Isys 2263 final

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What are the benefits of prototyping process?


A virus is a distinct program that can run unaided


A well-designed system can survive an improperly-executed implementation.


By creating a logical model, the various computer hardware components of a system can be incorporated, analyzed, and understood.


Moonlighting is an Internet abuse where an employee is paid by outsiders for allowing them to use the company's Internet services for free.


Outsourcing is usually not an option for smaller businesses.


Spyware is annoying, but generally no threat to your privacy.


Using office resources, such as networks and computers, to search for side jobs is generally not considered workplace Internet abuse.


Briefly describe and contrast fault tolerant systems and disaster recovery methods.

Fault-Tolerant Systems: providing backup components in case of system failure Disaster Recovery- getting a system running again after a disaster

What does the term "change management" refers to?

Managing organizational change

What is main difference between active and passive forms of end users resistance?

Passive: not attending technology-training classes, refusing to supply knowledge for the system during the implementation process, ignoring requests for feedback put change requirements at the late stages of system development project Active: sabotage, oral defamation, and data tempering


The science and technology emphasizing the safety, comfort, and ease of use of human-operated machines such as computers

Identify and give examples of the different underlying factors of end users resistance.

Status Quo Bias Rational Decision Making: Cost vs Benefits Cognitive Misperception (Loss Aversion: losses loom larger than gain in value perception) Psychological Commitment: suck costs, need for control, social norms pertaining to change

Identify and give examples of the different stages in the system development life cycle.

Systems Investigation- determine how to address opportunities and priorities, conduct feasibility study, develop project management plan Systems Analysis- analyze the info needs of employees, customers, and other business stakeholders, develop functional requirements, develop logical models of current system Systems Design- develop specifications for the hardware, software, people, network, and data resources, and the information products that will satisfy the functional requirements of the proposed IS, develop logical models of new system Systems implementation- acquire(develop) hardware and software, test system and train people to operate and use it, convert to the new business system, manage the effects of system changes on end users Systems Maintenance- use a post implementation review process to monitor, evaluate, and modify the business system as needed

What is the difference between tangible and intangible costs (benefits) associated with IS implementation? Give examples.

Tangible Costs/Benefits- can be calculated/quantified (hardware, software, increase in payroll) Intangible Benefits- hard to calculate (customer approval)

A sniffer is a program that covertly searches individual packets of data as they pass through the Internet, capturing passwords or content.


Strategic use of an outsourcing approach to IS/IT functions can result in business growth without increased overhead.


The application development capabilities built into a variety of software packages have made it easier for many users to develop their own computer-based solutions.


User interface design is frequently a prototyping process with end user input.


How to manage (reduce) end users potential resistance?

Technology: enterprise architecture, supplier partnership, outsourcing Process: ownership, design, change control, support processes People: change leaders, aligning on conditions of satisfaction, recruitment, retention

System testing

Testing and debugging, checking whether all the hardware and software work properly together as a whole

One of the keys to solving the problem of end user resistance to new information technologies is keeping them isolated from the process until the technology is ready to go live.



A hardware or software gatekeeper that keeps unauthorized transmissions out of a system

System development life cycle

A multistep, iterative process to designing systems, very popular, 5 phases: Investigation, Analysis, Design, Implementation, and Maintenance

Give examples of IS implementation activities.

Acquisition of Hardware, Software, and Services Software Development or Modification Data Conversion End-User Training Conversion

Describe the role assumed by IT professional in end-user development.

Act as consultants while user do their own application development


Act of sending extremely critical, derogatory, and often-vulgar e-mail messages or electronic bulletin board postings to other users on the Internet

Briefly explain the difference between "adware" and "spyware"?

Adware-allows internet advertisers to display ads without the consent of the user(banners and pop up ads) Spyware-uses the network connection without the user's knowledge or permission, collects and distributes information about the user(name, address, social security)

Implementing a new e-business application, such as customer relationship management might involve:

Allof the choice are correct

End-user development

Application development capabilities built into many end-user software packages have made it easier for user to develop their own business applications

Human resources feasibility

Assess the degree of approval/resistance to the new system

Identify the top five factors for vendor selections.

Commitment to quality Price References/reputation Flexible contract terms Scope of resources


Comprises gaining unauthorized access to and use of a computer system, electronic breaking and entering

List and contrast different types of system maintenance activities.

Corrective- fix errors Adaptive- adding new functionality Perfective- improve performance Preventative- reduce chances of future system failure

What is the outcome of logical analysis?

Create logical models the current system, WHAT the system does without regard to HOW

System conversion strategies

Cutting over the new system: Direct, Parallel, Pilot, and Phased (modular)

Technically feasibility

Degree to which current technical resources can be applied to the new system

Identify the managerial objectives in IS implementation.

Deliver according to specifications Deliver on time Deliver within budget

Identify and contrast different system conversion strategies.

Direct- simplest but most dangerous, turn off old system and turn on new one Parallel- most expensive but safest, run both systems until everyone is satisfied, then turn off old system Pilot- let only a selct few users use the new system until they are happy, then implement the new system for everyone; best user representation can be selected for trials Phase(modular)- gradual conversion one module at a time, combines best of both direct and modular while minimizing risks

Identify different types of security defenses.

Encryption Firewalls E-mail monitoring Security codes Backup files Security monitors Biometric security

System analysis

Evaluating an organization's information needs in order to specify the requirements for an application intended to meet the information needs of end users

Economic feasibility

Extent to which the proposed system will provide positive economic benefits to the org

Give examples of unauthorized use of IT at work.

General e-mail buses: harassments, chain letters Unauthorized usage and access: sharing passwords and access w/out permission Copyright infringement/plagiarism: using illegal or pirated software, copying of web sites Newsgroup Postings: posting of messages on various non-work-related topics(sex to lawn care) Pornography Leisure use of internet: social networking Moonlighting: using office resource (networks) for personal business

Disaster recovery methods

Getting a system running again after a disaster(methods for ensuring recovery)

Feasibility studies

Identify needs, resources, costs, and benefits


Indiscriminate sending of unsolicited commercial e-mail(UCE) to many Internet users

Identify and give examples of different phases of project management.

Initiation and Defining- state the problem and ID objectives and resources, explore costs/benefits Planning- identify and sequence objectives/activities Executing-put plans into motion Controlling- ensure project objectives and deadlines are met(variance report and status report) Closing- install deliverables, release resources, end the project

Which of the following correctly reflects the stages of the system development life cycle?

Investigation, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance

System design

Logical and physical design activities, user interface, data, and process design activities that product system specifications that satisfy the system requirements developed in the systems analysis stage

System maintenance

Making changes to the system: Corrective, Adaptive, Perfective, and Preventative

Cyber theft

Many computer crimes involve theft of money; many firms do not reveal that they've been victims due to bad publicity

Briefly explain and give examples of biometric security measures.

Measure/verify an individual's physical traits(fingerprints, voice prints, retina patterns or other unique traits)

Biometric security

Measure/verify an individual's physical traits(fingerprints, voice prints, retina patters, etc)

What does the term "sniffers" refer to? How the use of sniffers can increase or decrease computer crime?

Monitoring software frequently to monitor network traffic; help decrease computer crime


Moral principles that govern a person or group's behavior

What are the differences between offshoring and outsourcing IT and IS?

Outsourcing: the purchase of goods or services that were previously provided internally from third-party partners Offshoring: making an organization's divisional activities, such as call center, software development, or data processing to a location in a foreign country to reduce costs

List and briefly discuss the principles of technology ethics.

Proportionality- the good achieved by technology must outweigh the harm or risk(no alternative with same or better benefits with less risk/harm) Informed Consent- those affected by the technology should understand and accept the risks Justice- benefits and burdens of the technology should be distributed fairly(those who benefit should bear their fair share of risks, those who do not benefit should not suffer significant increase in risk)

Prototyping process

Prototypes are developed quickly for trial by users to obtain user feedback Investigation/Analysis, Analysis/Design, Design/Implementation, Implementation/Maintenance

Fault tolerant systems

Providing backup components in case of a system failure(have multiple central processors, peripherals, and system software that are able to continue operations even if there is a major hardware or software failure)

Identify and clearly explain the steps involved in the systems approach for problem solving.

Recognize/Define a Problem or Opportunity- recognize it exists Develop and Evaluate Alternative System Solutions- what are the different ways to sole this problem? Select the Best System Solution- decide the system for the chosen solution Implement and Evaluate the Success of the Designed System- put the solution into effect and monitor results for the outcome

Data conversion

Replacing software and databases, converting data into new data formats required by new business apps, correcting and filtering out unwanted data, and consolidating data into new databases

Identify the top five reasons for outsourcing.

Save Money Focus on Core Competencies Achieve Flexible Staffing Levels Gain Access to Global Resources Decrease Time to Market

Systems thinking

Seeing the system context (the interrelationships among the systems rather than linear cause and effect chains, see the process of change among the systems rather than discrete 'snapshots' of change)


Set of activities with a beginning and an end, has goals and tasks, may have constraints(limitations)

Identify different activities that could be considered as "computer crime.

Unauthorized use, access, modification, and destruction of hardware, software, data, or network resources Unauthorized release of information Denying an end user access to his or her own hardware, software, data, or network resources Using or conspiring to use computer or network resources to obtain info or tangible property illegally

Identify the top five factors for successful outsourcing.

Understand company goals and objectives Strategic vision plan Select right vendor Ongoing management of the relationships Properly structured contract

Identify and give examples of the different forms of end users resistance.

User resistance to sharing knowledge Immaturity of technology Immaturity of knowledge management industry Cost Lack of need

Computer crime

Using a computer to do something illegal


Using a mathematical algorithm to encode a message before transmission and descramble it for reception

Computer matching

Using computer to match data about individuals provided by a variety of databases in order to identify individuals for business, government, or other purposes

Denial of service attacks

Using zombie/slave computers to overload another system with large volumes of service requests

Briefly explain the difference between "worms" and "viruses"?

Virus- program code that copies its destructive program routines into computer systems by means of accidental or deliberate human interaction(will not run unaided, but must be inserted into another program) Worm- a distinct program that can run unaided

Legal/political feasibility

What are the legal/political ramifications of the new system?

Functional requirements analysis

What information is required for each business activity and what processing is required in the system

Operational feasibility

Will the proposed system fit existing business environment and objectives?

Which of the following is the biggest obstacle to knowledge management systems?

user resistance to sharing knowledge

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