Italian Renaissance - Exam 1/Midterm/Exam II

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Leonardo da vinci sketches including the head of st. james 15th c red chalk

"from the last supper"


"king" or "light". - This was a name traditionally assigned to one of the wise men (also known as the Magi, or three kings) who were said to have visited the newborn Jesus. Procession of the Magi: Gazzoli


"place of the skull" where Jesus was crucified

Leonardo da vinci study of composition of last supper red chalk 15thC Galleria dell'Accademia Venice

"the last supper" sleeping guy absorbing christs thoughts


(v.) to support, prop up, strengthen; (n.) a supporting structure

Ghiberti: Sacrifice of Isaac. 15th C. Bronze with gilding.

- Artist is younger scarcely more than 20yrs. - there is none of the physical and psychological restraint as seen in Brunelleschi's relief. - Poses are graceful as if the figures are participating in dance. In the drapery and even in the rocks curving rhythms create an effect of continuous motion and melody. - Figures are idealized, gracefully posed that recall classical statuary (Greco-Roman). Classical references reflect the influence of humanism - Angel subtly comes into frame and waves off Isaac to stop - Isaac is completely nude possibly representing his complete vulnerability - used only two pieces of guided bronze - Rinceau pattern

Fra Fillippo Lippi. Adoration of the Infant Jesus. 15th c. Gemaldegalerie, berlin

- Benozzo Gozzoli - palazzo Medici. gave birth to christ by praying and the baby appeared - trinity - Used to reside

Brunelleschi. Dome, Sacristy, San Lorenzo. 15th c. Florence

- Central oculus - Twelve sections defined by ribs - At the base of each section is a window - The base of the dome rests on four pendentives

Donatello David 15thC Bronze Bargello Florence (HARTT 10.22)

- David is not a Christian story. The story was only acceptable bc he was seen as an ancestory of christ and the vistory of david is seen as a previctory of christ of able Crowned with a laurel wreath - a Replica was made to show how it was intended to show - Bronze gilding was a way to surpass antiquity - Ancient method of honoring victor - a replica was made with the use of goldleaf, boots and a laurel wreath. - first freestanding nude since ancient times. No one else in living memory had every done this. It was only executed in ancient times. Reviving something that he had no true inspiration from bc most of sculptures did not survive into the renaissance but it was known that they were made and had existed. May have originally stood in the Courtyard Palazzo Medici (hartt 6.26) Ideal female was clothed while the ideal male was nude

Giotto. Annunciation. Arena Chapel, Padua.

- Decorated every inch with stories. looking towards the end on can perceive different levels. Two figures on the opposite sides of each other split by an arch - curtains pulled back to tell or reveal a story. - Beginning of Christian history. Gabriel visits Mary, " you shall concieve and bear a son you shall give him the name jesus"

orsanmichele florence

- Donatello. St. George. 1420. Marble. Bargello, Florence - Donatello. St. George and the dragon. 1420. Marble.

Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus 250 CE (Empire) Marble Roman Empire

- Form: Rectangular, completely covered in relief, rejection of classical traditions - Function: To bury the dead in - Content: Chaotic battle scene between Romans and a northern enemy, extremely crowded scene, hard to tell who is who, Fearless commander in center who is assured of victory - Context: Rejection of Greek ideals

Good Government Frescoes Ambrogio Lorenzetti - 14th c

- Gentil da Fabriano recalls this piece in his "Adoration of the Magi" using subtle motifs of the panoramic views, flat distant houses, and vineyards. The peaceful country like the good government is an allegory. A personification hovers above the hills and fields unfurling a scroll promising safty to all who live under the rule of law "The Nine" ~ Aristocracy going hunting ~ The audience knows it is an allegory because all activities of the 12 months of the year are happening ~ Justice hold a hanged man ~ people dont get as small as their surroundings as they fade away in the distance (maybe this saying that the people are more important that the land scape)

Fra Angelico: Annunciation. 15th c. San Domenico Cortona

- Mary has no book - She sits on a 3 legged wooden stool her chamber is stripped of furniture and exposed by a window. "Deadly sin comes in through the window if they are not shut as they ought to be" Old fashion is part of Fra angelico's style - Peacock feathered angel wings - became a pope - sermon in paint - window catches the eye because it is the vanishing point - The vanishing point is in an empty room to symbolize mary's soul: well swept - Chiaroscuro - Corinthian and rounded arches (recent) ionic and pointed arches (older) symbolize the combination and recognition of the past and the embrace of the new - The unnatural light removes the scene from the everyday world - do not cast shadows however this is because they are covered by a loggia - figures mimic one another almost creating a symmetrical picture plane.

Masaccio. "Expulsion" Brancacci chapel. Sta Maria del Carmine. Fresco. (1420) 15th c.

- Reason for this pieces inclusion, as well as the "Temptation" piece, was based on the idea that the church under peter and the papacy is the institution that helps humanity overcome the sin of Adam and Eve. - Painted in 4 days (giornata)

Enrico Scrovegni

- Who makes an appearance in the Last Judgement not only because he is a patron of the commission? - founded the Arena Chapel; commissioned the chapel and its decoration as an act of atonement; hired Giotto; pictured in the Last Judgment- presents a scale model to Mary - patron of the Arena Chapel - Notorious for loaning money at exorbitant rates of interest. He aquired ancient Roman arena which he turned into what we know of as Arena Chapel Padua


- horizontal bands of masonry that mark architectural sections

Raphael Stanza di eliodoro 16thc Fresco (17.51)

- invasion of the temple. people wanted to loot the temple. God will send heavenly forces to fight the human soldiers. High priest in the center praying. After gods angels will snuff out the invasion michelangelo: - bulky figures - linear painting. minora Patron: makes the patron look like a pope. Julius the second is showing himself as the aer of the priest (very militaristic and religious... should those two be in one picture?? are they one??)

Rinceau pattern

- is a decorative form consisting of a continuous wavy stemlike motif from which smaller leafy stems or groups of leaves branch out at more or less regular intervals. - Seen in Ghiberti's Sacrifice of Isaac

Giorgio Vasari, Self Portrait, 16th c - Galleri Degli Uffizi, Florence

- setting the foundation of studying history of Art - Prolithic painter and Architect - Central Italy can find frescoes and buildings - More famous for a History of Art, " The Lives of the Excellent sculptors, painters and Architects - Thought it was important that Artists all read the book so that there would be a system. Setting the stage of what is good and bad art. - Writes about lives of people who make art which means he was putting artists on the same level/sphere as people of status - Responsible for the understanding of the word we know of today as Art by creating a system of values Thought of Michelangelo as the culmination of artistic perfection but as a figure 'beyond human experience'.

Giotto. The Last Judgment. Arena Chapel, Padua. 1305

- shown on the west side because the sun set to the west. - Christ presides in a mandorla - Different parts of the figures mannerisms may be passed off to another artist. Giotto does the most important parts - The left and Right of Christ - Symmetry and harmony: establishes order to the world - clothes vs. naked: clothes have a strong symbolic meaning in all biblical accounts. Clothes can symbolize riches and prosperity while nudity is equal to that of vulnerability and humiliation - Storytelling by contrast: by creating a dramatic effect causes the audience's emotions to be heightened. Therefore fear become a reality in this piece/production - scrovegni: makes an appearance in art because he is the patron but also as atonement for the sins of his father and himself

Verrocchio. David. 1470. Bronze gilding museo nationale del bargello florence

- thought to be modeled after the young DaVinci - donated to the city (no symbols of the Medici) - Skill in representing textures and details - Avoids nudity compared to Donatellos David interpretation. He clothes David in a leather jerkin and skirt which fit the later restrait of the later Medici Expression: calm and relaxed with a helenistic smile

Bramante (1444-1514)

-Most famous designer at the High point of Renaissance (1500), -designed St. Peter's Basilica, Rome -all designs had central element and strong axes, -design with proportions and eveness - Urbino regarded as on of principal architects of high ren. - he was originally a painter but his architectural interests grew while he was in milan - while in milan he meant Leonardo da Vinci. Similar interests and ideals (ideal proportions) - circle as the ideal form, proportion, in other words, you can get to or obtain perfection through the human. - leaves or wants to leave Milan after the French invaded the city in 1499. His destination was Rome.

Giovanni Medici

1360-1429. Was the founder of the Medici family fortunes. He was a merchant and banker of Florence. He was not overly interested in gaining control of Florence, that fell to his son, Cosimo.

International style

14th and 15th century painting style fused the French and Sienese. It appealed to the aristocracy because of its brilliant color, lavish costumes and themes of knights and ladies

Masaccio. Healing the lame man and the raising of Tabitha. 15th c. Fresco. Brancassi chapel.

30 day fresco. peters miracle - Lack of divine establishment (poor, sickness and death) Ordered composition lines. create a system to the architecture. Evidence of working methods.

michelangelo and others sistine chapel 16thC vatican, rome (17.1)

4 years - the ceiling becomes the star attraction of rome -

Sistine Chapel

A Catholic church in Vatican City, Italy. Its ceiling was painted by the Renaissance artist Michelangelo.


A Florentine writer who lived in the mid-Renaissance and wrote "De re aedificatoria", a very influential "how-to" architecture books that set standards and principles still in use today. - theorist - liked rich people


A donor and supporter of the arts is called...

Benvenuto Cellini

A goldsmith and sculptor who wrote an autobiography, famous for its arrogance and immodest self-praise.

pietra serena

A gray Tuscan sandstone used in florentine architecture Santo Spirito, Brunelleschi, nave and choir. 1434 - creates harmonious austere alternation between gray and white that emphasizes the modular relationships and interconnection between parts and structure.

Plautilla Nelli. santa caterina de Ricci. oil on canvas. convento di san Domenico

A nun - compared to Fra Angelico who worked as a monk. Because he was a monk he understood appropieate painting. Plautilla nelli painted for Nuns holding crucifix: - used as a meditational piece. She is contemplating the suffering of christ and weeping. Tears were one of the contrition methods to show authentication and to erase sin. (learned how to cry on queue). - People come together and weep at once to erase the sins of the city. Now crying is bad and is a sign of weakness. Nuns aspired to imitate Christ. (holy models of conduct)

Brunelleschi's Dome (Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore)

A piece of architectural design that was the first modern dome. It created the following new features, Elevated center held by "ribs" to support the weight, Classical columns from ancient times, Rounded Arches, coffered ceilings, and human, not divine expectations for building - studied the pantheon in preparation for the dome

pathagoras proportion

A plucked string will vibrate at points that correspond to exact divisions by whole numbers 1/2 1/3 1/4th Harmonious cord

Putti (putto)

A plump, naked little boy, often winged. In classical art, called a cupid; in Christian art, a cherub.

Prophet vs. Sybil

A prophet is jewish a Sibyl is pagan Ex: 1)Michelangelo, Jeremiah, Sistine Chapel, 16thC 2) Michelangelo Libyan Sibyl 16thC Sistine Chapel High Renaissance


A shape or plan in which the parts assume the form of a cloverleaf.


A stylus made of silver, used in drawing in the 14th and 15th centuries because of the fine line it produced and the sharp point it maintained. - Entails a type of specially prepared paper bringing more texture than a normal piece of paper. - No ink in the silver point scratching the surface to expose the silver paper. - does not lend itself to expressiveness. cannot move quickly

Alberti. Malatesta temple. Rimini Italy. (1404) 15th c.

A temple designed for himself. - Plan brick vasade with marble inlaid on top - Arch of Constantine and Arches of Augustus - Triumphant rhetoric - ego - columns: fluted corinthian (derived from antiquity but original to his own style) - Exterior design: roman inspired arches. Midieval archaic echoed by a classicizing sence - tombs for malatesta - the temple itself rejects the church and attempts to revive the temple (mostlikely excommunicated from the church) -

ribbed vault

A vault that features a framework of ribs or arches under the intersections of the vaulted sections

Gentil da Fabriano: Strozzi Altarpiece. (1423) 15th C. Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Adoration of the Magi is also known as...

Lapiz Lazuli

Also know as Ultra Marine. Brought from over seas "over the Marine" Giotto does not use this form of paint in Lamentation

semi-circular arch

An arch that forms a half circle as seen in: Brunelleschi's Annunziata, florence. 1419.

colossal order

An architectural design in which the columns or pilasters are two or more stories tall. Also called a giant order.

Adoration of the Magi. Gentil da Fabriano. (1423) 14th and 15th C. Tempera on panel. Strozzoni altarpiece

An example of International gothic style - courtly language - predella: nativity(first night scene); flight into egypt; presentation in the temple - foreshortening in the horses - deminishing scale. could have been inflenced by Ambrogio Lorenzeti - Wealth, detail - continuous Narrative - frame recalls earlier gothic examples such as Annunciation: simone martini and maesta - On the predella "Nativity"

Botticelli adoration of the Magi 15thC Florence

Ancient roman architecture crumbling - idea that christians are taking over medici: traditionanally represented as the magi. Cosimo is seen kneeling before christ child covers christ fee with a weil which parallels the action of priest the star of Bethlehem f hovers over virgin and child who are enthroned upon a rock that hints at Calvary

SS. Annunziata

Andrea del castagno Vision of St. Jerome's in what church

Donatello Judith and Holofernes 15thC Bronze Palazzo vecchio florence (HARTT 12.7)

Another heroic jewish figure from the old test. apocrypha not part of the canonical books of bible Judith single handedly carries on a plan to save her besieged city from the assyrian forces she focuses her attention on the assyrian general Holofernes beautiful. head = pride cut off by humility In motion: judith has struchk holofernes with two blows once already and the sword is raised once more preparing for the second blow her left foot planted on the right twist on genitals Went to tell the enemy general how to besiege her country. Judith then chops off his head once he has had to much to drink. The siege falls and Judith goes down in history as a famous women. Somewhat like David (smart, strategic, resourceful, lucky)

Church of SS. Annunziata

Another name for Ospedale degli innocenti

Scrovegni Chapel

Another name for The Arena Chapel is?


Artform in which an artist etches a design on a metal plate with acid and then uses the plate to make multiple prints antonio del pollaiuolo battle of the Nudes: - This print is an ____________. That means that with a sharp tool, Pollaiuolo scratched the drawing into a sheet of metal. Ink was then applied to surface of the metal, and wiped off, leaving only the scratches filled. A piece of moist paper was then set over the plate, which was sent through rollers so that the wet paper could "suck up" the ink. At the end, the sheet of paper would be peeled off, and the image that resulted would be the mirror image of the one that Pollaiuolo drew.

Andrea del Castagno: Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Artist and name of church

Botticelli: Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Artist and name of church

Leonardo da vinci, Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Artist and name of church

antonio del pollaiuolo: Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Artist and name of church

Giotto, Madonna and Child Enthroned. 14thc. Ognissanti in Florence.

Artist displaced the Byzantine style in Italian painting and revived classical naturalism. Figures have substance, dimension, and bulk, giving the illusion that they could throw shadow Artist replaced virgin with a weighty queenly mother. Clothing is almost see through but done on purpose in order to reveal her body (strong and powerful) These qualities were generally surpressed​ by spiritual immateriality all angels placed on a common level Painting marks the end of midieval​​ painting into the new naturalistic approach Mary seated like a queen. This is the iconography that gives rise to the title "Maestà" or "Majesty", used to refer to this and other paintings with similar subjects. The Virgin is holding the Child, who is giving a blessing with his right hand, while in his left, he holds a rolled scroll, symbolizing knowledge. Around the throne is a pointed tabernacle, inlaid with different-coloured marble, reminiscent of the Gothic architecture that was fashionable in the 1300s. The saints are partly covered by the architecture and halos, which as well as suggesting the existence of a solid space Painted when the artist was already extremely well known and greatly in demand all over Italy, the masterpiece stands out for the naturalism with which it develops this traditional subject. The decorative elements on the clothing are reduced to a minimum to bring out the full plastic nature of the bodies, which are shaped by light and shade. For over a century, this composition was a model of inspiration for Florentine painters.

Giotto. Fresco cycle. c. 1302-1305. Arena Chapel, Padua. Commissioned by Enrico Scrovegni.

Artist name? Style? Date? Name and Place? Who commissioned it?

piero della francesca

Artist who seems to fulfill the albertian ideal of absolute and perfect painting. People appreciated his work as "form for forms sake" - Influence Cezanne and the Cubists - In a historical development where artists are trying to elevate status - Use of a latin signature which implies that he is educated - wrote book about math

Duccio. Maesta Altarpiece. panel. Siena Duomo. 14th c.

Artist. Name. Medium. Place. time? scenes of the life of the virgin The most famous painting believed that the Virgin brought them victory over the Florentines at the battle of Montiperti. ~the entire city celebrated its completion ~The churches commission permitted him to include his name in the dedicatory ~Duccio related the rigidity and frontality of the figures, softened the drapper​y and individualized the faces ~stands 13 feet tall (7ft central panels + predella + pinnacles) ~painted in tempera ~Loose garments is a mark of artistic dialogue between Italy and Northern Europe ~ Eliminated gold in favor of creating 3-D volume ~ can see ever angles face

Ghiberti. Annunciation panel on the N. doors. 15th C. Bronze with gilding. Baptistry florence

Artist. Title. Century. Medium. Place? - The grace and elegance of line of the Artists composition emphasized by the economy of detail. Throughout the doors, there is an attraction to the rhythms of quatrefoils. - Keeps Pisano's flat background while at the same time rotating the portico to indicate the depth - tries to suggest the illusion of a deeper space - Gabriel's cloak envelopes his body enhancing his mass. while mary's beltless tunic falls about her limbs giving her fullness and grace.

Donatello. David. 15thC. Marble. Bargello Florence (HARTT 7.11)

Artist. Title. Date. Medium. Place? Meant to be in cathedral Florence buttress statue but didn't get hoisted up. Unable to see a 6ft sculpture from 100 ft. up. Now resides inside Palazzo di Priori. David had divine assistance. Florence believed that David stood as a symbol for Florence itself - small but if forced to fight can take down a mighty country contrapposto Relaxed contrapposto - revival of classic statuary - became the symbol of Florentine Republic - Symbol of the city: Vulnerability, young, first free-standing nude, sensual contrapposto, looking down at self, symbols of Medici Family (hat)

Donatello. St. Mark. (1411-1416) 15th c. marble. orsanmichele florence

Artist. Title. Date. medium. place?

Duccio. Madonna and child. Tempera and gold on panel. Metropolitan Museum of art

Artist. Title. Medium. Location

Brunelleschi. Annunziata. Florence. 15th C.

Artist. Title. Place. Century. Hospital of Innocent (Ospedale degli Innocenti) - a structure where babies would be left. - the Annunciation is an important aspect in the neighborhood. Believed to be miracle-working - Highly appreciated piece from Brunelleschi because of the order and columns. - It was up to architects to beautify a space. depending on how space is constructed visually, the architecture will represent a cities power - engaged columns with fluting, semi-circular arch Loggia: an arcade open to the air on one side Each bay has a form of a square clearly articulated by arches columns and floor patterns. height is equal to the diameter of the arch - based on pythagoras proportions: a plucked string will vibrate at points that correspond to exact divisions by whole numbers - the columns convey this idea. the distance between the center of the column and the back wall of the loggia is a perfect square.

Giotto. Portion of the left (North) wall. Arena Chapel, padua. 1305

Artist. Title. Place. Date?

Duccio, Kiss of Judas, Maesta altarpiece, 14th C, tempera on panel, Siena, Italy

Artist. Title. time. medium. place? Similar to Giotto: peter is present, there are torches and weapons. Here however Christs disiples cower and run creating a compelling visual drama. dramatic sloping lines trees echo vertical line, hills dominated by diagonal lines.

Donatello. St. George and the dragon. 15th c. Marble. Orsanmichele now in Bargello florence.

Artist. name. date. medium. original church and now in? - a series of bumps and hollow manipulate the suface to cast light and shadow. - drew influence from antiquity and perhaps coins/money - optical suggestion so subtle that he is able to dissolve the barrier between represented object and background - loggia - Relievio schiaccato (flattened relief) - figure stands in illusionistic space, architecture adds to the atmospheric perspective illusion of depth Shallow and delicate.

Cimabue. Madonna Enthroned with angels and prophets. Tempera on panel. Santa Trinita (1280) 13th c

Artist. title. Medium. Place. century? The composition and gold background reveal the painters reliance on Byzantine models. Gold was also used in the folds of Madonnas Purple robe enhancing the three dimensionality of the drapery overlapping bodies on each side of the throne and prophets reinforce a sense of depth space and depth Italo-byzantine Style Baby jesus sign the pantocrator symbol: right hand thumb and ring finger touch symbol of blessing

Duccio. Madonna and Child (Rucellai Madonna). (1285) 13thC. Tempera on panel

Artist. title. date. medium? used lapiz and ulta marine because the artist wants you to associate Marry with wealth and power. She is valuable, she is the mother of God. People associate materials with attributes, the artist recognized this and pushed it to the limits. The blue is even more expensive than the gold the throne is being held by six kneeling angels who seem to be suspended in a void giving the impression that this is a sudden apparition

Cimabue. Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. 13 and 14th C. Tempera on Panel. Santa Trinita

Artist. title. date. style of painting. where? HARTT 3.18 thought to post-date arena chapel panel painting. in a museum not in the church, it was made Panel painting Working in a tradition he did not invent. EX: Madonna and child enthroned with angels and prophets - Cimabue is the foremost painter prior to Giotto the core of the collection consists of works originally commissioned by the Medici family Especially unusual for iconogrphy of the virgin and child is the depiction under the throne. Several prophets form the old testament hold holy scriptures alluding to the mysteries of the incarnation and virginity of mary.

Giotto. Crucifixion. 1302-1305. Arena Chapel. Padua.

Artist? Name of piece? Time? Place?

Giotto. Kiss of Judas. Arena Chapel. 1302-1305.

Artist? Name? Place? Time? This piece has a preservation issue because so many people came to the chapel in turn changing the humidity, organisms, etc. christ is almost consumed by Judas cloak. A treacherous kiss. Confrontation between good and evil. Dramatizes the scene with facial expression of soldiers. Two subplots flank the main group. Christ's Halo is foreshortened

Leonardo da vinci studies of water movements 16thC pen and ink royal Library windsor (Hartt 16.3, 16.10)

Ask questions a regular man would not normally ask. - water responds to a set of physical laws. Attempting to understand how the world works

Leonardo da vinci Madonna and child with saint Anne 16thC Panel musee du louvre (hartt 16.28)

Baby christ holding on the baby lamb, Madonna holding on to baby, and mom (ann) is holding on to Madonna => close knit family - may have been paid for by women, resides in an area dominated by women - christ lineage through matrimonial decent - baby already aware of sacrificial end by represention of the lamb (bad to be a lamb bc it is a sacrificial animal) understanding and acceptance with the symbol of touch. Mother trying to pull baby back from the lamb. - no linear perspective but there is atmospheric perspective. less contrast. under the illusion of distance. Leo credited with atmospheric quality known as sfumoto - painting was cleaned. No longer has an intense smoky effect.

Fra Bartolomeo: Portrait of Girolamo Savonarola 16thC San Marco Florence

Bonfires of Vanities' -convinced people to burn everything beautiful that they owned Became a tyrant ruler and he too was burned. Allowing Italians to repent for his or her sins. - Influenced Botticelli: threw out all his work in his shop in the name of Christian renewal - based in the same place that Fra Angelico was because that was his place of residence One of the most famous characters of Ren. -Understood insecurity of Italian peninsula. approaching the year of 1500's. When the apocalypse would happen (need to get your soul in shape, to be prepared) Sinful to show naked women as well as other sexual items - Birth of Venus Medici were exiled during this time. Could be possible that Savanarola took up authority because Medici was no longer around. However, people of the Medici were working behind the scenes. - previous political power dissolved - eventually he and his followers were stopped - to show he was no longer showing gods favor the people burned him just like he had burned the art. (outside of the square)

Raphael, Baldassare Castiglione, 16thc oil on canvas musee du louvre (17.55)

Book of the courtier Sprezzatura

Arch of Trajan

Brunelleschi looks at old work for inspiration. The structure is favored in much of his work such as: - Brunelleschi's Annunziata, florence. 1419. - Brunelleschi Sacristy san Lorenzo 1421-28

Masaccio. St. Peter Baptizing the Neophytes. 15th c. fresco. Branassi chapel

Chiaroscurro - more interesting in showing fig unclothed - trajectory how artists represent figure. - the figure bare a lot of responsibility - Masaccios approach to the figure try not to reinvent the figure. reuses of the body. No variety - more activity than tribute money

Giotto. Last Judgement. 1302-1305. Arena Chapel, Padua.

Christ presides over ... from within a mandorla fills the entire entrance wall, except the window. christ turns his face away from the damned seemingly to betray grief over their fate. Conveys a limited amount of punishments. The physical nature of many of the punishments consists with Giotto's interest in naturalism and human experience. Enrico Scrovegnis placement is one of the controversial Mary extends a hand to scrovegni's offer in acceptance.

Church of Santa Trinita

Cimabue's Madonna and Child enthroned with angels and Prophets can be found in what church?

Masolino: Healing of a Lame Man and Raising of Tabitha 15th c. fresco. Brancacci chapel. Sta Maria del Carmine.

Constructed using same perspective scheme with vanishing point at the same height as Masaccio Tribute Money - Drapery lack the fullness and suppleness of Masaccio expression seems forced and drama is unconvincing - The representation of light is sophisticated - stones are a reference to St. Peter. => the rock

Fra Angelico, Descent from the Cross, (1434) 15th c. San Marco

Contrasting/complimentary colors (pink and blue) - Use of old and new style (as seen in the columns, atmospheric perspective, - not as ornate but still old fashioned

convent of san paolo parma (18.39)

Correggio was asked to paint this room


Day-by-day sections of the fresco are also referred to as

Michelangelo david 16thC marble galleria dell'accademia florence (Hartt 16.1)

Did not used to be the most popular - Mid 1800s that people realized that David is "someone" a fabric of Florentine society - the international figure now. David and Goliath - pre battle with goliath - just david sizing up his enemy. How am I going to defeat more powerful enemy. Contapasto and Life: - injects life into figure from all angles - activity in face (forehead). truely thinking about his objective - sculpture marks are left on his forehead. Some sculptors leave texture in art to ensue more emotion, depth, contrast, manipulate life and shadow, emitate wrinkling, Eye: artist playing with light giving purposeful dimension Bone interacting with muscle interacting with flesh. Veins running underneath the skin. Hands sculpted with ease. thoughtfulness given to the stance of Asymmetry Band: band going around the back of his body. The band at one point had been gilded. used as a weapon. Ex - Donatello David Bronze Museo Nazionale del Bargello Florence: Bronze was not a routine very challenging. Marble is 17ft (the scale increases the technical challenges) - Leonardo da Vince "Male Nude" - David is a culmination of these artists contributions to art. One sculptor had this hunk of marble before michelangelo and gave up on it because he deemed it "a bad piece of marble" - michelangelo will wrestle with the marble that no one could conquer echoing the david story. placed infront of the palazzo dei priori or palazzo Vecchio (this is also the place that Savonarola was burned) - David was an emblem of anti-Medici. Michelangelo did not make it knowning that it would become an anti medici emblem. But floence used him as a symbol of anti dictatorial leadership and the medici fell under that category At the outset of the war. you have some avante Garde people who try to scare the enemy by taking off their clothes and going crazy. Italian may have understood that at the beginning of the war david has taken off his clothes as an avante garde allusion

Leonardo da vinci studies of a left leg showing bones and tendons 16thC pen and ink royal library windsor (hartt 16.7)

Does not read a 1000 year old book in terms of studying - Vesalius: people read his book blindly. Leonardo could not read latin. Did not have access to opportunity of lineage. His disadvantage was his advantage. Writes in reverse -

venus of urbino canvas 16thc uffizi florence (19.2)

Dog chest flowers referencing venus Girogione: sleeping venus - awake rather than sleeping - fabric: wrinkles to evoke sexuality. Green fabric creates a vertical to bring the eye to the background - not just covering themselves up

Nave. Vision of st. John the evangelist. 16thc. Church of san giovanni evangelista parma (18.43)

Dome: - st. john the evangelist in the clouds with his vision but he does not reside in the center... why?? he is having a vision of christ in the light. Christ is the most important figure of the painting. compare to Raphael Transfiguration of christ MORE CLOUDS michelangelo creation of Adam the ignudi of the Sistine chapel - by incorporating this in the art he is showing the audience that he is a great artist.

Plan of Sta Maria Novella

Duccio Madonna and child sits in the crossing of the transept

Simone Martini

Duccio's successor in the Sienese School created the international Gothic Style Style: Elegant - colors, fluttering line, weightless figures, and a spaceless setting

Ghiberti: Gates of paradise (east doors) modern reproduction baptistry, Florence 15thC (HARTT 2.33 and 10.1)

Each wing contains five large rectangular reliefs of scenes from the Old Testament - Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah, Abraham, Jacob and Esau, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, and Solomon and Sheba. They are known for their vivid illusion of deep space in relief, which resulted from the construction of perspective based on a mathematical theory of the representation of three-dimensional space in a two-dimensional plane. The doors are not only beautiful, but also a technical marvel. Ghiberti represented himself in one of the heads as his self-portrait

antonio del pollaiuolo battle of ten Nudes 15thC engraving Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Engraving allowed the picture to be printed and mass produced. it was also the first italian print to be signed similar to: Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus It represents ten male nudes seen from different views, and was possibly used by artists in the workshop as a means of figure study. The composition may also be seen as a series of five one-to-one confrontations, in the manner of the Hercules and Antaeus. The figures, disposed of in a variety of poses had movements, in foreshortening and in profile, show a carefully rendered internal structure, with muscles given emphasis (too much for Leonardo, who wrote that such figures appeared like "a sack of walnuts"). The meaning of the print, other than a battle, has yet to be explained, but it served as a pattern for other artists. Leonardo said that the bodies look like bags of nuts probably because they are overly muscular similar to michelangelo Background: - set against vegetation olive trees and grape vines - expression of pain conveying horror torment seen in representation of the last judgement

antonio del pollaiuolo

Excels in subjects of action theme of mythology in which naturalism can be expressed began as a goldsmith The statuettes that the artist made were frequently painted to resemble antique bronzes, were meant for connoisseurs. knowledge of anatomy - (from dissecting corpses) his ability to represent physical and emotional violence.

Medici Family

Famous Banking family from FLORENCE, Italy who basically had their hands in every industry including the papacy. The family had bank branches in most major cities in western Europe, but collapsed in 1494 after a series of bad loans and poor leadership. owned the palace "Michelazzo"

Leonardo da Vinci Madonna of the Rocks 15thC Panel Musee du louvre Paris (Hartt 16.18)

First version of madonna of the rocks - about creation? due to the setting and the world untouched by human hands Da vinci code: Compelling story huge amount of writing bc unusual work. Holy protagonist is over shadowed by the landscape. Why? - Theory: A moment when Leo was going up in the Mountains and saw fossils of sea life. - earth above religion - Humanism: a turn from the religious sceme: Perrro della francesca trianguluar scheme. Unify the group by use of triangles or other shapes. Foreshortening of hand


Florentine architect who was the first great architect of the Italian Renaissance (1377-1446) - made a transition to architecture after bronze gilding contest (Sacrifice of Isaac) - Trying to bring glory to the city. Competing with antiquity/the past. - devised a method that controlled the viewers experience by forcing the viewer to look at a painting through a mirror - rejected gothic style - pathagoras proportion

Pazzi Chapel. Brunelleschi. 15th c.

Form: -masonry -articulate, everything white on the inside -dome cieling -simple geometry: designed environment, everything is rational. -pietra serena- soft gray tone -inlaid marble, terracotta tiles -strigil pattern -Franciscan Content: -entablature -arch forms -family crests - central plan: slightly broader than it is long. Function: -show Pazzi family wealth -served as chapter house (meeting room for the Franciscan monks) Context: -Brunelleshi (architect) -Florence, Italy 1429-61 CE (15th century)- Early Renaissance

Church of San Marco

Fra angelico

Giotto, Lamentation, Arena Chapel, 1305.

Fresco (fresh) painted in several sections each corresponding to one painting session (giornata) must be completed before plaster dries Illusionistic painting illusion of solid bodies moving throught space combination of naturalistic representation, compositional complexity, and emotional resonance construction of space group definition contributed to a rhythmic order the dead tree of knowledge has been withering since adam and eves original sin each character draws the viewers attention back to christ chiaroscuro creating instability with line Dead Christ stretch across marry - a stable position, horizontal. Scenes of the cycle were selected and arranged to bring out underlying theological and dramatic relationships. The focal point in the lower left corner which drags the viewer's eye downward stopping the natural left to right narrative flow. However, the next scene jump starts the narrative once again.

Leonardo da vinci Last supper 15thC tempera and oil on prepared wall refectory santa maria delle grazie milan (16.23)

Fresco but not a fresco (not a proper fresco) - Giotto and masaccio (tribute money) were proper fresco: required giornatta (the advantage was that as the plaster dried the wall inhaled the color allowing the color to become part of the wall. - Leo did not want to work fast. So he did not do proper fresco. so the color stayed on the surface --> the painting now looks flush. it has been touched up and repaired even when he was alive doorway: the doorway was cut under Christ which got rid of Christ's feet the painting has not aged well The story: one is going to betray me. implement variety: - everyone has a different reaction, scale, level. Compared to the last supper of "Andrea del Castagno - "1447" --> Leo may have never seen this painting because it was hidden in a convent. -- access was given to many artists to where they weren't allowed, but we don't know if Leo saw this painting. -- were the two variations brought to life: Castagno is more organized, no hierarchy of scale, no movement, flat, antiquated architecture/lavish (rich color and building layout). Bad guy looks ugly: the nose (antisemitic imagery, very Jewish characteristics, Leonardo: is very antique no emphasis on architecture (convent/monastery tried to be more austere renounce wealth). Judas is not clearly defined - communication is silent people should look at deaf people and how they communicate with one another as a method to enhance a painters skill (hand movements and facial responses) christ is not very dynamic: - variety comes from his surroundings - broken up into 4 groups of 3 3 is a continuous number within the composition: - people - windows - groups example: Tribute money not a lot of movement where as da Vinci has captured movement perspective lines converge onto christ - symmetrical - center of the story - mascaccio holy trinity: emphasize centrality

Giotto, Nativity and Annunciation to the Shepherds, Arena Chapel, Padua, 1302-1305

Giotto attempts to introduce variety, rythm, and movement to the piece by changing the positions of the characters - Prior to Giotto Italians almost always placed this scene in a cave. - an ancient Byzantine tradition - One shepherd back is turned revealing Giotto's new attitude towards space. Giotto's back, however, is expressive. the audience knows this by the way he pulls his garments tightly around himself and the way his head tilts back

michelangelo deluge 16thC fresco (17.26)

God is upset and washes everyone away imagine seeing this painting 70 ft. away. - the details are lost in the distance - unsuccessful painting (not because it is bad but because it isnt legible from far away figures look really rounded at each segment

antonio del pollaiuolo hercules and antaeus 15thC Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

Hercules has lion skin - his identifier Hand to hand combat - son of mother earth meant to be seen from different angles/directions - dynamism A painting was made in 1460 - panel - ren painters were exploring mythological subject matter turning away from christian biblical scenes Story: - On his way back from the Hesperides, Hercules engaged in a wrestling match with the giant Antaeus who was invincible as long as some part of him touched the earth, from which he drew his strength. Hercules held him in the air in a vice-like grip, until he weakened and died. Hercules is depicted with his arms locked round the waist of Antaeus, crushing the giant's body to his own. compostion determined by action - other earlier scultors were restricted by the notion of the ideal composition

Plan of Cathedral Siena

Houses Simone Martini and Lippo Memmi Annunciation with two saints

leonardo da vinci Vitruvian man study of the Human body 15thC pen and ink Galleria dell'Accademia, Venice (16.50)

Ideal proportions ideal form Compared to Cesare Cesariano: Vitruvian Man, in Di Lucio Vitruvio Pollione de architectura libri decem. 1521 Print. Bibliotheque royale brussels - line and color detract from the piece unlike Leonardo who uses a warm color and creates movement and energy with two poses in one.

Leonardo da vinci Mona Lisa 16thC Panel Musee du Louvre (Hartt 16.29)

Ideas of the story behind Mona Lisa: - two sides of her face are different (painted with two different techniques the left is more masculine that the right hand side) - one of the first paintings that a woman is staring at the viewer. Promiscuous and assertive. - Possibly Lisa di Antonio Maria Gherardini wife of Francesco del Giocondo - Painting went missing - Scandal behind the paint bc thought to be Da Vinci's mistress Thought to have found Mona Lisa's body: - Historical figure Art Historian view: - Dull piece of art, nothing interesting, relatively standard, Famous for being famous. Renaissance equivalent to the Kardashians - Not bad, not interesting Scene: - Hair imitates the rocks - columns on the sides of her - 3/4 position. Similar to other people/artists before him. horizon line is skewed


In painting, a full-size preliminary drawing from which a painting is made. - leonardo - raphael help create fresco


In the Iconic Order, the spiral scroll motif decorating the capital

Lorenzo Ghiberti Jacob and Esau East Doors Gilded bronze Baptistery florence (HARTT 10.14)

Interested in the architectural setting: - linear perspective - classical antiquity - breaking free of - creating an imaginary window of illusionistic space - bigger squares - deep illusionistic space - Uses Donatello's thin layering (ex: St. George) Creating illusionistic depth despite the sheerity of the relief

Gentil da Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi. 14th and 15th C, Uffizi Florence

International Style Gothic style More celebrated holiday than christmas Left Corner: Star and Magi. Magi are standing on a hill or mountain which brings them closer to the star Upper Center: -3 Magi on the way to Jerusalem the Holy Land. -Detail in the clothing (International and Gothic Style) -Animals: Dogs and Leopards -Exotic Next compartment: - The 3 Magi reach the city - Elegant figures - elaborate surface patterns - courtly language - compare to maesta altarpiece by duccio and Annunciation by Simone Martini -

Masaccio. Trinity with Mary, John the Evangelist, and Two donors. (1426-27) 15th c. Fresco. Sta maria Novella Florence

It has recently been suggested that the artist's fresco was part of a funerary complex dedicated to Berto di Barolomeo de Berto and his family the Berti. The giornate reveal that this fresco was painted in twenty seven or twenty eight days. magnificent renaissance chapel. Its corinthian pilasters and Ionic half columns flacking a coffered barrel vault conform so closely to the architecture of Brunelleschi and are projected so accurately in terms of his perspective that Brunelleschi almost certainly must be credited with the design of his architectural illusion. tomb iconography as a funerary monument The skeleton alludes to adam. Thus the tomb makes reference to Adam and eve and to the redemptive power of Christs crucifixion.

Andrea del castagno Vision of St. Jerome 15thc Church of SS. Annunziata (HARTT 11.17)

Jerome 342-420 at one point withdrew into the desert for years. Many Christians wanted to retreat from worldly concerns. these people would withdraw to the wilderness. Christ himself -seen with cat or lion bc he helped a lion with thorn in his paw. This helps to ID who St. Jerome is. - Mortification of the flesh: trying to purify himself. The objective is to imitate Christ and purify oneself of sin (flagellation) - The man who paid for this work also had the name of Jerome (Girolamo) - In real life Girolamo dei Corboli was a part time flagellant. - while beating himself he looks up and has a vision of the trinity/ sees holiness (an early example of artists depicting visions) - Refer to Mascaccios Holy trinity 1427 santa maria de novella. Castagno was foreshortening in christ vs. Mascaccio shows the whole body of christ.

Andrea del Castagno: Last supper and above the resurrection Crucifixion and Entombment. (1447) 15th C. Sant Apollonia (HARTT 11.1)

John fell asleep at the dunner table with his head on christs chest so that he could understand the secrets of christs heart. - Revelation enters the heart of each apostle like a knife causing him to reflect on his inner life. - horizon line below eye level - inaccurate linear perspective there is a vanishing point but the othoganals of the foot rest do not recede to this point or any common vanishing point - - he achieves reality through lighting. Chiaroscuro giving a sense of 3D -Invention of abstract pattern - Emotion of characters: betrayal resignation death grief hop of salvation going on in the souls of the apostles - repetition in the tiles. table may be a little to stable. very controlled invironment. Trying to capture force associated with linear perspective

Musee du Louvre, Paris

Leonardo da Vinci battle of Anghiari's in what museum

Musee du Louvre, Paris

Leonardo da Vinci Madonna of the Rocks's in what museum

Musee du Louvre, Paris

Leonardo da vinci Madonna and child with saint Anne's in what museum

preparatory drawing

Leonardo used these types of drawings before painting in scale attributed to the central italian practice of making or drawing in the preparatory stage whereas the venetian painters generally did not rly so heavily on drawings and instead preferred to advance directly to applying color to the canvas

Adoration of the Magi, Gentile da Fabriano

List the works AND artists that are influenced by International Gothic style


Literal or figurative beating of oneself -Andrea del castagno Vision of St. Jerome

Uffizi Gallery

Located in Florence, this Gallery was originally designed by Giorgio Vasari to serve as offices for the Florentine magistrates under Cosimo de Medici--hence the name uffizi, meaning "offices". After Cosimo I died in 1574, the new grand duke, Francis I, commissioned the conversion of its top floor into a galley. - Its outstanding Renaissance holdings include The Birth of Venus and La Primavera, both by Sandro Botticelli, and Titian's Venus of Urbino. - Andrea del Castagno: Famous men and women from the villa Carducci at legnaua. 15thC -Gentil da Fabriano: Strozzi Altarpiece. (1423) 15th C. - Andrea del Castagno: Dante of the Famous Men and Women Series 15thC - antonio del pollaiuolo hercules and the hydra 15thC - antonio del pollaiuolo battle of ten Nudes 15thC - Michelangelo battle of Cascina 16thC Pencil and silverpoint on paper, - michelangelo doni madonna 16thC panel - Leonardo da Vinci Annunciation 15thc Panel - Sandro Botticelli adoration of the magi 15thC panel - Botticelli: Primavera, Birth of Venus, and Camilla and the Centaur 15thC

michelangelo study of figure 15thC pen drawing staatliche graphische sammlung, munch

Looking at... "Tribute money" Masaccio: What is the reason for the study in Peter? - Fabric (folds, volume) Superimposed drawing on painting - 15 years old making this cross hatching hatching

Raphael sistine madonna 16thc canvas gemaldegalerie dresden (17.53)

Madonna sweet young and sacrin - long lasting type of madonna straight forward. engaging - standing on clouds (hard for artists to paint clouds. putti - imitated hundreds of times. tell the viewer not to be to serious about the painting. - look board (contrasts the painting above which has movement and excitement.) St. sixtus on the left - name is the source of the sistine chapel - at his feet is the hat of the pope - looks a lot like pope julius the II the idea is to suggest that julius the second has gone into the heavens.

Siena Duomo

Maesta altarpiece

Leonardo da vinci Male nude 16thC Red chalk (Hartt 16.6, 7)

Man spreading: - taking up space to appear stronger and stable Red ink: Gradations of volume

Botticelli: Mystic Nativity 16thC Canvas National Gallery London

Mary fully clothed. Nativity scene. Traditional (no pagan symbols) Celebration in the heaven and on the earth - men and angels come together and embrace on account of the birth of the savior. - little devils turn pale and run away. No longer have control over people.

Raphael, Marriage of the Virgin, 16th c panel brera gallery milan (16.44)

Mary is introduced to a number of suitor that wanted to marry her. all men are holding rods: - the Rod will flower if he is chosen - can see a man breaking the rod on his knee because his rod did not flower student of perigino - the domed building in background - elegant figures - symmetrical


Master work are fresco "The Entry into Jerusalem", "Betrayal of Jesus", and Lamentation Panels all reveal the essentials of Giotto's style Goal was to emulate the appearance of the natural world. This approach was largely abandoned in the Middle ages in favor of representing spiritual rather than Physical reality biblical actors are sculpturesque, simple, and weighty. Convey individual emotion through postures Contributed to the foundation of empirical science Showed his generation a new way of seeing turning them away from representing the spiritual world. Recording the visible world Father of western pictoral art An artist who led the way into realism; his treatment of the human body and face replaced the formal stiffness and artificiality that had long characterized the representation of the human body

Diagram related to sistine chapel ceiling (Hartt 17.24)

Michelangelo wanted to do the ceiling by himself - took him 4 years - on a scaffold - worked from one end (the later stories) to the alter (where the earlier episodes of the bible take place). As you go down the painter get larger

Servian Wall 4th C Tufa

Michellozo: Palazzo Medici's rustication barrows language from this wall symbolizing power and strength. Communication tool to the people that they are a force

Botticelli Camilla and the Centaur 15thC Uffizi florence

Modern Taste Conventional Whats the new developement? Botticelli shows pagan subject matter. - The painting was placed outside the bedroom in a Medici Palace. Restricted audience. A breaking of new ground was minimized due to this intimacy. -Woman (Camila) is from the epic Aeneid by virgin. - Further evidence of presence of mythology in italian ren. art. Virtuous and therefore Rational female keeping control of crass man that can not control his irrationality. - Female could be the patron. - Telling men to be better. Did women have a hand in telling the painter this is what I want you to show. - Female look slightly manly... - Virgil was romes answer to Homer's Odyssey. Virgin steps up to combat for rome. How does contrast come forth - centaur is completely nude while the female is completely clothed (usually opposite). Females clothing is sheer - civilized vs nature - body positioning: open vs. defensive

Fra Angelico, Annunciation and scenes from the life of the virgin (1443) 15th c. panel. San Marco

Modern frame - cortona - window - Rectangular composition frame - down to earth - Architecture suggest space - transition into space more like our own. - primary colors -

Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

Name the place that the vitruvian Man study of the Human body resides in

Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

Name the place the study of composition of last supper resides in

Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

Name the space that David resides in

Duccio. Temptation of Christ on the Mountain. Maesta Altarpiece. Siena Cathedral. 14th c. Tempera on panel.

Name these attributes of the piece: Artist. Title. Altarpiece. Church. Century. Medium Chirst is shown rejecting the devil who offeres Him "all the kingdoms of the world" if christ will worship him. Hierarchy of scale rather than naturalistic proportions christ expresses a sorrowful solemnity and the cities in the foreground pack with turrets, domes, and crenellations - vividly evoke the festive colors and crowded hill sites of siena

Donatello. St. George. 15th c. Marble. Bargello, Florence

Name these attributes of the piece: artist. Title. Date. Medium. Place? Expression: donatello can be appreciated for creating the illusion on a mind psychological vitality and alertness Not acting out a story Predella relief: St. George and the dragon 1420 Marble Orsanmichele now in Museo Nazionale del Bargello florence - patron saint of guilded aurmors and sword makers - "the legs move, the arms ready, the head alert and the whole figure acts the manner and form of the action present to our eye a valiant invincible soul" -not ideal character but one of human qualities because the figure is shown experiencing fear, creating a narrative for the viewer.

Leonardo da vinci storm breaking over a valley 16thC Red chalk on white paper Royal library Windsor (HARTT 16.2)

Northern Italian artist: Leonard had periods of residence in the north city of Milan very close to Alps: In the north are mountains. A lot of the Italian Pininsula is mountainous. - This is not something that was normally done. We dont think twice about it because we have an abundance of food and water. - Red chalk creates atmospheric haze -

Michelangelo battle of Cascina 16thC Pencil and silverpoint on paper, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (Hartt 16.42)

Not actually by michelangelo. Artist wanted to copy the work for practice project military might Story: Involves a river. War doesnt alway happen nonstop. During a lul the soldiers had a bath in the river. Soldiers respond to an alarm that was called. A metaphor to being vigilant variety: - movement makes the work frantic and hectic for the viewer. - figures had after lives because of the complexity and variety Michelangelo gave to the figure. Compared to "Battle of the nudes" and Battle of anghiari Michelangelo is... - Telling a story (different objective) - naturalistic with a stretch Hatching and cross hatching - texture on davids forhead reminds me of "Raft of the medusa" - Gericault

Botticelli Primavera 15thC Panel Uffizi Florence (Hartt 13.23)

Not religious: Humanist movement? Primavera: season of spring. Artists attempt to depict spring. abundance of flowers and nature. - Vertility: flowers, youth, love - Cupid Center focal is female. Asking for prominence of female character integrated into art. Adam and Eve. energetic patters of line united with lighting form the side that emphasizes the sculptural relief not for moral lessons like alberti's art reference but for private delight

Leonardo da Vinci Annunciation 15thc Panel Uffizi Florence

Nothing new... Symbolism: Virgin seated in a space closed off by a wall. This space is like a garden. Like a spotless mirror. A virgin who remains a virgin discribed as being in an enclosed garden refering to the status of virgin. flowers of purity (white lilly). - Completely serene - hair curls look as if they are water displaying a close study of water. Close affinity to water. Parallel. - study of drapper (drapery for a seated figure 1475 brush and gray tempera highlighted with white Musee du louvre): create a model/figurine draping fabric over the model. Chiaroscuro. - architecture converges on a single landscape (the landscape may or may not have meritable meaning)

Masolino: Temptation. (1420) 15th c. Fresco. Brancacci Chapel. Sta maria del carmine florence

Painted in 6 Days - looks as if they are cutouts feet hang instead of support (does this signify their divinity - drawing from the Byzantine?) - each have an Egyptian stance - the standing figure, with left foot slightly in front of the right, the head erect, and the eyes looking straight ahead - with a modern twist of contrapposto.

Palazzo Vecchio (hartt 2.40) attributed to arnolfo di cambio palazzo dei priori 1299 Florence

Piazzo della signoria is also known as... Most mimiced building: priori are the different leaders form the trade organizations. different gilds sent representatives to meet here the Vecchio means the old palace "sala del cinquecento hall of the five hundred)" palazzo dei priori - on opp. sides of the hall are some battle paintings. Florence wants to impress power with imagery of warfare - battle of anghiari the monumental decoration

three quarter view

Piero della Francesca (HARTT 11.14) technique of renaissance profile painting used in the Mona Lisa Art Historical Reference: - New type of portrait 3/4 portraiture a turn away from the strict profile format (profile was seen on coins = a message of status --> breaking the profile format and turning the sitter). What does this do? are you downplaying her importance? - Gives the sitter more 3dimensionality giving the viewer a diff. experience. More engagement with the face.

Alberti: Palazzo Rucellai, Florence..

Pietra serena. - "men have two roles in life to procreate and to build" -- Rucellai - Piano nobile - a rusticated 3 story building. - High square windows on the ground floor and mullioned windows on the second and third finished with a massive cornice. - absorbed into a new proportional system. - pseudoblocks. - building can devise personal vocabularies if the language is known. - Humanist erudition of architect and patron - tuscan and corinthian language - " refection to natural bodies of humans and animals a building should be centralized and have an even number of supports combined with an odd number of openings - an idea based on the eyes ears nostrils and mouth of the head. - benches creat a public space.

Benozzo Gozzoli

Procession of the Magi - trained by Lorenzo Ghiberti and Fra Anelico from them developed a narrative style. - Best known for his series in the Palazzo Medici - International Gothic Influence - The artist appears in his own work "The Procession of the Magi" (can be recognized for he is looking towards the observer and is wearing a red hat)

Andrea del castagno: Queen tomyris of the Famous men and Women series.

Queen of central Asian people - her son leader of her army has been invited to a banquet - the banquets host Cyrus the great had founded the Persian empire - sitting down with someone at a meal creates a bond with a person. Persian killed someone at a dinner. The queen would not stand for this and

Raphael, Transfiguration of christ, 16thc panel pinacoteca vatican (17.63)

Raphael was buried in the pantheon compare to Titian assumption of the virgin: - vertical painting - responding to organization of 3 tiers


Reviving bronze - pushing the envelope admired for drama in his sculptures - simulates emotion into a nonhuman object - naturalism in details of human form

Perugino, Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome, 15thC fresco. (14.16)

Romans crafted a story that peter came to rome and with him came the authority of christ centrally planned dome in the background and the trajan arch the city is indestress in the background. - violence contrasted by the foreground - - each pope gets his authority from christ Peter is an important figure. He represents the leadership, legislation, and the precursor of Christ

Michelangelo, Jeremiah, Sistine Chapel, 16thC

Shot silk known for whining and mopping - everything is bad and going down hill - name means: "a lamentation in a string of complaints, lugubrious" norman rockwell rosie the riveter oil on canvas crystal bridges museum of american art - sold in 2002 for 5billion dollars bought by Colorado who sold it to Arkansas. - Family behind Walmart - transforming society and cities like arkansas by the influence of Michelangelo. Allowing everyone to look at the legacy of michelangelo - working woman in a factory american work force WWII. when the men came back the women were pushed back into their domain

leonardo da vinci Study of the Head of the Angel (Madonna of the Rocks) 15thC silverpoint and white on rose colored prepared paper (Hartt 16.19)


Andrea del castagno. Niccolo da tolentino 15thC. Fresco (Hartt 11.18)

Soldier who fought on behalf of florence. Monument of a horse with Niccolo da Tolentino depicted on top of the horse. - Based on ancient art Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius Capitoline Museums Rome (this type of statue costs a lot of money which is why they did a painting instead of a statue.) - A similar statue stands in Ospedale degli innocenti -

Florence Baptistry Doors

South: - Andrea pisano (started in the East) North: - Ghiberti (moved from the East) East: Ghiberti Gates of paradise 1425 modern reproduction

Fra Angelico. Madonna and Saints. San Marco Altarpiece. Dominican monastery, San Marco florence

St. Domonic - Dominican monastery, San Marco Florence - cosimo de Medici didn't have any political power at this time but instead the guilds. but he wants to assert authority and the way to do this is to fund art. - Cosimas and Damian: came from Syria or turkey served as a role of early Christian healing saints - revelations in dreams - Medici use them as patron saints - Self-portrait? - floor tiles (echo the cieling): 3 vanishing points, orthoganals originate from tiles. - predella disappeared -

Pope Julius II

The "Warrior-Pope"; most involved in war and politics; personally led armies against enemies; instituted reconstruction on St. Peter's Basilica. in 1506 decided to do away with the old church and build it anew Commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel Restored view of old saint peters rome - no longer projected the right image of Rome. (long and rectangular bisilica (longitudinal plan)) - Bramante design wants to immitate Julius Caesar - no problem with going to war

Dante (1265-1321)

The Divine Comedy: Inferno An author lived from 1256 Writing became the standard (Dante's Italian: changing of words not only accent)

Leonardo da Vinci battle of Anghiari palazzo dei priori (palazzo vecchio) copy of central section by peter paul rubens 17thC pen and ink and chalk Musee du louvre, paris (Hartt 16.30)

The battle scene has evolved - "antonio del pollaiuolo, battle of the nudes" and "piero della francesca battle of heraclius and chosroes 1450 fresco (11.26)" project: battle which took place, painting itself was not a success, but he did make an impression on art horses movement actual events florence military power over nearby cities. both battle anghiari and cascina were meant for the same location but neither were finished on time. both enormously important even in their fragmentary state. operatic emotion and facial expression

Andrea Pisano: south doors baptistery with scenes of life of John the baptist (HARTT 3.33)

The doors (consisting of 28 rectangular panels) were destined for the south portal of the Baptistry, the most frequented entrance. - meant to be read separately, like the page of a book. - At the four corners of each scene are lions, heads (the Marzocco, symbol of the Florentines) with bands of alternating rosettes and studs between. - Each door contains 10 scenes in the upper section from the life of St John the Baptist, the patron saint of Florence to whom the Baptistry is dedicated. On the panels of the lower section the theological virtues are depicted. Much admired, Andrea's doors became a symbol of the glory of Florence and were the model for the next set. - These doors consist of twenty-eight quatrefoil panels, with the twenty top panels depicting scenes from the life of St. John the Baptist. The eight lower panels depict the eight virtues of hope, faith, charity, humility, fortitude, temperance, justice, and prudence.

Piero della Francesca

The fresco cycle The Legend of the True Cross (1452-66) and the diptych portrait of Federico da Montefeltro, duke of Urbino, and his consort (1465) are among his best-known works.

Piano Nobile

The main living floor of a house, generally raised a story above ground level

San Lorenzo

The oldest known site of an Olmec community, which has giant stone monuments set among earthen structures


The part of a church with an axis that crosses the nave at a right angle.


The poetic representation of a painting or sculpture in words (verbal discription, textual crossover)


The practice of using two or more hues of different lightness to imitate the effects of light and shadow on a surface. michelangelo used this technique instead of chiaroscurro

Masaccio Masolino and Filippino Lippi. Fresco Cycle. Brancacci Chapel. Sta. Maria del Carmine. Florence

This chapel Houses: Mascaccio's: "Expulsion" "tribute money" Masolino:"Temptation" "Healing the Lame man and raising of tabitha" the miracle working icon on the altar of the Brancacci Chapel is know as St. Mary of the people

vitruvian Man study of the Human body 15thC pen and ink Galleria dell'Accademia Venice (Hartt 16.5)

This scheme base on ideas of Vitruvius 1st C Roman Architect engineer and author on architecture - drawings tend to fade - Clifford still museum turning white bc its responding poorly to light: Drawings also respond to light

Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice

Titian painted this painting but where does it reside?

Annunciation with two saints: Simone Martini and Lippo Memmi - Panel. 1333 (14th c)

Title. Artist. type. Date International Gothic Style Radiant colors, flowing lines and weightless figures in gold. surrounded by a weightless setting ~ Gold symbolizes his descendence from heaven Gabriel to deliver a message ~ Lillies represent the Virgins Purity ~ The scene subordinates a sense of court drama ~ Lippo Mimmi contributed to the work as his foremost follower as well as his brother in law. Remembered for stamp tin halos with ray patterns of gold leaf- painted the flanking saints ~ Mary is blonde a characteristic given to by the French ~ if one looks closer they can see the gold is pressed into gesso so when the viewer moves the light catches the scene and makes it come alive. Words tooled in Latin - The base of the throne there is a Latin inscription of the artist's name. By placing himself in the dialogue he not only asks for blessings in his life but he gives himself status. We see that his name presents itself at the mother's feet making his gesture humble.

Botticelli adoration of the magi 15thC panel Uffizi Florence (Hartt 13.18)

Traditional religious symolism (cov. god and the chosen people)

Titian, Madonna of the Pesaro Family, 16thC canvas, Church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice,

Transition canvas: can be made large without long assembly. canvas is light oil: takes a long time to dry. pesaro family depicted: all male different generations - the child has the brightest light the emphasis is no longer in the center the virgin is still the highest but instead resides off to the right (when you walk down the aisle the virgin mary is actually directly facing the front door in the center). St. Francis to the right of virgin (recieved the same wounds as christ on his hands). St. peter placed above the key (perogino) flag: the keys. connection to Rome myter of pope. family known for military war against Muslims baby: very baby like rather than what we normally see with baby jeasus who usually sits posed with hand position of blessing putti: two angels that bear the cross of christ. "cupid-like" compared to Giorgione enthroned madonna with saints. - warrior saints - muslim figure (captive resented to virgin mary) -


Triangular shapes where roof lines come together.

Pendentives and Squinches

Two methods of supporting a round dome

Unknown Artist Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) 16thC Red chalk Royal Collection England

Unconventional: - didnt eat animals (makes you stand out) - Gay -Managed to work for very prominent patrons - worked for king of france Not that great a painter: - very slow - prestiege associated with him is based on very little by way of paintings Famous for drawings: - Extant paintings by leonardo Interested in nature: - Scientific study


Used landscape to convey mood and enhance meaning. The moment when bellini and giorgione place an emphasis on landscape it was during a time when venice had little to enjoy.

Strozzi Chapel

What chapel was this originally intended

gemaldegalerie dresden

What church does this art and those of Raphael appear in...


What is the name of the square area in Michelozzo di Bartolommeo's Monastery of S. Marco - a covered walk in a convent, monastery, college, or cathedral, typically with a wall on one side and a colonnade open to a quadrangle on the other.

Nativity and annunciation to the shepherds.

What is the name of this piece?

Giotto. Annunciation. Arena Chapel, Padua. 1302-1305.

What is the scene on the top of this Arch way? Decorated with scenes of the lives of Christ and the Virgin

Masaccio's holy trinity 15thC Church of SS. Annunziata (HARTT 11.17))

What painting did Andrea del Castagno have in mind when painting the Vision of St. Jerome - The centrality of St. Jerome - color - classical clothing and drapery - The crucifixion itself if parallel to the imaginary window whereas Andrea's crucifix has foreshortening (Salvador Dali Christ of St. John of the Cross 1951 Oil on canvas. Kelvingrove Art: Note the affinity between the two paintings and think of how the paintings create a dream-like feel for the viewer)

Duccio Michelangelo Simone Martini (Maesta in the 14th c) Gozzoli

What pieces have been signed by the Artist?

Giorgione Tempest 16thC canvas accademia venice (19.5)

Whats the point? lightning: anger of christ figures: nude female and fully clothed soldier part of the appreciation lies in capturing the stormy sky. led white

Pantheon, Rome

Where is this dome? Compare to Brunelleschi's dome in the Old Sacristy.

Giotto. Fresco cycle. Arena chapel padua. Interior view looking east

Which view is this

Giotto, Fresco cycle, Arena Chapel, Padua. 1302-1305, Scrovegni.

Who painted the walls, in what medium, where, when, and who commissioned it?


a circular painting or relief sculpture: michelangelo doni madonna - associated with domestic sphere (house holds with a women and baby) - in connection with a house hold that just had a baby

Andrea del Castagno

a course and jealous man said to have killed domenico (known because he confessed on his death bed) Interested in human figure and charactrer based on the peasants and mountaineers. First Renaissance artist to demonstrate interest in capturing movement - foreshadows Carrivaggios work

Ferrara, Italy

a different country from venice medal of alfonso d'este duke of Ferrara - commissioned a series of mythological paintings - inspired by philostratus imagines a text of third century AD and other textual and visual sources. Giving visual form to the artwork seen in the text - the anciet technique of verbalizing a description of a painting is sometimes known as ekphrasis - sometimes an author will describe an imaginary painting instead of a real painting - the term ekphrasis in which a painter in this cas titian gives pictorial form to ancient textual descriptions of paintings like thos written by philostratus


a horizontal, continuous lintel on a classical building supported by columns or a wall, comprising the architrave, frieze, and cornice.

Michelangelo study for adam 16thC red chalk the british museum london

a male nude sitting for michelangelo vs. a female. it was frowned upon to have a women sit for hours naked in order to draw them. - Women we not allowed into the Sistine chapel church -hire male prostitutes to sit for him - reflect experience from his battle scenes


a painting, typically an altarpiece, consisting of more than three leaves or panels joined by hinges or folds. A painting or relief usually an alter-piece composed of 3 or more sections. Often do not remain intact because they are worth more in separate pieces.


a plain, unornamented lintel on the entablature

Sinopia drawing

a preliminary red sketch done on a layer of plaster in order to make a fresco. - drawing for fresco on arriccio (a preparatory layer) width of wall. - Andrea Del Castagno. Resurrection crucifixion entombment 1447 Santa Apollonia


a rectangular column, especially one projecting from a wall. Sta. Maria Novella has these that are crowned by a pediment


a room in a church where sacred vessels and vestments are kept or meetings are held


a structure consisting of a roof supported by columns at regular intervals, typically attached as a porch to a building.

Schiacciato Relief

a technique which allows a sculptor to create a recessed or relief sculpture with carving only millimetres deep. To give the illusion of greater depth, the thickness gradually decreases from the foreground to the background found on Donatello's St. George and the dragon.

continuous narrative

a work of art that contains several scenes of the same story painted or sculpted in a single frame

tempera on wood panel

also known as egg tempera, is a permanent, fast-drying painting medium consisting of colored pigments mixed with a water-soluble binder medium


an almond-shaped nimbus surrounding the figure of christ or other sacred figure


an arcade open to the air on one side.


ancient; old-fashioned

raphael liberation of st. peter from prison 16thc Raphael Rooms, stanza della signatura

angels shows up in a beautiful birth of light while guards are completely ignorant. - reminds me of piero della francesca - figures are lit from various sources all at one time.

SS. Annunziata

antonio del pollaiuolo and piero del pollaiuolo The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian's in what church

Belvedere Torso

apollonios, son of nestor vatican marble michelangelo


as seen in the "temptation of christ on the mountain" - A pattern along the top of a parapet (fortified wall), most often in the form of multiple, regular, rectangular spaces in the top of the wall, through which arrows or other weaponry may be shot, especially as used in medieval European architecture. - defensive architecture*

church of s. pietro in montorio

built on site where first pop st. peter was thought to have been crucified in the years 64 - paid for by isabella and Ferdinand the monarchs of spain. (paid for Christopher Columbus to sail to the new world)

Giotto. Crucifix. 13th c. Panel. Santa Maria Novella

can be compared and contrasted to Masaccio, "holy trinity, john the Evangeilist and two donors." - frame makes the crucifix - halo is semi round relief - Exciting frame? - Calls attention to himself, going against norm. has its own altar form. Heightens the feeling of suffering. - Golgatha: Adams skull - blood washes away sin in choosing christ as his savior.

central planned architecture

can take a point and drop it and anything from that point would be symmetrical


carefully cut and regularly shaped blocks of stone used in construction, fitted together without mortar contrasted with rustication found on the Michelozzo di Bartolommeo

G tognetti reconstruction of the sistine chapel before Michelangelo Engraving published in E. steinmann die sixtinische kapelle

ceiling used to be a heavenly blue - proximity to heaven and god - michelangelo called in to undo this starry blue ceiling - michelangelo is not a painter at this time but a sculptor

Andrea del Castagno: Famous men and women from the villa Carducci at legnaua. 15thC (HARTT 11.13) Uffizi, Florence.

celebrating famous individuals from ancient literature

bramante plan of tempietto s. pietro in montorio rome (17.10)

central core has a relationship with the central court yard.

Bramante plan for the new saint peters 16th c vatican rome (17.12)

central plan - greek cross smaller greek crosses in four corneres -each arm is of = length The circle is symbolic: for longevity, health, union, hope, and happiness A central plan will unify the space joining people together rather than separating them in divisions. no authoritative entry way. Both central and longitudinal

leonardo da vinci plans and perspective views of domes churches 15thC pen and ink institute de france, paris (hartt 16.8)

central planned architecture

Bramante tempietto san Pietro in montorio 16thc Rome (17.9)

centrally organized: - steps - using the circle the ideal form for the basis of the architecture. making a building is hard. Circles create their own difficulties which is why we rarely see circular architecture. -- Is the fact that we no longer or rarely build circular buildings a direct reflection on the society that built it. Are we lazy? Less inteligent? "the little temple" middle portion is a drum to help elivate the dome up high. domes have a history of marking burial cites. Help indicate sacricy and commemorate the dead.

Pierro della Francesca. ideal city

centrally planned city - urban space aranged to an ideal - why was this done? what did they think this would do for the city itself, planning a city centrally? is it supposed be reflective of the human body

Nave and choir of sta. Maria Novella. Florence.

choir begun 1246 nave built after 1279.

diego velazquez philip IV 17thc national gallery london

coelesche painterly loose brush work responding to titian

michelangelo fall of adam and eve and expulsion 16thC fresco (17.30)

color: - give volume not by light and shadow but by color orange to green. these colors for modeling by hue rather than value shifts are sometimes referred to by the italian word cangianti "changing" - silk/shot silk compare and contrast to masolino temption and masaccio expulsion - figure is smooth and elegant vs michelangelo's meat bag bodies Giornate -

Michelangelo, Last Judgement sistine chapel vatican rome 16thC fresco (20.1)

comes back to very same room to do the last judgement much different tone than the ceiling. At this point in time, Michelangelo was struggling with being gay and a Christian. We see this struggle in his self-portrait of flayed skill meant to symbolize his sins of the flesh.

michelangelo pieta 15thC Marble vatican rome (16.37)

comissioned by churchman: - in france for a tomb in rome. French guy died just in time the sculpture was completed subject of death: - church man and christ chirst seated on the lap of virgin: northern euro style Artist: age 23-24 not meant to shock - wounds do not leap out - looks as if he is simply sleeping - serenity, exceptance and calmness Band: - Michelangelo has put his name on the band of Marry - Michelangelo did this in order to get recognition for his work. asserting pride into their individual accomplishment. compared to prior centuries which kept the artist anonymous polished and calculated: - processed mother is younger than her son

Pope Nicholas V

commissioned Fra Angelico moved the papal residence to the vatican created momentum in the art realm: - Wants to make Rome Great again. - After the sac of rome. Rome population plummets about 20,000 people leave. - spiritual authority was not prospering. he reconsolidates papal authority in one man. improving the vatican

Nativity and Annunciation to the Shepherds vs Lamentation

compare. what are the emotions depicted?

Cesare Cesariano: Vitruvian Man, in Di Lucio Vitruvio Pollione de architectura libri decem. 16thC. Print. Bibliotheque royale brussels

compared to leonardo da vinci's Vitruvian man

Masaccio: Tribute Money. Brancacci Chapel.

confronted by tax man - all have haloes - christ tells peter to go to river to extract money from fish - Narrative story: telling in static moments at 3 different places (middle ages technique of frescoes) - Giornate: Sectioned - Masacio broke form normal practice of imitation and emulation of master to instead moving straight into unexplored territory - story from the gospel of Matthew - scene from the life of peter (C,L,R) - Peter is asked to pay taxes (in my opinion he shouldn't get so upset about paying taxes since he is not supposed to be attached to worldly things such as money) - Synoptic Narrative - Space is unified - Linear perspective in the building - Orthogonals all pointing to Christ which controls the viewers attention - Ariel/Atmospheric perspective: color creates depth and space - Casting shadow gives the characters mass and volume - chiaroscuro -Haloes are in perspective vs Byzantine haloes that could cut off other character's faces


consists of parallel lines EX: "michelangelo study of figure"

the Cathedral Duomo of siena

contains Duccios work Maestra

Masaccio, Holy Trinity, john the Evangelist and two donors. 15th c. fresco. Santa Maria Novella

conterpart to Gentili - dead christ hovering Above family tomb - Giotto Crucifixion Fresco arena chapel padua - Contrapasto - displayed in nave - Rectangular frame painting in contrast to Giotto "crucifix" - golgatha vs Momento Mori allusion of death reminding the view to repent his sins before he dies. - painting within a painting - linear perspective - interested in realism illusion on realistic means Horizon is down below the cross - bottom looks like it jus out of the room - Sarcophagus: Bones of atom - Illusionism - Trinity: God, Christ, and the white bird as the Holy Spirt; mary and John are just outside of the trinity space; and just outside of that are the patrons - application of mathematics to the depiction of space perfectly executed - painted two levels at unequal height - Marry appears as an older women. her correct age at the time of christs death - vanishing point 2 views together - humanism and religion were not mutually exclusive meaning there CANs be both in one picture

Michelangelo Seperation of light and darkness 16thC (17.35)

contrast deluge and seperation of light - after seperation of light and dark god moves on to the move and sun. - figures stick in the collective consciousness - Gods head is in deep concentration (like Davids furrowed forehead)


created an artificial world of refined shapes and elegant manners, flowerlike colors and unreal distances

Michelozzo di Bartolommeo: palazzo Medici (1446) 15th C. Florence

decoration is important between floors. - Rustication - Extremely heavy cornice which is applied no only to the top but to the building as a whole. - Stringcourses: horizontal bands of masonry that mark architectural sections


describes a method for drawing three-dimensional objects with linear perspective. It refers to perspective lines, drawn diagonally along parallel lines that meet at a so-called "vanishing point."

Alberti: Malatesta Temple Rimini design for exterior on bronze medal after Matteo De Pasti. (1450) 15th C.

divinity, antiquity, ego, revival, garland symbolism - Julius Caesar - Frieze -self portrait

Rogier van der weyden Saint luke portraying the virgin 15thC oil on panel Museum of fine arts

doing a drawing in silver point patron saint on art

correggio frescoes of the camera di san paolo 16thc convent of san paolo parma (18.40)

don't stir the fire with a sword - pagan goddess painted above fire place - real fireplace linear painting - michelangeloesque why bring mythology - she was a vigin goddess - diana the goddess of hunting wildlife and the mood - known for her chastity - her attributes are those of the crescent moon and the bow and the quiver Three graces above Diana: - shown in monochrome gray - 3 different views of the female body which emphasizes and celebrates the female body. where as most male painters paint the female front on. - can be personified as the christian ideals chastity, beauty, and love putti on the cieling - illusionism

titian festival of venus 16thc canvas prado madrid

ekphrasis putti and cupids - gathering apples - cupid quivers are stubbed with body - ear biting - hapless hare - happy

Brunelleschi, Ospedale degli Innocenti,

embodiment of brunelleschi style. - revival of ancient arch detail - brunelleschi's plan s were made mathematically with drawings and could not be read. The only aspect of the building thats original are the loggia and corinthian pilasters that flank the terminal - based on Pythagoras proportions

the room of tears

feel the weight of the people on your shoulders and you weep. in this room are three outfits - SML

Ghiberti The creation from the Gates of Paradise 15thC Gilded bronze (HARTT 10.13)

figures come to life. continuous narrative: from left to right Adam and Eve temptation and expulsion. As it goes from left to right the scenes begin to extrude from their frame - Around the same time as tributed to Massacios Branacci chapel. Depthal range no hesitation to employs a variety

ghiberti: head of st. john the Baptist (1405-17) 15th C. orsanmichelle

first bronze casting in centuries that was more than 8 feet tall. linear patterning - eyes are sunken in - hair is unkept

antonio del pollaiuolo and piero del pollaiuolo The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian 15thC panel SS. Annunziata

focused on figures Narrative Sabastian was an ancient roman martyr persecuted for being a Christian. He was bound to a stake, shot with arrows and his head was chopped off Symmetry in composition - showing figures forward and backwards sebastian seen as protector from the plague - Use of triangle as the basis of the composition is a new idea The bowman: Display everything antonio knew about muscular tension while revealing mastery of foreshortening. Shapes of hills taken from near by florence

Temptation and expulsion. 15th c. santa maria del carmin

folliage in temptation vs barren dessert in expulsion. - man vs woman's body - Nudity: Thought to be to nude so they were later covered with leaves. Nudity is meant to emphasize embarrassment and vulnerability. - sculptural quality - Giornate - this fall from grace makes christs coming necessary to redeem us but also makes the church necessary. - Mary and Christ seem as the second adam and eve. Contrasting one another - architecture used as a foil. Seen in Giottos work as well. - Emotion: Shame and awareness of sin. Adam covers his face representing an internal sense of guild whereas eve covers her body (modest venus) her shame is more physical. - unproportional body due to the artists unfamiliarity with the human body.

frescoes of the legend of the true cross. chapel san Francesco. 15th c (1450). Arrezo

giotto crucifix - Altar piece said to have spoken to him - saint kisses feet - What does the kiss mean?: in the kiss of judas we see christ being kissed (about to be kissed) somewhat intimately on the lips. here we see Francesco kissing christs feet...

Michelangelo, Creation of Adam, 16thc fresco (17.33-4)

hands are meant to be seen from far away. an empty void in the background clear gestures informed consciousness -brain - eve god is clothed

Sistine Chapel

has the role of shaping the discourse of events such as the election of new popes Michelangelo created the history of salvation 1) Genisis -- Creation and sin 2) The fall the room of tears - where men become popes and cry because they carry the world on their shoulders

rembrandt self portrait leaning on a sill 17thc Oil on canvas national gallery london

heroic individual

Virgin with the dead Christ 14thc polychrome wood Rheinische Landesmuseum, Bonn

how does Michelangelo transform this sculpture? - subtle - not deeply moving (doesnt make you weep) - no exaggeration - very idealistic: Mary is young (free of sin) emphasize the ugliness of execusion, responding to terrible qualities, designed to make the viewer feel.

titian portrait of a beared man 16thc canvas national gallery london (19.9)

imitated by Rembrandt

Michelangelo sonnet with depiction of artist standing while painting the ceiling 16thc casa Buonarroti Florence (17.25)

interested in poetry - in this case he is writing about how hard it was to paint the sistine chapel.

center oculus

is a circular opening in the center of a dome or in a wall - Brunelleschi Sacristy san Lorenzo 1421-28


is a range of masonry techniques giving visible surfaces a finish that contrasts in texture with the smoothly finished, squared-block masonry surfaces called ashlar


is a series of sunken panels in the shape of a square, rectangle, or octagon in a ceiling, soffit or vault.


is the path of an object through space, or the path of life that a person chooses


jewish religious object that shows that this is a jewish temple. - seen in Raphael Stanza di eliodoro 16thc Fresco (17.51) - why jewish?? weren't jewish seen as bad??

Plan of San Lorenzo

laid out as a cube

Raphael, School of Athens, stanza della segnatura vatican rome

linear perspective arches and architecture - barrel vaults and quaffers - Arch of Trajan - The architecture of the building was inspired by the work of Bramante, who, according to Vasari, helped Raphael with the architecture in the picture. groupings: - math (uklid: measuring the physical world, interest in the real physical world) - science - philosophy - english plato (left) and Aristotle (right) are debating on where truth is found or comes. both figures mirror one another but each vary in one distinct arm and hand gesture. - plato thinks that reality comes from a higher spiritual reality. - Aristotle on the right pointing down thought that this was the authentic world Wise men and philosphers gather. - symbolic for Idealism and realism - the world of ideas is the only reality (plato/leonardo) - demonstrates how the universal idea is incarnated (Aristotle) -

Raphael expulsion of heliodorus 16thc fresco Stanza di Eliodoro vatican

linear perspective spreads outwards on how the Euro and Ameri. draw and paint. - Giorgio Vasari: First history of art

Raphael, Madonna of the Meadow, 16thc panel kunsthistorisches museum vienna (16.48)

linear style polished madonna of the rocks - pyramid - background who is he barrowing from?

daniele da volterra portrait of michelangelo buonarroti (1475-1564) 16thC chalk drawing teyler museum Haarlem (netherlands)

lived to be about 90 giving his time to craft his own literary record - well known by the sheer amount of art he produced - sculptor - has the benefit to have advocated for his own story and the history of art, but know as the man who brought art to perfection Cimabue and michelangelo - culminated excellence believed in sharp figures (no sfumato)

exterior view, Arena chapel

located on the site of ancient Roman Ruin of an arena


looking or sounding sad and dismal

Andrea del Castagno: Dante of the Famous Men and Women Series 15thC Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

looking up at great people who are in their individual panels

Giorgione and Titian

made the crucial discovery in the history of western painting. He was the first painter in modern times to free the brush from the task of exactly describing tactile surfaces volumes and details and to convert it into a vehicle for the direct perception of light through color. (michelangelo) this new technique enhanced movement and supported the expression of strong emotion


making the difficult look easy Baldassarre Castiglione

Gentil da fabriano

master of naturalistic landscape and atmospheric effect. - international style - "adoration of the magi" 15th c. panel.

Titian assumption of virgin 16thc panel santa maria gloriosa dei frari venice (19.10)

meant to be seen at a distance 3 general groups - people that were with virgin when she passed away. Amazed that mary has started her upward assent (all middle aged white men). Earth bound in contrast with virgin mary in the air surrounded by angels cupidlike angels dynamic pose that captivated artists for generations - ancient pose - spiral to body - pulsates with life (new level of energy to consider the life of painting above the virgin is god the father - other forms are barely becoming material - level of dynamism compared to Giorgione enthroned madonna with saints. - hierarchy - linear perspective

Benozzo Gazzoli. Procession of the Magi. 15thc.

melchoir - west wall, south wall, and east wall - courtly refinement elaborate - leopards riding horses (Adoration of the Magi) - Narrative landscape similar to adoration of the Magi - - The artist appears in his own work "The Procession of the Magi" (can be recognized for he is looking towards the observer and is wearing a red hat) - placement of various Medici. Asserts authority and power whilst symbolizing the ruling of various generations display of immortality: portrayal of piety, power and pride!

Athanadoros, Hagesandros, and Polydoros of Rhodes (17.3)

michelangello drew inspiration from this sculpture - contour line: injects movement and vitality into the figure (influence from ancient sculptures)


moved away from physical vitality which characterized the work of pollaiuolo and verrocchio instead hes style emphasized conture and line with complex and beautiful composition that can be compared to music

Donatello Penitent Magdalene 15thC polychromy wood with gold Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence

nakedness and only covered by her long hair - (former harlet) long hair was seen as sexy - even her belt is her hair - wood has the ability to soften and wrought adding to the feeling of age story: emancipated for 30 years of penitence in the wilderness clothed only with her hair. There is a sense of drama in her face - consider contrasting the new form of male with the female nude Ex: David is nude and shown Magdalene is nude but she is still covered by her hair meant to emit the viewr into a world of inner emotional stress and ravages of time on the human body. - shown as a hermit: difficult to look at, very different from the ideal bodies that we have seen the eyes are focus on the inner vision -I am reminded of vision of st. Jerome A body that used to be beautiful - but the body is weathered and all that is left is her pure spirituality

Hall of 500 salone dei cenquecento palazzo vecchio, florence

no women would have entered this hall and seen michelangelos naked male bather - sistine chapel is for church men to go into NOT WOMEN (by 1550 welltodo women were mostlikely allowed into the space) - Giorgio Vasari is responsible for the way the room looks like. Painted battle imagery


nude corner figures on the Sistine Chapel ceiling - creation of Adam

Giotto. Annunciation. Arena Chapel, Padua. 1302-1305.

on the chancel arch position reflects a tradition in Byzantine art - the chancel arch symbolized the entrance to the sanctuary of the temple. Giotto represented the piece in a new way that communicates his understanding of human experience Marry is lit by the light of the heavens

Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, 16thC vatican rome

on the left: episodes from the life of moses. old testimate on the right: life of christ. New testimate - each balance one another EX: the branccaci chapel

Michelangelo Libyan Sibyl 16thC Sistine Chapel High Renaissance (17.37)

on the side of the sistine chapel from the pagan world/classical - like prophets said to have foretold the second coming of christ. - shown with a book telling the prophecy Twisting - creates force, power, movement, life, variety A prophet is jewish a Sibyl is pagan - phophet - Michelangelo, Jeremiah, Sistine Chapel, 16thC

Descent from the cross. Fra angelico. 15th c. San Marco

originally entrusted to another artist who died - Arches guide the placement - spectator from masolino appears again - predella and frame can be compared to The Adoration of the Magi and Simone Martini Annunciation - Originally meant to stand in the Sacristy of santa trinita where it would compliment the adoration of the magi - Christs body characterized as emotional restraint and grace emphasizing beauty instead of suffering


ornamental band on a wall


painting that applies the pigment thickly so that brush or palette knife marks are visible

Felice Brancacci

patron of the _________ chapel of Santa Maria del Carmine - had been founded by the this family in the late 14th century, on their return from Egypt in 1423.

Cellini perseus and medusa 16thc bronze with marble pedestal loggia dei lanzi florence (20.22)

patron: Cosimio de medici counter the Donatello david and judith and holofernes asserting authority over florence

Kiss of Judas

peter commits an act of eerie violence against the high priest's servant in what work?

Guido Reni crucifixion of st. peter 17th c oil on canvas pinacoteca vatican museums rome

peter had been executed in the year 64 on the oder of the romanemperor Lighting: Artist wanted to convey something similar to the crucifixion but different

antonio del pollaiuolo hercules and the hydra 15thC Tempera on wood Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

pinnacle of victory place far above the horizon line sharp political content painted on canvas hercules is not represented as a great glorious hero but as a being who accomplished his labor with great effort Strain of muscular activity

Piero Della Francesca: Flagellation of Christ. Panel. (1450) 15th C. Palazzo Ducale, Urbino. (HARTT 11.29)

placed christ and tormentors at a distance from the viewer while 3 figures occupy the foreground. - the figures seem to have no involvement with the rest of the scene - suggested that this is an allegory of Constantinople.


placed on or over something else


plaster laid, painted quickly, and let dry. The plaster itself absorbs/enhales the color and becomes part of the wall. There are sections in the painting created by each day the painting was worked on. With each day the painting took on different shades of the same colors. - rapid type of painting These are Giottos greatest achievement


poussinistes/painterly styled himself as the aer of michelangelo/linear frozen characters


projecting molding on building (usually above columns or pillars)

Piazzo della signoria

projects message of power authority until the medici built their palace which would be the center of power - "Michelozzo" has been the center of political life in Florence since the 14th century with the prominent Palazzo Vecchio overlooking the square. It was the scene of great triumphs, such as the return of the Medici in 1530 as well as the Bonfire of the Vanities instigated by Savonarola, who was then himself burned at the stake here in 1498 after he was denounced by the Inquisition as a heretic. A marble circle inscription on the piazza shows the location where he was burned. Set the foundation for Palazzo di Medici

andrea del castagno Da Talentino 15thC fresco transferred into canvas Florence cathedral

promised nicolo a statue but he got a picture of a statue instead bc it was cheaper for the city to afford. -

Flight into Eygpt. Gentil da Fabriano. Predella scene from Adoration of the Magi. (1421) 15th c

raised in relief and gilded - sun lights the farms and hill sides. Natural light seems to wash over the fields giving the effect of grain ripe for harvesting. - first natural daytime sky we know in Italian renaissance - atmospheric perspective - hierarchical scale ( the figures are disproportionate form the rest of the scene

titian rape of europa 16thc canvas isabella stewart gardner museum boston (19.25)

rape: in the sense of taking someone away. A god or roman soldier will cease and capture a woman. the violation is implicit. painterly - loose brushwork not fully solid - why the breaking up of form into brush strokes --working in venice that did not have identical light to that of other countries. the water breaks up (reflecting and refracting) inspired impressionism


rectangular panels in the ceiling

Gentil da Fabriano: Nativity. Strozzoni Altarpiece. 14th and 15th c. tempera on panel.

represents the sky with atmosphere and natural light (breaking fro tradition) supernatural treated as if natural. - psychological realism - little interest in illusionism - Scene is barren in contrast to the adoration of the magi where the ground has brought fourth flowering and fruitful laden trees (serving as a religious symbol naturalistic and poetic).

titian bacchus and ariadne 16thc canvas national gallery, london

reunion of bacchus and ariadne - exotic chairot (distant land) - signature awareness of hagesandros athenodoros and polydoros of rhodes laocoon and his sons erudite: calculated - requires a history of knowledge to appreciate

Peter Paul Rubens

rubenistes/linear aer of titian


s the space between architectural elements, or a recess or compartment.

Brunelleschi Sacristy san Lorenzo (1421-28) 15th c

sacristy: where sacred objects are kept - pediments - doorway based on the pantheon - entablature - cornice - frieze - architrave - pendentives - 12 section ribs - quafers

Giorgione enthroned madonna with saints liberalis and francis 16thC panel cathedral castelfranco (19.4)

saints were not alive during this time - francis renounced wealth clothes are cheap. non violent saint - liberalis is foiling francis with sparking armour. a Warrior figures gathering - saint francis was very engaged in leaving the italian peninsula and meeting the muslims. In 1453 constantinople became istanbol by the muslims. - liberalis conventionally linked. fortress in the background. compare to madonna of the rocks, doni madonna, madonna and child enthroned (cimabue): - figures are in a pyramid - landscape - compositional arrangement (a port landscape above st. francis and a illage above st. liberalis - modernization of pictorial styles - illusionistic space - tiles present linear perspective where as michelangelo did not make much use of this technique. No means of access to the virigin no steps. static

titian bacchanal of the andrians 16thc canvas prado madrid (19.13)

scene on island of andros a river here had been created upon the arribal of bacchus - characters indulge in to much wine theocracy: (enthusiastic) awareness of battle of cascina by michelangelo (16.42) reclining female nude - influential for following centuries - inspired by sleeping ariadne know as cleopatra in titians day (arm over head indicate sleep) Vatican rome

Giorgio vasari the battle of Marciano in Val di Chiana 16thC fresco Hall of the 500 palazzo vecchio, florence

seek and ye shall find - this is where the battle of anghiari would have been. National Geographic funded exploratory efforts to analyze the work underneath. Still under question of weather the battle of anghiari is under this battle.


seemed to be uninterested in traditional notions of beauty. One of the revolutionary paintings of the western tradition. influenced by the world of space, emotion, and action discovered by contemporary sculptors

Piero Della Francesca: Discovery of the Wood of the True Cross and Meeting of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba from the Legend of the True Cross. (1450) 15th C.

self portrait classical architecture - absorbed and studied alberti's perspective theory - vanishing point is low - Reversed the heads to achieve balance and regularity - Dichotomy between simplicity and desgin and the veined marbles that form the ornamentation - Scene is divided into rectangular circular and semicircular - Shows awareness of historical style: Romanesque camponile midieval house towers and dome modeled with Brunelleschis lanter from sacristy at san Lorenzo -


smoky atmosphere - Leonardo used this approach to his paintings

Christoforo Foppa Caradosso medal coin showing Bramante's design for the new st. peter's 16thc bronze british museum London (17.11)

spread the vision the pope had for the new Saint Peters - fund raising technique - christian question the money they are spending on one church (similar commentary as the buring of notre dome) The biggest dome in rome. (brunelleschi)

Fra Angelico, Annunciation, San Marco Hallway Monastery, Florence, 15th c. (1440-1445), fresco.

standing angel kneeling virgin - virgin is slight and frail. - holding book tightly to her breast - United by simple rhythms of plain architecture - placement of monk in the picture plane allows whoever is viewing the piece to place themselves inside the scene and experience it as a first-person narrative. Moreover, the artist is making the viewers own space more sacred as well by incorporating the monk. -

The Tribute Money Masaccio (1427) 15th c. Fresco. Brancacci Chapel.

string was used to determin perspective - head of christ is in a style that is masolino like some suggest that he is the one that actually painted christ - 31 days - study of light (seen on the shadows cast by the figures faces and drappery) - Revival of Atmospheric perspective by Donatello - - Compared to Gentile da Fabriano flight into egypt. and ambrogio lorenzzeti good government frescoes - masaccio developed a new style. - light and shadow put figures in space. light comes form a single source. Coincidentally this light source carries through into 3-D space where the actual chapel window resides which enhances the naturalism - Somewhat painterly/impressionist style

painterly style

style that de-emphasizes or hides lines - Titian sfumotoesque?

linear style

style that emphasizes edges and outlines - michelangelo hard edge, contoured lines. attributed to the central italian practice of making or drawing in the preparatory stage whereas the venetian painters generally did not rly so heavily on drawings and instead preferred to advance directly to applying color to the canvas

Sant' Andrea. Alberti. (1470) 15th c. Mantua

symmetrical and completed in 3s - 3s: divided vertically, horizontally in levels, - symmetrical --> both alluding to religion a religious message that through death and defeat christianity will remain triumphant. - antiquity and granger - competitive spirit: one upping Alberti's Rucellai -

pierro della frencesca Baptism of christ Arezzo. (1440) 15th c. National Galeri

symmetrical but each side contrasts juxtaposes the other in narrative. Christ acts as the mediator between the two. - can be compared to temptation and expulsion because the divine side is fruitful while the human side is barren -Window -viewer is reading the painting straight forward - foreshadowing - Gothic - altarpiece is a clash between the old and new styles.


the base of an altarpiece that is filled with small paintings, often narrative scenes the painted or sculpted lower portion of an altarpiece that relates to the subjects of the upper portion


the concave triangular section of a vault that forms the transition between a square or polygonal space and the circular base of a dome PP DEF: A concave, triangular segment that serves as the transition from a square support system to a circular base of a dome Brunelleschi Sacristy san Lorenzo 1421-28

Brunelleschi and Michelozzo: Lantern Cathedral, Florence. (1446) 15th c.

the lantern which brings the shapes and forces of the building to a climax abounds in variations on classical vocabulary, each surmounted by a volute. The eight ribs of the Dome culminate in 8 buttresses. corinthian pilaster resting on unique capitals made by brunelleschi. brunelleschi died before the lantern begun.


the lowest balcony in a theater; a partial story between main stories in a building - Sta. Maria Novella

Raphael Mass of Bolsena 16thc fresco stanza di eliodoro (17.51)

the miraculous transformation of wafer and wine into the body and blood of Christ - the floating idea within society during the time on whether christ is present during the wine and waffer ceremony . Wine = Blood of Christ; Waffer = Christ. - Catholics believed that the wine and waffer ceremony was true and that you were embodying christ in the waffer. - Protestant believed that the wine and waffer ceremony is simply symbolic. - Corpus Domini: Celebration of the real presence of christ. Raphael represents the priest, the protagonist of the event, close to the centre of the composition. As he raises the Host, two devotees lean over the semicircular screen which forms the background of the scene. This is a further attempt by Raphael to represent figures in a more dynamic way. Some critics believe he was inspired by Lorenzo Lotto, who was among the artists who had begun to paint the Stanza della Segnatura before his intervention. Pope Julius appears at the right of the scene, a symbol of ecclesiastical authority's presence during, and approval of, the miracle. The Pope's attendants stand one step below and behind him. The asymmetry of the composition regards time as well as space: the excitement of the figures at the left represents a reaction to the supernatural event, which they witness; the stillness of the Pope and his attendants indicates their spiritual presence, achieved through a meditative evocation of the event. clothing

barrel vault

the simplest form of vault consisting of an unbroken series of arches; it forms a tunnel like shape

Ghiberti: St. John the Baptist. (1405-17) 15th c. Orsanmichelle.

the structure originally a loggia was rebuild by the commune in 1337 as a combineshrine wheat market and granary.


the technique of allowing tones and colors to shade gradually into one another, producing softened outlines or hazy forms. EX: "Madonna and child with saint anne" This technique is an important particularly around the mouth of the Mona Lisa because it give the sense of movement. And it is at this one moment the picture seems Melancholic and the next happy. Suggesting or symbolizing her process in becoming.


the triangular top of a temple that contains sculpture


the use of overlapping parallel lines to convey darkness or lightness Gives volume: light and shadow

Botticelli, Birth of Venus. 15thC Canvas Uffizi Florence (Hartt 13.24)

the wind god Zephyr helps the newly born goddess of love ashore. Painting of history: - Venus was born out of sea foam. Saturn (chronos: measure of time) told a prophecy that he would be over thrown by one of his offspring. Kept having sex with earth goddess which posed a threat to Saturn. So Saturn ate each of his babies (time eats his sons) - Woman tries to hide one of the offspring - Jupiter or Zeus. The wind god comes to her aid: How do painters show something effemeral? Flora: Flowers grow with help from the weather or the wind. (wind brings spring) Actual gold dust incorporated in paint for highlights of hair. the poet petrarch had likened a womans tresses to spun gold. Derived from sculpture: "Venus de medici" ex: Brunelleschi incorperated a reference to man looking at his foot. not the first time sculpture referenced in art. Pagan goddess is almost 6 feet tall (hierarchy of scale) - Seductive

michelangelo bacchus 15thC marble bargello florence (1636)

the wine god - looks like he has been drinking bc the contropasto does not seem like a source of steadiness (in the throughs of having drank to much) Behind the god: - a sader busy eating grapes - two figure sculptor group one human one sader two different heights Grapes: difficolta - the idea that artists can engage in oneup manship. Here the sader is twisting eating detailed grapes Made when he was 21 - What am i doing with my life?? engaged with the revival of ancient art Martin van heemskerck Jacopo gallis garden in rome 1532 ink on paper staatliche museen sensual rejected originally

strigil pattern

this type of pattern is found in the Pazzi chapel. The strigil, a wavy line like a shallow 'S', is repeated anywhere from half a dozen to a dozen times on the front panels of sarcophagi

church of santa maria gloriosa dei frari venice

titian lived an enormously long life and therefore make a significant imprint on society

Sacrifice of Isaac. Brunelleschi. 15th C. Bronze with gilding. Bargello, Florence.

title. Artist. Century. Medium. church. scene from the book of Genesis 22:2 - 13 - shows a frantic angel grabbing the arm of Abraham to stop him from plunging a knife into Isaacs throat - Gruesome and violent realism - Scene is scattered - Unremorseful - Has more emotion: recalls emotion from Giovanni Pisano relief sculpture - lost and vowed never to sculpt again. Instead he went into engineering - used several piece of guided bronze to form piece (heavy) - an original creation full of action filled poses - Abraham twists Isaacs head to expose his neck while the angel has to rush in and physically restrain Abraham from sacrifice (makes the audience question Abraham) - The body of the boy is scrawny - drapery rhythms are sharp and broken --> all are rendered in a profoundly naturalistic style cast in multiple pieces

michelangelo doni madonna 16thC panel uffizi florence (hartt 16.39)

tondo Doni: - the name of the couple that owned the painting - Raphael (working same imagery that Leonardo was working) and Doni distinct contrast in edges: - thinks a lot about figures that twist turn and bend. Mom is twisting with powerful movement. Baby looks pliable. (not that people never moved in other art) - makes a static figure more interesting nakes men in the background: - men look female - exact meaning? known for being in tondo painting, distinct in the painting by boundary seperating holy and other people - homoerrotic charge - two worlds circular format: - longevity - symbolism - everything is designed to fit. Not exactly pyramidal Impart coherence by means of the group - spiritual significance triangle/pyramid positioning: Madonna of the Rocks, and madonna and child with saint anne

Raphael St. George and the Dragon panel 16thC national gallery of art (16.45)

trying his hand at a story that has already been done by artstis such as Donatello Atmospheric perspective: northern euro - details in small scale on a small scale painting looking at Leonardo's Battle of anghiari - known as a "learner"

Fra Angelico Healing of the Deacon Justinian Predella of St. Marco Altarpiece.

two saints floating in the clouds as they exchange the deacons gangrenous leg - space illuminated naturally (front left) Second source is from window (left top). third is the light reflected upward and the fourth is from coridore. -- Displays Angelico's analysis of light and shadow. - Modified style and interpretation according to the location and audience. - -> Monastery of St. Marco

Santo Spirito, Brunelleschi, nave and choir. 15th c

two tone system of white stucco and grey stone - enforces geometric order - module is used to establish the width of the nave. 4 side by side creates the dimensions for the crossing. - No one had done this before Brunelleschi appreciate the passage of space as a rhythm. Trying to communicate a message

Gothic style

type of European architecture that developed in the Middle Ages, characterized by flying buttresses, ribbed vaulting, thin walls, and high roofs

led white

used in giorgione's tempest

azurite mineral

useless for fresco, as it turns green when exposed to water: the crystals take up more water, and the copper shifts its hue an inexpensive substitute for lapis lazuli. can flake off (as seen in the Virgin's clothing on Giotto's Lamentation fresco).

Giorgione, Sleeping Venus, 16thC canvas gemaldegalerie dresden (19.6)

venice making the female nude in the center of innovation pornography? setting atomosphereic perspective - curving figure echos the curving earch fabric - rumpled fabric emphasizes the smoothness of the youthful woman - harder to recreate - availability to female figure unmade bed suggesting sexual enuwindow. the ruffling of sheets after an activity done in bed. white led: showed a baby cupid what wasn't put into the scene, which is why our painting was called "sleeping Venus" the goddess of love

raphael stanza della segnatura 16thc sistine chapel vatican rome (17.46)

very influencial a great deal of study and reference into Raphael by other artists

Michellozo: Palazzo Medici, courtyard. 15th c

view of chapel - pilistars, flutting, corinthian columns - Adoration of the infant Jesus

Bramante, Belvedere Courtyard, 16thC

was to function as elaborate garden with fountains theater sculpture court etc this concept was indebted to roman imperial residences known from antiquity - palace express authority (palace of Versailles)

pinacoteca vatican

what church is this painting in?

Giotto. Arena Chapel. Interior view, looking east. Padua.

what is the name of this chapel, which way is it facing and where is it located?

Andrea Del Castagno. Resurrection, Crucifixion, Entombment. (1447) 15th c. Santa apollonia. (HARTT 11.1 and 1.16)

what is the piece above the Last supper called? sinopia: almost like red chalk


when two or more objects share the same center point the second tier of the sacristy

Church of Santa Trinita

where Cimabue. Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets originally hung

Michelozzo de Bartolommeo. Monastery of S. Marco Florence

which Monastery is this a floor plan of?

Alberti. Facade Sta Maria Novella, Florence. (1461-70) 15th C. Florence.

white marble from Carrara and green marble from the prato. - coffers over central portal - valutes - Mezzanine that serves as an attic for one floor and a base for the other. - framed with large values an ingenious solution to a problem that had perplexed designers of basilica facades for a millennium. - masked the sloping roofs that connected the towers - the commission require that he retain the gothic elements that were already completed: the two side portals the six tomb niches and the placement of the tondo window.

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