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Planned curriculum is a teacher or teaching team using what they know about early childhood subject matter and intentionally designing:

a learning experience in response to what they know and observe about children.

Integrated curriculum is:

a way of organizing curriculum around a topic.

What is one of the best reasons for using integrated curriculum?

It makes learning meaningful, is relevant, and experiential


short but complete musical ideas

One approach to providing Integrated Curriculum is

using a project approach where the teacher, with a group of children, selects an in-depth project that is highly motivating for children.

What you plan curriculum as a teacher, the amount of detail will vary with:

your program, training, experience and teaching style.

Some things that will influence curriculum decisions include:

your values and beliefs about how children learn and what is worth knowing.

non-locomotor movement in creative movement?

Moving while staying in the same place

1. ________ syntax 2. ________ morphology 3. ________ semantics 4. ________ phonology 5. ________ pragmatics A. rules about the structure of language B. meaning of words C. grammar D. social uses of language E. sounds of language

1-C, 2-A, 3-B, 4-E, 5-D

Auditory discrimination is: A) the ability to tell the difference between sounds. B) the ability to discriminate between two different odors. C) the process of integrating sensory data. D) the ability to mimic sounds.


Examples of appropriate structured large motor activities for young children include: A) movement stations, guided movement, community walks and cooperative active games. B) competitive games that require proficiency. C) games with rules such as dodgeball. D) games that require children wait their turn.


Fine motor skills are needed as tools for the following areas of life and learning. A) self-care, creativity, and exploration B) running, hopping, and jumping C) talking, singing, and speaking D) tasting, hearing, and seeing


General goals for small motor development curriculum usually focus upon: A) age: infant-toddler, preschool age, primary school age. B) book-use, building, feeding, imitating. C) supporting learning: planning, observing, designing the environment, and assessment. D) strength, dexterity, manipulating, eye-hand coordination.


Good early childhood literacy curriculum includes opportunities for children to: A) play with print. B) do teacher-directed seat-work. C) have appropriate reading homework. D) have a focused curriculum study of word/letter sounds and print.


Information books: A) may help children understand aspects of their lives about which they have vital concern. B) suggest that it is children's responsibility to handle the problems that generations of adults have created. C) are a cure for social ills, for the troubles of today's society or children. D) teach children how to avoid abuse, drugs, or fix pollution.


Informational books are: A) written in understandable, direct language that teaches and entertains. B) very generalized books that tell part of the truth. C) books that tell children how to solve grown-up problems like poverty and homelessness. D) books that teach children how to avoid drugs and avoid sexual abuse.


Literacy (the ability to make meaning from print) is a complex set of skills that begins: A) at birth. B) in preschool. C) in kindergarten. D) in first grade.


Poetry in children's literature: A) is always rhythmic and rhyming. B) are books with carefully chosen words that have music and power. C) are beautifully illustrated anthologies that teach moral lessons. D) requires a teacher who has been trained to understand and read poetry.


Preschool teachers can help families provide literature to children by: A) reviewing books in the newsletter and making bookbags for children to borrow books overnight. B) assigning reading "homework" and giving points to children and families they can turn in to get a free book. C) asking parents to purchase books their children enjoy for the classroom. D) requesting that parents show up 20 minutes early each morning and read a book to their child before leaving.


The organizing framework for large muscle development curriculum described in your text is: A) developmental elements: kinesthetic awareness, strength, coordination, agility. B) developmental milestones: head control, balance, locomotion, use of equipment. C) supporting learning: planning, observing, designing the environment, and assessment. D) age: infant-toddler, preschool age, primary school age.


The sensory development curriculum helps children become more attuned to all of their senses so they can use them for: A) observing, appreciating, and learning. B) listening and talking. C) touching and tasting. D) communicating their likes and dislikes to others.


The teacher's critical tasks in providing literature to young children are to: A) use criteria to select a variety of good books, present literature to children in a variety of ways, help parents to make literature part of their children's lives. B) read books based on movies or TV because children like them, have reading contests, get points by sending home book club flyer. C) go to the library every week, take children to the library story hour, send books homes for parents to read to children. D) choose books children like, have storytime during lunch, send notes home to parents to tell them they should read to their children.


The way that people perceive and then act on sensory information (both external and internal) is sometimes called: A) information processing. B) sensation processing. C) sentience. D) sensory integration.


There are several types of important fiction for young children. They are: A) realistic, fantasy, and folklore. B) poetry and prose. C) science fiction and mysteries. D) mood and concept.


What is true about semantics (the meaning of words)? A) With new vocabulary children develop complex thinking abilities. B) Teaching semantics is not your task as a preschool teacher. C) You should design formal activities to teach new words each day. D) To help children build vocabulary have them memorize new words.


When a child begins to give up or misuse materials that encourage fine motor development, it usually is a sign that: A) the materials for use are too easy, too hard or too familiar. B) the child has not been exposed to many fine motor learning materials in the past. C) the child requires direct instruction on how to use the materials. D) the child may have behavioral problems.


Which of the following activities promote literacy in preschool children? A) reading stories B) regular testing on letter sound knowledge C) worksheets D) newspaper studies


Which of the following is not a part of sensory development? A) environmental perception B) visual perception C) auditory perception D) kinesthetic perception


You teach children communication skills by: A) designing experiences for them to talk about. B) creating an orderly classroom where children work quietly. C) teaching them grammar rules. D) asking lots of questions during stories.


Your text says literacy and emergent literacy are: A) the interconnected processes of reading and writing. B) formal reading and writing instruction that should not begin before age 7. C) the writing process that begins with learning to form lower case letters. D) processes that require workbooks and teacher-directed seatwork


he most important areas for sensory development in a preschool or kindergarten classroom are: A) a sensory center and a natural elements zone. B) the art area and the library corner. C) a listening center and a block area. D) a writing center and a dramatic play area.


Some ways to enhance literature include all of the following except: A) integrating literature into other classroom activities. B) using it as a basis for worksheets and tests. C) using it to motivate creative movement and drama. D) using flannelboards and puppets to tell stories.


A milestone in preschool children's physical development is: A) the ability to walk up stairs with alternating feet. B) the ability to dribble a ball. C) the ability to sit on a riding toy and push with feet. D) the ability to walk alone.


Children demonstrate their developing awareness of written language by: A) memorizing the lyrics to simple songs. B) reciting favorite storybooks and writing or pretending to write words. C) showing a strong interest in playing in dramatic play area. D) their ability to engage in continued conversation with others.


Communication skills necessary for preschoolers to learn include all of the following except abilities to: A) ask and answer questions. B) have reasoned arguments. C) have conversations. D) use abstract language.


Eye-hand coordination is the ability to: A) use visual information to guide the arm and hand toward a desired item. B) use visual information to control, guide, and direct the hands to accomplish a task. C) use visual information to use arms and hands maintain balance and posture. D) use of visual information to gauge the distance between the fingers and objects.


Fiction for young children: A) a type of story which includes complex story lines and multiple characters. B) a type of literature that includes believable characters, the illusion of reality in time and place and which has a plot that encourages children to understand the reasons behind events. C) are stories which include disadvantaged or minority characters. D) are usually chapter books and require that children can recall what was previously read to them.


Fine motor skills refer to coordinated activities that involve the: A) forearms, elbows and shoulders. B) fingers, hands, wrists, and forearms. C) thumb and first finger. D) toes, heel, and ankle.


Language learning is a model for literacy teaching. This means teacher should provide: A) worksheets on phonics. B) a print rich & language rich environment. C) regular one-on-one literacy skill drills. D) large group alphabet flash card instruction.


Perception is: A) the source of sensory appreciation. B) the process of attending, discriminating, and interpreting sensory data. C) the process of integrating sensory data. D) the stimulation of the sensory receptors.


Picture books that have limited a story, do not provide a great deal of information and sensitize children to ideas, feelings, and awareness are called: A) fiction. B) mood and concept books. C) folktales. D) informational books


Some basic principles of development underlie the physical development curriculum in a preschool setting. One of these is: A) object permanence is developed with experience. B) development is sequential and cumulative. C) preschoolers are developing initiative vs. guilt. D) preschoolers are moving away from an egocentric perspective.


Teachers support children's language learning: A) by correcting children's mistakes. B) by providing a model. C) by giving direct instruction. D) without planning because it is natural.


The sensory development curriculum is important because: A) it's natural. B) it is critical for all kinds of learning. C) it is an important part of the early childhood education tradition. D) it will minimize guidance problems because children like it.


Which of the following is important in children's fiction? A) The setting is a contemporary time and place. B) The plot is relatively simple without a sub-plot. C) The characters are nice. D) The theme or message teaches children to be polite.


Which of the following is not a milestone of Large Motor Development for 3 year olds? A) walks backwards B) gallops C) runs smoothly D) balances on one foo


f a child climbs onto something and is not able to reverse the process, one thing the teacher can do is: A) take them off the structure and set them on the ground and admonish their failed attempt. B) provide instruction and encouragement: "Put your foot on the bar." C) recommend they do not attempt this climb again. D) stand back and allow child to figure out how to get down on their own.


hich of the following is true about children's writing? A) Writing is not an important part of learning to read. B) Writing skills develop along with oral language and beginning reading skills. C) Children begin learning about and practicing writing in second grade. D) All children develop writing skills at about the same age (about 4 1/2).


n order to learn to read and write, children must: A) be able to decode print. B) be able to use language. C) have readiness skills in place such as cutting and hopping. D) be able to speak English.


Matching 1. ________ Visual acuity 2. ________ Tracking 3. ________ Static visual acuity 4. ________ Perceptual constancy 5. ________ Depth perception 6. ________ Dynamic visual acuity A. ability to judge how far an object is from self B. clearness of vision C. see stationary object clearly D. recognize objects from varying angles E. see moving objects clearly F. visually following moving object


Folklore consists of: A) magical stories of wizards and monsters. B) informational stories that explain why things are the way they are. C) stories based on the oral traditions of different cultures. D) stories that impart a mood.


Good literature is important in programs for preschoolers because: A) parents will become aware of the importance of reading to children. B) this will help children begin to read on their own. C) it can provide information, motivate exploration, creativity, a concern for others and a love of reading. D) teachers will need to do very little preplanning or prep before reading to children


One way preschool teachers can put literacy into the environment is by: A) requesting parents do worksheets with children upon arrival. B) having live animals and/or plants are available for observation. C) having books and other print in every classroom area. D) providing a sense of aesthetics in planning the layout of the classroom.


Poetry for preschoolers includes: A) epic poems, odes, rhyming couplets and limericks. B) free verse, iambic pentameter, sonnets, and stanzas. C) nursery rhymes, fingerplays, books in poetic form, and illustrated anthologies. D) riddles, fiction, folklore, and non-fiction


Sensation is: A) using both eyes together to view objects. B) observing and learning about an object. C) the stimulation of the sensory receptors. D) the process of sensory appreciation.


Syntax is another word for grammar. What is true about syntax? A) You use it only in formal language. B) It is the same in all languages. C) You teach it by giving children lots of experience with English syntax. D) It is not important to pay attention to you own syntax.


Teachers of preschool children can support emergent literacy by: A) having daily reading groups to match letters, use a basal reader, or have group instruction. B) helping children learn to form all the letters correctly. C) providing experiences with the written word, reading with children, writing with children, talking with children about print. D) helping children learn to identify each letter and letter sound.


The foundation for learning to understand and use print includes: A) ability to color within the lines of a printed picture. B) good social skills and willingness to cooperate. C) oral language skill and vocabulary. D) ability to sit quietly and attend to writing tasks.


What is true about morphology (rules about the structure of words)? A) It is a good idea to use "baby talk" and slang with children. B) It is not important to speak clearly to children. C) Mistakes like knowed and eated show that children understand morphology. D) You teach morphology through structured lessons.


Early childhood educators have a vital role to play in supporting physical development. This includes: A) providing regular planned exercise classes, and giving appropriate tests to evaluate children's level of achievement. B) providing an excellent and safe outdoor environment and regularly contacting experts in children's physical development to provide special classes like ballet and gymnastics. C) providing competitive games and events to challenge children to reach their full potential. D) providing regular opportunities to use senses, exercise muscles, and develop coordination; thoughtful planning to ensure that all areas are addressed; and making appropriate comments and asking questions that encourage participation.


High quality children's literature:


If we are to lead all children to a love of reading and books we need to: A) include books that reflect only the children in your class—not other kinds of children. B) show books that reflect the best possible lifestyle to give children something to aspire to. C) provide books that reflect commercially promoted characters they are familiar to children from television or videos. D) include books with characters who are ethnically diverse, special needs, economically challenged, and/or live in a variety of family settings and situations.


One for the most complex fine motor skills, in-hand manipulation, involves: A) holding an object between the thumb and side of the index finger. B) the coordination of two hands. C) quickly moving fingertips to tap or press a surface or pick up small objects. D) positioning an object within one hand, without using the other hand, for an activity.


Preschool teachers give children experiences with writing because of all of the following except: A) it helps them to gain literacy concepts. B) it helps them to understand that print communicates. C) it teaches them how to form the letters correctly. D) it helps them view themselves as a part of a community that uses print.


Research provides several reasons for including literacy in the early childhood curriculum, select the best reason. A) Children who learn to read in preschool have a head start. B) Children who do not learn to read in preschool probably will fail in school. C) Children do not learn anything about literacy in their homes. D) Important foundational skills for literacy develop during the preschool years.


Special Words are: A) vocabulary that is essential for children to learn. B) 100 basic words four-and five-year-olds can learn and which should be taught first. C) an out-modeled method for teaching children who are English second language learners. D) a technique in which the child dictates words with personal meaning.


Stamina involves the: A) ability to move different body parts in relation to one another. B) ability to walk easily on a balance beam. C) physical energy available for movement or resistance. D) capacity for sustained use of strength or physical energy.


The social uses of language, called pragmatics, includes all of the following except: A) the ways to use language in social settings. B) if and how you make eye contact. C) when and whether you speak to someone who is respected. D) criticizing children for using incorrect pragmatics.


To support sensory development it is important that a preschool or kindergarten environment include: A) space designed to be clean and tidy most of the time. B) materials in addition to the typical blocks, manipulative toys, puzzles, books, art materials, dramatic play props, balls, and tricycles. C) materials to be looked at. D) materials that are safe to smell, touch, hear, see, and taste.


To teach language you should: A) lecture children. B) use slang and pidgin. C) use simple words. D) encourage children to talk with one another.


What are mood and concept books? A) fantasy and folktales B) a type of literature that includes believable characters, the illusion of reality in time and place and which has a plot that encourages children to understand the reasons behind events C) stories which include disadvantaged or minority characters D) books that sensitize children to ideas, feelings, and awareness and expand the realm of an individual's experience


Which of the following are important for supporting reading and writing in preschool? A) Do not make a big fuss when children read and write. B) Correct children's literacy efforts. C) Ignore words and symbols. D) Use print often and obviously.


Which of the following is true about standards for sensory development curriculum? A) There are national standards for sensory curriculum. B) All sensory standards lay out the expectation that teachers provide opportunities for play with sand and water. C) Sensory standards lay out the expectation that teachers provide opportunities for children to learn the names of the sense organs. D) Some states place sensory standards in physical development others place sensory learning in science curriculum in the cognitive domain.


Body awareness in creative movement

Helping children to be aware of all of their body parts and where they are in space, along with where and how the body is moving

Logico-mathematical knowledge

Knowledge of logical relationships

Three types of science

Life, physical, earth


Notes strung together make a melody

Force in creative movement

The element that concerns the amount of energy that is brought to a particular motion


The loudness or softness of the tone

The most common known form of integrated curriculum is:

Units and Themes.

Webbing for an integrated curriculum is:

a brainstorming graphic of ideas/activities emerging from a topic

Developmentally appropriate curriculum includes a rich and planned learning environment, a connection to the child's family and culture, and:A) the goal of all children reading and writing before Kindergarten entry. B) an emphasis on the value of play and child choice. C) a focus on helping children become responsible community members. D) the teaching of self-help and self-care skills.

an emphasis on the value of play and child choice

Curriculum Goals generally:

are not accomplished in a single activity and are broad statements of desired ends

Each subject area in the early childhood curriculum:

can contribute to all domains of development

One reason teachers of young children write curriculum plans is to:

create learning experiences responsive to children.

Learning-centered curriculum is based on the children's

developmental stage, needs, and interests.

Which of these topics would be the most meaningful choice for a unit or theme?


the Developmentally Appropriate Practice Publication:

is a framework of principles and guidelines for practice.

A Unit for children may be considered shallow when:

it is repeated year after year and planned far in advance.

Three aspects of development influence children's ability to participate in creative movement.

large motor skill, receptive language ability, and social awareness

The integrated approach to curriculum reflects the idea that children:

learn holistically

Body Isolation

learning the names of body parts and practicing way to move individual parts while keeping others still

What is generally the first step in planning an integrated curriculum?

observing the children for their interests and needs

The basic elements of all types of curriculum plans are:

purpose, content, methods, assessment.

Which one of the following remains an important activity or activities throughout the early childhood years?

relationships, routines, and spontaneous play

A provocation in the Reggio Emilia approach:

s a challenge to think and wonder.

Child initiated activities are:

selected and directed by the child.

Assessment can be done by:

taking anecdotal records, child observations, photos and videos of children participating, and collecting samples of children's work.

Before teachers' plan they should learn about the below except:

the commercially available curriculum for purchase.


the musical pulse that you respond to by tapping your toes

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