leadership skills for safety

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you are investigating an incident and have identified its root causes. what are the key questions you ask yourself when establishing corrective actions? 1. do they address the root cuases 2. will they prevent the accident from happening again 3. can they be accomplished at no cost 4. do they identify the responsible party?


an accident has occured at your workplace. when gathering information as part of the incident investigation, what sources should you consider? 1. evidence from the accident scene 2. training records and operating procedures 3. documentation and logs about scene conditions 4. second hand accounts of the event


reporting which of the following information is an example of follow up communication? 1. response to concerns raised during a safety meeting 2. the findings of an incident investigation 3. updates on the status of work safety orders 4. the companys projected growth for the next year


the following are elements of a well written recommendation: 1. root causes are addressed 2. intended actions are clearly stated 3. correctetive actions are feasible 4. dates for completion are open ended


what are some possible impacts that an accident can have on business operations? 1. reduced output 2. increased costs 3. decreased product quality 4. improved morale


when prioritizing jobs to analzye you should take into acount the following factors: 1. site injury or damage statistics 2. poor production quality 3. high turnover or worker complaints 4. fewest steps to evaluate


proper safety measures when handling harmful substances include the following: 1. clear and correct labeling 2. appropriate storage containers 3. proper warning signage 4. minimal lighting or ventilation 5. use of personal protective equipment


the following are benefits that can be gained from a safe and healthy work environment 1. improved productivity 2. reduced absenteeism 3. good employee morale 4. increased employee turnover 5. positive supervisory employee relationships


the primary elements of a jsa include which of the following? 1. define basic job steps for the job 2. identify potential hazards for each job step 3. select the job to be analyzed 4. justify costs associated with hazard control 5. develop controls for identified hazards


during a hazard recognition safety observation, you notive workers who seem at risk of overexerting themselves, what measure could you take to lessen or eliminate this risk? 1. ensure loads are a manageable size 2. see if mechanical assistance could be used 3. hire more workers to do the same job 4. rearrange the area to avoid awkward postures


how could an accident impact production quality and affect your companys profits? 1. replacement raw materials may be difficult to find 2. less experienced personnel may need to do the job 3. increased safety measures usually stop production 4. quality could slip in efforst to make up for lost time


when developing recommended procesures and control measures when creating a jsa, it is imortant to remember the following: 1. each job step can have multiple hazards associated with it 2. hazards can include tools, equipment and the surroundings 3. if you identify a hazard, you are required to eliminate it with an engineering control during your shift 4. corrective measures should state what to do and how to do it


you are conducting a hazard recognition safety observation. what should you be looking for? 1. hazardous conditions 2. compliance variations 3. ways to increase output 4. unsafe behavior


the basic elements involved in effective incident investigation include which of the following actions: 1. gathering information 2. interviewing witnesses 3. assigning individual fault 4. determining root cuases 5. recoommending corrective actions


good communications that reinforces safe behavior will likely hae which of the folowing effects in the workplace? 1. employee job satisfaction and jobsite injuries both decrease 2. workers follow individaul, rather than approved safety rules 3. it motivates workers to folllow established polocies and procedures 4. safety activities become self perpetuating and are repeated


in an effort to prevent workplace falls, which of the following should you ensure during a hazard recognition safety observation? 1. when required, workers are using fall protection, such as harnesses 2. stairs and walkways are used by only one person at a time 3. guard rails and ladders are secure and within code 4. barricades are in use to signal potential tripping hazards


strong inerpersonal communication skills include: 1. being fair and consistent 2. avoiding difficult situations 3. listening very carefully 4. analyzing situations correctly


what are the effects of a JSA? 1. demonstrates management commitment to safety 2. reduces the number of workers needed 3. creates a more productive work environment 4. reduces the number of workplace accidents


which of the following are risk factors that contribute to overexertion? 1. awkward postures 2. exposure to harmful substances 3. excessive repetition and force 4. improper lifting techniques


what can a successful health and safety program do in the workplace? 1. protect the company valuable resources, particularly its employees 2. increase productivity rates and product quality with minimal effort 3. decrease production costs by eliminating unnecessary procedures 4. ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards


what is the purpose of a safety work order? 1. provide a record of equipment or areas that require extra maintenance or repair 2. predict which area or piece of equipment will need to be replaced next 3. schedule routine maintenancne operations for the equipment currently not in use 4. track unsafe conditions from the point of discovery through corrective action


you are in the workplace and need to define job steps for an activity. what are your best sources of info? 1. management input 2. jobsite observation 3. employee interview 4. training materials


as a supervisor who strives to change unsafe behavior and communicate safe work practives, it is important to remember: 1. all you have to do is speak loudly and clearly to make your oint 2. you communicate with facial expressions and body posture 3. communication includes your actions as well as what you say 4. active listening is an important communication skill


as a wrokplace supervisor, you are observing employees to determine best safety practices. in order to effectively assess the situation and communicate changes that modify behavior, which of the following should you do? 1. wait to correct any unsafe behavior you see while observing 2. familiarize yourself with your employees work activites 3. know applicable company policies, rules and regulations 4. ensure everyone is following established, safe procedures


best practives for communicating as a safety supervisor or group leader include which of the following? 1. ignore the input and concerns of non supervisors 2. be a good role model for following the rules 3. consider all factors that can influence what workers do 4. be respectful fair and consistent in actions and words 5. comment on behaviors only when they are unsafe


as a supervisor, if you identify an unsafe condition that poses imminent danger to your workers. what is the first action you shold take? a. correct the hazard immediately b. fire the person responsible for the hazard c. stop all production in the facility d. document the issure in a safety work order


in order to encourage workers to integrate safety into every aspect of their jobs, a supervisor should strive to do which of the following? a. make a personal commitment to the health and safety program b. demand the highest productivity rates regardless of cost c. assign one individual to oversee all health and safety concerns. d. focus on personal relationships instead of production goals


the purpose of an accident investigation is to: a. understand why an accident occurred and prevent a recurrence b. increase efficiencies of production and therefore increase profits c. find the individuals responsible for the event and terminate them d. discover the root causes of the incident and document the issues


what is the main purpose of workplace health and safety programs? a. keep people safe while increasing or maintaining profits b. eliminate ebsenteeism and poor morale among workers c. improve productivity and keep waste to a bare minimum d. follow applicable rules and regulations at little or no cost


what is the primary goal of JSA> a. eliminate the potential for accidents before they happen b. develop training materials for new employees c. save money by eliminating postitions d. gather info for job evaluations


protective eyewear is required in a specific area of your workplace. as a supervisor, what can you do that would best communicate your own respect for the rules and encourae your workers to follow the rules? a. post a sign at the most used entrance to the area b. wear require eyewear every time you enter the area c. remind employees of the rule on a continual basis d. immediately terminate workers not wearing the eyewear


what is the first priority when an accident occurs in your workplace? a. access all relevant logs and documentation b. interview workers who saw the accident c. provide any needed emergency medical care d. identify the root cuase of the incident


when conducting an incident investigation, what brings closure to the inviestigative process? a. diagramming the facts to establish consistency, logic, and validity b. completing corrective actions that were identified and agreed upon c. re interviewing witnesses to confirm their stories havent changed d. reparing the physical damage that happened during the incident


when developing job steps as part of a jsa, ideally every step should contain which type of word? a. encouragement such as great or good job b. an acion works such as remove or place c. a warning such as danger or caution d. production goals such as per day and every hour


when investigating an incident, what is the key to interviewing witnesses? a. limit your questions to those that must be answered yes or no b. use open ended questions that allow explanation of the situation c. focus on finding fault and the singular cuase of the incident d. pressure individuals to admit that rules were not followed


which of the following actions taken by a supervisor is an example of positive reinforcement? a. responding to reported safety concerns b. praising someone seen following rules c. wearing ppe d. greeting employees at the start of a shift


as a supervisor who has made a commitment to a workplace health and safety program, you are helping your company protect its most valuable rescource: _______ a. inventory b. buildings c. people d. equipment


as a supervisor, why is it particularly important that you are seen following health and safety guidelines? a. it is good to show that you are the only one who knows the rules b. others will see you following the rules so they wont worry about them c. you are setting a good example and employees tend to copy their supervisors d. it allows workers to focus more on production goals and product quality


you have identified a hazard for a job step and you need to control a measure. what should be your preferred method of controlling the hazard? a. develop an adminstrative control b. use personal protective equipment c. engineer a control for the hazard d. add job steps to work around the hazard


during a hazard recognition safety observation, you observe an unsafe working condition and are able to recitfy it quickly. what should you do to prioritize scheduling of capital and equipment to resolve this issue with specific corrective action? a. ask workers to identify other hazards b. create a long term solution on the spot c. continue your safety obervation d. complete a safety work order


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