Kin 270-Final Exam

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Cells that depolarize in response to movement are

hair cells

Which of the following are not located in the fovea?


Which of the following is most responsible for black/white vision?


Which of the following is most sensitive?


Can autonomic activity be affected by conscious thought?


Both rods and cones have proteins that change shape when hit by specific photons.


T/F: CSF can travel through a continuous path from the left lateral ventricle to the central canal of the spinal cord.


T/F: Imagine that you can sense when a friend is sad even when they are on the other side of the world. In order for this to be true, an molecule in your body must change shape in response to your friend's emotion.


T/F: There is a continuous path from the left lateral ventricle to the central canal of the spinal cord.


The voltage within both rods and cones changes when the cells are hit with light of the appropriate wavelength.


There is a primary gustatory cortex.


There is a primary olfactory cortex.


there is a primary olfactory cortex


The fastest reflex causing muscle relaxation would involve

two synapses

Where are cells that detect acceleration in a car?


If we cut only the left lateral spinothalamic tract above T6, would the patellar reflex still be active in the left leg?


Beta 2 adrenergic receptors cause ___________ in airway smooth muscle


There is no air in a vacuum. We can hear sound in a vacuum (like space)


Where is the density of photoreceptors greatest?

the fovea

Blood pressure initially drops when we stand up from the couch. We must maintain blood pressure to maintain oxygen concentration at our brain. Increased cardiac output/heart rate raises blood pressure. How does our body respond to standing up from watching TV? Order the events below, ignoring events that do not occur.

1. a structure changes shape as blood pressure changes 2. neurotransmitter is released at a synapse between two neurons. 3. epinephrine is released at the heart 4. heart rate increases

How many ventricles are found in the brain?


Of the steps below, which is the first to occur when we decide to contract the biceps brachii muscle?

A graded depolarization in the muscle fiber

Which of the following occurs first if we are to become aware of a mosquito on our arm?

A graded potential in the peripheral nervous system

Where does integration of sensory information from different pathways occur?

A multimodal association area

People who are seasick may feel better while looking at the horizon. The part of the brain responsible for this correction must be

A multimodal association area.

Imagine the situation pictured below. Myosin molecules are stuck to a glass plate in a solution containing naked actin filaments (thin filaments without troponin or tropomyosin). The solution looks like the sarcoplasm. Which of the following would have to be added to the solution for myosin to make the thin filaments move. Choose every correct answer.


When we begin to contract our hamstrings, what happens to the rate of action potential generation in neurons innervating the quadriceps?

Action potential generation slow

Signals for a sense of taste travel through only a single cranial nerve


A lesion that cuts the left dorsal column would block

Awareness of fine touch from the left side of the body

A lesion that cuts the left lateral white matter would block

Awareness of pain and temperature from the right side of the body below the lesion

Signals from the right eye travel to only the left primary visual cortex.


The stomach is innervated by ____________ neurons

Both sympathetic and parasympathetic

What causes relaxation in a skeletal muscle fiber

Calcium is pumped away from myofibrils

Gray matter consists mostly of

Cell bodies and unmyelinated axons

Cell bodies of third-order sensory neurons are located in the

Central nervous system

Cell bodies of upper motor neurons are located in the

Central nervous system

A spinal reflex causing contraction of skeletal muscle involves neurons in the

Central nervous system only or Both central and peripheral nervous systems

Coordination of motor signals is a primary responsibility of the


Parietal lobes


When a person gets drunk, they lose motor coordination even though they retain voluntary control of skeletal muscle contraction. Given this information, you suspect getting drunk particularly affects the


The ventricles in the brain are filled with

Cerebrospinal fluid

Sound is converted to action potentials in the


Temperature sensing neurons are rapidly adapting. If we were to place our hand in cold water, what would happen to the rate of action potentials fired in cold-sensing neurons?

Cold-sensing neurons would initially fire rapid action potentials, but the rate of action potentials would gradually slow.

Which of the following are located in the fovea?


A "gradient" occurs when one area is different from another. Which of the following requires the input of energy?

Creating a gradient.

Temperature sensing neurons are rapidly adapting. If we were to place our hand in cold water, cold sensing neurons would initially

Depolarize quickly

Which of the following exerts force necessary to focus on objects close to the eye, like while reading?

Elastic components in the lens

Many choice: Endergonic chemical reactions occur in the body because

Enzymes can capture energy stored in chemical bonds (like ATP), Enzymes can change shape and Enzymes catalyze the reaction.

CSF is manufactured by

Ependymal cells

Signals from cells that detect smell travel to the brain passing through the


A lesion that cuts the left dorsal column would cut

First order sensory neurons

Our primary motor cortex is located in the

Frontal Lobes

Complete multimodal processing of visual signals involves activity in the

Frontal lobes, Parietal lobes, Temporal lobes and Occipital lobes

When we accelerate from a stoplight, which of the following cells depolarizes?

Hair cells

Many choice: Which of the following senses converts movements into a graded membrane potential?


Which of the following chemicals cause a change in voltage in cells in our tongue?

Hydrogen ions, Sodium ions, Carbohydrates and Bitter molecules like quinine

Temperature sensing neurons are rapidly adapting. If we were to place our hand in cold water, warm sensing neurons would initially

Hyperpolarize rapidly

The master regulator of autonomic activity is located in the


The primary control center for the autonomic nervous system is located in the


Water loss from a third degree burn would be classified as

Insensible perspiration

Many choice: Axons in which of the following pathways cross at the level of the entering spinal nerve?

Lateral spinothalamic

When a person has a stroke that particularly affects the ability to speak even though they can understand, you suspect damage to the

Left frontal lobe

A stroke the specifically affects the ability to understand language would damage

Left temporal and parietal lobes

Many choice: Which of the following could cause a graded membrane potential in a peripheral nerve?

Light, Mechanical stretch, Vibration, Chemicals and Change in temperature

Many choice: Cranial nerves may be

Sensory only, Motor only and Mixed

If a patient exhibits no muscle tone and an inability to contract skeletal muscle, you would suspect a problem with

Lower motor neurons

Many choice: Disrupting the structure of the lung would dramatically interfere with which of the following processes?

Maintaining blood oxygen levels

Many choice: Disrupting the structure of the small intestine would directly interfere with which of the following processes?

Maintaining blood sodium levels and Maintaining steady body fluid levels

Which of the following requires the input of energy?

Maintaining higher extracellular sodium concentrations than intracellular.

Which of the following is an example of homeostasis?

Maintaining higher extracellular sodium concentrations than intracellular. ("Extracellular" means outside a cell. "Intracellular" means inside a cell.)

Sound is a ___________ signal


Many choice: Spinal nerves may be


Many choice: Disrupting the structure of the femur would directly interfere with which of the following processes? Assume all other bones are intact.

Moving the legs

White matter consists mostly of

Myelinated axons

Which of the following would transmit signals the fastest?

Myelinated large diameter fibers

Of the steps below, which is the last to occur when we decide to contract the biceps brachii muscle?

Myosin binding to actin

Can a lower motor neuron cause a graded hyperpolarization at the motor end plate?


Does epinephrine cause depolarization of all target tissue?


Humans maintain calcium homeostasis. Parathyroid hormone increases blood calcium levels by increasing calcium absorption in the small intestine. Must parathyroid hormone act in the skin to decrease the amount of UV radiation necessary to convert pre-vitamin D3 to vitamin D3?


Humans must maintain consistent levels of body fluids. Is it necessary for the skin to have receptors that change shape when body fluid volume changes?


Pain-sensing neurons are slowly adapting. If we were exposed to a painful stimulus over time, what would happen to the rate of action potentials fired in nociceptive neurons?

Nociceptive neurons would continuously fire rapid action potentials

Our primary visual cortex is located in the

Occipital lobes

The simplest processing in the central nervous system involves

One synapse

Our primary somatosensory cortex is located in the

Parietal lobes

Cell bodies of first-order sensory neurons are located in the

Peripheral nervous system

Moving sodium out of a cell

Requires the input of energy

If we could not feel someone touch our lateral malleolus (fibula), you would suspect damage to axons that belong to spinal nerve


A lesion that cuts the left lateral spinothalamic tract would cut axons of

Second order sensory neuron

Where are cells that detect rotation of the head?

Semicircular canals

Which of the following senses converts the presence of airborne chemicals into a graded membrane potential?


Which of the following exerts force necessary to focus on distant objects?

Smooth muscle in the ciliary body

Which of the following changes shape to regulate the amount of light hitting the retina?

Smooth muscle in the iris

Many choice: Which of the following are components of the peripheral nervous system?

Spinal nerves, Autonomic ganglia and Cranial nerves

The hypothalamus is damaged during heat stroke. Which of the following autonomic changes would occur?

Sweat rate would decrease.

A postganglionic neuron with a long axon is probably


Blood vessels in the arm are innervated by ___________ neurons


Many choice: Thyroid stimulating hormone (abbreviated TSH) travels through the bloodstream and affects some cells but not others. Without being given any further information you know that

TSH binds to structures and causes them to change shape.

Where are cell bodies lower motor neurons?

The anterior gray horn of the spinal cord

The relay center for sensory signals in our brain is in the

The diencephalon

Where are cell bodies of first order sensory neurons in the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway?

The dorsal root ganglion (spinal ganglion)

Where are cell bodies of first order sensory neurons in the spinothalamic tract?

The dorsal root ganglion (spinal ganglion)

Where are cell bodies of second order sensory neurons in the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway?

The medulla

Where are axon terminals of lower motor neurons?

The neuromuscular junction

A sensor in the feedback loop that elevates blood calcium:

The parathyroid glands

Sound travels in the form of


What part of our brain first becomes conscious of being touched on our big toe?

The postcentral gyrus

Where are axon terminals of third order sensory neurons?

The postcentral gyrus

Where are cell bodies of second order sensory neurons in the spinothalamic tract?

The posterior gray horn of the spinal cord

Where are cell bodies upper motor neurons?

The precentral gyrus

If we tap the patellar tendon with a hammer, which of the following happens first?

The quadriceps contracts

Where are cell bodies of third order sensory neurons in the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway?

The thalamus

Where are cell bodies of third order sensory neurons in the spinothalamic tract?

The thalamus

Which of the following is the first to move in response to sound?

The tympanic membrane

When we begin to contract our hamstrings, what happens to the average voltage in dendrites of neurons innervating the quadriceps?

The voltage drops

We see dim objects best when we do not look straight at them.


If a patient exhibits hyperreflexia and spastic paralysis, you would suspect a problem with

Upper motor neurons

A lesion that cuts the left lateral white matter as depicted above would block

Voluntary control of muscle on the left side of the body

Temperature sensing neurons are rapidly adapting. If we were to place our hand in cold water, what would happen to the rate of action potentials fired in warm-sensing neurons?

Warm-sensing neurons would initially hyperpolarize and cease to fire action potentials, but they would gradually increase the rate of action potential generation.

GTP is a high energy molecule like ATP, but we have not studied the function of GTP in cells. GTP binds to proteins and changes their function. Even without further information you know that

When GTP binds a protein, it changes shape.

A lesion that cuts the left dorsal column would block

Would not block motor control

For reciprocal inhibition to occur, must an interneuron be involved?


If we cut only the left lateral corticospinal tract above T6, would the patellar reflex still be active in the left leg?


Cell bodies of second-order sensory neurons are located in the

central nervous system

If we cut only the left lateral spinothalamic tract above T6, could we feel a hammer tap to our right patellar tendon? (Assume that "feeling" the tap would include receiving signals from any mechanoreceptor located in the area, including pain, touch, proprioception, etc...).


Must humans have structures that change shape in response to changes in extracellular fluid tonicity?


Which of the following would occur if the skin were simple squamous epithelium?

a. Gas exchange (breathing) through the skin would increase. b. Bacterial infections would increase. c. Insensible water loss would increase.

Many choice: Disrupting the structure of the spinal cord would dramatically interfere with which of the following processes?

a. Maintaining adequate blood flow to leg muscles (requires changing vessel diameter) b. Sensing changes in temperature in the toes c. Standing on one leg d. Wiggling muscles in the toes

All reflexes must involve the central nervous system.


Cell bodies of lower motor neurons are located in the

central nervous system

Which of the following cells provides the biggest response to blue light?


Alpha 1 adrenergic receptors cause ___________ in blood vessel smooth muscle


Many choice: Axons of parasympathetic nerves travel in

cranial nerves - marked wrong (sacral)

Acetylcholine release at the heart would ___________ heart rate


Acetylcholine release in parasympathetic ganglia would ___________ heart rate


Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors

decrease heart rate

Beta 2 adrenergic receptors cause ____________ calcium release in airway smooth muscle


If acetylcholine release increases in parasympathetic ganglia, it probably __________ in sympathetic ganglia.


All long autonomic reflexes involve synapses in the hypothalamus.


All motor neurons have cell bodies in the central nervous system.


Acetylcholine release in sympathetic ganglia would ___________ heart rate


An injury that affects spinal nerves T1 and T2 could decrease our ability to

increase heart rate

Beta 1 adrenergic receptors

increase heart rate

Alpha 1 adrenergic receptors cause ____________ calcium release in blood vessel smooth muscle


Portions of our brain that coordinate conscious and subconscious thought belong to the

limbic system

Many choice: Disrupting the structure of leg muscles would directly interfere with which of the following processes?

moving the legs

Does acetylcholine always cause depolarization of its target cell?


Must a reflex include an interneuron?


The primary visual cortex is located in the

occipital lobes

The fastest reflex causing muscle contraction would involve

one synapse

Many choice: Which of the following senses converts the presence of chemicals into a graded membrane potential?

smell and taste

In the negative feedback loop that restores body temperature when we get hot, the effector consists of

sweat glands

Which of the following senses converts the presence of dissolved chemicals into a graded membrane potential?


The axon terminals of neurons in the optic nerve are located in the


Many choice: Axons of sympathetic nerves travel in

thoracic nerves and lumbar nerves

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