Kite Runner

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What does Amir mean by "a way to end the cycle"?

A way to stop making him feel bad

Who is the narrator and what do we know about him?

Amir and he is a boy from a rich family

How does Baba's confrontation with the soldier parallel Amir's experience in the alley when Hassan is raped? What do their different reactions reveal about Baba's and Amir's characters?

Amir is scared both times. It reveals that Baba is brave unlike Amir who is cowardice.

What news does Amir deliver to Sohrab? What is significant about this moment for Amir?

Amir says that Sohrab cant get a VISA. He says that he might have to go to an orphanage. Sohrab doesnt want to go to an orphanage.

How do Amir's perceptions of his father change as a result of Rahim Khan's news?

Amir thinks of his father as a lair.

What does Amir mean when he says, "Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba"?

Amir wanted the kite so he can "win" Baba. Hassan sacrificed himself for that.

Why does Amir take Hassan up the hill to throw pomegranates at him? What does Amir want? How does Hassan react?

Amir wants Hassan to hit him because thats what Amir feels like he deserves.

Who is Assef? What is he like? Whom does he admire, and why?

Assef is a bully. He is very mean and picks on younger kids. He admires Hitler because of his values of ethnicity and race.

In what ways has Amir's relationship with his father changed since the kite tournament? What has remained unchanged?

Baba and Amir are closer because Baba is proud of Amir. Amir and Hassans realtionship is unchanged

What is Baba and Amir's relationship like during this time? How is it different from the way it was in Afghanistan?

Baba and Amir are really close because he needs to be taken care of.

What birthday present does Baba give to Amir? How does Amir feel about it?

Baba gives him a watch and a bike. He doesnt use any of them because he doesnt want to be near Hassan.

What does Amir's father learn about his health in this chapter? How does he handle the news?

Baba has cancer. Amir is really upset.

Compare Baba's manner toward his son Amir to Ali's feelings for his son Hassan.

Baba has nothing in common with Amir and sometimes neglects him. Ali is always with his son and they share a lot of intrests

Using a specific example from the text, explain how Baba and Amir are different.

Baba is known for being very brave while Amir shows a lot of cowardice.

What is Baba like?

Baba is very strong and stern. He is said to have wrestled a bear.

What legacy does Baba leave? How do people remember him? How does Amir feel now that his father has died?

Baba leaves a legacy as others describe of a great man. People remember him as being honest and loyal. Amir feels like he used to be Baba's son, now he is his own man

What does Baba miss about Afghanistan? How does Amir feel about his new life in the States?

Baba missed when he was rich. Amir feels its his chance to restart.

How does Rahim Khan explain Baba's treatment of Amir? What parallel is there in Amir's own life?

Baba neglected amir because they did not have much in common. It runs parallel to the way amir treats Hassan after the rape.

How do Baba and Ali know each other? How is their relationship similar to Hassan and Amir's?

Baba's family welcomed Ali in as their own after he became an orphan when his parents died in an accident. Hassan and Amir are very close because they were nurtured by the same woman.

Why does the narrator not want Hassan to join him on a trip to Ghargha Lake with his father?

Because Amir wants Baba to himself. Amir feels jealous of Hassan and Baba's actions towards him.

What is the significance of the fact that Hassan's mother helped deliver his son? Why do you think Rahim Khan tells Amir this story?

Because Amir's mom help deliver Hassan before Amir was born. So he can see that he should go back and see Hassan.

When Farid asks what happened, Amir answers, "Let's just say we both got what we deserved." Why does Amir believe this is true?

Because Assef got hit in the eye with a slingshot and Amir felt relief after getting beat up.

What causes Farid's attitude toward Amir to change?

Because Farid knew that the thing he was doing was the right thing to do.

Why does Rahim Khan not clap and cheer when everyone else in the van is applauding Amir's kite tournament victory?

Because Rahim in not impressed

Why does Amir leave money under Wahid's mattress rather than give it to him directly? How is this an act of atonement?

Because Wahids kids couldnt eat because amir did. It atonement because he is lending money to people that dont have it.

In Baba's opinion, why is theft the only sin?

Because all other sins are derivatives of theft.

Why does Baba return the food stamps he has received to the welfare office?

Because he doesnt want to be helped.

Why does Assef threaten Amir? Why is this ironic? How does the confrontation end?

Because he feels Afghanistan should only be for Pashtuns and he is friends with a Hazara. Its ironic because Mair does not think of Hassan as his friend. Hassan aims his slingshot at Assef and he freezes which allows them to get away.

Why is Amir unwilling to rekindle his friendship with Hassan? How does Amir cope?

Because he feels guilty about what happened in the alley. Amir copes by staying in his room all day and avoiding Hassan.

Why is Amir unhappy when "I finally had what I'd wanted all those years"?

Because he feels guilty for not trying to save Hassan

Why does Amir begin to laugh during the fight?

Because he feels relief. He got what he deserves from what happend to Hassan

Why does Amir not think of Hassan as his friend?

Because he is embarrassed to have Hassan as a friend because he is his slave/worker.

Why does Hassan not tell the truth to Baba?

Because he is sacrificing himself for Amir

Why does Farid get so angry at the director? In what way is the director in a no-win situation, and what does his struggle show about the state of affairs in Kabul?

Because he is selling kids. If he says no to 1 kid the taliban take 10 kids

Why did Rahim Khan go in search of Hassan?

Because he needed help taking care of Baba's house

Why does the orphanage director turn Amir away at first? What changes his mind?

Because he thinks he is taliban. He changes his mind because amir knew a lot about Sohrab

Why does Farid not consider Amir to be a true Afghan?

Because he was rich when he lived there and the real Afghanistan is the poor parts.

Why does Amir not do anything to stop Ali and Hassan from leaving?

Because it made him feel better. He wouldn't have to avoid Hassan.

What is the significance of Amir's upper lip being split in two?

Because thats similar to clef lip which Hassan had.

Why is Hassan apprehensive about the arrival of the Taliban? In what way are his fears confirmed?

Because they dont like Hazara's. The taliban kills Hassan and his family for "lying"

What is momentous about Amir's saying that Hassan is his half-brother?

Because when he didnt save Hassan, it could have been different if he knew if he knew Hassan was his brother.

What does Amir want to study in college? How does his father react?

Creative writing. His dad thinks it wrong because he wont be able to supply for his family.

What specifically does Amir notice when he arrives in Kabul?

Everything is different. Very run down

What becomes of Hassan? Why?

Hassan dies because the taliban said he was lying when he was watching Baba's house.

Who is Hassan? Describe his relationship with the narrator.

Hassan is Amir's best friend

What true qualities of friendship does Hassan display? How is Amir not as good a friend?

Hassan is loyal and honest. Amir lies to Hassan so he wouldnt hurt is feelings.

How are the narrator and Hassan alike and different?

Hassan is very loyal and honest. He is poor and a Hazara. Amir comes from a rich family and is Pashtun.

Who arrives at the gate of the house? Why? In what condition is she? What is ironic about her condition?

Hassans mom shows up. She is very sick and she needs Hassan and Rahim Khans help.

What is "the nature of [Amir's] new curse"?

He constantly feels guilty about Hassan

How does Amir deal with his past before marrying, and what does it suggest about him?

He doesnt tell soraya and it suggest that he lying by omission.

How does Baba feel about Amir?

He feels he is a coward

How does Amir react when Assef and the boys attack Hassan? Why is this a turning point for Amir? What is ironic about Amir's choice?

He freezes. Its a turning point because he feels guilty. Its ironic because Hassan thought he was brave even though Amir left him.

What is ironic about Amir's having to wear a disguise? Why must he disguise himself?

He has to look normal. He is from that country and it ironic that since he is from the country.

How does Amir interpret Rahim Khan's comment, "there is a way to be good again"?

He interprets it by going to get Sohrab

Who is Sohrab? What is he like?

He is Hassan's son. He is very good with a slingshot.

Amir promises Sohrab that he will never have to go back to an orphanage, but he ends up reneging on that promise. What does this reveal about Amir and his path toward redemption?

He isnt as loyal as he thought he might be towards to Sohrab.

How does Amir respond to his father-in-law's inquiries about Sohrab?

He says that he wasnt the best to Sohrabs dad and he will be better to sohrab

What does Rahim Khan divulge to Amir? What is Amir's response to what Rahim Khan tells him? Why is it so effective in persuading Amir to take action?

He tells Amir that Hassan is his brother. Amir got really angry and upset. Amir feels guilty so he feels like this is the only way to make him feel good again

What decision does Amir make to alleviate his guilt? What does he do to make it happen?

He tries to frame Hassan for stealing. He makes Ali and Hassan leave.

Amir says, "I wanted to be just like Baba and I wanted to be nothing like him." Which of Baba's traits does he want to emulate as a father? Which traits does he not want to perpetuate?

He wants to be as good as a man as Baba but without hiding things like Baba did.

What did the old beggar once do for a living? What does he reveal, and why is Amir so pleased?

He was a teacher with Amirs mom. Amir is pleased because that is the first thing he discovered about his mom.

What is on Sohrab's mind while he's sitting in front of the mosque?

He wonders if will go to hell for what he did to Assef. He also says he feels dirty for what the taliban did to him.

What does it mean when General Taheri says, "Blood is a powerful thing"?

It means since they are a family now, they will take care of each other

Why does Amir love winter?

It starts the kite fighting season

How does Sohrab react to life in the United States?

Its different but he refuses to talk to anyone

Describe Hassan's dream. What meaning does it impart?

People are at the lake and are saying there is a monster in the lake. Amir says there is no monster and swims in the lake. It means that Hassan thinks Amir is brave which he is not.

Why has Rahim Khan summoned Amir to Peshawar? How does Amir respond? Is his response typical or surprising?

Rahim wants him bring back Sohrab. Its surprising because usual Amir is more cowardice towards that kind of stuff.

What does Soraya want to do for a living? Why? What does Amir recall when she tells him her story?

She is a teacher, Amir's mom was a teacher

What is significant about Soraya's past? How does she deal with her past before marrying Amir?

She ran away with another afghan man. She didnt want to have the same thing happen again with Amir.

What is Baba's birthday present to Hassan? Why is it important? What does it imply?

Surgery to fix his cleft lip. Its important because Baba didnt have to do that. It implies that Baba cares for Hassan

What surprising piece of news does Rahim Khan deliver to Amir at the end of the chapter?

That he was talking to Hassan

How and why has the relationship between Soraya and her father changed? What is a concrete example of the General's new attitude?

The general is nervous because he doesnt want the same thing to happen to Soraya with Amir

What important event occurs during this time? What is Amir's reaction to it?

The soviets invade Afghanistan. Amir says that was the last day that his life was the same.

What takes place at halftime during the soccer game? Why does it happen at the game?

The taliban stoned people. They want to make sure they make a bad impression

What does Assef tell the guards?

To leave Amir and Aesef alone and if Amir leaves alive, he deserves it

Why does Assef want to kill Amir?

because he was friends with a Hazara

Why does Amir specify that Soraya shouldn't tell her parents about who Sohrab is?

because they might get mad that he is Hazara and it might change thier opinion about Baba.

How does Sohrab react to Amir when he wakes up in the hospital? Why?

he doesnt talk, its his way of coping.

Why is it so important to Amir to win?

So Baba likes him

What does Sohrab look like, and what is he asked to do when he enters the room? What message does the Talib official want to convey to Amir about Sohrab?

Sohrab is a little boy with a round head. He is asked to dance when he enters the room. They want to convey that Sohrab is a "good boy", meaning he was a sex slave.

What effect do the kites have on Sohrab? How does Amir react?

Sohrab is facinated with kites. Amir took him kite fighting

How does the fight end? What is significant about it?

Sohrab shoots his slingshot at Assef. It is the same way Hassan did.

What news does Soraya give to Amir? When Amir goes into the bathroom to share the news with Sohrab, what does he discover Sohrab has done? Why would Sohrab have done it?

Soraya says that she knows someone to get Sohrab a visa. Sohrab commits suicide. He did it because he doesnt want to go to anorpahange.

Why did people find Ali and Sanaubar's relationship so surprising?

They are complete opposites

What does Amir discover Baba and Soraya doing one day?

They are reading from Amir's journal that Rahim Khan gave him

Why are Amir and Baba in a truck?

They are trying to go to peshwar in pakistan to escape the soviets/taliban.

Why does Baba get upset at the grocery store? How was shopping different in Afghanistan?

They asked him for ID. They didnt need ID in Afghanistan.

How are Amir and his father alike and different at this point in the novel?

They both have a kid to take care of. They are different because Amir has to deal with Sohrab not speaking.

How do Amir and his father spend their weekends? Who catches Amir's attention at the flea market?

They go for walks. Soyraya, a girl, catches his attention.

What does the Russian soldier want in exchange for letting the truck and its human cargo pass the checkpoint? How do the passengers react? How does Amir feel?

They want 30 min with a girl in the truck. The passengers do nothing except Baba, he stands up for her. Amir feels embarresed and doesnt want Baba to get hurt.

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