Japan: The Three Unifiers
Tokugawa Ieyasu(1545-1616)
-governed Hideyoshi's son Hideyori - built his own government - established alternate residency system
Toyotomi Hideyoshi(1537-1598)
-son of farmer -avenged death of Oda Nobunaga -conquered northern and western Japan - bribed daimyo for allegiance - improved tax collection -invaded Korea which resulted in his death
Oda Nobunaga(1534-1582)
-son of samurai -seized Kyoto -destroyed the military power of the great Buddhist monasteries -promoted trade -opened Nagasaki(became Japan's largest port) - Committed Seppuku bc one of his general betrayed him
Who were the 3 Unifiers?
1) Oda Nobunaga(1534-1582) 2) Toyotomi Hideyoshi(1537-1598) 3) Tokugawa Ieyasu(1545-1616)
Social classes
1) Warriors 2) Artisans 3) Peasants 4) Merchants- seen as having nothing to offer
japan feudal system(top to bottom)
Shogun Daimyo Samurai Peasants
What was the position of women within Japanese society?
Women were inferior and lost their prominent role in society. Men were the head of the house hold. Women were only valued as child bearers and in most poor families infant daughters were put to death to save food and money.
Alternate Residence System?
daimyo had 2 residencies. Families of daimyos forced to live in Edo as hostages to ensure the loyalty of daimyos.
What was the role of the Emperor?
Sengoku period
period of anarchy where all of the states were at war