ITC 429, ITC exam-2, ITC exam3

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benefits Digital dashboard benefits

-visibility: blind spots eliminated, T&O are detected -continuous improvement: display customer's critical metrics and measures - single sign on: saves time and effort - budget or planning deviations: can be programmed to show deviations - accountability: makes employees more motivated


ability to respond quickly

Customer experience

about building the digital infrastructure that allows customers to do whatever they want to do, through whatever channel they choose to do it.

General control

access controls, data security controls, communication network controls, and administrative controls.

Core Business Processes

accounting, finance, sales, marketing, human resources, inventory, productions, and manufacturing

BI challenges

data selection quality

intentional threats

data theft include inappropriate use of data (e.g., manipulating in-puts); theft of computer time; theft of equipment and/or software; deliberate manipulation in handling, entering, programming, processing, or transferring data; sabotage; malicious damage to computer resources; destruction from malware and similar attacks; and miscellaneous computer abuses and Internet fraud.

Telephony Denial-of-Service (TDoS)

floods a network with phone calls and keep the calls up for long durations to overwhelm an agent or circuit and prevent legitimate callers such as customers, partners and suppliers from using network resources.

Always-On Supply Chain

impacted by these innovative technologies:


tools for com sharing to make social media easier


tracking of materials or component parts as they enter and exit a warehouse or manufacturing facilit

Iot: internet of things (SEE CH4 P-9 FOR MORE)

set of capabilities enabled when physical things area connected to the internet via sensors ex: utility meter

outbound logistics

shipping inventory

Protected classes

characteristics identified by law that cannot be used in the hiring process. ex: age, gender, religion, genetic infor, race, nacional origin, pregnancy.

Tactical plan or short term

details and budgets, schedules for current year projects and activities

IT Project Managers

develop requirements, budgets, and schedules for their firm's information technology projects. They coordinate such projects from development through implementation

Examples of visualization

dials, chart, graphs, timelines, geospatial maps, heat maps

Logistics Enterprise Mashup

displays inventory for a group of department stores based on a specific criteria

Formal process

documented and well established process SOPs: routine formal process

strategic plan

documents and actions needed to achieve goals


done by 3rd party or vendor. outsourcing= onshore sourcing, offshoring or lease or purchase IT service


duplicating serial number of one phone and using it in different phone

Web 2.0 basic tools

dynamic webpages; use of XML and Java; social media; data from multiple sources, as in mashup applications; broadband connectivity; user communities; and user-generated and user-controlled content.


easier to implement, basic database

On demand economy

economic activity created by technology companies that fulfill consumer demand thru the immediate providing of products and services with the help of better IT

competetive advantage

edge enables company perform better its competitors. 3 component: - agility, - responsiveness, - flexibility

competitive advantage

edge that enables company to outperform its average competitors in ways that matter to its customer

supply chain mgt

efficient mgt of flows of material data payments among companies in the SC, suppliers to consumer

Digital dashboard

electronic interface used to acquire and consolidate data across an organization. - provides in-depth business analysis while providing real time snapshot of productivity - report that describes KPIs, op/info, strategic/ info with intuitive and interactive displays - programmed to pull and analyze and display data from systems, ex/datas, data feeds, and display metrics

Digital Dependents

emerging generation growing up in a world of broadband connections, constant connectivity that place greater demands on retailers to use technology

Negligent Hiring

hiring of employee when employer knew or would have known the about the employee's background which, if known indicates dangerous or untrustworthy character.

Greenhouse effect

holding of heat within the earth's atmosphere. CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) trap the sun's heat with-in the earth's atmosphere, warming it and keeping it at habitable temperatures.

Digital Business model

how business makes money via digital technology

Business model

how enterprise sustains itself or generate revenue

network effect

how value of products is affected by number of people using it

Unintentional threats

human error, environmental hazards, social unrest and computer system failures.

Porter's Value chain Model

identifies where the greatest value exists in org and how value can be increased. activities of business and their relationship.

Benefits of Data mgt

include greater compliance, higher security, less legal liability, improved sales and marketing strategies, better product classification and improved data governance to reduce risk.

Dirty Data

incomplete, out of text, outdated, incorrect with many errors, duplicated or conflicted, non-standartized, unusable

Channel Hopping

increased communication channels through which consumers can now purchase products (traditional retailers, online, and via mobile devices and apps) called social commerce.


quality of service: • Prioritize traffic: Data and apps that are time-delay-sensitive or latency-sensitive apps, such as voice and video, are given priority on the network. • Throttle traffic: In order to give latency-sensitive apps priority, other types of traffic need to be held back (throttled). see ch4 slide p-9 for more

Human resource

quick glance at employee data such as profiles, salary, ratings, benefits, and activities

Customer Enterprise mashup

quick view of customer data for a sales person in a preparation for a customer site visit


quickly integrate new business functions or to easily reconfigure software or apps

active data warehouse: ADW

real-time data warehousing and analytics, not for executive strategic decision making, but rather to support operations. Some advantages for a company of using an ADW might be interacting with a customer to provide superior customer service


reality: separate channels as independent silos that smtimes compete for consumer attention

inbound logistics

receiving inventory


recorded, classified, stored products, customers, events, activities, transactions

4 Rs

reduce, reuse, recycle, recover

Global warming

upward trend in global mean temperature GMT. CAUSED BY greenhouse effect should be kept at 2celcuis or 3.6F ***Increases in CO2 resulting from human activities that generate carbon emissions have thrown the earth's natural carbon cycle off balance, increasing global temperatures and changing the planet's climate. Climatologists estimated that countries must keep the global mean temperature (GMT) from rising by more than 2°C (3.6°F) above the preindustrial GMT in order to avoid profound damage to life on the earth. Damage includes water and food scarcity, rising sea levels, and greater incidence and severity of disease


outputs created thru work toward a desired benefit or expected performance improvement. ex: goods and services, actions, plans, decisions Deliverables are produced in order to achieve objectives!!!

Maverick buying

outside the established system. If the procurement process is too complicated, people will go outside the system, and buy from a local vendor. Maverick buying can prove costly not only because that vendor's prices may be high, but it can also keep the company from achieving volume levels that could trigger a new tier of discounts.

mobile e-commerce

use of cellphphone to order pay from online

Web 2.0 (the social web)

phase of world wide-web evolution characterized by dynamic webpages, social media, mashup applications, broadband connectivity and user generated.

IT infrastructure

physical collection of devices used to develop, operate, manage, and support IT service---hardware, software, networks, data centers, facilities

Data Center

physical facility, houses large numbers of network servers used for the storage, processing, mgt, dist, and archiving of data, systems, .. enterprise app

IT strategy

plan of action to create an org's IT capabilities for max and sustainable value in the org and shareholder's wealth - must align with business strategy

Business mgt system

planning and implementation process across the org

Operational level

policies, processes and technology how well and efficient we ?

CIO role and skillset

political savvy, influence leadership power, rel mgt, resourcefulness, strategic planning, doing what it takes (face obstacles), leading employees

Leading indicators: BSC multidimensional approach (uses both leading & lagging indicators)

predict future events to identify opportunities

Predictive Analytics

predicting patterns associated with consumer behavior

do-not-carry rules

prevent compromise.


process of converting postal addresses into geospatial datas.


processed, organized, put into context with meaning and value to recipient


profit-motivated cybercriminals who often operate in stealth mode. In contrast, hackers and hacktivists with personal agendas carry out high-profile at-tacks to gain recognition and notoriety.

mobile retailing

promote, enhance add value to in store exp

Data security

protection of data against bad stuff

Outsource relationship mgt company (ORM)

provide automated tools to monitor and manage the outsourcing relationship and SLas.

sOCIAL REcruitment

use of social media to find, screen, select job candidates. Illegal or unwanted infos are often used in this process.

Functional Business system

to improve efficiency and performance of functional areas

Why are human expertise and judgment important to data analytics?

to interpret the output of analytics because it takes expertise to properly prepare the data for analysis.

Human expertise, data visualization techniqs, high-quality data

to obtain actionable information that help to understand data and identify patterns, trend, and relationship.

Business Intelligence

tools to analyze for insight and discovery, finds meaningful relations in datas keep up with the trend and time

Software development kit- SDK

tools used by developers for writing applications that run on a specific device or platform.

Electronic fund transfer EFT

transfer from bank acc using computer

Driverless vehicles and drones

transforming supply operations by monitoring functioning of plants

Feature convergence

trend for applications to take on additional features of other applications, such that few applications fit neatly into categories anymore. For instance, Facebook started as a social networking service, but now has features that span almost all of the categories of Web 2.0 applications. YouTube started as a sharing site, making it easy for people to share video clips with others. However, YouTube now contains many features that make it difficult to distinguish from a social networking service. The same is true of Flickr, a photo-sharing site that has really become a community platform for people interested in photography.


turning to crowdsourcing model to raise money for business start-ups or projects ex: kiskstarter and GoFundme donations, rewars, credit. equity. royalties


understanding to current problem

Informal process

undocumented, knowledge intensive, unidentified inputs

Elements of social media

user generated content content control conversation community (common values and culture ) categorization by users real people connections constant updating content separated from form equipment independence

Declarative language

users can specify what data they want

Empowered Price Sensitivity

using the latest technology to find the lowest price available.

Proof of Concept (POC)

vendor demonstration of products how it works


vendor not performing well while being paid full

trial run

vendor product or service is tested in pilot study or limited area of business to confirm its usefulness to the company


vendor uses the strategic application with other clients

mashups, widgets, RSS

web apps that pull data from various sources and display on another page to create new functionality

Geospatial Data

where things or people and where they are going with descriptive data, what things are like or what customers are doing

Geospatial data

with explicitly geographic component, ranging from vector and raster data to tabular data with site location.


within same country


work sourced to other countries

SOP: standart operating procedure

written instructions on how to preform functions and activity -provide frame-work for complex processes

Components of digital dashboard

-design: data visualization technique, infographics is commonly used - performance metrics: - API: connects disparate datas - access: via web browser

BSC Perspectives 1fin, 3 nonfin

-financial, how should we appear to investors? rev, earnings, assett -customer, how should we provide value to our customers? mkt share, brand image, price value relationship -business processes, to satisfy shareholder, what bu/ processes must we focus? cycle times, cost per process/transaction - innovation, learning, growth; employee skills, IT capabilities, R&D

IT architecture

-guides process of planning, acquiring, budgetding etc IT resources in a single departments within a organization - systematic - blueprint for how future tech will take place policy, production, sales, etc

ICT and sustainable development

-profit motivated wout concern for damage to the environment is unacceptable. -companies must conduct themselves in ethical, socially responsible, and environmentally sustainable way. - IT called Info/Communication technology

Sell-side mktplaces

-sell to other organizations from private web or 3rd party site - competition for seller, buyer advantage.

Blogging platform

A software application used to create, edit and add features to a blog. Wordpress and Blogger are two of the most popular blogging platforms.


Near Field Communication: EX: apple watch, digital ticket, phone automic payment enables two devices within close proximity to establish a communication channel and transfer data through radio waves. NFC is location-aware technologies that are more secure than other wireless technologies like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Unlike RFID, NFC is a two-way communication tool.


Viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, backdoors, and keyloggers are all types of malware

Business objectives

"building blocks of strategy" Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timely

Best practice for social media recruit

- 3rd party or designed person to do background check - use publicly available infos only - do not request social media password and username. * recruiters are also social stalkers

IT steering committee

team of managers to establish IT priorities and ensure that IT is meeting enterprise needs.

Benefits of EA

- cost cut, more productivity - determines competitiveness, flexibility, and IT economics - business strategy=market demand - reduces risk of buying systems and apps

Key factors leading to more collaboration

- cost saving - efficient use resources - unlimited resource -lower maintainence

Semantic web

extension of www to meaning of web content

Single Channel

legacy: retailers have only one touch point

Data warehouses

- Designed and optimized for analysis and quick response to queries. - Nonvolatile. This stability is important to being able to analyze the data and make comparisons. When data are stored, they might never be changed or deleted in order to do trend analysis or make comparisons with newer data. -OLAP systems. Subject-oriented, which means that the data captured are organized to have similar data linked together. -Data warehouses integrate data collected over long time periods from various source systems, including multiple databases and data


- Designed and optimized to ensure that every transaction gets recorded and stored immediately. - Volatile because data are constantly being updated, added, or edited. - OLTP systems. Medium and large enterprises typically have many databases of various types

Strategic planning issues

- IT and business disconnects: leaders not working with IT - Corporate and IT governance: can outsourse work, not responsibility - reactive approaches fail: (making decisions based on immediate need), could lead to failure to align with real need and creating value

Components of Business process

- Input: raw material, data, knowledge, expertise - Activities: work that transforms input and acts on data ND KNOWLEDGE - DELiverables: product, plan, service, action

Key tactical questions to determine profitability

- Strategic direction: What do we do ? what is our direction? what is our target mkt and how to prepare? - Business Model: how do we do? how do we generate rev and sustain our brand? - Business processes: how well do we do? how can we be more efficient?

Benefits of Information mgt

- decision quality - accuracy and reliability - risk of noncompliance - time and cost


- distractions decrease productivity and creativity - 25 min to focus recovery - noradreline chemical that helps us concentrate, produced by focus - best way to improve: practice - multitaskers are worse at cognitive tests.

Managing vendor relationship

- finding selecting vendor: experience with similiar size scope, requirements; must be need. Stability of finance and qualified personnel - ask for proof of concept or trial run - everything in writing!!! each vendor is unique and has unique SLa.

Tech scanning steps

- gen tech search - tech mapping - systems modeling - customer requirements analysis - analysis of spec/tech

IT strategic objectives

- improve mgt;s understanding of IT opp and lim - assess current per - identify capacity and HR requiremnts - clarify level of investment required

Why digital business model?

- incredible customer experience - profit - market share - engagement of employees

Benefits of cloud computing

- meet expectation of everyone - info - 24/7 access

work that cannot be readily offshore

- not routinized - if company were to lose too much control over critical operations - if company is at risk to its data security, data, privacy, or intellectual property and proprietary information - activities that rely on uncommon combination of specific app domain knowledge and IT knowledge in order to do the work properly

Proliferation of these part drive ondemand economy

- smartphone connected consumers - Simple and Secure purchase flows - Location based services

Business-IT Alignment can be improved by

- sr mgt commitment to IT planning - CIO is member of senior mgt - Understanding IT and corporate planning - shared culture and good communication - multilevel links

Location-Based Marketin

-Advertising using mobile GPS systems to determine user locations. - Structured as mobile social media games to elicit consumer information and ratings for special attention or discounts from retailers.

BI governance program is to achieve the following

-Clearly articulate business strategies. -Deconstruct the business strategies into a set of specific goals and objectives—the targets. -Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure progress toward each target. -Prioritize the list of KPIs. -Create a plan to achieve goals and objectives based on the priorities. -Estimate the costs needed to implement the BI plan. -Assess and update the priorities based on business results and changes in business strategy

DBMS functions

-Data filtering and profiling: Inspecting the data for errors, inconsistencies, redundancies, and incomplete information. -Data integrity and maintenance: Correcting, standardizing, and verifying the consistency and integrity of the data. -Data synchronization: Integrating, matching, or linking data from disparate sources. -Data security: Checking and controlling data integrity over time. -Data access: Providing authorized access to data in both planned and ad hoc ways within acceptable time

Steering committee task

-Set the direction. In linking the corporate strategy with the IT strategy, planning is the key activity. -Allocate scarce resources. The committee approves the allocation of resources for and within the information systems organization. This includes outsourcing policy. -Make staffing decisions. Key IT personnel decisions involve a consultation-and-approval process made by the committee, including outsourcing decisions. - Communicate and provide feedback. Information regarding IT activities should flow freely. - Set and evaluate performance metrics. The committee should establish performance measures for the IT department and see that they are met. This includes the initiation of SLAs.

Examples of transition to digital business model

1. NBA talents scouts rely on sports analytics and advanced scouting system 2. Dashboards at casino inform the staff about consumer demand

four factors to consider when choosing mobile network solution

1. Simple: Easy to deploy, manage and use. 2. Connected: Always makes the best connection possible. 3. Intelligent: Works behind the scenes, easily integrating with other systems. 4. Trusted: Enables secure and reliable communications.

Reducing negligent hiring

1. ask for disclosure statement 2. standard process and document 3. avoid coercive practices 4. Training

Primary activities

1. inbounds logistics: receiving raw mat and inputs 2. operations: manufacturing and testing 3. outbound: packaging, storage, delivery, distribution 4. mkt and sales: to consumer 5. services: customer service ***occur in order 1-5, value added in each step

outsourcing challenges: lesson learned by Ebay

1. manage change, commitment of sr leaders 2. assess organizational readiness 3. anticipate risks and formulate a plan for mitigating them 4. build project mgt infrastructure 5. create a governance mechanism 6. define how success will be measured

Outsourcing Life Cycle

1. preparatory risk, assess and doc outsourcing opportunity 2. prepare proposal, evaluate the proposals that are submitted and select service provider 3. contract development and provider negotiations that will serve as framework with the partner 4. service transition 5. ongoing mgt of Service level agreement and service provider relationship.

Objectives of IT business

1. product development: respond quickly to changing demand 2. stakeholder integration: communication 3. process improvement: new systems to more efficiency and cost efficient 4. cost efficiency: it reduce cost 5. comp/advantage: 6. globalization

Porter's Five Forces (degree of competition, which affect profit. Interaction determines competitive advantge)

1. threat of entry of new competition (barrier to entry): threat to entry is lower when IT is difficult to duplicate 2. bargaining power of suppliers: higher power, more profit ex: Apple, Microsoft have high power 3. bargaining power of customers or buyers: 4. threat of substitution: threat increases, downward pressure on price 5. rivalry among existing firms in industry: high when all other forces are high

business continuity plan

1.An organization needs to have a business continuity plan to keep the business running after a disaster occurs. The plan covers business processes, assets, human resources, business partners, and more in the event of fires, earthquakes, floods, power outages, malicious attacks, and other types of disasters that could hit data centers.

cybersecurity defenses or IT defense

1.Antivirus software, Intrusion Detection Systems, and Intrusion Prevention Systems.

Gartner's Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends

1.Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning •Robots, autonomous vehicles, consumer electronics 2.Intelligent Apps •Virtual Personal Assistant (VPA), Virtual Customer Assistance (VCA) 3.Intelligent Things •Drones, smart appliances 4.Virtual and Augmented Reality •Immersive content in mobile, wearables, IOT 5.Digital Twin •Dynamic software model of a physical thing 6.Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers •Peer-to-peer networked token or bitcoin chains 7.Conversational System •Greater cooperative interaction between devices 8.Mesh App and Service Architecture (MASA) •Mesh of back end services linking apps 9.Digital Technology Platforms •Building blocks for a digital business 10. Adaptive Security Architecture •New remediation tools to protect IoT

IP4 vs IP6

1.IP Version 4 (IPv4) has been Internet protocol for over three decades, but has reached the limits of its 32-bit address design. IP Version 6 (IPv6) is the most recent version of the Internet Protocol. IPv6 is replacing IPv4 because of IPv4's limitations in number of IP addresses it can generate. IPv6 has a 128-bit address and allows 7.9 x 1028 times as many addresses as IPv4, which provides about 4.3 billion addresses.


1.IPv4 can support roughly 4.3 billion unique IP address. IPv6 can support 340 trillion, trillion, trillion addresses. IPv6 offers also enhanced quality of service that is needed by the latest in video, interactive games, and e-commerce. In April 2014 ARIN, the group that oversees Internet addresses, reported that IPv4 addresses were running out—making it urgent that enterprises move to the newer IPv6

1.How do social network and cloud computing increase vulnerability?

1.Social networks and cloud computing increase vulnerabilities by providing a single point of failure and attack for organized criminal networks, putting critical, sensitive, and private information is at risk.


1.a part of a defense-in-depth approach to information security. Laptops, tab-lets, modems, routers and USBs are much more easily transportable than mainframes or servers. When a laptop or tablet with unencrypted sensitive documents on it goes missing it's difficult to determine if a data breach has actually occurred, but precautions must always be taken. ●

Critical infrastructure and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those matters. ●examples: 1.commercial facilities; defense industrial base; transportation systems; national monuments and icons; banking and finance; and agriculture and food.

Rogue app monitoring

1.type of defense to detect and destroy malicious apps in the wild. Several vendors offer 24/7 monitoring and detection services to monitor major app stores and shut down rogue apps to minimize exposure and damage.

Long range IT plan

3-5 years what IT should do to achieve goals, objectives, and strategic positions of firm and how this will be achieved overall direction, requirement, and sourcing of resources

4G vs 5G

4G delivers average download rates of 3Mbps or higher. In contrast, today's 3G networks typically deliver average download speeds about one-tenth of that rate. Even though individual networks, ranging from 2G to 3G, started separately with their own purposes, soon they will be converted to the 4G network. 4G is based purely on the packet-based Internet Protocol (IP) - unlike current 2G and 3G networks that have a circuit-switched subsystem. Users can get 4G wireless connectivity through one of the following standards: 1. WiMAX is based on the IEEE 802.16 standard and the metropolitan area network (MAN) access standard. 2. LTE (Long-Term Evolution) is a GSM-based technology that is deployed by Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. LTE has download data rates of 100 Mbps and upload data rates of 50 Mbps. 5G networks are the coming generation of broadband technology. 5G builds on the foundation created by 4G. 5G will dramatically increase the speed at which data is transferred across the network.

risky behaviors

93% of top 200 free iOS and android apps exhibited at last one risky behaviors Apply policy prohibits, but 3rd party apps unregulated ***exs: location tracking, address and contact, user or phone unique identifier, recording in-app purchases, sharing data with ad networks and analytic company. -Instagram, twitter, foursquare routinely gathe infos

Human Resources:

: Processing of payroll and employee records

Circuit switching

A circuit is a dedicated connection between a source and a destination. Circuit switching is older technology that was used for telephone calls. The distinguishing characteristic is that the circuit cannot be used by any other call until the session (connection) is ended. It is inefficient for digital transmission.

Major research centers and tech conferences

COMDEX, IBM Interconnect, Google next, adobe summit, HIMSS

Augmented Reality (AR)

Apps that utilize a special technology to create computer-generated graphic superimposed images based on where/how a user points their phone or camera.


Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

Purpose of BPM

Business process mgt: is to help enterprise become more agile and effective by enabling them to better understand, manage, and adapt their business processes. (BPM consists of tools, method, tech to support BP)

Customer Relationship Management Systems

CRM systems play the major role in customer experience (CX), and good CX helps to retain customers. However, not all customers are worth retaining. Customers can be unprofitable. Intelligently managing relationships with customers can increase revenues and net profits significantly. Similar to managing inventory and supplier relationships, effective CRM is data-driven, complex, and continuously changing. The growth of mobile sales channels and social networking makes recognizing customers across multiple touchpoints complex. In addition, many companies have customer data in multiple, disparate systems that are not integrated—until they implement CRM systems.

Change Data Capture: CDC

Change Data Capture: capture the changes made at data, apply those changes throughout enterprise data stores to keep data synchronized. CDC minimizes the resources required for ETL processes by only dealing with data changes.

Business networks support basic functions

Communication: Provides sufficient capacity for human and machine generated transmissions, such as being able to talk, text, tweet, fax, send messages, etc. Mobility: Provides secure, trusted, and reliable access from any mobile device anywhere at satisfactory download (DL) and upload (UL) speeds. Collaboration: Supports teamwork activities that may be synchronous or asynchronous; brain storming; and knowledge and document sharing. Relationships: Manages interaction with customers, supply chain partners, shareholders, employees, regulatory agencies, etc. Search: Able to locate data, contracts, documents, spreadsheets, and other knowledge within an organization easily and efficiently.

Ransomware on the rise

Computer security experts have theorized that this type of attack has a higher rate of success versus other cybercrime activity that has become more difficult, probably due to the centralization of data resources in an organization. The best insurance against Ransomware is to have offline or segregated backups of data.

Strategies for Competitive Advantage

Cost leadership, differentiation, niche....

Value-added reseller (VAR)

Customizes or adds features to a vendor's software or equipment and resells the enhanced product

critical success factors

Data (15%) CRM technology (20%) People (40%) Process change (25%)


Data as a service oData shared among clouds, systems, apps, regardless the data source or storage location

Tactical adoption approach vs coordinated

Deploying cloud services incrementally results in apps and services that are patched together to create end- to-end business processes. This is a short-sighted approach. not recommended

the role of IT in sustainable development

Every IT user, enterprise, and nation plays a role in climate change mitigation. Climate change mitigation is any action to limit the magnitude of long-term cli-mate change. Examples of mitigation include switching to low-carbon renewable energy sources and reducing the amount of energy consumed by power stations by increasing their efficiency.


Every device that communicates with a network must have a unique identifying IP address. An IP address is comparable to a telephone number or home address.

selecting a vendor, two criteria to assess first are experience and stability:

Experience with very similar systems of similar size, scope, and requirements. Experience with the ITs that are needed, integrating those ITs into the existing infrastructure and the customer's industry. Financial and qualified personnel stability. A vendor's reputation impacts its stability.


Extract, Transform, Load DATABASE ---> WAREHOUSE

API /application program interface/

For programmers: The benefits of APIs are that they simplify the programmer's job and ensure that all programs using the same API use that resource in the same manner. APIs are the common method for accessing information, websites, and databases

functions and uses of enterprise mashups

For real-time awareness and data freshness To feed data to cross-functional dashboards For competitive analysis To monitor compliance and manage risk For disaster monitoring and disaster response To generate external vendor reports


IT can be easily scaled up or down as needed, requires cloud computing


IT capacity that can be easily scaled up or down as needed.

industry group standart

Industry groups impose their own standards to protect their customers and their members' brand images and revenues Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) created by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure. as a service. hardware and software that power computing resources like EC2, S3 amazon web services

Different types of network

LAN, WAN. WLAN, MAN. SAN, CAN, PAN. see ch4 slide for definition

two components of a wireless network infrastructure?

LANs and WiMAX.

Marketing and Sales

Management of sales orders and order fulfillment


Meeting stakeholder needs, Covering the Enterprise end-to-end, Applying a single integrated framework, Enabling a holistic approach, and Separating governance from management

Intelligence Analysis and Anomaly Detection.

Most detection activity can be handled by intelligent analysis engines using advanced data warehousing and analytics techniques. These systems take in audit trails from key systems and personnel records from the HR and finance departments. The data are stored in a data warehouse where they are analyzed to detect anomalous patterns, such as excessive hours worked, deviations in patterns of behavior, copying huge amounts of data, attempts to override controls, unusual transactions, and inadequate documentation about a transaction. Information from investigations is fed back into the detection system so it learns of any anomalous patterns.

Factors contributing to mobility

New wireless technologies such as WiMAX-Wireless Broadband and standards such as 8.11n High-speed wireless networks such as 4G Multitasking mobile devices More robust mobile OSs and their applications Increased competitive pressure as others start adopting mobile technology for strategic applications

Financial Misrepresentation

Occurs when a company has intentionally deceived one or more other parties.

Legacy systems

Older information systems maintained over decades because they fulfill critical needs

Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)

Online transaction processing- a term used to describe the analysis of complex data from the data warehouse. designed manage volatile transaction data

Packet switching

Packet switching transfers data or voice in packets. Files are broken into packets, numbered sequentially, and routed individually to their destination. When received at the destination, the packets are reassembled into their proper sequence.

Patches and Services

Patches are software programs that users down-load and install to fix a vulnerability. Microsoft, for example, releases patches that it calls service packs to update and fix vulnerabilities in its operating systems Patches and Service Packs are released by the vendor or security organization to repair new vulnerabilities discovered in the security system

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a service tools and service coding more easier googles app engine

Defense Strategies objectives

Prevention and deterrence, Detection, Contain the Damage (damage control), Recovery, Correction, and Awareness and compliance


Processing of credits and debits to a customer's checking account at a bank


REengineering: peak efficiency by elinimation of wasted steps

written instructions of how to perform functions or activity


U.S. Government Regulations relating to cyber risk managemen BOOK, P-150


BI increased use factors

Smart Devices Everywhere creating demand for effortless 24/7 access to insights. Data is Big Business when they provide insight that supports decisions and action. Advanced Bl and Analytics help to ask questions that were previously unknown and unanswerable. Cloud Enabled Bl and Analytics are providing low-cost and flexible solutions.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a service enduser apps like salesforce,


Standard operating procedure: well- defined and documented, kinda like a good instruction part of formal process, routine formal process,

Defense-in-Depth model

Step 1: Gain senior management commitment and support. Step 2: Develop acceptable use policies and IT security training. Step 3: Create and Enforce IT security procedures and enforcement. Step 4: Implement Security Tools: Hardware and software.

edge service

Term that refers to a cloud service

ICT role in reducing global warming

Transforming the way people and businesses use IT could reduce annual human-generated global emissions by 15 percent by 2020 and deliver energy efficiency savings to global businesses of over 500 billion euros, or $800 billion U.S. And using social media, for example, to inform consumers of the grams (g) of carbon emissions associated with the products they buy could change buyer behavior and ultimately have a positive eco-effect. ●

Social networking analysis

The mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, computers, or other information or knowledge-processing entities.

reactive approach fails bcuz

Two of the biggest risks and concerns of top management are (1) failing to align IT to real business needs and, as a result, (2) failing to deliver value to the business. Reactive IT investments tend to be patches that rarely align with the business strategy.


Using DNA to 3D print human body parts using bioprinting tech

Relationship between data quality and value of analytics

Validating data and extracting insights that managers and workers can trust are key factors of successful analytics. Data quality is the key to meaningful analytics.

Four V's of Data

Variety Volume Velocity: speed of access Veracity : validation

Transaction processing system:

Transaction processing system: improve sales, customer satisfaction, reduce errors---- internal, external, without TPS: -not captured transactionc csn causes lost sale no cus/sat unrecorded payment more errors


Transactions involving small sums of money (vending machines, parking meters

Social Media Discrimination

Visiting a person's social media sites, however, clearly creates the opportunity to view large amounts of information going against these nondiscriminatory practices.


Voice over IP Examples of high-capacity networks are wireless mobile, satellite, wireless sensor, and VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol) such as Skype

sharing sites

Websites that make it easy for users to upload and share digital content like photos, videos, or music


a device designed to adapt/modify the information signals in a way that can be transport-ed by the media. The word modem is composed of two terms: Modulator and Demodulator, the Modulator adapts the information signal in order to be transported by the media and the Demodulator does the inverse process at reception.


a group of external attacking entities. Infected computers, called zombies, can be controlled and organized into a network of zombies on the command of a remote botmaster,


a model of problem solving and idea generation that marshals the collective talents of a large group of people

Master Data Management

a process whereby companies integrate data from various sources or enterprise applications to provide a more complete or unified view of an entity (customer, product, etc.) Although vendors may claim that their MDM solution creates "a single version of the truth," this claim probably is not true.


a result of processes where maximizing efficiency over one's competitors is a critical success factor.


ability get data in and outta cloud. one of cloud challenges

Wardriving (google street view)

act of searching for WIFI by person in a moving vehicle using laptop or phone. is hacking tech, invasion of privacy and info security risk. happens with open wifi networks

Support activities

activities that support primary activities 1. infrast, acc, fin, mgt, legal 2. HR mgt 3. tech/development, R&D 4. procurement and purchasing

mobile mkt

activities used by org ro engage and commu over wifi telecom


add-on saleforce crm tool

pay per click PPC

ads use data about the person to determine whether the ad should appear; i.e., online advertising that "appears" on the screens of consumers' devices is based on the user's location, behavior, interests, or demographic information. This capability creates opportunities for highly targeted advertising programs.

IBM SPSS Analytic Catalyst

advanced analysis designed for expert in statistical software


app for tagging labeling for later retrieval

Business IT alignment

applying IT in appropriate and timely way that is consistent with business strategies, goals, and needs.


aspiration: multiple, but separate channels that costumer can interact with same brand retailers have single view of consumer

SAS visual catalyst

autocharting presents most appropriate visualizations of a set of data

Database volatile

because they can be updated millions of times every second, especially if they are transaction processing systems (TPS).

Load balancing

being able to handle dynamic demand requests like during superbowl or world series


biased or prejudiced treatment in recruitment, hiring, or employment based on certain characteristics such as age gender genetic information, is illegal in US

Managerial or administrative level

business model and org how do we generate income ?

mobile commerce

buying sellin using cell[phone


called user identification, requires the user to provide proof that they are who they claim to be.. Authentication methods include: • Something only the user knows, such as a password • Something only the user has, for example, a smart card or a token • Something only the user is, such as a signature, voice, fingerprint, or retinal (eye) scan; implemented via biometric controls, which can be physical or behavioral

Goal of dashboard

clear view of current metrics, so it used real-time or near real time datas

newer challenges

cloud integration with on-premises resources, extensibility, and reliability

Integration of Cloud SMAC

cloud-- core mobile device--endpoints social network---connection

IBM Watson analytics

cloud-based, automatic predictive

Social media

collection of web applications based on Web 2.0 technology and culture that allows people to connect and collaborate with others by creating and sharing digital content.

Enterprise data mashup

combinations of data from various business systems and external sources, often in real time, without necessarily relying on the middles step of ETL (extract, transform, load) from a data warehouse. - dont require high investment

privacy paradox

competing demands of social media where users are concerned about privacy, but their willingness to disclose personal information does not mirror these concerns.

channel conflict

competition between distributers.can occur at wholesale, retail, internal sales dep level

Permanent Denial-of-Service (PDoS

completely prevents the target's system or device from working. This attack type is unique. Instead of collecting data or providing some on-going perverse function its' ob-jective is to completely prevent its target's device(s) from functioning.


comprised of the activities that convert inputs into outputs by doing work.

Geographic Information System (GIS)

computer based tool that captures, stores, manipulates, analyzes, and visualizes geographic data on map aka geospatial data

lagging indicators: Typical approach to business (uses lagging indicators, using past performance)

confirm what has happened, evaluate outcomes and achievements. Represent history, not ideal for managing day to day operations and planning ex: cash flow, P&L(revenue, expense, net profit), balance sheets

Giant global graph

connection between people and pages online

Nonlinear Search and Influence Patterns

consumers pursue path through a range of new communications channels including social media, mobile ads, e-mail, search marketing, and other digital communications.

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS

crashes a network or website by bombarding it with traffic (i.e., requests for service) and effectively denying services to all those legitimately using it and leave it vulnerable to other threats.

Omni channel retailing

creating a seamless cross-channel buying experience that integrates in-store, online, and mobile shopping

migration issues

cybersecurity, privacy, data availability, service accessibility

BI benefits

data at the moment of value to a decision maker—enabling it to extract crucial facts from enterprise data in real time or near real time. -help an organization to know what questions to ask and to find answers to those questions. -integrate and consolidate data from various internal and external sources and then process them into information to make smart decisions. According to The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI), BI "unites data, technology, analytics, and human knowledge to optimize business decisions and ultimately drive an enterprise's success. BI programs... transform data into usable, actionable business information" (TDWI, 2012). Managers use business analytics to make better-informed decisions and hopefully provide them with a competitive advantage. BI is used to analyze past performance and identify opportunities to improve future performance

Visualization is used as

data discovery, and data explorer, and learning tool

Data Visualization

datas in graphical format and makes it easier to understand difficult datas

Silo effect

datas that are not accessible by other ISs that need it or outside that departmemt. healthcare datas for example


definition of organization's goal that they want to achieve

Robotics and automation

demonstrating "human" capabilities

3D printing

depositing tiny layers of materials to create computer assisted design and manufacturing blueprints

eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)

designed by the SEC to eliminate document "search and find" difficulties and improve how investors find and use information. oDesigned to: •Generate cleaner data, including written explanations and supporting notes. •Produce more accurate data with fewer errors that require follow-up by regulators. •Transmit data more quickly to regulators and meet deadlines. •Increase the number of cases and amount of information that staffers can handle.

Virtual private networks (VPNs)

encrypt the data packets before they are transferred over the network and decrypt at the receiving end.

EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

enforces federal laws prohibiting discrimination in employment

Value drivers

enhances value of products to consumers while adding value to company, ex: advanced IT, reliability and brand reputation **types: -Operational (shorter-term factors that impact cash flow and the cash generation ability through increased efficiency or growth), -Financial (medium-term factors that minimize the cost of capital incurred by the company to finance operations), and -Sustainability (long-term survival factors; factors that enable a business to continue functioning consistently and optimally for a long time.)

People First Approach

ensures that tech meets the needs of users by involving the users at every stage of systems and development. --taking a people first approach by empowering people with more human technology will allow organizations to improve performance by redefining their relationship with customers and employees from provider to partner. This will require organizations to change the way they develop their business models and provide technology that support them to promote social responsibility.

Chief Technology Officers (CTOs)

evaluate the newest and most innovative technologies and determine how they can be applied for competitive advantage.

Digital mesh

expended set of end points used to access apps, gather infos, interact w/people, social comms, govs, business to ensure instant connection and response to build experience. ex: smart devices, wearables, consumer, home electronic devices.

Safety Stock (AKA buffer stock)

extra inventory used as a buffer to reduce risk


facebook for business

Digital Natives:

first digital generation surrounded by digital devices and Internet connectivity.

Mega trend

forces that shapes future of business, eco, society


fraudulent com such as e-mail, to trick the receiver to get their info

free monitoring system from 80 social media sites such as FB -strength: likehood of topic being discussed -passion: degree to which people are discussing -sentiment: tone of convo -reach: range of influence


frequent, brief posts containing text, pictures, or videos. ex: Twitter

Medium term IT plan

general project plans in terms of specific requirements and sourcing of resources and project portfolio

reasons to outsource

generate rev increase efficiency agility focus on core competency cut oper/cost accepted IT strategy cloud and SaaS PROVEN differentiation reduce burden on internal IT department

Drilling down data

going from highly consolidated or summarized figures into the detail numbers from which they were derived. Sometimes a summarized view of the data is all that is needed; however, drilling down into the data, from which the summary came, provides the ability to do more in-depth analyses.

AJAX "asynchronous JavaScript and XML"

group of technologies and programming languages that make it possible for webpages to respond to users' actions without requiring the entire page to reload. AJAX makes it possible for Web developers to create small apps that run on a page instead of a server. oJavaScript: OBJECT ORIENTED oExtendable Markup Language (XML): set of rules oDocument Object Model (DOM): programmin API for docs oHyperText Markup Language (HTML): predominant language for webs oXMLHttpRequest: javascropt object serves as api Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): language to enhance appearance

IS components

hardware software people procedures network data

Strategic technology and scanning

has the potential to make significant impacts on org's long-term plans, programs, and initiatives - every org needs to continually scan for emerging techs to enhance IT strategy, improvement can range from incremental to revolutionary


high volume, mostly text data ---- 80% unstructured

Text MINING and basic steps

interpreted words and concepts in context Exploration. First, documents are explored. This might be in the form of simple word counts in a document collection, or manually creating topic areas to categorize documents by reading a sample of them. For example, what are the major types of issues (brake or engine failure) that have been identified in recent automobile warranty claims? A challenge of the exploration effort is misspelled or abbreviated words, acronyms, or slang. Preprocessing. Before analysis or the automated categorization of the content, the text may need to be preprocessed to standardize it to the extent possible. As in traditional analysis, up to 80 percent of the time can be spent preparing and standardizing the data. Misspelled words, abbreviations, and slang may need to be transformed into a consistent term. For instance, BTW would be standardized to "by the way" and "left voice message" could be tagged as "lvm." Categorizing and Modeling. Content is then ready to be categorized. Categorizing messages or documents from information contained within them can be achieved using statistical models and business rules. As with traditional model development, sample documents are examined to train the models. Additional documents are then processed to validate the accuracy and precision of the model, and finally new documents are evaluated using the final model (scored). Models then can be put into production for automated processing of new documents as they arrive.


inventor shortage from high demand, delays in delivery, poor inventory mgt

Apache Hadoop

is a widely used processing platform which places no conditions on the structure of the data it can process. Hadoop implements MapReduce in two stages: Map stage: MapReduce breaks up the huge dataset into smaller subsets; then distributes the subsets among multiple servers where they are partially processed. Reduce stage: The partial results from the map stage are then recombined and made available for analytic tools

Data tamperin

is extremely serious because it may not be detected. This is the method often used by insiders

Social engineering, AKA human hacking

is tricking users into revealing their credentials and then using those credentials to gain access to networks or accounts. It is a hacker's clever use of deception or manipulation of people's tendency to trust, be helpful, or simply follow their curiosity. Powerful IT security systems cannot defend against what appears to be authorized access. Humans are easily hacked, making them and their social media posts high-risk attack vectors. For instance, it is often easy to get users to infect their corporate network or mobiles by tricking them into downloading and installing malicious apps or backdoors7. A hacktivist is someone who does hacking as a way to protest for a cause.

Vendor Lock-in

it is difficult to get out of agreement when relationship with vendor goes wrong

Enterprise system

large scale cross-functional inter-organizational app software package that supports business process, infor flows, reporting, data analytics in complex orgs 4types

Application portfolio

list of major, approved IS projects that are consistent with LT plan

4 square app to determine user's location

location based marketing

opportunistic repricing

long term K, and vendor changes terms or add unplanned change or K extension

Breach of privacy

loss of unauthorized access, disclosure of personal information.

Data marts are

lower-cost, scaled-down versions of a data warehouse that can be implemented in a much shorter time, for example, in less than 90 days. Data marts serve a specificdepartment or function, such as finance, marketing, or operations. Since they store smaller amounts of data, they are faster, easier to use, and navigate.

data integrity

maintenance of data accuracy and validity over its life-cycle including the prevention of corruption

Project portfolio

major resource projects that are consistent with long term plan, but included in middle term

Enterprise-wide Data Governance

oCrosses boundaries and used by people through the enterprise. oReduces legal risks associated with unmanaged or inconsistently managed information.

E-procurement: control cost &simplify process

many different methods that make use of an electronic venue for identifying, evaluating, selecting, negotiating, and collaborating with suppliers. The primary methods are online auctions, RFQ (request for quote) processing, and private exchanges. -secondary activities, which add to the cycle time and transaction costs when performed using traditional methods. ex: trading partner collaboration, contract negotiation, and supplier selection.

Strategic level

market, customer, products and services what do we do?


measure is based on calculation aka aggregation of datas. ex: SUM(), average(), count, min....

1 advantage of mobile payment over traditional is


IT consumerization

migration of consumer tech into enterprise IT environment; personally owned IT companies becoming capable and more cost-effective than IT enterprise.

Roambi analytics

mobile reporting and data visualization app designed for ipads and iphones

Data life cycle

model that illustrates the way data travel through an organization. The data life cycle begins with storage in a database, to being loaded into a data warehouse for analysis, then reported to knowledge workers or used in business apps. 90/90 rule: 90% of data rarely accessed after 3months expect for auditing


moral code, prior experience from judgement.


movement of people using online tools - business priorities to make the max use of the groundswell (listening, talking, energizing, supporting, embracing)

mobile kill switch or remote wipe capability

needed in the event of loss or theft of a device

WWW - the internet

network of documents on the internet, called webpages, constructed with HTML markup language that supports links to the other documents and media.


nirvana: customers enjoy integrated across multiple channels retailers maximizes everything

Measurement of direct costs

not sufficient to estimate the true damages imposed by a cyberattack. The effects of a cyberattack can linger for years, resulting in a wide range of intangible costs tied to a damaged reputation, disruption of operations, loss of intellectual property or other strategic assets.

•Social-Mobile-Analytics-Cloud (SMAC) Model

oHuge data centers accessible via the Internet form the fore for the cloud by providing 24/7 access to storage, apps, and services. oHandheld and wearable devices and their users form the edge of the cloud. oSocial channels connect the core and edge. oThe SMAC integration creates the technical and services infrastructure needed to digital business.

Virtualization Benefits

oMemory-intensive •Huge amounts of RAM due to massive processing requirements oEnergy-efficient •Up to 95% reduction in energy use per server through less physical hardware oScalability and load balancing •Handles dynamic demand requests like during the Super Bowl or World Series

Strong Internal Controls to prevent fraud consist of:

oSegregation of duties oJob rotation oOversight oSafeguard of assets oIT policies


oThe plan for how a business will achieve its mission, goals, and objectives including questions such as: •What is the long-term business direction? •What is the overall plan for deploying resources? •What trade-offs are necessary? •How do we achieve competitive advantage over rivals in order to achieve or maximize profitability?

Supply Chain mgt goals

oTo reduce uncertainty and variability in order to improve the accuracy of forecasting oTo increase control over processes in order to achieve optimal inventory levels, cycle time, and customer service

Digital Immigrants

older consumers that fundamentally view retail channels as separate and distinct.


online analytical processing: organizing large business datas


online banking, Amazon, recruiting

Social networking systems

online communities


online journals, website where people regularly share their post


only involve orgs 85% of e-commerce electronic relationship ex: sell-side markets, e-sourcing aka buy-side mktplace

Cluetrain manifesto

revolutionary way of thinking about the web transformation of market to conversations


right or freedom of choice and control ton self-determine what info about you is made accessible, to whom, when, for what use of purpose

Civil rights

rights protected by federal law, such as freedom of speech, press, assembly, voting right....

ERM /Enterprise Risk Management Framework/

risk-based approach to managing an enterprise developed by the Committee of Sponsoring Organi-zations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). ERM integrates internal control, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act mandates, and strategic planning


sTRUCTURED query language ; examples of declarative language such as select column_name ....


same as phishing, but in sms message form.


same as phishing, in the voice form

Drill down

searching something from general info to detailed info based on some kind of interest ex: quarterly sales, monthly sales, to daily sales


select narrow scope of market and be the best in quality, speed, cost in that segment


sensor embedded products to share reliable real time data via radio signals. ex: insurance compny

Strategic Planning

series of processes in which org selects and arranges its businesses ton keep org healthy or able to function even when unexpected events disrupts one or more of its businesses, mkts, products, and services

Application programming interface- API

set of commands and programming standards used by developers to write apps that can communicate with other applications.

Business strategy

sets overall direction of company, how bus will achieve its mission, goal, and objectives, and includes financial requirements, budgets, and resources.

Outsourcing risks

shirking, poaching, opportunistic pricing, breach of K, Inability deliver, vendor lock-in, loss of control over data, lower employee morale

SMAC impact on business

social influence on mkt and ad digital and more srvice CE


software app with encrypted bank info

Data mining

software that enables users to analyze data from various sides, categorize them. is used to discover knowledge that you did not know existed in the databases. Answers may vary. A data mining example: The mega-retailer Walmart wanted its online shoppers to find what they were looking for faster. Walmart analyzed clickstream data from its 45 million monthly online shoppers then combined that data with product and category related popularity scores which were generated by text mining the retailer's social media streams. Lessons learned from the analysis were integrated into the Polaris search engine used by customers on the company's website. Polaris has has yielded a 10 to 15 percent increase in online shoppers completing a purchase, which equals roughly $1 billion in incremental online sales.

Database Management System (DBMS)

software used to manage the additions, updates, and deletions of data as transactions occur; and support data queries and reporting. DBMSs integrate with data collection systems such as TPS and business applications; store the data in an organized way; and provide facilities for accessing and managing that dat

Heat maps

spreadsheet that uses 3colors instead of numbers

Business process and examples

steps by which an org coordinates and organizes tasks to get work done example: -accounting - finance - HR, IT, MKT, production operation cross functional process which involve 2 o more

inventory control system

stock or inventory mgt system

Relational databases system

store data in tables consisting of columns and rows, similar to the format of a spreadsheet

Centralized Database

stores all data in a single central compute such as a mainframe or server - better quality control and security

distributed database

stores portions of the database on multiple computers within a network. - local and remote access and server architecture to process request

Balanced scorecard

strategic mgt method for evaluating performance based on both financial and non-financial metrics. provides blueprint for selecting strategic measures to improve peformance and facilitate strategy implementation. by enhancing strategic awareness and closer business IT alignment.

RSS really simple syndication

subscribe multiple source at one place

Cognitive overload

suffering from too much data - interferes with focus -caused by mobile apps, wearable techs, constants updates, desire to stay connected. - 50% of teens suffers from FOMO

Cloud computing and storage

supporting an enterprise's efforts to share data

Master Data MGT

synchronize all critical datas in one place, high quality data for- - running business business with transactional operational use - improving the business with analytical use MDM and data gov need to ensure quality of data

In-house development

systems and IT developed in house with the help of consulting or vendors. IT that contains important info or comp/ad are kept in-house function

social bookmarkings, tags

tagging or labeling content for later retrieval


technologies that create fast, high volume connections to the internet and worldwide web.

users are required to read and acknowledge before they use service

terms of service agreement

Data Validity

tests and evaluations used to detect and correct errors


the ability to quickly integrate new business functions or to easily reconfigure software or applications.


the communication capacity of a network. Bandwidth is the amount of data that passes through a network connection over time as measured in bits per second (bps). For an analogy to bandwidth, consider a pipe used to transport water. The larger the diameter of the pipe, the greater the throughput (volume) of water that flows through it and the faster water is transferred through it.

Data governance

the control of enterprise data thru formal policies, and procedures to help ensure data can be trusted and are accessible importance of effective data governance ----so managers can know where their data is coming from them to trust the data

Occupational fraud

the deliberate misuse of the assets of one's employer for personal gain. The single most effective fraud prevention tactic is making employees aware that fraud will be detected by IT monitoring systems and punished, with the fraudster possibly turned over to the police or FBI. The fear of being caught and prosecuted is a strong deterrent. 81 percent of organizations have been victims of frauds perpetrated by insiders. Of these, 36 percent were carried out by senior or middle managers and 45 percent were attributed to junior employees.

Cloud computing

the infrastructure that uses the internet and private networks to access, share, deliver computing resources oScalable delivery as a service to end-users over a network oShould be approached with greater diligence than other IT decisions as a new technology including Vendor Management and Cloud Service Agreements (CSAs)

Enterprise resource planning

the software infrastructure that integrates an enterprise's internal applications, supports its external business processes, and links to its external business partners. ERP systems are commercial software packages that integrate business processes, including supply chains, manufacturing, financial, human resources, budgeting, sales, and customer service. ERPs have migrated from early client-server architectures to a Web-based architecture.

Corporate social media discrimination

the use of protected class to weed out candidates


the work atmosphere that a company sets for its employees. Internal control (IC) is a process designed to achieve: • Reliability of financial reporting, to protect investors • Operational efficiency • Compliance with laws, regulations, and policies • Safeguarding of assets The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) requires companies to set up comprehensive internal controls.

benefits of mashup technology to an enterprise

• Dramatically reduces time and effort needed to combine disparate data sources. • Users can define their own data mashups by combining fields from different data sources that were not previously needed. • Users can create new dashboards. • Enables the building of complex queries by nonexperts with a drag-and-drop query building tool. • Enables agile BI because new data sources can be added to a BI system quickly via direct links to operational data sources, bypassing the need to load them to a data warehouse. • Provides a mechanism to easily customize and share knowledge throughout the company.

Virtualization machine

•A virtual machine is a software-created computer. Technically, a virtual machine (VM) is created by a software layer, called the virtualization layer. •That layer has its own Windows or other OS and apps, such as Microsoft Office, as if it were an actual physical computer. •A VM behaves exactly like a physical computer and contains its own virtual―that is, software-based―CPU, RAM (random access memory), hard drive, and network interface card (NIC).

Disruptive Technologies top5

•AI is the new UI oAI is becoming the new user interface (UI), underpinning the way we transact and interact with systems. oAI will revolutionize the way businesses gain information from and interact with customers. •Design for Humans oTechnology design decisions are being made by humans, for humans. oOrganizations need to understand not only where people are today, but also where they want to be. •Ecosystems as Macrocosms. oDigital ecosystems are transforming the way organizations deliver value. •Workforce Marketplace. oCompanies are dissolving traditional hierarchies and replacing them with talent marketplaces of independent freelance workers. •The Uncharted. oBusinesses must delve into uncharted territory, seizing opportunities to establish rules and standards for entirely new industries.

The Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC)

•An SDDC facilitates the integration of the various infrastructure silos within organizations. oOptimizes the use of resources, balances workloads oMaximizes operational efficiency by dynamically distributing workloads and provisioning networks oSDDC Goals: decrease costs and increase agility, policy compliance and security by deploying, operating, managing and maintaining applications.

Management Information Systems (MIS)

•General-purpose reporting systems that provide reports to managers for tracking operations, monitoring, and control. oPeriodic: reports created or run according to a pre-set schedule. oException: generated only when something is outside designated parameters. oAd Hoc, or On Demand: unplanned, generated as needed.

Reasons for Information Deficiencies

•Information deficiencies are still a problem, caused by: oData Silos, trapping information in stand alone data stores not accessible by other information systems oLost or bypassed data, due to flaws in the data collection process oPoorly designed interfaces oNonstandardized data formats, impeding efficient analysis oCannot hit moving targets, because data tracking requirements keep changing

Decision Support System

•Interactive, knowledge-based applications that support decision making •Support unstructured and unstructured decisions with the following characteristics: oEasy-to-use interactive interface oModels or formulas that enable sensitivity analysis oData from multiple sources •Can be used for open-ended What-if analysis and more structured Goal-seeking

Public Cloud

•Multiple-tenant virtualized services utilizing the same pool of servers across a public network (distributed).

GIS Business Applications

•Retailers can learn how store sales are impacted by population or the proximity to competitors' stores. •Analysts can use GIS to identify relevant demographics, proximity to highways, public transportation, and competitors' stores to select the best location options. •Food and consumer products companies can chart locations of complaint calls enabling product traceability in the event of a crisis or recall. •Sales reps might better target their customer visits by analyzing the geography of sales targets.

Enterprise Architecture

•Reviews all the information systems across all departments in an organization to develop a strategy to organize and integrate the organization's IT Infrastructures •Helps meet the current and future goals of the enterprise and maximize the value of technology to the organization. •The way IT systems and processes are structured where is it going? how is it going there? --- must be dynamic and evolving

Private Cloud

•Single-tenant environments with stronger security and control (retained) for regulated industries and critical data.

Executive Information Systems (EIS)

•Strategic-level information systems that help executives and senior managers analyze the environment in which the organization exists •Used to identify log-term trends and plan appropriate actions •Weakly structured data from both internal and external sources •Designed to be easily operated by executives

Information Management Systems

•The use of IT tools and methods to collect, process, consolidate, store, and secure data from sources that are often fragmented and inconsistent •Why a continuous plan is needed to guide, control, and govern IT growth •Information management is critical to data security and compliance with continually evolving regulatory requirements, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Basel III, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), the USA PATRIOT Act, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

•are measures that demonstrate the effectiveness of a business process at achieving organizational goals. They present data in easy-to-comprehend and comparison-ready formats. •KPIs measure financial, social media, sales and marketing, operations and supply chain, or environmental data. •KPI examples are current ration; accounts payable turnover; net profit margin; new followers per week; cost per lead; order status.

Sensors and automatic identification:

•delivering computing and communications power to everyday devices and businesses

IT Managers

•play a vital role in the implementation and administration of digital technology. They plan, coordinate, and direct research on the computer-related activities of firms.

Enterprise Social Platforms

•private (company owned) social media, software, platforms, or apps specially designed for use by business leaders and employees to fulfill the strategic mission. •Three main reason for interest: oKnowledge management oCollaboration oEmployee pressure

Inventory and Network Optimization To

•providing ability to deploy assets and position inventory

Cloud services

•services made available to users on demand via the Internet from a cloud computing provider's servers instead of being accessed through an organization's on-premises servers.

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