studies particular books or passages


Set order for formal worship, combining ordinary things (same every week) and proper things (change every week)


Shia commemoration of martrydom of Muhammad's grandson Husayn, and his folowers in Karbala Iraq. Comparable to the Passion of Christ in terms of active participation in suffering. Communal event of mourning. Collective expiation for collective sin. Taziyeh as oldest-known form of Islamic drama - play of commemoration of events in the life of Husayn

Plain of Arafat

Spend the night in the plain of Arafat


Statements//stories about the prophet Muhammad. Passed down the generations and then put into a codex

Tafsir vs. tawil

Tafsir is exegesis, commentary of Quran, typically accompanies translation to explain word choices and particularly complex phrases. Tawil - interpretation or allegorical interpretation, quest for esoteric, mystical, or deeper meaning, looking for specific kinds of meaning

Suicide in Christianity

Taking ones own life, strictly forbidden in both traditions. RCC today defines suicide as uncoerced, intentional self-killing not to be confused with self-sacrifice, such as defense of unjustly attacked person, delivering health care to infectious sick, or witnessing to faith in persecution. Health care - ordinary vs extraordinary means of treatment. RCC upholds the sanctity of life, sovereignty of God, human stewardship and prohibition against killing. CCC 2282 specifies that a mortal sin must be an objective action undertaken by a person with form intellect who gives full consent to act. Degree of culpability depends on the state of mind. Therefore, while death via suicide is a mortal sin, we should pray for those who have committed suicide, only God can judge how responsible we are for our actions


Taking out or removing certain parts of a book or story

Historical-critical methodology

Tendency to treat the text atomistically? Breaking it into small pieces that share a viewpoint, author or time period. Types of criticism: Source - where it came from Form - genre, template the scripture was formed from Historical reconstruction - what were the cultural norms for writers/audience at the time Redaction criticism - where the text is clearly reworked, what does that show us about the time period Textual criticism - what is the best base text Ideological criticism - what can a modern lens show readers


Term used when hajj is done outside of the assigned time, doesn't count as Hajj


Text appears to be talking about individuals but "everyone," fulfills purpose of explaining things the way they are, parables to make ethical, moral, offerings of spiritual insight


The act of moving the entire body during Muslim prayer, standing, to kneeling, to laying forehead on the ground


The act of praising, adoring, revering or honoring God (music, prayer)


The area of the mosque that is in the center, decorated and carved out and holds the qibla

Nicene Creed

The beliefs of Christians and they are central to the faith within Christianity, has the statement of belief in the Trinity (father, son, Holy Spirit), required and live simultaneously.


The city in Saudia Arabia were the prophet was born, all Muslims prayer toward Mecca, it is also the destination of the hajj which all Muslims are required to do once in their lifetime if they are able-bodied


The concept of a person taking action to correct previous wrongdoing on their part, either through direct action to undo the consequences of that act, equivalent action to do good for others, or some other expression of feelings of remorse


The first five books of the bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Or Book of Moses/Samaritan Pentateuch. Hebrew language in Samaritan alphabet, just the Pentateuch (other texts not considered). 6,000 plus differences from the Masoretic Text, mostly minor spelling and grammar but some were significant

5 Pillars

The five things that all Muslims must do to in order to be a Muslim, essential to the faith. Shahadah, salah, Zakat 2.5% of total wealth annually, hajj, fasting during Ramadan or fitr


The holiest thing in Islam, the black box in the middle of Mecca, everyone gathers around it during the Hajj, represents Mohammad


The idea that communion actually turns into Christ, consubstantiation is that the bread and wine remain, but God/Jesus is present

Original Sin

The idea that you are born with some sort of sin and baptism is what cleanses you of this sin

Eid al-Fitr

The last day of Ramadan, the celebration where everyone gathers to break the fast for the last time


The last of the rightly-guided caliphs, they say he was related to the prophet Muhammad and therefore Shias use his bloodline


The leaders of Islam, kinda like high priests. Shias are waiting for the occultation of the 12th Imam


The month where all Muslims fast from sunup to sun down


The name for the chapters in the Quran, there are 114


The official list of books that comprise the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.


The religious law that is in Islam. Islamic legal values and objectives contained in Divine Revelation, remains constant over time, including protection of life, property, security, and religion


The selfless, unconditional love that is the highest form of love out of the six


Theology of how do we know when the world is going to end?


Theology of salvation


There is unnatural and natural death, natural death comes from old age, unnatural is accidents, young people dying, tragedies, etc.

Rightly-Guided Caliph

There were four rightly-guided caliphs that took over Islam after the death of Muhammad and these are agreed upon

Memories vs. justifications or refutations

Things in the Bible and Lost Books could be memories of things from his life OR used as justification for his divinity/connection to God/how cool he was. Writing about the miracles he performed as a child could be actual memories, or people could have written them as justification for how he grew up and became who he was.


Those who are sinners, considered to be unbelievers go to Hell after death


Three different names for the same one God. Elohim is an old Hebrew name. Allah is his Arabic name. God is, ya know, God.


Three ways, look at the way it was revealed, the way in which people live today, and the surrounding context of the verse in questions


Title of honor or affirmation of Jesus' closeness to God


Traditional practice or ceremony with symbolic or spiritual meaning (rosemary, Hajj)

White martyrdom vs. red martyrdom

White is becoming saintly and 'dead to the world.' Red is death by bloodshed

Historical figure vs. legacy

Who they were during their time period is very different from who they have become in the eyes of Christians and Muslims

Saint vs. saint

Witness to God's ongoing action in history through miracles. Exemplify certain values, patron saints for specific things. Hierarchy of heaven - Saints are close to God. In the Roman Catholic tradition, Saints have to go through the canonization process to become Saints. Must have spiritual joy, heroic virtue, obedient to the church. Associated with a miracle after death → beatification, is blessed. Go through the process a second time, then become Saint. In most other protestant denominations, saints are just anyone who is a Christian.

Important Islamic Names for God

al-Rahman: The most merciful al-Rahim: The most compassionate

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