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EE Additional Sources "The year following the Civil War, congress passed the Civil Rights act of 1866. It was subsequently vetoed by Andrew Johnson. Congress, however, overrode his veto and immediately passed the 14th Amendment due in part to Johnson's resistance." - Johnson didn't want to peruse any civil rights for freedmen What would Lincoln do?

" How Did the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Affect Reconstruction?" Effect of Lincoln' Death on Reconstruction, Website This was a teacher resource source. Although teachers that have a degree in history are credible, this doesn't have the most reliable information.

Additional Sources "Additionally Lincoln created the Freedmen's Bureau. The Bureau provided food, shelter, clothing, medical services, and land to displaced Southerners, including newly freed African Americans." - what did lincoln do before his death advocating for freemen

"Freedmen's Bureau Acts of 1865 and 1866." U.S. Senate: Freedmen's Bureau Acts of 1865 and 1866, 12 Jan. 2017, website this source was also useful and credible because it offers live senate floor proceedings

additional sources "the Freedmen's Bureau would operate during the "present war of rebellion..." and one year following, and also helped establish schools, and contracts between freedmen and employers and managed abandoned land." - what was the freedmen's bureau - created by lincoln to set up freedmen for success - worked very well and people wanted to extend it, but johnson shut it down.

"Freedmen's Bureau Acts of 1865 and 1866." U.S. Senate: Freedmen's Bureau Acts of 1865 and 1866, 12 Jan. 2017, website this source was also useful and credible because it offers live senate floor proceedings

source analysis 5 ""He has been so marked a figure in the terrible events of the last four years, the action of the government in its contest with the rebellion has been so stamped by the impress of his personal character, and he had come to have so strong a hold upon the confidence and love of the whole people, without distinction of party, that his sudden removal from the stage of events naturally excites anxiety and apprehension in the public mind." -Anxiety in the public -Lincoln ensures confidence in america -He was needed to finish the work of pacification.

"The Effect of President Lincoln's Death on National Affairs." The New York Times, The New York Times, 17 Apr. 1865, website- paragraph 1 The weakness is that it only gives the fact that the union is united. Harps on the union and doesn't give enough insight on the confederacy

source analysis 5 "President LINCOLN's death, sudden and awful as it was -- though it removes him in an instant from the most important and conspicuous position held by any living man, -- does not interrupt for an instant the grand movement of our republican government. So far from exciting revolution, it only unites the whole people, more thoroughly than ever, in a common sentiment of devotion to the country and of profound grief for the great calamity that has fallen upon it. All party rancor is hushed. Political strife has ceased" Grand movement of republican government continues Political strife has ceased Unite of the people of america

"The Effect of President Lincoln's Death on National Affairs." The New York Times, The New York Times, 17 Apr. 1865, website- paragraph 2 The weakness is that it only gives the fact that the union is united. Harps on the union and doesn't give enough insight on the confederacy

source analysis 5 "So far from an exciting revolution, it only unites the whole people, more thoroughly than ever, in a common sentiment of devotion to the country and of profound grief for the great calamity that has fallen upon it. All party rancor is hushed. Political strife has ceased. All men of all parties, feeling a common interest and a common grief, stand together in support of the nation and of the man thus suddenly charged with the execution of the people's will." United the people Caused profound grief Execution of the americans people will

"The Effect of President Lincoln's Death on National Affairs." The New York Times, The New York Times, 17 Apr. 1865, website- paragraph 2 The weakness is that it only gives the fact that the union is united. Harps on the union and doesn't give enough insight on the confederacy

source analysis 9 Still, the most lasting accomplishments attributed to Lincoln are the preservation of the Union, the vindication of democracy, and the death of slavery, all accomplished by the ways in which he handled the crisis that most certainly would have ended differently with a lesser man in office. Sources today acknowledge just how much lincoln held the country together and led like no other

Burlingame, Michael, et al. "Abraham Lincoln: Impact and Legacy." Miller Center, 23 July 2018, website It doesn't really address much about his assassination and the country, but rather his legacy and influence as American president

source analysis 9 "In other words, the judgment of historians and the public tells us that Abraham Lincoln was the nation's greatest President by every measure applied." Why was he target for such rage Social injustice issues make people crazy Violence was ok in their society

Burlingame, Michael, et al. "Abraham Lincoln: Impact and Legacy." Miller Center, 23 July 2018, website It doesn't really address much about his assassination and the country, but rather his legacy and influence as American president

Source analysis #11 "Lincoln looked to reconstruction as a time of healing. The Radical Republicans, however, looked at reconstruction as an opportunity to teach the South a lesson and to punish them. In 1866 Congress passed the Wade-Davis Bill which called for rather draconian Reconstruction measures. Lincoln vetoed the bill but the debate raged." - Lincoln had different ideals and visions for the country than the radicals did - Radicals were more aggressive

From source analysis 11 Website, so no page numbers, but it's in paragraph 12 Not the most credible source since the information isn't all cited.- couldn't find citations for all the information

Additional sources "In the aftermath, 48 people, nearly all black, are dead, and hundreds of black homes, churches, and schools have been pillaged or burned." - civil unrest - black people were not being protected especially in the south - violence

Historians , Multiple. "Rebuilding the South after the War." PBS, Public Broadcasting Service website somewhat limited on the amount of information from each historian, may of been more beneficial with less writers but more info

Additional sources "With radical Reconstruction political violence followed- Organized groups like the Ku Klux Klan, the White League in Louisiana, and the Knights of the White Camelia- whose purpose is to obstruct and destroy Reconstruction government, to assassinate or intimidate black and white Republican officials, and to use violence to prevent people from voting." - hate groups started - country is divided and in shambles

Historians , Multiple. "Rebuilding the South after the War." PBS, Public Broadcasting Service website somewhat limited on the amount of information from each historian, may of been more beneficial with less writers but more info

EE additional sources "This seemed to be a relatively strong start, one that followed in Lincoln's footsteps, but he quickly began to let up. When confederates were given amnesty they were able to be back in power." - started strong - misleading since he ended up being so different

Historians , Multiple. "Rebuilding the South after the War." PBS, Public Broadcasting Service,,world%20to%20conduct%20this%20war. Website Very credible because written by many different credited historians Gives different perspectives and responses

additional sources "Parts of Johnson's beginning include: a blanket pardon for most ex-confederate supporters, to take an oath to support the constitution and emancipation, and requiring confederate leaders to request a personal pardon" - not necessarily a bad start, but these original plans were somewhat vanished and became a lot more chill guidelines

Historians , Multiple. "Rebuilding the South after the War." PBS, Public Broadcasting Service,,world%20to%20conduct%20this%20war. website somewhat limited on the amount of information from each historian, may of been more beneficial with less writers but more info

Additional sources "Johnson was a unique figure in American politics and more than one historian has characterized him as one of the most unfortunate men ever to take the Presidency." - so unfit - never had been in political power before - extremely overwhelmed and under-qualified for the new position

Libretexts. "17.2: Reconstruction after the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln." Humanities LibreTexts, Libretexts, 10 July 2022, tes_History_to_1877_(Locks_et_al.)/17%3A_Reconstruction/17.02%3A_Reconstruction_ After_the_Assassination_of_Abraham_Lincoln. Website-book came from a book which is a different source than some of the others and came from credible historians and galileo

Additional sources "Southerners had braced themselves for a harsh retaliation, especially in light of the earlier utterances of the president, and at first, they could not believe their good fortune." - southerners found weakness in the new president - took advantage of the situation

Libretexts. "17.2: Reconstruction after the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln." Humanities LibreTexts, Libretexts, 10 July 2022, tes_History_to_1877_(Locks_et_al.)/17%3A_Reconstruction/17.02%3A_Reconstruction_ After_the_Assassination_of_Abraham_Lincoln. Website-book came from a book which is a different source than some of the others and came from credible historians and galileo

additional sources "Before the war was over, reconstruction efforts started in the border states." Lincoln started acting out reconstruction during his lifetime and before the civil war had come to a close this help set up the country for success before he was murdered

Mann, Lina. "The White House and Reconstruction." WHHA (En-US),,accepted%20the%20abolition%20of%20slavery. website this source includes photos and documents that give additional context and information

additional sources "On April 9, 1865, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the Civil War." - when the beginning of reconstruction is marked

Mann, Lina. "The White House and Reconstruction." WHHA (En-US),,accepted%20the%20abolition%20of%20slavery. website this source includes photos and documents that give additional context and information

additional sources "The Ten Percent Plan stated that all Confederate states would be admitted to the Union if 10% of its voters would pledge allegiance to the Constitution." -part of lincolns reconstruction plan Lincoln assumed the reward of property to confederates would limit the amount of hateful sentiment against the end of slavery. These were the initial steps Lincoln took to get ahead of the reconstruction process

Mann, Lina. "The White House and Reconstruction." WHHA (En-US),,accepted%20the%20abolition%20of%20slavery. website this source includes photos and documents that give additional context and information

additional sources "Maryland, Missouri, and West Virginia abolished the institution while Kentucky and Delaware fought to protect it." -border states -considered to be "nuetral" -diveded pretty evenly between who wanted to keep slavery and who wanted to abolish it

Mann, Lina. "The White House and Reconstruction." WHHA (En-US),,accepted%20the%20abolition%20of%20slavery. website this source includes photos and documents that give additional context and information

additional sources "On December 6, 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified, abolishing slavery in the United States: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." -this was subsequent to Lincoln's assassination but was implemented because of the steps that Lincoln took before his death. -the 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States

Mann, Lina. "The White House and Reconstruction." WHHA (En-US),,accepted%20the%20abolition%20of%20slavery. website this source includes photos and documents that give additional context and information

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