Health Unit 1 (part 2)

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Which of the following living environments would likely increase your chances of suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

A northern state that experiences long winter nights.

Which of the following is true about major depression in college students?

International students are especially vulnerable to depression.

Which of the following is TRUE of psychologically healthy people?

They value human diversity.

True of False: Psychoneuroimmunology is the scientific study of the interrelationships of mind and body on the immune system.


Young adults (ages 15-24) are most likely to die from


You have learned how to intentionally slow your heart rate to calm yourself during an exam. Which method are you using to manage stress?


Melody has been experiencing severe mood swings, feeling highly energized for a period and then experiencing extreme depression. These symptoms are most closely associated with

bipolar disorder

Stress has been associated with increases blood pressure and inflammatory responses. These are most closely associated with an increases risk factor for

cardiovascular disease

Health and wellness are best described as


According to the transtheoretical model, a person in the precontemplation stage

has no current intention to chance or believes there is no need to change

Spiritual health can best be described as

having a sense of meaning and purpose in one's life

Overall, the leading cause of death for Americans is

heart disease

Healthy People 2020 is a plan designed to

improve the quality of life and years of life for all Americans

Exercise reduces stress primarily by

increasing endorphins and reducing levels of stress hormones.

The expected number of years of life remaining out a given age, such as at birth, is known as

life expectancy

Of the following choices, the source of stress experienced by the greatest percentage of American adults is


The dimension of physical health encompasses the ability to

perform activities of daily living

Paulo cannot recall a time when he did not feel terrified of spiders. He could be experiencing a(n):


Jake is being treated for depression by a medical doctor who provides talk therapy and has also prescribed medication for his condition. Which type of mental health professional is Jake seeing?


Support from others to change a behavior is an example of a(n):

reinforcing factor

The process of taking small individual steps toward a behavior change goal is


A pop quiz in class is an example of


Spiritually healthy people believe

that they are part of a something larger than the purely physical dimension of existence.

People with an internal locus of control believe that events turn out as they do based on

their own actions

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