Leadership in Sport

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Transitional change

A _____ improves the current state gradually

Communication throughout the organization about strategy is crucial

Achieving strategic focus is an important step in strategic planning. Researchers Bershawn and Car discuss how to achieve this focus. Which statement best describes their advice?


Ambivalence is the uncertainty or fluctuation, especially when caused by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things.

He perused an expansion of teams into new markets

American hockey league used strategic thinking to improve its position in the marketplace and potentially became the top bevel mental league in professional hockey. Which statement below describes how commissioners invaded andrews to achieve this

Developmental change

An organizational change in which natural growth occurs is referred to as


An organizations vision statement covers an organizations current financial condition

transformational change

An unknown radical alteration is defined as a


As a result of opposition to _________ the NBA relocated to the 2011 All-Star game to Charlotte, North Carolina


Culture sensitivity is an important component for leaders to possess because demographic adversity is on display many sport organizations.


Downward communication involves a string of communication from the supervisors to subordinates


Globalization in the sport marketplace has increased the number of competitors in intensifying the importance of strategies in organizations


Implementation is a step-by-step leaning process


In organizations core values should inform its strategic vision

Business strategies

Leadership plans that achieve a specific set of goals or objectives

The big 4

Major sports in the US are known as what?

participative leadership

Marketing director of a professional football team speaks to all members of her team before embarking on a Bobblehead promotion that involves a former player that did jail time 20 years earlier for tax evasion. The Directory encourages debate on the issue and input from everyone. Which leadership communication style does that resemble?


Organizational culture is customs, rituals, and values shared by the members of an organization that have to be accepted by new members.

autocratic leadership

Owner of a minor baseball league team signs an exotic dance club as a sponsor, despite resistance from many members of the community and every member of his management team. In fact the owner said "I am the owner. I make the decisions" Which leadership communication style does that resemble?


Peterson's communication model consists of two components. Personal communication and organizational communication.

Do you want to improve performance across all businesses and programs in a company

Pick the phrases that best describes corporate strategy.


Regardless of the Leadership style of a change agent many sport organizations are insufficient to able to implement change

interpersonal communication

Representatives from Nike discuss an apparel sponsorship representing Major League Baseball. Which type of communication is this?


Setting a mission in vision occurs at the end of strategic planning

scape goating

Shifting blame to other during a crisis

All of the above

Sport managers who counter ethical dilemmas from professionals regarding issues pertaining to Equity diversity competitive fairness, legal matters or all of the above

active listening

Successful leaders need to utilize which skills of communicating well with subordinates?


The act of resisting or opposing or withstanding


The act of taking or receiving something is acceptance

Create a sustain economy in which people profit and plans are in balance

The author draws Nike as an example of the company with a clear vision. Which phrases below best describes Nike's vision?


The consultative leadership communication style is a blend of laissez-faire and autocratic styles

interpersonal communication

Two colleagues in the marketing department talk over a proposed marketing strategy. Which type of communication is this?

Football NFL

What big four sport had the deflate gate and spy gate?


When a change is employed to avoid a crisis it is called a proactive change


When a change is in response to situation it is called reaction change


When carrying out strategies p them out to leaders communicate effectively up and down the organizations hierarchy


When interacting with the media it is never appropriate to say no comment because it can be perceived as an admission to guilt


When responding to a crisis it's important to have several spoke persons so that the burn of the organization response can be shared


Which philosophical approach contends that the right decisions are those that according to conduct, duties, or rules agreed upon by communities and societies?

All of the above

Which phrase below best describes how leader achieve strategic plans?

A, B, & D. Responding to changes in the marketplace, outcompeting business rivals, and addressing long-term growth

Which phrases below describe strategy responding to teams in the marketplace?

Provide a roadmap of where the organization is going

Which sentence below best describes strategic vision?

A & C.

Which statements below best describes the importance of crisis planning?

Sport Communication

a process by which people in sport, in a sport setting or through a sport endeavor, share symbols as they create meaning through interaction


the lack of strategic planning is partly to blame for the US missing the 2018 World Cup

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