JOUR 303

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What does the SLAPS test signify in the Miller test for obscenity? a. serious, litigious, affidavit, per curiam, and statute value b. scientific, libelous, artisanal, petition, and subpoena value c. statute, literary, appellate, precedent, and summary judgment value d. serious, literary, artistic, political, and scientific value

d. serious, literary, artistic, political, and scientific value

In Miller v. Skumanick (2009), underage teens found themselves in trouble for what communication act? a. cyberstalking b. cyberbullying c. cyberhacking d. sexting

d. sexting

Which of the following is held not to be constitutionally protected free speech? a. protesting the funeral of a soldiers b. burning a United States flag c. distributing religious flyers d. sharing online classified military documents

d. sharing online classified military documents

A court order issued for someone to appear at trial or another legal forum is called a ___ ? a. indirect contempt b. direct contempt c. contempt of court d. subpoena

d. subpoena

A judge's order to block trial participants from speaking in public on a trial is a ___ ? a. subpoena b. change of venire c. voir dire d. suppression or gag order

d. suppression or gag order

***The __________ Act, passed in 1938, declared unlawful "unfair or deceptive acts or practices in commerce." a. Norris-LaGuardia b. Wagner c. Wheeler-Lea d. Sherman e. Federal Trade Commission Act

e. Federal Trade Commission Act

The __________ Act expanded protection of executive branch records by placing authority over them in the hands of the National Archives. a. Executive Branch b. Presidential Archives c. Executive Records d. National Archives e. Presidential Records

e. Presidential Records

The first case heard by the U.S. Supreme Court explicitly addressing commercial speech was ____. a. Patterson Drug Co. v. Kingery (1969) b. Bigelow v. Virginia (1974) c. Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service Commission (1980) d. Virginia State Board of Pharmacy v. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council (1976) e. Valentine v. Christensen (1942)

e. Valentine v. Christensen (1942)

***The Electronic Freedom of Information Act (E-FOIA) requires federal agencies to afford the public which of the following options to support openness in government? a. digital indexing b. electronic database searches? c. computerized compliance process d. electronic reading rooms e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Which one(s) below are items protected by appropriation claims of privacy invasion? a. name b. likeness c. sound d. image e. all of the above

e. all of the above

For purposes of assessing fees, FOIA requests are divided into categories that include all of the following except: a. commercial use requests b. noncommercial scientific institution requests c. freelance journalists requests d. educational institution requests e. charitable organization requests

e. charitable organization requests

Which of the following is not a possible response of an agency to a FOIA request? a. fulfilling the request b. denying the request in part c. denying the request d. fulfilling the request in part e. ignoring the request

e. ignoring the request

All of the following are included in the definition of "agency" under FOIA except ___ ? a. executive department b. military department c. government corporation d. government controlled corporation e. legislative commission

e. legislative commission

The privacy tort protecting you from others encroaching on your personal space and data is called ___.


"Stare decisis" refers to the

legal doctrine that judges are bound to follow precedent in deciding similar cases.

"Common law" refers to the

legal system of precedents developed by rulings by judge and court decisions.

The right of famous people to control and profit from their persona and public identity without fearing its use by others to their undeserved benefit is called ____.

right of publicity

***Henry "Hip" Zoefaqtoe would like to view records from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) following a reported 10.2 magnitude earthquake with an epicenter in the desert of Nevada near a highly restricted access Air Force base. The USGS file includes photographs of geological effects, statements of injured persons, repair estimates, topographical charts of the area, seismographic readings, and expert opinions on the damage. The file will be continuously updated. Zoefaqtoe's FOIA request is least likely to be granted with respect to which of the following records? a. Agency photographs b. Agency updates c. Agency statements d. repair estimates e. expert opinions


***Which of the following acts was enacted to protect innocent victims of stalkers? a. Privacy Act of 1974 X b. Victims Privacy Act X c. Drivers Protection Privacy Act d. Public Records Privacy Act X e. Location Privacy Act


**In denying a FOIA request, the agency may include a(n) ____________ in the response, which is an official list of the withheld records and justifications for the denial of disclosure. a. Federal Register X b. Response Itemization c. Vaughn Index d. Itemized Denial X e. Reno List X


Which of the claims below would be classified as a tort under the area of privacy invasion?

All of the above (intrusion upon personal solitude, public disclosure of embarrassing private facts, appropriation of one's name or image for commercial gain, shining a false light on one's public identity)

The privacy tort guarding against the use of one's likenesses for commercial gain without permission is ____.


Which of the following is an example of the public disclosure of private facts?

Blog post attaches a photo of a hospital patient being treated for a sexually transmitted disease.

True or False: Cross burning is quite literally an inflammatory act that can be both intimidating and provocative. The town of Urbanitas wants to prevent such a hateful expression, so it passes a law prohibiting expression that arouses anger or resentment based on race, color, creed, religion or gender. According to Supreme Court precedent, such an ordinance would be a constitutional means of balancing between free expression rights and the civil rights of those who are bothered by it.


True or False: Reporter Dave Lee Scribe is preparing a story on the war in Iraq highlighting the cost of the war. Journalist wanted to make the public aware of how the money was being used and where on suspicion that the money was not being well spent. Scribe submitted an FOIA request to the Department of Defense requesting documents showing what supplies were purchased and where they were sent for use. As a member of the press, Scribe has special privileges - not held by the general public - to access information that is critical to national security.


True or False: The government has no substantial interest in regulating the following advertising claim: "All custom pipes twenty percent off...applies to all shapes and glass colors." The smoking pipes are sold by a small shop with products geared toward fans of the Grateful Dead, The Who, and Pearl Jam as well as various herbs and tobacco products.


True or False: The legal partnership of Phee, Chaser & Kapaplé is trying to gather evidence to assist in a recent case involving the collision of two vessels. At the time of the collision, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) arrived, investigated the scene, and prepared a report on the findings that included written statements of the captain and first mate of each vessel. When filing a request under FOIA, Phee, Chaser & Kapaplé must prove the legal firm is entitled to the information.


True or False: The local newspaper got so much positive response about the pictures published of Ima Snobb (in the above scenario) that it receives all sorts of requests for reprints. The paper decides to make available 8 x 10" glossies of the pictures, as well as larger posters for student dorm rooms (oops - residence halls - not supposed to use the "d" word). Since Ima had no expectation of privacy when the pictures were taken, she will not win a suit for invasion of privacy.


True or False: The local newspaper took pictures of Hollywood stars at the Academy Awards. In order to increase circulation, the paper runs a photo of a different celebrity each day on page one for a month. One of the stars, Ima Snobb, resents having her picture used by a small local paper just to increase circulation. Based on precedent, Snobb will win an appropriation suit against the newspaper, as the pictures aren't related to current news, and she didn't know she was being photographed.


True or False: WINO reporter Luke Warm gets a call from a wanted criminal. The criminal is willing to tell Warm all kinds of secrets, but requires him to maintain his confidentiality, which Warm agrees to do and then reports all sorts of interesting tidbits. One of those stories might help Minnie Van Driver, who is currently on trial for auto theft and there is no one else who has the information but Warm. Local Judge John Mental orders the reporter to testify in Van Driver's case. The state has a shield law protecting journalists from testifying so Judge Mental will find in favor of the reporter and not require him to testify.


True or false: Annie Muss is working on a law review article regarding age discrimination among attorneys. As part of the article, Muss would like to compare the number of claims filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) from 1965 to present day. Muss submits an FOIA request for a table summary and accompanying graphic of the data. In response to the request, the EEOC must compile the data as requested.


True or false: Jim Shortz is arrested by local police for drunkenness. Shortz is normally a mild-mannered guy, but went a little wild during break, and even punched a cop. Because it occurs over spring break, none of his friends or professors hears about it until the Anaconda Advocate does a story after classes resume. Shortz would win a suit for publication of embarrassing private facts because the arrest occurred in the past and it harms his reputation to dredge up an old arrest.


True or false: Local architect Feng Shui Fasad would like to access architectural renderings of a new monument planned for the Washington, DC area. In order to do so, Fasad must complete the official "Freedom of Information Act Request" form and mail the same to the FOIA Agency.


True or false: Orange County has received no rainfall in three months. Orange County may implement a water conservation plan prohibiting the use of water for any non-essential domestic purpose and ban encouragement of such non-essential uses for domestic purposes.


True or false: Student Health Center Dr. Louis Stuhls diagnoses student Phil Anderer as having syphilis. This is written into his medical file. Nosy Natalia, a student worker at the health center, discovers this information and posts it on her social media blog, "Nosy's Know-knows" that is widely circulated. Anderer, who normally has a different date every night of the week, now finds it impossible to get anyone to go out. If he sues for this publication of embarrassing private facts, he will likely lose despite his injury, because Nosy can show the truthful nature of her online blog.


An invasion of privacy claim where the plaintiff can show the defendant's publication wrongly presented him or her in a manner that's highly offensive to a reasonable person is ____.

False light

An intentional material misrepresentation of fact the plaintiff relies on to his or her detriment is called ____.


The authority of appellate courts to exercise judicial review can be traced back to which landmark case?

Marbury v. Madison

Which of the following would be an example of false light invasion of privacy?

TV anchor erroneously reports a childless kindergarten teacher elected "Mother of the Year".

The common law tort protecting people from interference with their person, land, and possessions is ____.


Where is the "Supremacy Clause" found?

US Constitution

Which of the following is an example of intrusion?

Wiretapping a neighbor's home phone.

Before FOIA, the _________ gave those with "good cause" who were "properly and directly concerned" with records held by the U.S. government the right to inspect agency paperwork. a. Administrative Procedures Act b. Federal Communications Act c. Military Records Act d. Transparency in Government Act e. all of the above

a. Administrative Procedures Act

Which of the following cases recognized the state government has authority to regulate nude dancing without encroaching on the First Amendment? a. Barnes v. Glen Theater (1991) b. Jacobellis v. Ohio (1964) c. Roth v. New York (1957) d. all of the above

a. Barnes v. Glen Theater (1991)

Which of the following groups established a video game rating system in 1994? a. Entertainment Software Rating Board b. Federal Communication Commission c. Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences d. International Electronic Game Association

a. Entertainment Software Rating Board

Which of the following cases involved the FCC's attempt to regulate fleeting expletives? a. Federal Communications Commission v. Fox (2009) b. Federal Communications Commission v. Pacifica (1978) c. Federal Communications Commission v. Comcast (2010) d. United States v. Playboy Entertainment Group (2000)

a. Federal Communications Commission v. Fox (2009)

What early standard under the British Common Law stated if any part of a work is found to raise sexual desires on the most susceptible mind, then the entire work is to be judged as obscene? a. Hicklin rule b. Fanny Hill test c. Memoirs rubric d. the French Postcard rule

a. Hicklin rule

Brian Brainchild is a talented graduate student in biomedical science, and believes his work over the past few years can help identify weaknesses in protective gear utilized by American troops in combat. He submits an FOIA request to the Department of the Defense seeking disclosure of the makeup of the gear currently produced under contract with Lockheed Martin. Brainchild's request is denied, but under which exemption to FOIA? a. National Defense b. Trade Secrets c. Statutory d. Privacy e. Law Enforcement

a. National Defense

Suppose you are seeking information on American soldiers in Afghanistan. Within 24 hours after a national news program airs a brief report of American troops fighting in an area supposedly void of U.S. military presence, the President issues an Executive Order prohibiting release of military reports relating to troop activity in Afghanistan. Your FOIA request for the troop activity reports falls under what exemption to FOIA? a. National Defense b. Statutory c. Agency Memoranda d. Personnel Rules e. Law Enforcement

a. National Defense

What law was signed into effect in response to video depictions of animal cruelty? a. The Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act b. Canine Online Protection Act (COPA) c. Humane Approach Preventing Pet Insensitivity Naturally Established Sensibility (HAPPINES) d. none of the above

a. The Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act

Publication, identification, falsity and highly offensive content are required to prove a case of ___ . a. false light b. intrusion c. public disclosure of private facts d. trespass

a. false light

Speech which by its very utterance inflicts injury or tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace was defined by the Supreme Court as ____ . a. fighting words b. cyber bulling c. vox populi d. ad hominem attacks

a. fighting words

A formal accusation that a person has committed a felony or serious crime is a(n) ________. a. indictment b. subpoena c. presumptive right of access d. criminal contempt citation

a. indictment

If an act of defiance to court orders occurring outside the courtroom, such as the failure to appear at trial when subpoenaed would be best described by what term below? a. indirect contempt b. direct contempt c. voir dire d. subpoena

a. indirect contempt

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was originally created to prevent anti-competitive business practices, but that has allowed it to deal with which of the following issues? a. prevent deceptive advertising b. intervene on illegal securities and exchange trading c. review disputes between electronic media stockholders d. prohibit trade in indecent pornography e. none of the above

a. prevent deceptive advertising

A benefit, immunity, or exemption extended only to a specific group of people (such as journalists) granting immunity from being forced to reveal sources is called a ___? a. privilege b. sanction c. appurtenance d. concession

a. privilege

For broadcasting, the hours between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. are identified by the FCC as ____ . a. safe harbor b. late night c. false light d. infomercial time

a. safe harbor

Under the Central Hudson test, government must be pursuing a(n) ___________ interest in regulating commercial speech. a. substantial b. democratic c. citizens d. advertising e. none of the above

a. substantial

Which one is an early case of appropriation lacking legal grounds to win in a New York court? a. unauthorized use of Abigail Roberson's face on flour packaging in Albany, NY b. unauthorized re-use of a Time magazine cover for news coverage in New York City c. unauthorized use of the cartoon character Mickey Mouse to sell Manhattan popsicles d. unauthorized use of the likeness of Vanna White as a Samsung robot in New York City

a. unauthorized use of Abigail Roberson's face on flour packaging in Albany, NY

If an individual is unsatisfied with the response received from an agency on a FOIA request, the individual has __________ days from the date of __________ to submit an appeal. a. 90/response b. 60/response c. 90/request d. 120/request e. 30/response

b. 60/response

All of the following are categories of exemptions under FOIA except ______. a. Financial Records b. Academic Records c. Oil Field Data d. Agency Memoranda e. Law Enforcement

b. Academic Records

U.S. Supreme Court has ruled the constitutional basis for privacy is found in the ___. a. Ten Commandments b. Bill of Rights c. Thirteenth Amendment d. United States Congress

b. Bill of Rights

Which of the following examples would be classified as a "fleeting expletive" by the FCC? a. George Carlin's "Seven Words..." routine on radio b. Bono's use of the "F word" on an award show c. Rhett Butler's words of farewell in the film classic, Gone With the Wind! d. none of the above

b. Bono's use of the "F word" on an award show

Legal advocacy of censorship of offensive sexual content and prosecution of pornography was sometimes known in the 19th century as ___ . a. Southern fundamentalism b. Comstockery c. Hicklin's rule d. False light

b. Comstockery

The New York broadcast of comedian George Carlin's routine "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television" on the radio led to which landmark case? a. Federal Communications Commission v. Fox (2009) b. Federal Communications Commission v. Pacifica (1978) c. Federal Communications Commission v. Comcast (2010) d. Federal Communications Commission v. League of Women Voters (1984)

b. Federal Communications Commission v. Pacifica (1978)

Which of the following cases involved U.S. censorship of motion picture films? a. Miller v. California (1973) b. Freedman v. Maryland (1965) c. Redrup v. New York (1967) d. Memoirs v. Massachusetts (1966)

b. Freedman v. Maryland (1965)

A number of courts recognize the right of publicity privacy for the estate of dead celebrities. An example of this is the a. Celebrity Privacy Protection Act of Louisiana b. Personal Rights Protection Act of Tennessee c. Electronic Communications Privacy Act d. USA Patriot Act

b. Personal Rights Protection Act of Tennessee

Which of the following is the most acceptable means of posting grades? a. social security numbers b. anonymous student numbers c. names d. initials e. seat assignments

b. anonymous student numbers

The Latin term _________ was originally applied to the area of consumer advocacy signifying the attitude that consumers should be skeptical of all advertisements. a. res ipsa b. caveat emptor c. cassus omissus d. odium e. certiorari

b. caveat emptor

***In the 1976 case of Virginia State Board of Pharmacy v. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the state's interests in the advertising regulation were outweighed by the ____________. a. First Amendment b. consumer's interest in gaining accurate price information c. inherent personal autonomy of each individual d. holding in Roe v. Wade e. right to privacy

b. consumer's interest in gaining accurate price information

Acts of defiance or disruption taking place inside the courtroom, including acts of aggression during courtroom proceedings would be best described as ___ ? a. indirect contempt b. direct contempt c. voir dire d. subpoena

b. direct contempt

***The Privacy Act of 1974 covers all but one of the provisions below. Which one does not belong? a. required consent of a person before personal information may be transferred to another agency b. prohibits communication of personal health information c. allowing people to review agency records to correct their personal information if errors are discovered d. provides the availability of legal damages to persons whose information has been mishandled by the government e. makes exemptions to permit census takers to gather data

b. prohibits communication of personal health information

The presumption of disclosure under FOIA shifted after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 from denying disclosure only when harm is a reasonably foreseeable result of disclosure to when there is a __________. a. distinct possibility of leaks b. sound legal basis c. no demonstrated need d. certainty of resulting harm e. reasonable basis for denial

b. sound legal basis

To be lawful, the FTC requires advertisements be all of the following except ___ . a. truthful b. succinct c. non-deceptive d. fair

b. succinct

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a federal law requiring the _________ to, on request, disclose agency records unless the information is kept secret under FOIA exemptions. a. U.S. president and White House staff b. Congressional agencies c. U.S. executive branch agencies d. State government employees e. none of the above

c. U.S. executive branch agencies

Which item below is sufficient to hold a reporter liable for public disclosure of private facts? a. Truthful facts conveyed about the person were highly offensive b. Truthful facts are of no legitimate concern c. Both a & b d. none of the above

c. both a & b

The indecent term on Cohen's jacket in California protesting the draft was deemed constitutionally protected because ____ . a. the law cannot ban particular words regardless of context b. emotional expressions are worthy of First Amendment protection c. both a and b d. none of the above

c. both a and b

The type of sexual content where Miller rule would not be used as criminal evidence is ____ . a. websites featuring pornography b. offensive art in public c. child pornography d. offensive language on television

c. child pornography

This sanction issued as a penalty by the court for the purpose of compelling a reporter to testify is called a ____? a. criminal contempt citation b. subpoena c. civil contempt citation d. none of the above

c. civil contempt citation

Mail-out advertising for energy saving appliances was the subject of the litigation in the landmark case of Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service Commission (1980), but the winner was the __________? a. government because the rule was proper and narrowly draw b. energy company because it was only reaching out to its customers c. energy company because the rule articulated was overly broad d. government because it was trying to fulfill the mandate for energy conservation e. none of the above

c. energy company because the rule articulated was overly broad

Expeditious handling of a FOIA is least likely to be granted in which of the following situations? a. imminent threat to personal safety b. threat to due process c. possible harm to reputation d. foreseeable harm to a humanitarian interest e. serious threat to human life

c. possible harm to reputation

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act covers all of the following provisions except for which one below? a. parental discretion over academic records prior to the student reaching age eighteen b. right to inspect personal school records and recommend corrections for inaccuracies or misleading information c. prevents solicitors from entering private campuses d. required signature of student or parent before academic records are released to a third party e. prohibits posting of grades by any easily identifiable means

c. prevents solicitors from entering private campuses

State laws in 49 states affording privilege to journalists to not disclose information (i.e. notes and other materials) obtained during their newsgathering activities a. Branzburg test b. USA PATRIOT Act c. shield laws d. First Amendment

c. shield laws

The sale of erotic (though not necessarily obscene) materials to minors can be prohibited by the doctrine of____ . a. prurient interest b. pandering c. variable obscenity d. Comstockery

c. variable obscenity

The Government Accountability Office is a congressional federal agency that assists Congress in oversight of _______? a. Ethical practices in personnel affairs b. Prevention of sexual harassment and discrimination c. Racial equality in hiring and firing practices d. Budget expenditures e. none of the above

d. Budget expenditures

The "fighting words" doctrine originated in what Supreme Court decision below? a. Norwood v. Soldier of Fortune b. Magazine (1987) c. Synder v. Phelps (2011) d. Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942) e. United States v. O'Brien (1968)

d. Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942)

What law gave the Federal Trade Commission power to prevent websites from collecting data from those youngsters under the age of 13 without parental permission? a. Communications Act of 1934 b. Telecommunications Act of 1996 c. Electronic Communications Privacy Act d. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998

d. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998

***Which of the following questions is not a part of the commercial regulation test set forth by the Supreme Court in its Central Hudson decision? a. Does the government have a substantial interest in regulating the speech? b. Does the advertisement pertain to a lawful product? c. Is the regulation narrowly drawn? d. Is their pricing involved in the promotion? e. Does the regulation actually advance the interest asserted by the government?

d. Is their pricing involved in the promotion?

Fitz N. Tyme is curious about how Navy Judge Advocate Generals (JAG) are compensated - salary or billed time. Tyme files an FOIA request with the Department of the Navy seeking disclosure of this information. The Department of the Navy may likely deny Tyme's request under what exemption to the FOIA? a. Privacy b. National Defense c. Agency Memoranda d. Personnel Rules e. Financial Records

d. Personnel Rules

Which of the following Congressional acts covering child pornography has been upheld? a. Child Online Protection Act (COPA) b. Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) c. Child Pornography Prevention Act (CPPA) d. Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today (PROTECT)

d. Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today (PROTECT)

Which of the following cases involves obscene commercial phone messages? a. Jacobellis v. Ohio (1964) b. FCC v. Fox Television Stations (2012) c. Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton (1973) d. Sable Communications v. FCC (1989)

d. Sable Communications v. FCC (1989)

Broadcast messages containing information of public interest obtained by illegal wiretap were at the center of which of the following cases? a. Prudhomme v. Procter & Gamble Mfg. Co. (1992) b. Muhammad Ali v. Playgirl (1978) c. Bartnicki v. Vopper (2001) d. Zacchini v. Scripps-Howard Broadcasting Co. (1977)

d. Zacchini v. Scripps-Howard Broadcasting Co. (1977)

Which landmark ruling below by the Supreme Court confirmed the right of publicity for performers who want to protect their public performance from others using without consent? a. Prudhomme v. Procter & Gamble Mfg. Co. (1992) b. Muhammad Ali v. Playgirl (1978) c. Bartnicki v. Vopper (2001) d. Zacchini v. Scripps-Howard Broadcasting Co. (1977)

d. Zacchini v. Scripps-Howard Broadcasting Co. (1977)

If material is determined to be obscene, laws can prohibit its_____, even by consenting adults, but not its possession. a. creation b. performance c. mailing d. all of the above

d. all of the above

The Miller test poses what inquirie(s) to determine if suspect sexual content is legally obscene? a. Does the material patently offend contemporary community standards? b. Does the content incite prurient interest for the average person? c. Does the work as a whole lack serious artistic, scientific, literary or political value? d. all of the above

d. all of the above

To compel a reporter to testify, the court must meet which of the requirements below? a. show probable cause the newsman has information clearly relevant to the offense b. show information sought cannot be obtained by alternative means less destructive of First Amendment rights c. show a compelling and overriding interest in the information d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following are valid reasons police could use to seize work products from a reporter's desk? a. Subject of a warrant is suspected of a crime and is not just an "innocent bystander" b. Injury or loss of life is imminent if the material is not immediately seized c. Reason to believe documentary materials would be destroyed if subpoenaed d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following items are considerations for the court to address before issuing a suppression (gag) order to control media coverage of trial or pre-trial activities? a. nature and extent of the pre-trial news coverage b. alternatives to a gag order that would provide for a fair trial c. likelihood that a gag order would actually ensure a fair trial d. all of the above

d. all of the above

**The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is led by ____ commissioners all of whom are appointed by the ____. a. five, Senate b. nine, President c. nine, House of Representatives d. five, President e. three, Senate

d. five, President

Zones of privacy specified in claims of intrusion typically cover which item below? a. politicians b. famous people c. Google's street-view images d. Newsgathering techniques where journalists record images, sounds, and voices without consent e. all of the above

d. newsgathering techniques where journalists record images, sounds, and voices without consent

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