Leadership & Organization 7 Habit Midterm

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Habit 3: "Management follows ________ ."


Habit 4: T/F Win-win is not a personality technique.


Habit 3: "_________ is the highest form of human motivation."


Habit 2: Principles always have ______ consequences attached to them.


Habit 7: What example does Covey give for Spiritual Renewal?

"Turn the Tide"

Habit 7: What does sharpening the saw mean?

"expressing all 4 dimensions"

Habit 7: What does Covey view as our most important asset?

"greatest asset is you"

Habit 7: What are the 4 dimensions of renewal for Covey?

"physical, spiritual, mental, social or emotional"

Habit 7: What were the 4 prescriptions?

1. Listen Carefully 2. Try Reaching Back 3. Examine Your Motives 4. Write Your Worries on the Sand

Habit 3: What are the four generations of time management?

1. Notes and checklists 2. calendars and appointment books 3. current time management field 4. Learn to manage ourselves

Habit 4: How many paradigms of interaction are there?

6 paradigms win-win, win-lose, lose-win, lose-lose, win, and win-win or no deal

Habit 3: The Pareto Principle states that " ___ percent of the results flow out of ___ percent of the activities."

80; 20

What are the 7 Habits?

Be Proactive Begin with the End in Mind Put First Things First Think Win-Win Seek First to Understand, then to Be Understood Synergize Sharpen the Saw

Habit 6: In synergy, 1+1 = a. 1 b. 2 c. 3+ d. 0

C. 3+

Habit 4: ___________ is the foundation of win-win, and everything else builds on that foundation.


Habit 5: What example does Covey give to show the reader the autobiographical Responses?

Conversation between a father and his son.

Habit 4: Win-win is a balancing act between ___________ and ____________.

Courage and Consideration

Habit 2: What does the right brain control?

Creativity, Imagination, Art, Music

Habit 6: What is synergy? a. essence of principle centered leadership b. the whole is greater than its parts c. the most unifying and empowering part of the creative process d. All of the above

D. All of the above

Habit 4: Which is not one of the 5 dimensions of win-win? a) character b) relationships c) agreements d) integrity e) processes

D. Integrity

Habit 6: What are the three stages of communications regarding the correlation between trust and the level of cooperation?

Defensive - Win/Lose Lose/Win mindset - low trust and low cooperation Respectful - Average trust and cooperation - Searching for a compromise Synergistic - High trust and cooperation - Searching for the "Win/Win"

Habit 4: Quote Identification: "We have committed the Golden Rule to memory; let us now commit to life"

Edwin Markha

Habit 3: "______________ is perhaps the best indicator of effective management simply because it is so basic to both personal and organizational growth."

Effective delegation

Habit 5: Covey gives advice on how to be understood. He suggests following the Greek philosophy, by portraying all three of the following characteristics: ______________ or personal credibility; ______________, or feelings and emotions; and finally ______________ (or logic and reasoning).

Ethos; Pathos; Logos.

Habit 5: What are the 4 Types of Autobiographical Responses?

Evaluate, Probe, Advise, Interpret.

Habit 1: "Viktor Frankl suggests that there are three central values in life - the __________, or that which happens to us; the __________, or that which we bring into existence; and the ___________, .... how we respond to what we experience in life."

Experiential; Creative; Attitudinal

Habit 2: Money-centered people often put aside_______, assuming everyone will understand that economic demands come first.


Habit 1: Reactive people make "love" a ______. Proactive people make "love" a ______.

Feeling; Verb

Habit 1: Three Theories of Determination

Genetic Determination Psychic Determination Environmental Determination

Habit 3: "In addition to self-awareness, imagination, and conscience, it is the fourth human endowment -___________________ - that really makes effective self-management possible."

Independent Will

Habit 3: In addition to self-awareness, imagination, and conscience, what is the fourth human endowment?

Independent Will.

Habit 1: The circle of ________ contains all of the concerns that people can directly control and influence, and in order to be proactive, it's important to focus on these concerns.


Habit 4: What are the three character traits of a win-win attitude?

Integrity maturity abundance mentality

Habit 2: Which hemisphere is the more logical/verbal one, right or left?


Habit 5: Empathic listening must continue until a ______________ response is evoked from the speaker.


Habit 4: When two win-lose people get together -- that is, when two determined, stubborn, ego-invested individuals interact -- the result will be _________.


Habit 4: __________ means being a nice guy, even if "nice guys finish last."


Habit 1: The problems we face fall in one of three areas: direct control (problems involving our own behavior); indirect control (problems involving other people's behavior); or _______ (problems we can do nothing about, such as our past or situational realities).

No Control

Habit 3: "A manager...can invest ____ hour of effort and produce ten or fifty or a hundred units through _______________ .

One; Effective Delegation

Habit 3: "A producer can invest ____ hour of effort and produce ____ unit of results, assuming no loss of efficiency."

One; One

Habit 3: "Effective people are not problem-minded; they're _______________."

Opportunity minded

Habit 1: Are past mistakes in the circle of influence or the circle of concern and why?

Past mistakes are in the circle of concern, because we have no control of them and cannot change them by our actions.

Habit 3: "Again, you simply can't think efficiency with _________ . You think effectiveness with __________ and efficiency with _____________ ."

People; People; Things

Habit 2: If you're ____________, you might be thinking of the things the overtime income could buy.


Habit 2: Habit #2 is based on ________

Principles of personal leadership

Habit 1: Language of ________ people demonstrate an acceptance of responsibility.


Habit 2: Personal responsibility, or _______, is fundamental to the first creation.


Habit 2: Affirmation and visualization are forms of ___________


Habit 5: People need ______________ to become better Empathic Listeners.

Pure Desire

Habit 1: Proactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Influence. On the other hand, ________ people focus their efforts on the Circle of Concern. They focus on the weakness of other people, the problems in the environment, and the circumstances over which they have no control.


Habit 1: When Covey says, "Use your R and I," he means:

Resourcefulness and Initiative

Habit 1: four powers humans have that animals don't giving us the power to choose a response to stimuli

Self-Awareness Imagination Conscience Independent Will

Habit 3: Which of these is not one of the four activities for Quadrant II?


Habit 1: Which ability is at the very heart of the circle of influence?

The ability to make and keep commitments and promises


This is the balance between courage and consideration. Simply put, you must have enough empathy and goodwill to work for a win for your counterpart, and enough courage to make a win for yourself.

Habit 6: What is a main component necessary for effective, synergistic communication?

Trust and valuing individual differences

Habit 6: When entering into synergy with someone different than you are it is vital to __________.

Value your differences

Habit 5: Covey reveres human connection. He put its importance beautifully, saying "To touch the soul of another human being is to ______________"

Walk on Holy Ground


We define integrity as the value we place on ourselves. We need to be self- aware, possessed of an independent will. We make and keep meaningful promises and commitments to our selves and others.

Habit 4: ________ people are prone to use position, power, credentials, possessions, or personality to get their way.


Habit 6: The highest level is the synergistic position of high trust that produces solutions better than any originally proposed and all parties know it. It produces the result of ________.


Abundance Mentality

You must know and believe that there is plenty out there for everybody. Many think that to succeed themselves, others must fail. The Abundance Mentality recognizes that possibilities for growth and success are potentially limitless, and sees in others the opportunity to complement its own strengths.

Habit 6: What does Covey Describe as the "Third Alternative"?

a kind of compromise at which two parties arrive in order to satisfy each other's desires

Habit 6: The lowest level of communication coming out of low-trust situations would be characterized by ______________, _____________, and often ____________ language, which covers all the bases. It produces the result of Win/Lose or Lose/Lose.

defensiveness; protectiveness; legalistic

Habit 5: What are Covey's 4 stages to Empathic Listening?

mimic content, rephrase the content, reflect feeling, rephrase content AND reflect feeling.

Habit 6: The middle position is respectful communication. This is the level where fairly mature people interact. They have respect for each other, but they want to avoid the possibility of ugly confrontations, so they communicate _________ but not ____________. It produces a low form of Win/Win.

politely; empathically

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