Lahey Psychology Exam 1 and 20 other sets

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Which part of the peripheral nervous system would be particularly important to a backpacker being chased by a bear?


Which of the following refer to tiny spaces between the neurons?


Observer Bias

Systematic errors in observation that occur because of an observer's expectations.

gender identity is the subjective experience of being male or female


Wernicke's area is located in the ____ lobe


Visual information is sent to which brain region before being sent to the primary visual cortex?


Where do neurons from the auditory nerve project?

Thalamus, primary auditory cortex

What did Freud think about cocaine?

That it was a "wonder drug", a stimulant, an aphrodisiac and medicinal aid

What did Fechner's theory help prove?

That it's possible to measure mental phenomena

What century did psychology become an independent science?

The 19th century

The nature of the deception must be fully revealed to participants immediately after their participation in the experiment.

The American Psychological Association's ethical guidelines for research with human participants allow deception in aspects of the study that do not influence the decision to participate. What is the other condition concerning deception in research?

How does extinction occur in classical conditioning?

The Conditioned Stimulus (CS) is presented with the Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)

In an experiment, participants are to learn a classically conditioned response. Which of the following will occur on the first learning trial?

The Conditioned Stimulus (CS) will not elicit a Conditioned Response (CR).

The older the driver, the fewer errors on the driving test

The Department of Motor Vehicles recently completed a study that indicated there is a negative correlation between the age of the driver and the number of errors on the written driving test. This result means that

different orders to different birds

The Zoology Department's guest speaker should have counterbalanced his experiment. How should he have presented the models of predators?


The ______ perspective suggests that to understand someone, we must understand both their beliefs, attitudes, and skills learned from others as well as we must understand their culture, ethnic identity, and gender identity.


The ________ is filled with a gelatinous material that helps focus light.

What explanation did Harlow use to explain why problem-solving ability improved over trials in his study in which apes had to locate food under objects?

The apes acquired a learning set.


The band of fibers that connects the two brain hemispheres, known as the ______, has been found to be larger in women than in men. Select one: a. septal region b. corpus callosum c. central sulcus d. postmedial gyrus Incorrect


The broad term that encompasses procedures such as perceiving, believing, thinking, remembering, knowing, and making decisions is called

naturalistic observation

The clinical method is a variation of


The clinical method is a variation of Select one: a. the survey method. b. correlational methods. c. naturalistic observation. d. the dependent variable.


The cocktail party effect could be easily demonstrated in a crowded bar.


The color of the white paper and the correction fluid you use to cover up mistakes on the paper are not exactly the same, but they are so close that you cannot see any difference. This is because your _______ abilities are limited. Select one: a. perceptual b. sensory c. associative d. cognitive

gender; sex

The concept of ______ refers to the psychological experience of one's ______.

Independent Variable

The condition that is manipulated by the experimenter to examine its impact on the dependent variable.

showing scatterplots of scores

The correlation coefficient is more convenient than which of the following?


The correlational method studies the __________ between two variables.

Which of the following is a condition that is necessary for the ethical use of deception?

The deception must be revealed immediately after the study is over

Which of the following is a condition that is necessary for the ethical use of deception?

The deception must be revealed immediately after the study is over.


The degree of association between variables is expressed statistically as the Select one: a. standard deviation. b. correlation coefficient. c. qualitative mean score. d. integer of relativity.

correlation coefficient

The degree of association between variables is expressed statistically as the....

Which variable depends on the effects of the independent variable?

The dependent variable

depends on

The dependent variable is called dependent because its value ______ other parts of the experiment.

What is individual analysis?

The differences in personality among individuals, these affect how people feel, think and behave.

Cultural Influence

The enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, values, and traditions shared by a group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next.


The extent to which a measure is stable and consistent over time in similar conditions.


The extent to which an experimental measure is free from error.


The extent to which the data collected address the research hypothesis in the way intended

Germinal Stage

The first phase of prenatal development, encompassing the first two weeks after conception.


The goal of __________ research is to show the degree of relationship between two variables.


The goal of ___________ is to observe the contents of the mind as accurately and unemotionally as possible

In psychology, the words describe, predict, understand, and influence relate to

The goals of psychology

Cephalocaudal trend

The head-to-foot direction of motor development.

Where is the hypothalamus located relative to the thalamus?

The hypothalamus lies underneath the thalamus

What is behaviorism?

The idea that psych should deal with only objectively observable behavior, not study of consciousness

What is psychodynamic theory?

The importance of mental processes in shaping feelings, thoughts and behaviors.

If a neuron is polarized, which of the following conditions exists?

The inside of the cell has a more negative charge than the outside.

What is a zeitgeist?

The intellectual, political and social climate.


The intensity of sound is measured in Select one: a. hertz units. b. timbre. c. decibel units. d. frequency.

praise; disapprove of

The intersection of culture and parenting can lead to some interested differences between children. For example, Chinese parents ______ their shy children, whereas American parents ______ their shy children.

publicly observable

The key component of empirical evidence this that it must be based on _____ behavior.

control group

The members of a ______ receive the independent variable in an experiment.


The middle point in a set of numbers

What existed before dualism

The mind controlled the body like a puppeteer


The minimal change in stimulation that is required to detect a difference between two stimuli is a "just noticeable difference."

the mean

The most common measure of central tendency, but the median is more representative

_____ is a layer of fat cells that insulates most axons and speeds up the transmission of nerve impulses.

The myelin sheath

The Department of Motor Vehicles recently completed a study that indicated there is a negative correlation between the age of a driver and the number of errors on the written driving test. This result means that

The older the driver, the fewer errors on the driving test.

A research participant walked out during the middle of an experiment without completing the research task. Which of the following statements is true regarding this incident?

The participant cannot be penalized for withdrawing

If there are two different scenarios and the experimenters ask the groups what they want to do, what is the dependent variable?

The participant's response to the question

Control Group

The participants in a study that receive no intervention or an intervention different from the one being studied.

Experimental Group

The participants in a study that receive the intervention.

Prenatal Period

The period from conception to birth, usually encompassing nine months of pregnancy

clinical psychology

The practice of psychiatry is most like the psychological specialty of _________

Which of the following is a soical factor that influences behavior and mental processes? Emotional responses, learned fears, presence of others

The presence of others

Random Assignment

The procedure for placing research participants into the conditions of the experiment in which each participant has an equal chance of being assigned to any level of the independent variable.


The process by which certain animals form attachments during a critical period very early in life.

Genetic Mapping

The process of determining the location and chemical sequence of specific genes on specific chromosomes.

Motor Development

The progression of muscular coordination required for physical activities.


The proportion of variation among individuals that we can attribute to genes.


The proportion of variation among individuals that we can attribute to genes. The heritability of a trait may vary, depending on the range of populations and environments studied

allow sensory information to travel rapidly through the brain.

The purpose of parallel processing is to

detect head motion.

The purpose of semicircular canals in the inner ear is to

Which of the following topics would be studied by a neuroscientist?

The role of hormones in the regulation of behavior

What is cognitive psychology?

The scientific study of mental processes (perception, thought, memory and reasoning)

Define psychological science:

The scientific study of mind, brain and behavior

parallel processing.

The simultaneous distribution of sensory information across different neural pathways is referred to as

What did Flourens' studies have to do with phrenology?

The studies did not support phrenology, the shape of the skull did not correspond to brain shape because brain tissue was too soft to produce skull changes

What is Phrenology?

The study of structure of the skull to determine mental abilities and character, different functions were in different parts of the brain. Protrusions- abilities, Indentations- mental defects


The survey method is an example of a _________ study.


The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are divisions of the Select one: a. central nervous system. b. afferent nervous system. c. autonomic nervous system. d. somatic nervous system.


The technique of introspection was essential to the group called ____________, within psychology.


The term "conditioning" as used by Ivan Pavlov is another term for _________


The text describes an experiment that explores the effects of media violence on 400 boys aged 6 to 8. Before playing floor hockey, 200 of the boys viewed a highly violent film and the other 200 boys viewed a nonviolent film. When all of the boys later played floor hockey, observers counted the number of aggressive acts performed by each boy. The boys in this experiment who viewed the violent film were in the ________ group.

aggressive behavior of the boys

The text describes an experiment that explores the effects of media violence on 400 boys aged 6 to 8. Before playing floor hockey, 200 of the boys viewed a highly violent film and the other 200 boys viewed a nonviolent film. When all of the boys later played floor hockey, observers counted the number of aggressive acts performed by each boy. The dependent variable in this experiment was the

aggressive behavior of boys

The text describes an experiment that explores the effects of media violence on 400 boys aged 6 to 8. Before playing floor hockey, 200 of the boys viewed a highly violent film and the other 200 boys viewed a nonviolent film. When all of the boys later played floor hockey, observers counted the number of aggressive acts performed by each boy. The dependent variable in this experiment was the...


The theory of color vision that contends that the eye has two kinds of cones, responding to either the red-green or yellow-blue range of wavelength, is the Select one: a. opponent-process theory. b. trichromatic theory. c. dichromacy theory. d. stereochemical theory.


The two-year span preceding puberty during which the changes leading to physical and sexual maturity take place

Participants study in a lecture hall with windows and one with no natural light and studied how it affected their mood, what is the independent variable?

The type of light

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

The use of strong magnets to briefly interrupt normal brain activity as a way to study brain regions.

independent variable

The variable that the researcher controls is called the...


The writings of Aristotle are important to psychology's origins because they were concerned with the nature of Select one: a. light. b. life. c. evolution. d. energy.

Which of the following best describes truth and theory?

Theories are not absolute and they may be revised over time.

A/n _____ is a tentative explanation of facts, findings, and relationship in any of the sciences.



Theory is to explanation as hypothesis is to Select one: a. prediction. b. truth. c. observation. d. understanding.

What is psychoanalysis?

Therapeutic process, brings unconscious material to conscious awareness.

In examining the top 1% of mathematical ability test scores used for college applications, what is the proportion of males and females in this top 1%?

There are seven times more males than females

What does the null hypothesis state?

There is no relationship between variable X and variable Y

What does it mean when there is a zero correlation between two variables?

There is no statistical relationship between the two variables being studied

has a causal impact

There is scientific evidence available stating that exposure to alcohol during pregnancy _____ the level of aggressive and rule-breaking behavior of children later in life.

What do the survey technique and naturalistic observation have in common?

They are both descriptive research methods

What do the survey technique and naturalistic observation have in common?

They are both descriptive research methods.

What do the pons and medulla have in common?

They are both parts of the hindbrain

When a neuron is at its resting state, what is the status of sodium ions?

They are not let into the neuron.

Which of the following is true about efferent neurons

They carry info to the muscles and organs

What did Christine Ladd-Franklin and Mary Calkins have in common?

They competed a doctoral program in psychology, but never received a doctor degree.

How do endocrine glands exert their action on body organs?

They release hormones

Which of the following appears to be true about people who have androgynous gender roles?

They tend to adapt better to life's changing demands.

Why are people intuitive psychologists?

They try to understand the behavior of themselves and others

According to the stage model of memory, which stage is the most permanent memory store?

Third Stage

Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory

Three types of cones, 3 different receptors, one for blue, one for green, and one for red

What is the triochromatic theory of color vision?

Three types of receptors with different sensations of LIGHT: blue is short cones, green is medium cones, red is long cones. The relationship influences our perception of color

What was the goal of introspection?

To break down consciousness into most basic elements

Calculates the likelihood that the difference in mean scores was caused by chance

To determine whether results are statistically significant, what might the experimenter do?

Mary Whiton Calkins:

Trained with William James, denied degree because she's a woman Founded psych lab at Wellesley First woman president of APA 100 research articles


Transparent protective window, bends (refracts) light to focus more sharply

Broca's area is located in the left frontal lobe of the brain


The small space between to neurons is called the synaptic gap


The opponent process theory says that each type of ganglion cell can detect how many colors?


You have a friend who appears to be having frequent anxiety attacks. From what you know about psychoanalytic school, what would a psychoanalyst say was at the heart of your friend's problem?

Unconscious Motives

Which of the following statements is true regarding Sigmund Freud's theory of behavior?

Unconscious sexual and aggressive motives greatly influence our behavior.


Under the ethical guideline of freedom from coercion, participants are free to change their minds and withdraw from an experiment without ____________, even after the experiment has begun.

A person diagnosed with expressive aphasia can ___ but have difficulty _____

Understand what is said; speaking

What does evidence suggest about the neural networks that mediate the sensations of phantom limb pain?

Unused cortical areas become sensitive to other body areas.

formal experiment

Uri wants to find the best way to draw conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships. Which research method should he use?

Define scentific study

Use of empirical method to find relationships between variables

What did Pierre Flourens do?

Used extirpation in order to understand brain functions in pigeons, removed/destroyed parts of the pigeon brain

When do researchers use correlational studies?

Variables of interest cannot be altered by the researchers

Visual Illusions

Visual stimuli in which the cues used in visual perception create a false perception.

The study of "Little Albert" is a famous example of the study of learned that was conducted by


The theory that suggests that all human emotions can be thought of as the combination of two basic elements—positive and negative emotions—comes from

Watson and Tellegen

Gestalt Law of Organization

We try to organize the stimulus into a figure seen against a background. organised whole perceived from bits of information

When you are paid $1 instead of $2, it is a big deal. When you are paid $91 instead of $92, the difference feels less painful. This is similar to

Weber's Law

When you are paid $1 instead of $2, it is a big deal. When you are paid $91 instead of $92, the difference feels less painful. This is similar to

Weber's law

When you are paid $1 instead of $2, it is a big deal. When you are paid $91 instead of $92, the difference feels less painful. This is similar to

Weber's law.

Which question were structuralists primarily interested in investigating?

What are the individual components of the mind?


What characteristic helped women band together in groups large enough to scare off predators in search of their young?


What did Christine Ladd-Franklin and Mary Calkins have in common? Select one: a. They completed a doctoral program in psychology, but never received a doctoral degree. b. They challenged the assumption that mental events cannot be scientifically investigated. c. They developed psychoanalytic theories that led to major changes in the treatment of mental illness. d. They were the first two women to receive doctorate degrees in American psychology.

There is no statistical relationship

What does it mean when there is zero (0) correlation between two variables?

rigorous methods of observation

What does psychology have in common with all other sciences?

passing judgment

What does the sociocultural perspective promote, especially by emphasizing cultural relativity?

Mary Whiton Calkins

What early researcher studied memory by having his/her participants pair a number and a color together?

Intelligence is PARTLY influenced by heredity

What have twin studies revealed about intelligence?


What have twin studies revealed about intelligence? Select one: a. Intelligence is completely influenced by environment. b. Intelligence is partly influenced by heredity. c. Dizygotic twins have almost identical IQ scores. d. Monozygotic twins have very different IQ scores.

Science is critical thinking

What is the relationship between the scientific method and critical thinking?

Scientific method

What method of gathering information involves systematic observation, adhering to strict rules of evidence, and thinking critically about that evidence?

The Scientific Method

What method of gathering information involves systematic observation, adhering to strict rules of evidence, and thinking critically about that evidence?

ethnic identity

What term best defines an individual's sense of belonging to a particular group?

experimenter bias

When _____________ takes place, it means that the experimenter influenced the performance of the participants.


When a group of people share patterns of behavior, beliefs, and values, then a/n ______ exists.

A researcher finds that a person's height and weight are significantly positively correlated. Which interpretation below makes the most sense?

When a person tends to be tall, they tend to be heavy.


When a researcher provides the results of their study to all participants, they are following the ethical principle of __________

naturalist observation

When anthropologist Jane Goodall studied chimpanzees in Africa, she carefully watched and recorded their behavior. She used which research method?

naturalistic observation

When anthropologist Jane Goodall studied chimpanzees in Africa, she carefully watched and recorded their behavior. She used which research method?


When culture expects a person to behave based on their sex, this is a gender _________


When light comes into your eye, it first passes through the lens of your eye.


When light enters the eye, it eventually reaches the light-sensitive ________ at the back of the eye.


When observing nature, all scientists follow strict ______

Selection Bias

When participants in different groups in an experiment differ systematically.

color constancy.

When reading a book, it does not matter whether you are inside or outside because the black ink of the words on the white pages looks the same. This demonstrates an artist's ability to capitalize on

Directionality Problem

When researchers find a relationship between two variables in a correlational study, they cannot determine which variable may have caused changes in the other variable.

vibrate the eardrum.

When sound waves enter the ear canal, they first

Third Variable Problem

When the experimenter cannot directly manipulate the independent variable and therefore cannot be confident that another, unmeasured variable is not the actual cause of differences in the dependent variable.


When the knowledge that one is being observed alters the behavior being observed.

The highly aggressive female mice become more and more aggressive in each new generation.

When the most highly aggressive female mice are bred with random male mice, and for each generation only the highly aggressive female mice are selected to breed, what happens to these selected female mice over successive generations?

What is the "All or None' principle?

When the voltage of the neuron reaches threshold, it fires at the same speed and strength no matter how much stimulation is received.

emotional; sexual

When women are threatened by a man's cheating on them, women are more concerned about ______ infidelity than ______ infidelity.

Weber's law.

When you are paid $1 instead of $2, it is a big deal. When you are paid $91 instead of $92, it feels less painful. This is similar to

NOT: absolute threshold Maybe: just noticeable difference

Which concept is most critical to a soldier wearing camouflage?


Which correlation coefficient shows the strongest relationship between two variables? A) -.85 B) +.80 C) 0.00 D) +.15


Which depth cue accounts for why parallel lines appear to grow closer together the farther away they are? Select one: a. texture gradient b. superposition c. vertical position d. linear perspective


Which is the correct order of completion for a psychiatrist, from first to last? Select one: a. complete medical school, internship in general medicine, residency in psychiatry b. internship in general medicine, residency in psychiatry, complete medical school c. residency in psychiatry, complete medical school, internship in general medicine d. internship in general medicine, complete medical school, residency in psychiatry

Evolutionary theory can never be tested.

Which of the following is a criticism of evolutionary theory?


Which of the following is a criticism of evolutionary theory? Select one: a. Gender differences are not explained well. b. Evolutionary theory can never be tested. c. Parental investment is not included in evolutionary theory. d. Evolutionary theory does not address mating preferences.

proteins are synthesized

Which of the following is actually an example of how a gene might be expressed?


Which of the following is one of the nucleotides in DNA?


Which of the following is one of the nucleotides in DNA? Select one: a. glycol b. GABA c. guanine d. glycogen

the square root of the variance

Which of the following statements about standard deviation is true?

continuing the number of homicides that occur on a TV show

Which of the following would be an operational definition designed to measure the amount of violence on television?

Such research is ethical only when necessary to significantly advance the understanding of human or animal behavior and mental processes.

Which statement concerning the American Psychological Association's ethical guidelines concerning the use of nonhuman animals for research is correct?


Which subpart of the brain is located at the rear base of the skull? Select one: a. forebrain b. corpus callosum c. midbrain d. hindbrain


Which theorist would most likely accuse you of accidentally wrecking your dad's car because (though you were not aware of this) you wanted to hurt your dad? Select one: a. B. F. Skinner b. Sigmund Freud c. William James d. Mary Whiton Calkins

Hermann Ebbinghaus

Who was the early pioneer in memory research that used himself as his only research subject?

Kenneth Clark

Who was the first African American to be elected president of the American Psychological Association?


Who was the first to publish a description of the cells of the brain, now called neurons? Select one: a. Charles Darwin b. Santiago Ramón y Cajal c. Albert Bandura d. Margaret Floy Washburn


Why can a psychiatrist prescribe drugs but a clinical psychologist cannot? Select one: a. Because the psychiatrist was in school longer. b. Because the psychiatrist has received medical training. c. Because the clinical psychologist has not studied human behavior broadly enough. d. Because insurance companies will not let clinical psychologists prescribe drugs.


Why did women participate less in the development of psychology than men? Select one: a. Sexual discrimination prevented women from contributing to psychology. b. Women were not allowed to attend universities at the time psychology was founded. c. Psychology did not intend to address women's issues, so women were not included. d. Because politicians at the time would not let women study any of the sciences.

The rule will help us determine whether sex and/or cultural differences exist with regard to key research findings.

Why does the U.S. National Institutes of Health require research to involve human subjects of both sexes and members of different racial and cultural groups whenever possible?

the rule will help us determine whether sex and/or cultural differences exist with regard to key research findings.

Why does the U.S. National Institutes of Health require research to involve human subjects of both sexes and members of different racial and cultural groups whenever possible?

What can introspection tell us?

Why people think (right to left stocking) but not how people think

_____ believed that psychology should be about what people do, and should not concern itself with what cannot be seen (e.g., internal states such as thoughts, feelings, and goals).

Wilhelm Wundt

According to the definition of psychology, which of the following is not a mental process? getting angry, writing down the answer to a math problem, wanting to kiss someone, deciding to ask something

Writing down the answer to a math problem

Explain the tridimentional theory of feelings

Wundt would use a metronome to see feelings of subjects, broken into three parts

Psychology as a science began in the laboratory of ______ using the method of ______.

Wundt, Introspection

negative correlation

Yeh has found that when she spends a lot of time going to movies with her friends, she does not do well in school. This demonstrates a ____________


You are told that Dr. Doe researches the behavior patterns of a group of French descendants who live near the mouth of the Mississippi River. Dr. Doe is most likely a _________ psychologist.

sensory adaptation.

You arrive at your friend's apartment for a big party at the end of the semester. When you first arrive, the music is so loud that it almost hurts your ears. After a couple of hours, even though the music is still at the same volume, it doesn't bother you anymore, and you like it. This change over time describes the process of


You arrive at your friend's apartment for a big party at the end of the semester. When you first arrive, the music is so loud that it almost hurts your ears. After a couple of hours, even though the music is still at the same volume, it doesn't bother you anymore, and you like it. This change over time describes the process of Select one: a. light adaptation. b. transduction. c. sensory adaptation. d. sensory deprivation.

Which of the following is a potential disadvantage to using the survey method to answer questions of interest?

You can not se sure that answers are completely honest to questions about sensitive topics


You can't feel the waistband of your underwear (though you know it is there). This is mostly the result of Select one: a. sensory deprivation. b. difference thresholds. c. sensory adaptation. d. transduction.

Which of the following is a potential disadvantage to using the survey method to answer questions of interest?

You cannot be sure that answers are completely honest to questions about sensitive topics

forgetting curve

You have learned a list of 20 nonsense syllables. You are tested at 20 minutes, 1 hour, 10 hours, and 24 hours. If you fit Hermann Ebbinghaus's _________ you will remember approximately the same number of syllables at 10 hours and 24 hours.


Young adults of both sexes, when married or in committed relationships, prefer

NOT: frequency Maybe timbre which is another word for perceptual quality.

Your mother's and sister's voices have the same pitch and loudness, but you can tell them apart on the telephone. This is due to the perceptual quality or ________ of their voices.

Neuroscience / Biological Psychology

____ emphasizes the influence of heredity, hormones and specific areas of the brain, which all influence behavior


____ is defined as the science of behavior and mental processes

Empirical evidence

_______ is based on observations of publicly observable phenomena.


_______ is the school of thought did researchers ask participants to report sensations they were experiencing?


________ cues are ones that depend on the combination of the images in the left and right eyes.

Ivan Pavlov

________ won a Nobel Prize for his work on digestion?

B.F. Skinner

___________ was the leading spokesman for behaviorism until his death in 1990.


___________ was the leading spokesman for social learning theory.

blind experiments

____________ minimize experimenter bias in formal research studies.

Social Learning Theory

____________combines aspects of behaviorism with aspects from the cognitive perspective.

Placebo effect

a 'fake' independent variable, measuring the accuracy of the independent variable being manipulated

Rooting Reflex

a baby's reflex when touched on the cheek, to turn toward touch, open the mouth, and search for the nipple

social psychology

a basic area of psychology that studies ways in which our behavior is influenced by other people.

When rats learn to navigate a maze based on the location of food rather than a series of left-right turns, this study by Tolman lead to the concept of

a cognitive map

when rats learn to navigate a maze based on the location of food rather than a series of left-right turns this study by tolman lead to the concept of

a cognitive map


a complex molecule containing the genetic information that makes up the chromosomes


a concept or framework that organizes and interprets information

Jean Piaget

a development psychologist interested in how children think.


a disorder that appears in childhood and is marked by deficient communication, social interaction, and understanding of others' states of mind


a disorder that appears in childhood and is marked by deficient communication, social interaction, and understanding others lack of mind.

Recessive Gene

a gene whose expression is prevented by a dominant gene

Statistical Significance

a given correlation is likely significant if the sample size is larger


a group of organisms sharing a specific genetic constitution

to control behavior

a key goal of psychology


a link between variables (does NOT imply causation!)

Standard Deviation

a measure of dispersion of scores in the research results

Standard Deviation

a measure that indicates the degree to which scores are spread out in a distribution

scientific method

a method of inquiry involving careful observation and use of experimental methods


a person's characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity


a perspective or theory popularized by Alfred Binet, focuses on the 'measurement' of human mental functions

Freedom from coercion (an ethical principle)

a potential participant must not be forced or threatened to participant in a research experiment

Operational Definition

a precise and specific statement regarding what is being researched

psychiatrist vs. psychologist

a psychiatrist as completed medical school and can prescribe medication while a psychologist has completed only a graduate school program without a medical background


a random error in gene replication that leads to a change


a random error in gene replication that leads to a change.

Which of the following statements would be a cognitive explanation ofr learning?

a rat turns right in a maze because it knows where the food has been left.

Correlation coefficient of zero

a research conclusion that there is no relationship between two variables

Survey Method

a research method using interviews and questionaires

Self Concept

a sense of one's identity and personal worth. Answers to questions of "Who am I?"


a set of expectations (norms) about a social position, defining how those in the position ought to behave


a set of expectations (norms) about a social position, defining how those in the position ought to behave.

Gender Role

a set of expected behaviors for males and for females

case study

a single case that has already occur- we study the elements and implications of the case

Cutting the corpus callosum results in a condition that is referred to as

a split brain

under what condition does an action potential occur

a strong depolarization of the cell membrane

J. Henry Alston

a student of Wilhem Wundt, expanding the ideas of structuralism in psychology

Edward Titchener

a student of William James, who developed the 'paired associates' method of studying human memory


a technique most associated with the psychology group, called structuralists

self concept

a term most closely associated with humanistic psychology


a view developed by Max Werheimer, that emphasized thinking about and understanding one's own inner being


a view in psychology that seeks to determine the 'structure' of the mind through introspection

Which of the following best describes the relationship between dominant and recessive genes? Select one: a. If both genes are present, the dominant gene is expressed. Correct b. If both genes are present, the recessive gene is expressed. c. Recessive genes are to personality as dominant genes are to physical traits. d. Dominant genes are to personality as recessive genes are to physical traits.

a. If both genes are present, the dominant gene is expressed. Correct

Electrical activity in the brain can be captured by placing multiple electrodes on the scalp and then measuring the underlying electrical activity. This method of studying the brain's activity is called Select one: a. an electroencephalogram. Correct b. positron emission tomography. c. magnetic resonance imaging. d. functional MRI.

a. an electroencephalogram. Correct

Therapists and psychological consultants are considered Select one: a. applied psychologists. b. basic psychologists. c. research psychologists. d. experimental psychologists. Incorrect

a. applied psychologists.

If you are doing research on how a patient reacts to a treatment in different settings, you are conducting Select one: a. clinical research. Correct b. observational research. c. correlational research. d. descriptive research.

a. clinical research. Correct

When a group of people share patterns of behavior, beliefs, and values, then a/n ______ exists. Select one: a. culture Correct b. community c. utopia d. commune

a. culture Correct

If a person hears two tones that differ in intensity just barely enough to be detected, the point of detection would be the ________ threshold. Select one: a. difference b. sensory Incorrect c. absolute d. transduction

a. difference

If a gene is active when you are in a state of high stress, but the gene is passive when you are calm, this action depending on your environment would be an example of gene Select one: a. expression. Correct b. exponentiation. c. exhibition. d. excitation.

a. expression. Correct

The approach known as evolutionary psychology Select one: a. is based on the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin. Correct b. discounts the influence of our genes on our behavior. c. has been critical of Darwin's ideas of natural selection. d. believes evolution no longer plays any significant role in human behavior.

a. is based on the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin

A ______ is a bundle of many long neurons that are located outside of the brain and spinal cord. Select one: a. nerve b. node of Ranvier Incorrect c. synaptic cleft d. terminal stub

a. nerve

What do you experience when nocioceptors are stimulated? Select one: a. pain Correct b. sexual pleasure c. dizziness d. sound

a. pain Correct

There is evidence that the left hemisphere is involved in processing ________, and the right hemisphere is involved in processing ________. Select one: a. positive emotions; negative emotions b. emotional reactions; abstract thought Incorrect c. spatial information; complex language d. spoken language; language production

a. positive emotions; negative emotions

Which goal of psychology are clinical psychologists attempting when giving recommendations to parole boards about which prisoners to release early? Select one: a. prediction b. description c. influencing Incorrect d. understanding

a. prediction

When you see a coefficient of correlation while reading a scientific research report, what does it indicate to you? Select one: a. the strength of a relationship between two variables Correct b. a cause-and-effect relationship between many variables c. that the research was purely descriptive in nature d. the degree to which the research was scientific

a. the strength of a relationship between two variables Correct

basic area of psychology

about 20% of all psychologists work in basic psychology, mostly in colleges / universities, research institutions, and government agencies

The ______ threshold is the smallest intensity of a stimulus that must be present for it to be dectected


The ______ threshold is the smallest magnitude of a stimulus that can be detected.


which of the following is best associated with place learning?

acquiring knowledge of the location of the reinforcer

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in _____.

action of muscles, learning, and memory

The brief wave of positive electrical charge that sweeps down the axon is _____.

action potential

The chain of events that is instigated by depolarization leads to an

action potential

When an active gene-environment correlation is at work, genes and environments are actively correlated through


when an active gene-environment correlation is at work, genes and environment are actively correlated through



adapting one's current understandings (schemas) to incorporate new information

Puberty marks the onset of


A 13-year-old breaks up with his first girlfriend and he is very upset. No one can console him, because he believes that no one else has ever been hurt as badly as he has been. The boy's beliefs are consistent with

adolescent egocentrism.

Cortisol is secreted by the ______ and helps to regulate ______.

adrenal glands; immunity to disease

as you are driving the traffic light ahead of you turns red and you step on the brakes. the info about the nature of the light was conveyed to your brain by ____ neurons


it is ___ neurons that carry the electrochemical messages from the body to the central nervous system


Input is to output as

afferent neuron is to efferent neuron

Susan stepped on a bee with her bare foot. Pain receptors transmitted information to her brain on

afferent neurons

Age of Viability

age at which a fetus can survive because most of its bodily systems function adequately; typically at 7 months after conception


agents, such as chemicals and viruses, that can reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development and cause harm

Advantage of naturalistic observation

allows observation of behavior in its natural context, not in a laboratory

Advantage of formal experiments

allows researchers to understand cause / effect relationships

Advantage of correlational studies

allows researchers to understand the strength of relationships between two variables

What differentiates parallel processing from serial processing?

amount of information handled at one time

In Pavlov's classic studies with dogs and digestion, what was the response that Pavlov measured?

amount of salivation

Middle ear

amplifies sound

the middle ear ______ sound


Discrimination of objects that are necessary for survival (such as appropriate food) as well as emotional awareness and expression involves the _____.


Males have ______ chromosomes and females have ______ chromosomes.

an X and a Y; two X


an adjustment in sensory capacity after prolonged exposure to unchanging stimuli; getting use to background noise

Michael has schizophrenia. His doctor prescribed a new drug that blocks or interferes with the activity of dopamine. Michael's doctor is using _____ to treat his disorder.

an antagonist

electrical activity in the brain can be captured by placing multiple electrodes on the scalp and then measuring the underlying electrical activity. this method of studying the brains activity is called

an electroencephalogram


an emotional tie with another person; shown in young children by their seeking closeness to the caregiver and showing distress on separation

test a theory

an example of a psychologist's attempt to understand behavior

double blind experiment

an experiment where neither the subjects nor the researcher knows who is in the experimental or control groups (this reduces experimentor bias)

single blind experiment

an experiment where the subjects don't know if they are in the experimental or control group

Critical Period

an optimal period shortly after birth when an organism's exposure to certain stimuli or experiences produces proper development

The involuntary and simultaneous experience of involuntary spasms of many muscle groups during a sexual experience is known as

an orgasm


an umbrella term describing people whose gender identity or expression differs from that associated with their birth sex


an understood rule for accepted and expected behavior

Naturalistic observation

an unobtrusive method of observing behavior in real life settings

According to gender difference research, men and women who are ______ perform more accurately on a wide range of cognitive tasks.


If a person possesses the desirable characteristics of both males and females, they would best be described as


Your best friend Clarice possesses characteristics that are feminine, but also exhibits masculine characteristics as well. Someone who possesses both masculine and feminine characteristics is known as


A young child tells his parents not to put his new stuffed animal in the toy box because it will get lonely. This is an example of



any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy

Damage to the left hemisphere of the brain may result in an impaired ability to use or understand language, a condition called


damage to the left hemisphere of the brain may result in an impaired ability to use or understand language, a condition colled


Psychologists who are trained to test school children's abilities and consult with teachers would best fit into the category of

applied psychology

Compared to continuous schedules of reinforcement, partial schedules of reinforcement

are more resistant to extinction

compared to continuous schedule sof reinforcement partial schedules of reinforcement

are more resistant to extinction

Persons born into different cultures

are taught very different values from birth.

Disadvantage of formal experiments

artificial settings for the experiment, which may miss real life settings practical for the conclusion

If there is a strong positive correlation of two tested variables, this means that:

as one variable increases, the other also increases

A recent study reports that there is a positive correlation between the number of hours a student studies each week and the student's grade point average (GPA). This findings means that

as studying increases, GPA tends to increase.

A recent study reports that there is a positive correlation between the number of hours a student studies each week and the student's grade point average. This findings means that

as studying increases, GPA tends to increase.

Based on the research, which of the following characteristics is more likely to occur in men?


Men's greater physical strength, according to social-role theory, has led men to develop which particular trait?


the division of the peripheral nervous system that plays a significant role in motivation and emotion is the


The division of the peripheral nervous system that plays a significant role in motivation and emotion is the

autonomic division

The sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system are components of the _____.

autonomic nervous system

Essential body functions such as heartbeat, breathing, digestion, sweating, and sexual arousal are under the control of the

autonomic nervous system.

After John was ridiculed by the teacher in his high school English class, he began cutting class. This can be seen as an example of

avoidance conditioning.

According to humanistic theory, if a feeling has been symbolized, it means that we are

aware of it

Objective Permanence

awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived.

If the left occipital cortex was temporarily shut down, what type of impairment would an individual experience? Select one: a. Stimuli in the left visual field would not be detected. b. Stimuli in the right visual field would not be detected. Correct c. Stimuli in the left ear would not be heard. d. Stimuli in the right ear would not be heard.

b. Stimuli in the right visual field would not be detected.

Males have ______ chromosomes and females have ______ chromosomes.

b. an X and a Y; two X

Social learning theory suggests that catharsis in the form of hitting a punching bag or throwing things will lead to

b. an increase in violent behavior. Correct

A recent study reports that there is a positive correlation between the number of hours a student studies each week and the student's grade point average (GPA). This findings means that Select one: a. as studying increases, students tend to become more distracted. b. as studying increases, GPA tends to increase. Correct c. GPA and number of hours studying are unrelated. d. GPA tends to decrease as the number of study hours increases.

b. as studying increases, GPA tends to increase. Correct

One advantage of formal experiments as compared to correlational studies is that formal experiments a. tend to be easier to conduct and interpret. Incorrect b. can allow conclusions about cause and effect. c. do not require the use of representative sampling. d. can be completed without the use of statistics.

b. can allow conclusions about cause and effect.

The Gestalt principle of ______ suggests that we perceive lines or patters that flow a smooth contour as being part of a single object. Select one: a. figure-ground Incorrect b. continuity c. proximity d. similarity

b. continuity

What term best defines an individual's sense of belonging to a particular group? Select one: a. self-concept b. ethnic identity c. human diversity d. cultural relativity Incorrect

b. ethnic identity

Toward the center of the retina, there is an area that contains only cones. This area is called the Select one: a. cornea. b. fovea. Correct c. chiasm. d. optic nerve.

b. fovea. Correct

Which of the following is NOT part of the ethical guidelines for research with animals? Select one: a. necessity Incorrect b. freedom from coercion c. healthy care of animals d. humane treatment

b. freedom from coercion

When you look at male versus female math ability scores, you will find Select one: a. more diversity among females. b. more diversity among males. c. equal diversity. d. inconclusive evidence of the differences between males and females. Incorrect

b. more diversity among males.

The gland known as the master gland, because of its extensive influence on the other endocrine glands, is the Select one: a. thyroid gland. b. pituitary gland. Correct c. hypothalamic gland. d. pineal gland.

b. pituitary gland. Correct

Visual stimuli that are close together are usually seen as belonging together; this is called Select one: a. figure-ground. b. proximity. Correct c. continuity. d. similarity.

b. proximity. Correct

Objects that vibrate ______ create ______ sound waves. Select one: a. slowly; high frequency b. slowly; low frequency c. quickly; low frequency Incorrect d. quickly; zero frequency

b. slowly; low frequency

if a persons cerebellum was damaged in an accident, you would expect the person to have a problem with

balance and muscle coordination

If a person's cerebellum was damaged in an accident, you would expect the person to have a problem with

balance and muscle coordination.

Contemporary psychologists can be roughly divided into two groups:

basic and applied

Formal Operational

beginning at 12 years of age during which people begin to think logically about abstract concepts.

Differences in polymorphic genes can help explain differences in

behavior and mental processes

differences in polymorphic genes can help explain differences in

behavior and mental processes

Differences in polymorphic genes can help explain differences in

behavior and mental processes.

A researcher counts the number of times a rat stands on its hind legs after being placed in a new environment. Given what you know about the schools of psychology, which viewpoint best suits her research technique?


unobservable behavior

behaviors that are not able to be recorded and measured: those behaviors that we think, feel, etc.

overt behaviors

behaviors that can be observed

observable behavior

behaviors that can be recorded and measured

Hair cells

bend and trigger impulses at the base of the nerve cells


bends the light to focus it on retina

which of the following phrases would be an accurate translation of a proverb from the Bariba culture related to pain

between death and shame, death has the greater beauty

Dr. Zimand is studying the association between the functioning of specific brain structures and depression. It is likely that Dr. Zimand specializes in the _____ approach to psychology


Learned taste aversions are an example oft he role of _____ factors in learning.



biological growth processes that enable orderly change in behavior, relatively uninfluenced by experiences.

Studying the nervous system as a basis for understanding behavior is characteristic of

biological psychology

The fact that it is easier to condition a fear of things that have some intrinsic association with danger suggests that people are ____ prepared to learn certain kinds of fear.


the fact that it is easier to condition a fear of things that have some intrisic association with danger suggests that people are __ prepared to learn certain kinds of fear


Mary arrived at work one day in uncommonly good spirits. She told her coworkers she has a terrific idea about starting her own business and that she would soon be rich. She quit her job the same day. Several weeks later her former coworkers learned she was feeling very down and would not see anyone. Mary most likely has _______

bipolar disorder

Sensorimotor Stage

birth to 2 years of age during which infants know the world mostly in terms of their sensory impressions and motor activities.

In a study examining the effects of caffeine on memory, the participants are not told if they received caffeine or not. The technical term of this procedure is that the participants were


If you are concerned that your researcher might actually influence the outcome of your experiment, you should conduct a

blind experiment

The somatosensory cortex processes information about _____.

bodily sensations

What characteristic does dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue have in common?

both involve memory loss

Double blind

both researcher and participants being unaware of the condition of the independent variable

applied area of psychology

bout 80% of all psychologists work to apply psychology knowledge to solve problems

the central nervous system is comprised of the

brain and spinal cord

The central nervous system is comprised of the

brain and spinal cord.

Harry Harlow

bred monkeys, basically proved the monkey needed comfort.

Based on available evidence, inheritance influences the _______ of our behavior.

broad dimensions

the area of the brain that controls the production of speech is __ area


Which question were structuralists primarily interested in investigating? Select one: a. What are the purposes of mental activity? b. What influences people to do the things they do? Incorrect c. What are the individual components of the mind? d. What is the basis of forgetting?

c. What are the individual components of the mind?

The central nervous system is comprised of the Select one: a. thalamus and hypothalamus. b. corpus callosum and the basal ganglia. c. brain and spinal cord. Correct d. hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain

c. brain and spinal cord. Correct

The nucleus of a neuron is located in the Select one: a. axon hillock. b. terminal stub. c. cell body. Correct d. synapse.

c. cell body.

Fresh chemicals used in light reception are stored during the ________ process. Select one: a. transduction b. threshold c. dark adaptation d. light adaptation

c. dark adaptation

In the processing of verbal tasks, women tend to be more accurate and use different parts of their brain. This difference in cerebral hemisphere functioning was determined by using Select one: a. bloodwork analysis. b. psychotherapeutic intervention. c. functional MRI. Correct d. projective testing.

c. functional MRI

Cultures that emphasize the importance of individual rights, goals, and accomplishments are considered to be Select one: a. collectivistic. b. modernistic. c. individualistic. Correct d. culturally diverse.

c. individualistic

Given a list of numbers organized from the smallest to the largest, the number that divides the list of numbers exactly in half is called the Select one: a. average. b. mean. c. median. Correct d. middle point.

c. median. Correct

The clinical method is a variation of Select one: a. the survey method. b. correlational methods. Incorrect c. naturalistic observation. d. the dependent variable.

c. naturalistic observation.

In its resting state (when a neuron is said to be composed of mostly negative ions on the inside and surrounded by mostly positive ions on the outside) a neuron is called Select one: a. sympathetic. b. hyperphagic. c. polarized. Correct d. de-ionized.

c. polarized

Sensory systems have specialized neurons that transform physical energy into neural messages. These specialized neurons are called Select one: a. interneurons. b. transducers. c. receptors. Correct d. adaptors.

c. receptors

J. Henry Alston was notable as an African American psychologist and for his studies of the sensations of heat and cold. J. Henry Alston was an early Select one: a. humanist. b. behaviorist. Incorrect c. structuralist. d. functionalist.

c. structuralist.

Aristotle is important to psychology, because he believed that to achieve full understanding of anything we must Select one: a. use Plato's philosophical methods. Incorrect b. use introspective techniques. c. think and observe. d. disregard outward behavior.

c. think and observe.

In which time period did psychology became a recognized field of study? Select one: a. when introduced by Aristotle about 2000 years ago b. when introduced in Greece around the year 384 B.C. c. when the first laboratory was established in the late 1800s d. soon after sciences emerged from philosophy Incorrect

c. when the first laboratory was established in the late 1800s

A university is interested in measuring student's confidence in career decisions and the effectiveness of their career counseling center. One group of students is randomly assigned to receive three weeks of career counseling; another group of students is prevented from receiving career counseling during those same three weeks. After three weeks have passed, the university asks students about their confidence in their future career using a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 indicating highest confidence. What is the independent variable? Select one: a. the student's confidence score about the future career Incorrect b. the type of university attended c. whether or not the student received career counseling d. the number of weeks of counseling services

c. whether or not the student received career counseling

One advantage of formal experiments as compared to correlational studies is that formal experiments

can allow conclusions about cause and effect

According to ethical guidelines, studies that inflict pain or stress on animals

can be done when considered essential to the scientific aim

According to ethical guidelines, studies that inflict pain or stress on animals

can be done when considered essential to the scientific aim.

Piaget's use of the term egocentric means that the child

cannot see things from another's prospective.

In Allport's personality theory, ______ traits dominate a person's life.


Which type of schizophrenia is most likely to involve disturbances in body movements?


Nerve and Hearing impairment

caused by damage hair cells or damage to the auditory nerve itself

We hear a tuning fork when it is struck because it

causes compression and rarefaction of air molecules

We hear a tuning fork when it is struck because it

causes compression and rarefaction of air molecules.

The part of the neuron primarily responsible for keeping the cell healthy is the

cell body

The brain and spinal cord make up the _____.

central nervous system

A person who walks in a jerky, uncoordinated way may well have a disorder most likely involving the ____


The cerebral cortex is made up of two nearly separate parts called the

cerebra hemispheres

The gray matter of the brain is called the

cerebral cortex

conscious experience and voluntary actions are mediated by the

cerebral cortex

The cerebral cortex is made up of two nearly separate parts called the

cerebral hemispheres.


change in lens thickness to focus the light; change focal length for near objects- fattens, for distant objects- flattens

Developmental psychology is best described as a study of

changes in behavior across the entire life span

The three-foot spike which damaged the Phineas Gage's frontal lobe resulted in

changes in personality

Inner ear

changes vibration into action potentials


chemicals secreted into the environment to send a message (e.g., sexual receptivity)

Feral Children

children raised in the wild

Down Syndrome

chromosome that results in physical irregularities and mental retardation is__________

The origins of unusual sexual fetishes may best be explained by

classical conditioning

the origins of unusual sexual fetishes may best be explained by

classical conditioning

Which research technique did Sigmund Freud use while he gathered information to develop his theories of abnormal behavior?

clinical method

The practice of psychiatry is most like the psychological specialty of

clinical psychology.

in general, studies of adopted children IQS show them to be

closer in IQ to their biological parents than to their adoptive parents

Four laws of Gestalt Psychology?

closure, proximity, continuity, similarity

where are the basilar membrane and the organ of Corti located?


The broad term that encompasses procedures such as perceiving, believing, thinking, remembering, knowing, and making decisions is called


The intellectual processes by which information is obtained, transformed, stored, retrieved, and used is called


Dr. Daack has spent a lifetime studying how adults solve mathematical problems. It is likely that Dr. Daack specializes in _____ psychology.


There is a specialty in the basic experimental area of psychology that emphasizes reasoning, thinking, and the mental processes associated with perception, language, and problem solving. What is this area called?

cognitive psychology

The modern version of functionalism is known as

cognitive psychology.

The therapy based on the assumption that abnormal behavior is due to faulty ways of thinking and believing is

cognitive therapy

Cultures that emphasize the well-being of the family and the larger culture are considered to be


artists use many colors to depict a single object, because they recognize the influence of light and shadow. this demonstrates an artists ability to capitalize on

color constancy

Which of the following would best describe what a correlational study would accomplish?

compare the amount of violence on TV to the amount of aggressive behavior in children.

Which is the correct order of completion for a psychiatrist, from first to last?

complete medical school, internship in general medicine, residency in psychiatry

In the process of hearing, successive waves of increased density (called ______) and waves of decreased density (called ______) cause us to hear a repeating sound.

compression; rarefaction

Let's say you have a hungry cat in your kitchen.......

conditioned response

Let's say you have a hungry cat in your kitchen. You use your electric can opener, which makes a rather loud sound, to open a can of cat food. You have done this many times before. The hungry cat comes running toward the kitchen at the sound of the can opener, not at the sight of the food. In this example, the running into the kitchen at the sound of the can opener is the

conditioned response.

women who breastfeed their babies often notice that the crying of any infant may result in milk ejection. in this case the crying of an infant is an

conditioned stimulus

Which of the following is an example of a psychologist's attempt to understand behavior?

conducting an experiment to test a theory about teenage sexual behavior


cone-shaped, responsible for fine details and color perception, concentrated in the fovea

The _____ detect colors and fine details.


If you participated in a research study and your results accidentally became public and were linked to you by name , this would be a breach of


Rather than recording data from a study that is linked to the participant's names, the researchers arranged to give each participant a random number. Only the participant knows his or her random number, and these numbers are not connected to the participant's identity in any way. This procedure of conducting a study helps to ensure


The presence of two or more powerful motives, both highly attractive goals, but only one of which can be attained, are the ingredients for _____



conflicts in the unconscious mind are the main source of people's problems

Asch asked college students to make judgements about lengths of lines. Confederates of the researcher purposely made errors, causing the research participant to do the same. This experiment illustrates the phenomenon of


When Brenda showed up at her supervisor's party, she noticed she had dressed rather formally and everyone else had dressed casually. She quickly went home, changed, and returned. Brenda's behavior is best explained by


If Pam is rated as negligent, careless, and undependable on a personality test, which of the following personality traits may also be low?


The endocrine system _____.

consists of glands that regulate the activities of certain organs by releasing hormones into the bloodstream

school psychologists

consult about behavioral problems and test

According to research, the happiest older adult are those who

continue to be active in meaningful activites

According to research, the happiest older adults are those who

continue to be active in meaningful activities.

The Gestalt principle of ______ suggests that we perceive lines or patters that flow a smooth contour as being part of a single object


the gestalt principle of __ suggests that we perceive lines or patterns that flow a smooth contour as being part of a single object


Visual stimuli that are close together are usually seen as belonging together; this is called


In an experiment, the group that is NOT subjected to a treatment condition is known as the _____ group.


Cilliary muscles

control accommodation for viewing objects at varying distances

The movement of the eyes as they adjust to objects at different distances is called


Which of the following is a binocular cue?


the movement of the eyes as they adjust to objects at different distances is called


Which of the following is a characteristic that helped women band together in groups large enough to scare off predators in search of their young?


The clear membrane just in front of the iris through which light first passes is the


The clear membrane just in front of the iris through which light first passes is the:


What is the name of the large bundle of axons that connect the two halves of the brain?

corpus callosum

The degree of association between variables is expressed statistically as the

correlation coefficient

Prediction is the goal of which research method?


Disadvantage of correlational studies

correlations do not prove cause / effect relationships

in classical conditioning one has the ability to "undo" the association of neutral stimuli with fearful responses by using the process of


Which of the following would be an operational definition designed to measure the amount of violence on television

counting the number of homicides that occur on a TV show

sociocultural perspective

cultural values vary from society and must be taken into account when trying to understand, predict, or control behavior

When a group of people share patterns of behavior, beliefs, and values, then a/n ______ exists.


As many as ______ % of amputees experience phantom limb pain. Select one: a. 10 b. 30 c. 50 d. 70 Correct

d. 70 Correct

Which of the following is an example of a collectivistic culture? Select one: a. Italy b. United States c. Norway d. China Correct

d. China

Where is the hypothalamus located relative to the thalamus? Select one: a. The hypothalamus lies within the thalamus. b. The hypothalamus lies beside the thalamus. c. The hypothalamus lies on top of the thalamus. d. The hypothalamus lies underneath the thalamus. Correct

d. The hypothalamus lies underneath the thalamus

Which of the following best describes truth and theory? Select one: a. It takes at least three consistent truths to comprise a theory. b. Theories that are upheld for at least 20 years are considered truths. c. Truths are tentative conclusions at best. d. Theories are not absolute and they may be revised over time. Correct

d. Theories are not absolute and they may be revised over time. Correct

In psychology, William James was highly influential in developing the school of thought known as Select one: a. psychoanalysis. b. Gestalt psychology. c. structuralism. d. functionalism. Correct

d. functionalism.

The goal of random assignment in formal experiments is to Select one: a. ensure that the correct statistical procedures will be followed. b. make sure that the sample is representative of the population. Incorrect c. make sure all the students signed up get a chance to participate. d. make the groups roughly equal prior to the start of the study.

d. make the groups roughly equal prior to the start of the study.

Science requires that the subject matter be Select one: a. qualitative. b. naturalistic. c. random and indeterminate. Incorrect d. orderly and lawful.

d. orderly and lawful.

Allie is very shy during one-on-one encounters, but tends to be very outgoing in a group. Which viewpoint best explains her behavior? Select one: a. Cattell's trait theory b. conditions of worth c. reciprocal determination d. person x situation interactionism Correct

d. person x situation interactionism

According to studies of gender differences in emotion and social behavior, men are more likely to engage in Select one: a. trusting and open relationships. b. sociable and friendly behavior. c. indirect verbal aggression. d. physical aggression. Correct

d. physical aggression. Correct

Which contemporary viewpoint combines aspects of behaviorism with aspects from the cognitive perspective? Select one: a. Skinner's behaviorism b. psychoanalysis c. humanistic psychology Incorrect d. social learning theory

d. social learning theory

Typically, each chromosome of a normal human cell contains ______ of genes. Select one: a. billions b. millions Incorrect c. hundreds d. thousands

d. thousands

When you can tell the difference between candy apple red and fire engine red, it is partly because the light stimuli differ in their Select one: a. visual acuity. b. cone density. Incorrect c. X rays. d. wavelengths.

d. wavelengths.

Taylor dreamed she was hearing a phone ringing. Taylor is a telephone receptionist who spends most of her day answering the phone at work. This is an example

day residue

One of the ethical principles of research dictates that all participants are provided with a summary of the study in a language they understand; this practice is called


Conducting research when the participant does not know the true purpose of the study is the use of


Conducting research when the participant does not know the true purpose of the study is employing the use of


The unit of measure for the intensity of sound is


the unit of measure for the inseity of sound is


In the brain, from childhood to middle age, gray matter ____ and white matter ____.

decreases; increases


decreasing responsiveness with repeated stimulation. As infants gain familiarity with repeated exposure to a visual stimulus, their interest wanes and they look away sooner

When a person feels anonymous and unidentifiable as a part of a group, _____ has occurred.


The strange beliefs held by schizophrenias are called


Small branches that extend from the neuron cell body and spread like miniature tree roots are called


small branches that extend from the neuron cell body and spread like miniature tree roots are called


Small branches that extend from the neuron cell body and spread like miniature tree roots are called


Kubler-Ross identified the stages experienced by terminally ill patients and placed them in the order from start to finish of

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

A psychologist studied the effect of blood alcohol level on driving behavior. In this study, driving behavior was the ____ variable.


In a formal experiment, the variable that the experimenter measures is the ________ variable.


The dependent variable is called the dependent variable because its value ____ other parts of the experiment.

depends on

When positively charged ions rush into a neuron, this process is called


Drugs that create a sense of relaxation and lowered inhibitions by reducing the activity of the central nervous system are called


The goal of _____ research is to determine the basic definitions and dimensions of the phenomenon under investigation


Going to the shopping mall and watching people's behavior is an example of

descriptive research

Going to the shopping mall and watching people's behavior is an example of

descriptive research.

The absolute threshold is the smallest magnitude of a stimulus that can be ______ and the difference threshold is the smallest magnitude of s stimulus that can be ______.

detected half the time; detected half the time

The absolute threshold is the smallest magnitude of a stimulus that can be ______ and the difference threshold is the smallest magnitude of s stimulus that can be ______.

detected; detected half the time

Magnetic resonance imaging is a technique that works by

detecting and interpreting magnetic activity from atomic nuclei

The first intelligence test was developed to

determine educational pathways for children.

Studies with the visual cliff suggest that infants

develop fear after they learn to crawl and experience a stumble or fall


developing human organism from about 2 weeks after fertilization through the 2nd month.

All of the following represent applied psychology EXCEPT

developmental psychology

All of the following represent applied psychology except

developmental psychology

If a person hears two tones that differ in intensity just barely enough to be detected, the point of detection would be the _______ threshold


If a person hears two tones that differ in intensity just barely enough to be detected, the point of detection would be the ________ threshold.


The _______ threshold is the smallest amount of additional stimulus necessary to detect a change in the stimulus


Place theory

different areas of the basilar membrane respond to different frequencies

One of the values promoted by sociocultural psychologists is the belief that

different is OK

Bob saw a child crying as if she had lost her mother and he assumed someone else in the crowd at the mall would take care of the situation. This is an example of

diffusion of responsibility

Which of the following occurs as a function of the sympathetic nervous system?

dilatation of the pupils in the eyes

The outer ear ______ sound

directs in

Outer ear

directs sound, relays vibrations

A pigeon learned to peck a lighted disk for a few bits of grain. The bird does not peck when the light is off because no grain will be forthcoming. The light is called the ____ .

discriminative stimulus

The willingness to consider unconventional approaches, to use imagination, and to attempt to develop new definitions of problems are central characteristics of

divergent thinking

The Psy.D. degree stands for

doctor of psychology

The Psy.D. degree stands for

doctor of psychology.

Brown eyes, dark hair, and farsightedness are common examples of ________ traits.


Mary was asked to contribute $100 to humanitarian relief by a Red Cross representative. After she said no the representative suggested any amount would be welcomed. Mary is likely to contribute the smaller amount because of the

door in the face technique

When both the researchers and the participants do not know who is in the experimental group do not know who is in the control group, this tip of study is known as

double blind

In a _____, neither the experimenter nor the participants are aware of which participants are in the experimental group and which are in the control group until the results are calculated.

double-blind experiment

Binocular disparity

each eye sees a slightly different image; closer the object, the larger the disparity

The bones of the middle ear are set into motion by vibrations of the

ear drum

Information from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles is sent through _____, thus enabling the body to move.

efferent nerves

The id, left unchecked, would lead a person into trouble because of the pursuit of selfish and aggressive behavior. It is the responsibility of the ______ to keep the id in check.


Monocular cues

eight visual cues that can be seen with one eye that allow us to perceive depth

electrical activity in the brain can be captured by placing multiple electrodes on the scalp and then measuring the underlying electrical activity this method of studying is called


Within the limbic system, the amygdala plays a key role in ________ and the hippocampus plays a key role in _______

emotion, memory

We associate the function of the limbic system with


neuroscience view

emphasizes the nervous system in explaining behavior and mental thinking

Evidence gathered from publicly observable behavior is known as _____ evidence


A/n ______ is a substance that inhibits the pain at gate neurons.


Frequency theory

entire basilar membrane is like a microphone that vibrates as a whole in response to sound

If you want your study to be sensitive to gender differences, what should you have?

equal numbers of males and females


every non-genetic influence, from prenatal nutrition to people/things around us.

Empirical Evidence

evidence based on observations of publicly observable phenomena that can be confirmed by others

empircal data

evidence from observation of public phenomena describes _________

The phrase "survival of the fittest" is most closely associated with the ______ perspective of psychology.


which of the following is a criticism of evolutionary theory

evolutionary theory can never be tested

Case Study

examination of one person.

the activity of a single neuron was recorded after its membrane was bathed with a neurotransmitter. if the neurons fire increased after the bath what would you conclude


For a formal experiment to yield valid results, all alternative explanations for the findings must be ruled out by a process of

experimental control

If a researcher tests the effects of alcohol on the reaction times of participants, the participants who get the alcohol are in the

experimental group

The advantage of a blind experiment is that the research project avoids the ___ effect

experimenter bias

The advantage of a blind experiment is that the research project avoids the ______ effect.

experimenter bias

evolutionary/trait perspective

explain behavior patterns as adaptations naturally selected because they increase reproductive success

Dr. Amani is interested in investigating why women are more able to correctly interpret emotional expressions than men. He is most interested in the scientific goal of


Whereas social learning theory is interested in _______ of personality, trait theories are interested in _______ of personality.

explaining the origins; describing the nature

If a stroke were to occur in Broca's area, a person might have difficulty speaking, but would likely understand what is being said to them. This disorder is called

expressive aphasia

If a stroke were to occur in Broca's area, a person might have difficulty speaking, but would likely understand what is being said to them. This disorder is called

expressive aphasia.

It is the ______ that gets waxy and connects the outer ear to the middle ear.

external auditory canal

When the original source of learning is removed and a particular response diminishes, ____ has occurred.


If you are paying your child for every correct math problem on tonight's homework, and the child wouldn't even work on math if left up to him, the use of money would be taken as an example of ______ motivation.


The sleep disorder of narcolepsy occurs when individuals

fall unexpectedly into a deep sleep in the middle of daily activities

all changes in behavior are the result of learning


gender identity refers to the behaviors in a culure considered masculine or feminine


kinesthetic receptors are found in the cochlea


stimulus discrimination occurs in classical conditioning but not in operant conditioning


the brain processes info in a serial fashion rather than a parallel fashion


the principle of similarity suggests that items that are close together are perceived as belonging together


the psychophysical law states that the amount of change in a stimulus to be detected half the time is usually directly proportional to the intensity of the original stimulus


the ultimate goal of punishment is to strengthen behavior


On average, men can throw _____ and with more ______ than women.


Stranger Anxiety

fear of strangers that infants commonly display at 8 months and older

Adler believed that the primary goal of personality development was to overcome

feelings of inferiority


female and male characteristics

You have gone to your car after attending a basketball game with 12,000 fans present. You are unable to start your car. The bystander effect suggests that you will have a better chance of getting help if

few people are left in the parking lot

Low frequency

fewer sound waves, low pitch


fill gaps and complete a shape

Which of the following is an area where women excel in performance as compared to men?

fine motor skills

If a student in a classroom was given a piece of candy for every five words spelled correctly, the student's behavior is being reinforced on a ____ schedule.

fixed ratio.

if a student i na classroom was given a piece of candy for every 5 words spelled correctly the students behavior is being reinforced on a __ schedule

fixed ration

Compared to individuals in their 20s, individuals in their 70s showed declines in

fluid intelligence

When observing nature, all scientists

follow strict rules

When the deliberate arrangement and control of variables is possible, the ______ is most likely to allow cause and effect conclusions to be drawn when the research is complete.

formal experiment

Which research technique allows fairly confident conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships?

formal experiment

Research performed in carefully regulated settings where one or more variables are manipulated while others are held constant is called

formal experimentation

Research performed in carefully regulated settings where one or more variables are manipulated while others are held constant is called

formal experimentation.

Adolescent egocentrism occurs during the _______ stage of cognitive development

formal operational

How many phonemes are found in the word "bottom?"


The _____ is the portion of the retina in which vision is the sharpest.


Toward the center of the retina, there is an area that contains only cones. This area is called the


Toward the center of the retina, there is an area that contains only cones. This area is called the:


Toward the center of the retina, there is an area that contains only cones. This area is called the


at the beginning of the semester your history instructor announced that you will have a test every 3 weeeks until the end of the semester. what schedule of reinforcement was being used

foxed ratio

Which of the following is NOT part of the ethical guidelines for research with animals?

freedom from coercion

If as a college student you were forced against your will to participate in a research project, this would be a violation of the ethical code regarding

freedom from coercion.

In the somatic nervous system, by what pathway to electrochemical messages flow?

from the central nervous system to the rest of the body

Broca's area is located in the ____ lobe.


Olfactory information is sent to the ________ cortex.


The ____ are involved in personality, intelligence, and the control of voluntary muscles.

frontal lobes

in the processing of verbal tasks, women tend to be more accurate and use different parts of their brain. this difference in cerebral hemisphere functioning was determined by using

functional MRI

If an early psychologist believed that the study of psychology should focus on the purpose of the mind and not on its raw elements, that psychologist most likely adhere to the school of thought known as


If an early psychologist believed that the study of psychology should focus on the purpose of the mind and not on its raw elements, that psychologist would most likely adhere to the school of thought known as:


In psychology, William James was highly influential in developing the school of though known as


In attribution, people display a tendency to see their own behavior as externally causes and the behavior of others as internally causes. This tendency is known as the

fundamental attribution error

The theory that explains why there is not a direct relationship between a pain stimulus and the amount of pain experienced is

gate control theory

The ________ theory explains how pain messages are relayed to the brain.

gate-control theory

The subjective experience of living in the world and being treated either as a male or a female is known as a person's

gender role

The basic biological units of inheritance are the


An animal emits a response in the presence of a certain tone. If a slightly higher pitched tone elicits the same response, then stimulus ____ has taken place.


The idea that there are an infinite number of possible things a person can say and that these sayings come from a finite number of words and rules of language is called


A stage theorist is likely to believe that development proceeds according to

genetic blueprint


giving priority to one's own goals over group goals, and defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications


giving priority to one's own goals over group goals, and defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications.


giving priority to the goals of one's group (often one's extended family or work group) and defining one's identity accordingly


giving priority to the goals of one's group (often one's extended family or work group) and defining one's identity accordingly.

It is the _____ cells that transports nutrients from the blood vessels to neurons


Increase in blood sugar is to decrease in blood sugar as

glucagon is to insulin

Which of the following is an example of what women prefer in their mates?

good character

Originally it was thought that neurons transmitted signals through an all or none principle, where the neuron fired at full strength or not at all. It is now understood that this is not the case, and that neurons transmit messages through

graded electrical potentials.

The process of ________ allow us to filter out irrelevant (noisy) stimuli.


Auditory neurons are called ______ and are located in which structure?

hair cells, basilar membrane

Concerning success in mathematics courses, women tend to attribute their own success to

hard work

Regarding success in mathematics courses, women tend to attribute their success to ______, whereas men tend to attribute their success to ______.

hard work; intellectual ability

Which of the following is a common physical cause of intellectual decline in old age?

hardening of the arteries of the brain.

Abnormal behavior is defined in terms of _____ rather than ____.



harmful agents, such as chemicals and viruses, that can reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development and can cause harm.

Ruffini's end-organ

heavy pressure

The two haves of the cerebral cortex are called cerebral


Normal and abnormal aspects of personality, such as sociability, kindness, or anxiety, result from

heredity and experiences in the environment.

high amplitude

higher sound waves, loud sound

A common way of classifying the brain is to divide it into three major parts. What are they?

hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain

functionalist view

how human consciousness works to help us exist and survive.

Regarding light, wavelength is the ______ as intensity is the ______.

hue; brightness

regarding light, wavelength is the __ as intensity is the __

hue; brightness

Gestalt psychology

human consciousness cannot be broken down into parts

Which of the following is a condition that is required to be present for animal research to be considered valid?

humane treatment

The _____ approach emphasizes a person's positive qualities, the capacity for positive growth, and the freedom to choose one's destiny


Millie goes to the doctor at least twice a month and is always worried about becoming ill even though the doctor assures her that her health is perfect. Millie's pattern resembles


The _____ is a small forebrain structure that monitors pleasurable activities (e.g. eating, drinking, and sex), emotion, stress, and reward


Which brain area is most directly linked to the functions of the autonomic nervous system?


body temperature, sleep, and resistance to disease are functions controlled by the


A prediction based on a theory is known as a


Key Components of Scientific Method

identifying a testing hypothesis, following rules of evidence, systematic observation

Which of the following best describes the relationship between dominant and recessive genes?

if both genes are present and the dominant gene is expressed.

Juliet refuses to go to the dance because she has just developed a pimple on her chin and she is sure everyone will talk about it behind her back. Her behavior illustrates

imaginary audience


impairment of intellectual function characterized by memory loss, disorientation, and confusion

Humanists believe that conscious processes are


Neural pruning is a process believed to ____ the efficiency of neural systems by eliminating ____ cells.

improve; unnecessary

Neural pruning is a process believed to ______ the efficiency of neural systems by eliminating ______ cells.

improve; unnecessary

One advantage of naturalistic observation is that the researchers can examine behavior

in a setting where subjects are comfortable and relaxed

Advantage of a clinical research method

in depth study of a person's behaviors, thoughts, and mental processes


in psychology, the biologically and socially influenced characteristics by which people define male and female

Naturalistic observation describes a research technique in which careful observation and recording of behavior occurs

in real-life settings


in the theories of Jean Piaget: the application of a general schema to a particular instance

According to Sigmund Freud, where do motives reside?

in the unconscious mind.

In Horney's theory of personality, anxious insecurity is most likely the result of

inadeguate parenting

In the bloodstream, an increase in epinephrine causes a(n)

increase in heart rate.

In the bloodstream, an increase in epinephrine causes an

increase in heart rate.


increase in responsiveness after presentation of a new stimulus

The variable that the researcher controls is called the

independent variable

The variable that the researchers controls or manipulates is called the

independent variable

The _____ is a manipulated experimental factor and _____ is the outcome.

independent variable/ dependent variable

Cultures that emphasize the importance of individual rights, goals, and accomplishments are considered to be


Which of the following statements best describes moral reasoning at the conventional level?

individuals will make choices based on what others think of them

Personal expectations, social situations, and moods are factors that may

influence an individual's response to drugs

The study of the sexual life style of the Mangaians serves as an example that the sexual motive is

influence by learning

if the brain used serial processing which of the following would be true

info would be processed in one brain area at a time

If the brain used serial processing, which of the following would be true?

information would be processed in one brain area at a time

According to the principle of _____, all participants must know what their participation will involve and what risks might develop.

informed consent

The American Psychological Association has established a set of ethical principles for research with human participants. The experimenter is usually required to give participants a complete description of the experiment before they are allowed to participate. This illustrates the principle of

informed consent

When you let someone know what he/she is about to do in a psychological experiment, you are providing

informed consent

The American Psychological Association has established a set of ethical principles for research with human participants. The experimenter is usually required to give participants a complete description of the experiment before they are allowed to participate. This illustrates the principle of

informed consent.


initials for Doctor of Philosophy


initials for Doctor of Psychology


innate ability or capacity for achievement in a domain

Which of the following characteristics of the nervous system best reflects the brain's ability to coordinate information from all five senses?


Hertz is to decibel as

intensity is to amplitude.

The idea that genes influence how environments affect us and the environments influence how genes operate is known as the gene-environment



interpreting one's new experience in terms of one's existing schema


inward focusing on mental experiences, also the idea that if we use our own thoughts, we'll find the answer to something (leads to a LOT of bias)

A case study _____.

is an indepth look at a single individual

William Wundt

is credited with launching psychology as a separate field of study in Germany, 1879.

The Cannon-Bard theory of emotions claims that the physiological arousal associated with emotion _______ the cognitive experience of emotion.

is independent of.

there is clear evidence that the male brain

is larger than the female brain

The corpus callosum _____.

is the large bundle of axons that connects the brain's two hemispheres and relays information between the two sides

Which endocrine gland regulates blood sugar level?

islets of Langerhans

If you see that a handsome guy in your history class at every sporting event and you want to meet him under the best of circumstances, introduce yourself

just after your team has won a game

In a blind experiment, the researcher does not

know what treatment the participants received

An experimental group of rats was not reinforced for solving a maze problem for a few days. Several days later, they were reinforced and subsequently showed similar scores in the maze as rats that had been reinforced from the beginning of the experiment. Tolman referred to this phenomenon as ___ learning.


Researchers have demonstrated that learning can occur in the absence of a reinforcer. This learning is demonstrated at a later time. The name for this type of learning is

latent learning

Helen used to love bananas. Then one day she ate nine bananas and got sick. Over the next 45 years, Helen never ate another banana. Helen's behavioral change concerning bananas is called a

learned taste aversion

When a baby is born, it shows no preference for its father's voice, but after a month of living with Dad, a baby will show a clear preference for Dad's voice over other men's voices. This new preference is an example of


Insecure Attachment

less likely to explore surroundings;cling to mother. When she leaves, they either cry loudly or remain upset or seem indifferent to her goings and returnings.

if amounts of parathormone were injected into an individual what would happen



lets in light

you trained a rat to press a lever using a positive reinforcement. when the behavior was well learned you stopped giving the reward for the lever-pressing behavior. most likely you next disvoered that the

lever-pressing behavior was extinguished

Meissner's corpuscles

light/moderate pressure, texture, location

Which depth cue accounts for why parallel lines appear to grow closer together the father away they are?

linear perspective


linked objects grouped together


loudness (decibel, dB)

A low frequency sound would have a ____ pitch


The reticular formation is primarily responsible for

maintaining muscle tone and cardiac responsiveness

Unhealthy feelings, no energy, poor appetite, and low motivation are characteristics of someone suffering from

major depression

The goal of random assignment in formal experiments is to

make the groups roughly equal prior to the start of the study.

What type of task might a person be asked to do if taking a projective test?

make up a story.

When a biologist tells you it is the rutting season for deer, it means the _______ deer are _______.

male;producing sperm

If one of your friends was experiencing an intense euphoria that is quite enjoyable, they may be in the midst of an episode of


On the average men score higher than women on

mathematics achievement tests.

If you are studying psychometrics, you are studying the

measurement of mental functions



A paramedic arrives at an accident. One of the people injured has a problem breathing and cannot stand upright. Most likely, the area of the hindbrain damaged is the


The ______ is the part of the hindbrain that is primarily responsible for breathing and upright posture.


Which part of the nervous system regulates breathing and heart rate?


a paramedic arrives at an accident. one of the people injured has a problem breathing and cannot stand upright. most likely, the area of the hind brain damaged is the


the __ is the part of the hindbrain that is primarily responsible for breathing and upright posture


A person is having trouble with reflexive movements of the eyes and postural reflexes. In which area of the brain would you suspect an injury?


Your doctor has given you some awful-tasting pills. To minimize the aversive taste, where should you place the pill on your tongue?


When animals are used in studies, humane treatment dictates that discomforts must be


If the most frequently occurring age in your classroom belongs to 19-year-olds, then 19 is the ___ age of the class.


Bandura's famous study with the children and the Bobo doll was a demonstration of


Bandura's term for learning by watching others is


Smell (Olfaction)

molecules enter the nasal passages and pass over olfactory cells; axons of olfactory neurons form the olfactory nerve

young adults of both sexes, when married or in commited relationships prefer


When you look at male versus female math ability scores, you will find

more diversity among males.

High frequency

more sound waves, high pitch

when researches conclude that punishment has "generalized inhibiting effect" what does that mean

most behaviors tend to stop after punishmemnt, including the positive behaviors

Stanley Milgram's studies on obedience indicate that

most people will obey inappropriate demands if they are received from an authority figure


most sensitive region of the retina for sharp focus

Since most non-primate mammals have no color vision, you would expect their eyes to have

mostly rods

since most of nonprimate mammals have no color vision, you would expect hteir eyes to have

mostly rods

Since most nonprimate mammals have no color vision, you would expect their eyes to have

mostly rods.

Because humans work to feed, shelter, and clothe themselves, we know that human behavior is


Parallel processing

multiple features of visual scenes are processed in parallel


n psychology, the biologically and socially influenced characteristics by which people define male and female


n thinking about Mary (a female), a psychologist would tend to view Mary's gender role as being comprised of Select one: a. only feminine characteristics. b. no masculine characteristics. c. neither masculine nor feminine characteristics. d. both masculine and feminine characteristics

If your friend has an unrealistic sense of self-importance, is preoccupied with her fantasies of self-success, requires constant praise and attention, exploits others, and feels entitled to special consideration, then she is most likely possesses ____ personality disorder.


A psychologist who gathers data while watching managers interact with their employees is using

naturalistic observation

The clinical method is a variation of

naturalistic observation

Which of the following is an example of a descriptive method of doing research?

naturalistic observation

In helping to understand how we develop, the ______ approach suggests we are controlled by biological factors, while the ______ approach suggests that the psychological environment determines who we are.


J.J. became extremely nauseous two hours after eating a fried corn dog at the country fair. Through his experience she learned to dislike corn dogs. What was the UCS in this example?


Ethical treatment of animals in research

necessity for the benefits of humans, healthful treatment of the animal, humane treatment of the animal

In psychological research, the idea of informed consent is that participants

need to be aware of the risks and benefits of participating in research.

If drinking coffee at night causes you not to sleep, then there is a _______ correlation between caffeine intake and sleep


A teenager has been grounded by her parents for not doing the dishes. Mom tells the teenager that if you do the dishes, then you will not be grounded anymore. This attempt at behavior change is best described as

negative reinforcement

In a double blind study, who knows about the details of the study?

neither the experimenter nor the participant

The _____ system is the body's electrochemical communication circuitry


The idea that in some circumstances the brain can renew itself by growing new neurons is known as


It is now found that neurons can continue to grow and new neurons form to repair damage in the cortex and hippocampus of monkeys and rats. This process is called


which of the following is the most important individual nerve cell in the brain


Which of the following types of cells in the nervous system handle the information-processing function?


Auditory cortex

neurons respond to specific types of sounds or pattern of sounds

If you are interested in understanding the structures of the brain that influence emotion, reasoning, speech, and other psychological processes, then you are interested in studying psychology from the ______ perspective.


With the moon illusion, the moon looks larger when it is

next to the horizon.

When a test is given to a large group of individual's varying in age, sex, background, and so on to form a basis for interpreting an individual's score, what is being calculated?


When making cause and effect conclusions, correlational studies are

not appropriate

When making cause and effect conclusions, correlational studies are

not appropriate.

In truly naturalistic observation, researchers should:

not change the situations

Chinese American parents teaching their children mathematics skills use parenting practices that lead to greater mathematics achievement, yet at the same time personal adjustment is ______ in Chinese American children.

not harmed

On the long strands of DNA, ______ are located on the twin rails of the double helix.


On your skin, the level of sensitivity is controlled by the

number of nerve cells.


number of sound waves per second (Hertz, Hz)

Behavior is __ mental processes are _____.


Disadvantage of naturalistic observation

observers may influence the 'natural settings'

Clinical observation

observing people when they are receiving help from a mental health professional for personal problems

If you have ever been struck in the back of the head and saw stars or flashes of light, cells were stimulated in your ____ lobe.


If you have ever been struck in the back of the head and saw stars or flashes of light, cells were stimulated in your _____ lobe.


If you have ever been struck in the back of the head and saw stars or flashes of light, cells were stimulates in your ______ lobe


Blind sight is a disorder sometimes seen in a patient after they have received damage to the

occipital lobe

The sense of smell is called ______, and the sense of taste is called _____

olfaction and gustation

The sense of smell is called ______ and the sense of taste is called ______.

olfaction; gustation

counseling psychology

one area of psychology not considered a 'basic' area of psychology, but rather an applied psychology area

A danger in using the correlational strategy is that

one might attribute causation between two events.

Carl Rogers

one of the founders of humanistic psychology`

Perfect positive correlation

one variable can be perfectly predicted if you know the value of the second variable

Fluid Intelligence

one's ability to reason speedily and abstractly; tends to decrease during late adulthood

Crystallized Intelligence

one's accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; tends to increase with age

Crystillized Intelligence

one's accumulated knowledge, and verbal skills; tends to increase with age.

By definition, gender identity is a matter of

one's personal opinion about oneself

Gender Identity

one's sense of being male or female

Gender identity

one's sense of being male or female

Learning from the consequences of our behavior, which in turn leads to the strengthening, or weakening of behaviors is called

operant conditioning

When voluntary behaviors are either strengthened or weakened by their outcomes, the behavioral changes result from

operant conditioning

in positive reinforcement, the behavior that becomes more frequent is called the

operant response

It is _____ conditioning that studies the relationship between a response and the resulting consequence.


A student is interested in studying college student success. His professor asked, 'How will you measure it?" The student replies, "with the grade point average at graduation." This instance of specifying how college student success is to be measured is an example of

operational definitions.

A student is interested in studying college student success. His professor said " How will you measure it?" The student replies, "with the grade-point average at graduation." This instance specifying how college student success is to be measured is an example of

operational defintions

According to one theory of color vision, colors are signaled in pairs by neural cells that signal faster to one color and slower to another color. This theory is known as the ________ theory.


according to one theory of color vision, colors are signaled in pairs by neural cells that signal faster to one color and slower to another color. this theory is known as the __ theory


The crossover point where the right visual field information goes to the left hemisphere is called the:

optic chiasm

Self-concept refers to the idea of

our view of what we are like

To say that someone is extraverted means that they are socially


What do you experience when nocioceptors are stimulated?


In a memory study, you present a color that is presented alongside a number. These items are presented together, at the same time. Later you present the color, and ask the participant to recall (remember) the number. This is called a/n _____ task.

paired associate

Jack was sitting, reading a book when all of a sudden he felt he was "losing his mind." His heart beat faster and he began to sweat and tremble. His behavior mostly resembles _______ disorder.

panic anxiety

After finishing a psychology test, you try to relax by engaging in some mediation techniques. Doing these exercises should increase the response of the ________ nervous system and result in slower heart and respiration rates and muscular tension


After finishing a psychology test, you try to relax by engaging in some meditation techniques. Doing these exercises should increase the response of the ____ nervous system and result in slower heart and respiration rates and less muscular tension.


if you are in a low stress level situation and you experience increases in salivation, constriction of the lungs, contraction of the bladder, and activation of the digestive tract, you know that your ___ nervous system is primarily responsible


you try to relax by engaging in some meditation techniques. doing these exercises increase the response of the ____ nervous system and result in slower heart and respiration rates and less muscular tension


which endocrine gland secretes a hormone that regulates ion levels in neurons


Which endocrine gland secretes a hormone that regulates ion levels in neurons?

parathyroid gland

When our genes and environment are linked with a person doing anything to cause the link, this is known as ______ gene-environment correlation.


expressive aphasia is a disorder found in some stroke patients where

patients cannot speak language, but can understand speech

Wernicke's aphasia results in

patients who can speak normally but cannot make sense out of language.

An ethnic group refers to ______ but an ethnic identity refers to ______.

people who descended from a particular area; a sense of belonging and sharing of group beliefs

The Rorschach inkblot test is based on the assumption that

people will project repressed feelings onto ambiguous stimuli

Theory of Mind

people's ideas about their own and others' mental states-about their feelings, perceptions, and thought and the behavior these might predict.

A brain-injured patient cannot interpret sensory stimuli but can detect the presence of a stimulus. This person has a problem with


Sensory information is interpreted through the process of


The phi phenomenon was used by psychologists to argue that:

perception has meaning only when it is seen as a whole, rather than as a collection of elements.

which division of the nervous system is composed of all the nerves that branch from the brain and spinal cord


The somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system are components of the _____.

peripheral nervous system

Which division of the nervous system is composed of all the nerves that branch from the brain and spinal cord?

peripheral nervous system

the terms spinal cord, somatic nerves, and parasympathetic division are best associated with the

peripheral nervous system

The genitals become the primary source of pleasure during Freud's ______ stage of personality development.


The Oedipal complex and the Electra complex develop and are resolved during the

phallic stage

Chemicals secreted into the environment to send a message are called ________.


Psychology began as a science in the discipline of


According to studies of gender differences in emotion and social behavior, men are more likely to engage in

physical aggression

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

physical and cognitive abnormalities in children caused by a pregnant woman's heavy drinking. In severe cases, symptoms include noticeable facial misproportions

FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)

physical and cognitive abnormalities in children caused by pregnant women's heavy drinking. In severe cases it can cause severe facial mis-proportions.


physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt someone.

If you change the frequency of a sound wave, you change the


if you change the frequency of a sound wave you change the


the gland known as the master gland because of its extensive influence on the other endocrine glands is the


Other things being equal, when we are forming an impression about a person, we tend to

place a greater emphasis on negative characteristic than on positive

In the middle of a study concerning pain reduction, you give a participant a pill and tell him it is a painkiller. It is actually a sugar pill. The person feels a reduction of pain. The ___ effect helps to explain how this can happen.


Sonja believes the pill her doctor gave her has cured her of her anxiety disorder, even though the pill contained no active ingredients. Sonja's belief that she is better now is an example of the _____ effect


The capacity of the cerebral cortex, when damaged, to shift functions to other parts of the brain is called


When sexual pleasure is very high but not yet at its peak, the person has most likely reached the _______ phase of sexual response.


John is relatively certain that his company should hire a particular job candidate. If he feels even more strongly about the candidate after a company meeting, what has occurred?


When a neuron is at rest, which ions are highly concentrated just outside the cell membrane?

positive sodium ions

when a neuron is at rest, which ions are highly concentrated just outside the cell membrane

positive sodium ions

In positive reinforcement, the consequences of a behavior are ___ and the behavior is likely to occur ____.

positive; more

How did Paul Broca use the clinical method?

posthumous examinations of brain to understand function

Ever since Harry was nearly beaten to death by his fellow inmates in prison, his life has been miserable. He still has vivid memories of the episode that he can't escape. Harry's symptoms sound most like?

posttraumatic stress disorder

Experimenter Bias

potential influences on the dependent variable caused by the experimenter interacting differently with participants in the experimental and control groups

Informed consent (an ethical principle)

potential participants must receive a full description of the experiment before agreeing to the experiment

Industrial psychologists who design tests to screen new job candidates for various companies in order to hire workers who should perform best are attempting which goal?


Which goal of psychology are clinical psychologists attempting when giving recommendations to parole boards about which prisoners to release early?


in the area of gender diffrences in mating and sexual behavior, women are more likely than men to

prefer an older mate

In the area of gender differences in mating and sexual behavior, women are more likely than men to

prefer an older mate.

The general prejudgement of a person based on inappropriate criteria is formally called


Brenda is feeling stress because she is afraid of losing her job due to downsizing. What is the source of Sigrid's stress?


Stress arising from the threat of negative events is called


Food, water, warmth, novel stimulation, physical activity, and sexual gratification are all examples of

primary reinforcers

When we use a certain cognitive process to reach a goal temporarily blocked by an obstacle, we are using

problem solving

Conduction hearing impairment

problems with the mechanical system that transmits sound waves to the cochlea

Natural Selection

process by which individuals that are better suited to their environment survive and reproduce most successfully; also called survival of the fittest

A disorder which causes an inability to recognize faces is called ________ and is the result of damage to the ________ lobe

prosopagnosia, temporal

which of the following is actually an example of how a gene might be expressed

proteins are synthesized

Correlation Coefficient

provides a standard mathematical method of measuring the strength of the relationship between two variables

When referring to the essence of life, Aristotle used the term ______ translated from the Greek, meaning mind.


To relax the patient's conscious control and interpret unconscious symbols through therapy describes the approaches of a


Avoidance of boredom is best classified as an example of which of the following needs?

psychological need

William James

psychology should emphasize what the mind can do and the factors that have aided our evolution as humans.

J.B. Watson and B.F. Skinner believed that:

psychology should focus on the behavior in the environment that can be seen or measured


psychology should study only overt, measurable behavior

The key component of empirical evidence is that it must be based on ____ behavior

publicly observable

Santiago Ramon y Cajal

published the first description of a neuron

Mr. Harper used to yell at Mrs. Harper for trumping cards unnecessarily when they played bridge. Instead of improving her play, Mrs. Harper gave up bridge altogether. This is an example of

punishment's generalized inhibiting effect.

A researcher has 40 people to assign into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The researcher flips a coin: heads, experimental group and tails, control group. This is an example of

random assignment

The primary function of dendrites is to

receive incoming info

The main function of sensory receptor cells is to

receive outside forms of energy and translate into neural impulses


receptor cells sensitive to light, responsible for detecting black, white, gray, night vision, peripheral vision, dark adaptation, no rods in fovea

The idea that we learn behaviors from the environment but also that our behavior changes the environment is know as

reciprocal determination.

Most psychologists agree that people can only be understood by

recognizing sociocultural influences

Most psychologists agree that people can only be understood by

recognizing sociocultural influences.

Hering's opponent-process theory

red-green and blue-yellow ganglion cells;

When Jane said "I just feel like my father never listened to me; he just blocked me out like I wasn't significant enough to be considered," her counselor said, "You sound hurt and angry that your father didn't pay more attention to you." The therapist was using client-centered technique of ______



regulates the size of the pupil

which of the following is an example of a fixed ration schedule of reinforcement

reinforcement occurs after every 15th correct respons

When using positive reinforcement, the _____ should immediately follow the ____.

reinforcer; response

When using positive reinforcement, the ____ should immediately follow the ____ .

reinforcer; response.

A correlation coefficient indicates a _________ between two variables.


Learning is defined as a ____ change in behavior due to ____.

relatively permanent; experience

Learning is defined as a ______ change in behavior due to ____.

relatively permanent; experience

Successful replication means that certain conclusions about behavior have been

repeated in multiple experiments

Successful replication means that certain conclusions about behavior have been

repeated in multiple experiments.

One of the key characteristics of using a sample to learn about a larger group of beings is that the sample needs to be


One of the key characteristics os using a sample to learn about a larger group of beings is that the sample needs to be


Random Assignment

requirement in research that participants be assigned to experimental groups randomly rather than in some systematic way

Experimental Control

requirement that all explanations for differences in the dependent variable other differences than the independent variable are controlled in the way the formal experiment is set up


research method using questions and interviews


research participants must be be assured of their anonymity

Correlational research method

research that describes, in statistical terms, systematic relations between 'quantitatively' measured variables

Formal experiments

research that leads to conclusions of cause - effect relationships between variables

During which phase of the human sexual response cycle does the refractory period occur?


Advantage of survey research method

results can college a great deal of inforamtion in a short amount of time

the structure that plays an important role in maintaining attention and arousal by manipulation of various neurotransmitters is the

reticular formation

The structure that plays an important role in maintaining attention and arousal by manipulation of various neurotransmitters is the

reticular formation.

As light enters the eye, eventually it reaches the light-sensitive ____ at the back of the second chamber of the eye.


The receptors for vision are located in the


Within the eye, visual neurons are located within the _____.


as light enters the eye, eventually it reaches the light sensitive __ at the back of the second chamber of the eye


The _____ are sensitive to light and detect black, white, and gray.


The 4 basic tastes are sweet, sour, _______, and ________.

salty, bitter

Rather than study the entire population of one group, you decide to focus on a subset of the group. This subset or subgroup is called a


If 10 people say that a color is blue when it actually is not. what is the 11th person likely to do?

say that the color is blue


school of psychology that focuses on the adaptive functions of behaviors (how can I adapt my behaviors to my environment?)


school of psychology that says the brain will structure our perceptions of the world in terms of meaningful patterns or wholes


school of psychology that tries to understand the structure of the mind by breaking it down into its components parts


science of behavior and mental processes

basic science

science that is grounded in reserach (study for the sake of having more knowledge)

Hertz is a method of measuring the frequency of sound waves as the number of cycles per


hertz is a method of measuring the frequency of sound waves as the number of cycles per


Of Allport's categories of traits, which traits tend to describe a specific aspect of a person's personality?


Reinforcers that are acquired through learning are called ____ reinforcers


Reinforcers that are acquired through learning are called ______ reinforcers.


Many psychiatric hospitals offer patients the chance to perform chores in exchange for tokens. The patients can use these tokens to purchase items at the hospital store. This system is an example of

secondary reinforcement

The more obvious physical changes that occur during puberty are called

secondary sex characteristics

Correlational methods

seeking to establish a relationship between two variables in a research project

According to Rogers, what are the two kinds of self-concept?

self and ideal self.

The most important aspect of study to a humanist is


The most important aspect of study to a humanistic psychologist is


In social learning theory, the perception that one is capable of doing what is necessary to reach one's goal is known as


Balance is maintained in the ear by the _______

semicircular canals

The neuron's cell membrane permits some substances to pass through but not others; this is because the membrane is


Regarding stimuli in the outside world, collecting data about that world is the function of ______ and interpreting the data that has been collected is the function of ______. A) the brain; the spinal cord

sensation; perception

In terms of states of consciousness, hypnosis involves a

sense of deep relaxation and susceptibility to suggestion

At the center of every sense organ there are ______ that transduce incoming stimuli.

sense organs

We are aware of our internal and external world because we possess

sense organs.

The color of the white paper and the correction fluid you use to cover up mistakes on the paper are not exactly the same, but they are so close that you cannot see any difference. This is because your _______ abilities are limited.


As you enter your house, you smell the pleasant aroma of dinner cooking. After several minutes, you hardly notice the smell. This is an example of

sensory adaptation

Tom walked into the anatomy lab for the first time and was overpowered by the odor of formaldehyde. By the end of the lab, he said there was only a slight smell. This can best be explained by

sensory adaptation

You go swimming in cold water. At first you are in agony, but later the water doesn't feel so bad. You have experienced

sensory adaptation

You arrive at your friend's apartment for a big party at the end of the semester. When you first arrive, the music is so loud that it almost hurts your ears. After a couple of hours, even though the music is still at the same volume, it doesn't bother you anymore, and you like it. This change over time describes the process of

sensory adaptation.

In the stage theory of memory, the different stages are the

sensory register, short-term memory, and long-term memory stages

In the U. S. Supreme Court decision of Brown v. Board of Education, segregated school systems could no longer be considered

separate but equal

Depression is associated with low levels of which neurotransmitter?


sense organs operate through ___ that transduce incoming stimuli

sesonry receptor cells

low amplitude

shallow sound waves, soft sound

Maria's boss was unhappy with the way her grooming and dress had deteriorated over the last few years. Rather than reprimand her, the boss decided to lavishly praise Maria on days when she was neater and gradually raise his requirements for praise as Maria became nearer and neater. The technique being planned was


The method of successive approximations is used to achieve the learning goal of


Women who are exposed to the male sex hormone, adrostadienone,

show improved moods

Necessity refers to the need to use an animal for research because of the ___ potential for advancement of our knowledge about behavior and metnal processes.


Necessity refers to the need to use an animal for research because of the _______ potential for advancement of our knowledge about behavior and mental processes.



similar objects grouped together

Looking at a quarter in your hand casts a different image on your retina compared to looking at a quarter across the room, yet we know that the quarter is the same and retains the same dimensions. This phenomenon is known as

size constancy.

Where is the midbrain located in relation to the hindbrain?

small area at the top of the hindbrain

Compared to the male brain, the female brain is ____ and has a ____ surface area

smaller; larger

Compared to the male brain, the female brain is ______ and has a ______ surface area.

smaller; larger

Absolute Threshold

smallest intensity of a stimulus that must be present for it to be detected

Difference Thresholds

smallest level of added (or reduced) stimulation required to sense that a change in stimulation has occurred

A bicyclist finds that she can cycle faster during competition than when she is riding alone. This is likely to be caused by

social facilitation

Followers of Albert Bandura's viewpoint would best be described as

social learning theorists

A book designed to help people develop the personality features they desire suggests that readers pattern their lives on the model provided by someone they admire a great deal. The approach employed here is most compatible with

social learning theory

Which contemporary viewpoint combines aspects of behaviorism with aspects from the cognitive perspective?

social learning theory

The ___ perspective had its greatest influences from social anthropology.


The ______ perspective suggests that to understand someone, we must understand both their beliefs, attitudes, and skills learned from others as well as we must understand their culture, ethnic identity, and gender identity.


A person can only be understood by studying the beliefs and the values of the community in which the person has lived. This statement best exemplifies the

sociocultural approach.

Which division of the peripheral nervous system is responsible for producing physiological symptoms (such as increased heart rate and butterflies in the stomach) under conditions of stress?


Over the last two semesters, Henry has been experiencing sharp chest pains just before a test is scheduled. He has had a thorough medical exam but no physical cause for pain has been found. Henry most likely has


In the area of cognitive ability and achievement, the largest difference in cognitive performance between men and women is seen in the area of

spatial and mechanical reasoning.

Edwin is afraid to ride in elevators, and he quit his job because he was being moved to the 27th floor of his office building. He would probably be classified as exhibiting a

specific phobia

High school students taking the SAT.....


Moro Reflex

startle reflex. Spray limbs and retract them

A researcher using the correlation method is interesting in determining if there is a _____ relationship between two variables


Generally speaking, the larger the sample size, the more likely a correlation will be

statistically significant

The reticular formation is primarily responsible for

stereotyped patterns such as walking, sleeping, or turning to attend to a sudden noise

there are 2 vending machines in your dorm. the one on the left always worsk;the one on the right is usually broken. you put your money only in the machine on the left. this is

stimulus discriminatio

If the state troopers drive yellow Fords in your state, there may be an immediate braking response when you see any yellow Ford. This reaction is known as...

stimulus generalization

The opposite of stimulus discrimination is

stimulus generalization

The phrase "seven plus or minus two" refers to the

storage capacity of short-term memory

In neuron functioning, the role of the synaptic vesicle is to

store neurotransmitters in the synaptic knob.

When the occurrence of an event causes an individual's ability to cope to be exceeded, _____ occurs.


The ______ psychologists preferred to study behavior as a collection of elements, while the ______ psychologists preferred to study behavior as a whole, in its entire context.

structural; Gestalt

Wilhelm Wundt was the founder of _____, whereas William James was the founder of _____


Mary Ainsworth

studied attachment difference by observing mother-infant pairs during 1st six months.

social anthropology

studies the ways in which cultures are both similar and different from one another and how cultures influence human behavior


study of the relationship between the physical aspects of stimuli and our psychological experience of them

educational psychologists

study the ways children learn

humanistic perspective

studying the roles of the consciousness, free will, and awareness of the human condition

In terms of the interests of society, the best form of displacement is referred to as


The neuropeptide involved in slow-pain transmission is

substance P.

A young boy feels guilty after looking through some adult sex magazines. In Freud's theory, the source of this guilt is the


The development of morality rests with the ______ in Freudian personality theory.


If you are considering the potential disadvantage of the lack of completely honest answers, particularly about sensitive topics such as sex and drug use, then you are probably considering using the _____ research method.


Interviews and questionnaires are techniques that are used in ______ research.



surveys are conducted in order to _________ the goals of psychology

Natural selection is also known as

survival of the fittest

Which part of the peripheral nervous system would be particularly important to a backpacker being chased by an angry bear?


just before you went on a job interview you broke out into a cold sweat, experienced shortness of breath, and felt a need to go to the bathroom. these symptoms were most likely produced by your ___ nervous system.


you broke out into a cold swear experienced shortness of breath and felt a need to go to the bathroom these symptoms most likely produced by your ___ nervous system


Which of the following are the two integrated parts of the autonomic nervous system?

sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

The physical junction between two neurons is called the


The physical space between two neurons is called the


A teacher insists that diagramming complex sentences helps students comprehend the _____ of the English language


Wernicke's area is located in the ___ love


Wernicke's area is located in the ________ lobe.


Structures in the cerebral cortex that are involved in hearing, language processing, and memory are called _____.

temporal lobes

Wernicke's area is located in the ______ lobe, while Broca's area is located in the ______ lobe.

temporal; frontal

Perceptual constancy

tendency for perceptions of objects to remain unchanged in spite of changes in raw sensations.


tendency of babies to stare longer, at things that are universal, unexpected, or new. study of what babies know.

The knowledge that science provides is ______ because theories are ______.

tentative; subject to change

Scientific Method

testing the hypothesis, following the rules of evidence (despite any prejudice by the experimenter), systematic observation, analysis of data, following the conclusion

in a painting, details in the front of a scene are clearer than details in the rear of the scene. this is an example of

texture gradient

Gustatory information projected to _______ and then ___________ in the ____________.

thalamus, primary gustatory cortex, frontal cortex

Olfactory nerve projects to ________, which then projects to ____________ in the ____________

thalamus, primary olfactory cortex, frontal lobe

Sensory information to the _________, then the ____________ in __________.

thalamus, primary somatosensory cortex, parietal lobe

You took a personality test, and the results indicated you were high in extraversion and moderate in agreeableness. These are examples of

the "Big Five" personality traits


the 'phi' phenomenon illustrates this branch of psychology

An architect is designing apartments and wants them to be soundproof. She asks a psychologist what the smallest amount of sound is that can be heard. Her question is most related to

the absolute threshold

The smallest intensity of a stimulus that is detected 50 % of the time is

the absolute threshold

an architect is designing apartments and wants them to be soundproof. she asks a psychologist what the smallest amount of sound is that can be heard. her question is most related to

the absolute threshold

Disadvantage of survey research method

the accuracy of information may be questionable

Gender Typing

the acquisition of a traditional masculine or feminine role


the acquisition of a traditional masculine or feminine role

essential body functions such as heartbeat, breathing, digestion, sweating, and sexual arousal are under the control of

the autonomic nervous system


the average of all collected statistics

Object Permanence

the awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived.


the belief that all things are living


the biochemical units of heredity that make up the chromosomes; a segment of DNA capable of synthesizing a protein

Dendrites are _____.

the branch-like part of the neuron that is responsible for receiving information from other neurons

Personal Space

the buffer zone we like to maintain around our bodies

what happens to the neuron just before a neural message is transmitted to adjacent neurons?

the cell membrane near the axon becomes more permeable

What happens to the neuron just before a neural message is transmitted to adjacent neurons?

the cell membrane near the axon becomes more permieable

If a child's mental age were higher than his or her chronological age, this would mean that

the child is brighter than normal


the complete instructions for making an organism, consisting of all the genetic material in that organism's chromosomes

Thorndike's "law of effect" suggests that

the consequences of a behavior influence the probability of that behavior being repeated.

From childhood to middle age, the increase in white matter in the brain is attributed to

the continued growth of myelin.

Social Clock

the culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement.

Which variable depends upon the effects of the independent variable?

the dependent variable


the developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth.

Hermann Ebbinghaus

the early pioneer in memory research that used himself as his only research subject


the enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, and traditions shared by a large group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next

A population is _____.

the entire group about which researchers want to draw conclusions


the example of a participant receiving a sugar pill to see if the effect is the same as the participant receiving the actual medication

If you are a participant in a blind experiment,

the experimenter does not know the experimental condition you are in.

When experimenter bias takes place, it means that

the experimenter influenced the performance of the participants

When experimenter bias takes place, it means that

the experimenter influenced the performance of the participants.

Independent Variable

the factor in a formal experiment that is manipulated to measure the outcome of the manipulation

Stranger Anxiety

the fear of strangers that infants commonly display, beginning by about 8 months of age


the fertilized egg; it enters a 2 week period of rapid cell divisions and develops into an embryo

The semi-wakeful period that proceeds light sleep is called

the hypnagogic state

Cultural Relativity

the idea that all cultures should be thought of as being different rather than superior or inferior

biological perspective

the idea that behavior is directed by chemical and biological forces, such as neurotransmitters and the brain


the idea that personality traits can be determined by feeling the head and "reading it"


the idea that the mind is tied to consciousness and self-awareness

cognitive perspective

the idea that to understand behavior, we must understand how we THINK!

Phi phenomenon

the idea the the whole is different than the sum of its parts


the inability, in the preoperational child, to think through a series of events or mental operations and then reverse the steps ex:the biggest obstacle to logical thinking in the properational child


the interplay that occurs when the effect of one factor (such as environment) depends on another factor (such as heredity).


the measurement of mental function, such as intelligence, personality

Which part of the nervous system regulates breathing?

the medulla


the middle point in a set of numbers


the most frequently appearing score


the most important of the male sex hormones. Both males and females have it, but the additional ************* in males stimulates the growth of the male sex organs in the fetus and the development of the male sex characteristics during puberty.


the most important of the male sex hormones. Both males and females have it, but the additional _________ in males stimulates the growth of the male sex

Descriptive method

the most simple purpose and outcome of any research method

The Department of Motor Vehicle recently completed a study that indicated there is a negative correlation between the age of the driver and the number of errors on the written driving test. This result means that

the older the driver, the fewer errors on the driving test

Which theory proposes that behavior may be aimed at increasing or decreasing alertness and activity depending on the circumstances?

the optimal level of arousal

Dependent Variable

the outcome of a formal experiment, measuring the effect of manipulating an independent variable

Cause / effect

the outcome of formal experiments

The axon is _____.

the part of the neuron that is responsible for sending or carrying information away from the cell body toward other cells

Experimental group

the participants in an experiment who are interacting with the independent variable

Control group

the participants in an experiment who are not interacting with the independent variable, being used as comparison to the experimental group

An interval schedule in operant conditioning, whether fixed or variable, is based on

the passage of time


the period of sexual maturation, during which a person becomes capable of reproducing

In humanistic psychology, the ideal self is

the person I wish I was.


the physical appearance of chromosomes


the preoperational child's difficulty in take another's viewpoint.


the principle (which Piaget believed to be a part of concrete operational reasoning) that properties such as mass, volume, and number remain the same despite changes in the forms of objects


the principle that properties such as mass, volume, and number remain the same despite changes in the form of objects

Natural Selection

the principle that, among the range of inherited trait variations, those that lead to increased reproduction and survival will most likely be passed on to succeeding generations

Natural Selection

the principle that, among the range of inherited trait variations, those that lead to increased reproduction and survival will most likely be passed on to succeeding generations.


the process by which certain animals form attachments during a critical period.


the process in which a study is repeated until reasonable confidence in the research results is achieved

While attending a car show, you see a custom-painted car that seems to change color as you view its paint from different angles. The most likely explanation for this is

the reflected wavelength of light changes with position.

A nonhuman animal experiment meets the condition of necessity when

the research can significantly advance our understanding of behavior or mental processes

Disadvantage of a clinical research method

the research represents tow small of a sample size to be representative

Debriefing is the process of providing ______ to participants.

the results of the study

Early in history of psychology Ebbinghaus, a memory researcher, used himself as the only research participant in his study. Given this information, what might cause you to be skeptical about his results?

the sample was probably not representative

X Chromosome

the sex chromosome found in both men and women. Females have two; males have one. An * chromosome from each parent produces a female child.

X Chromosome

the sex chromosome found in both men and women. females have two. Males have one.

Y Chromosome

the sex chromosome found only in males. When paired with an X chromosome from the mother, it produces a male child.

When you see a coefficient of correlation while reading a scientific research report, what does it indicate to you?

the strength of a relationship between two variables

A university is interested in measuring students confidence in career decisions and effectiveness of their career counseling center. One group of students is randomly assigned to receive three weeks o career counseling; another group of students is prevented from receiving career counseling during those same three weeks. After three weeks have passed, the university asks students about their confidence in their future career using a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 indicating highest confidence. What is the dependent variable?

the students confidence score about the future career.

behavioral perspective

the study of observable behavior

Evolutionary Psychology

the study of the evolution of behavior and the mind, using principles of natural selection.

Behavior Genetics

the study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior

Behavioral Genetics

the study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior

Behavior Genetics

the study of the relative power and limits of genetics and environmental influences on behavior

Molecular Genetics

the subfield of biology that studies the molecular structure and function of genes

Gender Schema Theory

the theory that children learn from their cultures the concept of what it means to be male or female and that they adjust their behavior accordingly

Social Learning Theory

the theory that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating and by being rewarded or punished

Social Learning Theory

the theory that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating and by being rewarded or punished.


the two genes in a specific pair are different

When there is a positive correlation between two variables, this means that

the value of one variable increases as the value of another variable increases.

When there is a positive correlation between two variables, this means that

the value of one variable increases as the values of another variable increases.

independent variable

the variable manipulated in an experiment

dependent variable

the variable that is measured and the factor that may change as a result of manipulation of the independent variable


the vascular structure in the uterus of most mammals providing oxygen and nutrients for and transferring wastes from the developing fetus

your brain receives information about your body orientation and movement from

the vestibular organ


the view that emphasizes the functions of consciousness, not the structure, and not the unconscious mind

psychoanalytic perspective

the view that our behavior is influenced by the struggle between the unconscious impulses and opposing forces that try to keep this material out of our consciousness

A/n ______ is a tentative explanation of the facts, findings, and relationship in any of the sciences.


When a scientist says that the theory is tentative, the scientist means that the

theory is subject to revision

Gender Schema Theory

theory that children learn from their cultures a concept of what it means to be male and female and that they adjust their behaviors accordingly

Siblings would have the same genes if

they are monozygotic twins.

What do drugs, mediation, and intense religious experiences or sexual orgasms have in common?

they produce altered states of consciousness

The ciliary muscle of the eye controls the

thickness of the lens

Aristotle is important to psychology, because he believed that to achieve full understanding of anything we must

think and observe.

cognitive perspective

this view emphasizes the processes involving perceiving, believing, think, knowing


threadlike structures made of DNA molecules that contain the genes

Semicircular canals

three tubes containing fluid that sloshes through them when the head moves, signaling rotational or angular movement to the brain

During childhood development, cretinism results from insufficient levels of ____



tiny motion sensitive crystals in semicircular canals; sense forward, backward, or up-and-down motion, as well as the pull of gravity

Why does the sociocultural perspective promote cultural relativity?

to discourage passing judgment on other cultures

the somatosensory are plays an important role in behaviors involving


the somatosensory area pplays an important role in behaviors involving


Polygenic Traits

trait controlled by two or more genes

The main function of rods and cones is to

transduce light.

The process of converting the physical energy from hearing music (for example), into electrochemical energy is called



transition period from childhood to adulthood, extending from puberty to independence

which theory of color vision most accurately describes the process of color vision at the level of the retina?

trichromatic theory

One way to think about how we process color images is that the ______ describes the events at the first level of neurons in the visual system, while the ______ best describes the activities of neurons in the rest of the visual system.

trichromatic theory; opponent-process theory

accordingg to evolutionary theory, the parental investment for women who were pregnant was high


hungry people are more sensitive to the taste of sweetness and saltiness compared to when they are full


melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland


rats who know where something is in a mazze relative to a starting place posses a cognitive map


sensory receptor cells transduce stimulus energy into neural impulses


the testes and ovaries are endocrine glands


the wavelength of light is chiefly responsible for hue or color


wenickes area is essential for understanding spoken language


The first stage of Erikson's personality development theory (occurring during infancy) is

trust vs. mistrust

Identical Twins

twins who develop from a single fertilized egg that splits in two, creating two genetically identical organisms

Fraternal Twins

twins who develop from separate eggs. They are genetically no closer than brothers and sisters, but they share a fetal environment

Fraternal Twins

twins who develop from separate fertilized eggs. They are genetically no closer than brothers and sisters, but they share a fetal environment

dizygotic twins occur when a female produces __ that are fertilized by ___

two separated eggs; to different sperm cells

How does classical conditioning differ from operant conditioning? Classical conditioning involves an association between _____

two stimuli

Binocular cues

two visual cues that require both eyes to allow us to perceive depth.

A fleck of dust or dirt in your eye automatically causes the eye to produce tears to wash out the dirt. If this were part of a classical conditioning experiment, the fleck of dust or dirt would be labeled as the

unconditioned stimulus

A fleck of dust or dirt in your eye automatically causes the eye to produce tears to wash out the dirt. If this were part of a classical conditioning experiment, the fleck of dust or dirt would be labeled as the _____ .

unconditioned stimulus

Let's say you have a hungry cat in your kitchen. You use your electric can opener, which makes a rather loud sound, to open a can of cat food. You have done this many times before. The hungry cat runs toward the plate of food when it sees it being set on the floor. In this example, the placement of the food on the floor is a/n

unconditioned stimulus

a parent bring shis 15 month old to the pediatrician office for her first shot. the child is happy and playful right up until the time the shot is injected. now, every time the child sees someone in a white lab coat, she cries in terror. the injection in this scenario served as the

unconditioned stimulus

You have a fiend who appears to be having frequent anxiety attacks. From what you know about the psychoanalytic school, what would a psychoanalyst say was at the heart of your friend's problem?

unconscious motives

You have a friend who appears to be having frequent anxiety attacks. From what you know about the psychoanalytic school, what would a psychoanalyst say was at the heart of your friend's problem?

unconscious motives

When considering how OTHER people behave, we tend to ____ the effects of the social situation and _____ the importance of their personal characteristics

underestimate; overestimate

Which of the following is a goal of psychology?


A person diagnosed with expressive aphasia can _____ but have difficulty ______.

understand what is said; speaking

Primary reinforcer is to secondary reinforcer as

unlearned is to learned.

If a psychologist can measure a concept in such a way as to get a numerical value, then that concept is also referred to as a


In a research study, participants recorded the number of cigarettes they smoked per day. "Number of cigarettes they smoked per day" is referred to as an


If a student in a classroom was given a piece of candy for, on average, every three words correctly spelled, this would be an example of being reinforced on a ____ schedule.

variable ratio

Slot machines are set to pay off on average of once in every 1,000,000 plays. this is an example of a _____ schedule of reinforcement

variable ratio

Slot machines are set to pay off on the average of once in every 1,000,000 plays. This is an example of a _____ schedule of reinforcement.


slo machines are set to pay off on the average of once in every 1,000,000 plays. this is an example of a ___ schedule of reinforcement


In a research study, participants recorded the number of cigarettes they smoked per day. "Number of cigarettes they smoked per day" is referred to as a(n)


Generally speaking, women perform better on ______ while men perform better on ______.

verbal memory; science

Groupthink tends to occur more often if the group is

very cohesive

When sound waves enter the ear canal, they first

vibrate the ear drum

When learning by watching others, we tend to learn more from a model we see being reinforced. Learning by watching someone else's reinforcement is called _____ reinforcement


the study of little albert is a famous example of the study of learned that was conducted by


Light is made up of electromagnetic energy measured in _______

wave lengths

Color vision

we can see up to 7 million colors

the ability to detect small changes of weak stimuli and large changes in strong stimuli is known as

weber's law

Gilligan objected to Kohlberg's stages of moral reasoning primarily because his stages

were biased, favoring male-styled morality.

Debriefing (an ethical principle)

when a researcher provides the results of the study to all participants

placebo effect

when a subject "experiences" the effects of the experiment, even when nothing happens to them

Babinski Reflex

when bottom of the foot is stroked, the toes will spread a part and stretch.

When is deception allowed in psychological research?

when it will not harm the participant and when the participant is debriefed.

Gate-control theory of pain

when neurons in spinal cord are activated due to injury, a "gate" to brain is opened and we experience pain

Positive correlation

when one variable increases in value in relation to another value's increase

applied science

when you put psychology directly into practice (therapist meets with client and helps them out)

Optic Disk

where the optic nerve exits the eye, has no receptors and produces a blind spot

A researcher wants to study the effects of caffeine on student performance on quiz scores. The research gives a caffeinated drink to half the students and a non-caffeinated drink to the other half of students. The researcher then measures quiz scores by counting the number of correct answers. Given the above scenario, what is the independent variable?

whether the students receive the caffeinated drink or not

In a blind experiment, the participants do not know

which level of the independent variable they received.

In adulthood, the larger cerebral cortex in men as compared to women is due to men having a greater volume of

white matter.

New studies of infidelity and the ways in which men and women think about such behavior reveal

women care more than men about emotional infidelity.

What is the current enrollment pattern for men and women interested in graduate education in psychology?

women outnumber men

If the results of a study are found to have statistical significance, this means that the results

would happen by chance less than 5% of the time

What monograph did Freud publish about cocaine?

Über Coca

What does discourse analysis assume?

Attitudes are relatively unstable

an anti psychological view

"We passively let experiences teach us about the world and we let experiences mold our personalities." Which of the following is true regarding this statement?


(pregnancy) extraction by centesis of amniotic fluid from a pregnant woman (after the 15th week of pregnancy) to aid in the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities

Variable X in creases as variable Y increases. Choose the correlation coefficient that best applies.


Variable X increases as Variable Y increases. Choose the correlation coefficient that best applies.


Two visual cues that require both eyes to allow us to perceive depth.

1. Convergence 2. Retinal disparity

we are able to taste due to approx __ taste buds on our tongue


The launching of psychology as a separate field is usually credited to have occurred during the


When did psychology become an experimentally oriented science?


Psychology and homosexuality

1973: gayness was a mental illness

Pre-Operational Stage

2-6/7 years of age during which a child learns to use language but does not yet comprehend the mental operations of concrete logic

Summarize Wundt's influence?

24 labs established by students (Edward Tichener, Cornell, G Stanley Hall: Clarke University)

How far can the origins of psychology be traced back?

5 BC

Concrete Operational

6-7 to 11 years old during which children gain the mental operations that enable them to think logically about concrete events.

A person begins to lose the ability to hear low-pitched sounds beginning in his or her


In order to be classified as mentally retarded, a person must have an IQ score below


What is the speed of natural impulses?

90 f/s

Meta - Analysis

A "study of studies" that combines the findings of multiple studies to arrive at a conclusion.


A ______ psychologist is interested in changes that take place during the lifespan

formal experiment

A __________ compares quantitative measures in relation to the conditions created by researchers.

social learning

A basic belief of ________ is that we learn the most important aspects of our behavior from each other.


A correlation coefficient shows the strongest relationship between two variables if it has a _____ rather than a -.18 or a +.85 (p.31-32, Lahey)


A danger in using the correlational strategy is that one might attribute _________ between two events.

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

A device that measures electrical activity in the brain.


A gestalt is best described as a(n)


A graphical depiction of the relationship between two variables.

23 unpaired chromosomes

A human sperm cell has __________


A kind of research in which the researcher controls all of the conditions and directly manipulates the conditions, including the manipulated variable (independent variable.


A measure of central tendency that is the arithmetic average of a set of numbers.


A measure of central tendency that is the most frequent score or value in a set of numbers.


A measure of central tendency that is the value in a set of numbers that fall exactly halfway between the lowest and highest values.

standard deviation

A measure that indicates the degree to which socres are spread out in a distribution

Central Tendency

A measure that represents the typical behavior of the group as a whole

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

A method of brain imaging that assesses metabolic activity by using a radioactive substance injected into the bloodstream.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

A method of brain imaging that produces high-quality images of the brain.

Self-Report Method

A method of data collection in which people are asked to provide information about themselves, such as in questionnaires or surveys.


A model of interconnected ideas and concepts that explains what is observed and makes predictions about future events.

What is the relationship between a nerve and a neuron?

A nerve is a bundle of long neurons outside the brain and spinal cord.

behavior or mental processes

A nonhuman animal experiment meets the condition of necessity when the research significantly advances our understanding of _______________.

Longitudinal research involves _____.

A observing and measuring the same variables periodically over time

Naturalistic Observation

A passive descriptive study in which observers do not change or alter ongoing behavior.


A person's diminished ability to deal with demanding life events.


A polymorphic gene is special because it can ______


A prediction based on tentative explanations of observations in science is called _____________


A prediction based on tentative explanations of observations in science is called a

Which type of therapist would most likely use free association and dream analysis to explain unconscious motivations?

A psychoanalyst


A psychologist is developing a theoretical explanation about a behavior. This is an example of the ________ goal of psychology.


A psychologist is studying the effects that different noise levels have on stress. Noise levels are considered the ___________

dependent variable

A psychologist studied the effect of blood alcohol driving behavior. In this study the driving behavior was the _____


A psychologist studied the effect of blood alcohol level on driving behavior. In this study, driving behavior was the ________ variable. Select one: a. control b. independent c. dependent d. manipulated

Professor Ebbinghaus

A psychologist who developed a system of nonsense syllables to study human memory

survey method

A psychology student wants to find mor information about text anxiety. She constructs a 'test anxiety questionaire' and gives it to other students, This is an example of a ...

brain imaging

A range of experimental techniques that make brain structures and brain activity visible.

Response Performance

A research method in which researchers quantify perceptual or cognitive processes in response to a specific stimulus.

Observational Technique

A research method of careful and systematic assessment and coding of overt behavior.

Cross Sectional Study

A research method that compares participants in different groups (e.g. young and old) at the same time

Correlational Study

A research method that examines how variables are naturally related in the real world, without any attempt by the researcher to alter them.

Descriptive Studies

A research method that involves observing and noting the behavior of people or other animals in order to provide a systematic and objective analysis of behavior.

Longitudinal Studies

A research method that measures the same participants multiple times.


A researcher counts the number of times a rat stands on its hind legs after being placed in a new environment. Given what you know about the schools of psychology, this represents __________

When a person tends to be tall, they tend to be heavy.

A researcher finds that a person's height and weight are significantly positively correlated. Which interpretation below makes the most sense?

random assignment

A researcher has 40 people to assign into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The researcher flips a coin: heads, experimental group and tails, control group. This is an example of

A theory can be defined as:

A set of closely related ideas that attempts to explain observations

Inferential Statistics

A set of procedures used to make judgments about whether differences actually exist between sets of numbers.


A specific prediction of what should be observed in the world if a theory is correct.

Cutting the corpus collasum results in a condition that is referred to as

A split brain

Standard Deviation

A statistical measure of how far away each value is, on average, from the mean.

Under what condition does an action potential occur?

A strong depolarization of the cell membrane


A study that tests casual hypothesis by measuring and manipulating variables.


A subset of a population.

Scientific Method

A systematic procedure of observing and measuring phenomena to answer questions about what happens, when it happens, what causes it, and why.

Dr. Simpson finds a positive .50 correlation between ice cream cone sales and violent crimes in a community. Which of the following represents the best interpretation of this result?

A third variable, such as heat, may account for the association between ice cream sales and violent crime.

Participant Observer

A type of descriptive study in which the researcher is actively involved in the situation.


A way of organizing related hypotheses

23 pairs

A zygote has ________ of chromosomes.

When a neutron is at rest, what is the composition of the ions in the intra-cellular fluid?

A- and K+, with small amounts of Cl- and Na+


Behaviors refer to actions that are ______ and mental processes refer to events that are private.

essential body functions such as heartbeat breathing digestion sweating and sexual arousal are under the control of the


Natural Selection

According to Charles Darwin, the process of ______ is responsible for the variety of plant and animal species emerging from a set of very few ancestors.


According to Freud, two innate (inborn) motives that are at the root of psychological problems are sex and ____.


According to chapter 2, in order to be valid a sample must be...


According to evolutionary theory, dominance and aggression were useful to men because these traits helped men Select one: a. establishing lasting friendships. b. form intimate bonds with women. c. nurture the young children. d. gain access to fertile women.

gain access to fertile women

According to evolutionary theory, dominance and aggression were useful to men because these traits helped men__________


According to evolutionary theory, men have a lower parental investment in each offspring because men cannot be certain they are the _______ of a particular child.


According to evolutionary theory, why would men tend to prefer younger, more attractive women? Select one: a. Men were as sexist then as they are now. b. Youthfulness is associated with reproductive health and fertility. c. Women who were older were thought to be virgins. d. Men believed that younger women would be better cooks.


According to the textbook, in order to be valid, a sample must be ____________


Activation of the sensory organs by a source of physical energy (i.e., stimulus)

Experimenter Expectation Effect

Actual change in the behavior of the people or animals being observed that is due to observer bias.


Adapting one's current understanding to incorporate new information

Who was Johannes Müller?

Advocated the use of the experimental method, believed that each sensory nerve produced specific sensation.

Mamie Phipps Clark and Kenneth Clark

African American psychologists who conducted research that influenced Brown vs Board of Education, a Supreme Court decision, changing the way many American schools treated minority students

survey research allows a lot of information to be gathered in a relatively short period of time.

After learning that people who respond to surveys may not be providing answers that are completely honest, Monty asks Professor Duran why surveys would be used. Professor Duran advises Monty that the primary advantage of the survey method is that

survey research gathers info in a relatively short period of time.

After learning that people who respond to surveys may not be providing answers that are completely honest, Monty asks Professor Duran why surveys would be used. Professor Duran advises Monty that the primary advantage of the survey method is that...


After staring at a green circle for 30 seconds, a person trains his or her gaze on a white surface. Even though the surface is white, the person begins to see a red circle. The red circle is a(n) Select one: a. adaptation image. b. stereochemical image. c. color afterimage. d. opponent image.


Ahmad takes a test in his psychology class. The professor adds up the scores that each student got on the test, then divides that sum by the total number of students who took the test. When the professor tells the class what the "average grade" was on the test, the professor is referring to which statistic?

mean score

Ahmad takes a test in his psychology class. The professor adds up the scores that each student got on the test, then divides that sum by the total number of students who took the test. When the professor tells the class what the "average grade" was on the test, the professor is referring to which statistic?

Important aspects of behavior and mental processes are learned from others. Which psychologist most likely made a statement similar to this?

Albert Bandura

Who is most closely associated with social learning theory?

Albert Bandura

Which psychologist founded France's first psychology laboratory and was a pioneer in intelligence testing?

Alfred Binet

ABC's of Laboratory Research

All animal research must comply with the __________ to ensure that it complies with the law and is carried out in an ethical and human manner.

What was the Zeitgeist of the 18th century?

All knowledge comes from sensory experience

When a neuron is at its resting state, what is the status of sodium ions?

All the sodium has been completely absorbed.


Although we are usually able to adjust to life's challenges, sometimes we act in harmful ways, behaviors can be either adaptive or ________.

NOT: sensory failure maybe criterion

An Air Force pilot is flying over enemy lines. He has been assigned a target to destroy, but also knows that the target is in a heavily populated civilian area. His knowledge of the region represents what aspect of signal detection theory?


An emotional tie with another person; young children and caregiver.

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

An imaging technique used to examine changes in the activity of the working human brain.

statistical significance does not equal practical significance.

An important issue to bear in mind when interpreting tests of statistical significance is that

statistical significance does not equal practical significance

An important issue to bear in mind when interpreting tests of statistical significance is that...

Critical Period in a Child's Life

An optimal period shortly after birth when an organism's exposure to certain stimuli or experiences procedure proper development.

Which of the following situations is a clear violation of the optimal level of arousal theory?

An overburdened student starts a new job during finals week.


An understood rule for accepted and expected behavior. prescribe "proper" behavior.

What is structuralism?

Analyze basic feelings and elements using introspection. Understanding basic feelings would help understand conscious mind. Understanding quality, clarity, intensity, duration of stimuli could help understand conscious experience.

What were were his research goals?

Analyze conscious processes into basic elements, discover how elements were organized, determine laws governing organizations

What did Titchener believe about the task of psychology

Analyze consciousness into basic elements and determine how they're related


Any passing source of physical energy that produces a response in a sensory organ; can vary in type and intensity


Anything that affects a dependent variable and may unintentionally vary between the experimental conditions of a study.

damage to the left hemisphere of the brain may result in an impaired ability to use or understand language, a condition called


What did Broca discover through Monsieur LeBorgne?

Area of inferior frontal lobe responsible for speech production.

observe and think

Aristotle is important to psychology, because he believed that to achieve full understanding of anything we must _________


Aristotle used the term _________ to refer to the 'essence of life'.

What is the median calculated by?

Arranging all scores in numerical order and finding the midpoint

What is creative synthesis?

Associations are more than sums of their parts


At the beginning of the 20th century, women who had successful careers in psychology were not ________

When should research subjects receive a debriefing?

At the end of their participation or the end of the experiment

Developmental Norms

Average ages that children reach developmental milestones: 6 mos-babbling, 9 mos-stand with assistance, 10 mos-crawling, 12 mos-walking, 18 mos-vocabulary of 50-70 words

If a person's cerebellum was damaged in an accident you would expect the person to have a problem with

Balance and muscle coordination

If a person's cerebellum were damaged in an accident, you would expect the person to have problem with:

Balance and muscle coordination

broad dimensions

Based on available evidence, inheritance influences the _______ of our behavior.


Because humans work to feed, shelter, and clothe themselves, we know that human behavior is __________

Why did Hermann Ebbinghaus make up nonsense syllables for his memory studies?

Because if he used real words, his prior experience with those words might influence his memory.

parental investment in

Because of the amount of effort put forth to give birth to a child and to nurture a child after it is born, women have a higher ______ children than men.

informed consent

Before participating in research, potential participants must receive a full description of the experiment, demonstrating the ethical principle of ___

Which of the following is a key term in the definition of psychology?


Psychology is defined as the study of:

Behavior and mental processes

formal experiment

Bill wants to find the best way to draw conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships. Which research method should he use?

Glycogen causes the liver to convert its stored sugar into

Blood sugar

What is the general consensus about nature and nurture?

Both are correct.

unconscious mind

Both psychoanalytic and humanistic views view the ________ as a source of human problems.

sensory receptors.

Bottom-up processing involves analysis that begins with the

What did Franz Joseph Gail believe?

Brain size and Mind were positively linked. He was interested in mapping the outside of the brain as well

4 parts of Perceptual Constancy

Brightness Color Size Shape

Why was Germany such a hub of psychological activity?

Broadly defined science, freedom of teaching, more universities BASICALLY MORE OPPORTUNITIES


Brown eyes, dark hair, and farsightedness are common examples of ________ traits. Select one: a. neutral b. recessive c. dominant d. regressive

By definition, gender identity is a matter of

By definition, gender identity is a matter of

What part of the brain controls conscious experience and intelligence

Cerebral cortex

Who developed the Difference Engine No 2

Charles Babbage

Recapitulation, define:

Children growing up represents evolutionary history of humanity

Which of the following is an example of a collectivistic culture?


Which of the following would be the best example of an approach-approach conflict?

Choosing between one good job offer and a second good job offer


Chromosomes are constructed of long strands of

Which statement about genes and chromosomes is most accurate?

Chromosomes are made up of genes


Clara hoped that other researchers would be able to get the same results she did in her experiment, which would provide more support for her findings. Therefore, she was extremely careful in laying out the steps of her research project so that, in scientific terms, the other researchers could _______ her study.

Choose the researchers who provided scientific evidence used by the U. S. Supreme Court to decide the Brown v. Board of Education ruling. Select one: a. Clark and Clark Correct b. Sanchez and Cajal c. Calkins and Ebbinghaus d. Prosser and Brown

Clark and Clark Correct

In terms of therapeutic approaches, which approach is based on the premise that people possess the capacity to solve their own problems if given help and a safe environment to confront what is troubling them?

Client-centered therapy

The practice of psychiatry is most like the psychological specialty of

Clinical psychology

Rene Descarte

Coined DUALISM, mind and body affect each other through the pineal gland (seat of the soul)

Which is the correct order of completion for a psychiatrist, from first to last?

Complete medical school, internship in general medicine, residency in psychiatry

hard work

Concerning success in mathematics courses, women tend to attribute their own success to _______

Such research is ethical only when necessary to significantly advance the understanding of human or animal behavior and mental processes.

Concerning the American Psychological Association's ethical guidelines concerning the use of nonhuman animals for research ....

What is the stimulus error?

Confusing mental process with stimulus


Conscious experience and voluntary actions are mediated by the Select one: a. limbic system. b. cerebral cortex. c. cerebellum. d. cingulate cortex.

What does the phantom limb experience tell us about conscious experience?

Conscious experience is not always a direct representation of sensory information.

According to Frued, what are the three levels of consciousness?

Conscious, preconscious, unconscious


Considering anti-social behavior, when the genes that increase the likelihood of antisocial behavior also lead to experiences that increase the risk for antisocial behavior, a(n) ______ correlation is occurring.

Although related, school psychologists ____ and educational psychologists ____.

Consult about behavior problems and test; study the ways children learn.

How does contemporary psychoanalysis differ from the original form of psychoanalysis?

Contemporary psychoanalysts place greater importance on motives other than sexual or aggressive.

Which hypothesis states that abnormal behavior is similar to normal behavior but is more severe and harmful form of it?

Continuity hypothesis

What is the name of the large bundle of axons that connect the two halves of the brain

Corpus collosum


Correlation does not necessarily mean _____________

Which of the following statements about correlational research is false?

Correlational methods involve the study of naturally occurring relationships among two variables


Cortisol is secreted by the ______ and helps to regulate ______. Select one: a. pituitary gland; human growth b. adrenal glands; immunity to disease c. pituitary; immunity to disease d. adrenal glands; human growth

Correlational studies

DO NOT reach conclusions of cause - effect relationships between variables, but the strength of a relationship

What did William James do?

Defined psychology as the study of mental life (phenomena and conditions), debunked introspection/structuralism and said how consciousness was a stream of thought and psych should be used to investigate it

What is the route a message takes within a neutron?

Dendrite, cell body, axon


Descriptive methods that involve asking questions of groups, who are representative of the entire population

Which of the following is an example of a psychologist's attempt to predict behavior?

Determining whether a job applicant is likely to perform well on a job.

What did Hermann von Helmholtz do?

Developed a method for measuring speed of natural impulses

Problems with behaviorism

Different interpretations of words during development How people could remember a story Why grammar develops systematically

What was the two point threshold?

Distance between two points before reporting two distinct sensations

other siblings

Dizygotic twins are as genetically alike as

Parkinson is the result of low levels of what neurotransmitter?

Dopamine (DA)

the survey method

Dr. Carr needs a lot of information directly from people and has only one week to collect that information. Dr. Carr would probably benefit most by using

A researcher who places closely spaced electrodes on her subjects' heads in order to study brain activity is using the ______ technique


A researcher who places closely spaced electrodes on her subjects' heads in order to study brain activity is using the ________ technique.



Early in the history of psychology a memory researcher (Ebbinghaus) used himself as the only research participant in his study. Given this information, what might cause you to be skeptical about his results? Select one: a. The results were not gathered scientifically. b. The sample was probably not representative. c. People are smarter than they used to be. d. Most studies of memory focus on college students.

Who introduced Wundt's theories to the US?

Edward Titchener

Separation Anxiety

Emotional distress seen in many infants when they are separated from people with whom they have formed an attachment

gender roles

Emotional expressiveness, dependence, and nurturance are traditional feminine

_____ are secreted by the adrenal glands

Epinephrine and norepinephrine

Which four scientists demonstrated the experimental method?

Ersnt Weber, Gustav Fechner, Wilhelm Wundt and Herman von Helmholtz.

What did G Stanley Hall do?

Established first psych lab in the US at JHU. Founded american journal of society, first president of apa

What were some of the contributions of Wilhelm Wundt?

Established the first pysch laboratory at U of Leipzig, edited the first psych journal


Everyone in the group the experimenter is interested in.

What did Galileo believe?

Everything is made of atoms which affect each other through direct contact


Evidence gathered from publicly observable behavior is known as ______ evidence.

Group A received progressive relaxation training prior to test taking, while group B recieves no treatment. Group A is the________ and group B is the ___________.

Experimental group, control group

Which of the following research methods allow(s) researchers to determine causality?

Experimental studies

Neural pruning and neurogenesis are the exact same process


T or F: According to Weber's Law, the amount of additional stimulus needed to be detected is independent of the intensity of the starting stimulus


If a stroke were to occur in Broca's area a person might have difficulty speaking but would likely understand what is being said to them this disorder is called

Expressive aphasia

_____ refers to the degree to which an experimental design actually reflects the real-world issues it is supposed to address.

External validity

Endocrine glands secrete neurotransmitters into the bloodstream


According to the definition of psychology, which of the following is not a behavior? Smiling at a baby, watching birds fly, sleeping during a lecture, feeling hungry

Feeling hungry

Frances Cecil Summer

First African American to get a phD at Clark University with Hall Race relations, equality and psych of religion department chair at howard university

What the significance of the difference engine?

First successful attempt to "think" like humans

Margaret Floy Washburn:

First woman to get a PHD (Cornell, with Edward Titchener) Second woman president of APA Animal Mind, important insight into animal behavior

How does crystallized intelligence differ from fluid intelligence?

Fluid intelligence shows age-related declines before crystallized intelligence

Which research technique allows fairly confident conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships?

Formal experiment

Differing conditions

Formal experiments compare quantitative measures of behavior under_____ ________

Alfred Binet's work originated in ______ but has been translated for use in ______.

France; the United States

What differentiated Sigmund Freud from most of the other influential founders of psychology?

Freud was interested in the unconscious mind.


Frieda participated in a study to test a medication for treating osteoporosis, a degenerative bone disease. Half of the participants in that study received a pill containing the real medication and the other half received a pill that contained no active ingredients, i.e., no medication. Those who received the pill with no active ingredients were given...

help their offspring survive

From an evolutionary perspective, a woman selects a particular man for mating because the man will

In the somatic nervous system, by what pathway to electrochemical messages flow?

From the central nervous system to the rest of the body.

In psychology, William James was highly influential in developing the school of thought known as:


Using William James' analogy, the study of a flowing stream is like ____ as the study of individual water molecules is like _____.

Functionalism; structuralism

The axons of which neurons form the optic nerve?

Ganglion cells

competitive; nurturing

Generally speaking, men tend to be more ______ while women tend to be more ______.

verbal memory; science

Generally speaking, women perform better on ______ while men perform better on ______.

recessive traits

Genetically speaking, blue eyes, light hair, normal vision, and freckles are the result of_________

Who launched the cognitive revolution?

George Miller, with his paper on short term memory capacity

Which approach to psychology would be apt to say "The whole is greater then the sum of its parts"?


Which school of psychology used the phi phenomenon to demonstrate its belief about human consciousness?

Gestalt Psychology

It is the ___ cell that transports nutrients from the blood vessels to neurons.


The most common cell in the brain is the

Glial cell

Who published the Nature of Prejudice?

Gordon Allport

Originally the thought was that neurons transmitted signals through an all or none principle where the neuron fired at full strength or not at all. It is now understood that is not the case and that neurons transmit messages through

Graded electrical potentials

When a therapist helps a person overcome a phobia by gradually accompanying the patient from mildly fearful event to more fearful events, the therapist is using the ______ technique.

Graded exposure

Institutional Review Boards

Groups of people responsible for reviewing propsed research to ensure that it meets the accepted standards of science and provides for the physical and emotional well-being of research participants.

Top-Down Processing

Guided by higher-level knowledge, experience, expectations, and motivations. based on context

What is the main contribution of Hermann Ebbinghaus to psychology?

He demonstrated that carefully controlled experimentation can be conducted.

Dr. X required all of his students, without exception, to participate in an experiment for part of their course grade. What is true regarding Dr. X's use of the ethical principles of human research?

He is violating freedom from coercion

What happens if auditory neurons are damaged or destroyed?

Hearing impairment

What was the early pioneer in memory research that used himself as his only research subject?

Hermann Ebbinghaus

Which su part of the brain is located at the rear base of the skull


Which subpart of the brain is located at the rear base of the skull?


A common way of classifying the brain is to divide it into three major parts. What are they

Hindbrain midbrain forebrain

What are the key differences between historical and scientific data?

Historical data is available in the form of letters, diaries etc and is subject to loss and bias.

How are hormones different from neurotransmitters?

Hormones are carried in the bloodstream.

What effect did computers have on psych?

How computers processed info was used to understand how people processed info

What is social analysis?

How groups affect how people interact and influence each other

If you are interested in the functionalist approach to psychology, you would be most interested in:

How humans use their thoughts to function in their environment

what can changes in a clock's operation be used for?

How it's parts function

What is cultural analysis?

How people's thoughts, feelings and behavior are similar/dissimilar across culture

What is biological analysis?

How the body contributes to bind and behavior through chem and genetic processes

What did plato believe about nature vs nature?

Humans are born with innate knowledge

What do we know to be true about human behavior?

Humans are social animals

Allie has a theory that there is a relationship between the amount she studies and her grades. In order to test her theory, she must formulate a:


What did John Locke believe about ideas?

Idea is the fundamental unit of the mind, all ideas arise from sensation and reflection


If a neuron is polarized, which of the following conditions exists? Select one: a. The inside of the cell has a more negative charge than the outside. b. The inside of the cell has a more positive charge than the outside. c. The cell has fired and no electrical charges are present. d. Electrical charges are equally balanced between the inside and outside of the cell.


If a person hears two tones that differ in intensity just barely enough to be detected, the point of detection would be the ________ threshold. Select one: a. difference b. sensory c. absolute d. transduction


If a person possesses the desirable characteristics of both males and females, they would best be described as ________

Confounding of participant variables is less likely

If a researcher assigns participants randomly to the various groups used in an experiment which of the following will apply?


If a student asks you why we can see colors and you want to provide an answer based on the opponent-process theory of color vision, you tell the student it is because there are ________ different types of cone receptors.

freedom of coercion

If a student is required to participate in a research study, in order to pass a course, this a violation of the ethical principle of ____


If after examining the evidence you conclude that gender differences exist between ancestral men and women who faced different pressures during the Pleistocene era, you believe in the ______ theory of gender differences. Select one: a. sociocultural b. evolutionary c. Freudian d. nature-nurture

Which of the following best describes the relationship between dominant and recessive genes?

If both genes are present, the dominant gene is expressed


If criminal activity were found to increase as temperatures increase, researchers could conclude that there is a ________ correlation to crime and temperature.


If the results of a study are found to have statistical significance, this means that the results Select one: a. would happen by chance more than 5% of the time. b. happen about 50% of the time, no matter what. c. would happen by chance less than 5% of the time. d. have important implications for society.

Results were probably not due to chance

If the results of an experiment are statistically significant, what may we conclude?

perfect positive correlation

If two variables have a ___________, one variable can be perfectly predicted if you know the value of the second variable.

Why is mechanism important?

If universe is composed of atoms, there's a cause and effect rule, therefore the effect is predictable

NOT:the figure-ground relationship. Maybe : size constancy

If we see a German shepherd standing thirty feet from us, we still recognize its size even though the image on our retina is much smaller than if the dog was directly in front of us. This is primarily due to


If you are a participant in a blind experiment, Select one: a. the task is a visual task. b. the experimenter does not know the experimental condition you are in. c. you do not know what experimental condition you are in. d. the task involves not using your visual system.


If you are in a low stress-level situation, and you experience increases in salivation, constriction of the lungs, contraction of the bladder, and an activation of the digestive tract, you know that your ______ nervous system is primarily responsible for these operations. Select one: a. somatic b. sympathetic c. parasympathetic d. efferent


If you believe that gender differences are a result of different opportunities, challenges, experiences, and restrictions, then you hold to the ______ theory of gender differences.


If you have ever been struck in the back of the head and saw stars or flashes of light, cells were stimulated in your ________ lobe. Select one: a. temporal b. frontal c. occipital d. parietal


If you were a psychologist who was labeled a structuralist, you would be interested in the _______ of the mind, using ______ as you primary research method. Select one: a. function; experimentation b. structure; experimentation c. function; introspection d. structure; introspection


In a formal experiment, the variable that the experimenter measures is the ________ variable.

How did Hume define impressions and ideas?

Impressions are basic elements of natural life, Ideas are mental experiences we have without stimulating objects

no variables can be manipulated

In a correlational study which of the following is true?


In a correlational study, variable A is found to generally increase in value as variable B increases. The two variables have a _______ correlation.

neither the experimenter or the participant

In a double blind study, who knows about the details of the study?

placebo effect

In a drug study, sometimes the pill with an inert substance (such as a sugar pill) may have an unintended effect. This is called the _______

the paired associate task

In a memory study, you present a color that is presented alongside a number. These items are presented together, at the same time. Later you present the color, and ask the participant to recall (remember) the number.

Secure Attachment

In a mothers prescence an infant plays comfortably, happily exploring their new environments when she leaves they are distressed and on return seek her attention.


In a research study participants recorded the number of cigarettes smoked per day. "Number of cigarettes" smoked per day is referred to as a ____


In a set of numbers, how widely dispersed the values are from each other and from the mean.


In a study examining the effects of caffeine on memory, the participants are not told if they received caffeine or not. The technical term for this procedure is that the participants were Select one: a. uninformed. b. blind. c. manipulated. d. placeboed.


In an experiment, the factors that are manipulated by the experimenter are known as _______ variables.

Dependent Variables

In an experiment, the measure that is affected by manipulation of the independent variable.


In formal experiments, the experimental group is the ______ group and the control group is the ______ group. Select one: a. inactive; inactive b. inactive; active c. active; active d. active; inactive


In order to be accepted, research results must be __________

Sociocultural Perspective / Theory

In order to fully understand people it is necessary to understand the beliefs and values of other cultures.


In sensory transduction, neural energy is derived from Select one: a. physical sources of energy. b. Weber's law. c. stereochemical energy. d. perceptions.

separate but equal

In the U. S. Supreme Court decision of Brown v. Board of Education, segregated school systems could no longer be considered ___________.

spatial and mechanical reasoning

In the area of cognitive ability and achievement, the largest difference in cognitive performance between men and women is seen in the area of


In the somatic nervous system, by what pathway to electrochemical messages flow? Select one: a. in from the rest of the body to the central nervous system b. from the left hemisphere to the right hemisphere c. from the central nervous system to the rest of the body d. from the right hemisphere to the left hemisphere

According to Sigmund Freud, where do motives reside?

In the unconscious mind


In which school of thought did researchers ask participants to report sensations they were experiencing? Select one: a. behaviorism b. functionalism c. structuralism d. cognitive

human treatment

In working with nonhuman animals, ______ refers to the concept of minimizing the discomfort of animals, such as performing surgeries under adequate anesthesia.

a true statement about scatterplots

Indicates the relation between two variables

Howard Gardner's research indicates that

Intelligence includes more than just verbal and mathematical abilities


Industrial psychologists who design tests to screen new job candidates for various companies in order to hire workers who should perform best are attempting __________

If the brain used serial processing, which of the following would be true?

Information would be processed in one brain area at a time

Which of the following are the operations associated with the information-processing model of memory?

Input, storage, and retrieval

How did behaviorists explain mental behaviors?

Instincts, Inherited behaviors, emotions, thought

_____ refers to the degree to which changes in the dependent variable are due to the manipulation of the independent variable.

Internal validity

What did Ernst Weber do?

Introduced the experimental method to psychophysiology

How did Wundt measure conscious experience?

Introspection (internal perception), observation of one's own mental state

Which of the following accurately describes the effect of an inhibitory neurotransmitter?

It decreases the chance of depolarization

What did David Hume believe about the material world?

It does not exist unless perceived

What is the significance of a hypothesis?

It is used to test theories

What is the significance of a hypothesis?

It is used to test theories.

What did he believe should be done with psychology?

It should be less philosophy and more scientific ideas and experimentation

What did this zeitgeist do?

It showed the convergence of the importance of senses and HOW they functioned.

Why is psychology a science?

It uses rigorous methods of observation

Who won a Nobel Prize for his work on digestion?

Ivan Pavlov

Who won a Nobel price for his work on digestion?

Ivan Pavlov


Ivan Pavlov discovered that his dogs associated the sound of the bell with food. He called this process....


J. Henry Alston was notable as an African American psychologist and for his studies of the sensations of heat and cold. J. Henry Alston was an early _______


Job dissatisfaction would be a problem best dealt with by _______ psychologists.


John B. Watson's belief that psychology should focus only on overt behavior became the foundation of the _______perspective or theory.

Operational definition

José and his research group are studying the effects of acculturation on first graders. To clarify what they mean by "acculturation" they need a specific ________ for the term.

operational definition

José and his research group are studying the effects of acculturation on first graders. To clarify what they mean by "acculturation" they need a specific ________ for the term.

Weber's law

Just noticeable difference (JND) is a constant proportion of the intensity of an initial stimulus ex. 1:5

Which Ion contributes the most to hyper polarization (the fall)?


When the voltage of the neuron reaches threshold, what happens to the protein channels?

K+ and Cl- channels are open and Na+ gates open

Who was the first African American to be elected president of the American Psychological Association?

Kenneth Clark

What is the field theory, and who defined it?

Kurt Lewin, human thinking can be explained in terms of one's field and societal influences.

Strange Situation

Lab setting used by Mary Ainsworth

Why has introspection been abandoned?

Largely unreliable and subjective in nature

white male

Late 19th- and early 20th-century psychology was dominated by _____________ thinking.

What does functionalism do?

Look for underlying causes in specific behavior, mental abilities.

NOT: the figure-ground phenomenon. Maybe the Ponzo Illusion.

Looking at a quarter in your hand casts a different image on your retina compared to looking at a quarter across the room, yet we know that the quarter is the same and retains the same dimensions. This phenomenon is known as

If a neurologist wants an extremely accurate image of a patient's brain, the neurologist would probably order a(n)


The reticular formation is primarily responsible for

Maintaining muscle tone and cardiac responsiveness

Independent Variable

Manipulated by the experimenter

Which early researcher studied memory by having his/her participants pair a number and a color together?

Mary Whiton Calkins

Which drug is not physically addictive but can cause psychological withdrawal symptoms, decreased cognition efficiency, and weakened immune system with prolonged use?


Sound is a type of _____ energy


What was the zeitgeist of the 17th century?

Mechanism, All processes are determined and capable of being explained by chem and physics

Which part of the nervous system regulates breathing


Some individuals use bright light to treat seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression that occurs during the winter months. It is believed that bright light therapy is effective due to its influence on


Damage to the hippocampus would most likely impair

Memory formation

What did the toe-thigh experiment suggest?

Mental processes do not occur simultaneously, reaction time could be used to study the brain

What did Gustav Fechner suggest?

Mind and body were not separate, simply two sides of the same reality (MIND IS SUBJECTIVE, BODY IS OBJECTIVE)

What did Berkeley believe about association (learning)?

Mind constructs complex ideas with mental building blocks, applied to sensation (depth perception)

What did John Stuart Mill believe about the mind?

Mind plays an active role in association of ideas


Modern psycohanalysts still believe that unconscious ___ are the chief source of psychological problems.

Which of the following is an example of a secondary reinforcer?



Most psychologists agree that ________ influences human behavior.


Most psychologists agree that people can only be understood by recognizing ______ influences.

What did Newton believe?

Movement is communicated by forces that attract and repel atoms


Movement of air molecules brought about by vibration (sound waves); mechanical energy

Operational definition

Must remain constant throughout the experiment

Which ion contributes the most to depolarization (the rise)?


When the neutron is at rest:

Na+/K+ pumps is pumping out 3 Na+ for every 2 K+, K+ and Cl- channels are open

negative correlation

Nancy has found that when she spends a lot of time going to movies with her friends, she does not do well in school. This demonstrates a...

What federal agency now requires all new research grants that involve human participants include both sexes and members of major racial and ethnic groups?

National Institutes of Health

___________ Attempts to view behavior without disturbing the environment.

Naturalistic observation

in real life settings

Naturalistic observation describes a research technique in which careful observation and recording of behavior occurs


Naturalistic observation describes a research technique in which careful observation and recording of behavior occurs Select one: a. in real-life settings. b. through archival research. c. in a controlled laboratory. d. under legal scrutiny.

the optic nerve.

Near the center of the retina there is a spot where there are no rods and no cones. This spot exists because of


Nearby objects grouped together

How do nerves differ from neurons?

Nerves are bundles of long neurons.

How do nerves differ from neurons

Neurons are bundles of long neurons

Feature Detection (Hubel and Wiesel)

Neurons in visual cortex respond to specific stimulus features (shape, angle, movement, etc.)

Psychologists who study the role of the brain in psychological processes use the:

Neuroscience perspective.

The general name for the chemicals that travel across a synaptic gap are called


Are neurons physically connected to one another

No they are separated by the synaptic gap

Is the peripheral nervous system part of the central nervous system?

No, but the peripheral nervous system is divided into two subsystems

Are neurons physically connected to one another?

No, they are separated by a synaptic gap

Are neurons physically connected to one another?

No, they are separated by a synaptic gap.

When an authority figure gives you specific instructions and you follow them to the letter, _____ has occurred.



Objective observations or measurements.


Objects that resemble one another are often perceived as a group. This is the perceptual principle of

What did Freud do as a doctor?

Observed patients with nervous disorders (Anna O) Believed stress was due to conflicts and trauma that occured as kids

What experiments did Wundt perform regarding reaction time?

Observers were presented with two tasks with varying difficulty, time elapse was known as the reaction time


Of all the research methods described in the text, the ___ is the simplest method.

What did Charles Darwin do?

On the Origin of species, evolution and natural selection. Helped psychologists consider how humans and animals function in adaptation


On the long strands of DNA, ______ are located on the twin rails of the double helix.


On your skin, the level of sensitivity is controlled by the Select one: a. temperature of the surroundings. b. number of nerve cells. c. level of arousal. d. thickness of the epidermis.

What is an advantage that formal experimentation has over other research strategies?

One may exert control over the influence of variables.


One of the pleasure centers of the brain is found in the Select one: a. hypothalamus. b. corpus callosum. c. cingulate gyrus. d. thalamus.

NOT:opponent-process theory; trichromatic theory Maybe: trichromatic theory; opponent-process theory

One way to think about how we process color images is that the ________ describes the events at the first level of neurons in the visual system, while the ________ best describes the activities of neurons in the rest of the visual system.

What is John B. Watson's belief about studying human behavior?

Only visible behavior can be measured and understood

In positive reinforcement, the behavior that becomes more frequent is called the ____.

Operant response

If a psychologist were to study 'love' she would need to have an _________ love or else the hypothesis could not be tested.

Operational definition for

_____ provide an objective description of how variables are going to be measured and observed in a particular study.

Operational definitions

The place where the optic nerve cross is called the _____.

Optic chiasm

Descriptive Statistics

Overall summary of data.

" I realize that everyone is taling about me, mostly behind my back. Yesterday I read the paper and found that all the reporters were writing specifically about me. I found coded messages in sever articles, which of course only I could decipher." Which disorder is the person in this question most likely to be diagnosed with?

Paranoid Schizophrenia

If you are in a low stress level situations and you experience increases in salivation, constriction of the lungs, contraction of the bladder and activation of the digestive tract, you know that your ____ nervous system is primarily responsible for these operations


"single blind study"

Participant expectations will not affect the results

Drawbacks for a single case research study

Participants may not be representative of the population as a wholev

Who was Monsieur LeBorgne?

Paul Broca's patient, could not speak except for "tan", could understand speech and communicate gestures

What did aristotle believe about nature vs nurture?

People develop knowledge in life experiences


People do things for reasons; behavior is _______

What was Wundt's introspection experiment like?

People were given stimulus and reported their experience after that

What did George Berkeley believe about perception?

Perception is dependent on the perceiver

Bottom-Up Processing

Perception that consists of the progression of recognizing and processing information from individual components of a stimuli and moving to the perception of the whole

control group

Permits a contrast between manipulating the independent variable and no treatment

Kenneth and Mamie Clark

PhDs at columbia Studied how racism affected black self image Testified in B v B of ed Kenneth was first black president of APA

The beginning of psychology as a science began in the discipline of



Physical characteristics of an organism

What were the three feeling parts on tri theory?

Pleasantness/Unpleasantness, Strain/Relaxation, Excitement/Stress

What was the Zeitgeist of the 19th Century?

Positivism, based on facts that are obviously observable and not debatable (anything other than scientific facts were nonsense)


Practical significance is different than _________significance.

What was the difference engine?

Precursor to a modern calculator, easy to solve complicated problems

Why is the clock a model of the universe?

Predictability, precision, regularity

What are two ways to measure sensation?

Presence of stimulus, absence of stimulus

Pacinian Corpuscle


What could sensation be broken down to?

Primary and Secondary qualities.

What is Historiography?

Principles, methods and philosophical issues of psych research


Produced by feedback from the muscles that turn your eyes inward to view a close object

What were secondary qualities?

Properties that are noticed by perception

What were primary qualities?

Properties that exist whether or not we perceive them (things actually made of matter)

Which of the following is actually an example of how a gene might be expressed?

Proteins are synthesized

What is Gestalt Psychology?

Psych approach emphasizing what we perceive as a whole rather than individual components

What is the major difference between psychologists and psychiatrists?

Psychiatrists are medical doctors

What is the major difference between psychologists and psychiatrists?

Psychiatrists are medical doctors.

Which of the following schools of thought involves an analyst's unlocking a person's unconscious conflicts by talking with the individual about his or her childhood memories, dreams, thoughts, and feelings?


Which school of psychology was founded and developed by Sigmund Freud?


With what psychological approach is Sigmund Freud associated?


How did WW2 affect psychology?

Psychologists fled Europe and settled in the USA, USA became cutting edge center for psych research, attempts to understand the war were generative in psych

basic research

Psychologists who do their work in industrial settings, medical centers, and school systems often use psychological information obtained from__________


Psychologists who study the role of the brain in psychological processes use the Select one: a. neuroscience perspective. b. psychoanalytic approach. c. humanistic viewpoint. d. sociocultural viewpoint.


Psychology is achieved when we can explain and ________ behavior.

careful and controlled observation

Psychology is considered to be a science because psychologists use....

What were Wilhelm Wundt's research interests?

REACTION TIME, consciousness (sensation, feeling)


Rather than recording data from a study that is linked to the participant's names, the researchers arranged to give each participant a random number. Only the participant knows his or her random number, and these numbers are not connected to the participant's identity in any way. This procedure of conducting a study helps to ensure

The primary function of dendrites is to

Receive incoming info

Gustation (Taste)

Receptor cells (taste buds) respond to four basic stimulus qualities: Sweet, Sour, Salty, and Bitter

The trichromatic theory says that 3 types of cones detect what color?

Red, blue, and green

You cannot remember much of what you learned in high school chemistry but you learn the same chemistry material in college much faster than you did in high school. Which method of memory evaluation does this illustrate?



Repetition of an experiment to confirm the results.

high; decrease

Research evidence has suggested that ______ levels of lead or mercury in a child's bloodstream may ______ the intellectual ability of a child.


Research methods 'survey technique' and 'naturalistic observation' both are _________ in nature.


Research that is conducted to find out under what circumstances bystanders will help in a crisis is part of which goal of psychology?

experimenter bias

Researchers who act differently toward some participants are engaging in ______

What are the laws of association?

Resemblance (similarity), contiguity

Which of the following is an example of a control process?


You are unable to remember your previous address because you tend to confuse it with your current address. This illustrates _____ interference.


Visual stimuli form the left visual field is sent to which visual cortex?


a placebo

Rose participated in a study to test a medication for treating osteoporosis, a degenerative bone disease. Half of the participants in that study received a pill containing the real medication and the other half received a pill that contained no active ingredients, i.e., no medication. Those who received the pill with no active ingredients were given

Who was the first to publish a description of the cells of the brain, now called neurons?

Santiago Ramon y Cajal

What was Ernst Weber interested in?

Sensation and perception (weight, temperature, pressure)

Which personality disorder includes individuals who have no interest in social contact?

Schizoid personality disorder

orderly and lawful.

Science requires that the subject matter be


Scientific process that involves the systematic and careful collection of data.

According to research studies, what should happen if Scott observes Allison being rewarded for picking up toys?

Scott's toy picking up behavior will increase

Collection data about the world through seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting is a function of ______, and interpreting data collected is the function of ________.

Sensation, Perception

According to Titchner, one could break down all human experiences into three components, which were:

Sensations, feelings, images

Difficulty sleeping, paying attention in class and suffering from depression are symptoms of low:


There is a numerical relationship between the two variables.

Several lab groups found a strong positive correlation between number of hours spent on campus and grades. What can you conclude from this information?

When a researcher says she is concerned about experimenter bias, what is she concerned about?

She is concerned about influencing the behavior of the participants because she knows what condition of the study they are in

What did Evelyn Hooker do?

Showed that gays and straights didn't differ in cognitive functioning, helped declassify homosexuality as a mental illness


Siblings would have the same genes if Select one: a. their parents are brother and sister. b. each inherits dominant genes. c. they are fraternal twins. d. they are monozygotic twins.

Which person is most closely associated with the study of human behavior as it pertains to the unconscious mind?

Sigmund Freud

Which theorist would most likely accuse you of accidentally wrecking your dad's car because (though you were not aware of this) you wanted to hurt your dad?

Sigmund Freud


Sigmund Freud believed very strongly that one's unconscious motives are the roots of all behavior and psychological problems.

Compared to the male brain the female brain is ___ and has a ___ surface area

Smaller; larger

A researcher wants to study the relationship between lifespan and cigarette smoking. For this study, he cannot ethically manipulate people to smoke cigarettes, so the researcher must rely on a correlational study. Based on the correlational approach, which of the following statements would be an appropriate conclusion?

Smoking cigarettes is related to decreases in lifespan.


Smooth, continuous patterns preferred

It is easier to classically condition a fear of ___ compared to a fear of ___.

Snakes; lunch boxes.

Which contemporary viewpoint combines aspects of behaviorism with aspects from the cognitive perspective?

Social learning theory


Social learning theory has attempted to integrate the ideas of behaviorism with the study of ....

What was the main finding of Zimbardo's study?

Social situations can have a powerful influence on behavior

You are told that Dr. Doe researches the behavior patterns of a group of French descendants who live near the mouth of the Mississippi River. Dr. Doe is most likely a:

Sociocultural psychologist.

A low amplitude sound would sound ______



Some individuals use bright light to treat seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression that occurs during the winter months. It is believed that bright light therapy is effective due to its influence on Select one: a. melatonin. b. parathormone. c. estrogen. d. thyroxin.


Something in the world that can be measured and can vary.

gene environment correlation

Sometimes individuals who have a gene that influences a psychological characteristic also have experiences that also influence the same psychological characteristic. When this happens, it is called


Sorting out, interpretation, analysis, and integration of stimuli carried out by the sensory organs and brain

Which of the following statistics describes the spread of a series of numbers?

Standard Deviation and Variance

In which school of thought did researchers ask participants to report sensations they were experiencing?


In which school of thought did researches ask participants to report sensations they were experiencing?


With which school of psychology is Wilhelm Wundt associated?


J. Henry Alston was notable as an African American psychologist and for his studies of the sensations of heat and cold. J. Henry Alston was an early:


What did John Watson do?

Studied animals, published an article in Psych Review, switched to psych in advertising.

Culturally Sensitive Study

Studies that take into account the ways culture affects thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Define mind

Subjective experience of psychological phenomena, resulting from biological processes within the brain

What was Wundt's method called?

Subtractive method


Successful replication means that certain conclusions about behavior have been repeated in ________


Surveys, naturalistic observations, and the clinical method represent which type of scientific inquiry?

descriptive studies

Surveys, naturalistic observations, and the clinical method represent which type of scientific inquiry?

Ensembles d'études connexes

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