Khan Academy SAT Reading & Writing Practice
It takes courage to except when you're wrong and humbly apologize.
The tortoise won the race against the hare, fair but square.
Robert believes that everyone in the world should be fascinated by his research project, but most non-scientists find it a bit of a boar.
The intensive cooking workshop Rachel attended offered little instruction and was mostly a trial in fire.
Surprisingly, bacon is a great compliment to caramel-flavored ice cream.
The partnership proved to be a success, as Jane's strengths complimented Joe's weaknesses.
Most people don't eat the corps of an apple because it has less flavor and a lot of seeds.
When she moved to a new town, Cecilia joined a book club to harvest friendships with people who shared her interests.
Molly appreciated the visible spectrum of colors so much that she decided to dice her hair all the colors of the rainbow. She loved the look, but it required a lot of maintenance.
The great Genghis Khan tried to illicit fear in his enemies.
Overtired and under stress from his holiday orders, the chocolatier could not decide whether to envelope the pretzels in dark chocolate or almond bark.
Spizzerinctum, meaning high spirits or nerve, and ginchy, meaning excellent, are just two case of defunct American slang words.
Julie was quite convinced that her younger brother Jacob had pored too much syrup on his pancakes.
Had Poured
The rise of meal delivery service HomeBites and the app Foodie (that allows users to rate restaurants) are just two instance of how technology has dominated our eating culture.
Numerous research projects, including the benchmark Framingham Heart Study, demonstrate that taking a vacation can have well-connected health benefits.
"You can be a real pain about the neck," said the man, cleaning up his dog's mess.
Dione forgot to clock when at work, so she had to manually enter her hours later.
Identifying the right ratchet in the messy toolbox was like finding a needle with a haystack.
The environmentalist spoke to the audience about the advantages of lab-grown meat, but her words appeared to go on one ear and out the other.
Located in Richmond, California the Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front is a national historical park dedicated to telling the stories of U.S. civilians' efforts to aid the war.
Located in Richmond, California,
In 1897, Charlotte Wiberg wed Arthur St. Andrassy in an unlikely places—inside a lion's cage at a Boston zoo.
Marion did not intentionally loose her passport so that she could stay in Spain longer.
A sincere enthusiast of oral history, Roy G. Bivens seized every opportunity to tell an epic tale.
No Change
All Molly wanted to do was navigate a direct route to the beach, but her GPS kept losing its signal.
No Change
Although the black diamond ski run was clearly marked, Simon skied out of bounds in order to beat his opponent to the bottom of the mountain.
No Change
Before the Black Plague hit Europe in the 14th century, medieval people did not bathe by submerging themselves in a tub of water, which they considered an act of debauchery. Instead they quickly cleaned themselves with water and a cloth.
No Change
Chi-Ray sampled lemon-infused olive oil, truffle-flavored vinegar, and a tea made from flowers.
No Change
Hawaii, which joined the U.S. in 1959, is the only American state that was once a kingdom.
No Change
In a recent study, Scientific American magazine concluded that dog owners are somewhat less reserved than cat owners, enjoying more social interaction and communal activity.
No Change
Jack and Jill were both adventurers who enjoyed exploring new places and using various means of locomotion.
No Change
Mickey Mouse, the familiar Disney animated character, spoke his first words over eighty-five years ago
No Change
Otto Dix and George Grosz were both artists who contributed to the New Objectivity art movement.
No Change
Romeo was faced with a life-changing decision: whether to honor his family or pursue his love, Juliet.
No Change
Ryan Reynolds has starred in films as diverse as Green Lantern, The Proposal, and Turbo.
No Change
Sahil believed in the importance of excellent customer service, but it was a challenge to remain professional when the customer ordered a fruit smoothie, complained that it tasted like fruit, and then dumped the drink on the floor when she was denied a refund.
No Change
Solar charging kiosks are gaining popularity among entrepreneurs in Rwanda, where a sunny climate, periodic power outages, and busy executives have increased the demand for solar energy.
No Change
Stephen King was so poor when his first novel sold that he couldn't afford medicine for his sick children; King's first purchase with his book earnings was medicine.
No Change
Sugars and Sweets Candy Company has contracts with four food companies to bring products to the store.
No Change
Texas Tech says that cooperative gameplay—a video game feature that allows players to work together as a team—leads to increased empathy in the real world.
No Change
The high-wire artist Phillippe Petit is famous for his death-defying tightrope walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in 1974.
No Change
The leaf insect, easily mistaken for a real leaf, maintains a constant wobble as part of its illusion.
No Change
The students watched as the beekeeper collected honey and calmly allowed the bees to envelop her arm without being stung.
No Change
To avoid the dangerous call of the Sirens, Odysseus crew put wax in their ears and lashed Odysseus to the boat mast.
When the third customer came in with an expired coupon, the waitress flew on the handle.
All eight of Elizabeth's siblings became a politician; Elizabeth became a professional clown.
The attorneys, who are both officer in the bankruptcy field, believe that the recession will soon end.
Located on the northern coast of South America, Suriname perpetuates the most untouched rainforest on the continent.
Krista didn't know how to precede when her history teacher fell asleep during her presentation.
Roberto's physical acuteness was undeniable: he set six new athletic records during his sophomore year.
Rania, who hadn't noticed the missing strawberry pie couldn't figure out why her poodle was sick.
Rania, who hadn't noticed the missing strawberry pie,
The tyrant and his descendants reined over the people of St. Guinevere for 300 years.
The baseball player wished he could speak to his fans directly, instead of having to address crowds of media representative.
Pancakes and waffles seem like an easy breakfast items to make, but there are many people who cannot make them from scratch.
Simple Breakfast Items
Backlash against the senator's education bill only hurled her to work harder to ensure its passage.
In her historic 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan identified "The Problem That Has No Name." At issue was the psychological scuffle for women who wanted to pursue professions but (due to the cultural restrictions of that era) were destined to be homemakers.
Henrietta's flock of backyard chickens produced more eggs than her neighborhood.
The rest of the neighborhood's chickens
According to some scholars, T. S. Eliot's later poems are more powerful and incisive than his early career as a writer.
Those written at the beginning of his career
If I had to compare the plays of Arthur Miller and Shakespeare, I'd say Shakespeare's are best.
To those of Shakespeare, I'd say Shakespeare's are better
Nothing gets on my skin like when the grocer puts stickers on fruit.
Under my
Vertigo in addition to being a disorienting medical condition, is the title of a famous Hitchcock film.
A Japanese electronics company has invented a new type of rubber that generates electricity in stretching.
When Stretched
From a young age, Frederica was destined for a career in theater; her mannerisms and way of speaking had always been excessively dramatic.
Some research suggests that Tyrannosaurus rex, although often ridiculed for its diminutive arms—may have been able to lift a full 450 pounds with each appendage.
Nutritionists disagree over whether sugar or eating artificial sweetener is worse.
artificial sweetener
The baristas least favorite drink to make was the Triple Berry and Caramel Cream Blended Beverage because they had to spend five minutes just assembling the ingredients.
In order to compete for employees, companies are offering incentives like free childcare; opportunities to work from home, and paid parental leave.
Some residents were surprised by how Senator Nikita Kapoor voted on the tax bill, but she argued that her intentions had been crystalline from the beginning of her campaign.
A full-grown boa constrictors skin sheds every three to six months.
There were only three things that Jonathan's toddler would eat: crackers chocolate chips, and fried green tomatoes.
The dogs pursuit of the speeding car ended quickly because, as a small dachshund, he couldn't keep up.
The world's first "Global Family Reunion," held in New York, is probably much larger than any of your own family.
family gatherings
Like fingerprints tongue prints are unique to every person.
fingerprints, tongue prints
Money-wasting practices include cooking too much food throwing out leftovers, and storing food incorrectly.
The foreign investors acquired the land for passive investment rather than park.
for development
Egyptian gold has a much redder hue than in other parts of the world.
gold found in other parts of the world
New evidence suggests that children are more likely to confide in their pets than their siblings when faced with difficult circumstances like grief; illness; or divorce.
grief, illness,
Evgeni Plushenko of Russia is famous for its quadruple jump, the first in men's figure skating.
The perfect soufflé requires high quality ingredients-delicate preparation, and absolute stillness while cooking.
ingredients, delicate preparation,
While a honey bee loses its stinger and dies after attacking once, a wasp is capable of stinging multiple times.
Giant Chinese salamanders (which can grow up to six feet in length—are known for their "crying baby" vocalizations.
Voltaire was both disappointed and excited when he found out that his favorite coffee shop, Candid Coffee, was moving to a new and larger point.
Like humans, similar traits in monkeys spend more time together.
monkeys with similar traits
The twins excitedly awaited their mother arrival home from her archaeological dig in Turkey.
When Andy said he wanted cold hard cash for his birthday, his mothers response was to give him a block of ice with dollar bills frozen inside.
A pelicans lower bill is made of stretchy skin that expands to carry up to three gallons of food.
More than half a decade after the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that leveled Haiti, serious public health and social problems tolerate. These include inadequate housing, political corruption, and the spread of cholera.
Malayan tapirs are solitary: herbivorous, and crepuscular.
A recent survey by the National Endowment for Financial Education shows that more than 70 percent of lottery winners are broke within several years of winning - often gambling their money on excessive purchases.
While Wikipedia is now more popular than the use of standard encyclopedias, its reliability is questionable.
The Tibetan system of meditation is more closely tied to its surrounding culture than Zen meditation.
that of Zen meditation
The hard drive of the PlumBook Light holds less memory than the PlumBook Original.
that of the PlumBook Original
The Amazon's widest point is four times larger than the Nile.
the Nile's
Europe's public transportation system is more extensive than the United States.
the United States'
The shade of blue which his wife preferred for the living room was brighter than Patrick.
the color Patrick liked
New Yorkers will tell you that their pizza is better than Chicago because New York pizza can be eaten with one's hands rather than with a knife and fork.
the pizza in Chicago
Dryads are mythological spirits who make its homes in trees.
Ron and Henrietta lost they're licenses for independent space travel when the government learned of their plan to build a waterpark on the moon.
Serena Williams and Stan Wawrinka are both French Open tennis champions who take great pride in they're training.
When it comes to personal fitness devices, people either love them worry about their data collection, or doubt their accuracy.
Whose wallet is this?