Jeppesen 02B - Reciprocating Engine Removal and Overhaul

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It compensates for slight misalignments, normal engine movement, and vibration caused by engine operation.

A ball joint connects a stationary portion of the exhaust system to another portion that is attached to the engine. What is the purpose of this ball joint?


A bearing defect in which chips of the hardened bearing surface are broken out.

Scuffing / Pick Up

A buildup or rolling of metal from one area to another which is usually caused by insufficient lubrication, clearance, or foreign matter.

A telescoping gauge and micrometer are used to determine the appropriate clearances.

A dimensional inspection of the main journal bearing inserts and camshaft bearings requires assembly of the crankcase halves. What practice is done after assembly?


A displacement of material beyond the normal surface contour commonly referred to as a bulge or bump. When a part is upset, there is usually no metal loss.


A feather edge, caused by grinding a valve too much, can cause:


A form of surface corrosion caused by minute movement between two parts clamped together under considerable pressure. Found sometimes between crankcase halves.


A furrowing condition in which a displacement of metal occurs. Usually caused by a piece of metal or foreign material becoming trapped between moving parts.


A localized change in color that is noticeably different in appearance from the surrounding area.

The engine should be re-preserved if it is to remain in storage.

A metal container with a humidity indicator with a pink condition indicates that:

Liquid penetrant inspection.

A method of nondestructive inspection suitable for locating cracks, porosity, or other types of faults open to the surface.


A partial separation of material usually caused by vibration, overloading, internal stresses, defective assembly, or fatigue.

The stops for the throttle and mixture on a carburetor or fuel control must be reached before the throttle or mixture controls reach their stop in the cockpit.

A properly adjusted engine control must have a degree of cushion, or springback, at its fully open and fully closed positions. In other words:


A recess or channel with rounded and smooth edges that usually results from improperly aligned parts.


A series of blunt surface depressions.


A series of deep scratches caused by foreign particles between moving parts, or careless assembly or disassembly techniques.


A severe condition of chafing or fretting in which a transfer of metal from one part to another occurs. Usually caused by slight movement between mated parts under high loads.


A sharp or roughened projection of metal usually resulting from machine processing, drilling, or cutting.


A sharp sided gouge or depression with a "V" shaped bottom. Generally the result of careless handling of tools and parts.


A small, rounded surface depression usually found in sheet metal. The result of impact with another object.

The control rod must be removed completely from the aircraft before the engine is removed.

A typical control rod has a clevis attached to one end and a rod end bearing attached to the other end. What best practice is done to prevent damaging a control rod?

Shock mounts.

A typical engine mounting structure incorporates vibration isolating ___________ that help dampen engine vibrations and permit restricted movement. They contain rubber components that are arranged so the engine weight rests on the rubber.

A pulley with at least one complete loop of cable around it to prevent slippage.

A typical throttle control system of cables, pulleys, and a drum requires several adjustment steps. A drum is basically:

Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program (SOAP).

A way to correctly identify the type and quantity of foreign particles in an engine's oil which requires an oil sample to be sent to a laboratory for analysis. When this is done, you are provided with a list of the type of particles found along with possible sources of the particles.

The amount of time since major overhaul (SMOH).

Accumulated engine operation time should be referenced as:

Remanufactured engine.

Advertisements for engine overhauls or exchange programs sometimes use this term. This term is not defined by the FAR and the vendor should be questioned about what is meant.

If steel parts are left exposed to the air, they will quickly rust.

After all of the parts have been thoroughly cleaned, steel parts must be coated with a film of protective oil. Why is it important to apply the protective oil coating?

Obtain the proper gaskets or O-rings prior to installation.

After completing the engine installation and adjustments, the propeller can be installed. If a constant-speed propeller is being installed:

The use of an appropriate sling and hoist arrangement due to their size and weight is required.

After completing the engine installation and adjustments, the propeller can be installed. If large propellers are being installed:

It can typically be lifted into position and attached to the propeller shaft.

After completing the engine installation and adjustments, the propeller can be installed. If the propeller being installed is a fixed pitch propeller:

14 CFR Part 91

Aircraft owners who operate under what FAR regulation are not obligated to comply with a manufacturer's recommended TBO?

Engine manufacturer or a certified repair station.

All major repairs made on a crankshaft must be done by whom?


An area of roughened scratches or marks usually caused by foreign matter between moving parts.

It is sometimes accomplished with a maximum wear gauge provided by the engine manufacturer. If a wear gauge is not provided, the inside diameter of a valve guide is checked with a small hole gauge and micrometer.

Another dimensional inspection that should be made on a cylinder is to check the valve guides for wear and excessive clearance. Which statement best describes the inspection regarding this?

Exhaust ports.

Any engine taken out of service and prepared for storage must receive a thorough corrosion preventive treatment around the:

Total time (TT).

Anytime maintenance is done on that engine, a logbook entry is made referencing the ___________ the engine has accumulated since it was new.

Low engine speeds.

Bearing burnishing creates a highly polished surface on new bearings and bushings and is completed at:

Heat the cylinder and chill the extraction tool to allow removal and installation of valve guides.

Because of the interference fit between the valve guides and the cylinder, what practice should be done before replacing valve guides?

The engine must be run for 15 minutes to coat the engine's internal parts.

Before an engine is removed from an aircraft for preservation, a corrosion preventive compound should be added to the oil. What practice should be done after this?

In the OFF position.

Before starting the engine removal process, make sure that the magneto switch is:

In a test cell with specialized test equipment and standard engine instruments.

Block testing of an overhauled engine is conducted:

Time between overhauls (TBO).

By tracking the service life of several different engines, it is possible for manufacturers to establish a recommended:

Sticking valves.

Cause the rocker shaft to work up and down, causing uneven wear on the rocker shaft bosses.

The shade of blue grows progressively lighter, becoming lavender.

Cobalt chloride treated silica gel remains a bright blue color with a low relative humidity. What happens as humidity increases to 30 percent?

The color changes from lavender to various shades of pink, becoming completely white at 60 percent relative humidity.

Cobalt chloride treated silica gel remains a bright blue color with a low relative humidity. What happens if the relative humidity exceeds 30 percent?

Corrosion does not normally take place.

Cobalt chloride treated silica gel remains a bright blue color with a low relative humidity. What happens if the relative humidity is less than 30 percent?

Engine manufacturer or a certified repair station.

Cracks can only be repaired by whom?

Repairable crankcase defects.

Cracks, damaged studs or threads, and excessive bearing clearances are examples of:

Normally replaced during an overhaul and should be discarded unless directed otherwise by manufacturer instructions.

Crankshaft bearings, oil seals, gaskets, and stressed bolts and nuts are:

Water-soluble decarbonizing solutions carry the same corrosion dangers as water-soluble degreasers.

Decarbonizing solutions are available in a water-soluble base or hydrocarbon base. Of the two, why is the hydrocarbon base the most preferable?

Avoid tapping a hole too deep and creating an oversized tapped hole.

Defective threads can sometimes be repaired with a suitable die or tap. What practice should be avoided?


Describes the wear caused by a rubbing action between two parts under light pressure.

From two and a half to five thousandths of an inch larger than the hole into which it fits.

Dimension 0.0025T to 0.0050T means that the bushing must be:

Capillary attraction.

Dye penetrant inspection is based on the principle of:

Current acceptance.

Eddy current inspection is based on the principle of ______________. In other words, it determines the ease with which a material accepts induced current.

Keeping parts arranged in an orderly manner minimizes loss and accidental damage.

Engine parts are laid out in an orderly fashion on a clean workbench after the cleaning process to facilitate inspection procedures. Which statement best supports this?

In a test cell during block testing by specialized test equipment and standard engine instruments.

Engine performance is evaluated:

At the outside edge of the flange

Engines with flange-type propeller shafts must be checked:

Removal of an engine.

Excessive engine vibration, back firing, afterfiring, cutting out while in flight, and low power output are all symptoms of one or more problems that require:

The starter electrical current seeking a return path through engine controls or metal fuel lines.

Failure to provide adequate bonding straps during engine installation could result:


Fluid lines are typically connected to the firewall or accessory by a:

Receive a corrosion prevention treatment and be placed in storage.

Following successful completion of block test requirements, engines not slated for immediate installation and operation on an aircraft should:

Volatile petroleum-based solvent which effectively removes all traces of oil and grease.

For a liquid penetrant inspection, the best method of cleaning a surface is applying a:

Testing medium by magnetic particle inspection.

Generally consists of extremely fine iron oxides that are dyed gray, black, red, or treated with a dye that causes them to fluoresce when illuminated with an ultraviolet lamp.

Reinstall all sludge chamber components and counterweights.

Generally, a reconditioned crankshaft is supplied fully assembled, however, if that is not the case:

It may be necessary to repeat the pre-oiling procedure.

Generally, the engine should be operated within four hours after it has been pre-oiled. What condition will happen if this is not possible?

Adel clamps.

Hoses used with low pressure systems, such as vacuum and instrument air, are generally attached and held in place with rubber lined supporting clamps called ______________.

Inspect the entire engine nacelle for corrosion, cracks, missing rivets, or any other visible defects.

How do you begin the inspection of the engine compartment?

A form of inert gas welding is used. Once a crack is welded, the bead is peened to relieve stress and then machined to match the rest of the surface.

How do you repair a crack?

Manufacturer recommendations or an FAA approved number of accumulated hours since new or last major overhaul.

How is the exact interval of a major overhaul determined?

FAA airworthiness regulations require the operator to adhere to TBO or the maximum time in service established in their operating manuals.

If an aircraft is operated for hire in an air taxi operation:

Narrowing the seat.

If the valve seat contacts the upper third of the valve face, the top corner of the valve seat is reground to a lesser angle. This is known as:

A blue dye known as Prussian blue is spread evenly on the valve seat and the valve is pressed against the seat. To determine the contact area, remove the valve and observe the amount of Prussian blue that transfers to the valve.

If the valve seat is even and true after it is ground, the amount of contact area between the valve face and seat must be checked. How should you this?

A mixture of soluble oil and water is used to keep the valve cool and carry away the grinding chips.

If there is sufficient valve margin, a valve can be refaced by grinding to the proper angle. Why is a wet valve grinder preferred to be used?

Non-ferrous metals.

If you find some particles that are metal, use a magnet to determine whether the particles are ferrous or nonferrous. These particles are typically produced by main bearings.

Ferrous metals.

If you find some particles that are metal, use a magnet to determine whether the particles are ferrous or nonferrous. These particles are typically produced by wearing piston rings.

Support is typically provided by a terminal mounting clamp at the cockpit end and another terminal mounting clamp at the engine end.

In order for a flexible push-pull control line to operate properly, it must be adequately supported. Which statement best describes the support needed?

Grinding the inner corner of the valve seat to a greater angle.

Indications that the seat is contacting the bottom third of the valve face requires:

Silica gel.

It is a common desiccant and is an ideal dehydrating agent since it does not dissolve when saturated.

MIL-C-6529 Type I.

It is a concentrate that must be blended with three parts of MIL-L-22851 or MIL-L-6082 grade 1100 oil to one part concentrate.

Weather checking.

It is a cracking of the outside covering of hoses that sometimes penetrates to the reinforcement webbing.

Valve stretch.

It is a lengthening of the valve stem.

Lobe surface damage that, in turn, damages a lifter.

It is a reason to reject and replace the camshaft.

Eddy current inspection.

It is a testing method that can detect surface and subsurface flaws in most metals under the influence of an induced electromagnetic field.

Sudden stoppage.

It is defined as a very rapid and complete arrest of the engine.

Top overhaul.

It is defined as an overhaul of those parts associated with the engine cylinders.

Quick engine change assembly (QECA).

It is essentially a powerplant with the necessary accessories already installed on the engine mounting assembly.

The amount of hours indicating the time since major overhaul should be added to the engine log.

It is important to note that the total time on an engine must be continued when it is overhauled. Which statement best support this?

Wet developer.

It is similar to a dry developer in that it is applied as soon as the surface penetrant is rinsed off the part However, it typically consists of a white powder mixed with water that is either flowed over the surface or a part is immersed in it.

Cylinder taper.

It is the difference between the diameter of the cylinder at the bottom and the diameter at the top.

Side clearance.

It is the space between a piston ring and ring land.

End gap.

It is the space between the two ends of a piston ring once it is installed in a cylinder.

Liquid penetrant inspection.

It is usable on ferrous and nonferrous metals, as well as nonporous plastic material. The primary limitation is that a defect must be open to the surface.

Magnetic particle inspection.

It is useful for detecting cracks, splits, seams, and voids that form when a metal ruptures. It is also useful for detecting cold shuts and inclusions of foreign matter that occurred when the metal was cast or rolled


It is usually the heaviest and most highly stressed part of an aircraft engine.

Sudden reduction in engine speed.

It occurs when one or more propeller blades strike a movable object such as a runway light, tool box, hangar, or another aircraft.

Cold flow.

It refers to deep and permanent impressions or cracks caused by hose clamps.

At least apply a corrosion preventive compound to the propeller shaft follow up by securing a plastic sleeve, or moisture-proof paper around the shaft.

Just before an engine is boxed up, the engine exterior should be sprayed with a heavy corrosion preventive coating. What should you do if this action cannot be done?


Loss of metal by a chemical or electrochemical action. Generally removed by mechanical means.


Loss of metal, usually to an appreciable depth caused by a sharp object, such as a saw blade, chisel, or screwdriver.


Loss of surface metal caused by the mechanical action of foreign objects, such as grit or fine sand. The eroded area will be rough and may be lined in the direction the foreign material moved relative to the surface.

It must be thoroughly demagnetized.

Magnetization of a part after it is inspected is often detrimental to its operation in an aircraft. Therefore, before a part is returned to service:

Silica gel packets should be placed around the engine to dehydrate the air sealed into the envelope.

Most engines for storage are wrapped in plastic or foil envelopes. What should be done before the protective envelope is sealed?

Flexible rubber hose that must be drained once removed.

Most fuel lines are constructed of:

Dynafocal engine mounts.

Most modern reciprocating engine aircraft utilize these engine mounts. The engine mounting points are turned inward so they point toward the engine's center of gravity. This design helps prevent the transmission of engine vibration to the airframe.

Removing one or more oil drain plugs or opening a drain valve.

Most of the engine oil in a typical horizontally opposed engine is drained by:

If a piston was installed shortly before an overhaul and it is within limits, it may be reused.

Most pistons are replaced during an overhaul. Which statement best support this?

Steel tube engine mount structures.

Mounts that are used on both large and small, horizontally opposed, and radial engines. These mount structures bolt to the engine firewall and their shape provides some separation between an engine and firewall.

Dehydrating agents.

Often referred to as desiccants, they are often used during engine preservation because they absorb moisture from the atmosphere.

One type consists of a junction box containing terminal strips with terminal posts while a second type consists of a plug-type connector such as a Cannon plug or Amphenol connector.

On aircraft that utilize firewall electrical disconnect points, there are generally two kinds of electrical disconnects used. Which statement is true regarding electrical disconnection?

Install the valve in the cylinder and pour kerosene or solvent into the valve port.

Once a valve and valve seat combination have been lapped, you must check the mating surfaces for leaks. How should you do this?

Dimensional inspection.

Once an engine part is found to be structurally sound, it must be measured to verify that it is within the manufacturer's tolerances. This check is referred to as:

Water-soluble penetrants.

Once the appropriate dwell time passes, liquid penetrants are removed using either water, an emulsifying agent, or a solvent. These penetrants are the easiest to remove.

To prevent moisture and oxygen from reacting with the deposits left by combustion.

Once the engine is removed, each cylinder interior should be sprayed with a corrosion preventive compound. This is done because?


One or more indentations on bearing races usually caused by high static loads or application of force during installation or removal. Indentations are rounded or spherical due to the impression left by the bearing's balls or rollers.

It will disintegrate.

One way to determine if a particle is metal or carbon is to place the material on a flat metal object and strike it with a hammer. What happens if the particle is carbon?

It will remain intact or change shape, depending upon its malleability.

One way to determine if a particle is metal or carbon is to place the material on a flat metal object and strike it with a hammer. What happens if the particle is metal?

Zero time.

Only new engines and rebuilt engines are granted what kind of status?

Shorten the useful life of an engine.

Operating at maximum power settings for prolonged periods of time, frequent starts in extremely cold temperatures, and lack of preventative maintenance can:

Controlled engine operation in the high speed range.

Piston ring seating is accomplished chiefly by:

Parts replacement.

Pitting on a thrust bearing race that cannot be removed by polishing with crocus cloth or other mild abrasive usually requires:


Polishing of one surface by sliding contact with a smooth, harder surface. Usually no displacement or removal of metal occurs.

The process of forcing oil throughout the engine prior to starting.

Pre-oiling is:


Presence of foreign or extraneous material that is wholly confined within a portion of metal. The included material is often introduced during the manufacture of rod, bar, or tubing by rolling or forging.

Engine manufacturer or a certified repair station.

Repairs to cylinders that require welding can only be done by whom?

Removal of light scoring.

Repairs to pistons are limited to:

Every three to four feet along straight sections and on both sides of bends.

Sections of the control line between the cockpit and engine are supported by intermediate clamps spaced:


Shallow, thin lines or marks, varying in degree of depth and width, caused by improper handling or the presence of fine foreign particles during operation.

Dehydrator plugs.

Silica gel is also used in clear plastic plugs called ___________ which are screwed into an engine's spark plug holes.


Small hollows of irregular shape in the surface, usually caused by corrosion or minute mechanical chipping of surfaces.

The cable assembly may have to be separated at a turnbuckle in order to remove the control rod.

Some control systems in use today consist of a cable and pulley arrangement to actuate engine controls. What practice is done to remove the control rod?

A capital "T" following the dimension numerals.

Some fits, such as a bushing in the small end of a connecting rod, call for an interference, or tight fit and are indicated by:

At both the front and rear cone seats.

Spline-type propeller shafts should be checked:

The continuous flow of oil and water washes away the chips and keeps the stone and seat cool.

Steel valve seats can be ground with either wet or dry valve seat grinding equipment. Why is a wet grinder preferred?


Surface damage caused by excessive heat as a result of improper fit, insufficient lubrication, or over-temperature.

The cleaning solution could cause a chemical reaction between the dissimilar metals that could corrode the magnesium.

Take care to avoid leaving engine parts in a decarbonizing solution longer than the prescribed time periods. Also, be sure the solution is safe for magnesium parts before immersing them, and avoid placing steel parts and magnesium parts in the same container. What is the reason for this?


The amount a shaft is misaligned is referred to as its:

Percentage of the total fin area and is established by the manufacturer.

The amount of fin damage permitted on a given cylinder is based on:

Dwell time.

The amount of time required for a penetrant to cure is called its _____________ and is determined by the size and shape of the discontinuities of a surface if there is any.

It is common practice to use a 15° cutting stone on the seat's upper corner and a 45° stone on the inner corner.

The angle of a valve seat determines which stones should be used when narrowing a valve seat. With a 30° seat:

It is common practice to use a 30° cutting stone on the seat's upper corner and a 75° stone on the inner corner.

The angle of a valve seat determines which stones should be used when narrowing a valve seat. With a 45° seat:

Mount a vee-way positioned at a 45 degree angle to the stone.

The bevel on the edge of the valve tip will be partially removed when the valve tip is ground. What practice is done to restore this bevel?


The breaking away of pieces of material, caused by excessive stress concentrations or careless handling.


The breaking loose of small pieces of metal or coated surfaces caused by defective plating or excessive loading.

The inside diameter of the piston pin boss is greater than the outside diameter of the piston pin.

The capital "L" in the 0.013L "piston pin in piston" serviceable limit denotes a loose fit. What does it mean?

"Piston pin in piston" clearance.

The difference between the piston pin's outside diameter and the inside diameter of the piston pin boss in the piston represents:

Block test.

The final step in the overhaul process is to test the engine. This test accomplishes piston ring seating, bearing burnishing, and provides valuable information that is used to evaluate engine performance.

The inspection period may be extended to once every 90 days, if local conditions permit.

The humidity indicators on engines stored in shipping cases are normally inspected every 30 days. When the protective envelope must be opened to inspect the humidity indicator:

30 days.

The humidity indicators on engines stored in shipping cases are normally inspected every:

Circular magnetization.

The image shown is:

Longitudinal magnetization.

The image shown is:

Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program (SOAP).

The image shown is:


The medium used to indicate the presence of a fault by magnetic particle inspection is:

Magnetic particle inspection.

The nondestructive inspection method most often used for parts made of iron or iron alloys.

Rebushing a connecting rod requires an arbor press and a special bushing installation drift.

The only repairs you may do on connecting rods is to replace the bushings and bearing inserts. However, what practice is required because of the interference fit between the rod and bushing?

Fluorescent, Colored.

The penetrant used with a dry developer is often treated with a ______________ or ____________ dye.

Fluorescent, Colored.

The penetrant used with a wet developer is often treated with a ______________ or ____________ dye.

Internal failure.

The presence of an excessive number of metal particles in an engine oil filter or screen or in the oil itself generally indicates:

Magnet strength indicator.

The presence of any residual magnetism is checked with a:

The limits specified in the manufacturer's maintenance manual.

The runout tolerance must fall within:

Make an initial rough cut and to remove all pits, scores, and burn marks as well as align the valve seat with the valve guide.

The three grades of stones used to resurface valve seats are rough, finishing, and polishing stones. A rough stone is used to:

Produce the desired finish.

The three grades of stones used to resurface valve seats are rough, finishing, and polishing stones. If the manufacturer requires a highly polished valve seat, a polishing stone will:

Remove any grinding marks and produce a smooth finish.

The three grades of stones used to resurface valve seats are rough, finishing, and polishing stones. Once cut, a finishing stone is used to:


There are two types of dyes used in liquid penetrant inspection: fluorescent and colored. An ultraviolet light is used with this penetrant and any flaw shows up as a green line.


There are two types of dyes used in liquid penetrant inspection: fluorescent and colored. With this penetrant, faults show up as red lines against the white developer.

Engine mount structures consisting of riveted aluminum.

These aluminum mount structures usually provide two mounting rails to which the engine is mounted and are typically used for mounting large horizontally opposed engines, especially on multi-engine aircraft.

Post-emulsifying penetrants.

These penetrants are not water soluble. They must be treated with an emulsifying agent before they can be washed from a part's surface. This allows you to control the amount of penetrant that is removed prior to cleaning.

Oversize studs.

These studs are identified by color coding and stamped identification marks to indicate the amount of oversizing.

Bronze valve seats.

These valve seats are made of aluminum bronze or phosphor bronze alloys and are used for both intake and exhaust seats.

Steel valve seats.

These valve seats are made of hard, heat resistant steel alloy and are commonly used as exhaust seats.

14 CFR Part 43.

This FAR regulation describes a rebuilt engine as an engine that has been disassembled, cleaned, inspected, repaired as necessary, reassembled, and tested to the same tolerances and limits as a new engine.

MIL-C-6529 Type II.

This compound is ready-mixed with MIL-L-22851 oil and needs no dilution.

MIL-C-6529 Type III.

This compound is used only in turbine engines and consists of a preservative material ready-mixed with 1010 grade oil.

Dry developer.

This developer consists of a loose powder material such as talcum that adheres to the part and acts as a blotter to draw the penetrant out of any surface faults.

Radiographic inspection.

This inspection allows a photographic view inside a structure. In other words, this method uses certain sections of the electromagnetic spectrum to photograph an object's interior.

Ultrasonic inspection.

This inspection is based on an electronic oscillator that produces AC of the proper frequency, which is amplified to the proper strength and sent to a transducer that is touching the material being tested.


This is accomplished by applying a small amount of lapping compound to the valve face and then rotating the valve in the valve seat with a lapping tool.

Non-aqueous developer.

This is most commonly used developer for field maintenance. It consists of a white, chalk-like powder suspended in a solvent that is normally applied from a pressure spray can, or sprayed onto a surface with a paint gun.


This is usually caused by the rocker shaft turning in the bosses because either the shaft is too loose in the bosses or the rocker arm is too tight on the shaft.

Wet method.

This method is typically used with stationary equipment that continuously agitates the bath to keep the magnetic particles in suspension.

Continuous magnetization method.

This method requires a part to be subjected to a magnetizing force when the testing medium is applied. Most often used to locate invisible defects since it provides a greater sensitivity in locating subsurface discontinuities than does residual magnetism.

Major overhaul.

This overhaul entails a complete engine reconditioning at periodic intervals.

Residual method.

This procedure relies on a part's residual or permanent magnetism. This procedure is only used with steels that have been heat-treated for stressed applications.

Zero time.

This status allows the owner or operator to start a new maintenance record with no reference to previous operating history.

Removing the propeller and check for misalignment of the crankshaft, or propeller drive shaft on engines using a propeller gear reduction.

This task is performed by attaching a dial indicator to the front of the engine case and letting the indicator arm ride on the crankshaft as it is turned.

To measure the distance between the two, a depth gauge is used.

To help ensure proper oil pump operation, the distance between an oil pump's mating surface and the pump gears must fall within limits. Which statement describes the measurement operation?

Cobalt chloride.

To provide a visual indication of the moisture content in the air inside an engine, the silica gel in the dehydrator plugs is typically treated with what substance?

A leakage test can be done using specially designed test equipment before discarding the lifter as defective.

To verify that a check valve is seating properly during inspection of hydraulic lifters, quickly press the plunger into the cylinder. The plunger should bounce back, indicating satisfactory operation. What should be done if the plunger doesn't bounce back satisfactorily?

Water-soluble penetrants.

Typically, this type of penetrant is flushed away with water that is sprayed at a pressure of 30 to 40 psi. The spray nozzle is held at a 45 degree angle to the surface to avoid washing the penetrant out of cracks or faults.

180 days.

Under normal conditions, the humidity indicator of a metal container is inspected every:

It is used to obtain a more positive seal by producing an extremely narrow contact surface.

Valves are usually ground to a standard angle of 30° or 45°. However, in some instances an interference fit from 0.5° to 1.5° less than the standard angle may be required. Why is there an interference fit?

The cylinder must be free of carbon deposits and paint.

What action must be done first in order to perform an effective visual inspection of a cylinder for external and internal cracks?

Deep pit marks or excessive wear on gear teeth.

What are the likely reasons for rejecting and replacing a gear?

Slight amounts of movement between the bearing insert and the rod can cause galling.

What can possibly happen if an engine has been subjected to an overspeed or excessively high manifold pressure?

Be alert for cracks that form at the base of ring lands and at the junction of the piston head and wall.

What caution should be taken noted when visually inspecting a piston?

The valve stem must run true with the valve face and the valve margin must be within the manufacturer's specifications.

What condition must be satisfied in order to reuse a valve?

The valve must be held securely in place and be aligned perpendicular to the side of the grinding stone.

What condition must be satisfied to accurately grind a valve tip?

Supplemental Type Certificate (STC).

What document is required if an aircraft owner wishes to substitute a different model engine for the original model?

Overhaul manual.

What document provides a list of both new parts limits and serviceable limits?


What does the presence of a depression in the top of a piston head may indicate?

Clearance between the piston pin boss and the piston pin.

What does the tolerances given for "piston pin in piston" represent?

The cylinders, pistons, and valve operating mechanisms are reconditioned while the piston rings are replaced.

What happens during a typical top overhaul?

Severe internal engine damage.

What happens if the sudden speed reduction occurs at a high rpm?

Very little internal damage typically results.

What happens if the sudden speed reduction occurs at a low rpm?

Engine rpm drops to zero in less than one complete propeller revolution.

What happens in a typical sudden engine stoppage?

The amount of cut being made.

What indication does the intensity of the grinding sound during grinding of the valve provide?

Disassemble the engine and perform a complete and thorough inspection.

What is the best way to identify parts that are defective or worn beyond airworthy limits?

Bronze, a fairly soft metal, loads the grinding stone quickly. Therefore, much time is consumed in redressing the stone to keep it clean.

What is the disadvantage of using a grinding stone on bronze?

Bleed off the gas pressure through the container's pressure valve.

What is the first task of depreservation when engines are supplied in pressurized containers?

Research the airworthiness directives and manufacturer's service bulletins that apply.

What is the first task you must complete in the overhaul process?

The valve is stretched.

What is the indication if the valve stem's diameter is smaller at the center or neck than at the end after inspection using a micrometer caliper?

Use the lowest air pressure that is practical and only blast the part long enough to remove the carbon.

What is the key to avoiding damage when using a grit blast?

A thorough external inspection of the engine mounts, crankcase, and, if applicable, the nose section.

What is the minimum required practice that should be done when an engine is subjected to a sudden reduction in speed?

Line-boring the bearings and installing an oversized camshaft.

What is the only way of repairing camshaft bearings with excessive clearances?

Once the compound cools, remove it with a commercial solvent or kerosene spray.

What is the only way to remove heavy corrosion preventive compound?

The part was not thoroughly washed before the developer was applied.

What is the probable cause if an indication is fuzzy instead of sharp and clear during a liquid penetrant inspection?

A contour gauge or radius gauge can be placed along the underside of the valve head.

What is the usual method done to check a valve stretch?

Swiss pattern files or small edged stones.

What is/are the best tool/s that work well for removing small nicks?

Lapping on a surface plate.

What is/are the best way/s for repair of flanged surfaces that are bent, warped, or nicked?

Replace the bushings and bearing inserts.

What is/are the only repair/s you may do on connecting rods?

Circular magnetization.

What magnetization is used for large flat objects?

It must be cleaned.

What must be done anytime a grinding stone becomes grooved or loaded with metal?

All wiring must be anchored as necessary to provide a secure installation.

What must be done to help prevent electrical leads within the engine nacelle from chafing?

It needs only to be repressurized.

What needs to be done for a metal container with a humidity indicator showing a safe blue color and air pressure below 1 p.s.i.?

Mark the position of the control cable end threads at the turnbuckle.

What practice is best done before you remove the turnbuckle in this picture?

Reapply an oil coating to prevent corrosion.

What practice is best done if the oil coating of steel parts must be removed to perform additional inspections later on?

Remove the plugs from the crank pin ends to facilitate a cleaning and visual inspection.

What practice is best done when cleaning a crankshaft with hollow crank pins that serve as sludge chambers?

A new accessory is installed and the block test continues.

What practice is done after a failure of an engine accessory occurs during block testing?

The fuel line should be plugged or covered with moisture-proof tape.

What practice is done after a fuel line has drained?

The disassembled parts must be cleaned by soaking or spraying each component with a degreaser or cleaning solvent.

What practice is done after an engine is torn down and a preliminary visual inspection has been done?

An inspection of the engine mount structure must be accomplished.

What practice is done before a new or overhauled engine can be installed on an aircraft?

Insert rubber plugs in all drilled oil passages and be sure that all machined surfaces are masked with a recommended material.

What practice is done before beginning any grit-blasting process?

The crankshaft must be replaced.

What practice is done during a crankshaft runout check if the total dial indicator reading exceeds the dimensions given in the manufacturer's table of limits?

Quickly press the plunger into the cylinder. The plunger should bounce back, indicating satisfactory operation.

What practice is done during inspection of hydraulic lifters to verify that a check valve is seating properly?

The piston pin must be replaced.

What practice is done if pitting is found on a piston pin and cannot be removed by polishing with crocus cloth or other mild abrasives?

Polish the surfaces with a piece of fine crocus cloth.

What practice is done if slight roughness exists on any of a crankshaft's main journals or crankpins?

The crankshaft may have to be replaced.

What practice is done on a crankshaft if pitting exists in an amount that cannot be removed by polishing with crocus cloth or other mild abrasives?

Adjust the "in" and "out" stops so the valve passes the stone completely on both sides but does not travel so far that the stem is accidentally ground.

What practice is done once a valve is locked into a chuck correctly?

Remove the fuel metering system, magnetos, pumps, and other accessories, and send them to the various specialty shops for overhaul and some remaining parts should be set aside.

What practice is done once the engine is thoroughly cleaned?

Begin disconnecting and draining the remaining fuel and hydraulic lines.

What practice is done once the oil is drained and the propeller is removed?

Mount a parallelism gauge to one end of the large arbor and measure the distance between the arbors on both sides. The difference in the measurements is the amount of bend in the rod.

What practice is done to check a connecting rod for convergence?

Place parallel blocks under the ends of the arbors and attempt to pass a thickness gauge between each arbor end and the block. If a gap is present, the connecting rod is twisted.

What practice is done to check a connecting rod for twist?

Measure the end gap of a piston ring by placing a ring into a cylinder barrel and squaring the ring with a piston. Once the ring is positioned, a thickness gauge is used to measure the gap between the ends of the ring.

What practice is done to check the end gap of the piston ring?

A straightedge and thickness gauge are used to check the flatness of a piston head.

What practice is done to check the flatness of the piston head?

Use a straightedge to hold the piston rings squarely in their grooves and insert a thickness gauge between each ring and ring land.

What practice is done to check the side clearance of the piston ring?

Polish the surfaces with a piece of dry crocus cloth.

What practice is done to clean machined and polished bearing surfaces such as journals and crank pins and when once all the carbon is removed?

Use crocus cloth moistened with mineral spirits.

What practice is done to clean machined and polished bearing surfaces such as journals and crank pins?

Place the cylinder on a jig and attempt to pass a thickness gauge between the flange and jig at several points around the flange.

What practice is done to inspect a cylinder flange for warpage?

Measure the outside diameter of a piston with a micrometer at the piston skirt and each ring land. The measurements are used later after checking cylinder bore dimensions to determine acceptable piston to cylinder clearances.

What practice is done to measure the outside diameter of a piston if the piston head is flat?

Use an approved decarbonizing solution but exercise caution and follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

What practice is done to remove hard carbon deposits when degreasing doesn't work?

Measure each component and compare the dimensions to the limits in the overhaul manual.

What practice is done when doing a dimensional inspection on engine components?

Use a petroleum solvent or degreaser.

What practice is done when doing a spray wash to the engine exterior to remove some of the more stubborn, baked on dirt and oil?

Remove as few parts as necessary to gain access to the cylinders

What practice is done when performing a top overhaul to gain access to the cylinders?

Begin by removing the cotter pin and castle nut and then remove the bolt passing through the control assembly.

What practice is done when removing a control rod?

The weight of the new rod should be matched within one-half ounce to the opposite rod to minimize vibrations.

What practice is necessary when replacing connecting rods?

Replacement of all dessicants.

What practice is required when the humidity indicator colors in wooden shipping crates showing the presence of more than 30 percent relative humidity?

Spark plug thread inserts having missing or damaged threads are usually replaced with Heli-Coil inserts as specified by an engine manufacturer.

What practice is usually done regarding the replacement of spark plug thread inserts?

The cylinder interiors should be re-sprayed with corrosion preventive compound.

What practice must be done when more than half the dehydrator plugs in spark plug openings indicate the presence of excessive moisture?

Special ventilatory plugs are normally installed.

What practice must be done when storing an engine horizontally in a metal shipping container?

Only the upper spark plug holes in each cylinder receive a ventilatory plug while the lower spark plug holes are fitted with non-ventilatory plugs.

What practice must be done when storing an engine vertically in a metal shipping container?

Use nothing more abrasive than crocus cloth.

What practice should be considered when removing scoring on a piston skirt?

An overhaul should be accomplished and total time records should be continued without interruption.

What practice should be done after an engine reaches its TBO?

Recheck the aircraft tail supports and wheel chocks.

What practice should be done before you actually begin lifting an engine?

It must be heated to a liquid state for application.

What practice should be done before you can apply a heavy corrosion preventive compound to an engine?

Thoroughly inspect the cylinder walls for corrosion.

What practice should be done during engine depreservation if the dehydrator plugs indicate water contamination when they are removed?

Landing gear shock struts may need to be deflated to prevent damage from over-extension.

What practice should be done during engine removal if the aircraft has tricycle-type landing gear in addition to the attached tail support?

The connecting rod must be replaced.

What practice should be done if a connecting rod is twisted or bent or if galling exists?

The surface should be buffed to a high finish with fine crocus cloth.

What practice should be done if galling or scratches are removed from the bearing surface of a journal?

Install a serviceable propeller and check the propeller tracking.

What practice should be done if the crankshaft runout does not exceed the manufacturer's established limits?

The crankshaft must be removed and replaced.

What practice should be done if the runout is excessive?

A dehydrator plug should be inserted in each spark plug opening and each ignition harness lead should be attached to a dehydrator plug with lead supports. Securing this protects them from being damaged as the engine is moved.

What practice should be done immediately after the corrosion preventive compound that is applied on the cylinder walls dries?

The part must be magnetized so the lines of flux are perpendicular to the fault.

What practice should be done in order to detect a crack with magnetic particle inspection?

It must be removed by regrinding or honing.

What practice should be done to large amounts of pitting, rust, and scoring found during inspection of the cylinder's interior?

Pre-oil the engine.

What practice should be done to prevent engine bearing failure during the initial start?

Wrap them with moisture-proof tape whenever they are disconnected.

What practice should be done to protect the exposed ends of electrical connectors from dirt and moisture?

Make sure the hoist can reach the engine with adequate clearance and is rated for the weight of the engine being lifted.

What practice should be done when choosing a hoist and frame assembly?

Investigate the reason and maneuver the engine as necessary until it slips free.

What practice should be done when gently moving the engine free of the mount attachments if the engine binds at any point?

Continue lapping until the leakage stops.

What practice should be done when pouring kerosene into the valve to check for leakages if kerosene leaks past the valve into the combustion chamber?

Be sure that the engine is steadied and secure with no lateral loading.

What practice should be done when raising the engine enough to remove the engine weight from the engine mount before the last nuts are removed?

The engine should be shut down as quickly as possible to prevent further damage.

What practice should be done whenever a sudden reduction in engine speed occurs?

Mark all parts, usually done by attaching a tag to each part as it is removed.

What practice should be done whenever you are disassembling an engine or any of its components to avoid confusion?

Do not remove any of the primary cylinder casting. The percentage of total fin area that is removed must not exceed the limits established by the manufacturer.

What practice should be strictly observed when repairing a damaged fin on a cylinder which may cause localized hot spots to develop if not followed?

It may only need to be deglazed.

What repair practice may be performed to a cylinder barrel that is still structurally sound and within serviceable limits?

Grind a cylinder and then apply chrome plating.

What repair practice may be performed when grinding a cylinder while also returning it immediately to its original diameter?

It will probably have to be ground.

What repair practice should be performed to a cylinder barrel that is scored, scratched, or pitted to an extent that deglazing is not enough to remove the damage?

Always wear protective clothing and eye protection.

What safety precaution is done when using a decarbonizer?

Mount the engine on a stand and inspect its general condition.

What step is taken first before beginning engine disassembly?

Overheating, as well as nicks and scratches in the valve stem near the spring retainer groove.

What usually renders a valve unserviceable?

The ring will allow excessive blow-by.

What would likely happen if the end gap of the piston ring is excessive?

Residual method.

When a part is magnetized and the magnetizing force is removed before the testing medium is applied, the part is tested by the:

A complete engine teardown and inspection.

When a sudden stoppage occurs, an engine manufacturer's instructions usually require:

These accessories will have to be removed and sent to specialty shops or an appropriate repair station for overhaul.

When an engine is brought to you for an overhaul, you should do an inventory of all accessories sent with the engine. What practice is done to accessories that are not originally part of the engine?

Engine removal should be done in a well-ventilated area with at least one fire extinguisher nearby.

When an engine is removed from an aircraft, flammable fluids often leak from the engine and create a fire hazard. Therefore, what practice should be done during engine removal?

If the engine manufacturer or an agency approved by the manufacturer performs the work.

When can an engine only be rebuilt and carry a zero time status?

A lock washer is usually inserted under the nut to prevent the nut from backing off.

When connecting electrical leads to the starter, generator, or other electrical units, make sure that all connections are clean and secure. When leads are secured on a threaded terminal post with a nut:

Prevent accidental disconnection.

When connecting electrical leads to the starter, generator, or other electrical units, make sure that all connections are clean and secure. When required, knurled connector plugs are secured with steel safety wire to:

Chattering which produces a rough valve surface.

When grinding valves, make light cuts and avoid trying to hurry the process by making heavy cuts. Heavy cuts can cause:

Plain steel or nitrided cylinders.

When installing a new set of rings on a piston, it is important to observe several precautions. Chrome-plated rings may ONLY be used in:

Cast iron rings must be used.

When installing a new set of rings on a piston, it is important to observe several precautions. If a cylinder has been chrome-plated:

Avoid accidentally scratching a piston or breaking a piston ring.

When installing a new set of rings on a piston, you must use a ring expander to install rings on a piston. What is the use of a ring expander?

The weight of the engine on the mounting bolts could make it impossible to tighten the nuts to the proper torque which could result in false torque readings.

When mounting the engine back while the nuts are being tightened, the hoist should support the engine weight sufficiently to allow proper mounting bolt alignment. What will happen if this is note done?

Once the magnetos and battery are disarmed.

When should draining oil be done?

Magneto switch in OFF position and removing at least one spark plug from each cylinder.

When these steps are taken during the engine removal process, you eliminate the chance of the engine suddenly kicking back or starting when the propeller is turned.

Sudden reduction in engine speed.

When this occurs, engine rpm drops rapidly until the object struck is cleared. However, the engine continues to run and the rpm typically returns to its previous value.

The surface be free of grease, dirt, and oil.

When using liquid penetrant it is important that before applying the penetrant:

Solvent-removeable penetrants.

When using this type of penetrant, excess penetrant is removed with an absorbent towel, and the part's surface is then wiped with clean towels dampened with solvent.

The part is cleaned by scrubbing with a solvent or a strong detergent solution.

Which practice is done during a liquid penetrant inspection if vapor degreasing is not practical?

Check by magnetic particle inspection.

Which practice is done when checking the ferrous parts of the engine mount for bends, dents, flat spots, or elongated bolt holes?

Dye penetrants are used to help reveal cracks, porous areas, or other defects.

Which practice is usually done when checking the engine mount for bends, dents, flat spots, or elongated bolt holes?

The solvent should not be sprayed onto the surface nor should the part be immersed in solvent, since this will wash the penetrant out of faults or dilute it enough to prevent proper indication in the developer.

Which practice should not be done when using solvent-removeable penetrants during a liquid penetrant inspection?

Any mechanical means of cleaning hard carbon deposits can cause unintentional damage if applied too vigorously.

Which safety precaution should be taken noted when cleaning excess carbon deposits?

Utilize knife-type or wrist-lock connectors that are sealed in some type of protective sheathing.

Which statement about electrical disconnection is true regarding small aircraft with simple electrical systems?

The oil tank is generally removed to permit thorough cleaning and the oil cooler and temperature regulator are usually removed and sent to a repair facility for overhaul.

Which statement about engine removal is true if the engine installation employs a dry sump oil system?

A part is placed in a coil and subjected to more current than initially used to magnetize the part.

Which statement best describes DC magnetization?

The shorter the wavelength, the greater the energy.

Which statement best describes X-ray and gamma ray radiation?

A camshaft should be checked for straightness by placing it on vee-blocks and measuring the runout with a dial indicator. If the readings exceed serviceable limits, the camshaft is rejected and replaced.

Which statement best describes a dimensional inspection of a camshaft for straightness?

The ease with which a material accepts the induced eddy currents is determined by four properties: its conductivity, permeability, mass, and by the presence of any voids or faults.

Which statement best describes eddy current inspection?

The engine is removed without the engine mount.

Which statement best describes engine removal for a typical overhaul?

The mount including the engine nacelle must be removed with the engine. The separation point is usually the firewall.

Which statement best describes engine removal if a radial engine is being replaced with a quick engine change assembly (QECA)?

The mount must be removed with the engine. The separation point is usually the firewall.

Which statement best describes engine removal if the engine is being replaced with a quick engine change assembly (QECA)?

Once a smooth, gray finish appears at the contact area, remove all lapping compound from the valve face, seat, and adjacent areas. Proper valve lapping produces an extremely smooth surface and a sell defined contact area.

Which statement best describes lapping?

It may be machined or sanded out as long as the piston diameter is not reduced below its specified minimum.

Which statement best describes scoring above a piston's top ring groove?

The amount of silica gel used is determined by the size of the engine.

Which statement best describes the amount of silica gel that should be used for engine storage?

A rebuilt engine can contain either new or used parts that conform to new part tolerances and limits or to approved oversized or undersized dimensions.

Which statement best describes the parts installed in a rebuilt engine?

It is best to leave them as they are because straightening a fin typically results in the fin breaking.

Which statement best describes the practice done if dented or bent cooling fins are found?

The transducer causes the test material to vibrate at the oscillator's frequency. When the vibrations reach the other side of the material and bounce back, they create an electrical impulse at the transducer that is seen on the CRT display.

Which statement best describes ultrasonic inspection?

Correct proportions of lubricating oil and corrosion preventive compounds must be mixed externally, then added to the engine.

Which statement is an important point to bear in mind when mixing lubricating oil and corrosion preventive compounds?

The use of a propeller sling with a frame and hoist is imperative.

Which statement is required when removing a large constant speed propeller?

The engine is ready for hoisting.

Which statement is true after all engine connections are free and clear?

Small, thin cracks require a longer dwell time than large and more open cracks.

Which statement is true in determining dwell time by size and shape of discontinuities?

The bellcrank may have to be removed to allow removal of a control rod.

Which statement is true on engine installations that utilize a bellcrank to actuate a control rod?

All lines and fittings should be labeled to help prevent possible confusion when reinstalling them on a new engine.

Which statement is true once fuel lines has been plugged and covered with moisture-proof tape?

To help prevent accidental disconnection during aircraft operation, the plug assembly screws to the receptacle assembly and is secured with safety wire.

Which statement is true regarding AN or MS electrical connectors?

Scratching and light scoring of aluminum bearing surfaces in the engine is usually acceptable if the damage is within the limits stated in the engine manufacturer's overhaul manual.

Which statement is true regarding aluminum bearing surfaces?

The battery is normally removed and taken to a battery shop where it can be cleaned, serviced, and charged.

Which statement is true regarding batteries during engine removal if the aircraft will be out of service for more than a few days?

Cracks in the cowling or ducts can be stop-drilled or patched if they do not exceed limits specified in the manufacturer's structural repair manual.

Which statement is true regarding cracks in the cowling?

Since pins are often case hardened, cracks will show up inside the pin more often than on the outside.

Which statement is true regarding cracks on piston pins?

All cylinder barrel measurements must be taken at a minimum of two positions 90 degrees apart.

Which statement is true regarding cylinder barrel measurements?

The part is subjected to a magnetizing force opposite that of the force used to magnetize it.

Which statement is true regarding demagnetization of a part?

All interference fits require special procedures or equipment to assemble the parts because there is no clearance between the two dimensions.

Which statement is true regarding dimensional inspection of interference fits?

Dwell time is decreased if a part is heated; however, if the part gets too hot the penetrant evaporates.

Which statement is true regarding dwell time when applying heat treatment?

Light amounts of pitting, rust, and scoring are typically not a cause for concern.

Which statement is true regarding inspection of a cylinder's interior?

Check for loose or bent studs and examine hole threads with a flashlight. If stripped threads are encountered, mark the hole for repairs later after completing the visual inspection.

Which statement is true regarding inspection of all lubrication channels and oil ports?

Cracks near the edge of fins are repairable, however, cracks at the base of a fin are reasons for rejection and replacement

Which statement is true regarding inspection of cooling fins for cracks?

Pistons with deep scoring, cracked or broken ring lands, cracked skirts, and badly scored piston pin holes should be rejected.

Which statement is true regarding inspection of pistons?

Minor scratches and abrasions on a gear's bearing surfaces can normally be dressed out with a fine abrasive cloth. Deep scratches or scoring is unacceptable.

Which statement is true regarding repairs of the gear's bearing surfaces?

Small defects such as slight nicks or burrs can be dressed out with a small file, fine abrasive cloth, or stone.

Which statement is true regarding small defects involving fasteners?

If no indication of internal failure is found after 20 hours of operation, the engine probably requires no further special inspections.

Which statement is true regarding the completion of inspection of an engine that was subjected to a sudden speed reduction?

They are measured with a micrometer caliper.

Which statement is true regarding the measurement of the dimensions of camshaft bearing journals?

If internal case threads cannot be repaired using a tap, Heli-Coil inserts may be used.

Which statement is true regarding the repair of internal case threads?

If standard size studs will no longer work, oversize studs may be used.

Which statement is true regarding the replacement of bent or loose studs?

Use a commercial safety solvent approved by the engine manufacturer rather than water-soluble degreasing solutions that contain soap or caustic compounds.

Which statement is true regarding the spray solution used during engine cleaning?

Most corrosion preventive compounds are petroleum based products that form a wax-like film over the metal surfaces to prevent air from reaching the metal's surface.

Which statement is true regarding the use of corrosion preventive compounds?

The engine control rods and cables allow operation of the throttle and mixture from within the cockpit.

Which statement is true regarding throttle and mixture operation?

Valves are usually ground to a standard angle of 30° or 45°.

Which statement is true regarding valve grounding?

Dents should be worked out, and anti-chafing strips should be replaced if they have pulled loose or no longer form a tight seal.

Which statement is true when checking all air ducts for dents and the condition of the fabric or rubber anti-chafing strips at their joints?

The electrical resistance of the complete bond must not exceed the resistance values specified in the applicable manufacturer's instructions.

Which statement is true when checking bonding straps for fraying, loose attachments, and corrosion at terminal ends?

Measurements are usually taken at the top of the cylinder. However, a measurement should also be taken at the cylinder skirt to detect dents and bends caused by careless handling.

Which statement is true when inspecting for an out-of-round condition of the cylinder?

One person can typically conduct the operation safely with no additional equipment.

Which statement is true when removing a fixed pitch propeller from a light aircraft?

Dry powder is applied with a soft brush, or blown over the surface with a powder gun.

Which statement is true when using dry developer for larger components?

Use a fluorescent penetrant.

Which statement is true when using non-aqueous developer if a black light is desired during penetrant removal?

Use a colored penetrant.

Which statement is true when using non-aqueous developer if a white light is desired during penetrant removal?

The bore dimension is taken with a telescoping gauge and micrometer while the piston pin outside diameter is measured with a micrometer. By subtracting the piston pin diameter from the bore dimension, a piston pin to piston pin bore clearance is obtained.

Which statement likely describes a dimensional inspection of the piston pin and the bore clearance?

Piston pins are dimensionally inspected for straightness with vee-blocks and a dial indicator. As a pin is rotated on the vee-blocks, runout is recorded on the dial indicator.

Which statement likely describes a dimensional inspection of the piston pins for straightness?

The carburetor must also be drained.

Which statement regarding carbureted engines once the fuel line is removed?

The penetrant is spread over the surface of the material being examined, and allowed sufficient time for capillary action to take place.

Which statement regarding liquid penetrant inspection best describe letter A in the image shown?

The excess penetrant is then washed from the surface, leaving any cracks and surface flaws filled.

Which statement regarding liquid penetrant inspection best describe letter B in the image shown?

An absorbent developer is sprayed over the surface where it blots out any penetrant. The crack then shows up as a bright line against the white developer.

Which statement regarding liquid penetrant inspection best describe letter C in the image shown?

More durable materials are now available.

Why are top overhauls are not performed as frequently in modern aircraft engines as in earlier models?

AC current does not penetrate a surface very deeply.

Why does complete demagnetization of some parts require DC demagnetization?

Indications of an impending failure are often detected from residual deposits of metallic particles in oil residue and sludge.

Why is a preliminary visual inspection required before cleaning the internal engine parts?

Some engine manufacturers believe that if you are going to remove all of an engine's cylinders, it is relatively inexpensive to overhaul the rest of the engine.

Why is a top overhaul not universally recommended?

Carbon deposits tend to cover or fill pitting damage inside the guide, making detection difficult.

Why is it important to look closely at valve guides to be certain that all carbon was removed during the cleaning process.?

The primary purpose of a gear is the transmission of force through motion. Stress and wear occur continually.

Why is it important to visually examine all gears for cracked or chipped teeth and the presence of pitting or excessive wear?

To prevent binding when the hot exhaust gases cause the system to expand.

Why should exhaust system ball joints be installed with the specified clearance?

The penetrant begins to bleed out of any fault as soon as the surface penetrant is removed.

Why should the developer be applied immediately as soon as the penetrant is removed during a liquid penetrant inspection?

An attempt to straighten a bent crankshaft will probably rupture the nitrated surface of the bearing journals, leading to eventual crankshaft failure.

Why should there be no attempt made to straighten a bent crankshaft?

Scraping, wire brushing, or grit-blasting with plastic pellets or organic materials such as rice, baked wheat, or crushed walnut shells.

With the exception of bearings or polished surfaces, how are some remaining carbon deposits usually removed?

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