L&M Final

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The patient's right to self governance and medical decision making is:


Which of the following is accurate regarding the implementation of legislation and statutes

Congress often authorizes government agencies to create regulations for the implementation of policies.

Which of the following is one of the four states of knowing

Conscious Competence

The ethics committee has three main purposes: education, _________, and policy review.


Health leaders need to be, as globalization increases, ___________, understanding, and capable to lead people from across the globe.

Culturally Aware

Health leaders who do not appropriately deal with nonperforming empyees care a new ________________ of nonperformance in their area or responsibility


_____________ is a pattern of basic assumptions that are invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and integration.


Ambiguity ________________________ when jobs or assignments are different in a work process


As a foundation for ethics, _________ Theories are methods for allocating _______ resources in society.

Distributive, Justice and scarce

To reduce the potential for litigation the keys to dealing with non-performing employees by health leaders are ______________, collaboration with the human resources department, legal counsel and senior leadership


______________ involves the matching of an employee's knowledge, skills, and abilities to appropriate tasks, levels of authority, and levels of power and influence.


A health organization that studies disease rates and ways to control it is engaged in what


Great leadership requires education, training, and


Frequent communication of expectations should be verbalized, modeled, and documented to all subordinates and employees across the organization; however, nonperforming employees may need _____________ counseling of each expectation, norm, and performance standard.


True or False: A healthcare executive who creates a shared vision for the team and designs and implements an organizational plan for the institution is demonstrating proficiency in the AUPHA core competency of business skills


True or False: After the great man and trait phase of leadership was over, Stodgill conducted reviews of the research and determined that there was a direct correlation between traits and skills of the successful leader and championing a return to the trait approach to leadership


True or False: Anthropology, archeology, and social anthropology have not contributed to the foundations of modern leadership theory and practice. However more modern fields such as political science, psychology, business and communication are an important part of modern leadership theory and practice


True or False: Behaving ethically is the same as following the law.


True or False: Compromising weakens relationships


True or False: Cost efficiency refers to how quickly a system reacts to a request for service


True or False: Decision making must occur within the unbounded rationality of the environmental context in which the problem must be solved


True or False: Design capacity is defined based on inputs.


True or False: Distributive justice suggests that the market or market forces should determine the distribution of resources in a society.


True or False: For many leaders, the health systems prevalent in the modern health organization are complex and highly integrated, which makes leading people and managing resource in those systems easier because of the support structure.


True or False: For the health leader, sociodemographic factors come dow to six questions


True or False: From a mentoring standpoint, in the walk stage, careerists must be given very explicit lessons and directions to learn very basic knowledge, such as what is a leader, what are leadership characteristics, and what do leaders do


True or False: Great Leadership requires moving to higher levels of understanding


True or False: Health leaders should visit and know the physician leaders and allow those physician leaders to liaison with the other physicians.


True or False: Healthcare services that are average in value for the patient result in improved health status for the individual


True or False: In PAARP, the resource phase focuses on followership, leadership, and embedding mechanisms


True or False: In health care, priorities seldom change due to environmental demands.


True or False: In healthcare, technology is slowly evolving, which increases complexity at a steady, predictable rate


True or False: In the field of healthcare ethics, nonmaleficence refers to the requirement of the health organization to do "good."


True or False: In the walk stage, individuals have mastered most of the complex information about leadership


True or False: It is the responsibility of a leader and a leadership team to hire middle makers who will remain current about and relevant to situational and environmental change; then convert this information to the leadership team


True or False: Leader mentoring takes on a similar but slightly different role than coaching because mentoring has a more narrow scope than coaching.


True or False: Left brained individuals may be best suited for creating new product and service lines, developing long range strategic plans and forecasting threats on the environmental horizon


True or False: Machiavelli suggests that tenets of positive social exchange enhance leadership


True or False: Mission, vision, and values are not always guideposts that leaders utilize to focus the health organization's collective energy and resources


True or False: Power distance tends to be high in situations where power is equally distributed.


True or False: Professional associations are optional for leaders who are not physicians


True or False: SMART objectives must be Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Rewarding, and Timed


True or False: Societies with low uncertainty avoidance are likely to resist change and depend on clear policies and procedures.


True or False: Some level of malingering is to be expected in the health organization.


True or False: Stakeholders cannot directly or indirectly influence the success of your organization


True or False: The behavior of senior leadership is not as important as the behavior of midlevel managers, because most employees will not interact with senior leaders.


True or False: The midcareer leader should join professional organizations


True or False: The vision statement is the organization's reason for being, its purpose


True or False: Type B individuals are: competitive, inquisitive, have a short fuse, often feel impatient, and may be aggressive


True or False: Unconscious incompentence is "we know what we know."


True or False: Understanding yourself as a leader, your strengths and weaknesses, does not enhance your leadership capabilities


True or False: Values are applied practices derived from an ethical framework that is based on values and resources allocation beliefs


True or False: Vertical organizations are organizations that have cooperative relationships, affiliations,or ownership rights with multiple outside agents and actors


True or False: When communicators are considering the entire situation of a communication, including feelings towards the interaction, they are seeking meaning at the episode level in the CCM hierarchy


True or False: In the field of health leadership, ethical dilemmas occur at three levels: micro, macro, and meso

False (Should be Mess)

Good leaders are also good


Leadership thought is constructivist, meaning that early theories and models form the _____________ for the next theory or model


There are several phases of leadership thought, the first phase is the

Great man and trait phase

An individual is depositing money into an account used to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses. The money in the account earns interest, and the individual does not lose any money that is still in the account at the end of the year. What type of account is this individual using

Health Savings Account

After working long hours for several weeks to deliver a project on schedule, two days before it is due, the employee is notified that the project has been cancelled. The employee receives this new information calmly, without displaying an anger or dismay over the wasted time. In this scenario, what is the employee demonstrating

High locus of control

In 1918, the American College of Surgeons efforts directly improved:

Hospital Standards

The Dynamic Culture Leadership Model assessment measures leadership, _____________, science (technical) and art (relationships) propensities, communication, planing, decision alignment, employee enhancement and knowledge management constructs.


Based on several studies, a researcher has come up with a leadership model that suggests several processes that should be employed by effective leaders. The theory would be best classified as what


True or False: A model is a simplified substitute for an event or situation that tis being studied or predicted.


True or False: According to Buckingham & Clifton, leadership is a process of focusing on follower strengths rather than trying to eliminate weakness


True or False: Analytics is the use of information resulting from the analysis of data.


True or False: Artifacts and creations are the most visible elements of culture and include the organization's contracted social and physical environment


True or False: Being a "transformational follower" means you are positively contagious to others as a role model.


True or False: Benchmarking is a continuous process of measuring performance and services against best in class cases or organizations.


True or False: Benchmarking your system against other health organizations is essential.


True or False: Bormann developed Symbolic Convergence Theory, which explains how certain forms of communication function to shape a group's identity and culture, and consequently influences other dynamics such as norms, roles, and decision making


True or False: Collectively, stakeholders in the Managed Care Quaternion affect all aspects of health organizational life.


True or False: Contingent Reward is associated with Transactional Leadership


True or False: Descriptive Model describes how a system should function according to the model


True or False: EI is considered to be just as important, or even more important, as IQ for success as a leader


True or False: Egalitarianism is a set of closely related theories that, without exemption, advocate the thesis that all members of a society should have an exactly equal amount of resources.


True or False: Forecasting is the active development of projections and likely scenarios based on patterns indicated from monitoring


True or False: From the strategic plan, strategies, goals, and objectives are developed.


True or False: Goals are broad statements of direction that come from strategies. This multi-level approach focuses and narrows effort for each section within the health organization


True or False: High performance orientation societies place emphasis on what a person does rather than who the person is.


True or False: Human resources (HR) within the healthcare organization is being seen as potential source for innovation in the transition to value-based care


True or False: Human resources must be managed to meet the needs of the organization.


True or False: In the run phase, leaders are in leadership positions, are accountable, and responsible for the diverse myriad of responsibilities and challenges inherent in every health leadership position


True or False: In the walk stage, leaders begin to understand the complexities and challenges of managing teams


True or False: Institutional organizations and environments highlight the importance of social, political and psychological aspects of organizational dynamics.


True or False: Intellectual stimulation is a principle of Transformational Leadership


True or False: Internal collaborations include different stakeholders being brought together to develop, implement, evaluate, and improve initiatives aimed at meeting the needs of the diverse patients.


True or False: Jungian Assessment suggest that all individuals are born with a personality


True or False: Leaders need to link their plan of leadership to lead people and manage resources.


True or False: Leaders who focus on an outcomes assessment approach to leadership are following in the footsteps of Codman's end results methodology


True or False: Managing clinical staff will require new thinking and methods


True or False: Mentoring can occur between peers.


True or False: Organizations work best when governed by rationality and norms


True or False: Outputs are measured by outcomes.


True or False: Performance in healthcare organizations weds the empirical concept of efficiency and the stakeholder concept of effectiveness into a new, measurable latent variable called performance


True or False: Performance=Effectiveness criteria + Efficiency ratios


True or False: Skill is the effective and timely utilization of knowledge that is comprehended; it is the learned power of doing something competently through a developed aptitude.


True or False: Sourcing is considered a strategic imperative by cutting-edge healthcare organizations.


True or False: The 4 Ps of Health Analytics Adoption is both prescriptive and descriptive.


True or False: The DCL Model is intended to fit within the situational and transformational leadership paradigm with an emphasis on organizational culture development


True or False: The Situational Phase attempts to explain effective leadership within a larger context


True or False: The behavior phase is considered to be between the 1940s and 1960s


True or False: The categories of the Leader as Coach assessment are high, middle or low


True or False: The longer the learning time, the more potential impact the effort will have for the employee.


True or False: The parity of healthcare is a modern version of the Swod of Damocles


True or False: The past two decades have seen tremendous change and contributes to the sophistication of the supply chain.


True or False: The supply chain integrates with the healthcare provider to diagnose, treat, and care for a patient


True or False: The theory of planned behavior, or TPB, is useful to the leader when thinking about the purpose of a group


True or False: There is a growing trend to incorporate organizational culture into leadership theories and models


True or False: Value-based systems focus on maximizing outcomes while reducing costs


True or False: Vision is how the organization intends to achieve its goals, while mission defines why the organization pursues the goals it does


The Macro-Environmental Forces include

both ecological forces and legal and ethics focuses

Supply charge capture is a process that ______________

both uses the CDM to charge a patient for supplies used in their care and closely like the supply chain to the revenue management system

What percentage of hospitals and health systems are currently utilizing REAL data?


A reasonable estimated annual operating expense attributed to the healthcare supply chain for a typical hospital is __________ percent


Considering external stakeholders, Mintzbeg found that leaders spend approximately ____________ of their time with the group


The health workforce is a diverse and talented group of professions that comprise approximately ________precent of the total US workforce


Enneagrams can be divided up into ______ primary constructs or types


Which of the following is exhibiting traits identified by Stodgill in his study of leader traits and skills

A leader who is self-confident and willing to assume responsibity

Normally, increase in cost result in decreases in ____________ in the Iron Triangle Model.


Determining appropriate data categories consists of

All of the Above

Each group, profession, and speciality in a health organization has

All of the Above

Health leaders' performance can be assessed and evaluated by:

All of the Above

Stakeholders influence the health organization in what areas?

All of the Above

The supply chain in health care includes

All of the Above

To manage resources such as equipment, a leader should

All the Above

Diverse leadership teams, consistent on mission and vision, offer the ____________ potential for the health organization to be successful in dynamic environments, according to the Dynamic Culture Leadership Model


In order to compare and contrast leadership perspectives across the globe, what constructs were used?

Both assertiveness and future orientation

Flexner's publication in 1910 directly improved:

Both scientific methods and medical education

In Graen's Exchange Theory, there are two groups of subordinates. What are these groups

In group and Out Group

Which of the following is true of the Iron Triangle Model

Increasing efficiency, decreasing regulation, and improving technology are three conditions that can break the relationship

There are four leadership constructs in the Transformational Leadership model by Burns and Bass. One of their constructs is

Individualized Consideration

The ________ model describes the relationship between cost, quality, and access to care

Iron Triangle

In McGregor's theory contrasting Theory X and Theory Y workers, Theory X workers would be considered


____________ are responsible for incorporating ethical frameworks and moral practice in the culture and operations of the health organization.


The practicies of coaching and mentoring use similar approaches; however mentoring usually covers a ________________ duration of time.


Internal stakeholders of health organizations include

Physicians, surgeons and nurses

Of the following, which is a directional strategy of a health organization?


____________ are applied practices of the ethical framework


The unproductive employee may be an employee who lacks appropriate _________ or education to maintain productivity in the workplace.


Constructs of the Iron Triangle Model are:

None of the Above

Efficiency is derived from ____________

None of the Above

Horizontal organizations are more ______________ than vertical organizations considering the external environment.

None of the Above

_____________ align organizational resources to meet the stated goals, while ____________ are created to produce a step-by-step or task-level implementation sequence.

Objectives, Action Step

The Dynamic Culture Leadership Model includes three levels of analysis. One of the levels is


HEDIS is a report card and evaluation system for ____________

Organizations with health insurance plans

According to the Donabedian model, changes to health status, behavior changes, and knowledge changes are all part of what


Individuals who are more spontaneous because they rely on their own rules of thumb and prior knowledge when making decisions would most likely be assessed as what by the MBTI


Which is not a component of the care continuum?

Preventable Readmission

In Leadership as Managed Culture Change and possibly in the new phase, Culture Creation Contingency Leadership, organizational culture creation by leaders is


Leadership is required in the health industry because

Problems of cost, quality, and access need to be solved

A data warehouse that holds data elicited from ERP systems and organizational documents that disclose costs of services, billing amounts, expected reimbursements, and expenses for the organization is focused on which category of health analytics

Profitability Data

According to PAARP, it is the actions of leadership which give ____________ to a group


The major domains of decision making are: willful choice or rational models; _____________________________; and combination models

Reality based models

Types of internal organizations can be institutional, __________, and contingent.

Resource Dependent

Trust, ________, and honesty form the foundation of a professional relationship in health organizations.


Why is the study of leadership important the health industry

There is significant lack of leadership morality, knowledge, skills and abilities at the individual leader level

Four salient constructs of the emotional intelligence model are: 1)self-awareness; 2) self-management; 3) _______________; and 4) social skills

Social Awareness

Tuckman's Model of Group Dynamic Process contains the following constructs

Storming and Norming

Training should be highly related to the organization's needs based based mostly on

Strategic and Operational Plan

Donabedian's modal important to quality in health is comprised of _____________, process, and outcome.


_______________ practices provide the best method for health leaders to lead and organization and develop an appropriate culture

Transformational Leadership

There are three goals of communication; _____________________; achieving intended effect: and being theca (moral)


A _____________ is an aspiration of a better future for the health organization


There are four types of learning: Auditory, Reading/Writing, Kinesthetic and


One method to describe the cycle of leadership development is the Crawl, ___________, and Run Model


The supply item master is:

a list of all items available to order in the organization

Leader actions and behaviors across most theories suggest successful leaders ____________

communicate an appealing vision

Meaningful use is using certified electronic health record technology to

improve quality, safety, and efficiency, and reduce health disparities

People are __________ and resources are _________

led, managed

Ethics can be defined as a theory of ____________________

moral values

The requirement for the health organization to do no harm is ________


The Dynamic Culture Leadership Model is both a descriptive and a _____________ model


Every great group has a great leader that does the following

reduces barriers for the group and sets mutual challenging goals

The 'Crawl Stage' begins with


Goals should be


Value-based purchasing is an initiative administered by

the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services

The Run Stage in the cycle of leadership development means

the health leader is highly accountable and responsible positions

The "greatest good for the greatest number" is a tenet of:


The first step in planning is establishing the organizational situational assessment, then developing the ____________, mission, strategies, goals, objectives, and action steps


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