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What is a major difference between mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis produces diploid body cells whereas meiosis produces haploid sex cells .

Why is meiosis increasing the genetic variability of the next generation?

Mixes the chromosomes of the father and mother, crossing over in the proface

What is a viroid?

Most primitive virus that only effects plants

Are chromosomes always and easy to see inside most of the cells?

No only during cell division

What is junk DNA?............................... What is another or older name for junk DNA? ...............

Non protein coding DNA, Introns

Give 2 examples where PCR changed previous scientific concepts! -- about the speed of evolution: a comparison of DNA sequences in living African elephant and extinct Mammoth showed .................. This implies ........................ --- about our species: a comparison of DNA sequences in living Homo sapiens and extinct H. neanderthaliensis showed ......................... This implies .......................

evolution, high speed adaption, high sequence similarity, 3 human species on the planet

Some human traits are also following simple dominant/recessive outlines. Which allele for the human hair is recessive, (a) curly or (b) straight?


When we expose chromosomes to DNA stains we find that (a) the entire chromosome is stained equally or (b) that there are bands of intense staining and less intense staining.


What is the wild-type phenotype for human hair color?


If you cross a white and a black mouse what color would be the F1?................We call this type of inheritance.........

black, incomplete dominance

At the same time that Mendel worked on peas, Charles Darwin published his work on the "Origin of Species". What was his concept about inheritance?

blending hypothesis

What is the wild-type phenotype for human eye color?


How is the plant cancer Crown Gall disease induced?

by bio-bacteria

Which cells divide rapidly and uncontrolled?

cancer cells

The appearance of cancer is related to the mutation of genes (proto-oncognes) that affect which cellular process?

cell division

How does senescence or aging relate to cell divisions? Aging is defined as the stage where.......................

cell division stops

While people believed before him that life forms could spontaneously generate from dust. Spallanzani was the first to see and recognize............. in........ cells..

cell division, egg

True or false? Densely packaged DNA stretches are especially active in gene expression!


Virus infections always kill the host cell. True or False? Explain your answer!

false because we have lysogenic cycle that kill them right away

Bacteria divide by a simple mechanism called .............The daughter cells are genetically ................of their parent cell.

fission, identical

. Chromosomes have heterochromatin vs euchromatin regions which reflect a different degree of DNA...........

folding density

The chromosome theory of inheritance was not accepted until Alfred Blakeslee studied the inheritance in Datura plants he found a match between the shape of the chromosomes number 13 and the shape of.......


What is the mechanism by which animal cells undergo cleavage?

furrow cleavage

Why do we encounter more virus epidemics in the last 50 years than in the times before that?


What is a codon?

group of 3 mRNA bases

What did we learn about cell division of animal cells when growing cells in culture?

growth factors

How can you get plant stem cells (callus) to produce a root organ?

growth hormone

In the anaphase the mitotic spindle pulls the chromosomes apart and divides them equally between the prospective daughter cells. What kind of chromosomes is actually moved into the two halves of the cell?

half chromosome

There are two methods to separate the two stands of DNA. First you can separate them by .......and second cells use......... to do the same job.

heating, helicase

Which odd species seems to have the most most junk DNA on planet earth?


In comparison with bacterial and plant cells, animal cells lack a .....................(name organelle) and therefore have a way of cell division that is called..............

cell wall, cleavage

Cytokinesis = the division of ........... ; mitosis = the divison of ..........

cells, nuclei

What happens during the prophase of mitosis?

chromosomes become visible

What happens during the metaphase of mitosis?

chromosomes line up at the cell equator

Where do the amino acids come from that are used to make proteins on the ribosomes of the rougher?


What process does the term mitosis refer to?

division of the nucleus

An example for mutations that are caused by unusual chromosome numbers in humans is the

down syndrome

There are three cases where inheritance patterns deviate from the Mendelian rules. These are (a) (b) (c)

incomplete dominance, maternal inheritance, linked genes

What lasts longer the mitosis phase or the resting or interphase of the cell cycle?


Another important impact of PCR was in the field of forensics. Here .................................................

it revolutionized CSI techniques

What is crossing over and where does it occur?

it's when two chromosomes exchange genetic material. Occurs in proface

Which amino acid has the highest number of 3 -base -letters code for it?


What makes bacteria so useful and dangerous is the enormous rates of propagation they can reach under favorable conditions. How do we call the phase in which they reach maximal propagation rates?

logarithmic phase

What is the mechanism by which a plant cell divides?


Does the division time of cells match the renewal time of the organ they are part of?


Is every proteinogenic amino acids exactly matched with one codon in the DNA sequence or not?


What are introns?

non-coding DNA

Why are viroids the new great threat to the global human populations?

not a threat they only affect plants

In which organisms was mitosis first observed?

onion cells

Which takes longer the renewal of a cell or that of an organ?


What is a genome?

organism's complete set of DNA

When organisms are wounded, they produce substances that sponsor cell division to heal it. In animals we call this factor........................................

platelet derived growth factor

Some single genes affect more than one trait. We call this ........... A good example for it is the appearance of ...............

pleiotropy, sickle cell

There is a second type of cell division called meiosis. What is the purpose of having a second type?


Name a bacteria species that becomes lethally pathogenic due to the presence of .........................

prophage virus genes, Scarlet fever

While DNA or nuclein was recognized as the substance relating to inheritance in the 1890s, in the first half of the 20th century people believed that inheritance is associated not with nucleic acids but with ..............


We know already since 1884 that nucleic acids contain two types of nitrogenous bases: the........ and the..........

purines, pyrimidines

What is the role of the second gap phase G2?

quality control

Name 3 categories of mutagenesis-inducing factors!

radiation, carcinogens (chemicals) bacteria and viruses

What is inverse transcription and in which organisms does it occur?

retroviruses like HIV occurs in humans

What is a gene?

sequence of nucleotides in DNA

Give a bloody example (excuse my French!) for a single-base mutation that changes the shape of the concerned cell type!

sickle cell anemia

Polygenic inheritance is when one trait is influenced by multiple genes. Name such a trait in humans and animals!

skin color

Name a virus epidemic that was the plaque and likely downfall of the ancient Rome.

small pox

The mRNA bonds to the small/large subunit of the ribosomes and the tRNA binds to the small/large subunit of the ribosome (circle right answer!)

small, large

Which organs have the fastest turn-over or renewal times? Name two?

stomach lining, lungs

The use of inverse transcription was crucial in the development of .................. genes and through it the development of something the world had never seen before - ................. Organisms

synthetic, GMO'S

A sophisticated hypothesis of aging was forwarded by Dr. Hayflick, in which he proposed that the stop of cell divisions was linked to a steady process of reducing the number of .....................(chromosomes??) Make one argument that does not support the Hayflick hypothesis of aging!.........................................

telomeres, nerve cells don't divide

What was the most surprising discovery about the nucleus division called mitosis?

the discovery of chromosomes

What is the effect of having multiple sets of chromosomes in berries?

they get bigger

What is the role of tRNA molecules?

to bring the amino acids to the ribosomes

Ribosomes participate in replication/transcription/translation of the Genome?


Which infectious biological particle is called "genes in a box"?


Name a mutation that affects our metabolism and which lies far back in an ancestor of both primate apes and humans?

vitamin c deficiency

When grown in culture, plant cells suddenly reveal the need for substances; we thought they can produce easily. Which substances do I talk about?


Recessive genetic disorders are only a real threat...................................... Therefore it is recommended for concerned parents to undergo genetic testing.

when both parents have it

When is a mutation in a single base most severe in its consequence?

when changing amino acid to stop codon

When is a mutation in a single base silent or insignificant?

when it codes for the same amino acid

Which cells were the first tried for DNA extraction?

White blood cells

How do human sex chromosomes determine the human sex?

XX women XY man

Did the original discoverer of DNA know that DNA came from the nucleus of a cell?

Yes, found it in nuclein

Replication reminds us of a certain type of textile closure and do not mean Velcro or buttons but ....................


Among the human disorders most are (a) recessive (b) dominant


. Mendel had incredible luck. He chose 7 traits for his studies. All of these traits were (a) either dominant or recessive (b) each on a different chromosome © determined by only two alleles Circle right answers!

a, b, c

What happened when Mendel crossed a purple with a white flowering pea? (a) to the F1 generation ................. ((b) to the F2 generation ................. © which color is dominant? ...................

all purple flowers, 3 purple one white, purple

Mutating errors can occur in (a) replication, (b) transcription, (c) translation. Circle right answer!

all three

One theory of the aging process submits the hypothesis that aging is due to errors in (a) replication , (b) transcription , (c) translation ? Circle right answer!

all three

tRNA has to specific sites: one for the .................. and one for..........................

amino acid, binding to the mRNA

Even in rapidly dividing tissues (meristems), the division of a nucleus or even the cell (a) occurs incessantly without break (b) needs some time in between to replicate the DNA and make some protein. Circle right answer!


Some inherited traits have more than 2 alleles to a gene. Give one example!

ABO blood type

What is a mutation? How is it defined?

An error in the amino acid sequence, it's a change in the nucleotide sequence

How many proteinogenic amino acids exist in all kingdoms of life?


Give the size of the human genome in ............. coding genes and in .............base pairs (BP, i.e. A-G, C-G pairs)!

25,000, 3 billion

How many chromosomes has a human ......And how many do have orangutans, chimps and gorillas ......?

46, 48

Finish the sentences. A sperm cell contains up to .....% DNA. Its like a ...... with a tail.

50, nucleus

How many 3-letter code combinations derive from 4 different nucleotide bases? Is it 4, 16, or 64?


How many chromosomes exist in a pea cell?


During which cellular events did they first see chromosomes to appear?

Cell division

Which are the 3 most important parts of chromosomes?

Chromatids, centromere , telomere

what does the name "chromosome" mean?

Chromo means color and some means body

Why does the nucleus DNA needs to be transcribed to mRNA?

DNA can not leave the nucleus so it needs a messenger

Why is the S phase necessary to undergo another division?

DNA replication

What is a promoter gene or codon?

DNA triple sequence where the RNA binds to the DNA

Abnormal numbers of chromosomes lead to disorders. Name one.

Down syndrome

What is polyploidy?

Error in chromosome distribution that leads to increased numbers of chromosomes sets.

Name three common mutations in humans that we encounter in daily life!

Freckles, vitamin c deficient, lactose intolerance

Name 3 virus epidemics that occurred in the last 50 years!

HIV, haven flu, west Nile

when did science start to suspect that the nucleus has something to do with inheritance?

In 1833

Why are certain traits only determined by the mother parent and not by the father?

The genes are in the mitochondria only come from the mother

What is a karyotype and what is it used for?

Inventory of your chromosomes used to detect abnormalities

If we differ from Neanderthal homos and chimpanzees and among each other by less than 1 % DNA sequences, what does that mean for defining us as humans?

It might not have to do with DNA sequence

Why was the invention of the PCR technique a milestone in DNA research?

It revolutionized our life like crime and Neanderthals being our ancestors

Why is it bad for an organism if one cell type multiplies and takes over?

It uses up space for the healthy cells

Is the isolation of DNA from cells an old or rather recent event? explain?

Old because it was isolated from pus (white blood cells) in 1869

Which species has the highest number of coding base pairs on planet earth?


The individual differences in DNA sequences are often non-functional DNA stretches called ........ Or .........

STR, junk DNA

If you extract DNA from animal cells or strawberries what and why do you add to your extraction buffer?

Shampoo to dissolve the cell membrane

The crucial evidence that DNA determines inherited traits came from an experiment by Hershey and Chase using a virus. What did they do to figure it out?

They used a radioactive phosphate label for nucleic acid

Which amino acid has only one code for it?


How do you become a male bee?

Un fertilized egg

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