JFE Key Part 14

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Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) is a type of digital multiplexing where two or more 4 Kbytes of data over one channel of a 512 Kbps


When the MTBF and MTTR values for devices A and B are as shown in the table below, what is the availability of a system where A and B are connected in series?


The fast-tracking technique is used to shorten a project schedule. The original plan is shown in Figure 1 below. When activity E is divided into activities E1, E2, and E3 as


When the decimal integer "- 24" is represented in 8-bit binary by using one's complement and two's complement, which of the following is the correct combination?

11100111 & 11101000

Which of the following is the IP address range that is reserved for Class B in traditional IPv4 addresses? through

"LOAD GR, B, AD" is an instruction whereby an effective address is calculated by which of the following is the data loaded into general register GR?


A byte-code program written in Java can be executed in two methods: one method for


How many binary numbers can be represented using a 6-bit number that does not have two contiguous 1s? For example, "101010" does not have two contiguous 1s.


How many multiplications at a minimum must be performed in order to calculate the polynomial expression "x4-2x3+5x2+x-6"?


When the series of stack operations below is performed on an empty stack, which of the following is the data that is read out by the last READ operation? Here, "PUSH x" is the operation to put data x in the stack, "POP" is used PUSH 2 ? READ ? PUSH 3 ? PUSH 6 ? POP ? READ ? PUSH 4 ?READ ? PUSH 7 ? PUSH 5? POP ? POP ? READ


When production is planned based on the calculation formula and table shown below, what is the value for production plan C? Here, the carry-over inventory on April 1 is equal to 400 pieces of the actual inventory on March 31.


When a two-dimensional array A(5,5) is mapped onto computer memory (i.e. one-dimensional array) in row-major (row-directional) order or column-major (column-directional) order, how many elements occupy the same memory addresses in both cases? Here, the first element A(1,1) is mapped onto the same starting memory address in either case.


The function f (n) is recursively defined as an operation on the set of natural numbers (including 0) as shown below. What is the value of f (100)?


Among the descriptions of the reliability design of a system, which of the following is an appropriate example that uses a foolproof approach rather than a fail-safe approach?

A design that checks to ensure proper operation in order to prevent an operator from making a mistake because of improper use

Which of the following is an appropriate explanation of demographic segment that is one of the market segments?

A group of a population segmented by factors such as age, gender, family size, income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, and nationality

Which of the following is an appropriate description concerning a hot site prepared as a backup system?

A site is put into operation as a standby site, and its data and programs are constantly updated via the network so as to resume business operations quickly in the event of a failure.

Which of the following is an appropriate explanation of data mining?

A technique for analyzing a large amount of data statistically and mathematically to discover patterns or rules

Which of the following is an appropriate description of a capacitive touch panel?

An electric field is formed on the surface of the touch panel, and the touched position is detected by capturing the change in the surface charge.

When IT control is classified into preventive control and detective control, which of the following is applicable to detective control?

An output list resulting from data entry is cross-checked with the input form.

Which of the following is the image processing technique that is used for smoothing the jagged edges of curved or diagonal lines caused by poor resolution on a display screen?


Which of the following is a financial statement that represents the assets, liabilities, and net assets of a company at a certain point in time and indicates the financial condition of the company?

Balance sheet

What is the tree below called?

Binary search tree(5,3,7..)

In software development, which of the following is the method that is used to test the functions of modules in accordance with specifications without respect to their internal structures?

Black box test

Which of the following is a chart or a diagram that shows the quality of a product in order of time and is used for determining whether or not the production process is in a stable state within the control limits?

Control chart

Which of the following is the most appropriate mechanism that allows a Web server to temporarily store user information in a PC browser so that the Web server can check whether the PC


Which of the following is an appropriate explanation of product innovation in the management of technology?

Developing new products or products differentiated from other companies

Which of the following is a deliverable of data architecture that is one of the four architectures contained in Enterprise Architecture?

E-R diagram

In software development that uses the waterfall model, which of the following is an appropriate description concerning the cost of fixing errors detected during an operational test?

External design errors affect not only the program but also manuals and other documents, so those errors cost more to fix than coding errors.

Which of the following is an appropriate technique that is used for implementing a queue as a data structure?


Each time a student is absent from school, the date is recorded in the relational database table A as shown below. DateDiff ('2012-04-11','2012-04-10') returns "1".

FROM A, A AS A1 WHERE A.StudentID = A1.StudentID AND

Which of the following is an explanation of memory interleaving?

It accelerates main memory access by dividing the main memory into multiple independent groups which are accessed concurrently.

Which of the following is categorized as a function of a static testing tool?

It analyzes source code and detects errors in the program.

Which of the following is an appropriate characteristic of a thin client system?

It can reduce the risk of exposure to threats, such as viruses, by protecting the server in a system where the client has no external storage device.

Which of the following is an advantage of using mask ROM as program memory in an embedded system?

It enables the prevention of unauthorized rewriting of programs after shipment.

Which of the following is the most appropriate description concerning the usage of NTP (Network Time Protocol)?

It works with clients connecting to a time server in order to synchronize the time of every client that is distributed on the network.

R1: 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5, 2, 3, 4 R2: 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3, 1, 2, 5


When the figure below shows the process flow of a compiler that is used for procedural languages, which of the following is the appropriate combination that should be inserted into blanks A though C?

Lexical analysis Syntax analysis Semantic analysis (A-B-C-O-O)

When the order data shown below is entered into the order entry system, which of the following is a check that is performed to see if the order date is on or before the business day on which the data is entered?

Logical check(Order data)

When a publisher's lead editor omits a section of an author's manuscript without obtaining the consent of the author, which of the following is infringed according to the international treaty called the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works?

Moral rights

Which of the following is a method which can be used to calculate a predicted value based on actual values of the previous time period and in which each of the actual values is equally weighted?

Moving average method

Among the descriptions of computer system architecture, which of the following is an explanation of a tightly coupled multiprocessor system?

Multiple processors share the same main memory and are controlled by a single OS. In principle, a task in the system can be executed on any of the processors, so the throughput is increased by distributing the load in small pieces.

Which of the following is the logic gate that is equivalent to the logic circuit shown below?


Which of the following provides a standard set of graphical notations or diagrams for specifying, visualizing, designing, and documenting object-oriented systems?


Which of the following is a logical expression that is equivalent to the logic circuit shown below? Here, "+" is the logical sum, " • " is the logical product, and X is the negation of X.

X = A? B

In postfix notation, also known as reverse Polish notation, which of the following is equivalent to the arithmetic expression " ? a + b × c ÷ d ? e "? Here, a, b, c, d, and e are all variables.

a ? bc × d ÷ +e ?

Which of the following is an explanation of marketing mix?

company's products are effectively sold by combining product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy, promotion strategy, and others appropriately.

When a declining metered rate method is applied to the total charge for usage of a computer system, the charge per unit of usage decreases as the system usage increases. Which of the following is a graph that shows this method?

cong hinh chu C 3 net

Which of the following is a two-layered chart that is composed of a bar chart showing control items arranged in descending order of frequency and a line chart showing the cumulative percentage of each item?

Pareto chart

When software components written in a low-level programming language are used to perform time-critical arithmetic operations on a very large amount of data, which of the following is expected to be improved among the eight software product quality characteristics defined in the ISO/IEC 25000 series of standards?

Performance efficiency

Which of the following is an organization that is formed for a certain limited period of time to solve a problem and is disbanded when the problem is solved?

Project organization

Which of the following is the public key cryptography algorithm that is named after the initials of its three researchers and is based on the difficulty of factorizing extremely large numbers into prime factors?


Which of the following is a type of software test that is performed in order to ensure that changes made for software maintenance do not affect any other unintended parts of the software?

Regression test

Which of the following is a program attribute of software that can be repeatedly called and executed without reloading after completion of the execution but cannot be called and executed by multiple programs at the same time?


Which of the following enables users to connect to the system of a service provider via the Internet and make online use of the necessary functions

SaaS (Software as a Service)

A k-string is defined as a string of length k. An m-substring is an ordered sequence of m consecutive elements of the original string. How many m-substrings are contained in a k-string? Here, when two or more m-substrings have the same sequence of elements, they are all counted separately as different substrings.

k ? m +1

Which of the following is an appropriate description concerning application maintenance?

The completion of maintenance is recorded in order to prevent maintenance activities from being left unfinished.

When characters A through E are encoded, their bit patterns and probabilities of occurrence are shown in the table below. What is the average number of bits per character?


Which of the following can be accepted as <root> that is defined using the BNF notation below? Here, the symbol "?" represents an empty string.


In a TCP/IP network, when an IP packet of 2000 bytes is sent to the link that has an MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) of 200 bytes, how many fragments are generated? Here, each packet has a 20-byte IP header.


Which of the following is the binary fraction that is equivalent to the decimal fraction 115.625?


Among the characteristics of the structure of a service desk organization, which of the following is a characteristic of the local service desk?

By placing the service desk close to users, intensive services are provided for users who have different languages and cultures or for VIPs by specialized service staff members.

When data in the "Product" table is as shown below, which of the following is an update process that reduces the number of rows in the "Profitable_product" view created using "View definition" below?

Changing the Sales_price of the product with a Product_code of S001 to 130,000

In the stage of system design, when an audit is performed on the control for reducing the risk that user requirements are not met, which of the following is a point to be checked?

Checking if the user department participates in the review of the system design documents

When a computerization plan is made, which of the following is an item to be considered?

Clarifying the cost and investment effect of development, maintenance, and operations

Which of the following is an item to be performed in the requirements definition process of system development?

Clarifying the procedures and rules of new business operations together with the constraints, and obtaining agreement between stakeholders

Which of the following is an event that generates an external interrupt?

Completion of an I/O operation by peripheral I/O devices

In a UML class diagram, which of the following is a relationship in which objects from the "whole" class control the lifetime of objects from the "part" class and which is graphically represented as a solid line with a filled diamond next to the class playing the "whole" role?


Which of the following is an appropriate explanation of optimization in a compiler?

Generating object codes that enhance run-time performance through the analysis of program codes

When a repeater hub (or simply referred to as a hub), a router, and an L2 switch (or simply referred to as a switch) are used as network devices in order to interconnect LANs based on the OSI basic reference model

Hub & Switch & Router

Which of the following is an explanation of BCP (Business Continuity Plan)?

In order to avoid risks of business interruptions or recover promptly from damages, a policy or an activity procedure is prepared in advance.

Which of the following is the addressing scheme where data in main memory is referenced as shown in the figure below?

Indirect addressing(20.25)

Which of the following is the situation where an improvement can be expected by installing an MRP (Material Requirements Planning) system?

Information about materials and quantities necessary for production is complicated, so a miscalculation of order quantity or an interruption of production often occurs.

Which of the following is a characteristic of object orientation?

Inheritance can localize the changes necessary to expand or modify a model

Which of the following is the most appropriate indicator used for the progress management of a program test?

The number of test items completed

Which of the following is the characteristic of a dynamically relocatable program?

The program currently in the computer memory can be moved to other locations of the memory during execution time.

A university offers many disciplines. Many students graduate in these disciplines after clearing various courses assigned to each discipline.

The relationship between course and student is many-to-many.

Which of the following can be represented in an E-R diagram?

The relationship between entities

Which of the following is an appropriate description concerning a max heap whose node values are 3, 6, 11, 17, 19, 22, and 32?

The root node value is always "32".

From a viewpoint of security measures, which of the following is an appropriate purpose of confirming the destination address with the sender at the time of sending e-mail?

To prevent e-mail from being sent to a wrong recipient

Which of the following is an appropriate purpose of using a locking mechanism in a relational database system?

To support concurrency control of the simultaneous execution of transactions

In a system development project, EVM (Earned Value Management) is used for managing its performance. Which of the following is the most appropriate status that is indicated by the fact that the value "EV-AC" is positive?

Under budget

Which of the following is an appropriate explanation of the benchmarking used for corporate management?

Understanding products, services, and operations of the company qualitatively and quantitatively in comparison with those of the strongest competitor or a leading company

Which of the following is an explanation of the pattern matching technique for antivirus software?

Viruses are detected by comparing data with a collection of known virus signatures.

Which of the following is the most appropriate tool that is used to emulate a real hacker by looking for security holes and other weaknesses from the outside of an organization's network?

Vulnerability scanner

x AND (y OR z) OR y AND (x OR z) OR x AND y AND z

x AND y OR x AND z OR y AND z

When the expression (A ? 2 × (B + C) ? D × E) × F in conventional infix notation is converted to the prefix expression, which of the following represents the resulting expression?

× ? ? A × 2 + BC × DEF

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