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in US ___ in __ Jews doesn't marry, or marries out of Judaism

1 in 2

Symbols of Sukkot

1) Palm frond 2) Citron 3) Leaves of Myrtle and Willow tree

Israelite Religion

1,000 - 586 BCE

How many of the Jews were exterminated ?


Moses Maimonides


When did Christians attempt to recapture Spain from the Muslims?

12th cent.

In the 2000 there were approximately ____________ Jews worldwide

13 million

When did Koseba Lead another revolt against Roman occupation?

132 CE

in ______, Jews could convert, or leave; thousands fled


Antisemitic movements began in France and Germany in


When was the last deportation?


When did Israel become a nation?


Jews obtained equal rights in

19th C

for the past ____________, Jews have returned to being wanderers in lands under which they had no control

2 millennia

in 1800 there were approximately _____ Jews

3 million Jews worldwide

There are over ___________ million Jews in Israel.


How many Jews live in america?


How many jews live in north america?

5.8 Million

Second Temple Judaism

515 BCE - 70CE

Pentecost is how many days after passover


Babylonians conquer the kingdom of Judah in

586 BCE

How many Jews live in Israel?


__________ commandments are pulled from their context in the Torah, which also contains historical information


The Talmud contains ______ tractates on agriculture, holy days, civil and criminal law, marriage, temple sacrifices, ritual purity & pollution


when did many Jews came under Muslim rule?

634-750 CE

How many Jews does France have?


When did the Jews rise against the Romans?

66 CE

When was Jerusalem taken and the temple destroyed?

70 CE

Rabbinic Judaism

70 CE - Present

Assyrians conquer kingdom of Israel in

722 BCE

What percent of Jews live in Israel and USA


new Roman city established on ruins of Jerusalem

Aelia Capitolina

Which city becomes a leading city in Egypt?


Judeans revolted against _________

Antiochus IV

Eventually Judaism was influenced by


Who destroyed Jerusalem and Solomonic temple?

Babylonian, Nebuchadnezzar

Traditional blessing is recited

Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth."



Sefer Ha-Zohar

Book of Splendor

many Hasidim live in

Brooklyn, New York


By the front door is a small box containing scripture Upper part of the right doorpost of front door Similar boxes on doorposts of living rooms

large populations of Jews are in

Canada France United Kingdom Argentina Russia Germany Australia

Facts about Hanukah

Celebrates the rededication of the temple after its defilement in 165 BCE Miracle of the oil; Hasmoneans could only find one cruse of oil needed for rededication; only enough for a day; the cruze lasted for all eight days Chief symbol is the menorah; candlestand of nine candles, or lamps Celebrated in December

after 9th cent., persecution of Jews in Christian France expanded to

Christian Europe

What was forbidden after the 132 CE revolt?


How were jews identified?

Circumcision Observing the sabbath Obeying sabbatical year Recognizing the Torah Obeying temple Only marrying jews

Herod is remembered as a builder of

Cities of Sebaste and Caesarea Fortresses of Masada and Herodium Palaces, theatres, and amphitheaters The Jerusalem temple and temples abroad

Bat Mitzvah

Coming-of-age ceremony for a young Jewish girl

Who gains control of the Babylonian empire

Cyrus, the Persian

Yom Kippur

Day of Atonement

3 elements of the covenant

Description of what maker of covenant has done Set of stipulations for Israel List of woes and blessings

Shema prayer

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 "Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God. The Lord is one."

What replaced the ark in the 2nd temple?

Empty cubed space

celibate with strict diet


could be qumran , authors of Dead Sea Scrolls


established monastic communities apart from temple


made sharp distinctions between insiders and outsiders


pooled their resources


strict interpreters of the law and ritually pure


Ferdinand and Isabella scattered the Kabbal across ______ in _______

Europe, 1492 CE

True or false Judaism was made illegal under the rule of Constantine


True or False it was not difficult for Jews dispersed throughout the Mediterranean world to make pilgrimage to the temple for festivals

False it was difficult for Jews dispersed throughout the Mediterranean world to make pilgrimage to the temple for festivals

True or false All Jews support existence of the state

False some orthodox Jews do not support existence of the state

True or false rites of animal sacrifice occur in synagogue

False no rite of animal sacrifice in synagogue


Feast of Tabernacles

When is purim celebrated?


Judas Maccabeus' victory celebrated today is the ______________

Festival of Lights (Hanukkah)

Three senses of Torah

First five books The whole of Jewish scripture Ethical teachings of the rabbis

Hebrew Canon

Five Books of the Law (Law of Moses; Torah) were brought back from exile

What became a focal point in Jewish life?

Five Books of the Law Law of Moses; Torah

Third largest JEwish population lives in


Rabbi Solomon ben Isaac

French Scholar and interpreter of text Wrote commentaries on the Hebrew scriptures (OT) and Talmud His commentary on the Torah was the first book ever printed in Hebrew

Jesus was a

Galilean Jewish teacher

Where became the center of Jewish life after revolt of 132 CE?


Where did the gathering together of exiles in Babylon carried over into?

Galilee and Judea


God controls and guides the universe

Covenant with Moses

God delivered the Hebrews from the Egyptians and gave them the 10 commandments

divine transcendence of god

God is other than what God has created Above and beyond human comprehension Merciful, listens to prayer, acts in history, maintains covenant relationship

Covenant with Abraham

God promise is to make Abraham ancestor of a great nation, and give land of Israel to him and his descendants

Covenant of Adam and Eve

God supplies their needs but they must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

one ___, one ____, one _____

God, humanity, world

What was Jewish thought influenced by?

Greek philosophy

Festival of Lights



Hebrew Scriptures

Commonalities of Alexandrian and Babylonian Judaism

Hebrew writings Primacy of Jerusalem and the temple Priests were undisputed rulers High priest were the glory of the city.

Those who opposed romans hated who?


Who was king of the Jews in 40 BCE?


two famous rabbis

Hillel and Shammai

Where is considered a strong haven for Jews?


Three phases of Jewish history

Israelite Religion Second Temple Judaism Rabbinic Judaism

Where is the West wall of the temple


two Talmuds

Jerusalem and Babylonian, which is largest and most widely used

Rosh Hashanah

Jewish New Year

what is Shema?

Jewish affirmation of monotheism

Why do some jews have reason to be confident in the future?

Jews managed to outlive a succession of oppressors Have increased depth & richness of Jewish spirituality

Ashkenazi Judaism

Judaism in northern France and Germany

Sephardic Judaism

Judaism in spain

what arose as a challenge to rationalism of Maimonides and the legalism of Talmud study?



Law of Moses First 5 books

Conservative Judaism

Leadership in US provided by Solomon Schechter Committed to tradition, but with adjustment if necessary Some congregations use organ, some not; some observe dietary rules, some not

What is the key reference for decision making among the Diaspora Jews from its beginning, CE 200


what is compiled in the Mishnah and Talmud?


Moshe ben Maimon

Moses Maimonides

Who wrote the text Sefer Ha-Zohar?

Moses de Leon of Spain in13th cent

Judaism's foremost Jewish philosopher

Moshe ben Maimon

Later on Judaism was influenced by


The Kabbal was influenced by what?

Neoplatonic philosophy of divine descent and ascent

The largest Jewish group lives in

North America

How often was Yom Kippur?

Once a year

Ethical teachings of the rabbis

Oral Torah

Babylon came under who's control after Alexander's death?

Parthian control



Three Pilgrim Festivals

Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles

First five books

Pentateuch; Law of Moses

Johanan ben Zakkai's school was

Pharisaical in tone

considered "fathers of rabbinic Judaism"


only group to survive the destruction of Jerusalem


willing to accommodate Roman rule and Greek culture


Who annexed Judea in 63 BCE?


Covenant with Noah

Preservation of Noah and his family during the flood Through Noah a promise was made not to repeat the flood

Who led jerusalem?



Prophets Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings Major: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel Minor: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

Which psalm was written during the period of exile?

Psalm 137

Who supported Koseba?

Rabbi Akiba as Messiah

Who taught negative theology aka what god is not?

Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon

Who wrote Mishnah Torah; code of rules and laws of Judaism (halakhah)

Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon

three main branches likely to be encountered in the United States:

Reform Judaism Orthodox Judaism Conservative Judaism

In orthodox Judaism

Regard for rabbi as teacher and interpreter of Torah Strong emphasis on education Zionistic; support the state of Israel Hope for a Messiah

Rejected bodily resurrection


friendly to the Romans


priestly party in Jerusalem


rejected oral torah


rejected postmortem rewards and punishments


suspicious of Greek culture


Four Sects in 1st Century

Sadducees Essenes Zealots Pharisees

first woman Rabbi,

Sally Jane Priesand, was ordained in Reform Judaism, 1972

Core text of Kabbal

Sefer Ha-Zohar

Who gave Herod the title "King"?


Most important Jewish holiday


what does Shabbat commemorate?

Shabbat commemorates both the creation of the world and deliverance from Egyp



what appears to prophets that is not God himself

Shekinah glory

some mystics say

Shekinah is in exile, the world is in need of repair

Who builds the first temple?


Who was King David's son?


golden age of literary achievement

Spain 10th and 11th cent

Christians attacked Jews in

Spain, 1391; forced to convert, called "swine"


Stoic Idea of Reason

Early on Judaism was influenced by

Stoic philosophy

Jerusalem was under who's rule after alexander died?


Judas Maccabeus led a revolt against the _______


What blurs distinction between sacred and profane


What is not concerned with answers, but with questions & the process of answering them?


What was the oral Torah put into writing after 2nd revolt failure


Three textual traditions

Tanakh Mishnah Talmud

When young

Taught the Shema Studies Hebrew and sacred books Girls learn how to keep a Jewish home

God's indwelling

Temple and the world

What kind of community was Jerusalem?

Temple community


The Jewish Sabbath; begins at sundown Friday and ends at sundown Saturday.

Israelites viewed God as

The Lord of history


The collection of Jewish rabbinic discussion pertaining to law, ethics

What happened to empire after alexander's death?

The empire broke off into smaller units

Solomon build which temple?

The first and only temple

Where was the ark of the covenant kept

The temple

Which crust of society was taken into exile in Babylon to manage captured territory

The uppercrust


The west wall

Where do many jews believe is the holiest place on earth

The west wall

What happens during purim?

There are parties and sending of gifts to those in need The scroll of the book of Esther is read in the synagogue Raucous event with noise makers for every time the word "Haman" is spoken

What happened to the Jews in Babylon after Alexander's death?

They were cut off from Jerusalem - separated by politics and language (spoke Aramaic)

Maimonides drew up "________________"

Thirteen Principles of the Faith

symbolic foods of passover

Three wafers bitter herbs sweet paste salt water rosted bone roasted egg 4 cups of wine

Division of the Hebrew Scriptures

Torah Nevi'im Ketuvim

Modern judaism

Torah not considered as factual and binding Dietary laws abandoned - prayers in the vernacular - organ introduced in worship Family pew replaced segregation of sexes Women can be rabbis Reason and experience establish truth of idea Emphasize ethical teachings of the prophets

Romans imposed ________ on Antiochus who increased taxes in Judea


True or False Jewish is not a race, Judaism is not an unchanging institution


True or False Tanakh does not detail what it means to follow the commandments


True or False serious tensions among Jews in Israel in their attitudes toward Israel


True or False the Mishnah can be published separately, or in the midst of the Talmud


True or false A law is observed not because God said so, but because it is meaningful to modern religious experience.


True or false Conversion of Emperor Constantine to Christianity affected the Jews


True or false Covenant was unilateral


True or false Jewish scholars sought to reconcile Aristotle with biblical religion


True or false Jews believe universe owes its existence to one God


True or false Jews rose against Byzantine rule, the Byzantine army re-entered Jerusalem, Jews expelled


True or false Jews spoke Greek instead of Aramaic in Egypt?


True or false Jews were slaughtered by Crusaders on the way to and in Jerusalem


True or false Shekinah is an intermediary between God and humans during prophetic encounter


True or false Shekinah is identical with the glory of God


True or false Some change their names to hide jewishness


True or false for some, situations can be adjusted so that the law no longer applies


True or false some jews consider militarism of preserving it a contradiction of Jewish values


True or false strangers are lodged, poor helped, discipline enforced, public gatherings held, children taught


True or false the followers of Jesus retained their Jewish identity


True or false there was strict separation in Judea between Judean and non-Judean


True or false today, most believe that adjustment to modern world is essential if it does not conflict with the Torah - characteristics


True or false Jews are permitted to return to Jerusalem after 539 BCE


True or false being a Jew was made difficult by hatred of Christian leaders


true or false Hasidistics are isolated from the gentile world


When did hope for a Messiah to come and rescue his people arise?

Under roman rule

What is dealt with in a synagogue?

Worship and practical matters


Writings Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles

Did following the greek way of life create social tension?


Is Hasidim Ultra conservative?


Was there a large Jewish community in Egypt?


When did the high priest enter the temple to pray?

Yom Kippur

many perished in Jerusalem, others escaped to the fortress of Masada where they committed suicide 74CE


Thomas Aquinas

a Christian theologian who quoted maimonides

Describe the Ark of the Covenant

a box with 2 cherubim containing the 10 commandments

what did the school function as?

a council, even called Sanhedrin

Israel is chosen not for privilege but for

a mission

Jews are described as

a nation or a people


a rabbi of this period

what are jews not described as

a race

limitations called for

a restructuring of Jewish law a reimagining of Jewish theology

Israel is chosen (election) as

a special people among the peoples of the earth

What did Caligula order ?

a statue of himself as Zeus be placed in the temple

Judaism became

a textual tradition without offerings of animals, grain, and drink

Judaism is

a way of life - that practitioners stake their lives on - even if it means they must suffer and die

God is omniscient


God is omnipotent


During the reign of Philo of Alexandria Hebrew scriptures were explained using _________


What is a covenant?

an agreement between two people

What was offered at the temple?

animals, grain, and wine

when do jews read from the scroll of the Torah for the first time?

at 13


bar Kokhba

When did the Talmud writings begin?

began with Mishnah in 3rd century

What must Israel do to obey mission?

believe that there is divine purpose for humanity in which they have a special role


bill of divorce


bitter herbs

Hasidism attire

black dress and forelocks


braided bread

since all human beings are created in this image, all men and women are

brothers and sisters


burnt offering made to god in the temple

When were Christians excluded from synagogues?

c. CE 90



Sign of God's Covenant with Abraham



clean food

What did Judas Maccabeus do to the temple?

cleansed it

chant expressing

congregation's commitment to the unity of God is sung

in some branches of Judaism women can:

count in a minyan be included as a witness in court petition for divorce study Torah read Torah in worship wear prayer shawls and tefillin

What does purim celebrate?

deliverance of the Jews under King Ahasueras of the Persians through the work of Mordechai and Queen Esther against the scheming of Haman

God provides for the

destiny of individuals and nations


discussions of legal material


discussions on folklore and ethics

one half of Jews in US

do not belong to a synagogue or a temple

When did Muslim, Jewish, and Christian religious leaders dialogued peacefully with one another

during the golden age of literary achievement

Pirqe Avot

earliest surviving work is a book of sayings

Ein Sof

endless one

The Kabbal encourages Jews to

engage in the task of repairing the world (tikkun olam) instead of waiting for the Messiah to do it

Judaism can be described as

ethical monotheism


ethical or traditional requiremennts commandment


every aspect of life governed by commandments


exposition of the Mishnah and Torah


feminine image of God


fence or wire

Partisan groups were __________ that attacked the German army

formed in the Warsaw, Poland ghetto

Johanan ben Zakkai

founded a school at Jamnia

synagogue translated

gathering together


if God is all-knowing and all-powerful, why doesn't God identify and deal with evil? Especially since God is good

closing of the gates emphasizes

importance of last hour, that the gates remain open for a returning to God

Jews participated in

intellectual ferment of the Islamic Era of the 8th - 13th Centuries


interest in the fate of individual human beings led to notions of afterlife and belief in bodily resurrection

What replaced sacrifice and pilgrimage to Jerusalem when the temple was destroyed

it was replaced with the study of scripture, other sacred texts, prayer, and works of piety

God is ____________ of the world



kosher butcher

only these meats can be eaten

lamb, beef, chicken


last words of a dying jew

when did Hasidism develop?

late 17th cent Poland

When did judaisms reform begin?

late 19th cent

God is both ______ and ______.

lawgiver and judge



Rabbi Samson Hirsch

leadership in US is provided at end of 19thC

Women in judaism

learning and teaching were closed off to women their testimony was not allowed in court women were in exile from their own communities for some, the source of exclusion of women was the maleness of God

Shekinah is compared to



made by one side to the other

What is Pentecost

marks the beginning of the first fruits in the days of the temple, and the giving of the Torah to Moses


marriage contract

advances were made during the Islamic Era of the 8th - 13th Centuries in

mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, chemistry, and philology

what must not be served at the same meal?

meat and dairy

tikkun olan

mending the world

on day 8 boys are circumcised by a


prayer times

morning afternoon and evening


mystical branch of Judaism


night of broken glass

What also was destroyed in 70 CE?

no more priests no more Sadducees no more Sanhedrin court

restrictions of sabbath

no work is permitted on the Sabbath no fires may be lit on the Sabbath no long journeys may be taken on the Sabbath

a jew is

one born of a jewish mother

Sara Hurwitz

ordained a Rabbi in Orthodox Judaism in 2009

God give words in the form of law to

organize the lives of his people

In Israel

patriarch was a descendent of Hillel Patriarchate abolished by Romans in 429CE Sanhedrin continued until 640CE



affirmed life after death and bodily resurrection


hoped for a messiah who would usher in a kingdom of peace and justice



phylacteries black leather boxes containing passages of scripture - strapped on forehead and left upper arm

Hasidim means

pious ones

these two are not permitted to be eaten

pork and shellfish

Jews are separated more by ________ than doctrine


what became sacrifice?


What took place in synagogues?

prayer singing reading discussion teaching


prayer for the dead

Zionism prioritizes

preservation of Jewish people over Jewish religion

God can use other nations to ______ or _______ Israel

punish, deliver


rabbinic discussions


regulations that span every conceivable area of Jewish life and ritual purity

What is the west wall of the temple

remnant of the only Israelite temple

Jews believe they will flourish so long as they can

retain their sense of peoplehood, their humor, in the face of adversity, and hope


return to god

Maimonides saw "________" as of great importance

right belief

one half of Jews in Israel call themselves _______


God turned David from _________ to __________________, ruling a nation centered in Jerusalem

shepherd, victorious king

final blow is sounded on the


prayer attire

skull cap (yarmelka) Prayer-shawl (tallit) in the morning Tassels on the four corners Black leather boxes containing passages of scripture (tefillin) Strapped on forehead and left upper arm

meat must be __________

soaked in water and salted to remove blood


son of the commandment


sweet paste

What is the house of study if scripture?


girls are named in ______ after birth


Orthodox Eschatology believe

teaching about the 'last things,' end of time, heaven and hell Traditional view is that God will send his Messiah and usher in a messianic age Later elaboration in Talmud is based on writings of the Second Temple period

Torah Reminders

tefillin mezuzah

only one temple in Judaism

that of Jerusalem

legal interpretations of the commandments were compiled in

the Talmud

Jewish new year terms

the beginning of the last ten days of a penitential period (The Days of Awe) of 40 days Foods on New Year's eve symbolize sweetness, blessing, and plenty; bread dipped in honey On New Year's Day there are prayers at a six-hour morning service emphases - God as creator, king, and judge - who shows mercy and compassion to those who turn to him - ram's horn (shofar) is sounded as a "wake-up call"

the word Shoah is used to describe

the experience of European Jews during the Nazi Third Reich, CE 1933-1945

after Solomon the kingdom is split between

the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah

Tabernacles commemorates

the time when God protected the people in the desert, when they lived in tents

Kabbal's key term for God is

the transcendent Ein Sof

what is the mission for israel?

to bear divine truth to humanity

What is a scribes job?

to understand the Torah to interpret its rules to be bearers of tradition to be bearers of conduct


tractates and regulations on the Law

Maimonides was concerned with ________, not in concept of '___________'

universal rules, the chosen people

What happens when circumcised?

when circumcised, he receives the Hebrew name used at his Bar-Mitzvah, wedding, and on his gravestone

orthodox jews believe it is the______ responsibility to maintain laws


Israelite Religion begins

with the rule of King David in Jerusalem

What does god use to bring things into being


Not allowed on yom kippor

work is forbidden abstain from eating and drinking abstain from anointing with oils abstain from sexual relations abstain from washing for pleasure abstain from wearing leather shoes

Hasidisms found joy in

worship, song, dance, cutting wood, cleaning laundry

The whole of Jewish scripture

written Torah

Rachel Adler and Judith Plaskow

wrote articles on the plight of women in Judaism

Must animals be slaughtered a certain way?


holiest day in the Jewish liturgical calendar

yom kipper

last of the 10 days

yom kipper

led a revolt against Romans in 66CE


political revolutionaries


sacred duty was to overthrow Roman occupation by force


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