L & C Final

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During the first two weeks on the job, a new leader should schedule one-on-one meetings with peers. Which of the following issues should most likely be discussed with peers?

How issues are raised and decisions made on their boss's team

During the third month, leaders of large teams should have separate second meeting with direct reports that are held off-site. Which of the following is NOT one of the key issues that should be discussed with the direct reports during these meetings?

Identifying personal career goals

Which of the following statements about the path-goal theory is most likely FALSE?

If a task is very structured, informal authority decreases follower motivation levels.

When followers are involved in the selection of a leader, they tend to make fewer demands of the leader.


While leadership involves both rational and emotional sides of human experiences, aroused feelings cannot be used constructively.


You only need common sense to be a good leader.


Ends-based thinking is best characterized as:

"Doing what's best for the greatest number of people."

Which generation of workers tends to be technologically savvy, independent, and skeptical of institutions and hierarchy?

Gen Xers

According to the glass cliff concept, when an organization's performance is declining, a female candidate is more likely to be hired for an executive position than an equally qualified male candidate.


Effective coaches require coachees to practice targeted behaviors through role-play activities and later in real-world situations.


Followers can provide leaders with relevant information for good solutions to be implemented since they are often at the level where many organizational problems occur.


Insight on a leader's strengths and development needs can be gathered through 360-degree feedback.


Leaders and followers use development plans as road maps for changing their own behaviors.


Leaders tend to have more influence with in-group followers than with out-group followers.


Leadership is a complex phenomenon involving the leader, the followers, and the situation.


Research indicates that men tend to view leadership as an exchange with subordinates for services rendered.


Single-loop learning refers to a self-fulfilling belief system, which is generally not open to feedback.


Some managers may be effective leaders without ever having taken a course or training program in leadership


Statements such as "Managers control; leaders inspire" represent a view that leaders and managers are fundamentally different kinds of people.


Technology-based approaches to leader development, such as video games and simulations, encourage participants to take risks and think quickly.


The mere presence of a group can cause people to act differently than when they are alone.


The most productive way to develop as a leader is to travel along the spiral of experience.


The study of leadership can help people develop perspectives to better learn from their experiences.


The tendency to overestimate the dispositional factors and underestimate the environmental factors in someone else's failure is a fundamental attribution error.


The times when people most need to break out of the mold created by past learning patterns tend to be the times when they are most unwilling to do so.


Which of the following is NOT an example of behaviors that could be considered a "10 percent stretch"?

Using a motivational practice that has been very successful in the past

Which of the following would be best for managing stress?

Using progressive muscle relaxation techniques

Which of the following is true of the leadership definitions?

Various definitions illustrate that many factors affect leadership

What are the four qualities of leadership that engender trust according to Bennis and Goldsmith?

Vision, empathy, consistency, and integrity

Which of the following statements concerning intelligence is most likely true?

Most research shows that leaders possess higher levels of analytic intelligence than the general population.

Which of the following statement about leadership is most likely true?

Natural characteristics or talents can offer certain leadership advantages or disadvantages.

"I remain calm in pressure situations." This behavioral aspect corresponds to which OCEAN personality dimension?


Which of the following statements is most likely true about affectivity?

People with a disposition for positive affectivity tend to react optimistically to changes.

Which statement about perceptual sets is most likely FALSE?

Perceptual sets are the tendency to perceive everything

Which statement about followership styles is most likely true?

Pragmatist followers tend to be mediocre performers.

What is the main reason for people staying with organizations?

Promises of long-term employment

What is most likely an advantage of role playing in leadership development programs?

Provides greater transferability to the workplace

What is the LEAST likely way that a leader could improve team effectiveness?

Putting subtle pressure on dissenting members of the team to ensure concept cohesiveness

Rational tactics are most likely used by a person when:

the benefits are organizational as well as personal.

In general, researchers have reported that subordinates are more satisfied when leaders:

exhibit a high level of consideration

_____ power is a function of the amount of knowledge one possesses relative to the rest of the members of a group.


According to Goleman's conceptualization of emotional intelligence (EQ), the 'change catalyst' attribute likely corresponds to which OCEAN correlate?


"Influence without authority" reflects the idea that fewer people are required to influence others in the workplace


A crisis tends to lengthen the amount of time needed for charismatic leadership to emerge.


A firm with a "pay for performance" culture that distributes bonuses and commissions for results obtained is most likely using the empowerment approach to motivate employees.


A force field analysis is an idea-generating activity conducted in a group setting to formulate creative solutions to a problem.


A leader is in the best position to use "hard" influence tactics such as legitimizing and pressure tactics after developing a strong base of referent power.


A leader with legitimate power has the widest array of influence tactics available.


A study of more than 700 firms reported that companies that used 360-degree feedback systems had a 10.6 percent increase in shareholder value.


According to Bass's theory of transformational and transactional leadership, transformational leadership perpetuates the status quo.


According to Brockner, fairness in the workplace makes intuitive sense and is present in most organizations.


According to Fiedler's contingency model, the content of leadership training should emphasize behavioral flexibility in leaders rather than situational engineering.


According to Herzberg's theory, followers will exert additional effort if leaders improve working conditions and pay.


According to Hogan and Warrenfelz, the four major categories of competency models are interpersonal, intrapersonal, business, and followership skills.


According to Terence Brake's guidelines for the leadership of virtual teams, leaders should focus on completing tasks before developing relationships in order to enhance the team's sense of accomplishment.


According to research, a strong correlation exists between the amount of money an organization spends on motivational programs and motivational speakers and the firm's revenues, profitability, and market share.


According to research, there is a universal set of leader behaviors that is always associated with leadership success.


According to the Leadership Grid, 1,1 leaders are the most successful in the workplace.


According to the cognitive resources theory, leaders are fully aware of the degree to which they are causing stress in their followers and use stressful situations as motivational tools.


According to the path-goal theory, follower satisfaction is directly related to the degree of participative behaviors manifested by the leader.


According to the research of Hogan and Morrison, creative people lack assertiveness and are overly concerned with money and success.


Analytic intelligence is much more concerned with knowledge and experience than practical intelligence.


Baby Boomers came of age during the Great Depression and World War II.


Based on the Leadership Pipeline, people frequently turn out to be effective leaders even when they skip organizational levels.


Behavioral manifestations of personality traits are often exhibited with conscious thought.


Being helpful, honest, and logical are examples of terminal values.


Charisma is probably more a function of the leader's personal characteristics than of the followers' reactions to a leader.


Charismatic leaders are always controversial.


Compliance occurs when followers embrace change requests as their own.


Credibility is made up of three components: expertise, commitment and relationships.


Due to the multidimensional distance that exists with virtual teams, less leadership is required than with in-place teams.


Dysfunctional turnover occurs when experienced executives retire or substandard performers are fired.


Ends-based thinking stems from the idea that right and wrong are best determined by considering personal feelings.


Expert power involves the authority granted by the organization to the leader in order to influence others.


Feeling leaders like to analyze, criticize, and approach decisions impersonally and objectively.


Framing is the leadership competency of developing relationships that allow people to work together in the community across their differences.


Gen Xers tend to be more committed to a specific organization than to their vocation because job security is a high priority.


Having a good or bad supervisor is typically a product of luck on the part of followers.


Having a more open office reflects, but does not affect, power differentials between people.


In the Team Leadership Model (TLM), the four process measures of effectiveness are good leverage points for fixing a problem.


In the charismatic authority system, unwritten laws of the society dictate who has authority and how this authority can be used.


In the context of contingency theory, the least preferred co-worker (LPC) score is intended to represent follower behaviors and situational factors.


In-group favoritism occurs when people overrate the quality of their work or the extent of their group contributions.


Individuals with high levels of technical competence are unlikely to belong to a leader's in-group.


Informal, personal communication is improved when the leader and follower are separated by a desk.


It is significantly easier to drive change when followers are satisfied.


Job satisfaction surveys are most useful when compared to a dissimilar reference group, such as an organization of a different size or one in another industry.


Leader-member exchange has not changed in the last twenty years.


Leaders in the second quadrant of the credibility matrix most likely joined the company from an entirely different industry.


Leaders that rank high in consideration on the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) are more likely to assign reasonable deadlines, establish performance standards, and monitor performance levels.


Leaders that use operant principles to motivate workers should limit themselves to administering organizationally sanctioned rewards and punishments, which are most effective at motivating followers.


Leaders usually can exert more power during periods of relative calm than during a crisis.


Leaders who state that they have an open-door policy have clearly invited and indicated that feedback is welcome.


Leaders with a large span of control tend to display more consideration and use more personal approaches when influencing followers.


Moral justification means that an action a person takes is moral and ethical.


Most EQ researchers agree that emotional intelligence cannot be developed.


Most leaders prefer appealing to their employees' personal values or giving them something meaningful to do.


Ollieism occurs when people in a highly cohesive group become more concerned with striving for unanimity than in objectively appraising different courses of action


One's ability to reason about hypothetical moral issues is an assurance that one will act morally.


Practicing a Theory Y attitude will guarantee that you will always get along with coworkers


Rational persuasion occurs when an agent uses inspirational appeals to influence others.


Regular exercise has been shown to elevate the heart rate so much that it actually increases stress levels.


Research indicates that technical expertise plays only a small role in supervisors' performance appraisal ratings of subordinates.


Research suggests that e-mail and video conferencing are the best forms of communication for virtual teams.


Role conflict occurs whenever leaders or followers are unclear about what they need to do and how they should do it.


Significant research supports the common belief that a generational gap in values exists in the U.S.


Smart but inexperienced leaders tend to be more effective in stressful situations than less intelligent, experienced leaders.


Social contact is better satisfied by organizations than by groups.


Step one in the GAPS analysis addresses a person's strengths, skills, and development needs.


Stress only has negative effects on an individual's health and work.


Studies indicate that long-term success requires leaders to have a high need for socialized power and a low level of activity inhibition.


Task-oriented behavior is adequate for accomplishing long-term objectives.


Teams operate most effectively under one fixed type of authority over time.


The Abilene paradox occurs when leaders are assertive but unclear with subordinates.


The D and M components of the rational change model are the most difficult for leadership practitioners to alter.


The Leadership Pipeline is a useful model that exemplifies the progression of a manager from a task-oriented leader to a people-oriented leader.


The amount of power followers have in work situations is always less than the amount of power held by the group's leader.


The best listeners are passive listeners because they do not interrupt the speaker.


The concept of the Golden Rule is similar to ends-based thinking.


The contingency model of leadership maintains that leaders are flexible in their behavior.


The expectation-performance gap refers to the difference between initial expectations and reality, which can trigger dissatisfaction (D) and cause followers to return to old behaviors and systems to get things done.


The first phase of development planning involves periodically reviewing the plan for the purpose of reflection and modification.


The first stage of problem solving is analyzing the causes of the problem.


The normative decision model has been established as an all-encompassing theory.


The normative decision model shifts focus away from the situation and the followers to the leader.


The onboarding roadmap is focused on internal hires—those within an organization.


The optimism component of Goleman's model of EQ corresponds with the agreeableness component of the OCEAN model.


The path-goal theory assumes that leaders use the same styles with different subordinates.


The positive effects of Situational Leadership in the workplace are significantly documented with published research, which partially explains the theory's appeal to both leadership practitioners and organizations.


The rational approach to change can be represented by the formula: V = n × P × R × T.


The roots of the Great Man theory can be traced back to the early 1900s, when many leadership researchers and the popular press maintained that leaders and followers were essentially the same.


The term "personality" reflects a simple description of the person in the eyes of others.


Those who derive a sense of satisfaction from influencing others are said to have a high need for affiliation.


Values tend to play a very small role in conflicts between groups


When being considered for a leadership position, a job candidate should meet all team members and peers to determine if the organizational culture will be a fit.


With virtual teams, the ability to communicate electronically ensures that effective teamwork will occur.


Situational Leadership suggests that effective leaders base behavior upon:

follower maturity

Follower readiness refers to a(n):

follower's ability and willingness to accomplish a particular task.

The interactional framework for analyzing leadership includes:

followers, leaders, and situations

The _____ stage of development of groups is characterized by polite conversation, the gathering of superficial information about fellow members, and low trust.


The leadership competency of helping a group or community recognize and define its opportunities and issues in ways that result in effective action is known as:


Crediting your own successes to dispositional factors and others' successes to factors in the environment are aspects of:

fundamental attribution error

Gen Xers have a tendency to define leadership as:

giving employees what they need to work well and comfortably

Which of the following assesses the overall degree to which employees are satisfied with their organization and their job?

global satisfaction item

Behaviors concerned with motivating subordinates to accomplish the task at hand are called _____ behaviors.

goal emphasis

What are the most powerful determinants of task behaviors according to Locke and Latham?


n general, members of the Veteran generation:

grew up during World War II

The sum of forces that attract members to a group, provide resistance to leaving it, and motivate them to be active in it is called:

group cohesion

Which term refers to interactions among team members, such as how they communicate with each other?

group dynamics

Which term refers to the set of expected behaviors associated with a particular job or position?

group role

What is a frequent lesson learned by both men and women from their career experiences?

handling political situations

An authentic leader will most likely:

have a realistic self-perception

Community leaders are most likely to:

have fewer resources than most leaders

Leaders lower in neuroticism tend to:

hide their emotions

In terms of the Leadership Grid, leaders scoring 1,9 show:

high concern for people and low concern for production

A leader in the first quadrant of the credibility matrix has a _____ of trust and a _____ of expertise.

high level; high level

Which of the following is the LEAST likely way to learn from your leadership experience?

holding regular staff meetings

Why should task forces that are formed to work on key change initiatives be staffed by stars?

improves the odds of good recommendations being made

Which of the following involves participants being given a limited amount of time to prioritize and respond to a number of notes, phone messages, and letters?

in-basket exercises

According to Beer's model for organizational change, leaders can increase the amount of change by:

increasing the clarity of vision

Ideal followers are most likely to be perceived as:


A doctor learns that a patient has a highly contagious disease that poses a threat to the entire metropolitan area. However, the doctor is uncertain about sharing the information with city officials because of patient privacy concerns. Which ethical dilemma does the doctor most likely face?

individual vs community

Which of the following is NOT a macro psychological component that underlies empowerment?


Which of the following refers to one person's actual behaviors designed to change another person's attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors?

influence tactics

The clear emergence of a leader and the development of group norms and cohesiveness are the key indicators of the _____ stage of group development.


_____ are the informal rules that groups adopt to regulate and regularize group members' behaviors.


Transactional leadership:

occurs when leaders and followers are in some type of exchange relationship in order to get needs met.

By discouraging cross-functional collaboration, leaders can most likely guarantee that followers will:

only offer up tried and true solutions to problems

In the OCEAN model, the personality dimension concerned with curiosity, innovative thinking, and assimilating new information is known as:

openness to experience

Functional, interdependent roles are characteristic of which stage of group development?


What type of conflict most likely occurs when a store manager encourages a salesperson to mislead customers about the quality of the store's products if deception is inconsistent with the salesperson's values and beliefs?

person-role conflict

Which of the following is an intrinsic reward?

personal growth

What is the weakest element of situational favorability?

position power

According to Bass, transformational leaders most likely:

possess impression management skills

Which of the following is the most important situational factor associated with charismatic leadership?

presence/absence of a crisis

A judge who gives a convicted prisoner a suspended sentence but tells him to consider the suspension a "sword hanging over your head" if he breaks the law again is using:

pressure tactics

Which of the following best describes ethics?

principles of right conduct

The _____ component of the change model involves the change initiative becoming tangible and actionable because it consists of the development and execution of the change plan.


The inefficiencies created by more and more people working together is called:

process losses

Which of the following most likely occurs when leaders articulate high expectations for followers?

pygamolian effect

A politician's advisor explains how demographic changes in the politician's district make it important for the politician to spend more time in the district seeing constituents than she has in the past. This is an example of:

rational persuasion

Which of the following would be the best way to establish and maintain good peer relationships?

recognize common interests and goals

Which of the following would most likely result from too much stress?

reduced job performance

A leader who has developed close interpersonal relationships with followers generally uses _____ power to influence them.


When students respond positively to requests from teachers who are well-liked and respected, it can be inferred that the teachers have:

referent power

Research findings by French and Raven indicate that leaders who rely primarily on _____ and _____ power have subordinates who are more motivated and satisfied, are absent less, and perform better.

referent; expert

Building social capital:

refers to developing relationships that allow people to work together

In the _____ stage of coping with change, you start to question whether the company really knew what it was doing by letting you go and perhaps rationalize that they will probably be calling you back.


In the informal coaching process, a leader is most likely to inspire commitment from a follower by _____.

reviewing performance appraisals

At the organizational level, the Team Leadership Model (TLM) suggests that leaders examine the _____ that may be impacting the team.

reward systems

Molly, a member of a product development team, is most likely experiencing _____ if she wonders, "Just what am I supposed to be doing?"

role ambiguity

Coalition tactics are most likely exhibited when agents:

seek the aid of others to influence the target.

A situation in which one's expectations or predictions help determine the very results predicted is referred to as:

self-fulfilling prophecy.

According to Goleman, self-control, trustworthiness, conscientiousness, adaptability, and innovation correspond to:


Leaders exhibiting participative leadership are most likely to:

share work problems with followers.

The "S" in the SARA model refers to:


The type of thinking that occurs when leaders act to optimize their part of the organization at the expense of suboptimizing the organization's overall effectiveness is known as:

siloed thinking

Which term refers to a kind of learning between the individual and the environment in which learners seek relatively little feedback that may significantly confront their fundamental ideas or actions?

single-loop learning

____ refers to any time people increase their level of work due to the presence of others.

social facilitation

The phenomenon of reduced effort by people when they are not individually accountable for their work is referred to as:

social loafing

_____ is exercised in the service of higher goals to others or organizations and often involves self-sacrifice toward those ends.

socialized power

Technical competence is especially important for first-line supervisors because they:

spend a great amount of time training their followers

Which of the following is NOT a type of intelligence identified in the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence?

strategic intelligence

Leadership training programs for mid-level managers are LEAST likely to focus on improving _____ skills.

strategic planning

_____ is defined as the process by which we perceive and respond to situations that challenge us.


For a team to do well, the individuals composing the team must sometimes not maximize their individual effort. This is referred to as:

subsystem nonoptimization

According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following is a hygiene factor?


According to the path-goal theory, which leader behavior is most likely characterized by remaining open and approachable to followers?

supportive leadership

"People like to have some sense of control over their work. Micro-managing staff will help to either create yea-sayers or cause people to mentally disengage from work." Which creativity killer does this statement exemplify?

taking away all discretion and autonomy

In terms of the four leadership styles of situational leadership, a high task/low relationship behavior is referred to as:


All of the following are accepted among the major definitions of emotional intelligence EXCEPT:

the ability to react to stressful situations and adapt appropriately to obtain positive, long-term outcomes.

In terms of the path-goal theory, which of the following is considered a situational factor?

the task

Which of the following is one of the motivators described in Herzberg's two-factor theory?

the work itself

A manager with a _____ orientation will most likely rely on coercive methods to motivate workers such as punishments and threats.

theory x

Leaders who are new college hires most likely fall into which of the following quadrants of the credibility matrix?


What is Hollander's approach to leadership called?


____ leadership serves to change the status quo by appealing to followers' values and their sense of higher purpose.


A group consisting of individuals with a variety of experiences, values, and preferences will most likely be creative but could experience a high degree of conflict, which may make it difficult for the leader to get consensus on a final solution.


A high degree of technical competence is especially important to first-line supervisors because they typically spend time training followers.


A leader views the organization as an interlocking set of processes and procedures when using a systems thinking approach.


A leader's credo should describe what the leader believes in and will or will not stand for.


A leadership skill consists of three components: a well-defined body of knowledge, a set of related behaviors, and clear criteria of competent performance.


A personalized leadership style seems to be responsible for the feelings of empowerment notable among followers of transformational leaders.


A socialized need for power is a more mature, self-sacrificing form than a personalized need for power.


According to McClelland, differences in achievement orientation are a key reason why people differ in the levels of effort they exert to accomplish assignments, objectives, and goals.


According to path-goal theory, followers will actively support a leader as long as they view the leader's actions as a means for increasing their own levels of satisfaction.


According to principle-centered leadership, certain organizational alignments are more likely than others to reinforce ethical behavior.


According to research into 360-degree feedback, white peers and subordinates generally gave about the same level of ratings for both black and white peers and bosses.


According to the dual-process theory, moral judgments that deal primarily with rights and duties are made by automatic emotional responses.


According to the normative decision model, acceptance of a decision is not always critical for implementation.


According to the path-goal theory, a leader should assess the situation before choosing an appropriate leadership behavior.


An ability-based EQ training program would most likely rely on role plays and videotapes to help participants better recognize, exhibit, and regulate emotion.


An active listener uses paraphrasing to improve understanding.


An outsider to a group often is able to learn more about norms than an insider.


Analytic intelligence is general problem-solving ability and can be assessed using standardized mental abilities tests.


Both leader behaviors and follower characteristics are important in determining outcomes in path-goal theory.


Building development plans and getting coaching from others improves a person's chances of changing targeted behaviors.


By conducting a gaps-of-the-GAPS analysis, an individual most likely hopes to identify high-priority development needs.


Charismatic leaders are thought to possess superhuman qualities or powers of divine origin that sets them apart from ordinary mortals.


Charismatic leaders recognize the shortcomings of a present order and offer an imaginative vision to overcome them.


Charismatic leaders tend to be more emotionally expressive with nonverbal channels.


Charismatic leaders tend to have strong rhetorical skills that inspire followers to embrace the vision, and they typically use metaphors and analogies to reframe issues.


Choice of clothing can affect one's power and influence


Clusters are intact, self-managed teams that strive to achieve the organization's goals.


Coaching others is an effective method for reinforcing and transferring learning.


Coercive power is the potential to influence others through the administration of negative sanctions.


Communication effectiveness is the degree to which someone tells others something and ensures that they understand what was said.


Companies that spend more time and effort attracting, developing, and retaining the best people often report superior financial results.


Design is often the most frequently omitted step in teamwork that occurs in traditional organizations.


Distortion of consequences occurs when people minimize the harm caused by their immoral behavior.


During brainstorming sessions, leaders should encourage group members to piggyback off the ideas of other people.


Emotions are often the fuel driving large-scale initiatives for change.


Gathering with team members outside of the work environment is an effective and appropriate way to establish relationships and discover common interests.


Groups are characterized by mutual interaction and reciprocal influence.


Highly cohesive groups are likely to be characterized by low absenteeism and low turnover.


In Maslow's hierarchy, physiological and security needs must be satisfied before belongingness or esteem needs are pursued.


In highly effective organizations, there tends to be a high degree of reciprocal influence between leaders and followers.


In surveys of job satisfaction, a facet satisfaction item asks about particular aspects of the job such as pay or working conditions.


In the building blocks of skills, knowledge and experience are easier components to change than intelligence and personality traits.


Individuals can become experts in their field by watching others and asking questions.


Influence refers to the degree of change in a target person's attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors.


Influence tactics refer to one person's actual behaviors designed to change another person's attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors.


Instrumental values refer to modes of behavior, and terminal values refer to desired end states.


Instruments providing 360-degree feedback to managers are particularly useful for leadership development.


Keeping a journal will increase the likelihood that leaders will be able to look at events from a different perspective.


Leaders are more likely to be successful when introducing change if they address and capitalize on followers' emotions.


Leaders can encourage creativity in an organization by delegating authority and empowering followers to take risks.


Leaders can influence team effectiveness by providing frequent coaching while the team is performing its task.


Leaders should praise followers in public and punish them in private.


Leaders tend to have higher extraversion scores than nonleaders.


Leaders ultimately must be judged on the basis of a framework of values, not just in terms of their effectiveness.


Leaders who are lower in conscientiousness tend to be more spontaneous, creative, and impulsive.


Leaders who can empathize and get along with others tend to be more successful than those who cannot.


Leaders who make Theory Y assumptions are optimistic and believe workers are self-motivated.


Leadership practitioners can enhance the learning value of their experiences by taking a 10 percent stretch.


Low-LPC leaders will focus on improving their relationships with followers after they are assured that assigned tasks are being satisfactorily accomplished.


Meetings should only be called if the potential benefits outweigh the costs.


Millennials tend to share an optimism that is most likely the result of having very devoted parents.


Moral reasoning is a process one uses to make an ethical decision and does not necessarily refer to personal morality.


New leaders should minimize their personal interactions with direct reports for the first two months on the job, although business lunches and team gatherings are appropriate.


Norms can be imported from the organization existing outside the team.


On the Leadership Grid, a 9,9 leader most likely accomplishes goals by forming trusting, respectful relationships with team members.


Path-goal theory considers three situational factors that moderate the effects of leader behavior on follower behavior.


Personality traits, values, and intelligence must be inferred from behavior.


Position power is not a characteristic of leaders but of the situations that leaders finds themselves in.


Procedural justice involves the process in which rewards or punishments are administered.


Rational and emotional approaches are two major ways to drive organizational change.


Referent power is the potential influence one has due to the strength of the relationship between the leader and the followers.


Research has shown that openness to experience is particularly important at higher organizational levels and for success in overseas assignments.


Research has shown that some executives are derailed because they are reluctant to adapt to superiors with leadership styles different from their own.


Research indicates that the distance between virtual teams is geographical, organizational, temporal, and cultural.


Research shows that when a manager shares the results of their 360-degree feedback with followers and work on an action plan to improve their ratings, ratings do increase over time and in some cases, leadership productivity improves as well.


Researchers at the University of Michigan considered job-centered and employee-centered behaviors to be at opposite ends of a single continuum of leadership behavior.


Reward power is the ability to control benefits and desired resources.


Servant leadership puts the emphasis upon listening effectively to others.


Situational Leadership is a useful way for getting leaders to think about how leadership effectiveness may depend on being flexible with different subordinates.


Stress is often defined as the result of conflicts with superiors or the apprehension associated with performance evaluation.


Studies show that credibility is one of the most important components of leadership success.


Studies show that female managers are less likely than male managers to compromise or negotiate during their influence attempts.


Studies suggest that if firms could get almost 4% more work out of each employee, the GDP in the U.S. would increase by $355 billion.


The A-B-C model is a stress management tool for changing a person's self-talk during stressful events


The LBDQ-XII assesses behaviors such as being able to tolerate uncertainty and acting as a representative for a group.


The Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire was developed by Ohio State University researchers.


The OCEAN model is applicable across many cultures.


The concept of motivation helps explain differences seen among people in terms of the energy and direction of their behavior.


The context and style of a leader's behavior are factors that affect their ability to build teams.


The hierarchy effect occurs when upper-level employees have higher global and facet satisfaction ratings than lower-level employees in the organization.


The highest levels of situational favorability occur when leader-member relations are good, the task is structured, and the position power is high.


The overall composite Miner's Sentence Completion Scale (MSCS) score has consistently been found to predict leadership success in hierarchical organizations


The primary role of leaders is not so much to be creative themselves as to build an environment where others can be creative.


The strength of the relationship between personality traits and leadership effectiveness is often inversely related to the relative strength of the situation.


The study of authentic leadership has gained momentum recently because of the belief that enhancing self-awareness can help people in organizations find more meaning and connection at work.


The three components of community leadership include mobilization, framing, and building social capital.


Transactional leadership is very common but tends to be transitory.


Using instruments such as the Campbell Interest and Skills Survey to select personnel may help a team's effort level from an individual perspective.


Using threats or persistent reminders to influence targets are examples of pressure tactics.


Volunteering to help another employee with a task or project is an example of organizational citizenship behavior.


When you are a new hire, it is a good idea to ask your boss for copies of budget information.


With Situational Leadership, developmental interventions are intended to increase follower readiness levels and help followers in their development.


With Situational Leadership, follower readiness refers to a follower's ability and willingness to accomplish a particular task.


With role ambiguity, the problem is lack of clarity about just what the expectations are.


With siloed thinking, leaders act to optimize their part of the organization at the expense of suboptimizing the organization's overall effectiveness.


Worker productivity and job dissatisfaction in the United States are at an all-time high.


A leader who takes action to maintain ethical standards in the face of questionable moral behaviors by superiors is most likely exhibiting:

upward ethical leadership

All of the following are ways leaders can improve communication skills EXCEPT:

using constructive sarcasm

Leaders who pull people together on the basis of shared beliefs and a common sense of organizational purpose and belonging are most likely exhibiting:


Leadership is most associated with:


Which of the following statements is most likely true of leaders?

All transformational leaders are charismatic.

Which of the following would most likely result in consistently higher effort and performance?

Assigning goals that are both specific and difficult

Studies show that after event reviews (AERs), which involve reflecting on personal leadership experiences, fail to improve leadership effectiveness.


The main reason for using the phrase "desirable opportunities" in a definition of leadership is to distinguish between leadership and management.


The most effective leaders focus exclusively on the rational consequences of their actions and ignore the emotions of followers.


The primary advantage of reading leadership literature written in the troubadour tradition is the combination of valid research and practical advice.


Which statement about leaders and managers is most likely false?

Leaders accept the status quo; managers challenge it.

Which statement best summarizes the components of empowerment as defined by the authors?

Leaders delegate leadership and decision making down to the lowest level possible and equip followers with the resources, knowledge, and skills necessary to make good decisions.

Which of the following statements concerning power and influence is most likely FALSE?

Leaders in well-functioning firms are rarely influenced by their subordinates.

What best describes the leader-follower relationship?

Leadership and followership merge and are linked concepts

Which of the following statements is true of leadership and management?

Leadership and management have both unique functions and an area of overlap.

Which of the following statements concerning 360-degree feedback systems is most likely FALSE?

Most 360-degree feedback systems are designed to make comparisons between people.

Which of the following is the correct sequence of events that take place in stress management according to the A-B-C model?

Triggering event; your thinking; feelings and behaviors

According to Robert Kelley, alienated followers frequently point out the negative aspects of an organization and are viewed by leaders as adversarial.


According to the A-O-R model, leadership development is enhanced when the consequence and significance of an action is considered.


People who are observing an action are much more likely than the actor to make the fundamental attribution error. This is called:

actor/observer difference

According to Reuvan Bar-On, reality testing, flexibility, and problem-solving relate to:


_____ is an effort to attain objectives by attacking or hurting others.


According to the OCEAN model, individuals who appear to be socially clueless, insensitive, pessimistic, and grumpy may be low in:


According to Beer's model for organizational change formula, what does C represent?

amount of change

People typically use hard tactics when:

an influencer has the upper hand

Which of the following is most likely an example of a non-contingent reward?

annual salary

In general, members of the Baby Boomer generation:

are ambitious and loyal to organizations.

Leadership studies programs at the university-level:

are increasingly popular at many liberal-arts institutions

Theory Y reflects a view that most people:

are intrinsically motivated by their work.

In perception, which term refers to the process of assigning underlying causes to behaviors?


All of the following are guidelines for effectively managing stress EXCEPT:

avoiding exercise late in the day.

Performance is best described as:

behaviors directed toward the organization's mission.

Which skill category relates to analyzing issues, making decisions, and thinking strategically?

business skills

_____ describe leadership situations and are used as vehicles for leadership discussions.

case studies

_____ use a graphic approach to systematically represent the root causes of a problem, the relationships between different causes, and sometimes a prioritization of which causes are most important.

cause-and-effect diagrams

What is the fastest way to alter the culture and norms of a team?

change the people in the team

The _____ authority system is associated with leaders thought to possess divine or superhuman qualities.


The highest levels of situational favorability most likely occur when:

leader-member relations are good, the task is structured, and position power is high.

Schein's classic study of sex roles:

demonstrated how bias in sex role stereotypes created problems for women moving up through managerial roles.

Which of the following is the most important step in conducting a meeting?

determining if it is necessary

A leader who has extensive knowledge and experience in leading a pharmaceutical research team may feel uncomfortable and unprepared when asked to lead a major fund-raising effort for a charitable institution. This example illustrates that practical intelligence is most likely:

domain specific

Which of the following involves confronting your beliefs, inviting others to challenge you, and working on personal blind spots?

double-loop learning

Which of the following involves making judgments about the adequacy of behavior with respect to certain criteria such as work-group or organizational goals?


Which term is most often associated with the word "management"?


Which component of transformational leadership most strongly correlates to the Five Factor Model (FFM) personality dimension of agreeableness?

empowering others

Mobilization is best defined as:

engaging a critical mass to take action for the purpose of achieving a specific outcome.

Terrorists may call themselves "freedom fighters," and firing someone may be referred to as "letting him go." These are both examples of:

euphemistic labeling

Which of the following statements is most likely true about active listening?

Active listeners put the sender's message into their own words to improve understanding.

Which statement about 360-degree feedback systems is most likely true?

360-degree feedback should be built around an organization's competency model.

Which of the following statements about common sense is most likely true?

A challenge of leadership is to know when common sense applies and when it does not.

Which statement about action learning is most likely FALSE?

Action learning involves attending classes, watching videotapes, and working in teams to create development plans for the firm

Which statement about empowerment and the operant approach is most likely true?

By changing the situation, leaders can enhance followers' motivation, performance, and satisfaction.

The formula for the rational approach to change is:

C = D × M × P > R

Which of the following statements about the normative decision model is true?

Decision tree questions focus on the problem and situational factors.

What is most likely an outcome of regularly practicing a 10 percent stretch?

Decreasing apprehensions about trying new activities

Which of the following statements about defensiveness is most likely FALSE?

Defensiveness is an unnatural reaction when someone is criticized.

What is most likely a benefit of keeping a journal?

Documenting ideas for future speeches

Which question is most relevant to the task variable of team design?

Does the team have a meaningful piece of work?

Which of the following statements about goals is most likely FALSE?

Easily attainable goals result in higher levels of effort and performance.

Which of the following statements about the rational and emotional aspects of leadership is most likely false?

Effective leadership involves actions based exclusively on reason and logic

Which of the following is a possible solution for groupthink?

Establishing an independent subgroup to make recommendations.

A drawback to action learning is that it requires spending time away from one's immediate job responsibilities.


A participant in an in-basket exercise has a limited amount of time to prioritize and respond to e-mails and phone messages from an actual manager's in-box.


A situation in which one's expectations help determine the predicted outcome is an "attribution."


A widely respected leader chosen from within an organization tends to receive less latitude in a new leadership position than a newcomer because the well-known leader is expected to understand the needs of the organization.


Although formal coaching programs are considered effective tools for developing leaders, less than half of the Global 1,000 companies use formal coaching because of high investment costs and extensive time constraints.


Double-loop learning is the process of learning something that one already predicted, as in the "self-fulfilling prophecy."


Experience is just a matter of what events happen to you.


Formal study and learning from experience are mutually exclusive in terms of developing leadership skills.


Good leadership is all about calculation, planning, and following a checklist.


Knowledge of leadership research is a proven prerequisite for leadership effectiveness.


Leadership practitioners have a tendency to concentrate on coaching their top followers and overlooking low-performing followers.


Mentoring and coaching are essentially the same types of programs.


Role-playing activities are used extensively during informal coaching sessions.


Studies indicate that everyone attends to all aspects of a situation equally and that perception is basically a passive activity.


Which statement about in-groups and out-groups is most likely correct?

In-group members are loyal and committed to a leader.

In a complex situation, what is the leader's most important role?

Increase levels of interaction and communication.

Many aspects of office arrangements can affect a leader's or follower's power. Which of the following statements is true in relation to this statement?

Individuals sitting at the ends of rectangular tables often wield more power.

Which of the following statements is most likely true of intelligence?

Intelligence and intelligence testing are extremely controversial topics in the social sciences today.

Which of the following is the correct sequence of events according to the systems view of communication?

Intention, expression, reception, interpretation, feedback, new intentions.

Which statement best summarizes the leader-member exchange (LMX) theory?

It focuses on interactions between leaders and followers.

Which of the following best describes attribution of blame?

Justifying immoral behavior by claiming it was caused by someone else's actions

Which of the following is the LEAST likely way to increase assertiveness?

Learning to say "yes" to others more often

Which of the following statements is most likely true of legitimate power?

Legitimate power depends on a person's organizational role

Which of the following is a measure of the ability model of emotional intelligence that asks subjects to recognize the emotions depicted in pictures?


Which of the following is a conventional distinction that is made between managers and leaders?

Managers maintain, while leaders develop

When a team has fewer than 15 people, what should new leaders do during the first two weeks?

Meet one-on-one with direct reports and group stars

Which of the following would LEAST likely help a subordinate to better understand their superior's world?

Meeting with the superior's boss to evaluate their interaction and relationship

Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get work out while maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level. In the context of the Leadership Grid, what leadership orientation does this statement signify?

Middle-of-the-road management

Which term refers to the generation of workers born after 1982?


Which of the following statements about affectivity is most likely FALSE?

Research shows a strong link between negative affectivity and low productivity levels.

Which of the following leadership questionnaires measured the extent to which leaders in industrial settings exhibited consideration and initiating structure behaviors?


Which of the following is NOT one of the seven specific steps for creating high-impact development plans?

Scheduling regular meetings with your superior

What is the main criticism of servant leadership?

Serving employees conflicts with the realistic goals of organizations.

Which statement is most likely true about followers and superiors having effective working relationships?

Superiors and followers with good relationships tend to experience less conflict.

In comparing teams and group members, which statement is most likely true?

Team members can readily identify who is and who is not on the team; identifying members of a group may be more difficult.

Why do followers most likely need to have a high level of technical competence?

Technical expertise plays a key role in supervisors' performance appraisal ratings of subordinates.

Which of the following instruments does Fiedler's contingency theory use to determine the relevant characteristic of the leader?

The Least Preferred Co-Worker Scale

Which of the following statements is NOT accurate concerning listening?

The best listeners are passive listeners.

Which of the following statements is most likely true of the leadership theories?

The contingency model suggests that leader effectiveness depends on selecting the right kind of leader for a certain situation.

Which of the following statements about a company's vision is most likely FALSE?

The final destination for an organization is identified in its vision.

Which statement about the reflection component of the A-O-R model is most likely FALSE?

The importance of reflection in leadership development is rarely addressed by scholars

What is the underlying cause for a huge percentage of failed change initiatives?

The leader is unable or unwilling to address organizational culture and capabilities issues.

Which of the following statements about GAPS analysis is most likely true?

The perceptions component of a GAPS analysis concerns how your abilities, skills, and behaviors affect others.

Which of the following best defines leadership?

The process of influencing an organized group toward accomplishing its goals

What should leaders first assess in order to apply the situational leadership model?

The readiness level of the follower relative to the task to be accomplished.

Based on the research of Peterson and Hicks, which statement about the development planning process is most likely FALSE?

The second phase in development planning requires conducting a formal GAPS analysis.

Which of the following statements about transformational leaders is most likely true?

They are inherently future-oriented.

Which of the following statements about high-LPC leaders is most likely true?

They are primarily satisfied by establishing and maintaining close interpersonal relationships.

Which of the following statements is most likely accurate concerning the thinking-feeling dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test?

Thinking leaders like to analyze, criticize, and approach decisions impersonally and objectively.

What is the reason behind the usage of the phrase "desirable opportunities" in one of the definitions of leadership?

To distinguish between leadership and tyranny

During the first two weeks new leaders will want to have one-on-one meetings with their direct reports. Which of the following is a topic that should LEAST likely be discussed in those meetings?

What do team members like to do during their free time?

New leaders have two critical tasks the first day on the job: to meet their new boss and new team. Which of the following topics should LEAST likely be discussed with the new boss?

Your assessment of the team's strengths and weaknesses

An individual's tendency to exert effort toward task accomplishment depends partly on the strength of his/her motive to achieve success. This concept is called:

achievement orientation

Work facilitation behaviors deal with leaders:

acquiring and allocating resources.

Leadership development is enhanced when experience involves the three processes of:

action, observation, and reflection

Followers are more likely to use _____ power to change their leader's behavior if they have a relatively high amount of referent power with their fellow co-workers.


A police officer giving a speeding ticket to a driver is most likely using:

coercive power

The ability to control others through the fear of punishment or the loss of valued outcomes is known as:

coercive power

Which theory explains the interesting relationships between leader intelligence and experience levels, and group performance in stressful versus nonstressful conditions?

cognitive resources theory

The degree to which someone tells others something and ensures that they understand what was said is called:

communication effectiveness

____ takes place when followers do no more than abide by the policies and procedures surrounding change requests.


The two dimensions of the Leadership Grid are:

concern for people and concern for production

Which term refers to how much a leader is friendly and supportive toward subordinates?


The leadership dimensions that were identified by the Ohio State studies are:

consideration and initiating structure

Which of the following is occurring when agents ask targets to participate in planning an activity?


Most intelligence and aptitude tests are good examples of:

convergent thinking

In the informal coaching process, a leader is most likely to help a follower to grow skills by:

creating a coaching plan

The ability to produce work that is both novel and useful is called:

creative intelligence

Which of the following is NOT a source for 360-degree feedback?


The normative decision model is limited only to:

decision making

If a decision has a rational or objectively determinable "better or worse" alternative, the leader should select the better alternative. This most likely refers to:

decision quality

Influence is best defined as the:

degree of actual change in a target agent's values.

Which two broad categories of leader behaviors did the situational leadership model originally identify?

initiating structure and consideration

Which of the following reflects the degree to which people are given information about different reward procedures and are treated with dignity and respect?

interactional justice

In leaderless group discussions, facilitators and observers rate participants and provide feedback about _____ skills.


Relationships that lack trust are characterized by self-protective efforts to control and verify each other's behavior. This statement most likely relates to the _____ level of principle-centered leadership.


Receiving conflicting information from two or more people about their expectations for your work behavior reflects:

intersender role conflict

According to Hogan and Warrenfelz, which of the following skills is the most difficult to change?


A manager makes the following statement to a subordinate, "I need this report back in five minutes, and it had better be perfect." Which term best describes this type of role conflict?

intrasender role conflict

According to some leadership experts, leadership:

is an interpersonal relation in which others comply because they want to

Goal emphasis and work facilitation are _____ leadership behavior dimensions.


The _____ component of assertiveness skills concerns knowing where and when not to behave assertively.


According to the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), which type of leader avoids responsibilities, fails to make decisions, or is absent when needed?


Values are most likely:

learned through socialization

What characteristic is most likely associated with people who have higher levels of analytic intelligence?

learning quickly

The delegating leadership style has:

low task/low relationship behavior.

Which of the following leader actions would LEAST likely increase follower dissatisfaction levels?

lowering employee performance standards

One way to maximize the attendance and benefits of a meeting is to:

make it convenient

One limitation of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is that it fails to:

make specific predictions as to how individuals will satisfy their needs.

According to the new leader onboarding roadmap, within the first two weeks, leaders should:

meet all team members

The process by which an older and more experienced person helps to socialize and encourage younger organizational colleagues is called:


According to the situational leadership theory, four types of leadership behavior can be identified. They include all of the following EXCEPT:


Leaders high in initiating structure are most likely to:

monitor subordinates' performance levels

____ involves reinterpreting otherwise immoral behavior in terms of a higher purpose.

moral justification

In terms of the underlying causes of performance problems, leaders seem to have the most difficulty recognizing and rectifying:

motivation problems

Using the example of starting a new exercise program, which of the following would be a restraining force in a force field analysis?

no regular exercise partner

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