ITM 201

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What is an internet? (Hint: notice the lowercase i)

is a network of networks. Internets connect LANs, WANs, and other internets.

Define and describe the two types of modems.

1) Digital Subscriber Line Modem "DSL Modem" is the first modem type. DSL modems operate on the same lines as voice telephones, but they operate so that their signals do not interfere with voice telephone service. 2) Cable Modem is a second modem type. Cable modems provide high-speed data transmission using cable television lines. Cable modems' signals don't interfere with TV signals.

List and describe the different types of E-R Relationships.

1.1:N, or one to many relationships - because one department can have many advisers, but an adviser has at most one department. (Ex: One class can have one teacher, but one teacher can have many classes.) 2.N:M, or many to many relationships - because one adviser can have many students and one student can have many advisers.

List and describe the contents of a database.

1.Byte - is a character of data. Bytes are grouped into columns. 2.Columns - what bytes are grouped into. Columns are also called fields. 3.Fields - what columns are called. 4.Rows - Columns and fields are grouped into rows. 5.Records - rows are also called records. 6.Table (or file) - is a group of similar rows or records.

What is a computer network?

A computer network is a collection of computers that communicate with one another over transmission lines or wireless connections. The 3 basic types of networks are LANs, WANs, and internets.

What is a key? (Also called primary key)

A key is a column or group of columns that identifies a unique row in a table. Every table must have a key.

The Five Forces Model

A model for determining the potential profitability of an industry.

Define protocol.

A protocol is a set of rules that two communicating devices follow. There are many different protocols.

Competitive Strategy

An organization's response to the structure of its industry.

For mobile clients, the major operating systems are: Windows, Blackberry, iOS, and ______


Define and give two examples of attributes.

Attributes describe characteristics of the entity.(Ex: first name, last name, banner ID)

The 3 competitive forces

Competition from vendors of substitutes. Competition from new competitors. Competition from existing rivals. Each of these forces concerns the danger of customers taking their business elsewhere.

Due to Moore's Law, the speed of a computer doubles every 18 months


True or False? In HTML coding, "<head></head>" means to insert the image of a human head.

False, in HTML coding, "<head>" indicates the beginning of the prologues of the HTML document.

True or False? In HTML coding, "<p></p>" will turn the page purple.

False, in HTML coding, "<p>" indicates the creation of a new paragraph.

True or False? In HTML coding, "<ol></ol>" would create an unordered list with bullets.

False. "<ol>" creates and ORDERED number list.

True or False? A database is just a group of tables and files.

False. A database is a collection of tables plus relationships among the rows in those tables, plus special data, called metadata.

True or False? A foreign key is a key of the same table.

False. A foreign key is a key, but is a key of a different table.

Are DSL lines that have different upload and download speeds are called symmetrical digital subscriber lines?(SDSL)

False. Asymmetrical digital subscriber lines (ADSL) are DSL lines that have different upload and download speeds.

Is data internal?

False. Data is external, objective and similar for all. Data is the unique outcome of human observation. It does not physically exist. (Ex: Cant walk outside and step in a puddle of "data")

True or False? Data models are nothing like blueprints for a house.

False. Data models are just like blueprints for a house. Data models is a logical representation of a database.

True or False? Enterprise DBMS products are used to support fewer than 100 users.

False. Enterprise DBMS products support thousands of users. It's Personal DBMS products that support fewer than 100 users.

True or False? Typically, the download speed of DSL modems is considerably higher than Cable modems.

False. Typically, the download speed of CABLE modems is considerably higher than DSL modems.

True or False? Computers are the final judge as to the data in the databases.

False. USERS are the final judge as to the data in the databases.

True or False. You are using the Internet when you use HTTP or HTTPS?

False. You are using the Web ONLY when using HTTP or HTTPS. (When you send an email, you are using the Internet, but not the Web.)

What are the major operating systems for non-mobile clients?

For non-mobile clients, the major operating systems are: Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

What is the symmetry between the five components?

Hardware and people are actors; they do things. Software and procedures are instructions. Programs tell the hardware what to do, and procedures tell the humans what to do. Data is the bridge between the machine side(hardware and software) and the human side(procedures and people).

Define human factors. List and describe both the human factors as well.

Human factors is -- the quality of the information produced is at least as much determined by characteristics of the human involved than it is by the data utilized. The two human factors are: 1.The first factor of importance when conceiving information is knowledge. (What humans know greatly influences what they perceive. So, the data that you pay attention to is determined, in part, by your knowledge.) 2.A second human factor that affects information quality is the criteria used to interpret the data.

What was the importance of IBM's introduction of the PC to the internet?

IBM PC gave everyone access to their own computers for very cheap so the Internet exploded from millions of new members.

In HTML coding, what roles does "<a></a>" play?

In HTML coding, "<a>" defines a hyperlink which is used to link from one page to another. The most important attribute of the <a> element is the href attribute, which indicates the link's destination.

In HTML coding, what role does "<table border="#">" play?

In HTML coding, "<table border="#">" just creates a border for the table you've made. The number you choose changes the border of the table.

In HTML coding, what role does "<table></table>" play?

In HTML coding, "<table>" creates a table.

In HTML coding, what role does "<td></td>" play?

In HTML coding, "<td>" means table data. It divides each row into data cells.

In HTML coding, what role does "<tr></tr>" play?

In HTML coding, "<tr>" means create table row. It divides the table into rows.

In HTML coding, what role does "<ul type="shape">" play?

In HTML coding, "<ul type="shape">" will make whatever appropriate shape you choose be the bullet in the unordered list.

In HTML coding, what does href stand for, and what does it do?

In HTML coding, href stands for Hyper Text Reference. The hreff attribute specifies the URL of the page the link goes to.

True or False? In HTML coding, "<body></body>" is responsible for all other content in the document.


True or False? In HTML coding, "<li></li>" beings a list, and consequently ends a list.


True or False? In HTML coding, "<ul></ul>" creates an unorganized list.


True or False? In HTML coding, if the hreff attribute is not present, then the <a> tag is not a hyperlink.


True or False? Multi-User Processing is when multiple users process a database. Such multi-user processing is common but it poses problems.


Is information internal?

True. Information is internal, depends on the person, and can be different for all. Two people can look the same data, but comprehend different information from that data.

True or False? Some users and larger businesses, however, need DSL lines that have the same receiving and transmitting speeds. Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Lines (SDSL) - offer the same fast speed in both directions.

True. Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Lines (SDSL) offer the same fast speed in both directions when receiving and transmitting.

Metcalfe's Law

Value of Network increase w/ the square of nodes. (One phone in the world has no value, same with 2 phones, but with many of them, there is value

What is Virtualization?

Virtualization is the process whereby multiple OS share the same hardware. (Ex: With virtualization, one server can support, say, two instances of Windows Server, one instance of Linux, and three instances of Windows 7. Because these instances are isolated, it will appear to each that it has exclusive control over the server computer.)

In HTML coding, what role does "<>" play?

"<>" are angle brackers. Tags are enclosed in the angle brackers.

In HTML coding, what role does "<br /><br />" play?

"<br />" means line break or break in the line.

In HTML coding, what role does "<h#></h#>" play?

"<h#>" is a tag for a header. The number can range 1-6 for different type of headings.

In HTML coding, what role does "<html></html>" play?

"<html>" signifies the beginning of the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) coding.

Two strong examples of the five component framework

(Ex#1: When you use a computer to write a class report, you are using hardware(the computer, storage disk, keyboard, and monitor), software(Word, WordPerfect, or some other word-processing program), data(the words, sentences, and paragraphs in your report), procedures(The methods you use to start the program, enter your report, print it, and save and back up your file), and people(you). (Ex#2: An airline reservation system. The hardware consists of dozens or more computers linked together by telecommunications hardware. Furthermore, hundreds of different programs(software) coordinate communications among the computers, and still other programs(software) perform the reservations and related services. Additionally, the system must store millions upon millions of characters of data about flights, customers, reservations, and other facts. Hundreds of different procedures are followed by airline personnel, travel agents, and customers. Finally, the information system includes people, not only the users of the system, but also those who operate and service the computers, those who maintain the data, and those who support the networks of computers.

What does the abbreviation WAN stand for? And what is the definition of it?

WAN stands for "Wide Area Network". WANs connect computers at a different geographic locations. (Computers in two separated company sites must be connected using a WAN.)

What is a byte and its abbreviation?

A byte a group of 8-bit chunks. No abbreviation.

What are the four definitions of information?

1) Information is knowledge derived from data (Ex: The statement that the average hourly wage of all the equipment clerks is $22.37/hr is information. 2) Information is processed data, or sometimes, information is data processed by sorting, filtering, grouping, comparing, summing, averaging, and other similar operations. The main idea of this definition is that we do something to data to produce information. 3) Information is presented in a meaningful contest. (Ex: The statement that Jeff Parks earns less than half the average hourly wage of the equipment clerks, however, is information.) 4) Information is a difference that makes a difference (Ex: Dirk perceived that Carter's account was in debts or had some other problem. That perception was a difference. Now, because of the intramural sport's league's policy, encoded in its business process, that difference mad a difference.)

The 2 strength factors that relate to all 3 competitive forces

1) Switching costs- If the costs of switching to another vendor are high, then the strength of the competitive forces is low. 2) Loyalty to the customer-If the customers are loyal to the company or brand, then the strength of the competitive forces is low.

The 2 strength factors that relate to the 2 bargaining power forces

1) The availability of substitutues. (Ex: A nobel prize-winning scientist has a strong bargaining supplier power at a university because such scientists are rare. In contrast, a temporary part time instructor has little bargaining power bc many ppl can fill that role. 2) The relative size of the firm compared to the size of suppliers or customers. (Ex:those part time instructors were to form a union, then that union would have a greater bargaining power bc of its relative size.)

Two Categories of the Five Forces Model

1) forces related to supply chain bargaining power. 2) forces related to competition.

The Four Fundamental Competitive Strategies

1)An organization can be the cost leader and provide products at the lowest prices in the industry. 2)An organization can focus on adding value to its products to differentiate them from those of the competition 3)An organization can employ the cost or differentiation strategy across an industry 4)An organization can focus its strategy on a particular industry segment. (Example: The car rental industry. A car rental company can strive to provide the lowest-cost car rentals across the industry, or it can seek to provide the lowest-cost car rental to a "focused" industry segment-say, US domestic business travelers)

Define and describe the 4 factors of data

1. Data must be accurate- it must be a correct and complete measure of whatever it is supposed to measure. 2. Data must be timely - (ex: a monthly report that arrives 6 weeks late is most likely useless. The data arrives long after the decisions have been made that needed related information.) Timeliness can be measured against a calendar (6 weeks late) or against events (before we ship off). 3. Data must be of the appropriate granularity. (Ex: Data that is too fine-grained has too many details; data that is too coarse is too highly summarized. A file that contains records of millions or clicks on a Web page is too fine-grained for an analysis of revenue generated by different page designs. A file of national sales data is too coarse-grained for an analysis of the relative performance of city sales regions. If one is going to "err", "err" on the side of being too fine-grained. 4. Data needs to be easy to use. (Ex: Data that is subtly and is difficult to find is NOT easy to use.)

List and describe the two categories of DBMS products?

1.Enterprise DBMS - products process large organizational and workgroup databases. These products support many users and many different database applications. The largest RDBMS products are: Oracle's Oracle Database (40% share), and Microsoft SQL Server (25% share) and then IBM's DB2. 2.Personal DBMS - products that are designed for smaller, simpler database applications. Such products are used for personal or small workgroup applications that involve fewer than 100 users.

List and describe the characteristics of a structured process.

1.Formally defined process 2.Process change slow and difficult 3.Control is critical 4.Innovation not expected 5.Efficiency and effectiveness are important 6.Information Systems are prescriptive ( They clearly delimit what the users of the system can do and under what conditions they can do it.

List and define the application layer protocols.

1.Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP) - HTTP is the protocol used between browsers and Web servers. 2.Hyper Text Transport Protocol Secured (HTTPS) - HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP. 3.Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) - is used for e-mail transmissions (along with other protocols as well.) 4.File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - is used to move files over the Internet. One very common use for FTP is to maintain Web sites. (Ex: When a web site admin wishes to post a new picture or story on a Web server, the admin will often use FTP to move the picture or other item to the server. Like HTTP, FTP has a secure version as well. "FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Secured).

List and describe the characteristics of a dynamic process.

1.Informal process 2.Process change rapid and expected 3.Adaptation is critical 4.Innovation required 5.Effectiveness is important 6.Information Systems are supportive (IS provide a platform, an infrastructure, to facilitate dynamic processes.)

What is a database application system?

A Database Application System (DAS) contains a database, a DBMS, and one or more database applications.

What is a Gigabyte and its abbreviation?

A Gigabyte is 1000 Megabytes. The abbreviation is GB.

What is a Kilobyte and its abbreviation?

A Kilobyte is 1000 bytes. The abbreviation is K.

The computers for a college of business located on a single campus can be connected via a?

A Local Area Network.

What is a Megabyte and its abbreviation?

A Megabyte is 1000 Kilobytes. The abbreviation is MB.

What is a Petabyte and its abbreviation?

A Petabyte is 1000 Terabytes. The abbreviation is PB

What is a Terabyte and its abbreviation?

A Terabyte is 1000 Gigabytes. The abbreviation is TB.

The computers for a college of business located on multiple campuses must be connected via a?

A Wide Area Network.

Define and state the purpose of a database.

A database is a self-describing collection of integrated records. (The purpose of a database is to keep track of things.)

Define what a database tier is.

A database tier consists of computers that run a DBMS that processes SQL requests to retrieve and store data.

What is a dynamic process?

A dynamic process is less specific, more adaptive, and even intuitive.

What is a business process?

A sequence of activities for accomplishing a function. (Ex: SLU has business processes to: Add a class to the business curriculum, Add a new section to a class schedule, Assign a class section to a classroom, Drop a class section, and Record final grades.)

What is a server tier?

A server tier consists of computers that run Web servers and process application programs.

Describe what a user-tier is.

A user-tier consists of computers, phones, and other devices that have browsers that request and process Web pages.


A way of doing something.

What is the three-tier architecture?

Almost all e-commerce applications use the three-tier architecture. The three-tier architecture is an arrangement of user computers and servers into three categories or tiers.

What is an Exabyte and its abbreviation?

An Exabyte is 1000 Petabytes. The abbreviation is EB.

What is an HTML "tag"?

An HTML tag is a notation used to define a data element for display or other purposes.

What is an entity?

An entity is something that the users want to track. (Ex: Order, Customer, Salesperson, and Item) Entity names are always singular.

What is an identifier?

An identifier is an attribute(or group of attributes) whose value is associated with one and only one entity instance.

The 2 bargaining power forces

Bargaining power of suppliers. Bargaining power of customers.

Why is process important?

Because businesses accomplish work with processes, they improve organizational effectiveness and efficiency.

Moore's Law

Because of technology improvements on the electronic chip design and manufacturing, the # of transistors per square inch on an integrated chip doubles every 18 months

Because information is conceived personally, it might be that everyone always disagrees about everything. It is, however, unlikely. Why is that?

Because we all share the same mental apparatus. Reasoning and communication evolved only to allow us to organize our collective behavior. Because we have the same hardware, we will conceive information the same way, and thus be able to organize ourselves into groups that have a selective advantage over other groups.

What does the abbreviation CPU stand for? And what is the definition of it?

CPU stands for "Central Processing Unit". The CPU is sometimes called "the brain" of the computer. The CPU selects instructions, processes them, performs arithmetic and logical comparisons, and stores results of operation in memory.

Define Cloud Computing.

Cloud Computing is a form of hardware/software leasing in which organizations obtain server resources from vendors that specialize in server processing. (the amount of server time and the resources leased is flexible and can change dynamically and dramatically). Customers pay only for resources used. Major companies that offer cloud computing products are Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and RackSpace.

Why is cloud computing feasible?

Cloud computing is feasible because cloud vendors harness the power of Virtualization

Bc of moore's law the cost of ______ and _______ are essentially 0.

Data communications and data storage. (Ex: Youtube, FB, LinkedIn, Second Life, Twitter...etc)

What is Data?

Data is recorded facts or figures (Ex: Employee James Smith earns $17.50/hr and Mary Jones earns $25.00/hr is data.

What are input hardware devices?

Input hardware devices are the keyboard, mouse, touch pad/screen, document scanners, and bar-code scanners like those used in grocery stores. Microphones are also input devices. Finally, both wired and wireless data communications devices provide input data to the computer.

Should a business build their own program or buy off the shelf?

Just like buying or leasing a car. Need to know more information. When you lease you need to get a new car in 2-3 years. Or if you cant afford a certain car but think you could in 3 years then you could lease a car. Same situation with business.

What is knowledge?

Knowledge is information with human perspective added.

What does the abbreviation LAN stand for? And what is the definition of it?

LAN stands for "Local Area Network". LANs connects computer that reside in a single geographic location on the land of the company that operates the LAN. The distinguishing characteristic of a LAN is a single location.

Define maximum cardinality and show an example.

Maximum cardinality is the maximum number of entities that can be involved in a relationship. Accordingly, they are called the relationships maximum cardinality. (Examples of maximum cardinality are 1:N, and N:M)

What is metadata?

Metadata is data that describes data. Metadata describes the structure of the database. There is more metadata in a database than data. Plain and simple. (Ex: In Microsoft Access, typing your name out (Matt, just 4 letters, could take 10 thousand of metadata characters to manage that database . It's very unefficient in Kerry's opinion. But when you have a big database with thousands of names, it still takes 10 thousand characters of metadata. Bottom line is that there will always be more metadata than data.)

Define minimum cardinality and show and example.

Minimum cardinality is the minimum number of entities required in a relationship. (Optional or Mandatory) (Ex: the relationship between a student and a class is mandatory, meaning they must go. The relationship between a teacher and a class is optional, meaning a teacher does not necessarily need to teach a class.)

Define normalization.

Normalization is the process of converting a poorly structured table into two or more well-structured tables.

Abstract reasoning

One of Reich's 4 nonroutine cognitive skills. The ability to make and manipulate models. (Construct a model or representation)

Systems Thinking

One of Reich's 4 nonroutine cognitive skills. The ability to model the components of the system and to connect the inputs and the outputs among those components to a sensible whole. (Ex: Can you go to a grocery store, look at a can of green beans, and connect that to the US immigration policy?)


One of Reich's 4 nonroutine cognitive skills. The ability to work together. Most important skill is to be able to give and receive critical feedback. (not just being nice)

What is output hardware?

Output hardware are devices that are externally connected to the computer. (Ex: Video displays, speakers, projectors, printers, and other special-purpose devices, such as the large flatbed plotters used for making maps and other large printed displays.

Ability to Experiment "Experimentation"

Reich's last nonroutine cognitive skill. Making a careful and reasoned analysis of an opportunity, envisioning potential products or solutions or applications of technology, and then developing those idea that seem to have the most promise, consistent with the resources you have.

What does storage hardware do?

Saves data and programs.

What are structured processes?

Structured processes are formally defined, standardized processes. Most structured processes support day to day operations. (Ex: accepting a return, placing an order, computing a sales commission, and so forth.)


Synergistic impact of discordant compatible technologies. Inventions designed for different purposes then they are used for today. (Ex: GPS invented for military, but was actually used first for commercial shipping, and now publically for everyone.)

Why can't the notation N:N be written to describe an E-R relationship?

That notation would imply that there are the same number of entities on each side of the relationship, which is not necessarily true. (Ex: Flying is a good form of travel. I have a car. So let me fly in my car. NOT POSSIBLE)

What are the 3 basic types of networks?

The 3 basic types of networks are LANs,WANs, and internets.

What is the Entity-Relationship (E-R) Data Model?

The E-R Data Model is a tool for constructing data models. Developers use it to describe the content of a data model by defining the things that will be stored in the database and the relationships among those entities.

Name and describe a problem created by Multi-User Processing.

The Lost-Update Problem. The Lost-Update Problem is when two people are accessing the data, there is the chance that one person updates the data while the other one doesn't see and then problems are caused from this.

What is the Web?

The Web is the Internet-based network of browsers and servers that process HTTP or HTTPS. (Ex: When you send an email, you are using the Internet, but not the Web.)

What does the abbreviation DBMS stand for? And what is the definition of it?

The abbreviation DBMS stands for "Database Management System". DBMS is a program used to create, process, and administer a database. As with OS, almost no organization develops its own DBMS. Companies license DBMS products from vendors (Ex: IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and others).

What does the abbreviation HTML stand for? And what is the definition of it?

The abbreviation HTML stands for "Hyper Text Markup Language". HTML is the most common language for defining the structure and layout of Web pages.

What does the abbreviation HTTP stand for and what is the definition of the abbreviated words?

The abbreviation HTTP stands for "Hyper Text Transport Protocol". HTTP is the protocol used between browsers and Web servers. (When you use a browser like Internet Explorer, Safari, or Chrome, you are using a program that implements the HTTP protocol.

What does the abbreviation HTTPS stand for? And what is the definition of it?

The abbreviation HTTPS stands for "Hyper Text Transport Protocol Secured". HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP. Whenever you see https in your browser's address bar, you have a secure transmission and you can safely send sensitive data like credit card numbers.

What does the abbreviation RDBMS stand for? And what is the definition of it?

The abbreviation RDBMS stands for "Relational Database Management System". RDBMS are databases that carry their data in the form of tables and that represent relationships using foreign keys. (RDBMS are the main ones that everyone uses but people just drop the R.)

What technological advance was made in 1982?

The birth of IBM PC was in 1982. (This was important bc the IBM PC gave everyone access to their own computers for very cheap so the Internet exploded from millions of new members.

What technological advance was made in 1994?

The birth of Java was in 1994. (Everything today is possible because of invention of Java in 1994. Java allows us to communicate back and forth.)

What technological advance was made in 1972?

The birth of the Internet was in 1972.

Management (of MIS)

The creation, monitoring, and adapting of processes, information systems, and information.

What is the five component framework? And what are the 5 components?

The five-component framework is a model of the components of an information system. The five components consist of: 1)Hardware 2)Software 3)Data 4)Procedures 5)People

What is the most common storage device?

The magnetic disc.

MIS "Management Information System"

The management and use of processes, information systems, and information to help organizations achieve their strategies.

What is the most famous internet? And what is the definition of that internet?

The most famous internet is "the Internet". The Internet is the collection of networks that you can use when you send email or access a Web site. In addition to the Internet, private networks of networks, called internets, also exist.

What technological advance was made in 1989?

Tim Berners-Lee birthed the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989.

How does one prevent the Lost Update Problem?

To prevent the lost-update problem you need to put locks on records and data while updating. This says you can read the record but you cant update it because im currently updating it.

How do we use the Five Forces Model today?

We use porter's model for a different purpose as stated earlier: to identify sources of strong competition and to use this knowledge to create a competitive strategy to combat those strong forces.

The two important servers are ______ and ________.

Windows and Linux.

What is a hard drive?

a high-capacity, self-contained storage device containing a read-write mechanism plus one or more hard disks, inside a sealed unit. Also called hard disk drive.

What is encryption? And what is the purpose of it?

a type of code that people cannot read or understand what the code is actually says. (The purpose is to protect from snooping)

Hardware consists of.....

consists of electronic components and related gadgetry that input, process, output, and store data according to instructions encoded in computer programs or software.

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