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making ppl better than normal. Believe that all bodies can be improved so that people can achieve goals currently out of reach.

Which group of workers has been more adversely affected by the the creation and use of Export Processing Zones in global manufacturing?

manufacturing workers in developing countries

in regards to the functional theory, ESPN: The Magazine and Sports Illustrated are examples of

mediated reproduction

cosmetic fitness

myth that sport masculinizes females still lingers and female athletes often try to be viewed as both athletic and attractive, Marketing riches and recognition often go to female athletes who are sexually attractive and who promote themselves outside of sport in a sexual manner


negative beliefs and overgeneralizations concerning a group of people involving a judgement against an individual based on a mental image applied to all individuals of that group


occurs when a person's ideas, traits, or actions are perceived by others to fall outside the normal range of acceptance in a society (e.g. any behavior that violates cultural norms) in sport can involve overconformity (playing despite injury) as often as underconformity (cheating to win)

formal norms

official expectations that take the form of written rules or laws

personal theory

on social reality reflects an individual's perspective on the nature of society (and often his/her own values and biases) cannot be generalized to the experiences of others: I cannot assume that my sport experiences reflect how everyone experiences sport

neoliberal society

one in which individualism and material success are highly valued, and one in which publicly funded programs and services disappear and are replace by private programs and service provision.

formal sport emphasize

Formal rules Set positions Systematic guidance by adults Status and outcomes

According the chapter 9 what was the Nike swoosh associated with in the 1990's?

Great athletes Sweatshops and worker oppression Labor unions

privatized youth sport programs

Growth is associated with the decline in publicly funded programs. Most common in middle- and upper-middle income areas. May not be committed to gender equity. usually selective and exclusive and provide few opportunities for low income households

is defined as the processes of organizing social power and making decisions that affect the lives of people in a social world.



process through which financial capital, products, knowledge, worldviews and cultural practices flow through political borders worldwide and influence people's lives


processes of organizing social power and making decisions that affect the lives of people in a social world, Methods of governing a society and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs

"Attitudes, actions and policies based on the belief that people in one racial category are inherently superior in other categories is called"


In disagreement or agreement, justification depends on the kinds of ________ that can be provided to support our moral views, not simply on whether others share our values.



refers to socially determined expectations placed on an individual because of their sexual category •Society dictates what it means to be masculine or feminine

social stratification

relative social position of persons within a group - refers to a hierarchal structure that ranks and orders people in society. In some countries this determined by a preset social castes or estates, which people are born into and are expected to stay In western countries is primarily the result of SES (upper, middle and lower class)

Americans with Disability Act (ADA)

requires that all youth sport programs open to the public cannot exclude children unless There are threats to the health and safety of able-bodied participants & Necessary accommodations fundamentally alter or cause "undue burden" to a program.

alternative sports

response to highly structured, adult-controlled organized programs. Revolve around desires to be expressive and spontaneous. May have high injury rates and patterns of exclusion related to gender and social class & increased parental involvement

which provides evidence that some older ppl today are challenging the notion that sport is for younger ppl only

Increased participation in Masters sporting events

Which English minister, revered by American Clerics said all sports are unlawful if they take away time from greater works and came up with 18 qualifications for lawful sport?

richard baxter


set of ideas formed in an attempt to explain something that has been observed in nature, provide the basis for research: scientists gather evidence that either supports or opposes, provide structured models for investigating and understanding a problem - subject to constant verification until enough supporting evidence is gathered to turn theory into law

Ethnic population is used in the chapter to refer to a category of people regarded as socially distinct because they

share a history, a way of life, and an identity.


shared knowledge, language, norms, values and behavioral patterns of a given society, that are handed down from one generation to the next and form a way of life for its members (Delaney)

Social Learning Theory (Interactionist)

Individual characteristics interact with the social environment to create human behavior. Individual behaviors are guided by the meanings each person assigns to objects in his/her world; meanings are derived from social interaction. Individuals learn deviant behavior within a social context. Can be directly taught or indirect via observation, imitation and modeling. Individuals often model the behavior of influential people . Teammate using PED's may influence that behavior in others

The prevailing racial ideologies in the United States in the 1950s through the 1970s led to which of the following outcomes in sport?

Initial racial segregation in sport "Racial stacking"" on sports teams" the prevailing attitude that whites were superior candidates for coaching and management positions

The moral issue with decisions by sport organizations to change rules to increase entertainment value is

It can take away from the skill of strategy needed to play the game.

Deviant over conformity is ignored by the media b/c?

It challenges the popular acceptance of the great sports myth.

which is NOT true about ableism

It places a label on people with impairments It is influenced by ideology that justifies treating those with impairments as inferior It advances the interests of those with impairments by grouping them in cohorts based on ability

What is one way leaders use sports to boost their legitimacy in the eyes of citizens

Leaders fund sports to gain support of citizens Leaders are photographed with star athletes

Disadvantages to absolutist approach?

Makes people defensive about their attitudes/actions, undermines creativity/change, creates resistance to rules.

elite training programs

Most common in private, commercial programs Emphasize the potential for children to gain material rewards through sports Children often "work" long hours and become like "laborers," but programs are not governed by child labor laws Raise ethical issues about adult-child relationships

moral reasoning

Must be impartialThe position we take must be systematically consistent.The principles we use in making moral decisions must account for critical and reflective judgments about clear moral examples

continuous traits

skin color, height, brain size, nose width, leg length, leg length ratio, # of fast-twitch muscle fibers, etc.


social condition that exists when overconformity creates unlimited obedience to norms

Parts of the social world that are created by people as they interact with one another under particular social, political, and economic conditions are?

social constructions

In the 1960's sport programs were meant to?

Prepare youth athletes to participate productively in a competitive economy.

interactionist model

Processes of social learning and development occur through social interaction. Social interaction is the basis for creating and maintaining the: Organization of our social worlds & Cultural frameworks that we use to give them meaning. qualitive methods focusing on relationships/decison-making process over time


social organization in which rewards go to people who earn them due to abilities, qualifications and hard work (achieved status can overcome ascribed status)

ascribed status

social status of a person assigned at birth that affects how u are perceived by others. influences life chances

symbiotic relationship (sports and media)

sports depend on the media when they are organized as forms of commercial entertainment

performance ethic

Refers to emphasizing measured outcomes as indicators of the quality of sport experiences Fun = becoming better, competitive Related to parental notions of investing in their children's future

off the field deviance

Research shows that many athletes have lower rates of delinquency than similar peers who do not play sports

What factors may decrease sport opportunities for youth with a lower SES?

Safety concerns about neighborhood parks Lack of home equipment and / or lack of facilities and equipment close to home Budget cuts to public sports programs

personal internalization model

Social learning occurs as people internalize the rules of society as they: Grow up in their families, Attend school, Interact with peers, Receive images and messages through the media. sport participation is related to: A person's abilities, characteristics, and resources, The influence of significant others, The availability of opportunities to play and enjoy sports

Which is an integral element that defines sport and therefore distinguishes it from play and dramatic spectacle?

Sport is institutionalized Sport involved competitive activities Sport involves physical exertion and / or the use of complex skills

what is the problem with classifying people as dis-abled

"It leads people to believe that unimpaired bodies are natural and normal, while ""dis"" abled bodies are less than whole as a human being" It obscures the recognition of abilities in people with impairments It creates a label that is a barrier to participation in mainstream society

which is not true about social construction

Sports are not social constructions, rather they are natural elements of life

Subculture / Cultural Deviance Theory

study cultural conflict focusing on structured forms of inequality. deviants violate certain rules because they adhere more closely to norms of the subculture group than that of the larger society


the ability to influence people and achieve goals, even in the face of opposition from others

dominant ideology

the beliefs and perspectives of the majority of individuals or most powerful people in a particular social group

Which of the following is an example of how money and / or power affect sport opportunities?

The cost of tickets in major league sports The existance of elite sports clubs The increasing privatization of youth sports teams (e.g. club sports)

"Prior to the mid 19th century, there was very little organized participant or spectator sports. Which was NOT a factor in the rise of commercial sport during the last 19th century and early 20th century? "

The growth of technologies to support rapid transportation Increased immigration to North America Urban populations

According to chapter 9, ___________ is / are foundational pillars upon which the global sporting goods manufacturing industry rests.

The increase of manufacturing in the global economy The evolution of modern sport forms The increase in sport media coverage Both A and B are correct

Which of the following is LEAST likely to be a concern among sociologists who study sports?

The motivation and personalities of athletes.


The political unit that exercises authority via laws and customs,The formal organization with the power to make and enforce rules in a particular jurisdiction

"The "race to the bottom"" describes"

The practice of TNC's shifting production to the lowest wage countries

conspicuous consumption

the spending of money on and the acquiring of luxury goods and services to publicly display economic power—of the income or of the accumulated wealth of the buyer.

sport plus

this approach emphasizes traditional sort development objectives such as increasing participation and building sport knowledge and skills but adds OTHER ACTIVITIES so that young participants learn info and strategies for effectively dealing with challenges faced in their everyday lives.

plus sport

this approach is used by non-sport organizations (e.g. faith based) that offer SPORT PARTICIPATION as a means of recruiting, retaining, and motivating young people in the primary activities of the organization.

achieved status

trait assigned to individuals thru effort or merit

"Prevailing racial ideologies in the 1960s and 1970s held that blacks excelled in sports because of superior power and speed, while white success in sport was explained by character, hard work, intelligence and superior organizational skills"


"Prior to the 1950's, sports were racially segregated in the United States. However, today, 45% or players on Major League baseball teams are Latin American and Asian and 28% of NBA players were born outside the United States "


"The concept of the ""cultural omnivore"" can be explained as a set of eclectic tastes which include both ""high brow"" and common tastes."


'Ageism justifies discrimination against particular age groups, assuming these age groups are incapable of full participation in mainstream activities."


49% of universities ran a deficit on men's sport with a median loss of $4.4 million


A Sport Plus approach emphasizes traditional sport development objectives such as increasing participation and building sport knowledge and skills but adds other activities so that young participants learn information and strategies for effectively dealing with challenges faced in their everyday lives.


Although the descriptive relativist is undoubtedly correct in pointing to moral disagreement among groups, it remains controversial whether there is fundamental disagreement about all values or whether underneath the surface disagreement most societies have a deeper acceptance of fundamental core values.


Based upon their adoption of a functionalist perspective, many Whites (especially those in positions of authority and power in sport) interpret behaviors including trash talking as offensive to White male upper-and middle-class sensibilities and the epitome of poor sportspersonship.


Culture refers to ways of life that people create through their interactions with one another.


Ethical relativism differs from skepticism in that skepticism denies that any ethical perspective is more justifiable or reasonable than any other—or denies that we can know which perspectives are more justifiable than others.


Globalization refers to the greater interconnectedness among the world's people


Governents around the world use sports as a tool for promoting the interests of politicians


Paying professional athletes and not paying student-athletes because they are considered amateurs is an example of moral reasoning being systematically inconsistent.


Sports rules are intended to ensure one team or competitor does not gain an unfair advantage over another.


The academic literature focus on demonstrating social skills appears to reproduce a functionalist neoliberal approach to positive youth development rather than extending ideas about the many ways that youth development can be defined in connection with sport programs.


The history of sports are linked to struggles over political ideologies.


To say that sports are social constructions means that the definition of sports may vary from one social and cultural context to another.


We must be sure our reactions to situations are critical and reflective, not merely unanalyzed, culturally conditioned responses because it is easy to be influenced by cultural, social, and even biologically based presuppositions.


When trying to understand human actions and relationships, it is best to consider "race" as a social concept rather than a biological concept.


Without youth organizing and critical youth empowerment, sport for development programs miss opportunities to extend and evaluate their impact on communities as well as individuals.


lower income older adults face more barriers to physical activity



ua group of people who interact with one another as members of a collectively defined boundary Sports reflect the culture of society

Members of a counterculture may engage in _________________, deviance based upon ignoring or rejecting organizational norms (Coakley, 2014).


conflict theory

views society as a power struggle between different groups competing for limited economic resources. The groups in power benefit from particular social arrangements observed in society. highlight imbalances of power and claim expectations of proper behavior are forced on society by those in power

functionalist theory

views society as complex system of parts working together, seeking equilibrium. Each social institution (e.g. family, education, gov't, religion, etc.) makes an important contribution to meet the social needs of society Deviance is dysfunction. Society encourages attainment of culturally desirable goals. Individual difficulty in reaching these goals may lead to strain, resulting in deviant behavior to get ahead. strain resulting from inability or unequal opportunity to reach culturally desirable goals causes deviant behavior

formal deviance

violations of official rules and laws that are punished by official sanctions administered by people in positions of authority

informal deviance

violations of unwritten customs and shared understandings that are punished by unofficial sanctions (elicits negative reactions) administered by observers or peers

characteristics of ideologies

• Never established "once and for all time" • Emerge as people struggle over the meaning and organization of social life • Are complex and sometimes inconsistent • Change as power relationships change in society

sports are social constructions

This means that sports can take different forms and be given different meanings from one situation, culture, or point in time to the next.Sports are not static activities—they are changed as people and circumstances change.

what problems are faced when studying deviance in sports

Types and causes of deviance are diverse; one theory cannot explain them. Actions accepted in sports may be deviant in other situations; and actions accepted in society may be deviant in sports. Deviance in sports often involves uncritical acceptance of norms, rather than a rejection of norms. Training and performance are now based on such new forms of science and technology that people haven't had time to develop new norms to guide and regulate the actions of people in sports.

Which is NOT one of the largest transnational sporting goods corporations mentioned in chapter 9?

Under Armour


a social ranking system based on income, wealth, occupation, education - measures economic prestige status

consumptive deviance

actions and appearances that can be imagined as "real" deviance without producing any real negative consequences for anyone involved.


active process of learning & social development occurs as we interact w others & become familiar w social worlds in which we live in

social theory

affect how individuals view their social world AND influence future research. impact society at behavioral level. A set of ideas organized to explain various phenomena observed in society can give us new ways to look at behaviors we have seen all our lives. are formulated by studying social interactions, events, and patterns in an attempt to understand the social environment. must be tested by: Systematic data collection and analysis using reliable methods Submission for peer review and critical evaluation, leading to publication

According to Kane and LaVoi, we can help girls through sport programs by

all the above

According to Jennings, Parra- Median, and McLoughlin (2006), youth empowerment should be organized around:

all the above "critical reflection, reflective action, and social change at individual and collective levels"


an evaluative perspective in which the label of disability is a mark of inferiority, meaning that a person is assumed to be incapable of full participation in mainstream activities.


an evaluative perspective that favors one age group—usually younger people—over others and justifies discrimination against particular age groups that are assumed to be incapable of full participation in mainstream activities.

sport ethic

an interrelated set of norms or standards that are use to guide and evaluate ideas, traits and actions in the social worlds created around power and performance sports


any attitude, belief, behavior or social arrangement that has the intent or effect of favoring one racial category over another - based on the belief that people in one racial category are inherently superior to people in other categories

The U.S. government law, Title IX, prohibits gender discrimination in

any educational institution receiving federal money.


attempt to understand all the factors that affect certain individual outcomes and behaviors. Each individual's youth sport experiences are affected by an interrelated combination of personal and environmental factors. levels: intrapersonal, interpersonal, institutional, environmental

male resistance

before the 1970's, sport was male-dominated, some men don't want that to change Resistance to Title IX: some people state that men are more interested in sports than women, thus the proportionality test discriminates against men


behavior, conditions or attitudes that foster stereotypical social roles based on sex and lead to discrimination against one sex and preferential treatment to assist others - sexism leads to inequality


behaviors that treat people unequally on the basis of ascribed status (e.g. race or gender) refers to actual behavior that leads to unequal treatment.

"According to the powerpoint slides on Race and Ethnicity, which is NOT a continuous trait?"

blood type

discrete traits

blood type, sickle cell trait, etc.

Coalter (2010) notes that the people working in these organizations generally have an "uncritical and one-dimensional view of 'sport,' and believe that it has inherent properties that inevitably produce positive outcomes in the form of 'development'" (p. 17). What is the problem with this thinking?

both choices listed

Engaging in deviant overconformity

- Bonds athletes together in ways that normalize overconformity to the sport ethic in sport groups.- Separates athletes from the general community while inspiring awe and admiration from others.- Leads athletes to develop HUBRIS

guardian angel effect

- Creates physical capital that can be used to acquire social and cultural capital.- Inspires educational achievement.- Facilitates the formation of social networks.- Fosters aspirations that transcend sport.

Origin of intercollegiate athletics in the U.S.

- During Gilded age (1865-1900)- lack of student-based activities on campuses- Originally student- controlled and not officially sanctioned or supported by universities- when it became popular and profitable it began to be faculty, enterprise and adult controlled- there was a shift from informal to formal athletics

pleasure and participation sports

- Emphasis on connections between people - Ethic of expression, enjoyment, concern, and health - Body = source of pleasure - Inclusion and accommodation of differences - Democratic structures - Compete with others

on the field deviance

- Evidence suggests that cheating, dirty play, and fighting are less common today than in the past.- Athletes in power and performance sports accept "good fouls," "cheating when you can get away with it," and "playing to the level of the referee."-People focus exclusively on deviant underconformity and overlook deviant overconformity—the form of deviance that might be more pervasive today.

Indirect benefits of intercollegiate programs

- High profile sport teams can be used in connection with fund raising efforts - Sport teams may attract attention among potential students - Sports provide on-campus social events and occasions

indirect costs of intercollegiate programs

- May involve compromising academic standards in admissions and classrooms. - Academics are given a low priority in the "culture of sport" on many campuses - The lives of athletes are increasingly separate from the lives of other students - Sports may take resources away from other extra curricular activities

To understand one's position in a complex team sport, a player must do three things:

- Mentally visualize the ever-changing locations of all teammates and opponents over the entire field. - Assess the spacial relationships between all players relative to the ball. - Synthesize this information to determine where one's position should be.

cultural hegemony

- The domination of one social, political, or economic group within society. - The ruling class worldview becomes the norm. - The sport industry is used to reproduce and reinforce the values and orientations of the ruling class.

Who is most likely to overconform to the sport ethic?

- Those with low self-esteem and a deep need to be accepted as athletes by their peers in a sport - Those who see achievement in sports as their only way to gain success and respect - Those males who link their identities as athletes and as men so that being an athlete and being a man become one and the same thing

streams of revenue

- Tickets - Students - Away games - Donations - University - Media rights - Brandjng

power performance sports

- Use power to push limits in pursuit of victories - Excellence proved through winning - Body = tool and weapon - Competence-based inclusion/exclusion - Hierarchical structures - Opponents = enemies

relativism approach

- assumes that the moral judgments people make and the values they hold arise from or are relative to their culture, socioeconomic state, or ethnic and religious background .- Different cultures may place more value than others do on winning and less on the aesthetic appeal of play - Different sport communities may recognize different conceptions of fair play - Each culture's moral code is right for that culture

Player-controlled sports

-Action and personal involvement -Interpersonal and decision-making skills -Cooperation and improvisation are required -Challenges, problem solving, and individual expression -Reaffirmation of friendships is important


category of people who are recognized as distinct based on such social or cultural factors such as nationality, religion, language, geographic residence, a common set of values, etc.


category of people who share some socially recognized physical characteristics (such as skin color) or hereditary traits that distinguishes them from other categories of people

informal norms

customs or unwritten, shared understandings of how a person is expected to think, appear, and act in a social world

sexual harrasment

defined as the making of unwanted and offensive sexual advances, sexually offensive remarks or acts, and unsolicited comments, gestures or physical contact of a sexual nature


denies that we can know whether ethical beliefs or claims are justified or whether some are more reasonable and more defensible than others.

in sport, penalties are

designed to compensate for participant actions that result in an unfair competitive advantage. are necessary to restore and maintain a "level playing field."

feminist theory

designed to provide evidence that gender differences are socially created & discrimination is the result of man-made conditions, not biological inferiority. A fight for the equality of women: women should enjoy the same rights in society as men and should share equally in society's opportunities and scarce resources

The Majority of NCAA operations is funded by?

divison 1 mens bball

american dream

dominant class ideology in US A hopeful vision of boundless opportunities for individuals to succeed economically & Opportunities to support self & family are available to all

negative socialization

effects are most likely when playing sports constricts of limits a person's identities, relationships, and experiences.

positive socialization

effects are most likely when playing sports expands or diversifies a person's identities, relationships, and experiences.

social exclusivity

encouraging only a small number of acceptable participants

social construction

exist because society agrees that they exist (e.g. country boundaries, value of money, etc.) Cultural practices and norms bring about social constructs and govern how we use / view / understand them/ Sports are given form and meaning by people as they interact under social, political and economic conditions that exist in their society

To cover the cost of athletics, universities subsidize up to $11 million through all of the following except

external sources

"According to the powerpoint slides on Race and Ethnicity, race is not a valid biological concept because"

external traits are not linked with patterns of internal differences racial classification systems are based on arbitrary distinctions related to continuous physical traits race is a social construction based on social definitions and the meanings people give to physical traits

"According to chapter 12 in our text, members of the upper class are more likely to be sport spectators, but less likely to participate in sport."


"Race is defined as a category of people regarded as socially distinct because they share a way of life, collective history and a sense of themselves as a people."


According the the powerpoint slides on Race and Ethnicity, prejudice and discrimination are essentially the same things


If we follow ethical relativism, the same values we use in golf should be applied to basketball.


In general, desegregation of sports teams erases all problems due to race and ethnicity


International sports have typically been used to foster international unity.


Most collegiate athletes receive full athletic scholarships.


Since many sport organizations are highly structured, with strong "chains of command," countercultures are often tolerated.


When patterns of youth sport participation are linked with socioeconomic status (SES), ethnicity, and social definitions of race, the social capital formed in connection with sports may be characterized by exclusive forms of bridging rather than inclusive forms of bonding among young people.


racism only occurs in US


The less an ethical theory survives counterexample and criticism, the more confidence we would seem to be entitled to place in it.

false more

organized sports

-Increase action -Increase personal involvement -Facilitate close scores and realistic challenges -Facilitate friendship formation and maintenance

When violence occurs in connection with widespread rejection of norms it often is described as anarchy; when it occurs in connection with blind obedience to norms and autocratic leaders, it is described as


The belief that you can build skill and character development into young people sport's experience and they will grow in socially desirable ways is

fertilizer effect

critical theory

focuses on assessing and critiquing society and culture to reveal and challenge power structures. is all about POWER who has it, who wants it, who gets it, how it is maintained and how it is fought for

Adult-controlled sports

-Relationships with authority figures -Learning formal rules and strategies -Systematic guidance by parents and coaches -Rule-governed teamwork and obedience to coaches required -Winning and personal achievement is important

Despite the influence of Title IX, it has been difficult to achieve gender equity in schools where

football is the cultural centerpiece of school and community life.

Official definitions of sports in the United States emphasize

formally organized, competitive activities

What are four ideologies that influence how sports are organized and who controls and participate in them?

gender ideology, racial ideology, social class ideology, ableist ideology

A fourth claim of sport evangelist is sport will guide young people in success-oriented and civic-centered directions throughout their lives is called the

guardian angel effect

absolutist approach

-assumes that social norms are based on essential principles that constitute an unchanging foundation for identifying good and evil and distinguishing right from wrong. -all norms represent particular ideas social/moral ideals when its ideal its deviant -any departure from ideal constitutes deviance

constructionist approach

-deviance occurs when ideas, traits, and actions fall outside socially determined boundaries that people use to determine what is acceptable and unacceptable in a social world. -Underconformity to norms & overconformity to norms -norms socially constucted as ppl interact w each other & determine whats acceptable - Deviance is socially constructed as people negotiate the boundaries of their acceptance. -Power dynamics influence this negotiation

beliefs of gender ideology

1. Human beings are either male or female. 2. Heterosexuality is nature's foundation for human reproduction; other expressions of sexual orientation are abnormal, deviant, or immoral. 3. Men are physically stronger and more rational than women; therefore, they are more naturally suited to posses power and assume leadership positions in the public spheres of society.

beliefs of racial ideology

1. Human beings can be classified into races on the basis of biologically inherited or genetically based characteristics. 2. Intellectual and physiological characteristics vary by race, with white people being intellectually and morally superior. 3. Anyone with one or more black ancestors is classified as black.

gender ideology

ideas and beliefs defining masculinity and femininity, gender identity and sexual expression. Includes attitudes regarding the appropriate roles, rights and responsibilities of men and women in society •Provides the basis for determining what is natural and moral related to gender

disability ideology

ideas values & beliefs abt characteristics (physical & intellectual) that define ability and disability


impairment becomes this official definition makes it so, or when the social and physical environment contain barriers that convert impairments into functional limitations.

belief about ableist ideology

1. People can be either normal or disabled 2. Disability exists when physical or mental impairments interfere with a person's ability to function normally in everyday life. 3. Disabled people are inferior to normal people.

belief of social class ideology in US

1. The idea of the "American Dream' of unrestricted economic opportunities. 2. The belief that American society is a meritocracy 3. Income and wealth inequality is normal and inevitable because some people work hard, develop their abilities, and make smart choices and others do not.

position stacking

in team sports: placing athletes in certain positions based on racial stereotypes

Sport was seen in a more relaxed way and became "lawful" to puritans at the end of what century?

18th century


A form of power that comes with a recognized and legitimate status or office in a government, organization, or other established set of relationships

Primary studies that deal with off-field deviance?

Academic cheating and alcohol use among high school/college athletes, felony rates among athletes, delinquency and sports participation among high school athletes.

informal sport emphasize

Action Personal involvement Challenging experiences Reaffirming friendships

Which host city of the Olympics and ParaOlympic games embraced the ParaOlympic Games to an unprecedented extent?

Atlanta 1996 London 2012 Rio de Janeiro 2016

ableist ideology

Attitudes, actions, and policies based on the belief that people classified as physically or intellectually disabled are inferior to people with "normal" abilities and are incapable of full participation in mainstream activities

Inclusive Ideology (Disability Advocacy)

Attitudes, actions, and policies based on the belief that people with impaired cognitive and physical capabilities are capable of full participation in mainstream activities if they are provided with appropriate accommodations (ADA, Universal Design)

why does social class have major impact on ppl w disabilities

Because people with disabilities have a higher unemployment rate than people without disabilities "Because the cost of prosthetics is so high, many people with disabilities cannot afford them" Because people with disabiliteis are less likely to have access to transportation

why is sport often the center of inclusion battles involving ppl w impairments

Because sports are highly visible and culturally valued activities "Sports are believed to be unique socializing activities, important for social acceptance and health and well-being" Sports go primarily to those with elite skills or potential

class ideology

interrelated ideas and beliefs people use to identify their class position, and understand and evaluate the impact of economic inequalities


is a member of the social sciences which study various aspects of human society. §studies the organization of people in society, their actions, relationships, and construction of organizations & institutions. engages in research guided by theory: the systematic study of groups, organizations, social institutions, social worlds, societies and the social actions / interactions among people


is a physical, sensory or intellectual condition that potentially limits a person's full participation in social and/or physical environments.

sport sociology

is a sub discipline of sociology, focusing on the relationship between sport & society Concerned with the behavior of individuals and groups within sport, as well as the rules, values, issues and processes existing within the design and makeup of sport, and how these social forces impact human behavior


is the process of maintaining leadership and control by gaining the consent and approval of other groups, including those who are being led or controlled.

all are famous african american boxers except

jim jeffries

social class

Categories of people who share an economic position in society based on a combination of: •Income / Wealth / Education / Occupation / Social connections

social implications of youth sports

Dramatic increase in spending on youth sport Dramatic increase in amount of families' time spent on organized sport Defined as "bad" parent if you don't make the investment

Title IX is an example of what government role in sport?

Ensure fairness and protect human rights prohibits gender discrimination in any activity sponsored by schools receiving federal financial aid

Labeling Theory (also interactionist)

Examines the affect of labeling on subsequent behaviors.Acceptance of a negative label becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy - athletes may believe and respond to the labels bestowed upon them

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