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Select all the following that are present in a key.

- a central tone - a central scale - a chord

Select all the types of emotions that composers have invoked by using the chromatic scale.

- grief - loss - sorrow

Select all basic scales of western music from the late 1600s to 1900.

- major - minor

select all the correct statements about modulation

- modulation usually changes the central tone - modulation is the shifting from one key to another key

What are functions of modulation in music? (Select all that apply.)

- provide contrast - create variety

Select all the characteristics of key or tonality.

- the keynote is the root of the tonic triad - familiar melodies generally end with the tonic chord -pieces of music often end on the tonic chord

Select all the correct statements about the major scale.

- the major scale is constructed of whole steps and half steps - the interval pattern of any major scale is always the same

Select all the primary differences between a major scale and a minor scale.

- the pattern of intervals is different - the half step in a minor scale is between the 2nd and 3rd tones

A piece of music changes key 4 times, how many main keys does the piece usually have?


minor scale

consists of 7 different tones and an eighth tone that duplicates the first an octave higher

difference between major and minor

in the minor scale, there is only a half step between the 2nd and 3rd tones. The major has a whole step there. Minor chords sound darker than major chords.

What is the function of the key signature?

it indicates the key of a piece of music

In a musical composition in the key of F, what role does the note F have in that key?

it is the note that typically ends the piece of music

What which element is the do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do scale associated?


What is the term for the collection of sharps or flats placed at the beginning of the piece of music?

key signature


made up of the basic pitches of a piece of music arranged in order from low to high or from high to low

major key

when a piece of music is based on a major scale

minor scale

when a piece of music is based on a minor scale

Each major or minor scale has a specific number of sharps or flats ranging from

none to 7


shifting from one key to another within the same piece

tonic/home key

the central key around which the whole piece is organized.

chromatic scale

the twelve tones of the octave -- all white and black keys in one octave on the piano.

No matter how often a work changes key, what is its main (home) key called?

tonic key

True or false: In western music, changing key is a way to strengthen listener interest in longer musical selections.


whole step

twice as large as the half step

key signature

used to indicate the key of a piece of music; consists of sharp or flat signs immediately following the clef sign at the beginning of the staff.

major scale

do re mi fa sol la ti do

How many major scales are there?


Which type of scale contains both whole steps and half steps, with a half step between the second and third tones? (Remember that the whole and half steps are BETWEEN tones.)


Which of the following statements is true concerning the use of the chromatic scale?

The chromatic scale has been used as the basis for entire compositions.


central scale, note, and chord within a piece; tonality


central tone; can be any of the 12 tones in an octave


distance or interval between the first and eighth tones of the major scale

half step

smallest interval traditionally used in western music

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