Latin Translation Sentences 2

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Let them give us good books so that we do not read bad ones.

Bonos libros nobis dent ne malos legamus.

The Greeks thought that the immortal gods have human and the most beautiful bodies.

Graeci putabant deos immortales habere corpora humana et pulcherrima.

He says this in order not to offend them.

Hoc dicit ne eos offendat.

He says this so that he may help them.

Hoc dicit ut eos iuvet.

He does this so that the city is not seized.

Hoc facit ne urbs capiatur.

He does this to seize the city.

Hoc facit ut urbem capiat.

They will give command to the more powerful general so that he may turn away the fiercest enemies.

Imperium duci potentiori dabunt ut hostes acerrimus avertat.

We read books in order to learn many things.

Libros legimus ut multa discamus.

Let Croesus not believe that he is luckier than you.

Ne Croesus credat se esse feliciorem quam te.

Let us not praise you.

Ne vos laudemus.

Do you not remember that Cicero having been thrown out into exile has come to this place so that a ship might carry him to Greece?

Nonne memoria tenes Ciceronem in exsilium eiectum ad hunc locum venisse ut navis eum ad Graecum ferret?

Publius and Furianus have remained in Brundisium a long time so that they might sail across the sea without danger.

Publius et Furianus Brundisi diu manserunt ut sine periculo trans mare navigarent.

Let the slaves do it.

Servi id faciant.

Let the young man depart so that he may not hear these harsh words.

Adulescens discedat ne haec verba acerba audiat.

Depart out of the city so that I may not be oppressed by fear and weapons.

Ex urbe discede ne metu et armis opprimar.

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