Latin Words Cops

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Ex post

Meaning Adjective: Based on past events; actual, rather than predicted. adverb: Retrospectively Etymology From Latin ex (from) +post (after). Earliest Documented Use: 1937

Modus Operandi

Meaning Noun: A particular way of doing something, especially a person's typical mode of operation Etymology From Latin modus operandi, from modus (mode) + operari (to work). Earliest Documented Use: 1654

Bona Fide

Meaning Adjective: Genuine Adverb: In good faith, sincerely Etymology From Latin bonus (good) + fides(faith) Earliest Documented Use: 1542

Per se

Meaning Adverb: In or by itself; intrinsically Etymology From Latin per se, translation of Greek Kath auto. Earliest Documented Use: 1505. Perse is something different. Notes: Today's term makes an appearance in the word ampersand which is a corruption of "and per se and". What does it mean? Earliest the & symbol was considered the 27th letter of the alphabet.

Per Contra

Meaning Adverb: On the coming Noun: The opposite side Etymology From Latin per (per) +Contra (against). Earliest Documented Use: 1554.

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