JT 101 Post Test 1

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Operation Order


Operations Plan

Common Operational Picture (COP)

A distributed data processing environment for developing a dynamic database, according to the user's area and responsability and command role.

Tactical Picture (TP)

A graphical representation of battles, engagements, and activities to achieve military objectives assigned to tactical units or task forces.


End of a set, requires two character spaces. Serves as the period at the end of a set. both slants must be consecutive and on the same line.

The _____ plans, executes, and evaluates the JTF CTP.

(JDNO) Joint Network Operations Officer

General Text Set (GENTEXT)

-A combination of linear and free-text set -Field 1 is the GENTEXT Text Indicator and specifies the subject of the free-text -May only be used when specified


Adaptive Planning and Execution

Adaptive Planning and Execution (APEX)

A combination of joint policies and procedures that addresses unique communications and systems interface requirements to provide joint commanders and planners with a capability to plan and conduct joint military operations.

Operations Order (OPORD)

A directive issued by a commander to subordinate commanders for the purpose of effecting the coordinated execution of an operation.

Operations Plan (OPLAN)

A complete and detailed joint plan containing a full description of the concept of operations all annexes applicable to the plan, and time-phased force and deployment data (TPFDD).

Match each MTN-related doctrinal voice radio net to the correct Net Control Station (NCS)

-Area Air Defense Commander (AADC) - Air Defense Command and Control Net (ADCCN) -Joint Interface Control Officer (JICO) - Data Link Coordination Net (DCN) -Joint Track Data Coordinator (JTDC) - Track Supervision Net (TSN) -Special Information System (SIS) Manager - Voice Product Net (VPN) - Regional Air Defense Commander (RADC) - Engagement Control Net (ECN)

Sky Waves

-BLOS Communication -Radio waves reflect off the ionosphere -Predictable and can be optimized for efficiency -Are affected by frequency, time of day, sun spot activity and weather -Used with Link 11 and Link 22

Remarks Set (RMKS)

-Conveys information that applies to the entire message -Located at the end of the message -Immediately precedes the DECL set in a classified message.

Ground Wave- Direct Waves

-Line-of-Sight (LOS) -Travels in straight line and signal weakens over distance -Antenna height and power are key factors -Used with Link 16, Link 11/11B, Situation Awareness data Link (SADL), and Link 22

Which of the statements accurately describes repetition in a USMTF message? Select all that apply.

-Not all information can be repeated -Segments are repeatable by definition

Ground Wave - Ground Reflected Waves

-Reflected from the surface of the earth between transmitter and receiver -Provide limited beyond LOS (BLOS) capability -Not a reliable method and can be planned for only in specific instances.

Match each term to each defintion

-Tactical Picture (TP) - a graphical representation of battles, engagements, and activities to achieve military objectives and managed at the functional component level -Common Operational Picture (COP) - a distributed data processing environment for developing a dynamic database of objects that facilitates strategic situational awareness -Common Tactical Picture (CTP) - an accurate and complete display of relevant correlated, associated, and fused tactical data, supporting a JTF

Ground Wave - Surface Waves

-Travel along surface of the earth, reaching beyond the horizon -Signal characteristics of HF and UHF -Weaken over distance as energy is absorbed -Efficiency improves with higher frequencies -Used with Link 11 and Link 22.

Narrative Set (NARR)

-Used to give additional information about two or more sets -Placed immediately after the last set to which it refers -May be inserted in any place needed except in the middle of another set.

Amplification Set (AMPN)

-Used when there is a need to elaborate or convey more information about one other set in the message -Immediately follows the set it is amplifying -may be inserted in any place needed except in the middle of another set

Common Tactical Picture (CTP)

An accurate and complete display of relevant correlated associated, and fused tactical data, supporting a JTF that integrates tactical information from the MTN, ground network, intelligence network, and sensor network.

At the functional component level the ______ supports the integration of the tactical picture into the common tactical picture.


C and L

Capabilities and Limitations

A _____ would include multi-service elements of two or more nations?

Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF)

Who is ultimately responsible for the joint MTA/MTN interface?

Commander Joint Task Force (CJTF)

Which entities have responsibilities for the MTA/MTN: Select all that apply.

Commander Joint Task Force (CJTF) Joint Interface Control Officer (JICO) Area Air Defense Commander (AADC)

The Joint Data Network Officer (JDNO) plans, executes, and evaluates the ____.

Common Tactical Picture (CTP)

Link 16 Manager

Coordinate Link 16 initialization process, manage network role assignments and connectivity between JUs to include activation and deactivation of relays.

Which of the following is a responsibility of the JFACC?

Coordinate the planning and execution of air operations

Link 11/11B Manager

Coordinates Link 11 entry and exit procedures, monitors link procedures, monitors link performance and track throughput rates, polling sequences.

JREAP/BLOS Link Manager

Coordinates Satellite Access Request (SAR) submission, Satellite Access Authorization (SAA) for JREAP A and SAT J and works with the J6 for IP addresses and port assignments and any firewall issues and conducts bandwidth analysis.

JICC Watch Officer

Coordinates and has resolution authority to resolve cross-regional MTN issues with the Regional Interface Control Cell, or RICC, or Sector Interface Control Cell or SICC.

Which circuit would be used to disseminate OPTASK LINK changes?


______, ______, ______, and _______, are considered the initial sets and occupy the first set format positions in each message format.


Which field identifies the originator of the reference in this example? REF/B/GENADMIN/-/613 AIR OPERATIONS CENTER/011600ZAUG2015//

Field 4

In a JTF structure, what organizations are considered to be the "warfighting" elements?

Functional Components

Which type of circuit provides two-way communications but in only one direction at a time?

Half-Duplex Circuit


Indicates the start of a field. Precedes the field and must be on the same line as the field.

A unit planning on connecting with another via JREAP C needs to be assigned or coordinate the following parameters. Select all that apply.

Internet Protocol (IP) address Port Number

______ is comprised of several digital data networks, each of which is optimized to enable both improved situational awareness (SA) and commander's decision cycle.


For the MTN, which capabilities does UHF SATCOM provides a communications path?

JREAP-A Satellite TDL-J

Who is responsible for the tactical picture that includes surface, subsurface, and possibly over water air entity position location information (PLI)?

Joint Force Maritime Component

The _______ is responsible for the planning and execution functions of the Multi-TDL Architecture (MTA).

Joint Interface Control Officer (JICO)


Leads the JICC organization, responsible for planning and execution functions of the MTA and MTN, and develops the MTA to support the warfighter's Information Exchange Requirements (IERs) for all functional components.

A primary characteristic of the UHF frequency band is:

Line of Sight (LOS)

Which mandatory set provides the message identification and originator of the messge?


Which of the following statements highlights the differences between MTA and MTN? Select all that apply.

MTA= Physical connections + Equipment MTN= MTA + Tactical Data

The ______ is the physical configuration, functional organization, and operational procedures used in the design, establishment, modification, and operation of Multi-Tactical Data Link (TDL) Networks

Multi-TDL Architecture (MTA)

The _______ refers to both the physical systems as well as the data flowing through those systems.

Multi-TDL Network (MTN)

The purpose of the ______ is to satisfy the subset of warfighters' IERs specifically facilitated by tactical data links.

Multi-TDL Network (MTN)


No data sign. Use when the field must be completed but the information is either not available or not applicable.

Which mandatory OPTASK LINK general information, non-link identifies special points of contact information of the OPTASK LINK?


Which of the following sets identifies the special point of contact information for the OPTASK LINK?



Provides a communications path for Sat-J/ JREAP A TDL protocols


Provides a path for JREAP C Multicast (USN Multicast TDL-J (MTJ))

Capabilities and Limitations (C and L)

Reflects system capabilities and provides detail about system quirks or interoperability issues.

Which of the following set types conveys information that applies to the entire message and is located at the end of the message?

Remarks Set (RMKS)

Area Air Defense Commander (AADC)

Responsibilities: -Develop, coordinate, promulgate, execute the Area Air Defense Plan (AADP) -Coordinate with the Airspace Control Authority to ensure that the Airspace Control Plan is integrated with the AADP -Act as Net Control Station for the Area Defense Command and Control Net (ADCCN) -Designate the interface control unit (ICU), which performs the ICO functions and regional and sector ICUs as required. -Develop, coordinate and disseminate a communications plan that connects C2, air and missile defense weapons systems, intelligence systems, sensors and aircraft that satisfies joint interface IERs.

Joint Interface Control Officer(JICO)

Responsibilities: -Responsible for the entire interface to include: 1) Planning functions 2) Execution Functions -Defines/identifies the operational part of the IER by specifying who, what, to whom, why and how information is to be passed between planned participants (MIL-STD-6016) -Drafts the OPTASK LINK for AADC promulgation.

Commander Joint Task Force (CJTF)

Responsibilities: -Ultimate responsibility for the MTN rests with the CJTF -Delegates management of MTN to AADC.

A _______ is a group of two or more consecutive sets that can be repeated as a group and together convey a complete subject.


Universal Joint Task List (UJTL)

Serves as a common language and common reference system to communicate mission requirements.

Which of the following is a responsibility of the JICC Watch Officer? Select all that apply.

Supervises JICC Personnel Resolution authority to resolve cross-regional MTN issues Conducts dynamic replanning

Joint Track Data Coordinator

Supervises the resolution of interface anomalies such as dual designations, duplicate tracks, identification conflicts, and category conflicts, and transmits change data orders to resolve environment and identity conflicts.


Supports secure internet protocol capability for JREAP C (USN Unicast J (UTJ))

A Joint Staff approved, standardized communications link that is suitable for the transmission of digital information is a ________.

Tactical Data Link (TDL)

joint Interface Control Cell

Task-organized team of MTN experienced personnel that directly support the JICO enabling successful operations.

Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of the MTN?

To satisfy the warfighters' IERs.

T/F MTA refers to the physical configuration, functional organization, and operational procedures that make up the MTN. MTN refers to the MTA and the data flowing through the MTA systems.


Which frequency band provides line of sight communication and is used by Link 16 terminals?



Universal Joint Task List


the last character of the field descriptor and is followed by field content.

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