Laboratory Safety Rules - Fill In The Blank - BIO

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Report ___ ______ (spill, breakage, etc.) or injuries (cuts, burns, etc.) __ ______ how small, to your teacher __ _____!

ALL accidents; no matter; at once

________ and _______ are the _____ equipment on and the ____ taken off on lab days with chemicals, glassware, or heat - even during _____ ___.

Goggles; aprons; first; last; clean up

_____-_____ shoes, ____ _____, and ______ should not be worn. Long sleeves, loose clothing, and long hair must be _____ __.

Open-toed; short skirts; shorts; tied up

Handle chemicals carefully. ______ yourself and your classmates. Do not perform any ____________ _______________.

Protect; unauthorized experiments

Add ____ to ____ slowly to allow heat buildup. Never add ____ to ____.

acid to water; water to acid

If the teacher asks for your _______ during the experiment, immediately ____ ____ ___ ___ _____ and pay attention.

attention; stop what you are doing

Never place ______ glass or solids in the laboratory _____. Always dispose of chemicals ___ ___________ in the laboratory procedure or by the teacher. Broken glass is to be placed in the appropriate container in the lab.

broken; sinks; as instructed

In case of _________ _____, or exposure to skin, wash the affected area for 20 minutes and alert the teacher.

chemical burns

If you spill any type of ________, report to the teacher __ _____ to find out proper clean up method.

chemical; at once

Do not remove the containers that contain ________ from the supply lab table. Do NOT ______ ______ _________ to the original supply container. Close or stopper all containers once you have your supplies.

chemicals; return unused chemicals

Keep your work area _____. Clean all equipment and the ____ _______ when the laboratory activity is finished. ALWAYS _____ ____ _____ with soap and water when you finish working in the lab.

clean; work surface; wash your hands

To prevent _____________, all science equipment (especially __________) should be _____ before use. Rinse glassware and plastic materials with ________ water. Do not use chipped or broken glassware.

contamination; glassware; distilled

Do NOT ___, _____, or ____ ___ in the laboratory. Do not use lab glassware as a _________ for food or beverages. In case of poisoning, note the material that was responsible, and notify your teacher. The nurse will call the local Poison Control Center to determine further treatment.

eat; drink; chew gum; container

Learn the location and proper use of the ___ _____, ____ ________, safety shower, and ____ _____ ___.

eye wash; fire extinguisher; first aid kit

Handle ___ objects with ______ ___ ______. When heating liquids in a test tube, do not ______ ___ ____ ____ _______ yourself or anyone else. Never look into a container that is being heated.

hot; clamps and tongs; point the test tube toward

If chemicals splash ___ ____ ___, immediately _____ with water for ___ minutes and alert the teacher.

in your eye(s); flush; 20

Treat a ______ ___ by allowing the cut to ______ for a short time and then washing the injured area under ____ water. Notify your teacher.

minor cut; bleed; cold

When testing for _____, hold the chemical about an ____ length away and _____ your hand over it, cautiously _________ from a distance.

odors; arm's; wave; sniffing

Conduct yourself in a _______ _______ at all times in the laboratory.

responsible manner

Treat ________ ____ by immediately applying ____ _________ ______ to the burned area and alert the teacher.

thermal burn; cold running water

Do not handle laboratory equipment _____ ___ ____ ______ ___ __________ and read the laboratory __________. Read and follow all directions very carefully.

until you have received all instructions; procedures

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